WoWInterface SVN MyThreat

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 12 to Rev 21
    Reverse comparison

Rev 12 → Rev 21

1,34 → 1,30
--- AceConfigRegistry-3.0 handles central registration of options tables in use by addons and modules.
-- Options tables can be registered as raw tables, or as function refs that return a table.\\
-- These functions receive two arguments: "uiType" and "uiName". \\
-- Valid "uiTypes": "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog". This is verified by the library at call time. \\
-- The "uiName" field is expected to contain the full name of the calling addon, including version, e.g. "FooBar-1.0". This is verified by the library at call time.\\
-- :IterateOptionsTables() and :GetOptionsTable() always return a function reference that the requesting config handling addon must call with the above arguments.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigRegistry-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua 785 2009-04-05 14:57:29Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0", 9
local AceConfigRegistry = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
Handle central registration of options tables in use by addons and modules. Do nothing else.
if not AceConfigRegistry then return end
Options tables can be registered as raw tables, or as function refs that return a table.
These functions receive two arguments: "uiType" and "uiName".
- Valid "uiTypes": "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog". This is verified by the library at call time.
- The "uiName" field is expected to contain the full name of the calling addon, including version, e.g. "FooBar-1.0". This is verified by the library at call time.
AceConfigRegistry.tables = AceConfigRegistry.tables or {}
:IterateOptionsTables() and :GetOptionsTable() always return a function reference that the requesting config handling addon must call with the above arguments.
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0", 6
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
lib.tables = lib.tables or {}
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
if not lib.callbacks then
lib.callbacks = CallbackHandler:New(lib)
if not AceConfigRegistry.callbacks then
AceConfigRegistry.callbacks = CallbackHandler:New(AceConfigRegistry)
-- Validating options table consistency:
lib.validated = {
AceConfigRegistry.validated = {
-- list of options table names ran through :ValidateOptionsTable automatically.
-- CLEARED ON PURPOSE, since newer versions may have newer validators
cmd = {},
94,6 → 90,7
106,11 → 103,10
-- func={
-- ["function"]=true,
-- ["string"]=true,
-- _="methodname or funcref"
-- },
164,8 → 160,8
if type(k)~="string" then
err("["..tostring(k).."] - key is not a string", errlvl,...)
if strfind(k, "[%c \127]") then
err("["..tostring(k).."] - key name contained spaces (or control characters)", errlvl,...)
if strfind(k, "[%c\127]") then
err("["..tostring(k).."] - key name contained control characters", errlvl,...)
234,7 → 230,7
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- :ValidateOptionsTable(options,name,errlvl)
-- - options - the table
-- - name - (string) name of table, used in error reports
242,8 → 238,7
-- Validates basic structure and integrity of an options table
-- Does NOT verify that get/set etc actually exist, since they can be defined at any depth
function lib:ValidateOptionsTable(options,name,errlvl)
function AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(options,name,errlvl)
errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
name = name or "Optionstable"
if not then
252,19 → 247,16
-- :NotifyChange(appName)
-- - appName - string identifying the addon
-- Fires a ConfigTableChange callback for those listening in on it, allowing config GUIs to refresh
function lib:NotifyChange(appName)
if not lib.tables[appName] then return end
lib.callbacks:Fire("ConfigTableChange", appName)
--- Fires a ConfigTableChange callback for those listening in on it, allowing config GUIs to refresh.
-- You should call this function if your options table changed from any outside event, like a game event
-- or a timer.
-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
function AceConfigRegistry:NotifyChange(appName)
if not AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] then return end
AceConfigRegistry.callbacks:Fire("ConfigTableChange", appName)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Registering and retreiving options tables:
280,34 → 272,31
-- :RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options)
-- - appName - string identifying the addon
-- - options - table or function reference
function lib:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options)
--- Register an options table with the config registry.
-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
-- @param options The options table or a function reference that generates it on demand.
function AceConfigRegistry:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options)
if type(options)=="table" then
if options.type~="group" then -- quick sanity checker
error(MAJOR..": RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options): 'options' - missing type='group' member in root group", 2)
lib.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
if not lib.validated[uiType][appName] then
lib:ValidateOptionsTable(options, appName, errlvl) -- upgradable
lib.validated[uiType][appName] = true
if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] then
AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(options, appName, errlvl) -- upgradable
AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] = true
return options
elseif type(options)=="function" then
lib.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
local tab = assert(options(uiType, uiName))
if not lib.validated[uiType][appName] then
lib:ValidateOptionsTable(tab, appName, errlvl) -- upgradable
lib.validated[uiType][appName] = true
if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] then
AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(tab, appName, errlvl) -- upgradable
AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] = true
return tab
316,14 → 305,9
-- :IterateOptionsTables()
-- Returns an iterator of ["appName"]=funcref pairs
function lib:IterateOptionsTables()
return pairs(lib.tables)
--- Returns an iterator of ["appName"]=funcref pairs
function AceConfigRegistry:IterateOptionsTables()
return pairs(AceConfigRegistry.tables)
334,12 → 318,17
-- - uiType - "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog"
-- - uiName - e.g. "MyLib-1.0"
--- Query the registry for a specific options table.
-- If only appName is given, a function is returned which you
-- can call with (uiType,uiName) to get the table.
-- can call with (uiType,uiName) to get the table.\\
-- If uiType&uiName are given, the table is returned.
function lib:GetOptionsTable(appName, uiType, uiName)
local f = lib.tables[appName]
-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
-- @param uiType The type of UI to get the table for.
-- @param uiName The name of the library/addon querying the table.
function AceConfigRegistry:GetOptionsTable(appName, uiType, uiName)
local f = AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName]
if not f then
return nil