WoWInterface SVN RecipeRadar

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 14
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 14

Changelog-LibBabble-Faction-3.0-4.2-release9.txt File deleted
1,6 → 1,6
Name: LibBabble-Faction-3.0
Revision: $Rev: 145 $
Revision: $Rev: 150 $
Maintainers: ckknight, nevcairiel, Ackis
Dependencies: None
8,7 → 8,7
local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibBabble-Faction-3.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = 90000 + tonumber(("$Rev: 145 $"):match("%d+"))
local MINOR_VERSION = 90000 + tonumber(("$Rev: 150 $"):match("%d+"))
if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub.") end
local lib = LibStub("LibBabble-3.0"):New(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
47,6 → 47,7
Gnomeregan = "Gnomeregan",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Gnomeregan Exiles",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Guardians of Hyjal",
Guild = "Guild",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Hellscream's Reach",
["Honor Hold"] = "Honor Hold",
Honored = "Honored",
148,6 → 149,7
Gnomeregan = "Gnomeregan",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Gnomeregangnome",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Wächter des Hyjal",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Höllschreis Hand",
["Honor Hold"] = "Ehrenfeste",
Honored = "Wohlwollend",
245,6 → 247,7
Gnomeregan = "Gnomeregan",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Exilés de Gnomeregan",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Gardiens d'Hyjal",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Poing de Hurlenfer",
["Honor Hold"] = "Bastion de l'Honneur",
Honored = "Honoré",
342,6 → 345,7
Gnomeregan = "놈리건",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "놈리건",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "하이잘의 수호자",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "헬스크림 세력단",
["Honor Hold"] = "명예의 요새",
Honored = "우호적",
439,6 → 443,7
Gnomeregan = "Gnomeran",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Exiliados de Gnomeregan",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Guardianes de Hyjal",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Mando Grito Infernal",
["Honor Hold"] = "Bastión del Honor",
Honored = "Honorable",
536,6 → 541,7
Gnomeregan = "Gnomeregan", -- Needs review
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Exiliados de Gnomeregan",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Guardianes de Hyjal",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Mando Grito Infernal",
["Honor Hold"] = "Bastión del Honor",
Honored = "Honorable",
608,14 → 614,14
["Argent Crusade"] = "Серебряный Авангард",
["Argent Dawn"] = "Серебряный Рассвет",
["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Пеплоусты-служители",
["Avengers of Hyjal"] = "Хиджальские мстители", -- Needs review
["Avengers of Hyjal"] = "Хиджальские мстители",
["Baradin's Wardens"] = "Защитники Тол Барада",
["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "Картель Трюмных Вод",
["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "Пираты Кровавого Паруса",
["Booty Bay"] = "Пиратская бухта",
["Booty Bay"] = "Пиратская Бухта", -- Needs review
["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Род Ноздорму",
["Cenarion Circle"] = "Круг Кенария",
["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Экспедиция Ценариона",
["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Кенарийская экспедиция", -- Needs review
["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Ярмарка Новолуния",
["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Тролли Черного Копья",
Darnassus = "Дарнас",
624,7 → 630,7
Exalted = "Превознесение",
Exodar = "Экзодар",
["Explorers' League"] = "Лига исследователей",
["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Племя Мятежного Сердца",
["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Племя Бешеного Сердца", -- Needs review
Friendly = "Дружелюбие",
["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Клан Северного Волка",
Gadgetzan = "Прибамбасск",
633,6 → 639,7
Gnomeregan = "Гномреган",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Изгнанники Гномрегана",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Стражи Хиджала",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Батальон Адского Крика",
["Honor Hold"] = "Оплот Чести",
Honored = "Уважение",
669,7 → 676,7
["The Defilers"] = "Осквернители",
["The Earthen Ring"] = "Служители Земли",
["The Frostborn"] = "Зиморожденные",
["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "Карающая длань",
["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "Карающая Длань", -- Needs review
["The Kalu'ak"] = "Калу'ак",
["The League of Arathor"] = "Лига Аратора",
["The Mag'har"] = "Маг'хары",
677,9 → 684,9
["The Scale of the Sands"] = "Песчаная Чешуя",
["The Scryers"] = "Провидцы",
["The Sha'tar"] = "Ша'тар",
["The Silver Covenant"] = "Серебряный Союз",
["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Сыновья Ходира",
["The Sunreavers"] = "Похитители солнца",
["The Silver Covenant"] = "Серебряный союз", -- Needs review
["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Сыны Ходира", -- Needs review
["The Sunreavers"] = "Похитители Солнца", -- Needs review
["The Taunka"] = "Таунка",
["The Violet Eye"] = "Аметистовое Око",
["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "Драконий союз",
693,7 → 700,7
["Valiance Expedition"] = "Экспедиция Отважных",
["Warsong Offensive"] = "Армия Песни Войны",
["Warsong Outriders"] = "Всадники Песни Войны",
["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Неистовый Молот",
["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Клан Громового Молота", -- Needs review
["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Холодный Плавник",
["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Укротители ледопардов",
["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Племя Зандалар",
705,7 → 712,7
["Argent Crusade"] = "银色北伐军",
["Argent Dawn"] = "银色黎明",
["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "灰舌死誓者",
["Avengers of Hyjal"] = "Avengers of Hyjal", -- Needs review
["Avengers of Hyjal"] = "海加尔复仇者",
["Baradin's Wardens"] = "巴拉丁典狱官",
["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "锈水财阀",
["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "血帆海盗",
730,6 → 737,7
Gnomeregan = "诺莫瑞根",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "诺莫瑞根流亡者",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "海加尔守护者",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "地狱咆哮近卫军",
["Honor Hold"] = "荣耀堡",
Honored = "尊敬",
827,6 → 835,7
Gnomeregan = "諾姆瑞根",
["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "諾姆瑞根流亡者",
["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "海加爾守護者",
-- Guild = "",
["Hellscream's Reach"] = "地獄吼先鋒",
["Honor Hold"] = "榮譽堡",
Honored = "尊敬",
Changelog-LibBabble-Faction-3.0-4.3-release1.txt New file
0,0 → 1,19
r151 | nevcairiel | 2011-11-29 16:16:54 +0000 (Tue, 29 Nov 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /tags/4.3-release1 (from /trunk:150)
Weekly Tag - #1
r150 | nevcairiel | 2011-11-29 16:15:07 +0000 (Tue, 29 Nov 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.lua
Automated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
r149 | nevcairiel | 2011-11-29 16:13:01 +0000 (Tue, 29 Nov 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.toc
Update .toc for 4.3
1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 40200
## Interface: 40300
## LoadOnDemand: 1
## Title: Lib: Babble-Faction-3.0
## Notes: A library to help with localization of factions.
12,7 → 12,7
## X-eMail:
## X-Category: Library
## X-License: MIT
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 4.2-release9
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 4.3-release1
## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibBabble-Faction-3.0
## X-Curse-Project-ID: libbabble-faction-3-0
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libbabble-faction-3-0/mainline