WoWInterface SVN MorgDKP

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 36 to Rev 37
    Reverse comparison

Rev 36 → Rev 37

11,6 → 11,8
License: LGPL v2.1
local WotLK = select(4,GetBuildInfo()) >= 30000
local MAJOR_VERSION = "AceAddon-2.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = "$Revision$"
948,7 → 950,14
AceAddon:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED", "ADDON_LOADED")
local names = {}
for i = 1, GetNumAddOns() do
if IsAddOnLoaded(i) then names[GetAddOnInfo(i)] = true end
if WotLK then
if not IsAddOnLoaded(i) then
local name, _,_, enabled, loadable = GetAddOnInfo(i)
if enabled and loadable then names[name] = true end
if IsAddOnLoaded(i) then names[GetAddOnInfo(i)] = true end
self.possibleNames = names
table.insert(AceAddon.nextAddon, self)
457,17 → 457,43
["The Illidari Council"] = true,
["Veras Darkshadow"] = true,
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = true,
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
["Keristrasza"] = true,
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = true,
["Epoch Hunter"] = true,
["Lieutenant Drake"] = true,
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = true,
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = true,
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = true,
["Medivh"] = true,
["Temporus"] = true,
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
["Sartharion"] = true,
["Shadron"] = true,
["Tenebron"] = true,
["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = true,
530,6 → 556,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = true,
["Tsu'zee"] = true,
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
["Elder Nadox"] = true,
["Herald Volazj"]= true,
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
["Anub'arak"] = true,
["Hadronox"] = true,
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = true,
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = true,
539,6 → 576,13
["Techbot"] = true,
["Viscous Fallout"] = true,
--Grizzly Hills
--Drak'Tharon Keep
["King Dred"] = true,
["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = true,
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = true,
567,6 → 611,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = true,
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = true,
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
["King Ymiron"] = true,
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = true,
["Archimonde"] = true,
873,6 → 930,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = true,
["Revelosh"] = true,
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
["Ionar"] = true,
["Loken"] = true,
["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = true,
["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
["Cyanigosa"] = true,
["Erekem"] = true,
["Ichoron"] = true,
["Lavanthor"] = true,
["Moragg"] = true,
["Xevozz"] = true,
["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = true,
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = true,
932,6 → 1010,13
["Zerillis"] = true,
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = true,
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
["Gal'darah"] = true,
["Moorabi"] = true,
["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = true,
["Gahz'ranka"] = true,
1106,17 → 1191,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "Rat der Illidari",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Schwarzschatten",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Kapitän Skarloc",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Epochenjäger",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Leutnant Drach",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Aeonus",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Chronolord Deja",
["Medivh"] = "Medivh",
["Temporus"] = "Temporus",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Elitesoldat des Echsenkessels",
1179,6 → 1290,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Wucherborke",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Meuteverprügler 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Botschafter der Dunkeleisenzwerge",
1188,6 → 1310,13
["Techbot"] = "Techbot",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Verflüssigte Ablagerung",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Blindauge der Seher",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul der Drachenschlächter",
1216,6 → 1345,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Kriegshetzer O'mrogg",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Kriegshäuptling Kargath Messerfaust",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Anetheron",
["Archimonde"] = "Archimonde",
1522,6 → 1664,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Obsidianschildwache",
["Revelosh"] = "Revelosh",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Boahn",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Deviatfeendrache",
1581,6 → 1744,13
["Zerillis"] = "Zerillis",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Untoter Held aus Zul'Farrak",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Blutfürst Mandokir",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
1752,17 → 1922,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "Le conseil illidari",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Ombrenoir",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = "Malygos",
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = "Anomalus",
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "Grand magus Telestra",
["Keristrasza"] = "Keristrasza",
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "Ormorok le Sculpte-arbre",
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "Drakos l'Interrogateur",
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "Gardien-tellurique Eregos",
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "Seigneur-mage Urom",
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "Varos Arpentenuée",
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Capitaine Skarloc",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Chasseur d'époques",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Lieutenant Drake",
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = "Grancrochet",
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "Chronoseigneur Epoch",
["Mal'Ganis"] = "Mal'Ganis",
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "Salramm le Façonneur de chair",
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Aeonus",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Chronoseigneur Déjà",
["Medivh"] = "Medivh",
["Temporus"] = "Temporus",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Elite de Glissecroc",
1825,6 → 2021,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Crochebois",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
["Elder Nadox"] = "Ancien Nadox",
["Herald Volazj"]= "Héraut Volazj",
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "Jedoga Cherchelombre",
["Prince Taldaram"] = "Prince Taldaram",
["Anub'arak"] = "Anub'arak",
["Hadronox"] = "Hadronox",
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "Krik'thir le Gardien de porte",
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Faucheur de foule 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Ambassadeur Sombrefer",
1834,6 → 2041,13
["Techbot"] = "Techbot",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Retombée visqueuse",
--Grizzly Hills
--Drak'Tharon Keep
["King Dred"] = "Roi Dred",
["Novos the Summoner"] = "Novos l'Invocateur",
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "Le prophète Tharon'ja",
["Trollgore"] = "Trollétripe",
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Oeillaveugle le Voyant",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul le Tue-dragon",
1862,6 → 2076,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Porteguerre O'mrogg",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Chef de guerre Kargath Lamepoing",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
["Constructor & Controller"] = "Constructeur & Contrôleur", --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = "Dalronn le Contrôleur",
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "Ingvar le Pilleur",
["Prince Keleseth"] = "Prince Keleseth",
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "Skarvald le Constructeur",
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "Skadi le Brutal",
["King Ymiron"] = "Roi Ymiron",
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "Svala Tristetombe",
["Gortok Palehoof"] = "Gortok Pâle-sabot",
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Anetheron",
["Archimonde"] = "Archimonde",
2168,6 → 2395,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Sentinelle d'obsidienne",
["Revelosh"] = "Revelosh",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = "Général Bjarngrim",
["Ionar"] = "Ionar",
["Loken"] = "Loken",
["Volkhan"] = "Volkhan",
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = "Krystallus",
["Maiden of Grief"] = "Damoiselle de peine",
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = "Sjonnir le Sculptefer",
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Boahn",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Dragon féérique déviant",
2227,6 → 2475,13
["Zerillis"] = "Zerillis",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Héros mort de Zul'Farrak",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
["Drakkari Colossus"] = "Colosse drakkari",
["Gal'darah"] = "Gal'darah",
["Moorabi"] = "Moorabi",
["Slad'ran"] = "Slad'ran",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Seigneur sanglant Mandokir",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
2398,17 → 2653,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "伊利达雷议会",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "维尔莱斯·深影",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "斯卡洛克上尉",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "时空猎手",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "德拉克中尉",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "埃欧努斯",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "时空领主德亚",
["Medivh"] = "麦迪文",
["Temporus"] = "坦普卢斯",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "盘牙精英",
2471,6 → 2752,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "特迪斯·扭木",
["Tsu'zee"] = "苏斯",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "群体打击者9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "黑铁大师",
2480,6 → 2772,13
["Techbot"] = "尖端机器人",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "粘性辐射尘",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "盲眼先知",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "屠龙者格鲁尔",
2508,6 → 2807,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "战争使者沃姆罗格",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "酋长卡加斯·刃拳",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "安纳塞隆",
["Archimonde"] = "阿克蒙德",
2814,6 → 3126,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "黑曜石哨兵",
["Revelosh"] = "鲁维罗什",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "博艾恩",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "变异精灵龙",
2873,6 → 3206,13
["Zerillis"] = "泽雷利斯",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "祖尔法拉克阵亡英雄",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "血领主曼多基尔",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "加兹兰卡",
3044,17 → 3384,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "伊利達瑞議事",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "維拉斯·深影",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = "瑪里苟斯",
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = "艾諾瑪路斯",
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "大魔導師特雷斯翠",
["Keristrasza"] = "凱瑞史卓莎",
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "『樹木造形者』歐爾莫洛克",
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "『審問者』德拉高斯",
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "地脈守護者伊瑞茍斯",
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "法師領主厄隆",
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "瓦羅斯·雲行者",
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "史卡拉克上尉",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "紀元狩獵者",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "中尉崔克",
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = "肉鉤",
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "紀元時間領主",
["Mal'Ganis"] = "瑪爾加尼斯",
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "『血肉工匠』塞歐朗姆",
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "艾奧那斯",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "時間領主迪賈",
["Medivh"] = "麥迪文",
["Temporus"] = "坦普拉斯",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "盤牙精英",
3118,6 → 3484,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "特迪斯·扭木",
["Tsu'zee"] = "蘇斯",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
["Herald Volazj"]= "信使沃菈齊",
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "潔杜佳·尋影者",
["Prince Taldaram"] = "泰爾達朗王子",
["Anub'arak"] = "阿努巴拉克",
["Hadronox"] = "哈卓諾克斯",
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "『守門者』齊力克西爾",
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "群體打擊者9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "黑鐵大使",
3127,6 → 3504,13
["Techbot"] = "尖端機器人",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "粘性輻射塵",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
["King Dred"] = "崔德國王",
["Novos the Summoner"] = "『召喚者』諾沃司",
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "預言者薩隆杰",
["Trollgore"] = "血角食人妖",
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "先知盲眼",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "弒龍者戈魯爾",
3155,6 → 3539,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "戰爭製造者·歐姆拉格",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "大酋長卡加斯·刃拳",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = "『控制者』達隆恩",
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "『盜掠者』因格瓦",
["Prince Keleseth"] = "凱雷希斯王子",
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "『建造者』史卡沃",
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "『無情』斯卡迪",
["King Ymiron"] = "依米倫國王",
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "司瓦拉禍害使者",
["Gortok Palehoof"] = "戈托克·白蹄",
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "安納塞隆",
["Archimonde"] = "阿克蒙德",
3461,6 → 3858,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "黑曜石哨兵",
["Revelosh"] = "魯維羅什",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = "賈恩格林將軍",
["Ionar"] = "埃歐納",
["Loken"] = "克羅努斯",
["Volkhan"] = "渥克瀚",
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = "克利斯托魯斯",
["Maiden of Grief"] = "悲痛侍女",
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = "『塑鐵者』斯雍尼爾",
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "博艾恩",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "變異精靈龍",
3520,6 → 3938,13
["Zerillis"] = "澤雷利斯",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "祖爾法拉克陣亡英雄",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
["Gal'darah"] = "蓋爾達拉",
["Moorabi"] = "慕拉比",
["Slad'ran"] = "史拉德銳",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "血領主曼多基爾",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "加茲蘭卡",
3691,17 → 4116,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "일리다리 의회", -- check
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "베라스 다크섀도",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = "말리고스",
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = "아노말루스",
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "대학자 텔레스트라",
["Keristrasza"] = "케리스트라자",
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "정원사 오르모로크",
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "심문관 드라코스",
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "지맥 수호자 에레고스",
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "마법사 군주 우롬",
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "바로스 클라우드스트라이더",
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "경비대장 스칼록",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "시대의 사냥꾼",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "부관 드레이크",
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = "살덩이고리",
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "시간의 군주 에포크",
["Mal'Ganis"] = "말가니스",
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "살덩이창조자 살람",
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "아에누스",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "시간의 군주 데자",
["Medivh"] = "메디브",
["Temporus"] = "템퍼루스",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "갈퀴송곳니 정예병",
3764,6 → 4215,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "굽이나무 텐드리스",
["Tsu'zee"] = "츄지",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
["Elder Nadox"] = "장로 나독스",
["Herald Volazj"]= "사자 볼라즈",
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "어둠추적자 제도가",
["Prince Taldaram"] = "공작 탈다람",
["Anub'arak"] = "아눕아락",
["Hadronox"] = "하드로녹스",
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "문지기 크릭시르",
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "고철 압축기 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "검은무쇠단 사절",
3773,6 → 4235,13
["Techbot"] = "첨단로봇",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "방사성 폐기물",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
["King Dred"] = "랩터왕 서슬발톱",
["Novos the Summoner"] = "소환사 노보스",
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "예언자 타론자",
["Trollgore"] = "트롤고어",
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "현자 블라인드아이",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "용 학살자 그룰",
3801,6 → 4270,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "돌격대장 오므로그",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "대족장 카르가스 블레이드피스트",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
["Constructor & Controller"] = "건축가와 감시자", --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = "감시자 달론",
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "약탈자 앙그바르",
["Prince Keleseth"] = "공작 켈레세스",
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "건축가 스카발드",
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "학살자 스카디",
["King Ymiron"] = "왕 이미론",
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "소발라 소로우그레이브",
["Gortok Palehoof"] = "고르톡 페일후프",
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "아네테론",
["Archimonde"] = "아키몬드",
4107,6 → 4589,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "흑요석 파수꾼",
["Revelosh"] = "레벨로쉬",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = "장군 야르그린",
["Ionar"] = "이오나",
["Loken"] = "로켄",
["Volkhan"] = "볼칸",
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = "크리스탈루스",
["Maiden of Grief"] = "고뇌의 여신",
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = "무쇠구체자 쇼니르",
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "보안",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "돌연변이 요정용",
4166,6 → 4669,13
["Zerillis"] = "제릴리스",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "줄파락 죽음의 영웅",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
["Gal'darah"] = "갈다라",
["Moorabi"] = "무라비",
["Slad'ran"] = "슬라드란",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "혈군주 만도키르",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "가즈란카",
4337,17 → 4847,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "El concilio Illidari",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Darkshadow",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Capitán Skarloc",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Cazador de eras",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Teniente Draco",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Aeonus",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Cronolord Deja",
["Medivh"] = "Medivh",
["Temporus"] = "Temporus",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Elite Colimillo Torcido",
4395,7 → 4931,7
["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Capit\195\161n Kromcrush",
["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Cho'Rush el Observador",
["Guard Fengus"] = "Guardia Fengus",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = " Guardia Mol'dar",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Guardia Mol'dar",
["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Guardia Slip'kik",
["King Gordok"] = "Rey Gordok",
["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "Carretilla de Knot Llavededo",
4409,6 → 4945,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Madeguerra",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Gopleamasa 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Embajador Hierro Negro",
4418,6 → 4965,13
["Techbot"] = "Tecnobot",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Radiactivo viscoso",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Ciego el Vidente",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul el Asesino de Dragones",
4446,6 → 5000,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Belisario O'mrogg",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Jefe de Guerra Garrafilada", -- check
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Anetheron",
["Archimonde"] = "Archimonde",
4750,6 → 5317,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Centinela Obsidiano",
["Revelosh"] = "Revelosh",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Boahn",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Drag\195\179n f\195\169rico descarriado",
4809,6 → 5397,13
["Zerillis"] = "Zerillis",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "H\195\169roe muerto Zul'Farrak",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Se\195\177or sangriento Mandokir",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
4839,11 → 5434,11
["Anubisath Defender"] = "Защитник-анубисат",
["Battleguard Sartura"] = "Боевой страж Сартура",
["C'Thun"] = "Ка-Тун",
["C'Thun"] = "К'Тун",
["Emperor Vek'lor"] = "Император Век'лор",
["Emperor Vek'nilash"] = "Император Век'нилаш",
["Eye of C'Thun"] = "Око Ка-Туна",
["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "Фанкрисс Непобедимый",
["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "Фанкрисс Неприклонный",
["Lord Kri"] = "Лорд Кри",
["Ouro"] = "Оуро",
["Princess Huhuran"] = "Принцесса Хухуран",
4852,7 → 5447,7
["The Prophet Skeram"] = "Пророк Скерам",
["The Twin Emperors"] = "Близнецы Императора",
["Vem"] = "Вем",
["Viscidus"] = "Фиброзник",
["Viscidus"] = "Нечистотон",
--Auchenai Crypts
4863,147 → 5458,174
["Pandemonius"] = "Пандемоний",
["Tavarok"] = "Таварок",
--Shadow Labyrinth
["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "Посланник Адская Глотка",
["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "Подстрекатель Черное Сердце",
["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "Гроссмейстер Ворпил",
["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "Посол Гиблочрев",
["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "Черносерд Проповедник",
["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "Великий мастер Ворпил",
["Murmur"] = "Бормотун",
--Sethekk Halls
["Anzu"] = "Анзу",
["Darkweaver Syth"] = "Сит Черноплет",
["Darkweaver Syth"] = "Темнопряд Сит",
["Talon King Ikiss"] = "Король воронов Айкисс",
--Blackfathom Deeps
["Aku'mai"] = "Акумай",
["Aku'mai"] = "Аку'май",
["Baron Aquanis"] = "Барон Акванис",
["Gelihast"] = "Гелихаст",
["Ghamoo-ra"] = "Гхаму-ра",
["Lady Sarevess"] = "Леди Саревесс",
["Old Serra'kis"] = "Старина Серракис",
["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "Сумеречный лорд Келрис",
["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "Повелитель сумрака Келрис",
-- ["Lorgus Jett"] = "Лоргус Джетт", -- id 12902
--Blackrock Depths
["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "Посланник Огнехлыст",
["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "Посол Огнехлыст",
["Anger'rel"] = "Гневрел",
["Anub'shiah"] = "Ануб'сиах",
["Bael'Gar"] = "Баэл-Гар",
["Chest of The Seven"] = "Сhest of The Seven",
["Anub'shiah"] = "Ануб'шиа",
["Bael'Gar"] = "Бейл'Гор",
["Chest of The Seven"] = "Сундук Смертных",
["Doom'rel"] = "Думрел",
["Dope'rel"] = "Наиглесиас",
["Emperor Dagran Thaurissan"] = "Император Дагран Таурисан",
["Eviscerator"] = "Потрошитель",
["Fineous Darkvire"] = "Финей Темная Сила",
["Fineous Darkvire"] = "Точень Темнострой",
["General Angerforge"] = "Генерал Кузня Гнева",
["Gloom'rel"] = "Глумрел",
["Golem Lord Argelmach"] = "Повелитель големов Аргелмах",
["Gorosh the Dervish"] = "Горош Дервиш",
["Grizzle"] = "Гриззл",
["Hate'rel"] = "Хейтрел",
["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "Хедрум-ползун",
["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "Главный следователь Герстан",
["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "Верховная жрица Таурисана",
["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "Псарь Гребмара",
["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "Харли Темнодув",
["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "Хедрум Ползун",
["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "Верховный дознаватель Герштан",
["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "Верховная жрица Тауриссана",
["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "Псарь Гребмар",
["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "Харли Пьяглдых",
["Lord Incendius"] = "Лорд Опалитель",
["Lord Roccor"] = "Владыка Роккор",
["Lord Roccor"] = "Лорд Роккор",
["Magmus"] = "Магмус",
["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "Октор Крушитель",
["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "Ок'тор Разрушитель",
["Panzor the Invincible"] = "Панцер Непобедимый",
["Phalanx"] = "Фаланга",
["Plugger Spazzring"] = "Стукарь Дурозвон",
["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "Принцесса Мойра Золотая Борода",
["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "Пиромант Лоргрейн",
["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "Риббли Винтокран",
["Seeth'rel"] = "Сит-рел",
["The Seven Dwarves"] = "The Seven Dwarves",
["Phalanx"] = "Фаланкс",
["Plugger Spazzring"] = "Штоппор Наливалс",
["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "Принцесса Мойра Бронзобород",
["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "Пироман Зерно Мудрости",
["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "Риббли Крутипроб",
["Seeth'rel"] = "Сит'рел",
["The Seven Dwarves"] = "Темные хранители",
["Verek"] = "Верек",
["Vile'rel"] = "Вил-рел",
["Warder Stilgiss"] = "Надсмотрщик Стилгисс",
["Warder Stilgiss"] = "Тюремщик Стилгисс",
--Blackrock Spire
["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "Баннок Мрачный Топор",
["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "Баннок Люторез",
["Burning Felguard"] = "Пылающий страж Скверны",
["Crystal Fang"] = "Хрустальный Клык",
["Ghok Bashguud"] = "Гок Башгууд",
["Ghok Bashguud"] = "Гок Крепкобив",
["Gizrul the Slavener"] = "Гизрул Поработитель",
["Halycon"] = "Халикон",
["Highlord Omokk"] = "Вождь Омокк",
["Mor Grayhoof"] = "Мор Серое Копыто",
["Mother Smolderweb"] = "Мать Дымная Паутина",
["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "Повелитель Вурмталак",
["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "Квартирмейстер Зигрис",
["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "Пленяющая Духов Восгаджин",
["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "Полководец Острого Камня",
["Spirestone Butcher"] = "Палач Острого Камня",
["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "Лорд-маг Острого Камня",
["Urok Doomhowl"] = "Аррок Роковой Вой",
["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "Властитель Змейталак",
["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "Интендант Зигрис",
["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "Темная охотница Вос'гаджин",
["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "Полководец из клана Черной Вершины",
["Spirestone Butcher"] = "Мясник из клана Черной Вершины",
["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "Лорд-волхв из клана Черной Вершины",
["Urok Doomhowl"] = "Аррок Смертный Вопль",
["War Master Voone"] = "Воевода Вун",
["General Drakkisath"] = "Генерал Драккисат",
["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "Горалук Разбитая Наковальня",
["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "Горалук Треснувшая Наковальня",
["Gyth"] = "Гит",
["Jed Runewatcher"] = "Джед Руногляд",
["Lord Valthalak"] = "Владыка Вальтхалак",
["Jed Runewatcher"] = "Джед Руновед",
["Lord Valthalak"] = "Лорд Вальтхалак",
["Pyroguard Emberseer"] = "Пиростраж Углеглаз",
["Solakar Flamewreath"] = "Солакарский огнечервь",
["The Beast"] = "Зверь",
["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "Вождь Ренд Черная Рука",
["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "Вождь Ренд Чернорук",
--Blackwing Lair
["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "Предводитель драконидов Разящий Бич",
["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "Предводитель драконов Разящий Бич",
["Chromaggus"] = "Хроммагус",
["Ebonroc"] = "Эбонрок",
["Firemaw"] = "Огненное Брюхо",
["Ebonroc"] = "Черноскал",
["Firemaw"] = "Ошнечрев",
["Flamegor"] = "Пламегор",
["Grethok the Controller"] = "Греток Регулятор",
["Lord Victor Nefarius"] = "Лорд Виктор Нефариус",
["Nefarian"] = "Нефариан",
["Razorgore the Untamed"] = "Бритвосмерт Неукротимый",
["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "Веластрас Порочный",
["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "Валестраз Порочный",
--Black Temple
["Essence of Anger"] = "Сущность гнева",
["Essence of Desire"] = "Сущность желания",
["Essence of Suffering"] = "Сущность страдания",
["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "Гатиос Раскольщик",
["Essence of Anger"] = "Воплощение гнева",
["Essence of Desire"] = "Воплощение желания",
["Essence of Suffering"] = "Воплощение страдания",
["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "Гатиос Изувер",
["Gurtogg Bloodboil"] = "Гуртогг Кипящая Кровь",
["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "Верховный хаомант Зеревор",
["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "Великий полководец Наджентус",
["Illidan Stormrage"] = "Иллидан Грозовая Ярость",
["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "Верховный пустомант Зеревор",
["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "Верховный Полководец Надж'ентус",
["Illidan Stormrage"] = "Иллидан Ярость Бури",
["Illidari Council"] = "Совет Иллидари",
["Lady Malande"] = "Леди Маланда",
["Mother Shahraz"] = "Матушка Шахраз",
["Reliquary of Souls"] = "Reliquary of Souls",
["Reliquary of Souls"] = "Гробница душ",
["Shade of Akama"] = "Тень Акамы",
["Supremus"] = "Супремус",
["Teron Gorefiend"] = "Терон Жестокосердный",
["Teron Gorefiend"] = "Терон Кровожад",
["The Illidari Council"] = "Совет Иллидари",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Верас Черная Тень",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Верас Глубокий Мрак",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Капитан Скарлок",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Вечный Охотник",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Охотник Вечности",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Лейтенант Дрейк",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Эонус",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Повелитель времени Дежа",
["Medivh"] = "Медив",
["Temporus"] = "Темпорус",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Гвардеец Спиралезуба",
["Coilfang Strider"] = "Странник Спиралезуба",
["Fathom-Lord Karathress"] = "Повелитель глубин Каратресс",
["Hydross the Unstable"] = "Гидросс Нестабильный",
["Lady Vashj"] = "Леди Вайши",
["Leotheras the Blind"] = "Леотерас Слепой",
["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "Морогрим Приливный Странник",
["Lady Vashj"] = "Леди Вайш",
["Leotheras the Blind"] = "Леотерас Слепец",
["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "Морогрим Волноступ",
["Pure Spawn of Hydross"] = "Чистое порождение Гидросса",
["Shadow of Leotheras"] = "Тень Леотераса",
["Tainted Spawn of Hydross"] = "Оскверненное порождение Гидросса",
["The Lurker Below"] = "Житель глубин",
["The Lurker Below"] = "Скрытень глубин",
["Tidewalker Lurker"] = "Приливный крадень",
--The Slave Pens
["Mennu the Betrayer"] = "Менну Предатель",
5011,15 → 5633,15
["Rokmar the Crackler"] = "Рокмар Трескун",
["Ahune"] = "Ахун",
--The Steamvault
["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "Гидромант Феспия",
["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "Анжинер Паровая Оснастка",
["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "Предводитель Калитреш",
["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "Гидромант Теспия",
["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "Мекжинер Паропуск",
["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "Полководец Калитреш",
--The Underbog
["Claw"] = "Коготь",
["Ghaz'an"] = "Газан",
["Hungarfen"] = "Грибсон",
["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "Наблюдатель Гнев Прилива",
["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "Владыка болот Мусил-ик",
["Ghaz'an"] = "Газ'ан",
["Hungarfen"] = "Голоднец",
["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "Наблюдатель Гнев Прилива", -- who is it?
["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "Владыка болота Мусел'ек",
["The Black Stalker"] = "Черная Охотница",
--Dire Maul
5031,40 → 5653,58
["Alzzin the Wildshaper"] = "Алззин Перевертень",
["Hydrospawn"] = "Гидротварь",
["Isalien"] = "Изалиен",
["Lethtendris"] = "Летендрис",
["Lethtendris"] = "Лефтендрис",
["Pimgib"] = "Пимгиб",
["Pusillin"] = "Пузиллин",
["Zevrim Thornhoof"] = "Зеврим Терновое Копыто",
["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Капитан Кром-Крушитель",
["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Чо-Раш Наблюдатель",
["Guard Fengus"] = "Страж Фенгус",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Страж Мол'дар",
["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Страж Слип'кик",
["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Капитан Давигром",
["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Чо'Раш Наблюдатель",
["Guard Fengus"] = "Стражник Фенгус",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Стражник Мол'дар",
["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Стражник Слип'кик",
["King Gordok"] = "Король Гордок",
["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "Knot Thimblejack's Cache",
["Stomper Kreeg"] = "Топотун Криг",
["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "Ильянна Вороний Дуб",
["Immol'thar"] = "Иммолтар",
["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "Лорд Хелнурат",
["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "Иллиана Воронья Ольха",
["Immol'thar"] = "Бессмер'тер",
["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "Лорд Хел'нурат",
["Magister Kalendris"] = "Магистр Календрис",
["Prince Tortheldrin"] = "Принц Тортелдрин",
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Тендрис Кривое Дерево",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Цу-зи",
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Тендрис Криводрев",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Цу'зи",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Толпогон 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Посол Темной Стали",
["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "Электроразитель-6000",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Посол из клана Черного Железа",
["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "Электрошокер 6000",
["Grubbis"] = "Грязнюк",
["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "Анжинер Термоштепсель",
["Techbot"] = "Технобот",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Липкое загрязнение",
["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "Мекжинер Термоштепсель",
["Techbot"] = "Техбот",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Липкая муть",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Слепоглаз Провидец",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Груул Драконоубийца",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Груул Драконобой",
["High King Maulgar"] = "Король Молгар",
["Kiggler the Crazed"] = "Кигглер Безумный",
["Krosh Firehand"] = "Крош Огненная Рука",
5078,18 → 5718,31
["Vazruden"] = "Вазруден",
["Watchkeeper Gargolmar"] = "Начальник стражи Гарголмар",
--Magtheridon's Lair
["Hellfire Channeler"] = "Заклинатель Ярого Пламени",
["Magtheridon"] = "Магеридон",
["Hellfire Channeler"] = "Чаротворец из цитадели Адского Пламени",
["Magtheridon"] = "Магтеридон",
--The Blood Furnace
["Broggok"] = "Броггок",
["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "Келидан разрушитель",
["The Maker"] = "Созидатель",
["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "Кели'дан Разрушитель",
["The Maker"] = "Мастер",
--The Shattered Halls
["Blood Guard Porung"] = "Кровавый страж Порунг",
["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "Великий чернокнижник Черное Проклятие",
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Вестник войны Омрогг",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Вождь Каргат Стальная Рука",
["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "Главный чернокнижник Пустоклят",
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "О'мрогг Завоеватель",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Вождь Каргат Острорук",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Анетерон",
["Archimonde"] = "Архимонд",
5102,16 → 5755,16
["Attumen the Huntsman"] = "Аттумен Охотник",
["Chess Event"] = "Шахматы",
["Dorothee"] = "Дороти",
["Dust Covered Chest"] = "Dust Covered Chest",
["Dust Covered Chest"] = "Пыльный сундук",
["Grandmother"] = "Бабушка",
["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "Хиакисс Тенетник",
["Julianne"] = "Джульенна",
["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "Хиакисс Скрытень",
["Julianne"] = "Джулианна",
["Kil'rek"] = "Килрек",
["King Llane Piece"] = "King Llane Piece",
["Maiden of Virtue"] = "Пресветлая дева",
["Maiden of Virtue"] = "Благочестивая дева",
["Midnight"] = "Полночь",
["Moroes"] = "Мороуз",
["Netherspite"] = "Хаотиан Злобный",
["Netherspite"] = "Пустогнев",
["Nightbane"] = "Ночная Погибель",
["Prince Malchezaar"] = "Принц Малчезар",
["Restless Skeleton"] = "Недремлющий скелет",
5119,25 → 5772,25
["Rokad the Ravager"] = "Рокад Опустошитель",
["Romulo & Julianne"] = "Ромуло и Джульенна",
["Romulo"] = "Ромуло",
["Shade of Aran"] = "Призрак Арана",
["Shade of Aran"] = "Тень Арана",
["Shadikith the Glider"] = "Шадикит Скользящий",
["Strawman"] = "Балбес",
["Terestian Illhoof"] = "Терестиан Больное Копыто",
["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "Серый Волк",
["The Crone"] = "Карга",
["The Curator"] = "Хранитель",
["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "Злой и страшный серый волк",
["The Crone"] = "Ведьма",
["The Curator"] = "Смотритель",
["Tinhead"] = "Медноголовый",
["Tito"] = "Тито",
["Warchief Blackhand Piece"] = "Warchief Blackhand Piece",
-- Magisters' Terrace
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель Солнечный Скиталец",
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель'тас Солнечный Скиталец",
["Priestess Delrissa"] = "Жрица Делрисса",
["Selin Fireheart"] = "Селин Огненное Сердце",
["Vexallus"] = "Вексалиус",
["Celebras the Cursed"] = "Келебрас Проклятый",
["Celebras the Cursed"] = "Селебрас Проклятый",
["Gelk"] = "Джелк",
["Kolk"] = "Колк",
["Landslide"] = "Сель",
5146,7 → 5799,7
["Maraudos"] = "Мародос",
["Meshlok the Harvester"] = "Мешлок Жнец",
["Noxxion"] = "Ноксион",
["Princess Theradras"] = "Принцесса Терадраса",
["Princess Theradras"] = "Принцесса Терадрас",
["Razorlash"] = "Бритвохлест",
["Rotgrip"] = "Гнилопасть",
["Tinkerer Gizlock"] = "Ремонтник Гизлок",
5157,68 → 5810,70
["Cache of the Firelord"] = "Cache of the Firelord",
["Garr"] = "Гарр",
["Gehennas"] = "Гееннас",
["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "Големагг Поджигатель",
["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "Маг-лорд из клана Гордок",
["Lucifron"] = "Люцифрон",
["Magmadar"] = "Магмадар",
["Majordomo Executus"] = "Сенешаль Экзекутус",
["Majordomo Executus"] = "Мажордом Экзекутус",
["Ragnaros"] = "Рагнарос",
["Shazzrah"] = "Шаззрах",
["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "Сульфуронский мститель",
["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "Предвестник Сульфурон",
["Anub'Rekhan"] = "Ануб'рекхан",
["Anub'Rekhan"] = "Ануб'Рекан",
["Deathknight Understudy"] = "Дублер рыцаря Смерти",
["Feugen"] = "Фойген",
["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "Cундук Four Horsemen",
["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "Сундук Четырех Всадников",
["Gluth"] = "Глут",
["Gothik the Harvester"] = "Готик Жнец",
["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "Великая вдова Фэрлина",
["Grobbulus"] = "Гроббулюс",
["Heigan the Unclean"] = "Хейган Нечистый",
["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "Великая вдова Фарлина",
["Grobbulus"] = "Гроббулус",
["Heigan the Unclean"] = "Хейган Нечистивый",
["Highlord Mograine"] = "Верховный лорд Могрейн",
["Instructor Razuvious"] = "Наставник Разувиос",
["Kel'Thuzad"] = "Кел-Тузед",
["Instructor Razuvious"] = "Инструктор Разувиус",
["Kel'Thuzad"] = "Кел'Тузад",
["Lady Blaumeux"] = "Леди Бломе",
["Loatheb"] = "Лоатеб",
["Maexxna"] = "Мэксна",
["Loatheb"] = "Мерзот",
["Maexxna"] = "Мексна",
["Noth the Plaguebringer"] = "Нот Чумной",
["Patchwerk"] = "Патчверк",
["Sapphiron"] = "Сафирон",
["Patchwerk"] = "Лоскутик",
["Sapphiron"] = "Сапфирон",
["Sir Zeliek"] = "Сэр Зелиек",
["Stalagg"] = "Сталагг",
["Thaddius"] = "Таддиус",
["Thane Korth'azz"] = "Тан Кортазз",
["The Four Horsemen"] = "The Four Horsemen",
["The Four Horsemen"] = "Четыре Всадника",
--Onyxia's Lair
["Onyxia"] = "Ониксия",
--Ragefire Chasm
["Maur Grimtotem"] = "Маур Мрачный Тотем",
["Bazzalan"] = "Баззалан",
["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "Джергош Заклинатель",
["Maur Grimtotem"] = "Маур Мрачный Тотем",
["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "Тарагаман Алчущий",
["Zelemar the Wrathful"] = "Зелемар Гневный",
["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "Жергош Призыватель Духов",
["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "Тарагаман Ненасытный",
--Razorfen Downs
["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "Амненнар Хладоносец",
["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "Амненнар Хладовей",
["Glutton"] = "Обжора",
["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "Мордреш Огненный Взор",
["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "Мордреш Огненный Глаз",
["Plaguemaw the Rotting"] = "Чумобрюх Гнилой",
["Ragglesnout"] = "Круглорыл",
["Tuten'kash"] = "Тутен'каш",
["Henry Stern"] = "Генри Штерн",
--Razorfen Kraul
["Agathelos the Raging"] = "Агателос Яростный",
["Agathelos the Raging"] = "Агателос Свирепый",
["Blind Hunter"] = "Слепой охотник",
["Charlga Razorflank"] = "Чарлга Острый Бок",
["Charlga Razorflank"] = "Чарлга Остробок",
["Death Speaker Jargba"] = "Вестник смерти Джаргба",
["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "Халмгар Зовущий Землю",
["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "Владыка Бараний Клык",
["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "Заклинательница земли Халмгар",
["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "Властитель Таранный Клык",
--Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
["Anubisath Guardian"] = "Анубисат-страж",
["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "Айамисс Охотник",
["Buru the Gorger"] = "Буру Обжора",
["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "Айамисса Охотница",
["Buru the Gorger"] = "Буру Ненасытный",
["General Rajaxx"] = "Генерал Раджакс",
["Kurinnaxx"] = "Куриннакс",
["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "Генерал-лейтенант Андоров",
5227,17 → 5882,17
--Scarlet Monastery
["Herod"] = "Ирод",
["Herod"] = "Герод",
["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "Великий инквизитор Фэрбенкс",
["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "Великий инквизитор Белогрив",
["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "Командир Алого ордена Могрейн",
["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "Верховный инквизитор Фэйрбанкс",
["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "Верховный инквизитор Вайтмейн",
["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "Командир Могрейн из Алого ордена",
["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "Азшир Бессонный",
["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "Азшир Неспящий",
["Bloodmage Thalnos"] = "Волшебник Крови Талнос",
["Fallen Champion"] = "Павший защитник",
["Interrogator Vishas"] = "Следователь Вишас",
["Ironspine"] = "Стальной Хребет",
["Fallen Champion"] = "Павший воитель",
["Interrogator Vishas"] = "Дознаватель Жестокос",
["Ironspine"] = "Железноспин",
["Headless Horseman"] = "Всадник без головы",
["Arcanist Doan"] = "Чародей Доан",
5246,16 → 5901,16
["Blood Steward of Kirtonos"] = "Кровавая прислужница Киртоноса",
["Darkmaster Gandling"] = "Темный магистр Гандлинг",
["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "Темный Губитель, рыцарь Смерти",
["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "Рыцарь смерти Темный Терзатель",
["Doctor Theolen Krastinov"] = "Доктор Теолен Крастинов",
["Instructor Malicia"] = "Наставник Малиция",
["Jandice Barov"] = "Джандис Бароу",
["Instructor Malicia"] = "Инструктор Коварница",
["Jandice Barov"] = "Джандис Баров",
["Kirtonos the Herald"] = "Киртонос Глашатай",
["Kormok"] = "Кормок",
["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "Леди Иллюция Бароу",
["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "Леди Иллюсия Баров",
["Lord Alexei Barov"] = "Лорд Алексей Баров",
["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "Хранитель мудрости Полкелт",
["Marduk Blackpool"] = "Мардук Чернопруд",
["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "Сказитель Полкелт",
["Marduk Blackpool"] = "Мардук Блэкпул",
["Ras Frostwhisper"] = "Рас Снегошепот",
["Rattlegore"] = "Громоклин",
["The Ravenian"] = "Равениан",
5264,67 → 5919,67
--Shadowfang Keep
["Archmage Arugal"] = "Верховный маг Аругал",
["Arugal's Voidwalker"] = "Демон Хаоса Аругала",
["Baron Silverlaine"] = "Барон Сильверлейн",
["Baron Silverlaine"] = "Барон Сребролен",
["Commander Springvale"] = "Командир Ручьедол",
["Deathsworn Captain"] = "Капитан Служителей Смерти",
["Deathsworn Captain"] = "Капитан служителей Смерти",
["Fenrus the Devourer"] = "Фенрус Пожиратель",
["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "Одо Слепостраж",
["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "Мясник Острокоготь",
["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "Волчарь Нандос",
["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "Одо Слепой Страж",
["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "Остроклык Мясник",
["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "Командир воргенов Нандос",
["Archivist Galford"] = "Архивариус Гэлфорд",
["Balnazzar"] = "Бальназар",
["Baron Rivendare"] = "Барон Райвендер",
["Archivist Galford"] = "Архивариус Галфорд",
["Balnazzar"] = "Балназзар",
["Baron Rivendare"] = "Барон Ривендер",
["Baroness Anastari"] = "Баронесса Анастари",
["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "Оружейник Черной Гвардии",
["Cannon Master Willey"] = "Канонир мастер Уилли",
["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "Багровый Молотобоец",
["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "Оружейник Черной Стражи",
["Cannon Master Willey"] = "Мастер-канонир Вилли",
["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "Молотобоец из Багрового Легиона",
["Fras Siabi"] = "Фрас Сиаби",
["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "Хартзингер Форрестен",
["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "Судья Бартилас",
["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "Певчий Форрестен",
["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "Мировой судья Бартилас",
["Maleki the Pallid"] = "Малекай Бледный",
["Nerub'enkan"] = "Неруб-энкан",
["Nerub'enkan"] = "Неруб'энкан",
["Postmaster Malown"] = "Почтальон Мэлоун",
["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "Рамштейна Яростного",
["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "Рамштайн Ненасытный",
["Skul"] = "Череп",
["Stonespine"] = "Каменный Гребень",
["The Unforgiven"] = "Непрощенный",
["Timmy the Cruel"] = "Тимми Жестокий",
["Timmy the Cruel"] = "Тайлер",
--Sunwell Plateau
["Kalecgos"] = "Калецгос",
["Kalecgos"] = "Калесгос",
["Sathrovarr the Corruptor"] = "Сатроварр Осквернитель",
["Brutallus"] = "Бруталл",
["Felmyst"] = "Сквернотуман",
["Kil'jaeden"] = "Kil'jaeden",
["Felmyst"] = "Пророк Скверны",
["Kil'jaeden"] = "Кил'джеден",
["M'uru"] = "М'ару",
["Entropius"] = "Энтропий",
["The Eredar Twins"] = "The Eredar Twins",
["Lady Sacrolash"] = "Lady Sacrolash",
["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "Grand Warlock Alythess",
["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "Главная чернокнижница Алитесса",
--Tempest Keep
--The Arcatraz
["Dalliah the Doomsayer"] = "Далия Глашатай Судьбы",
["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "Вестник Скайрис",
["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "Предвестник Скайрисс",
["Warden Mellichar"] = "Страж Мелличар",
["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "Демон-провидец Соккотрат",
["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "Зерекет Освобожденный",
["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "Провидец Гнева Соккорат",
["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "Зерекет Бездонный",
--The Botanica
["Commander Sarannis"] = "Командир Сараннис",
["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "Старший ботаник Фрейвин",
["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "Верховный ботаник Фрейвин",
["Laj"] = "Ладж",
["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "Торнгрин Нежный",
["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "Скалезуб Скорбный",
["Warp Splinter"] = "Узлодревень",
--The Eye
["Al'ar"] = "Алар",
["Al'ar"] = "Ал'ар",
["Cosmic Infuser"] = "Космический даритель",
["Devastation"] = "Разоритель",
["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "Старший астромант Каперниан",
["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "Верховный астромант Солариан",
["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "Верховный звездочет Каперниан",
["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "Верховный звездочет Солариан",
["Infinity Blades"] = "Клинки Бесконечности",
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель Солнечный Скиталец",
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель'тас Солнечный Скиталец",
["Lord Sanguinar"] = "Лорд Сангвинар",
["Master Engineer Telonicus"] = "Старший инженер Телоникус",
["Netherstrand Longbow"] = "Длинный лук Берега Хаоса",
5333,46 → 5988,46
["Solarium Priest"] = "Жрец Солариана",
["Staff of Disintegration"] = "Посох Распыления",
["Thaladred the Darkener"] = "Таладред Затемнитель",
["Void Reaver"] = "Пустотный разбойник",
["Void Reaver"] = "Страж Бездны",
["Warp Slicer"] = "Искореженная ломтерезка",
--The Mechanar
["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "Страж ворот Смертекрут",
["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "Страж ворот Железнорук",
["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "Механический лорд Способие",
["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "Хаомант Сепетея",
["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "Страж ворот Точеный Нож",
["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "Страж ворот Стальная Клешня",
["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "Механо-лорд Конденсарон",
["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "Пустомант Сепетрея",
["Pathaleon the Calculator"] = "Паталеон Вычислитель",
--The Deadmines
["Brainwashed Noble"] = "Обманутый дворянин",
["Captain Greenskin"] = "Капитан Зеленая Шкура",
["Cookie"] = "Пышка",
["Edwin VanCleef"] = "Эдвин Ван Клиф",
["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "Старшина Чертополохх",
["Brainwashed Noble"] = "Зомбированный дворянин",
["Captain Greenskin"] = "Капитан Зеленямс",
["Cookie"] = "Пирожок",
["Edwin VanCleef"] = "Эдвин ван Клиф",
["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "Штейгер Чертополох",
["Gilnid"] = "Гилнид",
["Marisa du'Paige"] = "Мариса дю Пэж",
["Miner Johnson"] = "Шахтер Джонсон",
["Mr. Smite"] = "Ударр",
["Mr. Smite"] = "Мистер Каюк",
["Rhahk'Zor"] = "Рак'Зор",
["Sneed"] = "Снид",
["Sneed's Shredder"] = "Резак Снида",
["Sneed's Shredder"] = "Крошшер Снида",
--The Stockade
["Bazil Thredd"] = "Базиль Тредд",
["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "Бругал Железный Шарнир",
["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "Бругал Железный Кулак",
["Dextren Ward"] = "Декстрен Вард",
["Hamhock"] = "Хэмхок",
["Kam Deepfury"] = "Кэм Темная Ярость",
["Hamhock"] = "Хрупконог",
["Kam Deepfury"] = "Кам Гневливый",
["Targorr the Dread"] = "Таргорр Ужасный",
--The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
["Atal'alarion"] = "Атал'аларион",
["Avatar of Hakkar"] = "Аватара Хаккара",
["Dreamscythe"] = "Жнец Снов",
["Gasher"] = "Гашер",
["Gasher"] = "Ранокол",
["Hazzas"] = "Хаззас",
["Hukku"] = "Хукку",
["Jade"] = "Нефрит",
["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "Джаммалан Пророк",
["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "Джаммал'ан Пророк",
["Kazkaz the Unholy"] = "Казказ Нечистый",
["Loro"] = "Лоро",
["Mijan"] = "Миджан",
5383,29 → 6038,50
["Weaver"] = "Ткачик",
["Zekkis"] = "Зеккис",
["Zolo"] = "Золо",
["Zul'Lor"] = "Зул-Лор",
["Zul'Lor"] = "Зул'Лор",
["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "Древний каменный хранитель",
["Archaedas"] = "Архедас",
["Baelog"] = "Бэлог",
["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "Мастер Лопаторукий",
["Galgann Firehammer"] = "Галганн Огненный Молот",
["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "Древний Хранитель Камня",
["Archaedas"] = "Аркедас",
["Baelog"] = "Бейлог",
["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "Мастер Лопаторук",
["Galgann Firehammer"] = "Галганн Огнемолот",
["Grimlok"] = "Гримлок",
["Ironaya"] = "Железнайя",
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Обсидиановый страж",
["Ironaya"] = "Иронайа",
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Обсидиановый часовой",
["Revelosh"] = "Ревелош",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Боан",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Искаженный лесной дракончик",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Загадочный волшебный дракон",
["Kresh"] = "Криг",
["Lady Anacondra"] = "Леди Анакондра",
["Lady Anacondra"] = "Повелительница Анакондра",
["Lord Cobrahn"] = "Лорд Кобран",
["Lord Pythas"] = "Лорд Пифас",
["Lord Pythas"] = "Лорд Питонас",
["Lord Serpentis"] = "Лорд Серпентис",
["Mad Magglish"] = "Безумный Магглиш",
["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "Мутанус-пожиратель",
["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "Мутанус Пожиратель",
["Skum"] = "Шкам",
["Trigore the Lasher"] = "Тригор Хлестун",
["Verdan the Everliving"] = "Вердан Бессмертный",
5428,36 → 6104,43
["Ysondre"] = "Исондра",
["Akil'zon"] = "Акилзон",
["Akil'zon"] = "Акил'зон",
["Halazzi"] = "Халаззи",
["Jan'alai"] = "Джаналайя",
["Malacrass"] = "Malacrass",
["Jan'alai"] = "Джан'алай",
["Malacrass"] = "Малакрасс",
["Nalorakk"] = "Налоракк",
["Zul'jin"] = "Зулджин",
["Zul'jin"] = "Зул'джин",
["Hex Lord Malacrass"] = "Повелитель проклятий Малакрасс",
["Antu'sul"] = "Анту'сул",
["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "Вождь Укорз Песчаная Проплешина",
["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "Вождь Укорз Песчаная Плешь",
["Dustwraith"] = "Пыльный Призрак",
["Gahz'rilla"] = "Газрилла",
["Gahz'rilla"] = "Газ'рилла",
["Hydromancer Velratha"] = "Гидромант Велрата",
["Murta Grimgut"] = "Мурта Мрачное Брюхо",
["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "Некрум Брюхогрыз",
["Murta Grimgut"] = "Мурта Мрачнобрюх",
["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "Некрум Кишкожуй",
["Oro Eyegouge"] = "Оро Вырвиглаз",
["Ruuzlu"] = "Руузлу",
["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "Сандарр Барханный Разбойник",
["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "Сандарр Разоритель Барханов",
["Sandfury Executioner"] = "Палач из клана Песчаной Бури",
["Sergeant Bly"] = "Сержант Блай",
["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "Сумеречный жрец Сезз'зиз",
["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "Темный жрец Шезз'зиз",
["Theka the Martyr"] = "Тека Мученик",
["Witch Doctor Zum'rah"] = "Знахарь Зум'рах",
["Zerillis"] = "Зериллис",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Мертвый Герой Зул'Фаррака",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Мэндокир Повелитель Крови",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Газранка",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Мандокир Повелитель Крови",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Газ'ранка",
["Gri'lek"] = "Грилек",
["Hakkar"] = "Хаккар",
["Hazza'rah"] = "Хазза'рах",
5466,7 → 6149,7
["High Priestess Arlokk"] = "Верховная жрица Арлокк",
["High Priestess Jeklik"] = "Верховная жрица Джеклик",
["High Priestess Mar'li"] = "Верховная жрица Мар'ли",
["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "Джин'до Наводящий Порчу",
["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "Джин'до Проклинатель",
["Renataki"] = "Ренатаки",
["Wushoolay"] = "Вушулай",
20,6 → 20,8
if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceOO-2.0") then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceOO-2.0") end
local WotLK = not not ToggleAchievementFrame
local AceOO = AceLibrary("AceOO-2.0")
local AceComm = AceOO.Mixin {
1945,30 → 1947,58
local notSeenString = '^' .. _G.ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S:gsub("%%s", "(.-)"):gsub("%%1%$s", "(.-)") .. '$'
local ambiguousString = '^' .. _G.ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_AMBIGUOUS_S:gsub("%%s", "(.-)"):gsub("%%1%$s", "(.-)") .. '$'
function AceComm.hooks:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(orig, event)
if (event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL" or event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST") and _G.arg9:find("^AceComm") then
elseif event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" then
local arg1 = _G.arg1
if recentGuildMessage > GetTime() then
stopGuildMessages = true
if WotLK then
function AceComm.hooks:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(orig, hookSelf, event, ...)
if (event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL" or event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST") and _G.arg9:find("^AceComm") then
elseif event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" then
local arg1 = _G.arg1
if recentGuildMessage > GetTime() then
stopGuildMessages = true
local player = arg1:match(notSeenString) or arg1:match(ambiguousString)
if player then
local t = GetTime()
if recentNotSeen[player] and recentNotSeen[player] > t then
recentNotSeen[player] = t + 10
recentNotSeen[player] = t + 10
local player = arg1:match(notSeenString) or arg1:match(ambiguousString)
if player then
local t = GetTime()
if recentNotSeen[player] and recentNotSeen[player] > t then
recentNotSeen[player] = t + 10
return orig(hookSelf, event, ...)
function AceComm.hooks:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(orig, event)
if (event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL" or event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST") and _G.arg9:find("^AceComm") then
elseif event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" then
local arg1 = _G.arg1
if recentGuildMessage > GetTime() then
stopGuildMessages = true
recentNotSeen[player] = t + 10
local player = arg1:match(notSeenString) or arg1:match(ambiguousString)
if player then
local t = GetTime()
if recentNotSeen[player] and recentNotSeen[player] > t then
recentNotSeen[player] = t + 10
recentNotSeen[player] = t + 10
return orig(event)
return orig(event)
function AceComm.hooks:Logout(orig)
2091,41 → 2121,41
if not oldLib or not oldLib.hooks or not oldLib.hooks.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler then
local old_ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler = _G.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler
function _G.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(event)
function _G.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(...)
if self.hooks.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler then
return self.hooks.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(self, old_ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler, event)
return self.hooks.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(self, old_ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler, ...)
return old_ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(event)
return old_ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(...)
if not oldLib or not oldLib.hooks or not oldLib.hooks.Logout then
local old_Logout = _G.Logout
function _G.Logout()
function _G.Logout(...)
if self.hooks.Logout then
return self.hooks.Logout(self, old_Logout)
return self.hooks.Logout(self, old_Logout, ...)
return old_Logout()
return old_Logout(...)
if not oldLib or not oldLib.hooks or not oldLib.hooks.CancelLogout then
local old_CancelLogout = _G.CancelLogout
function _G.CancelLogout()
function _G.CancelLogout(...)
if self.hooks.CancelLogout then
return self.hooks.CancelLogout(self, old_CancelLogout)
return self.hooks.CancelLogout(self, old_CancelLogout, ...)
return old_CancelLogout()
return old_CancelLogout(...)
if not oldLib or not oldLib.hooks or not oldLib.hooks.Quit then
local old_Quit = _G.Quit
function _G.Quit()
function _G.Quit(...)
if self.hooks.Quit then
return self.hooks.Quit(self, old_Quit)
return self.hooks.Quit(self, old_Quit, ...)
return old_Quit()
return old_Quit(...)
316,6 → 316,7
["Azeroth"] = true,
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = true,
["Kalimdor"] = true,
["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = true,
["Cosmic map"] = true,
508,6 → 509,44
["Tirisfal"] = true,
["Sunken Temple"] = true,
-- Zones
["Borean Tundra"] = true,
["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
["Dalaran"] = true,
["Dragonblight"] = true,
["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
["Howling Fjord"] = true,
["Icecrown"] = true,
["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
["Wintergrasp"] = true,
["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
["Coldarra"] = true,
["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
["Gundrak"] = true,
["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
["Halls of Stone"] = true,
["The Nexus"] = true,
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
["The Oculus"] = true,
["Ulduar"] = true,
["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
["The Violet Hold"] = true,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
if GAME_LOCALE == "enUS" then
517,6 → 556,7
["Azeroth"] = "Azeroth",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Östliche Königreiche",
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor",
--["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = "Scherbenwelt",
["Cosmic map"] = "Kosmische Karte",
709,12 → 749,51
["Tirisfal"] = "Tirisfal",
["Sunken Temple"] = "Versunkener Tempel",
-- Zones
--["Borean Tundra"] = true,
--["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
--["Dalaran"] = true,
--["Dragonblight"] = true,
--["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
--["Howling Fjord"] = true,
--["Icecrown"] = true,
--["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
--["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
--["Wintergrasp"] = true,
--["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
--["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
--["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
--["Gundrak"] = true,
--["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
--["Halls of Stone"] = true,
--["The Nexus"] = true,
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
--["The Oculus"] = true,
--["Ulduar"] = true,
--["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
--["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "frFR" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "Azeroth",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Royaumes de l'est",
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor",
["Northrend"] = "Norfendre",
["Outland"] = "Outreterre",
["Cosmic map"] = "Carte cosmique",
790,9 → 869,10
["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Forêt des Pins argentés",
["The Stockade"] = "La Prison",
--["Stonard"] = "",
["Stonard"] = "Pierrêche",
["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Les Serres-Rocheuses",
["Stormwind City"] = "Hurlevent",
["Stormwind"] = "Hurlevent",
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Vallée de Strangleronce",
["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme",
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Marais des Chagrins",
818,6 → 898,7
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub",
["Champions' Hall"] = "Hall des Champions",
["Hall of Champions"] = "Hall des Champions",
["Blade's Edge Arena"] = "Arène des Tranchantes",
["Nagrand Arena"] = "Arène de Nagrand",
["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "Ruines de Lordaeron",
875,6 → 956,7
["The Eye"] = "L'Œil",
["Eye of the Storm"] = "L'Œil du cyclone",
["Shattrath City"] = "Shattrath",
["Shattrath"] = "Shattrath",
["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan",
["Caverns of Time"] = "Grottes du temps",
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Contreforts de Hautebrande d'antan",
889,24 → 971,66
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "Terrasse des Magistères",
-- Blade's Edge Plateau
["Forge Camp: Terror"] = "",
["Vortex Pinnacle"] = "",
["Rivendark's Perch"] = "",
["Ogri'la"] = "",
["Obsidia's Perch"] = "",
["Skyguard Outpost"] = "",
["Shartuul's Transporter"] = "",
["Forge Camp: Wrath"] = "",
["Bash'ir Landing"] = "",
["Crystal Spine"] = "",
["Insidion's Perch"] = "",
["Furywing's Perch"] = "",
["Forge Camp: Terror"] = "Camp de forge : Terreur",
["Vortex Pinnacle"] = "Cime du vortex",
["Rivendark's Perch"] = "Perchoir de Clivenuit",
["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
["Obsidia's Perch"] = "Perchoir d'Obsidia",
["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de la Garde-ciel",
["Shartuul's Transporter"] = "Transporteur de Shartuul",
["Forge Camp: Wrath"] = "Camp de forge : Courroux",
["Bash'ir Landing"] = "Point d'ancrage de Bash'ir",
["Crystal Spine"] = "Éperon de cristal",
["Insidion's Perch"] = "Perchoir d'Insidion",
["Furywing's Perch"] = "Perchoir d'Aile-furie",
["Tirisfal"] = "Tirisfal",
["Sunken Temple"] = "Temple englouti",
-- Zones
["Borean Tundra"] = "Toundra Boréenne",
["Crystalsong Forest"] = "Forêt du Chant de cristal",
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran",
["Dragonblight"] = "Désolation des dragons",
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Les Grisonnes",
["Howling Fjord"] = "Fjord Hurlant",
["Icecrown"] = "La Couronne de glace",
["Sholazar Basin"] = "Bassin de Sholazar",
["The Storm Peaks"] = "Les pics Foudroyés",
["Wintergrasp"] = "Joug-d'hiver",
["Zul'Drak"] = "Zul'Drak",
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "Ahn'kahet : l'Ancien royaume",
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "Azjol-Nérub",
["Coldarra"] = "Frimarra",
["The Culling of Stratholme"] = "L'épuration de Stratholme",
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon",
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "L'Œil d'Eternité",
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak",
["Halls of Lightning"] = "Les salles de Foudre",
["Halls of Stone"] = "Les salles de Pierre",
["The Nexus"] = "Le Nexus",
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "Le sanctum Obsidien",
["The Oculus"] = "L'Oculus",
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar",
["Utgarde Keep"] = "Donjon d'Utgarde",
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Cime d'Utgarde",
["The Violet Hold"] = "Le Fort pourpre",
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "Temple du Repos du ver",
-- PvP Instances
["Dalaran Sewers"] = "Égouts de Dalaran",
["The Ring of Valor"] = "L'Arène des valeureux",
["Strand of the Ancients"] = "Rivage des anciens",
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "zhCN" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "艾泽拉斯",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "东部王国",
["Kalimdor"] = "卡利姆多",
--["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = "外域",
["Cosmic map"] = "全部地图",
1099,12 → 1223,51
["Tirisfal"] = "提里斯法林地",--TaxiNodesDBC
["Sunken Temple"] = "沉没的神庙",--AreaTableDBC
-- Zones
--["Borean Tundra"] = true,
--["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
--["Dalaran"] = true,
--["Dragonblight"] = true,
--["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
--["Howling Fjord"] = true,
--["Icecrown"] = true,
--["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
--["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
--["Wintergrasp"] = true,
--["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
--["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
--["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
--["Gundrak"] = true,
--["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
--["Halls of Stone"] = true,
--["The Nexus"] = true,
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
--["The Oculus"] = true,
--["Ulduar"] = true,
--["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
--["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "zhTW" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "艾澤拉斯",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "東部王國",
["Kalimdor"] = "卡林多",
--["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = "外域",
["Cosmic map"] = "宇宙地圖",
1183,6 → 1346,7
["Stonard"] = "斯通納德",
["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "石爪山脈",
["Stormwind City"] = "暴風城",
--["Stormwind"] = true,
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荊棘谷",
["Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆",
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲傷沼澤",
1208,6 → 1372,7
["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖爾格拉布",
["Champions' Hall"] = "勇士大廳",
--["Hall of Champions"] = true,
["Blade's Edge Arena"] = "劍刃競技場",
["Nagrand Arena"] = "納葛蘭競技場",
["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "羅德隆廢墟",
1265,6 → 1430,7
["The Eye"] = "風暴要塞",
["Eye of the Storm"] = "暴風之眼",
["Shattrath City"] = "撒塔斯城",
--["Shattrath"] = true,
["Karazhan"] = "卡拉贊",
["Caverns of Time"] = "時光之穴",
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址",
1294,12 → 1460,51
["Tirisfal"] = "提里斯法林地",
["Sunken Temple"] = "沉沒的神廟",
-- Zones
--["Borean Tundra"] = true,
--["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
--["Dalaran"] = true,
--["Dragonblight"] = true,
--["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
--["Howling Fjord"] = true,
--["Icecrown"] = true,
--["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
--["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
--["Wintergrasp"] = true,
--["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
--["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
--["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
--["Gundrak"] = true,
--["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
--["Halls of Stone"] = true,
--["The Nexus"] = true,
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
--["The Oculus"] = true,
--["Ulduar"] = true,
--["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
--["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "koKR" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "아제로스",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "동부 왕국",
["Kalimdor"] = "칼림도어",
["Northrend"] = "노스랜드",
["Outland"] = "아웃랜드",
["Cosmic map"] = "세계 지도",
1378,6 → 1583,7
["Stonard"] = "스토나드",
["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "돌발톱 산맥",
["Stormwind City"] = "스톰윈드",
["Stormwind"] = "스톰윈드",
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "가시덤불 골짜기",
["Stratholme"] = "스트라솔름",
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "슬픔의 늪",
1403,6 → 1609,7
["Zul'Gurub"] = "줄구룹",
["Champions' Hall"] = "용사의 전당",
["Hall of Champions"] = "용사의 전당",
["Blade's Edge Arena"] = "칼날 투기장",
["Nagrand Arena"] = "나그란드 투기장",
["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "로데론의 폐허",
1460,6 → 1667,7
["The Eye"] = "눈", -- check
["Eye of the Storm"] = "폭풍의 눈",
["Shattrath City"] = "샤트라스",
["Shattrath"] = "샤트라스",
["Karazhan"] = "카라잔",
["Caverns of Time"] = "시간의 동굴",
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "옛 힐스브래드 구릉지",
1486,12 → 1694,54
["Crystal Spine"] = "수정 돌기",
["Insidion's Perch"] = "인시디온의 둥지",
["Furywing's Perch"] = "퓨리윙의 둥지",
["Tirisfal"] = "티리스팔",
["Sunken Temple"] = "가라앉은 사원",
-- Zones
["Borean Tundra"] = "북풍의 땅",
["Crystalsong Forest"] = "수정노래 숲",
["Dalaran"] = "달라란",
["Dragonblight"] = "용의 안식처",
["Grizzly Hills"] = "회색 구릉지",
["Howling Fjord"] = "울부짖는 협만",
["Icecrown"] = "얼음왕관",
["Sholazar Basin"] = "숄라자르 분지",
["The Storm Peaks"] = "폭풍우 봉우리",
["Wintergrasp"] = "겨울손아귀",
["Zul'Drak"] = "줄드락",
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "아졸네룹",
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "드랙타론 요새",
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
["Gundrak"] = "군드락",
["Halls of Lightning"] = "전격의 전당", -- check
["Halls of Stone"] = "돌의 전당",
["The Nexus"] = "마력의 탑",
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
["The Oculus"] = "마력의 눈",
["Ulduar"] = "울두아",
["Utgarde Keep"] = "우트가르드 성채",
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "우트가르드 첨탑",
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "esES" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "Azeroth",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Reinos del Este",
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor",
--["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = "Terrallende",
["Cosmic map"] = "Mapa cósmico",
1684,12 → 1934,51
["Tirisfal"] = "Tirisfal",
["Sunken Temple"] = "El Templo de Sunken",
-- Zones
--["Borean Tundra"] = true,
--["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
--["Dalaran"] = true,
--["Dragonblight"] = true,
--["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
--["Howling Fjord"] = true,
--["Icecrown"] = true,
--["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
--["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
--["Wintergrasp"] = true,
--["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
--["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
--["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
--["Gundrak"] = true,
--["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
--["Halls of Stone"] = true,
--["The Nexus"] = true,
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
--["The Oculus"] = true,
--["Ulduar"] = true,
--["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
--["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "esMX" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "Azeroth",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Reinos del Este",
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor",
--["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = "Terrallende",
["Cosmic map"] = "Mapa cósmico",
1882,12 → 2171,51
["Tirisfal"] = "Tirisfal",
["Sunken Temple"] = "El Templo de Sunken",
-- Zones
--["Borean Tundra"] = true,
--["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
--["Dalaran"] = true,
--["Dragonblight"] = true,
--["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
--["Howling Fjord"] = true,
--["Icecrown"] = true,
--["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
--["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
--["Wintergrasp"] = true,
--["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
--["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
--["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
--["Gundrak"] = true,
--["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
--["Halls of Stone"] = true,
--["The Nexus"] = true,
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
--["The Oculus"] = true,
--["Ulduar"] = true,
--["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
--["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
elseif GAME_LOCALE == "ruRU" then
lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
["Azeroth"] = "Азерот",
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Восточные королевства",
["Kalimdor"] = "Калимдор",
--["Northrend"] = true,
["Outland"] = "Запределье",
["Cosmic map"] = "Карта Вселенной",
1941,7 → 2269,7
["Hyjal Summit"] = "Вершина Хиджала",
["Ironforge"] = "Стальгорн",
["Loch Modan"] = "Лок Модан",
["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = "Нижний Ярус Черной горы",
["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = "Нижний ярус Черной горы",
["Maraudon"] = "Мародон",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Гавань Менетил",
["Molten Core"] = "Огненные Недра",
1972,7 → 2300,7
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Болото Печали",
["Tanaris"] = "Танарис",
["Teldrassil"] = "Тельдрассил",
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ан'Кираж",
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Храм Ан'Кираж",
["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Храм Атал'Хаккара",
["Theramore Isle"] = "Остров Терамор",
["Thousand Needles"] = "Тысяча Игл",
1981,7 → 2309,7
["Uldaman"] = "Ульдаман",
["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Кратер Ун'Горо",
["Undercity"] = "Подгород",
["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = "Верхний Ярус Черной горы",
["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = "Верхний ярус Черной горы",
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Пещеры Стенаний",
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Ущелье Песни Войны",
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Западное Лихоземье",
2080,7 → 2408,46
["Tirisfal"] = "Тирисфальские леса",
["Sunken Temple"] = "Затонувший храм",
-- Zones
--["Borean Tundra"] = true,
--["Crystalsong Forest"] = true,
--["Dalaran"] = true,
--["Dragonblight"] = true,
--["Grizzly Hills"] = true,
--["Howling Fjord"] = true,
--["Icecrown"] = true,
--["Sholazar Basin"] = true,
--["The Storm Peaks"] = true,
--["Wintergrasp"] = true,
--["Zul'Drak"] = true,
-- Instances (and subzones used for displaying these instances)
--["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = true,
--["Azjol-Nerub"] = true,
--["Coldarra"] = true,
--["The Culling of Stratholme"] = true,
--["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = true,
--["The Eye of Eternity"] = true,
--["Gundrak"] = true,
--["Halls of Lightning"] = true,
--["Halls of Stone"] = true,
--["The Nexus"] = true,
--["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = true,
--["The Oculus"] = true,
--["Ulduar"] = true,
--["Utgarde Keep"] = true,
--["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = true,
--["The Violet Hold"] = true,
--["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
-- PvP Instances
--["Dalaran Sewers"] = true,
--["The Ring of Valor"] = true,
--["Strand of the Ancients"] = true,
error(("%s: Locale %q not supported"):format(MAJOR_VERSION, GAME_LOCALE))
21,6 → 21,8
if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceOO-2.0") then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceOO-2.0.") end
local WotLK = not not ToggleAchievementFrame
2376,17 → 2378,38
local handler
if type(options) == "function" then
handler = options
local found = false
for k,v in pairs(_G) do
if handler == v then
local k = k
handler = function(msg)
return _G[k](msg)
if WotLK then
handler = function(chatFrame, msg)
return _G[k](msg)
handler = function(msg)
return _G[k](msg)
found = true
if WotLK and not found then
local oldHandler = handler
handler = function(chatFrame, msg)
function handler(msg)
handlerFunc(self, chat, msg, options)
if WotLK then
function handler(chatFrame, msg)
handlerFunc(self, chat, msg, options)
function handler(msg)
handlerFunc(self, chat, msg, options)
181,7 → 181,7
["ROGUE"] = "P\195\173cara",
-- Translater: GriffonHeart (updater: StingerSoft)
BabbleClass:RegisterTranslations("ruRU", function()
return {
["Warlock"] = "Чернокнижник",
195,9 → 195,7
["Rogue"] = "Разбойник",
["WARLOCK"] = "Чернокнижница",
["WARRIOR"] = "Воительница",
["HUNTER"] = "Охотница",
["MAGE"] = "Волшебница",
["PRIEST"] = "Жрица",
["SHAMAN"] = "Шаманка",
["ROGUE"] = "Разбойница",
198,11 → 198,11
CLOSE = "Cerrar"
CLOSE_DESC = "Cierra el men\195\186."
elseif GetLocale() == "ruRU" then
SHOW_ICON = "Показ иконки"
SHOW_ICON = "Показывать иконку"
SHOW_ICON_DESC = "Показывать иконку плагина на панели."
SHOW_TEXT = "Показ текста"
SHOW_TEXT = "Показывать текст"
SHOW_TEXT_DESC = "Показывать текст плагина на панели."
SHOW_COLORED_TEXT = "Показ цветового текста"
SHOW_COLORED_TEXT = "Показывать цветной текст"
SHOW_COLORED_TEXT_DESC = "Позволить плагину использовать его цвета в тексте."
DETACH_TOOLTIP = "Отделить подсказку"
DETACH_TOOLTIP_DESC = "Отделить всплывающую подсказку от панели."
214,7 → 214,7
ATTACH_TO_MINIMAP = "Закрепить у мини-карты"
ATTACH_TO_MINIMAP_DESC = "Закрепить плагин у мини-карты вместо панели."
ATTACH_TO_MINIMAP_DESC = "Закрепить плагин у мини-карты, вместо панели."
HIDE_FUBAR_PLUGIN = "Скрыть плагин"
HIDE_FUBAR_PLUGIN_DESC = "Скрыть плагин с панели или мини-карты, но оставить аддон в рабочем состоянии."
248,7 → 248,7
twinks = "Add Twink",
twinksdesc = "Add a player to this raid who is on an alt with DKP under a main. The mod will remember this.\n Format: <alt> <main>",
updatedkp = "Updating DKP Points..",
updatemorgbid = "Please update your MorgBid. or check in the vent chat window. Thank-you:)",
updatemorgbid = "Please update your MorgBid. or check in the vent chat window. Thank-you:)",
validname = "You must enter a valid name.",
valuehint = "|c000070ddMousewheel up/Click|r - Increase value.\n|c000070ddMousewheel down/R-Click|r - decrease value.\n|c000070ddSHIFT|r - change value by +/-1\n|c000070ddALT|r - change value by +/-20",
waitlist = "Waitlist",
97,7 → 97,7
local hint = L["Bar_Hint_Version"]
local id = nil
self.querytooltips[item] = t
qso = { [3.6] = 1, [3.5] = 2, [3.4] = 3, [3.3] = 4, [3.2] = 5, [3.1] = 6, [2.9] = 7, [2.8] = 8, [2.6] = 9, [2.5] = 10, ["NONE"] = 11}
qso = { [3.7] = 1, [3.6] = 2, [3.5] = 3, [3.4] = 4, [3.3] = 5, [3.2] = 6, [2.9] = 7, [2.8] = 8, [2.6] = 9, [2.5] = 10, ["NONE"] = 11}
self:CreateQueryTooltip(id, item, title, hint)
MorgDKP-ruRU.lua New file
0,0 → 1,496
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("MorgDKP")
L:RegisterTranslations("ruRU", function() return {
cmd1 = "/mdkp",
cmd2 = "/MorgDKP",
--Не изменять данный блок
VoidCrystal = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:22450:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Кристалл Бездны]|h|r",
BadgeofJustice = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:29434:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Знак справедливости]|h|r",
ElementiumOre = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:18562:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Элементиевая руда]|h|r",
SmallPrismaticShard = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:22448:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Малый радужный осколок]|h|r",
LargePrismaticShard = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:22449:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Большой радужный осколок]|h|r",
LargeBrilliantShard = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:14344:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Большой сверкающий осколок]|h|r",
CosmicInfuser = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30317:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Вселенский вдохновитель]|h|r",
Devastation = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30316:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Сокрушение]|h|r",
InfinityBlade = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30312:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Клинок Бесконечности]|h|r",
NetherstrandLongbow = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30318:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Длинный лук Края Пустоты]|h|r",
StaffofDisintegration = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30313:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Посох Распыления]|h|r",
WarpSlicer = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30311:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Искореженная ломтерезка]|h|r",
PhaseshiftBulwark = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30314:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Фазовый колет]|h|r",
BundleofNetherSpikes = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30320:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Сверток шипов Пустоты]|h|r",
NetherSpike = "|cffff8000|Hitem:30319:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[Шип Пустоты]|h|r",
Poor = "|c009d9d9dНизкое качество|r",
Common = "|c00ffffffОбычное качество|r",
Uncommon = "|c001eff00Необычное качество|r",
Rare = "|c000070ddРедкое качество|r",
Epic = "|c00a335eeПревосходный|r",
Legendary = "|c00ff8000Реликвия|r",
Artifact = "|c00e6cc80Артефакт|r",
--Bar_Hint = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Announce.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Close tablet.",
Bar_Hint = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Объявление.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Закрыть.",
--Bar_Hint_DKPlist = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Invite.\n|c000070ddSHIFT-Click:|r Output.\n|c000070ddCTRL-Click:|r Delete Character.\n|c000070ddALT-Click:|r Add to waitlist.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Close tablet.",
Bar_Hint_DKPlist = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Пригласить.\n|c000070ddSHIFT-Click:|r Output.\n|c000070ddCTRL-Click:|r Delete Character.\n|c000070ddALT-Click:|r Add to waitlist.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Закрыть окно.",
--Bar_Hint_Version = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Send tells.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Close tablet.",
Bar_Hint_Version = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Оповестить.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Закрыть.",
--Bar_Hint_Sync = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Sync with.\n|c000070ddSHIFT-Click:|r Sync all.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Close tablet.",
Bar_Hint_Sync = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Sync with.\n|c000070ddSHIFT-Click:|r Sync all.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Закрыть.",
--Bar_Hint_Waitlist = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Invite.\n|c000070ddCTRL-Click:|r Remove.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Close tablet.",
Bar_Hint_Waitlist = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Пригласить.\n|c000070ddCTRL-Click:|r Удалить.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Закрыть.",
--BidWarBar_Hint = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r End Auction.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Close tablet.",
BidWarBar_Hint = "|c000070ddL-Click:|r Закончить аукцион.\n|c000070ddR-Click:|r Закрыть.",
--AcceptSYNC = "Accept sync data from %s?",
AcceptSYNC = "Принять синхронизацию данных от %s?",
--AcceptLeaderRequest = "%s is requesting leader status. Disable your MorgDKP?",
AcceptLeaderRequest = "%s просит статус лидера. Отключить ваш MorgDKP?",
--ad = "Add",
ad = "Добавить",
--add = "Added ",
add = "Добавлено ",
--adddkp = "Add DKP",
adddkp = "Добавить DKP",
--adddkpdesc = "Add DKP to a raid member. \nFormat: <charname> <points>",
adddkpdesc = "Добавить DKP участнику рейда. \nФормат: <имя персонажа> <кол-во>",
--addnewchar = "Added new character ",
addnewchar = "Добавлен новый персонаж ",
--alias = "Aliases",
alias = "Псевдонимы",
--aliasadd = "Added alias: ",
aliasadd = "Добавлен псевдоним: ",
--aliasexists = "Alias name already exihists",
aliasexists = "Псевдоним уже существует.",
--All = "All",
All = "Все",
--alreadybid = "Sorry this is a silent auction and you have already placed your bid.",
alreadybid = "Простите это простой аукцион и вы уже поместили свою ставку.",
--attadded = " attendees added.",
attadded = " участник(ов) добавлен(о).",
--attend = " attendees.",
attend = " участник(ов).",
--auctionbegin = "Beginning auction for %s: ID = %s",
auctionbegin = "Начат аукцион для %s: ID = %s",
--autozone = "Autozone",
autozone = "Автозона",
--autozonedesc = "Automatically start a raid when zoning into a trackable zone.",
autozonedesc = "Автоматически начинает рейд если зона есть в списке автозон.",
--badformat = "Can't add an event with incomplete information.",
badformat = "Невозможно добавить событие с неполной информацией.",
--bidaccepted = "Your response has been accepted: %s",
bidaccepted = "Ваш ответ был принят: %s",
--bidformat = "Bid Format = mbid ID [need/take/pass/bid value]",
bidformat = "Формат запроса = mbid ID [нужен/возьму/пас/стоимость]",
--bidwaroptions = "BidWar Options",
bidwaroptions = "Установки BidWar",
--bidwaroptionsdesc = "Different BidWar options.",
bidwaroptionsdesc = "Настройки опций BidWar.",
--bossattemptmode = "Boss Attempt Mode",
bossattemptmode = "Попытка Босса",
--bossattemptmodedesc = "Enable's a mode where a boss attempt is recorded when you die via a confirmation dialogue.",
bossattemptmodedesc = "Включает настройку при которой трай босса записывается через диалог подтверждения в случае вашей смерти.",
--bosskill = " recorded at ",
bosskill = " записано at ",
--bosstime = " defeated in %s:%s!",
bosstime = " начат в %s:%s!",
broadlead = "Broadcast Leader",
broadleaddesc = "Broadcast leader status to raid.",
bwarsteps = "BidWar Step",
--bwarstepsdesc = "Changes the DKP step for BidWar mode. Passes this value to MorgBid clients.",
bwarstepsdesc = "Изменить размер щага ставок в режиме BidWar. Для участников у которых установлен MorgBid.",
--changedcost = "Changed item cost from %s to %s for %s.",
changedcost = "Изменена стоимость предмета с %s на %s для %s.",
--charpoints = "You must format the string correctly: <character> <points>",
charpoints = "Вы должны правильно оформить запрос: <персонаж> <очки>",
--classlist = "Classes",
classlist = "Классы",
--classmain = "Main",
classmain = "Основной",
--classalt = "Offspec",
classalt = "Запасной",
--cleardb = "Clear raid database?",
cleardb = "Очистить базу данных рейда?",
--clearraid = "Clear Raid DB",
clearraid = "Очистить DB рейда",
--clearraiddesc = "Clear the raid database.",
clearraiddesc = "Очищает базу данных рейда.",
--cleared = "Cleared the MorgDKP Raid database.",
cleared = "Очищена база данных рейда в MorgDKP.",
--convert = "Convert DB",
convert = "Конвертировать DB",
--convertdesc = "Convert pre MorgDKP 6.0 database to work with MorgDKP 6.0 and above.",
convertdesc = "Конвертировать пре MorgDKP 6.0 базу данных что бы работать с MorgDKP 6.0 и выше.",
--converted = "Converted old MorgDKP Database.",
converted = "Старая база данных MorgDKP конвертирована.",
--closemenu = "Close",
closemenu = "Закрыть",
--complete = "COMPLETED",
complete = "ЗАВЕРШЕНО",
--custom = "Custom event",
custom = "Текущее событие",
--customdesc = "Add a custom raid event. This will record all attendees when you click the event menu by adding Attempt to the end of the boss name you have targeted. You can change event name value through raid tracker.",
customdesc = "Добавить событие в текущий рейд. This will record all attendees when you click the event menu by adding Attempt to the end of the boss name you have targeted. Вы можете изменить название события в raid tracker.",
--customname = "Custom name",
customname = "Текущее название",
--deletechar = "Deleting %s from MorgDKP database.",
deletechar = "Удаление %s из базы данных MorgDKP.",
--deleteimportfile = "Please delete the ItemData.lua file from the MorgDKP directory now.",
deleteimportfile = "Пожалуйста удалите файл ItemData.lua из директории MorgDKP.",
--denchanter = "Disenchanter",
denchanter = "Дезинчатер",
--denchanterdesc = "Person assigned to be disenchanter.",
denchanterdesc = "Назначен на должность дезинчатера.",
--devmode = "Developer mode",
devmode = "Режим разработчика",
--disablemod = "Disable MOD",
disablemod = "Отключить аддон",
--disablemoddesc = "Send MorgDKP to STANDBY mode.",
disablemoddesc = "Переводит MorgDKP в режим ОЖИДАНИЯ.",
dkpword = " DKP ",
--dkp = "DKP Functions",
dkp = "Функции DKP",
--dkpaward = "DKP Award/Time",
dkpaward = "DKP Награда/Время",
dkpawarddesc = "Enable DKP awarding per unit of time in minutes to raid members who have been present at least for that amount of time.",
dkpchange = "Adjust DKP",
dkpdesc = "Functions related to tracking DKP.",
dkplisten = "DKP Listener",
dkplistendesc = "When you are in a tracked zone you will track DKP but you will not get the loot popup window or link to raid. You will act like a backup raidlog.",
dkpp = " DKP Points: ",
dkpstand = "DKP Standings for ",
--dkpsys = "DKP System",
dkpsys = "Система учета DKP",
--dkptypes = "DKP Types",
dkptypes = "Системы учета DKP",
--dkptypesdesc = "Different DKP variations.",
dkptypesdesc = "Различные варианты учета DKP.",
--doresult = "Results for: ",
doresult = "Результаты для: ",
enablebidwar = "BidWar",
--enablebidwardesc = "Enable BidWar mode. This mode changes the MorgBid query to allow players to bid on items. Also the MorgDKP tablet uses bids after this NOT member DKP.",
enablebidwardesc = "Включает режим BidWar. Этот режим позволяет игрокам ставить цену в пунктах. Также MorgDKP позляет принимать ставки от игроков без DKP.",
enablejustenough = "Just Enough",
enablejustenoughdesc = "Enable BidWar mode where the winner is charged the 2nd highest bid value for the item.",
--enablemlde = "Enable ML/DE mode",
enablemlde = "Включить режим ML/DE",
--enablemldedesc = "If ML/DE Mode is on then no loot will be recorded for the master looter or disenchanter defined by the mod.",
enablemldedesc = "Если режим ML/DE включен то лут полученный мастер лутером или дизенчатером не будет учитываться.",
--enablepercent = "Percent",
enablepercent = "Процентная система",
enablepercentdesc = "Enable percent DKP system. Items will cost a percentage of the members total DKP.",
--enablerandom = "Random",
enablerandom = "Случайное распределение",
--enablerandomdesc = "Enable random rolling for items.",
enablerandomdesc = "Включает случайное распределение предметов.",
enablerelationaldkp = "Relational DKP",
enablerelationaldkpdesc = "Enable RDKP for calculating the earned/spent dkp ratio.",
enablesilentauction = "Silent Auction",
enablesilentauctiondesc = "Enable BidWar mode with only one round of bidding and no reporting to raid chat.",
enableskall = "SK Spend-all",
enableskalldesc = "Enable Suicide Kings spend all DKP.",
enablewait = "Award DKP",
enablewaitdesc = "Award DKP to the current members of the waitlist.",
--enablewhisper = "Whisper System",
enablewhisper = "Система оповещения",
--enablewhisperdesc = "Enable whisper system - sends whispers to everyone (even if they have MorgBid) so they can reply and bid using whispers.",
enablewhisperdesc = "Включает систему оповещения - отправляет всем приватное сообщение (даже если у них есть MorgBid) каким образом они могут ответить в приват для размещения своего предложения на разынрываемый предмет.",
enablezerosum = "0-sum",
enablezerosumdesc = "Enables the zero sum DKP system.",
--endbidding = "Bidding is now closed.",
endbidding = "Ставки сделаны. Предложение закрыто.",
--endraid = "End Raid",
endraid = "Завершить Рейд",
endraiddesc = "Close the raid database for the current raid.",
--endraidadd = "End %s",
endraidadd = "Завершить %s",
--endandadd = "and add these attendees < %s min?",
endandadd = "и добавить этих участников < %s мин?",
eventformat = "Event format",
eventformatdesc = "Format for the event names that are automatically recorded. Format = <[zone]> - <[boss]>. Choose one or two in any order. Example: [zone] - [boss]",
exceedoverbid = "You have exceeded the overbid amount of %s. Your bid has been reset to the maximum.",
--events = "Events",
events = "События",
--from = " from ",
from = " для ",
fubarhint = "|c000070ddClick:|r MorgBid Base query.\n|c000070ddALT-Click:|r Toggle ML/DE\n|c000070ddSHIFT-Click:|r Пригласить & Waitlist.\n|c000070ddCTRL-Click:|r Raid Tracker.\n|c000070ddCTRL-Click Itemlink:|r Ignore item.",
fubarhintdisabled = "В ОЖИДАНИИ.\n|c000070ddНажать:|r для включения.",
--fubaropts = "Fubar Options",
fubaropts = "Опции Fubar",
--giveboe = "Give BOE",
giveboe = "Отдать BOE",
--giveboedesc = "Give a player in the raid a BOE and record in the raid loot database.",
giveboedesc = "Отдать игроку рейда BOE предмет и записать его в базу полученой рейдом добычи.",
--highbidder = "New high bidder for %s: %s = %s",
highbidder = "Сделана более высокая ставка для %s поставил: %s, размер: %s",
--ignorelist = "Ignored items",
ignorelist = "Игнорируемые предметы",
--ignorelistdesc = "List of currently ignored items. Click to remove ignored item.",
ignorelistdesc = "Список игнорируемых предметов. Для удаления предмета из списка нажмите на него.",
ImportdefaultDB = "Import saved item database?",
invalidformat = "Sorry your response format is incorrect or no item with that ID is up for bidding. Формат запроса = mbid ID [нужен/возьму/пас/стоимость]",
--itemhistory = "Item History",
itemhistory = "История предметов",
itemhistorydesc = "Show history of items looted in this raid. \nNote: Since you last started a new raid.",
--joinraid = " joined the raid at ",
joinraid = " присоеденился к рейду в ",
--leftraid = " left the raid at ",
leftraid = " вышел из рейда в ",
--listdkp = "List DKP",
listdkp = "Списки DKP",
--listdkpdesc = "Lists the DKP of the selected classes in tablet.",
listdkpdesc = "Списки DKP по определенному классу.",
--logquality = "Log Quality",
logquality = "Качество",
--logqualitydesc = "Anything below this quality level will NOT be logged.",
logqualitydesc = "Что-либо ниже этого уровня качества не будет зарегистрировано.",
--lootdistro = "Eligible Items:",
lootdistro = "Розыгрываемые предметы:",
--lootquery = "Give %s to %s, are you sure?",
lootquery = "Подтверждаете передачу %s персонажу %s?",
--manualitem = "Add manual item",
manualitem = "Добавить предмет вручную",
manualitemdesc = "Add an item for distribution from your inventory. Useful for some BOE's and items you can not loot.",
--Menu = "FuBar Options",
Menu = "Опции FuBar",
--mldefunc = "ML/DE mode",
mldefunc = "Режим ML/DE",
mloot = "Master Looter",
mlootdesc = "Person assigned to be master looter. The mod will determine this automatically if it can.",
morgbidcheck = "MorgBid Base",
morgbidcheckdesc = "Determine MorgBid user base. \nAlso useful to check DKP for alts.",
morgbidmaxwhisper = "Current bid for ID: %s = %s (Reply format: mbid ID [pass/bid value])",
morgbidwhisper = "%s: ID = %s DKP/Bid value = %s (Формат ответа = mbid ID [нужен/возьму/пас/стоимость])",
morgtitle = "MorgDKP [RU beta]",
multi = "multiPool",
multidesc = "Enable more than one DKP pool for rolling on items. When starting auction you have to choose the alternate pool to use or it will be main pool that is used.",
--mvquery = "MorgBid Version Query",
mvquery = "Проверка версии MorgBid",
--needraid = "You can not use this function out of a raid group.",
needraid = "Вы не можетеиспользовать данную функцию вне рейда.",
newdkp = " New DKP: ",
noauction = "This item is not currently up for bid.",
--noitem = "Item does not exist!",
noitem = "Предмет не найден!",
nolootrec = "ML Mode is currently on so no loot will be recorded for ML/DE.",
nomain = "This main character does not exhist. No changes made.",
--noquery = "Either no classes are selected or no members need this item.",
noquery = "Либо не определены классы для которых розыгрывается данный предмет, либо у участников нет в нем потребности.",
noraid = "No current raid exists.",
normal = "Standard",
--notexi = " does not exist.",
notexi = " не существует.",
--option = "Options",
option = "Опции",
--olddkp = ": Old DKP: ",
olddkp = ": Старое DKP: ",
onerun = "Single Run event",
onerundesc = "Use one event for entire raid. Boss kills will not be tracked separately.",
--otheroptions = "Other Options",
otheroptions = "Доп. опции",
--otheroptionsdesc = "Miscellaneous DKP/tracking options.",
otheroptionsdesc = "Различные опции учета DKP.",
overbidmax = "Overbid",
overbidmaxdesc = "Maximum to allow members to bid above their present DKP.",
pending = "ОЖИДАНИЕ...",
percenttake = "% Take Mode",
percenttakedesc = "When using the percent DKP system this option enables TAKE looting. This means if the winning member rolled TAKE he will not be charged x% DKP he will instead be charged the base price of the item (Set using original itempoints.",
playfrom = " players from ",
pointsto = " points each to ",
pool = "Main DKP Pool",
pooldesc = "Set DKP Pool to be primary (or only if not multiPool) DKP pool.",
pooluse = "Pool",
poolusedesc = "Choose DKP pool to use for this item roll.",
pools = "Currently loaded DKP pools....",
--query = "Query",
query = "Запрос",
queryraid = "Query Raid",
--queryraiddesc = "Query raid members interest in the given item.",
queryraiddesc = "Отправляет участникам рейда запрос о заинтересованности в предмете.",
querysent = "MorgBid query sent: ",
--raidatt = " raid attendees.",
raidatt = " участника(ов) рейда.",
--raids = "Raids",
raids = "Рейды",
--raidstartadd = " attendees to raid start.",
raidstartadd = " участник(ов) на начало рейда.",
--raidtrack = "Raid Tracking",
raidtrack = "Управление рейдами",
--raidtrackdesc = "Opens the raid tracking functions window.",
raidtrackdesc = "Открывает окно с функциями логирования и управления рейдоми.",
--receive = " Receives ",
receive = " Получает ",
--recordbossattempt = "Record boss attempt for %s?",
recordbossattempt = "Сделать запись попытки босса %s?",
--removed = "Removed ",
removed = "Удалено ",
requestsync = "Requesting database sync from %s...",
--rightclickclose = "|c000070ddClick:|r Edit item value. |c000070ddR-Click|r закрыть.",
rightclickclose = "|c000070ddClick:|r Изменение цены предмета. |c000070ddR-Click|r Закрыть.",
--rollingbegin = "Now querying for %s ID = %s DKP %s....",
rollingbegin = "Запущен запрос для %s ID = %s DKP %s....",
roundbid = "Bids for this round:",
--rundkp = "Export Raid",
rundkp = "Экспортировать Рейд",
rundkpdesc = "Output raid data for Morgimport\nDatabase reset is recommended after or raid logs may get large.",
runevent = "Sorry deleteing the run event is not allowed as trash drops are recorded in this event.",
--runrewardtime = "Minimum Run Time",
runrewardtime = "Минимальное время",
--runrewardtimedesc = "Minimum time in minutes a member must be in the raid before they recieve run DKP. ie 30 min",
runrewardtimedesc = "Минимальное время в минутах которое участник должен быть в рейде прежде чем он получат DKP. т.е. 30 мин",
sentsync = "Transmitted item database over sync channel to %s.",
--setitempoints = "Set Item Points",
setitempoints = "Стоимость предмета",
--setitempointsdesc = "DKP charge for selected item.",
setitempointsdesc = "Установить стоимость DKP для выбранного предмета.",
startformat = "Start format",
--startformatdesc = "Format of start event name: <[zone]> <text>. Example: [zone] Start",
startformatdesc = "Формат названия для события: <[zone]> <текст>. Пример: [zone] Начало",
--startraid = "Start Raid",
startraid = "Начать Рейд",
startraiddesc = "Starts a new raid database to begin tracking a raid.",
--startruntrack = "Start Event",
startruntrack = "Начать событие",
startruntrackdesc = "Track raidstart event.",
--statusoff = "|c009d9d9dOFF|r",
statusoff = "|c009d9d9dВыкл.|r",
--statuson = "|c001eff00ON|r",
statuson = "|c001eff00Вкл.|r",
--sub = "Subtracted ",
sub = "Вычтено ",
--subdkp = "Remove DKP",
subdkp = "Удалить DKP",
--subdkpdesc = "Remove DKP from a raid member. \nFormat: <charname> <points>",
subdkpdesc = "Удалить DKP у участника рейда. \nФормат: <имя персонажа> <кол-во>",
syncdb = "Sync DB",
syncdbdesc = "Sync your database with another MorgDKP user.\nAdds new items to your DB does not overwrite already present items.\n Also adds new players to your database and overwrites DKP values, class, and aliases if sync data is newer.",
syncdone = "Database transfer complete. %s items were transferred and %s members updated.",
syncquery = "SYNC",
syncrequest = "%s has requested your database information.",
syncstart = "Querying MorgDKP databases available in %s channel...",
syncwait = "Waiting for sync data from %s...",
--to = " to ",
to = " для ",
--to2 = " to ",
to2 = " для ",
--transfer = "Transferred ",
transfer = "Передан ",
transferitem = "Transferred item from %s to %s: Cost = %s.",
trashformat = "Trash format",
trashformatdesc = "Format of trash event name: <[zone]> <text>. Example: [zone] Run",
twinkaltmain = "You must format the string correctly: <twinkalt> <twinkmain>",
--twinks = "Add Twink",
twinks = "Добавить твинка",
--twinksdesc = "Add a player to this raid who is on an alt with DKP under a main. The mod will remember this.\n Format: <alt> <main>",
twinksdesc = "Add a player to this raid who is on an alt with DKP under a main. The mod will remember this.\n Формат: <ник твинк> <ник основного>",
--updatedkp = "Updating DKP Points..",
updatedkp = "Обновление очков DKP..",
--updatemorgbid = "Please update your MorgBid. or check in the vent chat window. Thank-you:)",
updatemorgbid = "Пожалуйста обновите ваш MorgBid. Спасибо.",
--validname = "You must enter a valid name.",
validname = "Вы должны ввести valid имя.",
--valuehint = "|c000070ddMousewheel up/Click|r - Increase value.\n|c000070ddMousewheel down/R-Click|r - decrease value.\n|c000070ddSHIFT|r - change value by +/-1\n|c000070ddALT|r - change value by +/-20",
valuehint = "|c000070ddMousewheel up/Click|r - Увеличить стоимость.\n|c000070ddMousewheel down/R-Click|r - Уменьшить стоимость.\n|c000070ddSHIFT|r - Изменить стоимость на +/-1\n|c000070ddALT|r - Изменить стоимость на +/-20",
--waitlist = "Waitlist",
waitlist = "Список ожидания",
--waitadd = "Added you to the waitlist.",
waitadd = "Вы добавлены в список ожидания.",
waitbossamt = "Waitlist boss DKP",
waitbossamtdesc = "Amount of DKP to award to the waitlist per boss kill.",
--waitlistdesc = "Options related to the waitlist.",
waitlistdesc = "Опции связанные со списком ожидания.",
waitmain = "Please log on to your main for an Пригласить to the raid. Whisper me when online.",
--waitsub = "Removed you from the waitlist.",
waitsub = "Вы удалены из списка ожидания.",
--waitstartamt = "Waitlist start DKP",
waitstartamt = "Waitlist start DKP",
waitstartamtdesc = "Amount of start bonus DKP to award to the waitlist at the start of the run.",
--waitrunamt = "Waitlist run DKP",
waitrunamt = "Вейтлист run DKP",
waitrunamtdesc = "Amount of run DKP to award to the waitlist. Applied at start of run.",
--waitotimeamt = "Waitlist DKP/time",
waitotimeamt = "Список ожидания DKP/время",
waitotimeamtdesc = "Amount of DKP/time to award to the waitlist. Note: Only works if you are awarding DKP/time to the raid.",
whisperformat = "Please whisper: dkplist [poolname] [class] [class] .... [all]",
--Не изменять данный блок
--localizedclasses = "dkplist Paladin Warlock Druid Mage Priest Rogue Hunter Warrior Shaman",
localizedclasses = "dkplist Паладин Чернокнижник Чернокнижница Друид Маг Жрец Жрица Разбойник Разбойница Охотник Охотница Воин Шаман",
PALADIN = "Паладин",
WARLOCK = "Чернокнижник",
DRUID = "Друид",
MAGE = "Маг",
PRIEST = "Жрец",
ROGUE = "Разбойник",
HUNTER = "Охотник",
WARRIOR = "Воин",
SHAMAN = "Шаман",
Romulo = "Ромуло",
Julianne = "Джулианна",
RomuloandJulianne = "Ромуло & Джулианна",
Chessevent = "Chess Event", --Хз как перевести
DEFAULTBOSS = "Trash mob",
WorldBoss = "World Boss", --Хз как перевести
NEW = "NEW",
NONE = "Неопред.",
--Высказывания боссов, не переводить нужно брать из игры
MORGTRACKER_MAJORDOMO_YELL = "Impossible! Stay your attack, mortals... I submit! I submit!",
MORGTRACKER_ROMULO_YELL="What devil art thou, that dost torment me thus?",
MORGTRACKER_CHESS_EMOTE = "The halls of Karazhan shake, as the curse binding the doors of the Gamesman's Hall is lifted.",
MORGTRACKER_LADYVASHJP2_YELL = "The time is now! Leave none standing! ",
MORGTRACKER_LADYVASHJP3_YELL = "You may want to take cover. ",
MORGTRACKER_RAGEENTERS_YELL = "The Legion's final conquest has begun! Once again the subjugation of this world is within our grasp. Let none survive!",
MORGTRACKER_ANETHERONENTERS_YELL = "You are defenders of a doomed world! Flee here, and perhaps you will prolong your pathetic lives!",
MORGTRACKER_KAZROGALENTERS_YELL = "Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit!",
MORGTRACKER_AZGALORENTERS_YELL = "Abandon all hope! The Legion has returned to finish what was begun so many years ago. This time, there will be no escape!",
MORGTRACKER_ERADOR_YELL = "These are the hallmarks...",
--Не изменять данный блок
MORGTRACKER_LOOT_RECEIVES1 = "([^%s]+) получает добычу: (.+)%.",
MORGTRACKER_LOOT_RECEIVES1_COUNT = "([^%s]+) получает добычу: (|c%x+|Hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[.-%]|h|r)x(%d+)%.",
MORGTRACKER_LOOT_RECEIVES2 = "Ваша добыча: (.+)%.",
MORGTRACKER_LOOT_RECEIVES2_COUNT = "Ваша добыча: (|c%x+|Hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[.-%]|h|r)x(%d+)%.",
MorgTracker_IgnoreMobs = {
["Son of Flame"] = true,
["Onyxian Whelp"] = true,
["Кил'рек"] = true,
["Дух аманийского дракондора"] = true,
--Не изменять данный блок
classcount = {
["Паладин"] = 8,
["Чернокнижник"] = 7,
["Чернокнижница"] = 7,
["Маг"] = 13,
["Волшебница"] = 13,
["Друид"] = 12,
["Воин"] = 7,
["Охотник"] = 9,
["Охотница"] = 9,
["Жрец"] = 11,
["Жрица"] = 11,
["Разбойник"] = 11,
["Разбойница"] = 11,
["Шаман"] = 8,
["Шаманка"] = 8,
["NEED"] = 10,
["TAKE"] = 10,
["PASS"] = 11,
["PENDING"] = 5
} end)
\ No newline at end of file
16,7 → 16,7
MorgDKP = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceHook-2.1", "AceConsole-2.0","AceComm-2.0", "AceDB-2.0")
MorgDKP.version = "7.02"
MorgDKP.version = "7.03"
MorgDKP.commPrefix = "MorgDKP"
MorgDKP.commVersion = 6.2
1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 20400
## Author: Morgalm & Fryguy
## Title: MorgDKP - |cffffffffv|r|cff00ff007.02|r
## Title: MorgDKP - |cffffffffv|r|cff00ff007.03|r
## Notes: Inspects all members of raid and saves in database, as well as lists people's dkp values
## DefaultState: 1
## SavedVariables: MorgDKPDB, MorgDKPFuBarDB
29,7 → 29,9