WoWInterface SVN PhanxConfigWidgets

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 169 to Rev 171
    Reverse comparison

Rev 169 → Rev 171

3,19 → 3,10
Simple slider widget generator.
Based on tekKonfig-Slider and AceGUI-3.0-Slider.
Requires LibStub.
Written by Phanx <>
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
However, if you make any modifications, you are strongly encouraged
to give your version a different name, so that you do not break
addons using the original version, or vice versa.
And finally, I wrote this library for my own use in my own addons.
No support of any kind will be provided for use by anyone else,
and its internals may change at any time without any warning.
Copyright 2009-2014 Phanx <>
Do not redistribute standalone without permisssion.
See the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(strmatch("$Revision$", "%d+"))