WoWInterface SVN Critline

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 13 to Rev 7
    Reverse comparison

Rev 13 → Rev 7

1,6 → 1,6
LibDualSpec-1.0 - Adds dual spec support to individual AceDB-3.0 databases
Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Adirelle
Copyright (C) 2009 Adirelle
All rights reserved.
31,7 → 31,7
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibDualSpec-1.0", 9
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibDualSpec-1.0", 4
assert(LibStub, MAJOR.." requires LibStub")
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
40,6 → 40,7
-- Library data
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lib.talentGroup = lib.talentGroup or GetActiveTalentGroup()
lib.eventFrame = lib.eventFrame or CreateFrame("Frame")
lib.registry = lib.registry or {}
75,47 → 76,37
local locale = GetLocale()
if locale == "frFR" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "Lorsqu'elle est activée, cette fonctionnalité vous permet de choisir un profil différent pour chaque spécialisation de talents. Le second profil sera échangé avec le profil courant chaque fois que vous passerez d'une spécialisation à l'autre."
L_DUAL_PROFILE = "Second profil"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "Sélectionnez le profil à échanger avec le profil courant lors du changement de spécialisation."
L_ENABLED = "Activez le second profil"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "Cochez cette case pour échanger automatiquement les profils lors d'un changement de spécialisation."
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "Lorsqu'elle est activée, cette fonctionnalité vous permet "..
"de choisir un profil différent pour chaque spécialisation de talents. "..
"Le second profil sera échangé avec le profil courant chaque fois que vous "..
"passerez d'une spécialisation à l'autre."
L_ENABLED = 'Activez le second profil'
L_ENABLED_DESC = "Cochez cette case pour échanger automatiquement les profils "..
"lors d'un changement de spécialisation."
L_DUAL_PROFILE = 'Second profil'
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "Sélectionnez le profil à échanger avec le profil courant "..
"lors du changement de spécialisation."
elseif locale == "deDE" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "Wenn aktiv, wechselt dieses Feature bei jedem Wechsel der dualen Talentspezialisierung das Profil. Das duale Profil wird beim Wechsel automatisch mit dem derzeit aktiven Profil getauscht."
L_DUAL_PROFILE = "Duales Profil"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "Wähle das Profil, das beim Wechsel der Talente aktiviert wird."
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "W\195\164hle das Profil, das beim Wechsel der Talente aktiviert wird."
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "Wenn aktiv, wechselt dieses Feature bei jedem Wechsel "..
"der dualen Talentspezialisierung das Profil. Das duale Profil wird beim "..
"Wechsel automatisch mit dem derzeit aktiven Profil getauscht."
L_ENABLED = "Aktiviere Duale Profile"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "Aktiviere diese Option, um beim Talentwechsel automatisch zwischen den Profilen zu wechseln."
elseif locale == "koKR" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "가능하면 사용합니다. 이중 특성에 의하여 다른 프로필을 선택할 수 있게 하니다. 이중 프로필은 현재 프로필과 번갈아서 특성이 변경될 때 같이 적용됩니다."
L_DUAL_PROFILE = "이중 프로필"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "특성이 바뀔 때 프로필을 선택합니다."
L_ENABLED = "이중 프로필 사용"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "특성이 변경 될때 자동으로 프로필을 변경하도록 선택합니다."
elseif locale == "ruRU" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "Двойной профиль позволяет вам выбрать различные профили для каждой раскладки талантов. Профили будут переключаться каждый раз, когда вы переключаете раскладку талантов."
L_DUAL_PROFILE = "Второй профиль"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "Выберите профиль, который необходимо активировать при переключениии талантов."
L_ENABLED = "Включить двойной профиль"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "Включите эту опцию для автоматического переключения между профилями при переключении раскладки талантов."
L_ENABLED_DESC = "Aktiviere diese Option, um beim Talentwechsel automatisch "..
"zwischen den Profilen zu wechseln."
elseif locale == "zhCN" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "启时,你可以为你的双天赋设定另一组配置文件,你的双重配置文件将在你转换天赋时自动与目前使用配置文件交换。"
L_DUAL_PROFILE = "双重配置文件"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "选择转换天赋时所要使用的配置文件"
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "启时,你可以为你的双天赋设定另一组配置文件,你的双重配置文件将在你转换天赋时自动与目前使用配置文件交换。"
L_ENABLED = "开启双重配置文件"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "勾选以便转换天赋时自动交换配置文件。"
elseif locale == "zhTW" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "啟用時,你可以為你的雙天賦設定另一組設定檔。你的雙設定檔將在你轉換天賦時自動與目前使用設定檔交換。"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "選擇轉換天賦後所要使用的設定檔"
L_ENABLED = "啟用雙設定檔"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "勾選以在轉換天賦時自動交換設定檔"
elseif locale == "esES" then
L_DUALSPEC_DESC = "Si está activa, esta característica te permite seleccionar un perfil distinto para cada configuración de talentos. El perfil secundario será intercambiado por el activo cada vez que cambies de una configuración de talentos a otra."
L_DUAL_PROFILE = "Perfil secundario"
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "Elige el perfil secundario que se usará cuando cambies de talentos."
L_ENABLED = "Activar perfil secundario"
L_ENABLED_DESC = "Activa esta casilla para alternar automáticamente entre prefiles cuando cambies de talentos."
L_DUAL_PROFILE_DESC = "選擇轉換天賦後所要使用的設定檔"
123,7 → 114,7
-- Mixin
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Get dual spec feature status.
--- Get dual spec feature status.
-- @return (boolean) true is dual spec feature enabled.
-- @name enhancedDB:IsDualSpecEnabled
function mixin:IsDualSpecEnabled()
138,7 → 129,7
if enabled and not db.char.talentGroup then
db.char.talentGroup = lib.talentGroup
db.char.profile = self:GetCurrentProfile()
db.char.enabled = true
db.char.enabled = true
db.char.enabled = enabled
155,7 → 146,7
--- Set the alternate profile name.
-- No validation are done to ensure the profile is valid.
-- @param profileName (string) the profile name to use.
-- @param profileName (string) the profile name to use.
-- @name enhancedDB:SetDualSpecProfile
function mixin:SetDualSpecProfile(profileName)
registry[self].db.char.profile = profileName
170,13 → 161,13
-- @name enhancedDB:CheckDualSpecState
function mixin:CheckDualSpecState()
local db = registry[self].db
if lib.talentsLoaded and db.char.enabled and db.char.talentGroup ~= lib.talentGroup then
if db.char.enabled and db.char.talentGroup ~= lib.talentGroup then
local currentProfile = self:GetCurrentProfile()
local newProfile = db.char.profile
db.char.talentGroup = lib.talentGroup
if newProfile ~= currentProfile then
db.char.profile = currentProfile
db.char.profile = currentProfile
196,14 → 187,6
-- Actually enhance the database
-- This is used on first initialization and everytime the database is reset using :ResetDB
function lib:_EnhanceDatabase(event, target)
registry[target].db = target:GetNamespace(MAJOR, true) or target:RegisterNamespace(MAJOR)
--- Embed dual spec feature into an existing AceDB-3.0 database.
-- LibDualSpec specific methods are added to the instance.
-- @name LibDualSpec:EnhanceDatabase
222,9 → 205,10
elseif registry[target] then
registry[target] = { name = name }
lib:_EnhanceDatabase("EnhanceDatabase", target)
target.RegisterCallback(lib, "OnDatabaseReset", "_EnhanceDatabase")
local db = target:GetNamespace(MAJOR, true) or target:RegisterNamespace(MAJOR)
registry[target] = { name = name, db = db }
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
317,7 → 301,6
lib.eventFrame:SetScript('OnEvent', function()
lib.talentsLoaded = true
local newTalentGroup = GetActiveTalentGroup()
if lib.talentGroup ~= newTalentGroup then
lib.talentGroup = newTalentGroup
327,4 → 310,3
1,8 → 1,8
--- **AceLocale-3.0** manages localization in addons, allowing for multiple locale to be registered with fallback to the base locale for untranslated strings.
-- @class file
-- @name AceLocale-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 1005 2011-01-29 14:19:43Z mikk $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 5
-- @release $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 2
local AceLocale, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
79,7 → 79,7
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param locale Name of the locale to register, e.g. "enUS", "deDE", etc.
-- @param isDefault If this is the default locale being registered (your addon is written in this language, generally enUS)
-- @param silent If true, the locale will not issue warnings for missing keys. Must be set on the first locale registered. If set to "raw", nils will be returned for unknown keys (no metatable used).
-- @param silent If true, the locale will not issue warnings for missing keys. Can only be set on the default locale.
-- @usage
-- -- enUS.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "enUS", true)
92,29 → 92,28
-- @return Locale Table to add localizations to, or nil if the current locale is not required.
function AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault, silent)
if silent and not isDefault then
error("Usage: NewLocale(application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]): 'silent' can only be specified for the default locale", 2)
-- GAME_LOCALE allows translators to test translations of addons without having that wow client installed
-- Ammo: I still think this is a bad idea, for instance an addon that checks for some ingame string will fail, just because some other addon
-- gives the user the illusion that they can run in a different locale? Ditch this whole thing or allow a setting per 'application'. I'm of the
-- opinion to remove this.
local gameLocale = GAME_LOCALE or gameLocale
local app = AceLocale.apps[application]
if silent and app then
geterrorhandler()("Usage: NewLocale(application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]): 'silent' must be specified for the first locale registered")
if locale ~= gameLocale and not isDefault then
return -- nop, we don't need these translations
local app = AceLocale.apps[application]
if not app then
if silent=="raw" then
app = {}
app = setmetatable({}, silent and readmetasilent or readmeta)
app = setmetatable({}, silent and readmetasilent or readmeta)
AceLocale.apps[application] = app
AceLocale.appnames[app] = application
if locale ~= gameLocale and not isDefault then
return -- nop, we don't need these translations
registering = app -- remember globally for writeproxy and writedefaultproxy
if isDefault then