WoWInterface SVN ReadySpells

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 23 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 23 → Rev 4

3,7 → 3,7
-- Manages AddOn chat output to keep player from getting kicked off.
-- ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage/:SendAddonMessage functions that accept
-- ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage/:SendAddonMessage functions that accept
-- a Priority ("BULK", "NORMAL", "ALERT") as well as prefix for SendChatMessage.
-- Priorities get an equal share of available bandwidth when fully loaded.
23,7 → 23,7
-- LICENSE: ChatThrottleLib is released into the Public Domain
local CTL_VERSION = 24
local CTL_VERSION = 23
local _G = _G
118,7 → 118,7
-- Recycling bin for pipes
-- Recycling bin for pipes
-- A pipe is a plain integer-indexed queue of messages
-- Pipes normally live in Rings of pipes (3 rings total, one per priority)
169,7 → 169,7
-- Initialize queues, set up frame for OnUpdate, etc
function ChatThrottleLib:Init()
function ChatThrottleLib:Init()
-- Set up queues
if not self.Prio then
213,15 → 213,9
return ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendChatMessage(...)
if _G.C_ChatInfo then
hooksecurefunc(_G.C_ChatInfo, "SendAddonMessage", function(...)
return ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendAddonMessage(...)
hooksecurefunc("SendAddonMessage", function(...)
return ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendAddonMessage(...)
hooksecurefunc("SendAddonMessage", function(...)
return ChatThrottleLib.Hook_SendAddonMessage(...)
self.nBypass = 0
356,8 → 350,8
-- See how many of our priorities have queued messages (we only have 3, don't worry about the loop)
local n = 0
for prioname,Prio in pairs(self.Prio) do
if Prio.Ring.pos or Prio.avail < 0 then
n = n + 1
if Prio.Ring.pos or Prio.avail < 0 then
n = n + 1
467,7 → 461,7
local nSize = text:len();
if C_ChatInfo or RegisterAddonMessagePrefix then
if RegisterAddonMessagePrefix then
if nSize>255 then
error("ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage(): message length cannot exceed 255 bytes", 2)
484,11 → 478,7
if not self.bQueueing and nSize < self:UpdateAvail() then
self.avail = self.avail - nSize
bMyTraffic = true
if _G.C_ChatInfo then
_G.C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage(prefix, text, chattype, target)
_G.SendAddonMessage(prefix, text, chattype, target)
_G.SendAddonMessage(prefix, text, chattype, target)
bMyTraffic = false
self.Prio[prio].nTotalSent = self.Prio[prio].nTotalSent + nSize
if callbackFn then
500,7 → 490,7
-- Message needs to be queued
local msg = NewMsg()
msg.f = _G.C_ChatInfo and _G.C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage or _G.SendAddonMessage
msg.f = _G.SendAddonMessage
msg[1] = prefix
msg[2] = text
msg[3] = chattype
2,14 → 2,14
-- It'll automatically split the messages into multiple parts and rebuild them on the receiving end.\\
-- **ChatThrottleLib** is of course being used to avoid being disconnected by the server.
-- **AceComm-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceComm:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- **AceComm-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceComm:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceComm itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceComm, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceComm.
-- @class file
-- @name AceComm-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceComm-3.0.lua 1202 2019-05-15 23:11:22Z nevcairiel $
-- @release $Id: AceComm-3.0.lua 1161 2017-08-12 14:30:16Z funkydude $
--[[ AceComm-3.0
20,7 → 20,7
local CallbackHandler = LibStub("CallbackHandler-1.0")
local CTL = assert(ChatThrottleLib, "AceComm-3.0 requires ChatThrottleLib")
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceComm-3.0", 12
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceComm-3.0", 10
local AceComm,oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceComm then return end
52,7 → 52,7
AceComm.multipart_reassemblers = nil
-- the multipart message spool: indexed by a combination of sender+distribution+
AceComm.multipart_spool = AceComm.multipart_spool or {}
AceComm.multipart_spool = AceComm.multipart_spool or {}
--- Register for Addon Traffic on a specified prefix
-- @param prefix A printable character (\032-\255) classification of the message (typically AddonName or AddonNameEvent), max 16 characters
65,11 → 65,7
if #prefix > 16 then -- TODO: 15?
error("AceComm:RegisterComm(prefix,method): prefix length is limited to 16 characters")
if C_ChatInfo then
return AceComm._RegisterComm(self, prefix, method) -- created by CallbackHandler
89,8 → 85,8
if not( type(prefix)=="string" and
type(text)=="string" and
type(distribution)=="string" and
(target==nil or type(target)=="string" or type(target)=="number") and
(prio=="BULK" or prio=="NORMAL" or prio=="ALERT")
(target==nil or type(target)=="string") and
(prio=="BULK" or prio=="NORMAL" or prio=="ALERT")
) then
error('Usage: SendCommMessage(addon, "prefix", "text", "distribution"[, "target"[, "prio"[, callbackFn, callbackarg]]])', 2)
105,7 → 101,7
return callbackFn(callbackArg, sent, textlen)
local forceMultipart
if match(text, "^[\001-\009]") then -- 4.1+: see if the first character is a control character
-- we need to escape the first character with a \004
150,17 → 146,17
local compost = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
local function new()
local t = next(compost)
if t then
if t then
for i=#t,3,-1 do -- faster than pairs loop. don't even nil out 1/2 since they'll be overwritten
return t
return {}
local function lostdatawarning(prefix,sender,where)
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(MAJOR..": Warning: lost network data regarding '"..tostring(prefix).."' from '"..tostring(sender).."' (in "..where..")")
168,14 → 164,14
function AceComm:OnReceiveMultipartFirst(prefix, message, distribution, sender)
local key = prefix.."\t"..distribution.."\t"..sender -- a unique stream is defined by the prefix + distribution + sender
local spool = AceComm.multipart_spool
if spool[key] then
if spool[key] then
-- continue and overwrite
spool[key] = message -- plain string for now
183,7 → 179,7
local key = prefix.."\t"..distribution.."\t"..sender -- a unique stream is defined by the prefix + distribution + sender
local spool = AceComm.multipart_spool
local olddata = spool[key]
if not olddata then
204,14 → 200,14
local key = prefix.."\t"..distribution.."\t"..sender -- a unique stream is defined by the prefix + distribution + sender
local spool = AceComm.multipart_spool
local olddata = spool[key]
if not olddata then
spool[key] = nil
if type(olddata) == "table" then
-- if we've received a "next", the spooled data will be a table for rapid & garbage-free tconcat
tinsert(olddata, message)