WoWInterface SVN sStats

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 12 to Rev 14
    Reverse comparison

Rev 12 → Rev 14

8,8 → 8,8
-- :IterateOptionsTables() (and :GetOptionsTable() if only given one argument) return a function reference that the requesting config handling addon must call with valid "uiType", "uiName".
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigRegistry-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua 1045 2011-12-09 17:58:40Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0", 14
-- @release $Id: AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua 1105 2013-12-08 22:11:58Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0", 15
local AceConfigRegistry = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceConfigRegistry then return end
288,7 → 288,8
-- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()`
-- @param options The options table, OR a function reference that generates it on demand. \\
-- See the top of the page for info on arguments passed to such functions.
function AceConfigRegistry:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options)
-- @param skipValidation Skip options table validation (primarily useful for extremely huge options, with a noticeable slowdown)
function AceConfigRegistry:RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options, skipValidation)
if type(options)=="table" then
if options.type~="group" then -- quick sanity checker
error(MAJOR..": RegisterOptionsTable(appName, options): 'options' - missing type='group' member in root group", 2)
296,7 → 297,7
AceConfigRegistry.tables[appName] = function(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] then
if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] and not skipValidation then
AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(options, appName, errlvl) -- upgradable
AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] = true
307,7 → 308,7
errlvl=(errlvl or 0)+1
validateGetterArgs(uiType, uiName, errlvl)
local tab = assert(options(uiType, uiName, appName))
if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] then
if not AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] and not skipValidation then
AceConfigRegistry:ValidateOptionsTable(tab, appName, errlvl) -- upgradable
AceConfigRegistry.validated[uiType][appName] = true
1,10 → 1,10
--- AceConfigDialog-3.0 generates AceGUI-3.0 based windows based on option tables.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigDialog-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua 1049 2012-04-02 13:22:10Z mikk $
-- @release $Id: AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua 1113 2014-09-11 20:18:16Z nevcairiel $
local LibStub = LibStub
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigDialog-3.0", 57
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigDialog-3.0", 59
local AceConfigDialog, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceConfigDialog then return end
580,7 → 580,7
t.text = message
t.button1 = ACCEPT
t.button2 = CANCEL
t.preferredIndex = 3
local dialog, oldstrata
t.OnAccept = function()
safecall(func, unpack(t))
1817,6 → 1817,14
tinsert(path, (select(n, ...)))
local option = options
if type(container) == "table" and container.type == "BlizOptionsGroup" and #path > 0 then
for i = 1, #path do
option = options.args[path[i]]
name = format("%s - %s", name, GetOptionsMemberValue("name", option, options, path, appName))
--if a container is given feed into that
if container then
f = container