WoWInterface SVN PocketPlot

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 50 to Rev 51
    Reverse comparison

Rev 50 → Rev 51

1,7 → 1,7
--- AceConfigCmd-3.0 handles access to optionstable through the "command line" interface via the ChatFrames.
--- AceConfigCmd-3.0 handles access to an options table through the "command line" interface via the ChatFrames.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigCmd-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua 733 2009-02-03 22:24:44Z nevcairiel $
-- @release $Id: AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua 801 2009-04-09 20:34:28Z nevcairiel $
17,13 → 17,13
-- TODO: plugin args
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigCmd-3.0", 7
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigCmd-3.0", 9
local AceConfigCmd = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
if not AceConfigCmd then return end
lib.commands = lib.commands or {}
local commands = lib.commands
AceConfigCmd.commands = AceConfigCmd.commands or {}
local commands = AceConfigCmd.commands
local cfgreg = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0")
local AceConsole -- LoD
223,7 → 223,8
print(" "..(desc or name)..":")
showhelp(info, inputpos, v, true)
elseif v.type ~= "description" and v.type ~= "header" then
print(" |cffffff78"..k.."|r - "..(desc or name or ""))
local key = k:gsub(" ", "_")
print(" |cffffff78"..key.."|r - "..(desc or name or ""))
347,7 → 348,7
return -- done, name was found in inline group
-- matching name and not a inline group
elseif strlower(arg)==strlower(k) then
elseif strlower(arg)==strlower(k:gsub(" ", "_")) then
info[depth+1] = k
return handle(info,nextpos,v,depth+1)
457,10 → 458,6
elseif tab.type=="select" then
------------ select ------------------------------------
local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
if str == "" then
--TODO: Show current selection and possible values
local values = tab.values
if type(values) == "function" or type(values) == "string" then
468,6 → 465,21
values = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "values")
info.values = nil
if str == "" then
local b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get")
local fmt = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s"
local fmt_sel = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s |cffff0000*|r"
print(L["Options for |cffffff78"[#info].."|r:"])
for k, v in pairs(values) do
if b == k then
print(fmt_sel:format(k, v))
print(fmt:format(k, v))
local ok
for k,v in pairs(values) do
487,18 → 499,28
elseif tab.type=="multiselect" then
------------ multiselect -------------------------------------------
local str = strtrim(strlower(str))
if str == "" then
--TODO: Show current values
local values = tab.values
if type(values) == "function" or type(values) == "string" then
info.values = values
values = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "values")
info.values = nil
if str == "" then
local fmt = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s"
local fmt_sel = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s |cffff0000*|r"
print(L["Options for |cffffff78"[#info].."|r (multiple possible):"])
for k, v in pairs(values) do
if callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get", k) then
print(fmt_sel:format(k, v))
print(fmt:format(k, v))
--build a table of the selections, checking that they exist
--parse for =on =off =default in the process
--table will be key = true for options that should toggle, key = [on|off|default] for options to be set
668,18 → 690,28
-- HandleCommand(slashcmd, appName, input)
-- Call this from a chat command handler to parse the command input as operations on an aceoptions table
--- Handle the chat command.
-- This is usually called from a chat command handler to parse the command input as operations on an aceoptions table.\\
-- AceConfigCmd uses this function internally when a slash command is registered with `:CreateChatCommand`
-- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
-- @param input The commandline input (as given by the WoW handler, i.e. without the command itself)
-- @usage
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceConsole-3.0")
-- -- Use AceConsole-3.0 to register a Chat Command
-- MyAddon:RegisterChatCommand("mychat", "ChatCommand")
-- slashcmd (string) - the slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
-- appName (string) - the application name as given to AceConfigRegistry:RegisterOptionsTable()
-- input (string) -- the commandline input (as given by the WoW handler, i.e. without the command itself)
-- -- Show the GUI if no input is supplied, otherwise handle the chat input.
-- function MyAddon:ChatCommand(input)
-- -- Assuming "MyOptions" is the appName of a valid options table
-- if not input or input:trim() == "" then
-- LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):Open("MyOptions")
-- else
-- LibStub("AceConfigCmd-3.0").HandleCommand(MyAddon, "mychat", "MyOptions", input)
-- end
-- end
function AceConfigCmd:HandleCommand(slashcmd, appName, input)
function lib:HandleCommand(slashcmd, appName, input)
local optgetter = cfgreg:GetOptionsTable(appName)
if not optgetter then
error([[Usage: HandleCommand("slashcmd", "appName", "input"): 'appName' - no options table "]]..tostring(appName)..[[" has been registered]], 2)
700,34 → 732,26
handle(info, 1, options, 0) -- (info, inputpos, table, depth)
-- CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName)
-- Utility function to create a slash command handler.
--- Utility function to create a slash command handler.
-- Also registers tab completion with AceTab
-- slashcmd (string) - the slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
-- appName (string) - the application name as given to AceConfigRegistry:RegisterOptionsTable()
function lib:CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName)
-- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
function AceConfigCmd:CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName)
if not AceConsole then
AceConsole = LibStub(AceConsoleName)
if AceConsole.RegisterChatCommand(self, slashcmd, function(input)
lib.HandleCommand(self, slashcmd, appName, input) -- upgradable
AceConfigCmd.HandleCommand(self, slashcmd, appName, input) -- upgradable
true) then -- succesfully registered so lets get the command -> app table in
commands[slashcmd] = appName
-- GetChatCommandOptions(slashcmd)
-- Utility function that returns the options table that belongs to a slashcommand
-- mainly used by AceTab
function lib:GetChatCommandOptions(slashcmd)
--- Utility function that returns the options table that belongs to a slashcommand.
-- Designed to be used for the AceTab interface.
-- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output)
-- @return The options table associated with the slash command (or nil if the slash command was not registered)
function AceConfigCmd:GetChatCommandOptions(slashcmd)
return commands[slashcmd]