WoWInterface SVN OneCompanion

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 26 to Rev 27
    Reverse comparison

Rev 26 → Rev 27

1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
16,6 → 17,8
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("OneCompanion")
local AC = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0")
local ACD = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0")
local stratas = {["BACKGROUND"]="BACKGROUND", ["LOW"]="LOW", ["MEDIUM"]="MEDIUM", ["HIGH"]="HIGH", ["DIALOG"]="DIALOG",
local defaults = {
profile = {
46,6 → 49,8
tip = false,
lockbreanni = false,
lockbag = false,
stratabase = "BACKGROUND",
stratabtn = "BACKGROUND",
248,6 → 253,24
set = "ToggleLockBag",
get = "IsLockBag",
stratabase = {
order = 50,
type = "select",
name = L["Base strata"],
desc = L["Change the base frame strata"],
values = stratas,
set = "ToggleStrata",
get = "IsBaseStrata",
stratabtn = {
order = 55,
type = "select",
name = L["Button strata"],
desc = L["Change the button frames strata"],
values = stratas,
set = "ToggleStrata",
get = "IsButtonStrata",
264,8 → 287,28
OneCompanionOptions.options = options
OneCompanionOptions.defaults = defaults
function OneCompanionOptions:IsBaseStrata()
local self = OneCompanion
return self.db.profile.misc.stratabase
function OneCompanionOptions:IsButtonStrata()
local self = OneCompanion
return self.db.profile.misc.stratabtn
function OneCompanionOptions:ToggleStrata(key, value)
local self, fra, btn = OneCompanion, OneCompanionFrames, OneCompanionButtons
if key then self.db.profile.misc[key[3]] = value end
for i, j in ipairs(btn) do
function OneCompanionOptions:ToggleLockBag(value)
local self, fra = OneCompanion, OneCompanionFrames
local self, fra, btn = OneCompanion, OneCompanionFrames, OneCompanionButtons
if value then self.db.profile.misc.lockbag = not self.db.profile.misc.lockbag end
if self.db.profile.misc.lockbag then
282,6 → 325,10
fra[i]:SetScript("OnMouseUp", OCstop)
for i, j in ipairs(btn) do
j:SetScript("OnDragStart", OCstart)
j:SetScript("OnDragStop", OCstop)
function OneCompanionOptions:IsLockBag()
1,6 → 1,7
## Interface: 30000
## Title: OneCompanion |cff7fff7f -Ace3-|r
## Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
## Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
## X-Date: $Date$
## Author: Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate
## Notes: OneCompanion is an alternative to the default companion frame introduced in WotLK that combines all your companions and mounts into one fully customizable frame
## X-eMail:
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
14,6 → 15,7
OneCompanionFrames, OneCompanionButtons, OneCompanionMaxHeight = {}, {}, 0
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("OneCompanion")
local version = GetAddOnMetadata("OneCompanion", "Version")
function OneCompanionFrames:build()
local self, fra, opt = OneCompanion, OneCompanionFrames, OneCompanionOptions
62,8 → 64,7
index:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", base, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
index:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", base, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-- index:SetToplevel(true)
-- index:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
-- base:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
scrollindex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.db.profile.sizes.borderpad, - self.db.profile.sizes.borderpad)
scrollindex:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", - self.db.profile.sizes.borderpad, - self.db.profile.sizes.borderpad)
scrollindex:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.db.profile.sizes.borderpad, self.db.profile.sizes.borderpad)
129,17 → 130,18
fra.grip = grip
fra.cfgButton = cfgButton
fra.breanni = breanni
-- fra:SetAnchors(nil)
opt:SetColor(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
opt:ToggleButtonScale(nil, nil, nil, nil)
opt:ToggleStrata(nil, nil)
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
67,3 → 68,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Lock the position of Breanni's icon"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Lock companion's bag"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"
L["Base strata"] = "Base strata"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change the base frame strata"
L["Button strata"] = "Button strata"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change the button frames strata"
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
56,3 → 57,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Lock the position of Breanni's icon"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Lock companion's bag"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"
L["Base strata"] = "Base strata"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change the base frame strata"
L["Button strata"] = "Button strata"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change the button frames strata"
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
56,3 → 57,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Lock the position of Breanni's icon"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Lock companion's bag"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"
L["Base strata"] = "Base strata"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change the base frame strata"
L["Button strata"] = "Button strata"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change the button frames strata"
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
56,3 → 57,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = true
L["Lock inventory"] = true
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = true
L["Base strata"] = true
L["Change the base frame strata"] = true
L["Button strata"] = true
L["Change the button frames strata"] = true
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
56,3 → 57,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Lock the position of Breanni's icon"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Lock companion's bag"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"
L["Base strata"] = "Base strata"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change the base frame strata"
L["Button strata"] = "Button strata"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change the button frames strata"
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
56,3 → 57,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Lock the position of Breanni's icon"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Lock companion's bag"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"
L["Base strata"] = "Base strata"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change the base frame strata"
L["Button strata"] = "Button strata"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change the button frames strata"
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
67,3 → 68,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Lock the position of Breanni's icon"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Lock companion's bag"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"
L["Base strata"] = "Base strata"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change the base frame strata"
L["Button strata"] = "Button strata"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change the button frames strata"
1,6 → 1,7
Name: OneCompanion
Version: 3.0.2.wowi:revision
Version: 3.0.2.$Revision$
Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (
Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;)
Website: http://-
67,3 → 68,7
L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Bloque la position de l'ic\195\180ne de Breanni"
L["Lock inventory"] = "Bloquer inventaire"
L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Bloque la position de la fen\195\170tre inventaire des compagnons"
L["Base strata"] = "Strata base"
L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change la strata de la frame de base"
L["Button strata"] = "Strata boutton"
L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change la strata de la frame de chaque boutton"