WoWInterface SVN TitanPanelRecommendedZone

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 74 to Rev 76
    Reverse comparison

Rev 74 → Rev 76

1,6 → 1,6
Name: LibTourist-3.0
Revision: $Rev: 160 $
Revision: $Rev: 161 $
Author(s): ckknight (, Arrowmaster, Odica (maintainer)
10,7 → 10,7
local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibTourist-3.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = 90000 + tonumber(("$Revision: 160 $"):match("(%d+)"))
local MINOR_VERSION = 90000 + tonumber(("$Revision: 161 $"):match("(%d+)"))
if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub") end
1561,6 → 1561,7
[928] = "Isle of Thunder",
[929] = "Isle of Giants",
[930] = "Throne of Thunder",
[935] = "Deepwind Gorge",
local zoneTranslation = {
1599,6 → 1600,7
[562] = "Blade's Edge Arena",
[572] = "Ruins of Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Dalaran Arena",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak",
-- Other
[4298] = "Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave",
1640,6 → 1642,7
[562] = "Arena des Schergrats",
[572] = "Ruinen von Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Arena von Dalaran",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Pestländer: Die Scharlachrote Enklave",
1681,6 → 1684,7
[562] = "Arena Filospada",
[572] = "Ruinas de Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Arena de Dalaran",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Tierras de la Peste: El Enclave Escarlata",
1722,6 → 1726,7
[562] = "Arena Filospada",
[572] = "Ruinas de Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Arena de Dalaran",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Tierras de la Peste: El Enclave Escarlata",
1763,6 → 1768,7
[562] = "Arène des Tranchantes",
[572] = "Ruines de Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Arène de Dalaran",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Maleterres : l’enclave Écarlate",
1804,6 → 1810,7
[562] = "Arena di Spinaguzza",
[572] = "Rovine di Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Arena di Dalaran",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Terre Infette: l'Enclave Scarlatta",
1845,6 → 1852,7
[562] = "칼날 산맥 투기장",
[572] = "로데론의 폐허",
[4378] = "달라란 투기장",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "동부 역병지대: 붉은십자군 초소",
1886,7 → 1894,8
[562] = "Arena da Lâmina Afiada",
[572] = "Ruínas de Lordaeron",
[4378] = "Arena de Dalaran",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Terras Pestilentas: Enclave Escarlate",
[3508] = "Desfiladeiro Amani",
1927,7 → 1936,8
[562] = "Арена Острогорья",
[572] = "Руины Лордерона",
[4378] = "Арена Даларана",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "Чумные земли: Анклав Алого ордена",
[3508] = "Перевал Амани",
1968,7 → 1978,8
[562] = "刀锋山竞技场",
[572] = "洛丹伦废墟",
[4378] = "达拉然竞技场",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "东瘟疫之地:血色领地",
[3508] = "阿曼尼小径",
2009,7 → 2020,8
[562] = "劍刃競技場",
[572] = "羅德隆廢墟",
[4378] = "達拉然競技場",
[6732] = "The Tiger's Peak", -- TODO
-- Other
[4298] = "東瘟疫之地:血色領區",
[3508] = "阿曼尼小徑",
5845,12 → 5857,14
continent = Pandaria,
instances = {
[BZ["Stormstout Brewery"]] = true,
[BZ["Deepwind Gorge"]] = true,
paths = {
[BZ["Stormstout Brewery"]] = true,
[BZ["The Jade Forest"]] = true,
[BZ["Krasarang Wilds"]] = true,
[BZ["The Veiled Stair"]] = true,
[BZ["Deepwind Gorge"]] = true,
fishing_min = 700,
battlepet_low = 23,
5876,6 → 5890,7
instances = {
[BZ["Shado-pan Monastery"]] = true,
[BZ["Mogu'shan Vaults"]] = true,
[BZ["The Tiger's Peak"]] = true,
paths = {
[BZ["Shado-pan Monastery"]] = true,
6114,10 → 6129,26
-- entrancePortal = { BZ["The Veiled Stair"], 66.2, 49.3 }, TODO
-- Patch 5.3 Battleground
zones[BZ["Deepwind Gorge"]] = {
low = 90,
high = 90,
continent = Pandaria,
paths = BZ["Valley of the Four Winds"],
groupSize = 15,
type = "Battleground",
texture = "DeepwindGorge", -- TODO: verify
-- Patch 5.3 Arena
zones[BZ["The Tiger's Peak"]] = {
low = 90,
high = 90,
continent = Pandaria,
type = "Arena",
-- CORE --
1,10 → 1,10
## Interface: 50200
## Interface: 50300
## LoadOnDemand: 1
## Title: Lib: Tourist-3.0
## Notes: A library to provide information about zones and instances.
## Author: ckknight, Arrowmaster, Odica
## X-Category: Library
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: r160
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: WoW-5.3-beta1
## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibTourist-3.0
## X-Curse-Project-ID: libtourist-3-0
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libtourist-3-0/mainline
1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 50200
## Interface: 50300
## Title: Lib: LibStub
## Notes: Universal Library Stub
## Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel