WoWInterface SVN AlphaMapFansUpdate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1 to Rev 2
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1 → Rev 2

AlphaMap_Exteriors/AlphaMap_Exteriors.lua New file
0,0 → 1,5
-- Register the map data with the main AddOn
AlphaMap_Exteriors/ New file
0,0 → 1,486
-- localization.lua <French>
-- À \195\128
-- Á \195\129
-- Â \195\130
-- Ä \195\132
-- È \195\136
-- É \195\137
-- Ê \195\138
-- Ë \195\139
-- Î \195\142
-- Ï \195\143
-- Ô \195\148
-- Ö \195\150
-- Û \195\155
-- Ü \195\156
-- à \195\160
-- á \195\161
-- â \195\162
-- ä \195\164
-- è \195\168
-- é \195\169
-- ê \195\170
-- ë \195\171
-- î \195\174
-- ï \195\175
-- ô \195\180
-- ö \195\182
-- û \195\187
-- ü \195\188
-- 'Π\39\197\146
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
AM_TYP_EXTERIORS = "Extérieurs d'instances";
-- Hache-Tripes
{ name = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Hache-Tripes",
displayshort = "DM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eldereth Row", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broken Commons", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Skarr l'Invaincu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl5 = { text = "L'Arène", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 26} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "PvP Area" },
dtl6 = { text = "Path to L'Arène", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 47}, {58, 33} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Sleeping Hyena Guards" },
dtl7 = { text = "Chamber with roof Exit from DM Est", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85, 19.4} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Hache-Tripes Est", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84, 32}, {96, 62} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Hache-Tripes Est Map", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Est" },
dtl9 = { text = "Hache-Tripes Nord", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 4} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Hache-Tripes Nord Map", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Nord" },
dtl10 = { text = "Hache-Tripes Ouest", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 40} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Hache-Tripes Ouest Map", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Ouest", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Gnomeregan
{ name = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "Extérieur", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Ascenseur", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Transpolyporter", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "From Booty Bay" },
dtl4 = { text = "Sprok", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Away Team", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Matrice d'Encodage 3005-A", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {67.29, 42.22}, {61.43, 41.78}, {64.00, 26.52}, {69.46, 26.75} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl6 = { text = "Techbot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.0, 36.53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mechanical", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "Gnomeregan", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.89, 88.0} }, symbol = { "I" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan" },
dtl8 = { text = "Gnomeregan Atelier", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.46, 22.75} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Workshop Key", toMap = "Gnomeregan", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Maraudon
{ name = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Maraudon",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "Désolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrée", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Premier Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Deuxième Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Mid level between pools" },
dtl4 = { text = "Troisième Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Cavindra", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Maraudon Portail", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 47} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Scepter of Celebras" },
dtl7 = { text = "Maraudon (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {84, 71} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Maraudon Instance Map", toMap = "Maraudon" },
dtl8 = { text = "Maraudon (Pourpre)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {39, 12.4} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Maraudon Instance Map", toMap = "Maraudon" }
-- Uldaman
{ name = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Uldaman",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "Terres ingrates (44, 12)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Azeroth",
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quests", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Uldaman", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Uldaman", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Wailing Caverns
{ name = "Cavernes des Lamentations"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Cavernes des Lamentations",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "Les Tarides (46, 36)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wailing Caverns", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Wailing Caverns Instance Map", toMap = "Wailing Caverns", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Blackrock Mountain
{ name = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Mont Rochenoire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "Steppes Ardentes/Gorge des Vents Brûlants",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Steppes ardentes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Gorge des Vents Br\195\187lant", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Ouvrefaille", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Attunement to Core\nTeleport to Molten Core", toMap = "C\197\147ur du Magma", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Grand seigneur Pyron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.1, 15.0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Elemental", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "BRD/MC", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Caverns of Time
{ name = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Grottes du Temps",
displayshort = "GT",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoT",
location = "Tanaris",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Tanaris",
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Les Contreforts d'Hautebrande d'antan", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les Contreforts d'Hautebrande d'antan" },
dtl3 = { text = "Le Noir Marécage", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Le Noir Marécage" },
dtl4 = { text = "Sommet d'Hyjal", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Sommet d'Hyjal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Régisseur du temps", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Alexston Chrome", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68, 23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Yarley", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.87, 56.0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Bortega", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Galgrom", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Alurmi", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Zaladormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Soridormi", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl14 = { text = "Arazmodu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl15 = { text = "Puits de lune", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "Andormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Enfant)" },
dtl17 = { text = "Nozari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Enfant)" },
dtl18 = { text = "Andormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Adulte)" },
dtl19 = { text = "Nozari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Adulte)" },
-- Coilfang
{ name = "Réservoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Réservoir de Glissecroc",
displayshort = "CR",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "Marécage de Zangar",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Marécage de Zangar",
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(Sous-marine)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Les enclos aux esclaves", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les enclos aux esclaves" },
dtl3 = { text = "Le Caveau de la vapeur", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Le Caveau de la vapeur" },
dtl4 = { text = "Caverne du sanctuaire du Serpent", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {48.05, 46.48} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverne du sanctuaire du Serpent" },
dtl5 = { text = "La Basse-tourbière", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68.95, 59.375} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "La Basse-tourbière", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Guetteur Jhang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {49.8, 64.26} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Pierre de Rencontre" },
dtl7 = { text = "Mortog Têtavapeur", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44.14, 59.96} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Auchindoun
{ name = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Auchindoun",
displayshort = "Auch",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "Forêt de Terokkar",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Forêt de Terokkar",
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Cryptes Auchenaï", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Cryptes Auchenaï" },
dtl3 = { text = "Tombes-mana", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Tombes-mana" },
dtl4 = { text = "Les salles des Sethekk", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {92, 49.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les salles des Sethekk" },
dtl5 = { text = "Labyrinthe des ombres", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 92} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Labyrinthe des ombres", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Pierre de Rencontre", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "Ha'Lei", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Grandpère Aldrimus", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Clarissa", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ramdor le Fol", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Horvon l'Armurier", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nexus-Prince Haramad", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Artificier Morphalius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Mamdy \"l'Ologiste\"", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "\"Mince\"", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "\"Captain\" Kaftiz", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "Isfar", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 49.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl18 = { text = "Commandant Mahfuun", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Espionne Grik'tha", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Approvisionneur Tsaalt", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Camelot Tariq", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Scarlet Monastery
{ name = "Monastère écarlate"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Monastère écarlate",
displayshort = "SM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "Clairières de Tirisfal",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monastère écarlate" },
dtl3 = { text = "Cathédrale", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monastère écarlate" },
dtl4 = { text = "Armurerie", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {93, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monastère écarlate" },
dtl5 = { text = "Bibliothèque", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {87, 55} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monastère écarlate" },
-- toMap = "Scarlet Monastery", "Das scharlachrote Kloster", "Monastère écarlate"
-- Sunken Temple
{ name = "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Temple englouti",
displayshort = "ST",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "Marais des Chagrins",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Jade - Rare)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kazkaz l'Impie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En haut)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zekkis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Veyzhak le Cannibale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(?) "..AM_RARE, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Temple englouti", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {57, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", "Der versunkene Tempel", "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"
-- Blackfathom Deeps
{ name = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "Orneval",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
-- The Deadmines
{ name = "Les Mortemines"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Les Mortemines",
displayshort = "MM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "Marche de l'Ouest",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Marisa du'Paige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "Noble manipulé", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Contremaître Crispechardon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 86.8} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Les Mortemines", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 48} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les Mortemines", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
-- Karazhan
{ name = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Karazhan",
displayshort = "Kara",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "Défilé de Deuillevent",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Défilé de Deuillevent",
wmData = { minX = 0.41501, maxX = 0.5179492, minY = 0.6651555, maxY = 0.822 }, --8172344
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 1.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {53, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan", special = "(principale)" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {73, 8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan", special = "(de derrière)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Pierre de Rencontre", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 57} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 62} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Archimage Leryda", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {58, 51} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Apprenti Darius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 56} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Archimage Alturus", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 61} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Escalier vers le bassin souterrain", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Escalier vers le puits souterrain", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 77} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Fragment d'os carbonisé", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
AlphaMap_Exteriors/ New file
0,0 → 1,450
-- localization.lua <German>
-- Translation by : Eike Hanus, StarDust
-- Last Update : 8/23/2006
-- Ä: C3 84 - \195\132 - Ä
-- Ö: C3 96 - \195\150 - Ö
-- Ü: C3 9C - \195\156 - Ü
-- ß: C3 9F - \195\159 - ß
-- ä: C3 A4 - \195\164 - ä
-- ö: C3 B6 - \195\182 - ö
-- ü: C3 BC - \195\188 - ü
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
{ name = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR, -- D\195\188sterbruch Außerhalb
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - D\195\188sterbruch",
displayshort = "DB",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Elderethgasse", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Die gebrochenen Gemeinlande", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Skarr the Unbreakable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Mensch" },
dtl5 = { text = "The Maul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 26} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "PvP Area" },
dtl6 = { text = "Pfad zum The Maul", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 47}, {58, 33} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Sleeping Hyena Guards" },
dtl7 = { text = "Chamber with roof Exit from DM East", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85, 19.4} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch Ost", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84, 32}, {96, 62} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul East Map", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Ost" },
dtl9 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 4} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul North Map", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord" },
dtl10 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch West", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 40} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul West Map", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch West", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Gnomeregan",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "Drau\195\159en", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Aufzug", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Transpolyporter", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "From Booty Bay" },
dtl4 = { text = "Sprok", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Away Team", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Lochkarten-Automat 3005-A", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {67.29, 42.22}, {61.43, 41.78}, {64.00, 26.52}, {69.46, 26.75} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl6 = { text = "Techbot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.0, 36.53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mechanical", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "Instanz Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.89, 88.0} }, symbol = { "I" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan" },
dtl8 = { text = "Instanz Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.46, 22.75} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Workshop Key", toMap = "Gnomeregan", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Uldaman",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "Das \195\150dland (44, 12)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Azeroth",
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quests", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Uldaman", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Uldaman", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "Brachland (46, 36)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Schwarzfels",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Brennende Steppe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Sengende Schlucht", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Felsspalter", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Attunement to Core\nTeleport to Molten Core", toMap = "Geschmolzener Kern", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Grand seigneur Pyron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.1, 15.0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Elemental", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "BRD/MC", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelstiefen", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Maraudon "..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Maraudon Außerhalb
displayname = "Drau\195\159en - Maraudon",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zuerst Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zweitens Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Mid level between pools" },
dtl4 = { text = "Drittens Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Cavindra", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Maraudon Portal", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 47} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Scepter of Celebras" },
dtl7 = { text = "Maraudon (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {84, 71} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Maraudon Instance Map", toMap = "Maraudon" },
dtl8 = { text = "Maraudon (Lila)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {39, 12.4} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Maraudon Instance Map", toMap = "Maraudon" }
{ name = "Höhlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- CoT
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Höhlen der Zeit",
displayshort = "HdZ",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoT",
location = "Tanaris",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
area = "Tanaris",
general = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands, Der schwarze Morast, Hyjalgipfel",
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands" },
dtl3 = { text = "Der schwarze Morast", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der schwarze Morast" },
dtl4 = { text = "Hyjalgipfel", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hyjalgipfel", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Ordner der Zeit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Alexston Chrom", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68, 23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Yarley", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.87, 56.0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Bortega", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Galgrom", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Alurmi", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Zaladormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Soridormi", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl14 = { text = "Arazmodu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl15 = { text = "Mondbrunnen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "Andormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Kind)" },
dtl17 = { text = "Nozari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Kind)" },
dtl18 = { text = "Andormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Erwachsen)" },
dtl19 = { text = "Nozari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Erwachsen)" },
{ name = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Coilfang
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Echsenkessel",
displayshort = "EK",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Zangarmarsh",
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(Unterwasser)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Die Sklavenunterkünfte", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die Sklavenunterkünfte" },
dtl3 = { text = "Die Dampfkammer", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die Dampfkammer" },
dtl4 = { text = "Höhle des Schlangenschreins", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {48.05, 46.48} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Höhle des Schlangenschreins" },
dtl5 = { text = "Der Tiefensumpf", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68.95, 59.375} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Tiefensumpf", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Behüterin Jhang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {49.8, 64.26} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Versammlungsstein" },
dtl7 = { text = "Mortog Dampfkopf", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44.14, 59.96} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Auchindoun
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Auchindoun",
displayshort = "Auch",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "TerokkarForest",
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Auchenaikrypta", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchenaikrypta" },
dtl3 = { text = "Managruft", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Managruft" },
dtl4 = { text = "Sethekkhallen", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {92, 49.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "v" },
dtl5 = { text = "Schattenlabyrinth", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 92} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schattenlabyrinth", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Versammlungsstein", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "Ha'Lei", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Großvater Aldrimus", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Clarissa", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ramdor der Wahnsinnige", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Horvon der Rüstungsschmied", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nexusprinz Haramad", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Konstrukteur Morphalius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Mamdy der \"Ologe\"", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "\"Slim\"", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "\"Kapitän\" Kaftiz", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "Isfar", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 49.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl18 = { text = "Feldkommandeur Mahfuun", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Spionin Grik'tha", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Versorger Tsaalt", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Händler Tariq", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Das scharlachrote Kloster",
displayshort = "SK",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "Tirisfal",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster" },
dtl3 = { text = "Kathedrale", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster" },
dtl4 = { text = "Waffenkammer", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {93, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster" },
dtl5 = { text = "Bibliothek", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {87, 55} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster" },
-- toMap = "Scarlet Monastery", "Das scharlachrote Kloster", "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"
{ name = "Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Sunken Temple
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "Sümpfe des Elends",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Jade "..AM_RARE, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kazkaz der Unheilige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Ober)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zekkis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Veyzhak der Kannibale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(?) "..AM_RARE, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {57, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", "Der versunkene Tempel", "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"
{ name = "Tiefschwarze Grotte"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Tiefschwarze Grotte",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "Eschental",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Tiefschwarze Grotte", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Tiefschwarze Grotte", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
{ name = "Die Todesminen"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- The Deadmines
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Die Todesminen",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "Westfall",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Marisa du'Paige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "Manipulierter Adliger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Großknecht Distelklette", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 86.8} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Die Todesminen", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 48} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die Todesminen", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
{ name = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Karazhan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Karazhan",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "Gebirgspass der Totenwinde",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "DeadwindPass",
wmData = { minX = 0.41501, maxX = 0.5179492, minY = 0.6651555, maxY = 0.822 }, --8172344
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 1.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {53, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan", special = "(Vorne)" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {73, 8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan", special = "(Hinten)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Versammlungsstein", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 57} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 62} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Erzmagierin Leryda", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {58, 51} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Lehrling Darius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 56} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Erzmagier Alturus", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 61} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Treppe zum Unterirdischen Teich", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Treppe zum Unterirdischen Brunnen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 77} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Verkohltes Knochenfragment", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Exteriors/ New file
0,0 → 1,451
-- [[
-- AlphaMap v2.11.11100 Traditional Chinese Localization File
-- Initial Translated by: Arith Hsu (2006/07/21)
-- Maintained by: Arith Hsu
-- Last Updated: 2006/07/26
-- Comments:
-- 2006/07/27 Arith: 翻譯這個插件的文字,工作量是很龐大的,特別是要去查詢各副本裡的 boss 名稱,還有一些對應的任務名稱和
-- 一些任務注意事項等。期望看到後續有人熱心維護這個翻譯,但是請尊重各個維護翻譯的人的辛勞,你可以把你
-- 的名字加在檔頭,但是請勿移除其他人的名字。
-- 使用簡體中文的朋友如果是拿這個正體中文檔案直接轉簡體,我也沒什麼意見,但是請一樣保留原翻譯者的記錄
-- 另外請注意,正體中文和簡體中文的翻譯還是有諸多的不一致,請自行修正。
-- Revision History:
-- 7/26: Complete about 95% translations.
-- ]]
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
{ name = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Dire Maul Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 厄運之槌",
displayshort = "DM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eldereth Row", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broken Commons", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Skarr the Unbreakable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英人形怪" },
dtl5 = { text = "The Maul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 26} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "PvP 區域" },
dtl6 = { text = "Path to The Maul", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 47}, {58, 33} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Sleeping Hyena Guards" },
dtl7 = { text = "Chamber with roof Exit from DM East", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85, 19.4} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "厄運之槌 (東)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84, 32}, {96, 62} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (東)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (東)" },
dtl9 = { text = "厄運之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 4} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (北)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)" },
dtl10 = { text = "厄運之槌 (西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 40} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (西)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (西)", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 諾姆瑞根",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "丹莫洛 (25, 41)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "部落可由藏寶海灣傳送過來.\n起始任務來自奧格瑪工程師.",
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "外部", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "升降梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "傳送器", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "從藏寶海灣" },
dtl4 = { text = "斯普洛克", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Away Team", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "矩陣式打孔電腦 3005-A", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {67.29, 42.22}, {61.43, 41.78}, {64.00, 26.52}, {69.46, 26.75} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升級" },
dtl6 = { text = "尖端機器人", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.0, 36.53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 菁英機器人", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "主要副本入口", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.89, 88.0} }, symbol = { "I" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "諾姆瑞根" },
dtl8 = { text = "車間入口", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.46, 22.75} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "需要車間鑰匙", toMap = "Gnomeregan", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Maraudon Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 瑪拉頓",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "淒涼之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "第一可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "S第二可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "在中間層的水池間" },
dtl4 = { text = "第三可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "凱雯德拉", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "任務提供者", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "瑪拉頓傳送點", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 47} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "需要塞雷布拉斯節杖" },
dtl7 = { text = "瑪拉頓 (橙區)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {84, 71} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以開啟瑪拉頓副本地圖", toMap = "瑪拉頓" },
dtl8 = { text = "瑪拉頓 (紫區)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {39, 12.4} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以開啟瑪拉頓副本地圖", toMap = "瑪拉頓" }
{ name = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奧達曼",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "荒蕪之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Azeroth",
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quests", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "奧達曼", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧達曼", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 哀嚎洞穴",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "貧瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "哀嚎洞穴", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑石山",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Burning Steppes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Searing Gorge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Riftwalker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Attunement to Core\nTeleport to Molten Core", toMap = "熔火之心", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Overmaster Pyron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.1, 15.0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Elemental", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "BRD/MC", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石深淵", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- CoT
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 時光之穴",
displayshort = "CoT",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoT",
location = "塔納利斯",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Tanaris",
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑色沼澤", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑色沼澤" },
dtl4 = { text = "海加爾山", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "海加爾山", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "時間服務員", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "艾力克斯頓·科洛米", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68, 23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "亞利", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.87, 56.0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "伯特卡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "卡葛隆姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "阿勒米", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "薩拉多姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "索芮朵蜜", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl14 = { text = "阿拉斯莫杜", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl15 = { text = "月井", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "安杜姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(兒年)" },
dtl17 = { text = "諾札瑞", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(兒年)" },
dtl18 = { text = "安杜姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(成年)" },
dtl19 = { text = "諾札瑞", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(成年)" },
{ name = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Coilfang
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 盤牙洞穴",
displayshort = "CR",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "贊格沼澤",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Zangarmarsh",
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(水下)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奴隸監獄", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奴隸監獄" },
dtl3 = { text = "蒸汽洞窟", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "蒸汽洞窟" },
dtl4 = { text = "毒蛇神殿洞穴", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {48.05, 46.48} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "毒蛇神殿洞穴" },
dtl5 = { text = "毒牙沼澤", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68.95, 59.375} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "毒牙沼澤", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "看守者詹汗格", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {49.8, 64.26} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "集合石" },
dtl7 = { text = "莫塔格·史提海德", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44.14, 59.96} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Auchindoun
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奧齊頓",
displayshort = "Auch",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "白骨荒野, 泰洛卡森林",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "TerokkarForest",
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奧奇奈地穴", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧奇奈地穴" },
dtl3 = { text = "法力墓地", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "法力墓地" },
dtl4 = { text = "塞司克大廳", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {92, 49.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "塞司克大廳" },
dtl5 = { text = "暗影迷宮", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 92} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "暗影迷宮", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "集合石", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "哈勒", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "大祖父阿爾崔瑪斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "克萊瑞莎", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "瘋狂者藍姆多", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "護甲匠霍沃", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "奈薩斯王子哈拉瑪德", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "工匠莫法利厄司", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "學家瑪姆迪", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "「史令姆」", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "隊長卡夫提茲", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "伊斯法", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 49.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl18 = { text = "戰場元帥瑪赫范", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "間諜葛瑞克薩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "糧食供應者·茲索特", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "商人塔爾利奎", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "提瑞斯法林地",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "墓地区", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl3 = { text = "大教堂", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl4 = { text = "军械库", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {93, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl5 = { text = "图书馆", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {87, 55} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
-- toMap = "Scarlet Monastery", "Das scharlachrote Kloster", "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"
{ name = "阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Sunken Temple
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 阿塔哈卡神庙",
displayshort = "ST",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "悲伤沼泽",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(玉龙 - 稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "邪恶的卡萨卡兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl3 = { text = "泽基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "食尸者维萨克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(?) (稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "阿塔哈卡神庙", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {57, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "阿塔哈卡神庙", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", "Der versunkene Tempel", "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"
{ name = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑暗深渊",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "灰谷",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗深渊", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
{ name = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- The Deadmines
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 死亡矿井",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "西部荒野",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛里莎·杜派格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "被洗脑的贵族", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "工头希斯耐特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 86.8} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "死亡矿井", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 48} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡矿井", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
{ name = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Karazhan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 卡拉赞",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "逆风小径",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "DeadwindPass",
wmData = { minX = 0.41501, maxX = 0.5179492, minY = 0.6651555, maxY = 0.822 }, --8172344
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 1.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {53, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞", special = "(前门入口)" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {73, 8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞", special = "(后门入口)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "集合石", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 57} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 62} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "大法师蕾尔达", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {58, 51} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "学徒达里乌斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 56} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "大法师奥图鲁斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 61} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "通往地下水池的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "通往地下水井的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 77} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "焦骨碎块", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Exteriors/AlphaMap_Exteriors.toc New file
0,0 → 1,10
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap_Exteriors
## Notes: Instance Exteriors & cave maps for AlphaMap showing Raid/Party positions
## RequiredDeps: AlphaMap
AlphaMap_Exteriors/README.txt New file
0,0 → 1,12
This is a plugin AddOn for "AlphaMap (Fan's Update)"
It shows pre-made Minimap textured maps of Instance Exteriors and cave systems like Black Rock Mountain, Caverns of Time, etc.
It will show Raid and/or Party members on the map.
(Especially useful with the "PartySpotter" AddOn installed).
If you have Enabled Mouse Interactive mode then you can Zoom in/out on particular areas of the map by <ALT>-Left/Right clicking;
Useful when you want to see a particular area in more detail.
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/SunkenTempleExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
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AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/WailingCavernsExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/AuchindounExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/KarazhanExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/SMExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/BRMExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/UldamanExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/CoilfangExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/DireMaulExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/GnomereganExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/CoTExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/Maps/MaraudonExt.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Exteriors/ New file
0,0 → 1,447
--AlphaMap Simplified Chinese
--Locolized by springsnow (2006/7/14)(3区-吉安娜-浮云)
--Last Updated:2006/9/23
if( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
{ name = "厄运之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Dire Maul Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 厄运之槌",
displayshort = "DM",
filename = "\\Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "艾德雷斯区", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "被毁坏的庭院", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "无敌的斯卡尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英人形生物" },
dtl5 = { text = "巨槌竞技场", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 26} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "PvP 区域" },
dtl6 = { text = "通往巨槌竞技场", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 47}, {58, 33} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "沉睡的戈多克土狼" },
dtl7 = { text = "顶部为厄运之槌西出口的房间", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85, 19.4} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "厄运之槌东", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84, 32}, {96, 62} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开厄运之槌东地图", toMap = "厄运之槌 (东)" },
dtl9 = { text = "厄运之槌北", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 4} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开厄运之槌北地图", toMap = "厄运之槌 (北)" },
dtl10 = { text = "厄运之槌西", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 40} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开厄运之槌西地图", toMap = "厄运之槌 (西)", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 诺莫瑞根",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "丹莫罗 (25, 41)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "部落经由藏宝海湾传送器进入.\n从奥格瑞玛工程师处获得起始任务.",
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "外部", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "升降机", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "传送器", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "来自藏宝海湾" },
dtl4 = { text = "斯普洛克", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Away Team", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "矩阵式打孔计算机 3005-A", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {67.29, 42.22}, {61.43, 41.78}, {64.00, 26.52}, {69.46, 26.75} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升级" },
dtl6 = { text = "尖端机器人", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.0, 36.53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 精英机械", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "主副本入口", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.89, 88.0} }, symbol = { "I" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "诺莫瑞根" },
dtl8 = { text = "车间副本入口", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.46, 22.75} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "需要车间钥匙", toMap = "诺莫瑞根", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Maraudon Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 玛拉顿",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "凄凉之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "第一可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "第二可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "中层水池间" },
dtl4 = { text = "第三可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "凯雯德拉", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "任务给予者", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "玛拉顿大门", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 47} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "需要塞布雷拉斯节杖" },
dtl7 = { text = "玛拉顿 (橙色)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {84, 71} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开玛拉顿副本地图", toMap = "玛拉顿" },
dtl8 = { text = "玛拉顿 (紫色)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {39, 12.4} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开玛拉顿副本地图", toMap = "玛拉顿" }
{ name = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奥达曼",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "荒芜之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Azeroth",
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "与任务有关系", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "奥达曼", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开奥达曼副本地图", toMap = "奥达曼", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 哀嚎洞穴",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "贫瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "哀嚎洞穴", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开哀嚎洞穴副本地图", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑石山",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Burning Steppes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Searing Gorge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Riftwalker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Attunement to Core\nTeleport to Molten Core", toMap = "熔火之心", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Overmaster Pyron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.1, 15.0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Elemental", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "BRD/MC", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石深渊", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- CoT
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 时光之穴",
displayshort = "CoT",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoT",
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Tanaris",
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "旧希尔斯布莱德", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "旧希尔斯布莱德" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑色沼泽", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑色沼泽" },
dtl4 = { text = "海加尔峰", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "海加尔峰", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "时间管理者", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "阿历克斯顿·克罗姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68, 23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "亚尔雷", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.87, 56.0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "波特加", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "加尔戈罗姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "艾鲁尔米", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "扎拉多姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "索莉多米", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl14 = { text = "阿拉兹姆多", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl15 = { text = "月亮井", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "安多姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(幼年)" },
dtl17 = { text = "诺萨莉", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(幼年)" },
dtl18 = { text = "安多姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(成年)" },
dtl19 = { text = "诺萨莉", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(成年)" },
{ name = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Coilfang
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 盘牙水库",
displayshort = "CR",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Zangarmarsh",
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(水下)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奴隶围栏", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奴隶围栏" },
dtl3 = { text = "蒸汽地窖", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "蒸汽地窖" },
dtl4 = { text = "毒蛇神殿", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {48.05, 46.48} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "毒蛇神殿" },
dtl5 = { text = "幽暗沼泽", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68.95, 59.375} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Underbog", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "观察者杰哈恩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {49.8, 64.26} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "集合石" },
dtl7 = { text = "莫尔托格", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44.14, 59.96} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Auchindoun
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奥金顿",
displayshort = "Auch",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "TerokkarForest",
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奥金尼地穴", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金尼地穴" },
dtl3 = { text = "法力陵墓", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "法力陵墓" },
dtl4 = { text = "塞泰克大厅", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {92, 49.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "塞泰克大厅" },
dtl5 = { text = "暗影迷宫", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 92} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "暗影迷宫", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "集合石", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "哈雷", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "奥德里姆斯宗父", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "克拉里萨", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "疯狂的拉姆杜尔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "铸甲匠霍尔冯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "节点亲王哈拉迈德", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "工匠莫法鲁斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "“杂学家”玛姆迪", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "“瘦子”", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "“上尉”卡弗提兹", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "伊斯法尔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 49.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl18 = { text = "战地指挥官玛弗恩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "间谍格利克萨", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "补给官塔萨尔特", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "商人塔利基", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "提瑞斯法林地",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "墓地区", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl3 = { text = "大教堂", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl4 = { text = "军械库", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {93, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl5 = { text = "图书馆", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {87, 55} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
-- toMap = "Scarlet Monastery", "Das scharlachrote Kloster", "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"
{ name = "阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Sunken Temple
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 阿塔哈卡神庙",
displayshort = "ST",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "悲伤沼泽",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(玉龙 - 稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "邪恶的卡萨卡兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl3 = { text = "泽基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "食尸者维萨克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(?) (稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "阿塔哈卡神庙", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {57, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "阿塔哈卡神庙", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", "Der versunkene Tempel", "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"
{ name = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑暗深渊",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "灰谷",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗深渊", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
{ name = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- The Deadmines
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 死亡矿井",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "西部荒野",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛里莎·杜派格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "被洗脑的贵族", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "工头希斯耐特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 86.8} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "死亡矿井", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 48} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡矿井", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
{ name = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Karazhan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 卡拉赞",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "逆风小径",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "DeadwindPass",
wmData = { minX = 0.41501, maxX = 0.5179492, minY = 0.6651555, maxY = 0.822 }, --8172344
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 1.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {53, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞", special = "(前门入口)" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {73, 8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞", special = "(后门入口)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "集合石", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 57} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 62} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "大法师蕾尔达", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {58, 51} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "学徒达里乌斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 56} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "大法师奥图鲁斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 61} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "通往地下水池的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "通往地下水井的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 77} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "焦骨碎块", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Exteriors/localisation.en.lua New file
0,0 → 1,441
-- localization.lua
AM_TYP_EXTERIORS = "Exteriors";
-- the wmData and amData allow the positioning of Player/Party/Raid dots on the map and relate GetPlayerCoordinates to frame coordinates on the map
{ name = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Dire Maul Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Dire Maul",
displayshort = "DM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eldereth Row", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broken Commons", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Skarr the Unbreakable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl5 = { text = "The Maul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 26} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "PvP Area" },
dtl6 = { text = "Path to The Maul", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 47}, {58, 33} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Sleeping Hyena Guards" },
dtl7 = { text = "Chamber with roof Exit from DM East", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85, 19.4} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Dire Maul East", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84, 32}, {96, 62} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul East Map", toMap = "Dire Maul East" },
dtl9 = { text = "Dire Maul North", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 4} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul North Map", toMap = "Dire Maul North" },
dtl10 = { text = "Dire Maul West", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 40} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul West Map", toMap = "Dire Maul West", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Gnomeregan Instance",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "Outside", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Elevator", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Transpolyporter", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "From Booty Bay" },
dtl4 = { text = "Sprok", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Away Team", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Matrix Punchograh 3005-A", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {67.29, 42.22}, {61.43, 41.78}, {64.00, 26.52}, {69.46, 26.75} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl6 = { text = "Techbot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.0, 36.53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mechanical", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "Main Instance Entrance", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.89, 88.0} }, symbol = { "I" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan" },
dtl8 = { text = "Workshop Instance Entrance", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.46, 22.75} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Workshop Key", toMap = "Gnomeregan", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Maraudon Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Maraudon",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "First Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Second Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Mid level between pools" },
dtl4 = { text = "Third Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Cavindra", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Maraudon Portal", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 47} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Scepter of Celebras" },
dtl7 = { text = "Maraudon (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {84, 71} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Maraudon Instance Map", toMap = "Maraudon" },
dtl8 = { text = "Maraudon (Purple)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {39, 12.4} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Maraudon Instance Map", toMap = "Maraudon" }
{ name = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Uldaman",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "The Badlands (44, 12)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Azeroth",
wmData = { minX = 0.516604, maxX = 0.524006, minY = 0.6347, maxY = 0.643648 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.205, maxY = 0.955 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Related", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Uldaman", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Uldaman Instance Map", toMap = "Uldaman", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Wailing Caverns",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "The Barrens (46, 36)",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Kalimdor",
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wailing Caverns", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Wailing Caverns Instance Map", toMap = "Wailing Caverns", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Blackrock Mountain",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "Burning Steppes/Searing Gorge",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "Access to Blackrock Depths, Molten Core, LBRS/UBRS/BWL",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Burning Steppes", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Searing Gorge", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Riftwalker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Attunement to Core\nTeleport to Molten Core", toMap = "Molten Core", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Overmaster Pyron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.1, 15.0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Elemental", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "BRD/MC", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {25, 9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Depths", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- CoT
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Caverns of Time",
displayshort = "CoT",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoTExt",
location = "Tanaris",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
area = "Tanaris",
general = "Access to Old Hilsbrad, Black Morass, Battle for Mount Hyjal",
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Old Hilsbrad", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills" },
dtl3 = { text = "Black Morass", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Black Morass" },
dtl4 = { text = "Mount Hyjal", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Battle for Mount Hyjal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Steward of Time", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Alexston Chrome", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "GraveYard", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68, 23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Yarley", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.87, 56.0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Bortega", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Galgrom", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Alurmi", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Zaladormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Soridormi", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl14 = { text = "Arazmodu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 56} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl15 = { text = "MoonWell", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "Andormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Child)" },
dtl17 = { text = "Nozari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Child)" },
dtl18 = { text = "Andormu", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Adult)" },
dtl19 = { text = "Nozari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {25, 67} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Adult)" },
{ name = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Coilfang
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Coilfang Reservoir",
displayshort = "CR",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "Zangarmarsh",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Zangarmarsh",
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(Underwater)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "The Slave Pens", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Slave Pens" },
dtl3 = { text = "The Steamvault", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Steamvault" },
dtl4 = { text = "Serpentshrine Cavern", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {48.05, 46.48} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Serpentshrine Cavern" },
dtl5 = { text = "The Underbog", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68.95, 59.375} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Underbog", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Watcher Jhang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {49.8, 64.26} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Meeting Stone" },
dtl7 = { text = "Mortog Steamhead", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44.14, 59.96} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Auchindoun
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Auchindoun",
displayshort = "Auch",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "TerokkarForest",
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Auchenai Crypts", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchenai Crypts" },
dtl3 = { text = "Mana-Tombs", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mana-Tombs" },
dtl4 = { text = "Sethekk Halls", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {92, 49.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Sethekk Halls" },
dtl5 = { text = "Shadow Labyrinth", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 92} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Shadow Labyrinth", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Meeting Stone", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = "Ha'Lei", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Greatfather Aldrimus", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Clarissa", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ramdor the Mad", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Horvon the Armorer", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 49.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nexus-Prince Haramad", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Artificer Morphalius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Mamdy the \"Ologist\"", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "\"Slim\"", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl16 = { text = "\"Captain\" Kaftiz", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "Isfar", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 49.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl18 = { text = "Field Commander Mahfuun", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Spy Grik'tha", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Provisioner Tsaalt", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Dealer Tariq", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 80} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Scarlet Monastery",
displayshort = "SM",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "Tirisfal Glades",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Graveyard", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery" },
dtl3 = { text = "Cathedral", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery" },
dtl4 = { text = "Armory", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {93, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery" },
dtl5 = { text = "Library", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {87, 55} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery" },
-- toMap = "Scarlet Monastery", "Das scharlachrote Kloster", "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"
{ name = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Sunken Temple
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Sunken Temple",
displayshort = "ST",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "Swamp of Sorrows",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "Swamp of Sorrows",
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Jade - Rare)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kazkaz the Unholy", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zekkis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Veyzhak the Cannibal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(?) (Rare)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Sunken Temple", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {57, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", "Der versunkene Tempel", "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"
{ name = "Blackfathom Deeps"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Blackfathom Deeps",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "Ashenvale",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Blackfathom Deeps", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
{ name = "The Deadmines"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- The Deadmines
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - The Deadmines",
displayshort = "BFD",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "Westfall",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Marisa du'Paige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Varies)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Brainwashed Noble", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Foreman Thistlenettle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 86.8} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "The Deadmines", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 48} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Deadmines", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
{ name = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Karazhan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Karazhan",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "Deadwind Pass",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
area = "DeadwindPass",
wmData = { minX = 0.41501, maxX = 0.5179492, minY = 0.6651555, maxY = 0.822 }, --8172344
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 1.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {53, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan", special = "(Front)" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {73, 8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan", special = "(Back)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Meeting Stone", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 57} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Graveyard & Crypt", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 62} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Archmage Leryda", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {58, 51} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Apprentice Darius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 56} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Archmage Alturus", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 61} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Stairs to Underground Pond", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Stairs to Underground Well", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 77} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Charred Bone Fragment", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
AlphaQuestHelper/AlphaQuestHelper.toc New file
0,0 → 1,8
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaQuestHelper |c0000FF00(v1.01.30000)|r
## Version: 1.01.30000
## Author: Telic
## Notes: Makes QuestHelper Icons and "Ants" visible in AlphaMap
## RequiredDeps: AlphaMap, QuestHelper
## OptionalDeps: Cartographer
AlphaQuestHelper/Readme.txt New file
0,0 → 1,30
AlphaQuestHelper makes QuestHelper Icons and "ants" that normally appear only on the WorldMap, visible on AlphaMap.
Change Log
Changes in v1.01.30000 from v1.01.20400
- update for WoW v3 and WotLK
Changes in v1.01.20400 from v1.00.20400
- Cartographer compatibility update
- released 04/05/2008
AlphaQuestHelper/AlphaQuestHelper.lua New file
0,0 → 1,46
local AlphaQuestHelper_Frame = CreateFrame("Frame");
local qhFrame = QuestHelper.map_overlay;
local updateLimit, updateTimer = 0.2, 0;
local function AlphaQuestHelper_OnEvent(_, event)
-- Quick Fix for Cartographer compatibility
-- QuestHelper also needs to reassign WorldMapButton as the .map_overlay parent in order for icons and ants to remain visible
if ( Cartographer ) then
qhFrameOriP = qhFrame:GetParent();
if ( not qhFrameOriP ) then
qhFrameOriP = WorldMapButton;
-- atm, AlphaMap is the only other AddOn trying to display QH off the World Map, so I've left it implemented this way ;p
local function AlphaQuestHelper_OnUpdate(_, elapsed)
updateTimer = updateTimer + elapsed;
if ( updateTimer > updateLimit ) then
local qhFrameP = qhFrame:GetParent();
if ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( not qhFrameOriP:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( ( qhFrameP ~= AlphaMapFrame ) and ( not QuestHelper_Pref.hide ) ) then
qhFrame:SetFrameLevel( AlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
elseif ( ( qhFrameP ~= qhFrameOriP ) and ( not QuestHelper_Pref.hide ) ) then
qhFrame:SetFrameLevel( qhFrameOriP:GetFrameLevel() + 1 );
AlphaQuestHelper_Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", AlphaQuestHelper_OnEvent);
AlphaQuestHelper_Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", AlphaQuestHelper_OnUpdate);
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/README.txt New file
0,0 → 1,6
This is a plugin AddOn for "AlphaMap (Fan's Update)"
It shows zoomed in Minimap textured maps of World Boss encounters that can display Raid and Party members.
(Especially useful with the "PartySpotter" AddOn installed).
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/AlphaMap_WorldBosses.toc New file
0,0 → 1,10
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap_WorldBosses
## Notes: World Boss Raid Maps for AlphaMap showing Raid positions
## RequiredDeps: AlphaMap
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/FDDuskwood.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/Kazzak.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/Azuregos.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/FDAshenvale.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/Kruul.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/Doomwalker.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/FDHinterlands.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/Maps/FDFeralas.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/ New file
0,0 → 1,224
--AlphaMap Simplified Chinese
--Locolized by springsnow (2006/7/14)(3区-吉安娜-浮云)
--Last Updated:2006/9/23
if( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
{ name = "Azuregos", -- Azuregos
displayname = "艾索雷葛斯",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Azuregos",
location = "艾萨拉 (大概位置 56, 81)",
minimapZoom = 1.5385,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Aszhara", -- Deliberately spelt Aszhara !
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.485, maxX = 0.62743, minY = 0.71498, maxY = 0.917 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = 0.995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "艾索雷葛斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "交谈触发战斗", lootid = "AAzuregos", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Four Dragons: Duskwood", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四绿龙: 暮色森林",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDDuskwood",
location = "暮色森林 : 黎明森林 (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2.11,
minimapXOffset = 54,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Duskwood",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.421, maxX = .526, minY = 0.292, maxY = 0.54 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = .85, minY = 0.115, maxY = 0.97 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 96} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "翡翠之门", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 \n伊森德雷", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "艾莫莉丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl4 = { text = "莱索恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl5 = { text = "泰拉尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl6 = { text = "伊森德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Four Dragons: Hinterlands", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四绿龙: 辛特兰",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDHinterlands",
location = "辛特兰 : 瑟拉丹 (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hinterlands",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "有等级 62 & 61 精英三人组巡逻",
wmData = { minX = 0.561, maxX = .697, minY = 0.159, maxY = 0.362 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "洛索斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.5, 59} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "寻梦者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类" },
dtl4 = { text = "翡翠之门", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 39} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 \n泰拉尔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "艾莫莉丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl6 = { text = "莱索恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl7 = { text = "泰拉尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl8 = { text = "伊森德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Four Dragons: Feralas", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四绿龙: 菲拉斯",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDFeralas",
location = "菲拉斯 : 梦境之树 (51, 9)", -- Jademir Lake
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Feralas",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "有等级 62 & 61 精英三人组巡逻",
wmData = { minX = 0.47695, maxX = .55113, minY = 0.04585, maxY = 0.15963 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "睡梦咆哮者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 63} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类\n围绕小岛巡逻", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "莱萨拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 68} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类\n围绕小岛巡逻", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "翡翠之门", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 57} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 \n艾莫莉丝", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "艾莫莉丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "莱索恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "泰拉尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "伊森德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Four Dragons: Ashenvale", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四绿龙: 灰谷",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDAshenvale",
location = "灰谷 : 大树荫 (93, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Ashenvale",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "有等级 62 & 61 精英三人组巡逻",
wmData = { minX = 0.895, maxX = .984, minY = 0.299, maxY = 0.4286 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "范迪姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "巡梦者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50.4, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类" },
dtl3 = { text = "翡翠之门", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.8, 48} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 \n莱索恩", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "艾莫莉丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "莱索恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "泰拉尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "伊森德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Doom Lord Kazzak", -- Lord Kazzak
displayname = "末日领主卡扎克",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kazzak",
location = "地狱火平原",
minimapZoom = 1.4,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hellfire",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "末日领主卡扎克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KKazzak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "GY", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60, 76} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "HighlordKruul", -- HighlordKruul
displayname = "魔王库鲁尔",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kruul",
location = "诅咒之地",
minimapZoom = 1.42,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "BlastedLands",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.3196, maxX = 0.496, minY = 0.468, maxY = 0.80 },
amData = { minX = 0.10, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.99 },
dtl1 = { text = "Draco the Decrepit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 10} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "魔王库鲁尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KKruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Doomwalker", -- Doomwalker
displayname = "末日行者",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Doomwalker",
location = "影月谷",
minimapZoom = 1.0,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "ShadowmoonValley",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "末日行者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "DDoomwalker", leaveGap = 1 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/localisation.en.lua New file
0,0 → 1,219
-- localization.lua
AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES = "World Bosses";
-- For these the filenames refer to data entries in the "Constants.lua" file which defines which of the IN-GAME Minimap textures to use
-- the Zoom and Offsets allow the Minimap textures to be zoomed in and repositioned slightly in the AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame
-- the wmData and amData allow the positioning of Player/Party/Raid dots on the map and relate GetPlayerCoordinates to frame coordinates on the map
{ name = "Azuregos", -- Azuregos
displayname = "Azuregos",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Azuregos",
location = "Azshara (Approx. 56, 81)",
minimapZoom = 1.5385,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Aszhara", -- Deliberately spelt Aszhara !
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.485, maxX = 0.62743, minY = 0.71498, maxY = 0.917 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = 0.995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Azuregos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Talk with to trigger combat", lootid = "AAzuregos", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Four Dragons: Duskwood", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "Four Dragons: Duskwood",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDDuskwood",
location = "Duskwood : Twighlight Grove (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2.11,
minimapXOffset = 54,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Duskwood",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.421, maxX = .526, minY = 0.292, maxY = 0.54 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = .85, minY = 0.115, maxY = 0.97 },
dtl1 = { text = "Approach", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 96} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nYsondre", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl5 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl6 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Four Dragons: Hinterlands", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "Four Dragons: Hinterlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDHinterlands",
location = "Hinterlands : Seradane (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hinterlands",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.561, maxX = .697, minY = 0.159, maxY = 0.362 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Approach", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Rothos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.5, 59} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "Dreamtracker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl4 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 39} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nTaerar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl6 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl7 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Four Dragons: Feralas", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "Four Dragons: Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDFeralas",
location = "Feralas : Dream Bough (51, 9)", -- Jademir Lake
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Feralas",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.47695, maxX = .55113, minY = 0.04585, maxY = 0.15963 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Dreamroarer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 63} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin\nPatrols round Island", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "Lethlas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 68} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin\nPatrols round Island", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 57} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nEmeriss", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Four Dragons: Ashenvale", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "Four Dragons: Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDAshenvale",
location = "Ashenvale : Bough Shadow (93, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Ashenvale",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.895, maxX = .984, minY = 0.299, maxY = 0.4286 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Phantim", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "Dreamstalker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50.4, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl3 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.8, 48} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nLethon", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Doom Lord Kazzak", -- Lord Kazzak
displayname = "Doom Lord Kazzak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kazzak",
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
minimapZoom = 1.4,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hellfire",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Doom Lord Kazzak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "KKazzak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "GY", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60, 76} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "HighlordKruul", -- HighlordKruul
displayname = "Highlord Kruul",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kruul",
location = "Blasted Lands",
minimapZoom = 1.42,
minimapXOffset = 46,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "BlastedLands",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.3196, maxX = 0.496, minY = 0.468, maxY = 0.80 },
amData = { minX = 0.10, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.99 },
dtl1 = { text = "Draco the Decrepit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 10} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Highlord Kruul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "KKruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Doomwalker", -- Doomwalker
displayname = "Doomwalker",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Doomwalker",
location = "Shadowmoon Valley",
minimapZoom = 1.0,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "ShadowmoonValley",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.572, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.289, maxY = 0.559 },
amData = { minX = 0.01, maxX = 0.8, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.95 },
dtl1 = { text = "Doomwalker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 53.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "DDoomwalker", leaveGap = 1 },
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/ New file
0,0 → 1,257
-- localization.lua <French>
-- À \195\128
-- Á \195\129
-- Â \195\130
-- Ä \195\132
-- È \195\136
-- É \195\137
-- Ê \195\138
-- Ë \195\139
-- Î \195\142
-- Ï \195\143
-- Ô \195\148
-- Ö \195\150
-- Û \195\155
-- Ü \195\156
-- à \195\160
-- á \195\161
-- â \195\162
-- ä \195\164
-- è \195\168
-- é \195\169
-- ê \195\170
-- ë \195\171
-- î \195\174
-- ï \195\175
-- ô \195\180
-- ö \195\182
-- û \195\187
-- ü \195\188
-- 'Π\39\197\146
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES = "Boss mondiaux";
-- Azuregos
{ name = "Azuregos",
displayname = "Azuregos",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Azuregos",
location = "Azshara (Approx. 56, 81)",
minimapZoom = 1.5385,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Aszhara", -- Deliberately spelt Aszhara !
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.485, maxX = 0.62743, minY = 0.71498, maxY = 0.917 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = 0.995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Azuregos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Talk with to trigger combat", lootid = "AAzuregos", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Les Dragons du Cauchemar
{ name = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Bois de la Pénombre",
displayname = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar: Bois de la Pénombre",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDDuskwood",
location = "Bois de la Pénombre : Twighlight Grove (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2.11,
minimapXOffset = 54,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Duskwood",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.421, maxX = .526, minY = 0.292, maxY = 0.54 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = .85, minY = 0.115, maxY = 0.97 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrée", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 96} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nYsondre", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl5 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl6 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
-- Les Dragons du Cauchemar
{ name = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Les Hinterlands",
displayname = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Les Hinterlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDHinterlands",
location = "Hinterlands : Seradane (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hinterlands",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.561, maxX = .697, minY = 0.159, maxY = 0.362 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrée", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Rothos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.5, 59} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "Dreamtracker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien" },
dtl4 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 39} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nTaerar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl6 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl7 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
-- Les Dragons du Cauchemar
{ name = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Feralas",
displayname = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDFeralas",
location = "Feralas : Dream Bough (51, 9)", -- Jademir Lake
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Feralas",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.47695, maxX = .55113, minY = 0.04585, maxY = 0.15963 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Dreamroarer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 63} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien\nPatrols round Island", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "Lethlas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 68} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien\nPatrols round Island", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 57} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nEmeriss", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
-- Les Dragons du Cauchemar
{ name = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Orneval",
displayname = "Les Dragons du Cauchemar : Orneval",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDAshenvale",
location = "Orneval : Bough Shadow (93, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Orneval",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.895, maxX = .984, minY = 0.299, maxY = 0.4286 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Phantim", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "Dreamstalker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50.4, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien" },
dtl3 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.8, 48} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nLethon", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
-- Lord Kazzak
{ name = "Doom Lord Kazzak",
displayname = "Seigneur Funeste Kazzak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kazzak",
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
minimapZoom = 1.4,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hellfire",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Seigneur Funeste Kazzak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KKazzak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "GY", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60, 76} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
-- HighlordKruul
{ name = "HighlordKruul",
displayname = "Généralissime Kruul",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kruul",
location = "Terres Foudroyées",
minimapZoom = 1.42,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "BlastedLands",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.3196, maxX = 0.496, minY = 0.468, maxY = 0.80 },
amData = { minX = 0.10, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.99 },
dtl1 = { text = "Draco the Decrepit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 10} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Généralissime Kruul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "KKruul", leaveGap = 1 },
-- Doomwalker
{ name = "Doomwalker",
displayname = "Marche-funeste",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Doomwalker",
location = "Vallée d'Ombrelune",
minimapZoom = 1.0,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "ShadowmoonValley",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Marche-funeste", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "DDoomwalker", leaveGap = 1 },
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/ New file
0,0 → 1,227
-- localization.lua <German>
-- Translation by : Eike Hanus, StarDust
-- Last Update : 8/23/2006
-- Ä: C3 84 - \195\132 - Ä
-- Ö: C3 96 - \195\150 - Ö
-- Ü: C3 9C - \195\156 - Ü
-- ß: C3 9F - \195\159 - ß
-- ä: C3 A4 - \195\164 - ä
-- ö: C3 B6 - \195\182 - ö
-- ü: C3 BC - \195\188 - ü
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES = "Schlachtzugbosse";
{ name = "Azuregos", -- Azuregos
displayname = "Azuregos",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Azuregos",
location = "Azshara (~ 56, 81)",
minimapZoom = 1.5385,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Aszhara", -- Deliberately spelt Aszhara !
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.485, maxX = 0.62743, minY = 0.71498, maxY = 0.917 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = 0.995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Azuregos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Talk with to trigger combat", lootid = "AAzuregos", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Alptraumdrachen: D\195\164mmerwald", -- Alptraumdrachen
displayname = "Alptraumdrachen: D\195\164mmerwald",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDDuskwood",
location = "D\195\164mmerwald : Der Zwielichtshain (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2.11,
minimapXOffset = 54,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Duskwood",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.421, maxX = .526, minY = 0.292, maxY = 0.54 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = .85, minY = 0.115, maxY = 0.97 },
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 96} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nYsondre", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl5 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl6 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Alptraumdrachen: Hinterland", -- Alptraumdrachen
displayname = "Alptraumdrachen: Hinterland",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDHinterlands",
location = "Hinterland : Seradane (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hinterland",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.561, maxX = .697, minY = 0.159, maxY = 0.362 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Rothos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.5, 59} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "Dreamtracker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl4 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 39} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nTaerar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl6 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl7 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Alptraumdrachen: Feralas", -- Alptraumdrachen
displayname = "Alptraumdrachen: Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDHinterlands",
location = "Feralas : Traum-Ge\195\164st (51, 9)", -- Jademir Lake
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Feralas",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.47695, maxX = .55113, minY = 0.04585, maxY = 0.15963 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Dreamroarer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 63} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin\nPatrols round Island", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "Lethlas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 68} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin\nPatrols round Island", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 57} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nEmeriss", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Alptraumdrachen: Ashenvale", -- Alptraumdrachen
displayname = "Alptraumdrachen: Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDAshenvale",
location = "Ashenvale : Bough Shadow (93, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Ashenvale",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "Wandering trios of level 62 & 61 Elites",
wmData = { minX = 0.895, maxX = .984, minY = 0.299, maxY = 0.4286 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "Phantim", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "Dreamstalker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50.4, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl3 = { text = "Emerald Gate", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.8, 48} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nLethon", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Emeriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lethon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "Taerar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ysondre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Verdammnislord Kazzak", -- Lord Kazzak
displayname = "Verdammnislord Kazzak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kazzak",
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
minimapZoom = 1.4,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hellfire",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Verdammnislord Kazzak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KKazzak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "GY", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60, 76} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Hochlord Kruul", -- HighlordKruul
displayname = "Hochlord Kruul",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kruul",
location = "Verw\195\188stete Lande",
minimapZoom = 1.42,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "BlastedLands",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.3196, maxX = 0.496, minY = 0.468, maxY = 0.80 },
amData = { minX = 0.10, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.99 },
dtl1 = { text = "Draco the Decrepit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 10} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hochlord Kruul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "KKruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Verdammniswandler", -- Doomwalker
displayname = "Verdammniswandler",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Doomwalker",
location = "Schattenmondtal",
minimapZoom = 1.0,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "ShadowmoonValley",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Verdammniswandler", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "DDoomwalker", leaveGap = 1 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/AlphaMap_WorldBosses.lua New file
0,0 → 1,9
-- Register the map data with the main AddOn
-- I now pass fixed maps to avoid problems encountered when minimap textures are adjusted by client patches...
--AlphaMap_RegisterMaps(AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES, AM_ALPHAMAP_WORLDBOSSES_LIST, AM_WorldBosses_Minimap_Data);
AlphaMap_WorldBosses/ New file
0,0 → 1,228
-- [[
-- AlphaMap v2.11.11100 Traditional Chinese Localization File
-- Initial Translated by: Arith Hsu (2006/07/21)
-- Maintained by: Arith Hsu
-- Last Updated: 2006/07/26
-- Comments:
-- 2006/07/27 Arith: 翻譯這個插件的文字,工作量是很龐大的,特別是要去查詢各副本裡的 boss 名稱,還有一些對應的任務名稱和
-- 一些任務注意事項等。期望看到後續有人熱心維護這個翻譯,但是請尊重各個維護翻譯的人的辛勞,你可以把你
-- 的名字加在檔頭,但是請勿移除其他人的名字。
-- 使用簡體中文的朋友如果是拿這個正體中文檔案直接轉簡體,我也沒什麼意見,但是請一樣保留原翻譯者的記錄
-- 另外請注意,正體中文和簡體中文的翻譯還是有諸多的不一致,請自行修正。
-- Revision History:
-- 7/26: Complete about 95% translations.
-- ]]
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
{ name = "艾索雷葛斯", -- Azuregos
displayname = "艾索雷葛斯",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Azuregos",
location = "艾薩拉 (大約位置 56, 81)",
minimapZoom = 1.5385,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Aszhara", -- Deliberately spelt Aszhara !
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.485, maxX = 0.62743, minY = 0.71498, maxY = 0.917 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = 0.995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "艾索雷葛斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "對話後啟動戰鬥", lootid = "AAzuregos", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "四巨龍: 暮色森林", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四巨龍: 暮色森林",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDDuskwood",
location = "暮色森林 : 黎明森林 (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2.11,
minimapXOffset = 54,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Duskwood",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.421, maxX = .526, minY = 0.292, maxY = 0.54 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = .85, minY = 0.115, maxY = 0.97 },
dtl1 = { text = "逼近", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48, 96} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "翡翠傳送門", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n伊索德雷", special = AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "艾莫莉絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl4 = { text = "雷索", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl5 = { text = "泰拉爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl6 = { text = "伊索德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "四巨龍: 辛特蘭", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四巨龍: 辛特蘭",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDHinterlands",
location = "辛特蘭 : 瑟拉丹 (46, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hinterlands",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "三人一組徘徊的 62 & 61 級菁英",
wmData = { minX = 0.561, maxX = .697, minY = 0.159, maxY = 0.362 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "逼近", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "雷索", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.5, 59} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "尋夢者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族" },
dtl4 = { text = "翡翠傳送門", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 39} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n泰拉爾", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "艾莫莉絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl6 = { text = "雷索", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl7 = { text = "泰拉爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl8 = { text = "伊索德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "四巨龍: 菲拉斯", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四巨龍: 菲拉斯",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDFeralas",
location = "菲拉斯 : 夢境之樹 (51, 9)", -- Jademir Lake
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Feralas",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "三人一組徘徊的 62 & 61 級菁英",
wmData = { minX = 0.47695, maxX = .55113, minY = 0.04585, maxY = 0.15963 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "睡夢咆哮者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 63} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族\n在島上巡邏", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "萊薩拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 68} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族\nP在島上巡邏", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl3 = { text = "翡翠傳送門", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 57} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n艾莫莉絲", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "艾莫莉絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "雷索", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "泰拉爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "伊索德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "四巨龍: 梣谷", -- Four Dragons
displayname = "四巨龍: 梣谷",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\FDAshenvale",
location = "梣谷 : 大樹蔭 (93, 36)",
minimapZoom = 2,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Ashenvale",
levels = "60",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "三人一組徘徊的 62 & 61 級菁英",
wmData = { minX = 0.895, maxX = .984, minY = 0.299, maxY = 0.4286 },
amData = { minX = 0.005, maxX = .995, minY = 0.005, maxY = 0.995 },
dtl1 = { text = "范迪姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl2 = { text = "巡夢者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50.4, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族" },
dtl3 = { text = "翡翠傳送門", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.8, 48} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n雷索", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "艾莫莉絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DEmeriss" },
dtl5 = { text = "雷索", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DLethon" },
dtl6 = { text = "泰拉爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DTaerar" },
dtl7 = { text = "伊索德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DYsondre" },
{ name = "Doom Lord Kazzak", -- Lord Kazzak
displayname = "毀滅之王卡札克",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kazzak",
location = "地獄火半島",
minimapZoom = 1.4,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "Hellfire",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "毀滅之王卡札克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KKazzak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "GY", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60, 76} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "HighlordKruul", -- HighlordKruul
displayname = "卡魯歐領主",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Kruul",
location = "詛咒之地",
minimapZoom = 1.42,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "BlastedLands",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.3196, maxX = 0.496, minY = 0.468, maxY = 0.80 },
amData = { minX = 0.10, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.99 },
dtl1 = { text = "Draco the Decrepit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 10} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "卡魯歐領主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "KKruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Doomwalker", -- Doomwalker
displayname = "厄運行者",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_WorldBosses\\Maps\\Doomwalker",
location = "影月谷",
minimapZoom = 1.0,
minimapXOffset = 0,
minimapYOffset = 0,
area = "ShadowmoonValley",
levels = "70",
players = AM_NO_LIMIT,
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.555, maxX = 0.703, minY = 0.05885, maxY = 0.27653 },
amData = { minX = 0.00, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "厄運行者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.8, 44.1} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "DDoomwalker", leaveGap = 1 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Instances/ New file
0,0 → 1,2339
-- localization.lua <French>
-- À \195\128
-- Á \195\129
-- Â \195\130
-- Ä \195\132
-- È \195\136
-- É \195\137
-- Ê \195\138
-- Ë \195\139
-- Î \195\142
-- Ï \195\143
-- Ô \195\148
-- Ö \195\150
-- Û \195\155
-- Ü \195\156
-- à \195\160
-- á \195\161
-- â \195\162
-- ä \195\164
-- è \195\168
-- é \195\169
-- ê \195\170
-- ë \195\171
-- î \195\174
-- ï \195\175
-- ô \195\180
-- ö \195\182
-- û \195\187
-- ü \195\188
-- 'Π\39\197\146
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
AM_TYP_INSTANCE = "Instances";
-- Kalimdor
-- Blackfathom Deeps
{ name = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
displayname = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "Orneval (14, 14)",
levels = "20-28",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "Some underwater sections",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ghamoo-ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Beast (Giant Turtle)", lootid = "BFDGhamoora" },
dtl4 = { text = "Manuscrit de Lorgalis", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {23.5, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item for 'Knowledge of the Deeps',\nin chest" },
dtl5 = { text = "Dame Sarevess", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {3, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BFDLadySarevess" },
dtl6 = { text = "Garde d\'Argent de Thaelrid", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {11, 51} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Target of Quest 'In Search of Thaelrid',\n& Quest Start for 'Villainy'" },
dtl7 = { text = "Autel de Gelihast", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humano\195\175de (Murloc)", lootid = "BFDGelihast" },
dtl8 = { text = "Lorgus Jett", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 43}, {55, 46} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl9 = { text = "Baron Aquanis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BFDBaronAquanis" },
dtl10 = { text = "Noyau de Fathom", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Seigneur Kelris Cr\195\169pusculaire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BFDTwilightLordKelris" },
dtl12 = { text = "Autel", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Vieux Serra'kis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Beast", lootid = "BFDOldSerrakis" },
dtl14 = { text = "Aku'mai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 85} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl29 Elite Beast (Hydra)", lootid = "BFDAkumai", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Hache-Tripes
{ name = "Hache-Tripes",
displayname = "Hache-Tripes - Enti\195\168re",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Hache-Tripes Est", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 81}, {57, 96}, {100, 80} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Hache-Tripes Est Map", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Est" },
dtl2 = { text = "Hache-Tripes Nord", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.5, 38} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Hache-Tripes Nord Map", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Nord" },
dtl3 = { text = "Hache-Tripes Ouest", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 88} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Hache-Tripes Ouest Map", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Ouest", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Biblioth\195\168que", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 58}, {41, 41} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "Reached from Nord or Ouest Hache-Tripes", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Hache-Tripes Est
{ name = "Hache-Tripes Est",
displayname = "Hache-Tripes (Est)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Drop to Broken Commons\nside Chamber" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {41, 85}, {61, 93} }, symbol = { "L1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {75, 92}, {55, 82} }, symbol = { "L2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 63}, {83, 73} }, symbol = { "L3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "D\195\169but de la chasse \195\160 Pusillin", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10, 50} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Chase to get Hache-Tripes (Crescent) Key", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl9 = { text = "Fin de la chasse \195\160 Pusillin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 61} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Oooh, you little Imp!", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl10 = { text = "Zevrim Thornhoof", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMEZevrimThornhoof" },
dtl11 = { text = "Hydrog\195\169nos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 77} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "DMEHydro" },
dtl12 = { text = "Lethendris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "DMELethtendris" },
dtl13 = { text = "Viel Ironbark", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Opens door" },
dtl14 = { text = "Alzzin le modeleur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMEAlzzin" },
dtl15 = { text = "Isalien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Need Brazier of Beckoning to summon\nQuest from Bodley in Rochenoire Mountain", lootid = "DMEIsalien", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl16 = { text = "Livres", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMETrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Hache-Tripes Nord
{ name = "Hache-Tripes Nord",
displayname = "Hache-Tripes (Nord)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Hache-Tripes(Ouest)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Ouest" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Garde Mol'dar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.4, 55.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "DMNGuardMoldar" },
dtl5 = { text = "Kreeg le marteleur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMNStomperKreeg" },
dtl6 = { text = "Garde Fengus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.2, 56.1} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "DMNGuardFengus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Garde Slip'kik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "DMNGuardSlipkik" },
dtl8 = { text = "Knot Thimblejack", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNThimblejack" },
dtl9 = { text = "Capitaine Kromcrush", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.6, 34.8} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNCaptainKromcrush" },
dtl10 = { text = "Roi Gordok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.2, 11.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNKingGordok" },
dtl11 = { text = "Biblioth\195\168que", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {20, 89} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = "Tribute Run", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNTRIBUTERUN" },
dtl13 = { text = "Livres", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Hache-Tripes Ouest
{ name = "Hache-Tripes Ouest",
displayname = "Hache-Tripes (Ouest)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Hache-Tripes (Nord)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Nord", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Escaliers", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Les Pyl\195\180nes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 80}, {64, 61}, {64, 87}, {27, 62}, {27, 37} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Destroy these", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Ancienne de Shen'Dralar", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest to Kill Prince" },
dtl6 = { text = "Tendris Crochebois", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 74} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "DMWTendrisWarpwood" },
dtl7 = { text = "Illyanna Ravnoak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 87} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "DMWIllyannaRavenoak" },
dtl8 = { text = "Tsu'Zee", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 60} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mort-vivant", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "DMWTsuzee" },
dtl9 = { text = "Magistrat Kalendris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 51} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "DMWMagisterKalendris" },
dtl10 = { text = "Immol'thar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMWImmolthar" },
dtl11 = { text = "Seigneur Hel'nurath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 19, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Demon\nSummon as part of Warlock Epic Mount quest", lootid = "DMWHelnurath" },
dtl12 = { text = "Prince Tortheldrin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 26} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "DMWPrinceTortheldrin", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Biblioth\195\168que", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51, 20} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Livres", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMWTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Maraudon
{ name = "Maraudon",
displayname = "Maraudon",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entr\195\169e (Pourpre)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entr\195\169e (Portail)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Veng (Cinqui\195\168me Khan)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 6} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl6 = { text = "Noxxion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "MaraNoxxion" },
dtl7 = { text = "Tranchefouet", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 14} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Beast", lootid = "MaraRazorlash" },
dtl8 = { text = "Maraudos (Quatri\195\168me Khan)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Seigneur Vyletongue", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 32} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MaraLordVyletongue" },
dtl10 = { text = "Meshlok le Collecteur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 30} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "MaraMeshlok" },
dtl11 = { text = "Celebras le Maudit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 35} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl49 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MaraCelebras" },
dtl12 = { text = "Glissement de terrain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.3, 60} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "MaraLandslide" },
dtl13 = { text = "Artisan Gizlock", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MaraTinkererGizlock" },
dtl14 = { text = "Rotgrip", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 82} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Beast", lootid = "MaraRotgrip" },
dtl15 = { text = "Princess Theradras", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "MaraPrincessTheradras" },
dtl16 = { text = "Zaetar's Spirit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Repaire d'Onyxia
{ name = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
displayname = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "Mar\195\169cage d\'Aprefange (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "Requires Drakefire Amulet\n(Complete quest in UBRS to kill General Drakkisath)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Gardiens Onyxian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien" },
dtl3 = { text = "Oeufs", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Onyxia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Draconien", lootid = "Onyxia", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Gouffre de Ragefeu
{ name = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
displayname = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm",
location = "Orgrimmar",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Maur Grimtotem", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Satchel Quest" },
dtl3 = { text = "Taragaman l'Affam\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Demon", lootid = "RFCTaragaman" },
dtl4 = { text = "Jergosh l'Invocateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 86} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "RFCJergosh" },
dtl5 = { text = "Bazzalan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 91} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Demon", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Souilles de Tranchebauge
{ name = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
displayname = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "Les Tarides (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Tuten'kash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "RFDTutenkash" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gong to spawn Tuten'kash", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Henry Stern,\n& Belnistrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Learn how to make :\nGoldthorn Tea, \nMighty Troll's Blood Potion" },
dtl6 = { text = "Mordresh Oeil de Feu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 47} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl39 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "RFDMordreshFireEye" },
dtl7 = { text = "Glutton", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 65} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "RFDGlutton" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ragglesnout", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 67} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFDRagglesnout" },
dtl9 = { text = "Amnennar le Porte-Froid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 59} }, symbol = { "0" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "RFDAmnennar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Kraal de Tranchebauge
{ name = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
displayname = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "Les Tarides (42, 86)",
levels = "23-31",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Roogug", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl3 = { text = "Aggem Thorncurse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl4 = { text = "M\195\169dium Jargba", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 38} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "RFKDeathSpeakerJargba" },
dtl5 = { text = "Seigneur Brusquebroche", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 29} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "RFKOverlordRamtusk" },
dtl6 = { text = "Implorateur de la terre Halmgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKEarthcallerHalmgar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Willix l'Importateur,\n& Heralath Fallowbrook", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Charlga Trancheflanc", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "RFKCharlgaRazorflank" },
dtl9 = { text = "Chasseur Aveugle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6, 32} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Beast\n& Chest", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKBlindHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ward Sealing Agathelos", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Agathelos l'Enrag\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11, 65} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Beast", lootid = "RFKAgathelos", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFKTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj
{ name = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
displayname = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kurinnaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss & Elites", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="G\195\169n\195\169ral de division Andorov,\n&Quatre \195\169lites kaldorei", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20Andorov" },
dtl4 = { text = "Capitaine Qeez", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.1, 46.9} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl5 = { text = "Capitaine Tuubid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55.4, 46.9} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl6 = { text = "Capitaine Drenn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.2, 47.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl7 = { text = "Capitaine Xurrem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.2, 49.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl8 = { text = "Major Yeggeth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.3, 50.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl9 = { text = "Major Pakkong", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 53.4} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl10 = { text = "Colonel Zerran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 51.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl11 = { text = "G\195\169n\195\169ral Rajaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.2, 49.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Rajaxx" },
dtl12 = { text = "Moam", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 31} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Moam" },
dtl13 = { text = "Buru Grandgosier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Buru" },
dtl14 = { text = "Pi\195\168ce s\195\187re", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 70} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Ayamiss le chasseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 91} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Ayamiss" },
dtl16 = { text = "Ossirian l'Intouch\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29, 73} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Ossirian", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = "Livres de Classe", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20ClassBooks" },
dtl18 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants" },
dtl19 = { text = "AQ20"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20SET", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Ahn'Qiraj
{ name = "Ahn'Qiraj",
displayname = "Le temple d'Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Arygos\n& Caelestrasz\n& Merithra of the Dream", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Andorgos\n& Vethsera\n& Kandrostrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Proph\195\168te Skeram", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 41} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nExt\195\169rieur", lootid = "AQ40Skeram" },
dtl5 = { text = "Vem & Co", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Vem" },
dtl6 = { text = "Garde de guerre Sartura", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 30} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Sartura" },
dtl7 = { text = "Fankriss l'Inflexible", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 14} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Fankriss" },
dtl8 = { text = "Viscidus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 7} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Viscidus" },
dtl9 = { text = "Princesse Huhuran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Huhuran" },
dtl10 = { text = "Empereurs Jumeaux. Vek'lor & Vek'nilash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 67} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Emperors" },
dtl11 = { text = "Ouro", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 22, 87 } }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Ouro" },
dtl12 = { text = "Oeil de C'Thun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun" },
dtl13 = { text = "C'Thun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "AQ40 "..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40SET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "AQ Brood Rings", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQBroodRings", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_OPENING, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQOpening", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Wailing Caverns
{ name = "Cavernes des lamentations",
displayname = "Cavernes des lamentations",
displayshort = "Lams",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "Les Tarides (46, 36)",
levels = "16-24",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Disciple of Naralex", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Triggers Instance Final" },
dtl4 = { text = "Seigneur Cobrahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "WCLordCobrahn" },
dtl5 = { text = "Dame Anacondra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 35} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "WCLadyAnacondra" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kresh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 42} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "WCKresh" },
dtl7 = { text = "Dragon f\195\169\195\169rique D\195\169viant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 43} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Draconien", lootid = "WCDeviateFaerieDragon", special = AM_RARE },
dtl8 = { text = "Seigneur Pythas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 34} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "WCLordPythas" },
dtl9 = { text = "Skum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 69} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "WCSkum" },
dtl10 = { text = "Seigneur Serpentis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 52} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humano\195\175de\nNiveau sup\195\169rieur", lootid = "WCLordSerpentis" },
dtl11 = { text = "Verdan the Everliving", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 48} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite El\195\169mentaire\nNiveau sup\195\169rieur", lootid = "WCVerdan" },
dtl12 = { text = "Mutanus the Devourer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.9, 23.9} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humano\195\175de\nTriggered Spawn", lootid = "WCMutanus" },
dtl13 = { text = "Naralex", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.4, 25.4} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humano\195\175de", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = "Set : Embrace of the Viper", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "WCViperSET", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Zul'Farrak
{ name = "Zul'Farrak",
displayname = "Zul'Farrak",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "Tanaris (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zerillis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sandarr Dunereaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Hydromancienne Velratha", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl5 = { text = "Gahz'rilla", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Beast", lootid = "ZFGahzrilla" },
dtl6 = { text = "Dustwraith", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 46} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "ZFDustwraith" },
dtl7 = { text = "Antu'sul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 35} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "ZFAntusul" },
dtl8 = { text = "Theka le Martyr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl9 = { text = "Sorcier-docteur Zum'rah", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 23} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "ZFWitchDoctorZumrah" },
dtl10 = { text = "H\195\169ros Mort Zul'Farrak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 27} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl11 = { text = "Pr\195\170tre des ombres Sezz'ziz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "ZFSezzziz" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nekrum M\195\162chetripes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Mort-vivant" },
dtl13 = { text = "Sergeant Bly", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {26, 26} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Divino-matic Rod Quest\nHostile/Friendly depending on\nfaction and actions taken" },
dtl14 = { text = "Ruuzlu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl15 = { text = "Chef Ukorz Scalpessable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 42} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "ZFChiefUkorzSandscalp", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Old Hillsbrad
{ name = "Contreforts de Hautebrande d'antan",
displayname = "GdT: Contreforts de Hautebrande d'antan",
displayshort = "GdT1",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "Les Grottes du Temps",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nObjet : Grottes du Temps (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Tanaris\nEv\195\168nement : L'\195\169vasion du Fort-de-Durn\nR\195\169put : Gardiens du Temps",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Erozion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Airain", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lieutenant Drake", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 64.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl5 = { text = "Thrall", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79.49, 57.23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "(En bas)", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl6 = { text = "Captain Skarloc", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradSkarloc" },
dtl7 = { text = "2\195\168me arrêt de Thrall", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "3\195\168me arrêt de Thrall", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {47.07, 41.41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Chasseur d'\195\169poques", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "4\195\168me arrêt de Thrall", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(En haut)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Taretha", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(En haut)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Jonathan Revah", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Jerry Carter", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Thomas Yance", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradThomasYance" },
dtl15 = { text = "Sorcier de Dalaran âg\195\169", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradAgedDalaranWizard", leaveGap = 1 }
-- The Black Morass
{ name = "Noir Marécage",
displayname = "GT: Noir Marécage",
displayshort = "GT2",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "Les Grottes du Temps",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nClé du Temps (Héroïque)",
general = "Tanaris\nEv\195\168nement : Ouverture de la Porte des T\195\169n\195\168bresz\nR\195\169put : Gardiens du Temps",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "Sa'at", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Points d'apparition", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Chronoseigneur D\195\169j\195\160", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Vague 6)", lootid = "CoTMorassDeja" },
dtl4 = { text = "Temporus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Vague 12)", lootid = "CoTMorassTemporus" },
dtl5 = { text = "Aeonus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Vague 18)", lootid = "CoTMorassAeonus", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "La Porte des T\195\169n\195\168bres", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.14, 74.22} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Medivh" },
-- Battle for Mount Hyjal
{ name = "La Bataille du mont Hyjal",
displayname = "GT: La Bataille du mont Hyjal",
displayshort = "GT3",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "Les Grottes du Temps",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "Harmonisation requise",
general = "Tanaris\nEvénement : Bataille pour le Mont Hyjal\nRéput. : La Balance des sables",
dtl1 = { text = "Base de l'Alliance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(Dame Jaina Portvaillant)" },
dtl2 = { text = "Base de la Horde", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Thrall)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Base des Elfes de la Nuit", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Tyrande Murmevent)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Rage Froidhiver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 46.88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalWinterchill" },
dtl5 = { text = "Anetheron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 50.98} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAnetheron" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kaz'rogal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 32.81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalKazrogal" },
dtl7 = { text = "Azgalor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
--dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
--tooltiptxt = "" },
--dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
--tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Royaumes de l'Est
-- Blackrock Depths
{ name = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
displayname = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "Mont Rochenoire",
levels = "52-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Seigneur Roccor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite `", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "Grand Interrogateur Gerstahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BRDHighInterrogatorGerstahn" },
dtl4 = { text = "Mar\195\169chal Windsor", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {46, 95} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Link in Onyxia Quest Chain" },
dtl5 = { text = "Commandant Gor'shak", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 90} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "'Commander Gor'shak' Quest" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kharan Mighthammer", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 86} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "'Kharan Mighthammer' Quest" },
dtl7 = { text = "L'Ar\195\168ne", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat Mobs here to turn \nSup\195\169rieur level spectators from \nRed Aggro. to Yellow", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl8 = { text = "Theldren", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "NPC Group Leader", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl9 = { text = "Franclorn Forgewright", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.8, 78.1} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "'Dark Iron Legacy' Quest" },
dtl10 = { text = "Pyromancer Loregrain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 78} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPyromantLoregrain" },
dtl11 = { text = "La Chambre forte", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Fineous Darkvire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 41} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BRDFineousDarkvire" },
dtl13 = { text = "Warder Stilgliss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl56 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BRDWarderStilgiss" },
dtl14 = { text = "Verek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite" },
dtl15 = { text = "Seigneur Incendius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "'Incendius!' Quest", lootid = "BRDLordIncendius" },
dtl16 = { text = "L'Enclume Noire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "Serrure De Shadowforge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 72.4} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Unlock to allow deeper access to higher level areas\nRequires Shadowforge Key" },
dtl18 = { text = "Bael'Gar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 62} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mountain Giant", lootid = "BRDBaelGar" },
dtl19 = { text = "General Angerforge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 64} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Dwarf", lootid = "BRDGeneralAngerforge" },
dtl20 = { text = "Seigneur Golem Argelmach", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 51} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Dwarf", lootid = "BRDGolemLordArgelmach" },
dtl21 = { text = "The Grim Guzzler", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 50} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Buy 6 Dark Iron Ale mugs\nand give them to Rocknot ;P", lootid = "BRDGuzzler" },
dtl22 = { text = "Ambassadeur Cingleflammes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 38} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BRDFlamelash" },
dtl23 = { text = "Panzor L'Invincible", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 27} }, symbol = { "19" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Golem", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPanzor" },
dtl24 = { text = "Le Tombeau des Sept", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 18} }, symbol = { "20" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat 7 bosses in sequence to go deeper\n& Chest", lootid = "BRDTomb" },
dtl25 = { text = "Le Lyceum", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 8.5} }, symbol = { "21" },
tooltiptxt = "Find and defeat 2 Flamekeepers\nand light both torches to progress.\nOnly have 3 minutes from killing the first." },
dtl26 = { text = "Magmus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 8.5} }, symbol = { "22" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mountain Giant", lootid = "BRDMagmus" },
dtl27 = { text = "Princesse Moira Bronzebeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 8} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BRDPrincess" },
dtl28 = { text = "Empereur Dagran Thaurissan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 8.5} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BRDImperatorDagranThaurissan" },
dtl29 = { text = "La Forge Noire", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63, 22} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Forge Dark Iron,\nand make Smoking Heart of the Mountain" },
dtl30 = { text = "C\197\147ur du Magma", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {65, 30} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "'Attunement to the Core' Quest\nMolten Core Entrance", toMap = "C\197\147ur du Magma", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Blackrock Spire
{ name = "Pic Rochenoire",
displayname = "Pic de Rochenoire (Inf\195\169rieur)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "Mont Rochenoire",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Pont \195\160 G\195\169n\195\169ralissime Omokk", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 32.1}, {15, 32.1} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {71, 22}, {94, 26} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "Niveau plus bas" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29, 53}, {29, 77} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Rampes", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {86, 40}, {89, 58} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Vaelan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite\nSeal of Ascension Quest" },
dtl9 = { text = "Warosh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl10 = { text = "Pique de Roughshod", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {69, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bijou", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 25 } }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Bijou Quest chain\nPas Niveau plus bas" },
dtl12 = { text = "Boucher Spirestone", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 32.1} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de\nPatrols bridge to Highlord Omokk", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneButcher", special = AM_RARE },
dtl13 = { text = "G\195\169n\195\169ralissime Omokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "LBRSOmokk" },
dtl14 = { text = "Seigneur de guerre Spirestone", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Spawns on hill near Lord Omokk", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneLord", special = AM_RARE },
dtl15 = { text = "Chasseur d'ombres Vosh'gajin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 64} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "LBRSVosh" },
dtl16 = { text = "Cinqui\195\168me tablette Mosh'aru", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {77, 68} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item" },
dtl17 = { text = "Bannok Grimaxe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.5, 26.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de\nNiveau plus bas", lootid = "LBRSGrimaxe", special = AM_RARE },
dtl18 = { text = "Maitre de Guerre Voone", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 32} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "LBRSVoone" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sixi\195\168me tablette Mosh'aru", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {75, 29} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item" },
dtl20 = { text = "Mor Grayhoof", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 35} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite\nRequires Summoning Brazier\nInterrupt their heals", lootid = "LBRSGrayhoof" },
dtl21 = { text = "Matriarche Couveuse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 58} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Beast", lootid = "LBRSSmolderweb" },
dtl22 = { text = "Croc Cristalin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 49} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Beast", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "LBRSCrystalFang" },
dtl23 = { text = "Urok Hurleruine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 30} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "LBRSDoomhowl" },
dtl24 = { text = "Intendant Zigris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 89} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "LBRSZigris" },
dtl25 = { text = "Halcyon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Beast\nKill to trigger spawn of Gizrul", lootid = "LBRSHalycon" },
dtl26 = { text = "Gizrul l'Esclavagiste", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Beast\nSpawn triggered by death of Halcyon", lootid = "LBRSSlavener" },
dtl27 = { text = "Seigneur Wyrmthalak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 62} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Draconien", lootid = "LBRSWyrmthalak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl28 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "LBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Pic Rochenoire (Supérieur)",
displayname = "Pic Rochenoire (Supérieur)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS",
location = "Mont Rochenoire",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Pic Rochenoire (Inf\195\169rieur)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Pyroguard Proph\195\168te Ardent", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8.2, 31.0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "UBRSEmberseer", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {8.6, 38.9}, {36.4, 61.2} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Fermoir de Doomrigger", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {41.3, 68.65} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item\nIn large Chest among toppled pillars\nCan be hard to spot\nCan drop down from General Drakkisath" },
dtl7 = { text = "Flamme du p\195\168re", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Fight spawns near doorway\nStop hatchers hatching eggs", lootid = "UBRSFLAME" },
dtl8 = { text = "Solakar Voluteflamme", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Draconien\nSpawned after Looting Father Flame", lootid = "UBRSSolakar" },
dtl9 = { text = "Jed Runewatcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52.6} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "UBRSRunewatcher" },
dtl10 = { text = "Goraluk Anvilcrack", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 52.6} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "UBRSAnvilcrack" },
dtl11 = { text = "Rend Blackhand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nLimited to 'For the Horde!' Quest\nComes mounted on Gyth", lootid = "UBRSRend" },
dtl12 = { text = "Gyth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Draconien", lootid = "UBRSGyth" },
dtl13 = { text = "Awbee", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68.1, 65.9} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Limited to 'The Matron Protectorate' Quest" },
dtl14 = { text = "La B\195\170te", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 60.8} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Beast", lootid = "UBRSBeast" },
dtl15 = { text = "Seigneur Valthalak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 56.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite\nNeed Quest to Summon\nClear Hall of Blackhand first", lootid = "UBRSValthalak" },
dtl16 = { text = "G\195\169n\195\169ral Drakkisath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.6, 73.2} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Draconien", lootid = "UBRSDrakkisath" },
dtl17 = { text = "Repaire de l'Aile noire", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.5, 27.6} }, symbol = { "BWL" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Repaire de l'Aile noire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Blackwing Lair
{ name = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
displayname = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "Pic Rochenoire",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 51}, {17, 52} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Tranchetripe l'Indompt\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 66} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLRazorgore" },
dtl6 = { text = "Vaelastrasz le Corrompu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 67} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLVaelastrasz" },
dtl7 = { text = "Seigneur des couv\195\169es Lashlayer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLLashlayer" },
dtl8 = { text = "Gueule de Feu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {12, 44} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLFiremaw" },
dtl9 = { text = "Roch\195\169b\195\168ne", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 29} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLEbonroc" },
dtl10 = { text = "Flamegor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 29} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLFlamegor" },
dtl11 = { text = "Chromaggus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 40} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLChromaggus" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nefarian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 14} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLNefarian", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BWLTrashMobs", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Gnomeregan
{ name = "Gnomeregan",
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "24-40",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance (Clockwerk Run)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Rear Entrance (Workshop)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Retomb\195\169es Visqueuses", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite El\195\169mentaire\nNiveau plus bas", lootid = "GnViscousFallout" },
dtl5 = { text = "Grubbis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 46} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Humano\195\175de\nTriggered Spawn\nSpeak to Blastmaster at same location", lootid = "GnGrubbis" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kernobee (The Dormitory)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 54} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Matrice d'Encodage 3005-B", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70, 50} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl8 = { text = "Zone Propre", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Electrocuteur 6000", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 49} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mechanical\nDrops Workshop Key", lootid = "GnElectrocutioner6000" },
dtl10 = { text = "Matrice d'Encodage 3005-C", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33.2, 49.6} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl11 = { text = "Faucheur de foule 9-60", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.6, 77.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mechanical", lootid = "GnCrowdPummeler960" },
dtl12 = { text = "Matrice d'Encodage 3005-D", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.9, 75.7} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl13 = { text = "Dark Iron Ambassadeur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "GnDIAmbassador" },
dtl14 = { text = "Mekgineer Thermoplugg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.8, 42.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl35 Elite Demon", lootid = "GnMekgineerThermaplugg", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GnTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Coeur du Magma
{ name = "Coeur du Magma",
displayname = "C\197\147ur du Magma",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore", -- Molten Core
location = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lucifron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "Magmadar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Beast", lootid = "MCMagmadar" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gehennas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MCGehennas" },
dtl5 = { text = "Garr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 71} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "MCGarr" },
dtl6 = { text = "Shazzrah", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MCShazzrah" },
dtl7 = { text = "Baron Geddon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 68} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "MCGeddon" },
dtl8 = { text = "Golemagg l'Incin\195\169rateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 57} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant", lootid = "MCGolemagg" },
dtl9 = { text = "Messager de Sulfuron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 80} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MCSulfuron" },
dtl10 = { text = "Majordome Executus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {89, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MCMajordomo" },
dtl11 = { text = "Ragnaros", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "MCRagnaros", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCTrashMobs", lootlink = true },
dtl13 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCRANDOMBOSSDROPPS", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Naxxramas
{ name = "Naxxramas",
displayname = "Naxxramas",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Stratholme",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text ="Aile d'abominations" , colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2, 15} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Patchwerk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile d'abominations", lootid = "NAXPatchwerk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Grobbulus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile d'abominations", lootid = "NAXGrobbulus" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gluth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 20} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile d'abominations", lootid = "NAXGluth" },
dtl5 = { text = "Thaddius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 4} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile d'abominations", lootid = "NAXThaddius", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Aile D'Araign\195\169es", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 3} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Anub'Rekhan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 20} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile D'Araign\195\169es", lootid = "NAXAnubRekhan" },
dtl8 = { text = "Grand Widow Faerlina", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile D'Araign\195\169es", lootid = "NAXGrandWidowFaerlina" },
dtl9 = { text = "Maexxna", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74, 5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile D'Araign\195\169es", lootid = "NAXMaexxna", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Aile du Fl\195\169au", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Noth the Plaguebringer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile du Fl\195\169au", lootid = "NAXNothderPlaguebringer" },
dtl12 = { text = "Helgan the Unclean", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 58} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile du Fl\195\169au", lootid = "NAXHeiganderUnclean" },
dtl13 = { text = "Loatheb", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile du Fl\195\169au", lootid = "NAXLoatheb", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Aile de Chevaliers de la Mort", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {15, 79} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Instructeur Razuvious", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile de Chevaliers de la Mort", lootid = "NAXInstructorRazuvious" },
dtl16 = { text = "Gothik le Collecteur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile de Chevaliers de la Mort", lootid = "NAXGothikderHarvester" },
dtl17 = { text = "Les Quatre Cavaliers", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Aile de Chevaliers de la Mort", lootid = "NAXTheFourHorsemen" },
dtl18 = { text = "Thane Korth'azz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sir Zeliek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Commandant Mograine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Dame Blaumeaux", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "Repaire De Frostwyrm", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Repaire De Frostwyrm" },
dtl23 = { text = "Sapphiron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 91} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Repaire De Frostwyrm", lootid = "NAXSapphiron" },
dtl24 = { text = "Kel'Thuzard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Repaire De Frostwyrm", lootid = "NAXKelThuzard", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl25 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "NAXTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Scarlet Monastery
{ name = "Monastère Écarlate",
displayname = "Monastère Écarlate",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "Clairi\195\168re de Tirisfal (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Cimeti\195\168re - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Ironspine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Mort-vivant\nCimeti\195\168re", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "Azshir le Sans-sommeil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Mort-vivant\nCimeti\195\168re", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMAzshir" },
dtl4 = { text = "Champion Mort", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 80} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Mort-vivant\nCimeti\195\168re", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMFallenChampion" },
dtl5 = { text = "Mage de Sang Thalnos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 Elite Mort-vivant\nCimeti\195\168re", lootid = "SMBloodmageThalnos" },
dtl6 = { text = "Biblioth\195\168que - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {56, 74} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl7 = { text = "Maitre-Chien Loksey", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.1, 95} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 Elite Humano\195\175de\nBiblioth\195\168que", lootid = "SMHoundmasterLoksey" },
dtl8 = { text = "Arcaniste Doan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.1, 92} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl37 Elite Humano\195\175de\nBiblioth\195\168que", lootid = "SMDoan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Armurie - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 65} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl10 = { text = "Herod", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74.8, 6.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humano\195\175de\nArmurie", lootid = "SMHerod", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = "Cath\195\169drale - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 65} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl12 = { text = "Grand Inquisiteur Fairbanks", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 11} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humano\195\175de\nCath\195\169drale", lootid = "SMFairbanks" },
dtl13 = { text = "Commandant Mograine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 12} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Humano\195\175de\nCath\195\169drale", lootid = "SMMograine" },
dtl14 = { text = "Grand Inquisiteur Whitemane", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 4.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Humano\195\175de\nCath\195\169drale", lootid = "SMWhitemane", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl15 = { text = "Set : Chain of the Scarlet Crusade", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "6 Piece", lootid = "SMScarletSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- The Deadmines
{ name = "Les Mortemines",
displayname = "Les Mortemines",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "Marche de l'Ouest (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les Mortemines"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Rhahk'Zor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "VCRhahkZor" },
dtl5 = { text = "Mineur Johnson", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "VCMinerJohnson", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "Sneed", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 77} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mechanical (in Shredder)", lootid = "VCSneed" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gilnid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 60.2} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "VCGilnid" },
dtl8 = { text = "Poudre \195\160 canon D\195\169fias", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.6, 39} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "...Blast Powder to blow the doors" },
dtl9 = { text = "Mr. Smite", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 31} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "VCMrSmite" },
dtl10 = { text = "Cookie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 36} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCCookie" },
dtl11 = { text = "Captain Greenskin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 37} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "VCCaptainGreenskin" },
dtl12 = { text = "Edwin VanCleef", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 37} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "VCVanCleef", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl13 = { text = "Set : Defias Leather", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCDefiasSET", leaveGap = 1 }
-- La Prison
{ name = "Prison de Hurlevent",
displayname = "La Prison",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "Hurlevent",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Targorr le Terrifiant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl4 = { text = "Kam Deepfury", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 43} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "SWStKamDeepfury" },
dtl5 = { text = "Hamhock", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {85, 56} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl6 = { text = "Bazil Thredd", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Dextren Ward", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl8 = { text = "Bruegal Ironknuckle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 54} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SWStBruegalIronknuckle", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Sunken Temple
{ name = "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar",
displayname = "Le Temple Englouti",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "Marais des Chagrins (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Le Temple Englouti"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Escaliers \195\160 Niveau Plus bas", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Escaliers", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Escaliers \195\160 Niveau sup\195\169rieur", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 18}, {69, 18}, {52, 48}, {69, 48} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Troll Minibosses (Niveau sup\195\169rieur)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 23}, {66, 23}, {72, 33}, {49, 33}, {54, 43}, {66, 43} }, symbol = { "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill all, then Jammal'an\nto fight Eranikus", lootid = "STTrollMinibosses", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Statues (Inf\195\169rieur level)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 82}, {22, 64}, {13, 77}, {30, 77}, {13, 68}, {30, 68} }, symbol = { "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6" },
tooltiptxt = "Activate in numerical order to\nsummon Atal'alarion" },
dtl7 = { text = "Autel d'Hakkar", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Atal'alarion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 71} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "STAtalalarion", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Fauche-r\195\170ve", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Draconien", lootid = "STDreamscythe" },
dtl10 = { text = "Tisserand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Draconien", lootid = "STWeaver" },
dtl11 = { text = "Avatar d'Hakkar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 33} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Draconien", lootid = "STAvatarofHakkar" },
dtl12 = { text = "Jammal'an le Proph\195\168te", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "STJammalan" },
dtl13 = { text = "Ogom le Corrompu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STOgom" },
dtl14 = { text = "Morphaz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 62} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Draconien", lootid = "STMorphaz" },
dtl15 = { text = "Hazzas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Draconien", lootid = "STHazzas" },
dtl16 = { text = "Ombre d'Eranikus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 62} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite Draconien", lootid = "STEranikus" },
dtl17 = { text = "Essence d'Eranikus enchain\195\169e", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {85, 57} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "STTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Uldaman
{ name = "Uldaman",
displayname = "Uldaman",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "Terres ingrates (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Avant-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Arri\195\168re-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Baelog", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite" },
dtl4 = { text = "Restes de Paladin", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Revelosh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 73.3} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "UldRevelosh" },
dtl6 = { text = "Ironaya", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant", lootid = "UldIronaya" },
dtl7 = { text = "Annora (Maitre Enchanteur)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 61} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Sentinelle d'obsidienne", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.4, 62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Mechanical" },
dtl9 = { text = "Garde en pierre Antique", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.7, 43} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl44 Elite El\195\169mentaire", lootid = "UldAncientStoneKeeper" },
dtl10 = { text = "Galgann Firehammer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 31} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "UldGalgannFirehammer" },
dtl11 = { text = "Grimlok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 19} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "UldGrimlok" },
dtl12 = { text = "Archaedas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 14.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant\nNiveau plus bas", lootid = "UldArchaedas" },
dtl13 = { text = "Les Disques de Norgannon", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {39.7, 6.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Niveau sup\195\169rieur" },
dtl14 = { text = "Ancient Treasure", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.3, 4.9} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Niveau plus bas", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UldTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Zul'Gurub
{ name = "Zul'Gurub",
displayname = "Zul'Gurub",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "Vall\195\169e de Strangleronce (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Eaux troubles et agit\195\169es", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Grande Pr\195\170tresse Jeklik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "(Chauve-souris)", lootid = "ZGJeklik" },
dtl4 = { text = "Grand Pr\195\170tre Venoxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "(Serpent)", lootid = "ZGVenoxis" },
dtl5 = { text = "Grande Pr\195\170tresse Mar'li", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 85} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "(Araign\195\169e)", lootid = "ZGMarli" },
dtl6 = { text = "Seigneur sanglant Mandokir", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 73} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "(Raptor)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGMandokir" },
dtl7 = { text = "Fronti\195\168re de la folie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_OPTIONAL },
dtl8 = { text = "Gri'lek, du Sang de fer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mort-vivant", lootid = "ZGGrilek" },
dtl9 = { text = "Hazza'rah, Tisser\195\170ve", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mort-vivant", lootid = "ZGHazzarah" },
dtl10 = { text = "Renataki, des Mille lames", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mort-vivant", lootid = "ZGRenataki" },
dtl11 = { text = "Wushoolay, la Sorci\195\168re des temp\195\170tes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mort-vivant", lootid = "ZGWushoolay" },
dtl12 = { text = "Gahz'ranka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGGahzranka" },
dtl13 = { text = "Grand Pr\195\170tre Thekal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 32} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "(Tigre)", lootid = "ZGThekal" },
dtl14 = { text = "Grande Pr\195\170tresse Arlokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 16} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "(Panth\195\168re)", lootid = "ZGArlokk" },
dtl15 = { text = "Jin'do le mal\195\169ficieur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", special = "( Mort-vivant)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGJindo" },
dtl16 = { text = "Hakkar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 40} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Dragon", lootid = "ZGHakkar", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGTrash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = "ZG"..AM_CLASS_SETS.." 3", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl19 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGShared", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl20 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGEnchants", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Scholomance
{ name = "Scholomance",
displayname = "Scholomance",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "Maleterres de l'Ouest (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41, 41}, {34, 80} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "R\195\169gisseur sanglant de Kirtonos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 32} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Demon", lootid = "SCHOLOBloodSteward" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kirtonos le H\195\169rault", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SCHOLOKirtonostheHerald" },
dtl7 = { text = "Jandice Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96, 8.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "SCHOLOJandiceBarov" },
dtl8 = { text = "Rattlegore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mort-vivant\nInf\195\169rieur level\nDrops key to Viewing Room", lootid = "SCHOLORattlegore" },
dtl9 = { text = "Chevalier de la mort Darkreaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Mort-vivant\nPaladins/Shaman Quest to Summon", lootid = "SCHOLODeathKnight" },
dtl10 = { text = "Marduk Noir\195\169tang", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.7, 42} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite\nAggro by placing Dawn's Gambit\nin Viewing room", lootid = "SCHOLOMarduk" },
dtl11 = { text = "Vectus", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.2, 42} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant\nAggro by placing Dawn's Gambit\nin Viewing room", lootid = "SCHOLOVectus" },
dtl12 = { text = "Ras Murmegivre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 87} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "SCHOLORasFrostwhisper" },
dtl13 = { text = "Kormok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 80} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite", lootid = "SCHOLOKormok" },
dtl14 = { text = "Instructor Malicia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 94} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "SCHOLOInstructorMalicia" },
dtl15 = { text = "Docteur Theolen Krastinov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 74.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "SCHOLODoctorTheolenKrastinov" },
dtl16 = { text = "Gardien du Savoir Polkelt", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 55.2} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "SCHOLOLorekeeperPolkelt" },
dtl17 = { text = "Le Voracien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.8, 92} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "SCHOLOTheRavenian" },
dtl18 = { text = "Seigneur Alexei Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.2, 74.5} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "SCHOLOLordAlexeiBarov" },
dtl19 = { text = "Dame Illucia Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.6, 54} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "SCHOLOLadyIlluciaBarov" },
dtl20 = { text = "Sombre Maitre Gandling", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.2, 74.4} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "SCHOLODarkmasterGandling", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl21 = { text = "Torche levier", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 19} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "Laboratoire d'alchimie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14, 70} }, symbol = { "AL" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl23 = { text = "Titre de propri\195\169t\195\169 de Southshore", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {56, 25} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl24 = { text = "Titre de propri\195\169t\195\169 de Moulin-de-Tarren", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {11, 36} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl25 = { text = "Titre de propri\195\169t\195\169 de Brill", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 77} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl26 = { text = "Titre de propri\195\169t\195\169 de Caer Darrow", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {94, 72} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de", leaveGap = 1},
-- Stratholme
{ name = "Stratholme",
displayname = "Stratholme",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "Maleterres de l'Est (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "C\195\180t\195\169-Entr\195\169e \195\160 EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "Avant-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "C\195\180t\195\169-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de Fras Siabi", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de la Place du Roi", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de la Place des Crois\195\169s", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {24, 66} }, symbol = { "P3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de l'All\195\169e du march\195\169", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 62} }, symbol = { "P4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de l'All\195\169e du festival", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {61, 62} }, symbol = { "P5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de la Place des Anciens", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {80, 68} }, symbol = { "P6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Malown De Ma\195\174tre de poste", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 86}, {47, 74}, {24, 66}, {50, 62}, {61, 62}, {80, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant\nSpawns on opening of a 3rd Mail box\nMail box keys looted from Courier", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Skul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 83} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Mort-vivant", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "STRATSkull" },
dtl11 = { text = "Stratholme Courier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 78} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATStratholmeCourier" },
dtl12 = { text = "Fras Siabi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 83} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATFrasSiabi" },
dtl13 = { text = "Hearthsinger Forresten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 62}, {65, 58}, {66, 66} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mort-vivant\nWill continue to respawn if any\nGhouls that spawn in his place\nare killed", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATHearthsingerForresten" },
dtl14 = { text = "Le Condamn\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATTheUnforgiven" },
dtl15 = { text = "Timmy the Cruel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 61.5} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATTimmytheCruel" },
dtl16 = { text = "Maitre Cannonier Willey", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {1, 74} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "STRATCannonMasterWilley" },
dtl17 = { text = "Archiviste Galford", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 92} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "STRATArchivistGalford" },
dtl18 = { text = "Balnazzar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Demon", lootid = "STRATBalnazzar" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sothos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Summoning", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl20 = { text = "Jarien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Summoning", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl21 = { text = "Aurius", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81, 61} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "Stonespine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 42} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "STRATStonespine" },
dtl23 = { text = "Barone Anastari", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATBaronessAnastari" },
dtl24 = { text = "Nerub'enkan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 39} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATNerubenkan" },
dtl25 = { text = "Maleki le Blafard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 14} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "STRATMalekithePallid" },
dtl26 = { text = "Magistrate Barthilas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 10}, {74, 60} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Mort-vivant", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATMagistrateBarthilas" },
dtl27 = { text = "Ramstein Grandgosier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 15} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATRamsteintheGorger" },
dtl28 = { text = "Baron Rivendare", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 15} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "STRATBaronRivendare", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Donjon d'Ombrecroc
{ name = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
displayname = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
displayshort = "",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "For\195\170t des Pins Argent\195\169s (45, 67)",
levels = "17-25",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Remparts", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = "Remparts", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { "B2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Capitaine Deathsworn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Mort-vivant", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "Escaliers", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.8, 34.8}, {50, 46.8} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Escaliers", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 32}, {67, 33} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Rethilgore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humano\195\175de\nThe Cell Keeper" },
dtl9 = { text = "Sorcier Ashcrombe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 73} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl10 = { text = "Traqueur noir Adamant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 74} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl11 = { text = "Razorclaw le Boucher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BSFRazorclawtheButcher" },
dtl12 = { text = "Baron Silverlaine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 87} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "BSFSilverlaine" },
dtl13 = { text = "Commandant Springvale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 69} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Mort-vivant", lootid = "BSFSpringvale" },
dtl14 = { text = "Odo l'Aveugle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 84} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BSFOdotheBlindwatcher" },
dtl15 = { text = "Fenrus le D\195\169voreur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.4, 33.4} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Beast", lootid = "BSFFenrustheDevourer" },
dtl16 = { text = "Ma\195\174tre-loup Nandos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 29} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BSFWolfMasterNandos" },
dtl17 = { text = "Archimage Arugal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {84, 13} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humano\195\175de", lootid = "BSFArchmageArugal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BSFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Karazahn
{ name = "Karazahn",
displayname = "Karazahn",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "Deadwind Pass",
levels = "70",
players = "10",
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nObjet : La cl\195\169 du maître\nObjet : Urne noircie (Plaie-de-nuit)",
general = "R\195\169put : L'Œil pourpre",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e principale", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Entr\195\169e de derri\195\168re", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hastings", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le gardien" },
dtl4 = { text = "Berthold", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le concierge" },
dtl5 = { text = "Moroes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 25.98}, {65.23, 23.24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Escalier de la salle de bal)", lootid = "KaraMoroes" },
dtl6 = { text = "Calliard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.44, 33.4} }, symbol = { "c" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le veilleur de nuit" },
dtl7 = { text = "Attumen le Veneur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAttumen" },
dtl8 = { text = "Minuit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Koren", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.02, 30.47} }, symbol = { "d" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le forgeron" },
dtl10 = { text = "Escalier vers les Ecuries", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.55, 37.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bennett", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {19.53, 35.55} }, symbol = { "e" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "L'huissier", special = "Sup\195\169rieur" },
dtl12 = { text = "Bouclenoire", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74.8, 36.52} }, symbol = { "f" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Les nobles" },
dtl13 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Hyakiss la R\195\180deuse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hasard)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl15 = { text = "Rodak le ravageur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hasard)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl16 = { text = "Shadikith le glisseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hasard)", lootid = "KaraNamed", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "Rampe vers les Appartements des h\195\180tes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {17.77, 3.32}, {73.24, 10.16} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl18 = { text = "Journal de Keanna", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {82.52, 4.69} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraKeannaLog" },
dtl19 = { text = "Damoiselle de vertu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.38, 16.21} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraMaiden" },
dtl20 = { text = "Escalier vers la fosse de l'Op\195\169ra", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84.18, 15.04} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Sebastian", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {55.08, 18.55} }, symbol = { "g" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "L'Organiste" },
dtl22 = { text = "Barnes", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51.95, 10.35} }, symbol = { "h" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le R\195\169gisseur" },
dtl23 = { text = "L'Op\195\169ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "Hasard", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl24 = { text = "La M\195\169g\195\168re", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hasard)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl25 = { text = "Le Grand M\195\169chant Loup", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hasard)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl26 = { text = "Romulo et Julianne", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hasard)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl27 = { text = "Rampe de la Mezzanine au Balcon", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62.11, 8.79} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl28 = { text = "La terrasse du Maître", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl29 = { text = "Plaie-de-nuit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Summoned)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl30 = { text = "Chemin vers l'Escalier bris\195\169", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.66, 24.02} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Sup\195\169rieur)" },
dtl31 = { text = "L'Escalier bris\195\169", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 24.41} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Sup\195\169rieur)" },
dtl32 = { text = "Le conservateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10.16, 35.16} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraCurator" },
dtl33 = { text = "Connexion \195\160 :", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.67, 44.92}, {30.47, 68.55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl34 = { text = "Wravien", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.24, 69.73} }, symbol = { "i" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le Mage" },
dtl35 = { text = "Gradav", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {17.97, 69.34} }, symbol = { "j" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le D\195\169moniste" },
dtl36 = { text = "Kamsis", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.41, 73.83} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "L'Invocateur" },
dtl37 = { text = "Rampe vers la Biblioth\195\168que du Gardien", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {19.92, 76.56} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl38 = { text = "Bibliotheque suspecte", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {20.51, 66.6} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "(-> Passage vers Terestian)" },
dtl39 = { text = "Terestian Malsabot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.19, 72.85} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Kil'rek (Diablotin)", lootid = "KaraIllhoof" },
dtl40 = { text = "Ombre d'Aran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.2, 66.21} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAran" },
dtl41 = { text = "Rampe montant vers Le Guet c\195\169leste", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(D\195\169dain-du-N\195\169ant)" },
dtl42 = { text = "Rampe d\195\169scendant vers le Hall du Flambeur", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(L'Ech\195\169quier)" },
dtl43 = { text = "D\195\169dain-du-N\195\169ant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9.38, 65.82} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNetherspite" },
dtl44 = { text = "Ythar", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {27.15, 66.21} }, symbol = { "l" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(R\195\169paration et r\195\169compenses)" },
dtl45 = { text = "Connexion \195\160 :", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.76, 63.48}, {62.5, 39.84} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl46 = { text = "Echo de Medivh", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {65.04, 37.5} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "L'Ech\195\169quier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.58, 34.96} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraChess" },
dtl48 = { text = "Rampe vers la chambre de Medivh", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63.09, 29.88} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl49 = { text = "Escalier en spiral vers le N\195\169antespace", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.64, 32.62} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Prince)" },
dtl50 = { text = "Prince Malchezaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.37, 31.05} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat to allow summoning of Nightbane", special = "Leads to...", lootid = "KaraPrince" },
-- Zul'Aman
{ name = "Zul'Aman",
displayname = "Zul'Aman",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "Terres Fant\195\180mes",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Nalorakk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Ours)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Akil'zon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Aigle)", lootid = "ZAAkilZon" },
dtl4 = { text = "Jan'alai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 67.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Faucon-dragon)", lootid = "ZAJanAlai" },
dtl5 = { text = "Halazzi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.05, 36.62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lynx)", lootid = "ZAHalazzi" },
dtl6 = { text = "Seigneur des mal\195\169fices Malacrass", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 54.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAMalacrass" },
dtl7 = { text = "Zul'jin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.4, 54.7} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAZuljin", leaveGap = 1 },
-- Magister's Terrace
{ name = "Terrasse des Magist\195\168res",
displayname = "Terrasse des Magist\195\168res",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "Île de Quel’Danas",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Selin Coeur-de-feu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
--dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gangrecristaux", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Tyrith", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Vexallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.4, 31.84} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTVexallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Orbe de divination", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {94.53, 31.64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Kalecgos)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Prêtresse Delrissa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.67, 52.54} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En bas)", lootid = "SMTDelrissa" },
dtl8 = { text = "Kael'Thas Haut-soleil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6.05, 48.24} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTKaelthas", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Exit", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2.73, 47.85} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
-- Sunwell Plateau
{ name = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "Île de Quel’Danas",
levels = "69-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kalecgos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sathrovarr le Corrupteur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Madrigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Brutallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPBrutallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Felmyst", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPFelmyst" },
dtl7 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.41, 33.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Les jumelles Eredar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En bas)", lootid = "SPEredarTwins" },
dtl9 = { text = "Grande d\195\169moniste Alythess", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En bas)" },
dtl10 = { text = "Dame Sacrolash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En bas)" },
dtl11 = { text = "M'uru", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En haut)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Entropius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En haut)" },
dtl13 = { text = "Kil'jaeden", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.71, 32.62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPKiljaeden" },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPTrash" },
-- Outreterre
-- Hellfire Rampart
{ name = "Remparts des Flammes infernales",
displayname = "Remparts des Flammes infernales",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HCRampart
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "60-62",
players = "20",
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Gardien des guetteurs Gargolmar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "Omor l'Intouch\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampOmor" },
dtl4 = { text = "Vazruden le H\195\169raut", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill both hellfire sentry to start encounter", lootid = "HCRampVazruden" },
dtl5 = { text = "Nazan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampNazan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Coffre en gangrefer renforc\195\169", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampFelIronChest", leaveGap = 1 }
-- The Blood Furnace
{ name = "La Fournaise du sang",
displayname = "La Fournaise du sang",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "61-63",
players = "20",
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Le Faiseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broggok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBroggok" },
dtl4 = { text = "Keli'dan le Briseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.6, 35.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBreaker", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Shattered Halls
{ name = "Les Salles brisées",
displayname = "Les Salles bris\195\169es",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Randy Vizirouage", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Drisella", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl4 = { text = "Grand d\195\169moniste N\195\169anath\195\168me", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 66.02} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsNethekurse" },
dtl5 = { text = "Garde de sang Porung (H\195\169roïque)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.23, 10.55} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(H\195\169roïque)", lootid = "HCHallsPorung" },
dtl6 = { text = "Porteguerre O'mrogg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.42, 33.79} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsOmrogg" },
dtl7 = { text = "Chef de guerre Kargath Lamepoing", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsKargath" },
dtl8 = { text = "Bourreau de la Main bris\195\169e", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(H\195\169roïque)", lootid = "HCHallsExecutioner" },
dtl9 = { text = "Soldat Jacint", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl10 = { text = "Fusilier Brownbeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Captaine Alina", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Eclaireur Orgarr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl13 = { text = "Korag Proudmane", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl14 = { text = "Capitaine Fracasse-os", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, H\195\169roïque)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
-- Magtheridon's Lair
{ name = "Le repaire de Magtheridon",
displayname = "Le repaire de Magtheridon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Magtheridon", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
-- The Slave Pens
{ name = "Les enclos aux esclaves",
displayname = "Les enclos aux esclaves",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "62-64",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu le Traître", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "Weeder la Main-verte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Skar'this l'H\195\169r\195\169tique", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.2, 72.66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Rokmar le Cr\195\169pitant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.81, 41.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveRokmar" },
dtl6 = { text = "Naturaliste Morsure", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.09, 61.13} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Bourbierreux", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 72.27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveQuagmirran" }
-- The Underbog
{ name = "La Basse-tourbière",
displayname = "La Basse-tourbi\195\168re",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "63-65",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "Palme de sporielle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Ghaz'an", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.84, 34.18} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderGhazan" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lieur de terre Rayge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Implorateur c\195\169leste Griffe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Seigneur des marais Musel'ek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.84, 30.27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderSwamplord" },
dtl8 = { text = "La Traqueuse noire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.09, 45.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderStalker", leaveGap = 1 }
-- The Steamvault
{ name = "Le Caveau de la vapeur",
displayname = "Le Caveau de la vapeur",
displayshort = "CV",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydromancienne Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Panneau d'acc\195\168s de la salle principale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gardien du second fragment", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSecondFragmentGuardian" },
dtl5 = { text = "R\195\169cipient arcanique", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "M\195\169kg\195\169nieur Montevapeur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSteamrigger" },
dtl7 = { text = "Panneau d'acc\195\168s de la salle principale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Seigneur de guerre Kalithresh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.19, 43.95} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamWarlord" },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
-- SerpentShrine Cavern
{ name = "Sanctuaire du Serpent",
displayname = "Sanctuaire du Serpent",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydross l'Instable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "Le R\195\180deur d'En-bas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLurker" },
dtl4 = { text = "Leotheras l'Aveugle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.75, 27.15} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLeotheras" },
dtl5 = { text = "Seigneur des fonds Karathress", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentKarathress" },
dtl6 = { text = "Voyant Olum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Morogrim Marcheur-des-flots", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.02, 28.52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentMorogrim" },
dtl8 = { text = "Dame Vashj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.64, 55.47} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentVashj", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentTrash" }
-- Auchenai Crypts
{ name = "Cryptes d'Auchenaï",
displayname = "Cryptes d'Auchena\195\175",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "64-66",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 Auchena\195\175 (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Ville basse",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Shirrak le Veillemort", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "Exarque Maladaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsExarch" },
dtl4 = { text = "Avatar des martyrs", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsAvatar" },
dtl5 = { text = "D'ore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsTrash" }
-- Shadow Labyrinth
{ name = "Labyrinthe des Ombres",
displayname = "Labyrinthe des Ombres",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "65-67",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du labyrinthe des ombres\nObjet : Cl\195\169 Auchena\195\175 (H\195\169ro\195\175que)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Ville basse",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Espion To'gun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Ambassadeur Gueule-d'enfer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowHellmaw" },
dtl4 = { text = "Cœur-noir le S\195\169ditieux", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 73} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowBlackheart" },
dtl5 = { text = "Grand Maître Vorpil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Codex de sang", lootid = "AuchShadowGrandmaster" },
dtl6 = { text = "Marmon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowMurmur" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gardien du premier fragment", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowFirstFragmentGuardian" },
dtl8 = { text = "R\195\169cipient arcanique", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.38, 37.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowTrash" }
-- Sethekk Halls
{ name = "Les salles de Sethekk",
displayname = "Les salles de Sethekk",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "67-69",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 Auchenaï (H\195\169roïque)\nObjet : Pierre de lune impr\195\169gn\195\169e d'essence (Anzu)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Ville basse",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Tisseur d'ombre Syth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "Lakka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "La Saga de Terokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTheSagaofTerokk" },
dtl5 = { text = "Anzu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkRavenGod", special = "(Invoqu\195\169, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl6 = { text = "Roi-serre Ikiss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTalonKing", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTrash" }
-- Mana Tombs
{ name = "Tombes-mana",
displayname = "Tombes-mana",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 Auchena\195\175 (H\195\169roïque)\nObjet : L'Oeil d'Haramad (Exalt\195\169, Yor)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Le Consortium",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Pandemonius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "Seigneur des t\195\169n\195\168bres Xiraxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Ambassadeur Pax'ivi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.29, 16.41} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Tavarok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 76} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTavarok" },
dtl6 = { text = "Cryo-Ing\195\169nieur Sha'heen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Panneau de contr\195\180le du transporteur \195\169therien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Prince-nexus Shaffar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaNexusPrince" },
dtl9 = { text = "Yor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Stasis Chamber", special = "(Invoqu\195\169, H\195\169roïque)", lootid = "AuchManaYor", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTrash" }
-- Gruul's Lair
{ name = "Le repaire de Gruul",
displayname = "Le repaire de Gruul",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "Les Tranchantes",
levels = "65-68",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "High King Maulgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Kiggler le Cingl\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Chaman)" },
dtl4 = { text = "Krosh Brasemain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Mage)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Oeillaveugle le Voyant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Prêtre)" },
dtl6 = { text = "Olm l'Invocateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(D\195\169moniste)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gruul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 27} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid_ = "GruulGruul", leaveGap = 1 },
-- Black Temple
{ name = "Temple noir",
displayname = "Temple noir",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "Vall\195\169e d'Ombrelune",
levels = "67-70",
players = "40",
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nObjet : M\195\169daillon de Karabor",
general = "R\195\169put : Ligemort Cendrelangue",
dtl1 = { text = "Temple Noir (D\195\169but)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Temple Noir (Haut)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Temple Noir (Sous-sol)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {7.62, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Esprit d'Olum", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Grand seigneur de guerre Naj'entus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Supremus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ombre d'Akama", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "Esprit d'Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Aluyen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Composants)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Okuno", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Intendant des ligemorts cendrelangue" },
dtl12 = { text = "Voyant Kanai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Vers Teron Fielsang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 51.76}, {79.1, 78.32} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Vers Reliquaire des âmes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 37.5}, {84.18, 67.38} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Vers Illidan Hurlorage", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.83, 33.2}, {58.2, 10.74} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = "Gurtogg Fi\195\168vresang", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.59, 57.23} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTBloodboil" },
dtl17 = { text = "Reliquaire des âmes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTEssencofSouls" },
dtl18 = { text = "Essence de la col\195\168re", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Essence du d\195\169sir", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Essence de la souffrance", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Teron Fielsang", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.77, 81.45} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTGorefiend" },
dtl22 = { text = "M\195\168re Shahraz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.77, 4.88} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTShahraz" },
dtl23 = { text = "Le conseil Illidari", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTCouncil" },
dtl24 = { text = "Dame Malande", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Prêtre)" },
dtl25 = { text = "Gathios le Briseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Paladin)" },
dtl26 = { text = "Grand n\195\169antomancien Zerevor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Mage)" },
dtl27 = { text = "Veras Ombrenoir", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Voleur)" },
dtl28 = { text = "Illidan Hurlorage", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" }
-- The Mechanar
{ name = "Le Méchanar",
displayname = "Le M\195\169chanar",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "69-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 dimensionnelle (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te\nR\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Gardien de porte Gyro-Meurtre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gardien de porte Main-en-fer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechIron" },
dtl4 = { text = "Cache de la L\195\169gion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCacheoftheLegion" },
dtl5 = { text = "M\195\169cano-seigneur Capacitus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCapacitus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Cellule de mana surcharg\195\169e", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechOverchargedManacell" },
dtl7 = { text = "N\195\169antomancien Sepethrea", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 9.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechSepethrea" },
dtl8 = { text = "Pathaleon le Calculateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18.5, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCalc", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechTrash" }
-- The Botanica
{ name = "La Botanica",
displayname = "La Botanica",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 dimensionnelle (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te\nR\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Commander Sarannis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Botanist Freywinn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotFreywinn" },
dtl4 = { text = "Thorngrin the Tender", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotThorngrin" },
dtl5 = { text = "Laj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotLaj" },
dtl6 = { text = "Warp Splinter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34.5, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSplinter", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotTrash" }
-- The Arcatraz
{ name = "L'Arcatraz",
displayname = "L'Arcatraz",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 de l'Arcatraz\nObjet : Cl\195\169 dimensionnelle (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te\nR\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zereketh le D\195\169li\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gardien du troisi\195\168me fragment", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcThirdFragmentGuardian" },
dtl4 = { text = "R\195\169cipient arcanique", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Scrute-courroux Soccothrates", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.5, 70} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcScryer" },
dtl6 = { text = "Dalliah l'Auspice-funeste", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 70} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcDalliah" },
dtl7 = { text = "Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 15.04} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Messager Cieuriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcHarbinger" },
dtl9 = { text = "Gardien Mellichar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Milhouse Tempête-de-mana", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcTrash" },
-- L\39\197\146il
{ name = "L\39\197\146il", -- The Eye
displayname = "DT : L\39\197\146il",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Objet : La cl\195\169 de la Tempête",
general = "R\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Al'ar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Saccageur du Vide", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeVoidReaver" },
dtl4 = { text = "Grande Astromancienne Solarian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeSolarian" },
dtl5 = { text = "Kael'thas Haut-soleil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeKaelthas" },
dtl6 = { text = "Thaladred l'Assombrisseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Guerrier)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Maître ing\195\169nieur Telonicus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Chasseur)" },
dtl8 = { text = "Grand astromancien Capernian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", speical = "(Mage)" },
dtl9 = { text = "Seigneur Sanguinar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Paladin)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Legendary", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeLegendaries" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeTrash" },
AlphaMap_Instances/ New file
0,0 → 1,2255
-- localization.lua <German>
-- Translation by : Eike Hanus, StarDust
-- Last Update : 8/23/2006
-- Ä: C3 84 - \195\132 - Ä
-- Ö: C3 96 - \195\150 - Ö
-- Ü: C3 9C - \195\156 - Ü
-- ß: C3 9F - \195\159 - ß
-- ä: C3 A4 - \195\164 - ä
-- ö: C3 B6 - \195\182 - ö
-- ü: C3 BC - \195\188 - ü
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
AM_TYP_INSTANCE = "Instanzen";
{ name = "Blackfathom-Tiefen", -- Blackfathom-Tiefen
displayname = "Blackfathom-Tiefen",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "Ashenvale (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Some underwater sections",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackfathom-Tiefen"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ghamoo-ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Bestie (Giant Turtle)", lootid = "BFDGhamoora" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lorgalis Manuskript", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {23.5, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Questgegestand f\195\188r 'Knowledge of the Deeps',\nin der Truhe" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lady Sarevess", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {3, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BFDLadySarevess" },
dtl6 = { text = "Argentumwache Thaelrid", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {11, 51} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Questziel f\195\188r 'In Search of Thaelrid',\n& Quest startet vor 'Villainy'" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gelihast", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Mensch (Murloc)", lootid = "BFDGelihast" },
dtl8 = { text = "Lorgus Jett", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 43}, {55, 46} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mensch", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl9 = { text = "Baron Aquanis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BFDBaronAquanis" },
dtl10 = { text = "Fathomkern", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Twilight Lord Kelris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BFDTwilightLordKelris" },
dtl12 = { text = "Blackfathom-Tiefen Altar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Alt Serra'kis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Bestie", lootid = "BFDOldSerrakis" },
dtl14 = { text = "Aku'mai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 85} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl29 Elite Bestie (Hydra)", lootid = "BFDAkumai", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Schwarzfelstiefen", -- Blackrocktiefen
displayname = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
displayshort = "BRT",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "52-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lord Roccor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Elementar", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "Verh\195\182rmeisterin Gerstahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BRDHighInterrogatorGerstahn" },
dtl4 = { text = "Marshal Windsor", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {46, 95} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Bestandteil der Onyxia Questlinie" },
dtl5 = { text = "Kommandant Gor'shak", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 90} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "'Kommandant Gor'shak' Quest" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kharan Mighthammer", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 86} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "'Kharan Mighthammer' Quest" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ring des Gesetzes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Besiege Mobs hier um die \nZuschauer im oberen Level \nvon Feindlich auf Neutral zu bringen", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl8 = { text = "Theldren", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "NPC Gruppenanf\195\188hrer", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl9 = { text = "Mon. von Franclorn Forgewright", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.8, 78.1} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "'Dark Iron Legacy' Quest" },
dtl10 = { text = "Pyromant Loregrain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 78} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPyromantLoregrain" },
dtl11 = { text = "Das Gew\195\182lbe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Fineous Darkvire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 41} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BRDFineousDarkvire" },
dtl13 = { text = "W\195\164rter Stilgiss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl56 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BRDWarderStilgiss" },
dtl14 = { text = "Verek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite" },
dtl15 = { text = "Lord Incendius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "'Incendius!' Quest", lootid = "BRDLordIncendius" },
dtl16 = { text = "Der schwarze Amboss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "Shadowforge-Schloss", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 72.4} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Aufsperren um Zugang zu tiefenen Bereichen zu erm\195\182glichen.\nBen\195\182tigt den Shadowforge Key" },
dtl18 = { text = "Bael'Gar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 62} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Bergriese", lootid = "BRDBaelGar" },
dtl19 = { text = "General Zornesschmied", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 64} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Zwerg", lootid = "BRDGeneralAngerforge" },
dtl20 = { text = "Golemlord Argelmach", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 51} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Zwerg", lootid = "BRDGolemLordArgelmach" },
dtl21 = { text = "The Grim Guzzler", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 50} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Kaufe 6 Kr\195\188ge Dunkeleisenbier \nund gieb sie Rocknot ;P", lootid = "BRDGuzzler" },
dtl22 = { text = "Botschafter Flammenschlag", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 38} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BRDFlamelash" },
dtl23 = { text = "Panzor der Unbesiegbare", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 27} }, symbol = { "19" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Golem", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPanzor" },
dtl24 = { text = "Grabmal der Boten", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 18} }, symbol = { "20" },
tooltiptxt = "Besiege 7 Bosse nacheinander um tiefer zu gelangen \n& Truhe", lootid = "BRDTomb" },
dtl25 = { text = "Das Lyzeum", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 8.5} }, symbol = { "21" },
tooltiptxt = "Find and defeat 2 Flamekeepers\nand light both torches to progress.\nOnly have 3 minutes from killing the first." },
dtl26 = { text = "Magmus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 8.5} }, symbol = { "22" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Bergriese", lootid = "BRDMagmus" },
dtl27 = { text = "Prinzessin Moira Bronzebeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 8} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BRDPrincess" },
dtl28 = { text = "Imperator Dagran Thaurissan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 8.5} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BRDImperatorDagranThaurissan" },
dtl29 = { text = "Die schwarze Schmiede", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63, 22} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Forge Dark Iron,\nand make Smoking Heart of the Mountain" },
dtl30 = { text = "Der Geschmolzene Kern", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {65, 30} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "'Attunement to the Core' Quest\nMolten Core Entrance", toMap = "Geschmolzener Kern", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Schwarzfelsspitze", -- Blackrockspitze
displayname = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Unten)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Br\195\188cke zum Hochlord Omokk", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 32.1}, {15, 32.1} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {71, 22}, {94, 26} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lower Level" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29, 53}, {29, 77} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Rampen", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {86, 40}, {89, 58} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Vaelan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite\nSeal of Ascension Quest" },
dtl9 = { text = "Warosh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch" },
dtl10 = { text = "Beschlagene Pike", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {69, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Questgegenstand" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bijou", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 25 } }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Bijou Questlienie\nNicht unterer Level" },
dtl12 = { text = "Metzger der Felsspitzoger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 32.1} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch\nPatrols bridge to Highlord Omokk", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneButcher", special = AM_RARE },
dtl13 = { text = "Hochlord Omokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Mensch", lootid = "LBRSOmokk" },
dtl14 = { text = "Kampflord der Felsspitzoger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Spawns on hill near Lord Omokk", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneLord", special = AM_RARE },
dtl15 = { text = "Schattenj\195\164gerin Vosh'gajin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 64} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Mensch", lootid = "LBRSVosh" },
dtl16 = { text = "F\195\188nfte Mosh'aru-Schrifttafel", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {77, 68} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Questgegenstand" },
dtl17 = { text = "Bannok Grimaxe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.5, 26.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch\nUnterer Level", lootid = "LBRSGrimaxe", special = AM_RARE },
dtl18 = { text = "Kriegsmeister Voone", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 32} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", lootid = "LBRSVoone" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sechste Mosh'aru-Schrifttafel", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {75, 29} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Questgegenstand" },
dtl20 = { text = "Mor Grayhoof", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 35} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite\nRequires Summoning Brazier\nInterrupt their heals", lootid = "LBRSGrayhoof" },
dtl21 = { text = "Mutter Glimmernetz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 58} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Bestie", lootid = "LBRSSmolderweb" },
dtl22 = { text = "Kristallfangzahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 49} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Bestie", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "LBRSCrystalFang" },
dtl23 = { text = "Urok Schreckensbote", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 30} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch", lootid = "LBRSDoomhowl" },
dtl24 = { text = "Quartiermeister Zigris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 89} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", lootid = "LBRSZigris" },
dtl25 = { text = "Halcyon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Bestie\nKill to trigger spawn of Gizrul", lootid = "LBRSHalycon" },
dtl26 = { text = "Gizrul der Sklavenhalter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Bestie\nSpawn triggered by death of Halcyon", lootid = "LBRSSlavener" },
dtl27 = { text = "Hochlord Wyrmthalak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 62} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Dragon", lootid = "LBRSWyrmthalak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl28 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "LBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)",
displayname = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Unten)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Feuerwache Glutseher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8.2, 31.0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Elementar", lootid = "UBRSEmberseer", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {8.6, 38.9}, {36.4, 61.2} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Doomrigger's Schnalle", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {41.3, 68.65} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Questgegenstand\nIn large Chest among toppled pillars\nCan be hard to spot\nCan drop down from General Drakkisath" },
dtl7 = { text = "Father Flame", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Fight spawns near doorway\nStop hatchers hatching eggs", lootid = "UBRSFLAME" },
dtl8 = { text = "Solakar Feuerkrone", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Dragonkin\nSpawned after Looting Father Flame", lootid = "UBRSSolakar" },
dtl9 = { text = "Jed Runewatcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52.6} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "UBRSRunewatcher" },
dtl10 = { text = "Goraluk Anvilcrack", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 52.6} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mensch", lootid = "UBRSAnvilcrack" },
dtl11 = { text = "Kriegsh\195\164uptling Rend Blackhand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nLimited to 'For the Horde!' Quest\nComes mounted on Gyth", lootid = "UBRSRend" },
dtl12 = { text = "Gyth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Dragon", lootid = "UBRSGyth" },
dtl13 = { text = "Awbee", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68.1, 65.9} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Limited to 'The Matron Protectorate' Quest" },
dtl14 = { text = "Die Bestie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 60.8} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Bestie", lootid = "UBRSBestie" },
dtl15 = { text = "Lord Valthalak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 56.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite\nNeed Quest to Summon\nClear Hall of Blackhand first", lootid = "UBRSValthalak" },
dtl16 = { text = "General Drakkisath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.6, 73.2} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Dragon", lootid = "UBRSDrakkisath" },
dtl17 = { text = "Pechschwingenhort", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.5, 27.6} }, symbol = { "BWL" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pechschwingenhort", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Pechschwingenhort", -- Pechschwingenhort
displayname = "Pechschwingenhort",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "Schwarzfelsspitze",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 51}, {17, 52} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Razorgore der Ungez\195\164hmte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 66} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLRazorgore" },
dtl6 = { text = "Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 67} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLVaelastrasz" },
dtl7 = { text = "Brutw\195\164chter Dreschbringer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLLashlayer" },
dtl8 = { text = "Feuerschwinge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {12, 44} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLFiremaw" },
dtl9 = { text = "Schattenschwinge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 29} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLEbonroc" },
dtl10 = { text = "Flammenmaul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 29} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLFlamegor" },
dtl11 = { text = "Chromaggus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 40} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLChromaggus" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nefarian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 14} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLNefarian", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BWLTrashMobs", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "D\195\188sterbruch", -- D\195\188sterbruch
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch - Overview",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch Ost", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 81}, {57, 96}, {100, 80} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul East Map", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Ost" },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.5, 38} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul North Map", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord" },
dtl3 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch West", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 88} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul West Map", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch West", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Bibliothek", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 58}, {41, 41} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "Reached from North or West Dire Maul", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "D\195\188sterbruch Ost", -- D\195\188sterbruch Ost
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (Ost)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang : Die gebrochenen Gemeinlande", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang : Elderethgasse", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Eingang : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Drop to D\195\188sterbruch\nside Chamber" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {41, 85}, {61, 93} }, symbol = { "L1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {75, 92}, {55, 82} }, symbol = { "L2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 63}, {83, 73} }, symbol = { "L3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Pusillins Jagd beginnt", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10, 50} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Chase to get Dire Maul (Crescent) Key", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl9 = { text = "Pusillins Jagd endet", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 61} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Oooh, you little Imp!", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl10 = { text = "Zevrim Dornhuf", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMEZevrimThornhoof" },
dtl11 = { text = "Hydrobrut", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 77} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Elementar", lootid = "DMEHydro" },
dtl12 = { text = "Lethtendris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mensch", lootid = "DMELethtendris" },
dtl13 = { text = "Eisenborke der Gro\195\159e", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Opens door" },
dtl14 = { text = "Alzzin der Wildformer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMEAlzzin" },
dtl15 = { text = "Isalien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Need Brazier of Beckoning to summon\nQuest from Bodley in Blackrock Mountain", lootid = "DMEIsalien", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl16 = { text = "B\195\188cher", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMETrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord", -- D\195\188sterbruch Nord
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (Nord)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch (West)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch West" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Wache Mol'dar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.4, 55.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", lootid = "DMNGuardMoldar" },
dtl5 = { text = "Stampfer Kreeg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMNStomperKreeg" },
dtl6 = { text = "Wache Fengus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.2, 56.1} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", lootid = "DMNGuardFengus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Wache Slip'kik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Mensch", lootid = "DMNGuardSlipkik" },
dtl8 = { text = "Knot Thimblejack", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNThimblejack" },
dtl9 = { text = "Captain Kromcrush", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.6, 34.8} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNCaptainKromcrush" },
dtl10 = { text = "K\195\182nig Gordok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.2, 11.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNKingGordok" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bibliothek", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {20, 89} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = "Tribut Run", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNTRIBUTERUN" },
dtl13 = { text = "B\195\188cher", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "D\195\188sterbruch West", -- D\195\188sterbruch West
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (West)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch (Nord)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Pylonen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 80}, {64, 61}, {64, 87}, {27, 62}, {27, 37} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Destroy these", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Shen'dralar Uralter", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest to Kill Prince" },
dtl6 = { text = "Tendris Warpwood", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 74} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Elementar", lootid = "DMWTendrisWarpwood" },
dtl7 = { text = "Illyanna Rabeneiche", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 87} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "DMWIllyannaRavenoak" },
dtl8 = { text = "Tsu'Zee", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 60} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "DMWTsuzee" },
dtl9 = { text = "Magister Kalendris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 51} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "DMWMagisterKalendris" },
dtl10 = { text = "Immol'thar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMWImmolthar" },
dtl11 = { text = "F\195\188rst Hel'nurath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 19, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Demon\nSummon as part of Warlock Epic Mount quest", lootid = "DMWHelnurath" },
dtl12 = { text = "Prinz Tortheldrin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 26} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mensch", lootid = "DMWPrinceTortheldrin", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Bibliothek", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51, 20} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "B\195\188cher", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMWTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Gnomeregan", -- Gnomeregan
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Z\195\164hfl\195\188ssiger Niederschlag", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Elementar\nLower level", lootid = "GnViscousFallout" },
dtl5 = { text = "Grubbis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 46} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mensch\nTriggered Spawn\nSpeak to Blastmaster at same location", lootid = "GnGrubbis" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kernobee", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 54} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Lochkarten-Automat 3005-B", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70, 50} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl8 = { text = "Die Saubere Zone", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Electrocutioner 6000", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 49} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mechanical\nDrops Workshop Key", lootid = "GnElectrocutioner6000" },
dtl10 = { text = "Lochkarten-Automat 3005-C", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33.2, 49.6} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl11 = { text = "Meute Verpr\195\188geler 9-60", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.6, 77.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mechanical", lootid = "GnCrowdPummeler960" },
dtl12 = { text = "Lochkarten-Automat 3005-D", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.9, 75.7} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl13 = { text = "Dark Iron Botschafter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "GnDIAmbassador" },
dtl14 = { text = "Robogenieur Thermoplugg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.8, 42.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl35 Elite Demon", lootid = "GnMekgineerThermaplugg", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GnTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Maraudon", -- Maraudon
displayname = "Maraudon",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Lila)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Eingang (Portal)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Veng (Der f\195\188nfte Khan)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 6} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl6 = { text = "Noxxion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Elementar", lootid = "MaraNoxxion" },
dtl7 = { text = "Schlingwurzler", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 14} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Bestie", lootid = "MaraRazorlash" },
dtl8 = { text = "Maraudos (Der vierte Khan)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Lord Schlangenzunge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 32} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Mensch", lootid = "MaraLordVyletongue" },
dtl10 = { text = "Meshlok der Ernter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 30} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "MaraMeshlok" },
dtl11 = { text = "Celebras der Verbannte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 35} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl49 Elite Mensch", lootid = "MaraCelebras" },
dtl12 = { text = "Erdrutsch", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.3, 60} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Elementar", lootid = "MaraLandslide" },
dtl13 = { text = "T\195\188ftler Gizlock", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Mensch", lootid = "MaraTinkererGizlock" },
dtl14 = { text = "Faulschnapper", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 82} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Bestie", lootid = "MaraRotgrip" },
dtl15 = { text = "Prinzessin Theradras", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Elementar", lootid = "MaraPrincessTheradras" },
dtl16 = { text = "Zaetar's Spirit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Geschmolzener Kern", -- Geschmolzener Kern
displayname = "Geschmolzener Kern",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelstiefen", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lucifron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "Magmadar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Bestie", lootid = "MCMagmadar" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gehennas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", lootid = "MCGehennas" },
dtl5 = { text = "Garr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 71} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Elementar", lootid = "MCGarr" },
dtl6 = { text = "Shazzrah", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", lootid = "MCShazzrah" },
dtl7 = { text = "Baron Geddon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 68} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Elementar", lootid = "MCGeddon" },
dtl8 = { text = "Golemagg der Verbrenner", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 57} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant", lootid = "MCGolemagg" },
dtl9 = { text = "Sulfuron-Herold", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 80} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", lootid = "MCSulfuron" },
dtl10 = { text = "Majordomo Executus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {89, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", lootid = "MCMajordomo" },
dtl11 = { text = "Ragnaros", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Elementar", lootid = "MCRagnaros", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCTrashMobs", lootlink = true },
dtl13 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCRANDOMBOSSDROPPS", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Naxxramas", -- Naxxramas
displayname = "Naxxramas",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Stratholme/\195\150stliche Pestl\195\164nder",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text ="Monstr\195\182sit\195\164tenfl\195\188gel" , colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2, 15} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Flickwerk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXPatchwerk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Grobbulus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXGrobbulus" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gluth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 20} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXGluth" },
dtl5 = { text = "Thaddius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 4} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXThaddius", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Spinnenfl\195\188gel", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 3} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Anub'Rekhan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 20} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Spider Wing", lootid = "NAXAnubRekhan" },
dtl8 = { text = "Gro\195\159witwe Faerlina", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Spider Wing", lootid = "NAXGrandWidowFaerlina" },
dtl9 = { text = "Maexxna", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74, 5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Spider Wing", lootid = "NAXMaexxna", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Seuchenfl\195\188gel", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Noth der Seuchenf\195\188rst", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Necro Wing", lootid = "NAXNothderPlaguebringer" },
dtl12 = { text = "Heigan der Unreine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 58} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Necro Wing", lootid = "NAXHeiganderUnclean" },
dtl13 = { text = "Loatheb", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Necro Wing", lootid = "NAXLoatheb", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Todesritterfl\195\188gel", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {15, 79} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Instrukteur Razuvious", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Deathknight Wing", lootid = "NAXInstructorRazuvious" },
dtl16 = { text = "Gothik der Seelenj\195\164ger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Deathknight Wing", lootid = "NAXGothikderHarvester" },
dtl17 = { text = "Die vier Ritter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Deathknight Wing", lootid = "NAXTheFourHorsemen" },
dtl18 = { text = "Thane Korth'azz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sir Zeliek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Hochlord Mograine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Lady Blaumeaux", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "Frostwyrm Lair", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair" },
dtl23 = { text = "Sapphiron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 91} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair", lootid = "NAXSapphiron" },
dtl24 = { text = "Kel'Thuzard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair", lootid = "NAXKelThuzard", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl25 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "NAXTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Onyxias Hort", -- Onyxias Hort
displayname = "Onyxias Hort",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "Marschen von Dustwallow (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "Requires Drakefire Amulet\n(Complete quest in UBRS to kill General Drakkisath)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Onyxias Wachen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl3 = { text = "Welpeneier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Onyxia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Dragonkin", lootid = "Onyxia", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Der Flammenschlund", -- Ragefireabgrund
displayname = "Der Flammenschlund",
displayshort = "RF",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "Orgrimmar",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Maur Grimtotem", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Satchel Quest" },
dtl3 = { text = "Taragaman der Hungerleider", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Demon", lootid = "RFCTaragaman" },
dtl4 = { text = "Jergosh der Herbeirufer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 86} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Mensch", lootid = "RFCJergosh" },
dtl5 = { text = "Bazzalan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 91} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Demon", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die H\195\188gel von Razorfen", -- Die H\195\188gel von Razorfen
displayname = "Die H\195\188gel von Razorfen",
displayshort = "HvR",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "Brachland (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Tuten'kash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Undead", lootid = "RFDTutenkash" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gong to spawn Tuten'kash", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Henry Stern,\n& Belnistrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Learn how to make :\nGoldthorn Tea, \nMighty Troll's Blood Potion" },
dtl6 = { text = "Mordresh Feuerauge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 47} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl39 Elite Undead", lootid = "RFDMordreshFireEye" },
dtl7 = { text = "Nimmersatt", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 65} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Mensch", lootid = "RFDGlutton" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ragglesnout", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 67} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFDRagglesnout" },
dtl9 = { text = "Amnennar der K\195\164ltebringer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 59} }, symbol = { "0" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite Undead", lootid = "RFDAmnennar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Der Kral von Razorfen", -- Der Kral von Razorfen
displayname = "Der Kral von Razorfen",
displayshort = "KvR",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "Brachland (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Roogug", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Mensch" },
dtl3 = { text = "Aggem Thorncurse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Mensch" },
dtl4 = { text = "Todessprecher Jargba", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 38} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Mensch", lootid = "RFKDeathSpeakerJargba" },
dtl5 = { text = "Oberanf\195\188hrer Rammhauer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 29} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mensch", lootid = "RFKOverlordRamtusk" },
dtl6 = { text = "Erdenrufer Halmgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKEarthcallerHalmgar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Willix der Importeur,\n& Heralath Fallowbrook", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Charlga Razorflank", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Mensch", lootid = "RFKCharlgaRazorflank" },
dtl9 = { text = "Blind Hunter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6, 32} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Bestie\n& Chest", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKBlindHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ward Sealing Agathelos", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Agathelos der Tobende", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11, 65} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Bestie", lootid = "RFKAgathelos", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFKTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj", -- Die Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kurinnaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss & Elites", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="Generallieutenant Andorov,\n&Four Kaldorei Elites", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20Andorov" },
dtl4 = { text = "Captain Qeez", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.1, 46.9} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl5 = { text = "Captain Tuubid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55.4, 46.9} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl6 = { text = "Captain Drenn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.2, 47.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl7 = { text = "Captain Xurrem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.2, 49.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl8 = { text = "Major Yeggeth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.3, 50.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl9 = { text = "Major Pakkong", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 53.4} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl10 = { text = "Colonel Zerran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 51.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl11 = { text = "General Rajaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.2, 49.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Rajaxx" },
dtl12 = { text = "Moam", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 31} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Moam" },
dtl13 = { text = "Buru der Verschlinger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Buru" },
dtl14 = { text = "Sicherer Raum", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 70} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Ayamiss der J\195\164ger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 91} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Ayamiss" },
dtl16 = { text = "Ossirian der Narbenlose", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29, 73} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Ossirian", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = "B\195\188cher", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20ClassBooks" },
dtl18 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants" },
dtl19 = { text = "AQ20"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20SET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Das scharlachrote Kloster", -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = "Das scharlachrote Kloster",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "Tirisfal (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang Friedhof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eisenstachel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "Azshir der Schlaflose", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMAzshir" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gefallener Held", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 80} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMFallenChampion" },
dtl5 = { text = "Blutmagier Thalnos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", lootid = "SMBloodmageThalnos" },
dtl6 = { text = "Eingang Bibliothek", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {56, 74} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl7 = { text = "Hundemeister Loksey", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.1, 95} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 Elite Mensch\nBibliothek", lootid = "SMHoundmasterLoksey" },
dtl8 = { text = "Arkanist Doan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.1, 92} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl37 Elite Mensch\nBibliothek", lootid = "SMDoan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Eingang Waffenkammer", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 65} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl10 = { text = "Herod", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74.8, 6.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Mensch\nArmoury", lootid = "SMHerod", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = "Eingang Kathedrale", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 65} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl12 = { text = "Hochinquisitor Fairbanks", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 11} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Mensch\nCathedral", lootid = "SMFairbanks" },
dtl13 = { text = "Scharlachroter Mograine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 12} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Mensch\nCathedral", lootid = "SMMograine" },
dtl14 = { text = "Hochinquisitor Whitemane", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 4.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Mensch\nCathedral", lootid = "SMWhitemane", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl15 = { text = "Set : Chain of the Scarlet Crusade", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "6 Piece", lootid = "SMScarletSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Ahn'Qiraj", -- Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Arygos\n& Caelestrasz\n& Merithra des Traums", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Andorgos\n& Vethsera\n& Kandrostrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Der Prophet Skeram", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 41} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nDrau\195\159en", lootid = "AQ40Skeram" },
dtl5 = { text = "Vem & Co", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Vem" },
dtl6 = { text = "Schlachtwache Sartura", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 30} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Sartura" },
dtl7 = { text = "Fankriss der Unnachgiebige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 14} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Fankriss" },
dtl8 = { text = "Viscidus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 7} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Viscidus" },
dtl9 = { text = "Prinzessin Huhuran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Huhuran" },
dtl10 = { text = "Die Zwillingsimperatoren", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 67} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Emperors" },
dtl11 = { text = "Ouro", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 22, 87 } }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Ouro" },
dtl12 = { text = "Auge von C'Thun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun" },
dtl13 = { text = "C'Thun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "AQ40 "..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40SET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "AQ Brood Rings", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQBroodRings", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_OPENING, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQOpening", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die Todesminen", -- The Deadmines
displayname = "Die Todesminen",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "Westfall (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die Todesminen"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Rhahk'Zor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 Elite Mensch", lootid = "VCRhahkZor" },
dtl5 = { text = "Minenarbeiter Johnson", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 Elite Mensch", lootid = "VCMinerJohnson", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "Sneed", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 77} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mechanical (in Shredder)", lootid = "VCSneed" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gilnid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 60.2} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mensch", lootid = "VCGilnid" },
dtl8 = { text = "Defias Gunpowder", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.6, 39} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "...Blast Powder to blow the doors" },
dtl9 = { text = "Mr. Smite", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 31} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mensch", lootid = "VCMrSmite" },
dtl10 = { text = "Cookie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 36} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCCookie" },
dtl11 = { text = "Captain Greenskin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 37} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Mensch", lootid = "VCCaptainGreenskin" },
dtl12 = { text = "Edwin VanCleef", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 37} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Mensch", lootid = "VCVanCleef", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl13 = { text = "Set : Defiasleder (5 Teile)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCDefiasSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Das Verlies", -- Das Verlies
displayname = "Das Verlies",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "Stormwind",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Targorr der Schreckliche", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Mensch", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl4 = { text = "Kam Deepfury", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 43} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 Elite Mensch", lootid = "SWStKamDeepfury" },
dtl5 = { text = "Hamhock", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {85, 56} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Mensch" },
dtl6 = { text = "Bazil Thredd", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Dextren Ward", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mensch" },
dtl8 = { text = "Bruegal Ironknuckle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 54} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SWStBruegalIronknuckle", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Der versunkene Tempel", -- Sunken Temple
displayname = "Der versunkene Tempel",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "S\195\188mpfe des Elends (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Tempel Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der versunkene Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Treppen zum Unten", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Treppen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Treppen zum Oben", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 18}, {69, 18}, {52, 48}, {69, 48} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Troll Minibosses (Oben level)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 23}, {66, 23}, {72, 33}, {49, 33}, {54, 43}, {66, 43} }, symbol = { "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill all, then Jammal'an\nto fight Eranikus", lootid = "STTrollMinibosses", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Statuen", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 82}, {22, 64}, {13, 77}, {30, 77}, {13, 68}, {30, 68} }, symbol = { "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6" },
tooltiptxt = "Activate in numerical order to\nsummon Atal'alarion" },
dtl7 = { text = "Altar von Hakkar", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Atal'alarion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 71} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Mensch", lootid = "STAtalalarion", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Traumsense", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Dragonkin", lootid = "STDreamscythe" },
dtl10 = { text = "Wirker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Dragonkin", lootid = "STWeaver" },
dtl11 = { text = "Avatar of Hakkar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 33} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STAvatarofHakkar" },
dtl12 = { text = "Jammal'an der Prophet", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 Elite Mensch", lootid = "STJammalan" },
dtl13 = { text = "Ogom der Elende", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Undead", lootid = "STOgom" },
dtl14 = { text = "Morphaz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 62} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STMorphaz" },
dtl15 = { text = "Hazzas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STHazzas" },
dtl16 = { text = "Eranikus' Schemen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 62} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STEranikus" },
dtl17 = { text = "Essenzen Schriftsatz", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {85, 57} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "STTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Uldaman", -- Uldaman
displayname = "Uldaman",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "Das \195\150dland (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Baelog", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite" },
dtl4 = { text = "\195\156berreste eines Paladins", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Revelosh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 73.3} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Mensch", lootid = "UldRevelosh" },
dtl6 = { text = "Ironaya", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant", lootid = "UldIronaya" },
dtl7 = { text = "Annora (Verzauberungsmeister)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 61} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Obsidian-Schildwache", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.4, 62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Mechanical" },
dtl9 = { text = "Uralter Steinbewahrer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.7, 43} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl44 Elite Elementar", lootid = "UldAncientStoneKeeper" },
dtl10 = { text = "Galgann Firehammer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 31} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", lootid = "UldGalgannFirehammer" },
dtl11 = { text = "Grimlok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 19} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Mensch", lootid = "UldGrimlok" },
dtl12 = { text = "Archaedas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 14.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant\nLower level", lootid = "UldArchaedas" },
dtl13 = { text = "Die Scheiben von Norgannon", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {39.7, 6.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Oben level" },
dtl14 = { text = "Antiker Schatz", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.3, 4.9} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lower level", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UldTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens", -- Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens
displayname = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "Brachland (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "J\195\188nger von Naralex", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Triggers Instance Final" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lord Kobrahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mensch", lootid = "WCLordCobrahn" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lady Anacondra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 35} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mensch", lootid = "WCLadyAnacondra" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kresh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 42} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mensch", lootid = "WCKresh" },
dtl7 = { text = "Deviatfeendrache", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 43} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Dragonkin", lootid = "WCDeviateFaerieDragon", special = AM_RARE },
dtl8 = { text = "Lord Pythas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 34} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Mensch", lootid = "WCLordPythas" },
dtl9 = { text = "Skum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 69} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Mensch", lootid = "WCSkum" },
dtl10 = { text = "Lord Serpentis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 52} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Mensch\nOben level", lootid = "WCLordSerpentis" },
dtl11 = { text = "Verdan der Ewiglebende", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 48} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Elementar\nOben level", lootid = "WCVerdan" },
dtl12 = { text = "Mutanus der Verschlinger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.9, 23.9} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Mensch\nTriggered Spawn", lootid = "WCMutanus" },
dtl13 = { text = "Naralex", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.4, 25.4} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Mensch", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = "Set : Embrace of the Viper", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "WCViperSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Zul'Farrak", -- Zul'Farrak
displayname = "Zul'Farrak",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "Tanaris (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zerillis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sandarr Dunereaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Wasserbeschw\195\182rerin Velratha", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Mensch" },
dtl5 = { text = "Gahz'rilla", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Bestie", lootid = "ZFGahzrilla" },
dtl6 = { text = "Dustwraith", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 46} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "ZFDustwraith" },
dtl7 = { text = "Antu'sul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 35} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Mensch", lootid = "ZFAntusul" },
dtl8 = { text = "Theka der M\195\164rtyrer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Mensch" },
dtl9 = { text = "Hexendoktor Zum'rah", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 23} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Mensch", lootid = "ZFWitchDoctorZumrah" },
dtl10 = { text = "Toter Zul'Farrak-Held", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 27} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Mensch" },
dtl11 = { text = "Schattenpriester Sezz'ziz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Mensch", lootid = "ZFSezzziz" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nekrum Gutchewer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Undead" },
dtl13 = { text = "Sergeant Bly", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {26, 26} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Divino-matic Rod Quest\nHostile/Friendly depending on\nfaction and actions taken" },
dtl14 = { text = "Ruuzlu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Mensch" },
dtl15 = { text = "H\195\164uptling Ukorz Sandscalp", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 42} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Mensch", lootid = "ZFChiefUkorzSandscalp", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Zul'Gurub", -- Zul'Gurub
displayname = "Zul'Gurub",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "Schlingendorntal (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Schlammiges aufgew\195\188hltes Gew\195\164sser", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hohepriesterin Jeklik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Bat)", lootid = "ZGJeklik" },
dtl4 = { text = "Hohepriester Venoxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Snake)", lootid = "ZGVenoxis" },
dtl5 = { text = "Hohepriesterin Mar'li", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 85} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Spider)", lootid = "ZGMarli" },
dtl6 = { text = "Blutlord Mandokir", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 73} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Raptor)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGMandokir" },
dtl7 = { text = "Rand des Wahnsinns", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_OPTIONAL },
dtl8 = { text = "Gri'lek, of the Iron Blood", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGGrilek" },
dtl9 = { text = "Hazza'rah, the Dreamweaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGHazzarah" },
dtl10 = { text = "Renataki, of the Thousand Blades", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGRenataki" },
dtl11 = { text = "Wushoolay, the Storm Witch", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGWushoolay" },
dtl12 = { text = "Gahz'ranka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGGahzranka" },
dtl13 = { text = "Hohepriester Thekal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 32} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Tiger)", lootid = "ZGThekal" },
dtl14 = { text = "Hohepriesterin Arlokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 16} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Panther)", lootid = "ZGArlokk" },
dtl15 = { text = "Jin'do der Hexxer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Undead)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGJindo" },
dtl16 = { text = "Hakkar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 40} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Dragon", lootid = "ZGHakkar", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGTrash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = "ZG"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl19 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGShared", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl20 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGEnchants", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Scholomance", -- Scholomance
displayname = "Scholomance",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "Die westlichen Pestl\195\164nder (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41, 41}, {34, 80} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Blutschale von Kirtonos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 32} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Demon", lootid = "SCHOLOBloodSteward" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kirtonos der Herold", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SCHOLOKirtonostheHerald" },
dtl7 = { text = "Jandice Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96, 8.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOJandiceBarov" },
dtl8 = { text = "Blutrippe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead\nLower level\nDrops key to Viewing Room", lootid = "SCHOLORattlegore" },
dtl9 = { text = "Todesritter Schattensichel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead\nPaladins/Shaman Quest to Summon", lootid = "SCHOLODeathKnight" },
dtl10 = { text = "Marduk Blackpool", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.7, 42} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite\nAggro by placing Dawn's Gambit\nin Viewing room", lootid = "SCHOLOMarduk" },
dtl11 = { text = "Vectus", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.2, 42} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead\nAggro by placing Dawn's Gambit\nin Viewing room", lootid = "SCHOLOVectus" },
dtl12 = { text = "Ras Frostraunen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 87} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLORasFrostwhisper" },
dtl13 = { text = "Kormok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 80} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite", lootid = "SCHOLOKormok" },
dtl14 = { text = "Instrukteurin Malicia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 94} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch", lootid = "SCHOLOInstructorMalicia" },
dtl15 = { text = "Doktor Theolen Krastinov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 74.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch", lootid = "SCHOLODoctorTheolenKrastinov" },
dtl16 = { text = "H\195\188ter des Wissens Polkelt", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 55.2} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOLorekeeperPolkelt" },
dtl17 = { text = "Der Ravenier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.8, 92} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOTheRavenian" },
dtl18 = { text = "Lord Alexei Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.2, 74.5} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOLordAlexeiBarov" },
dtl19 = { text = "Lady Illucia Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.6, 54} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOLadyIlluciaBarov" },
dtl20 = { text = "Dunkelmeister Gandling", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.2, 74.4} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mensch", lootid = "SCHOLODarkmasterGandling", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl21 = { text = "Kerzenhebel", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 19} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "Alchimielabor", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14, 70} }, symbol = { "AL" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl23 = { text = "Besitzurkunde f\195\188r Southshore", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {56, 25} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl24 = { text = "Besitzurkunde f\195\188r Tarrens M\195\188hle", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {11, 36} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl25 = { text = "Besitzurkunde f\195\188r Brill", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 77} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl26 = { text = "Besitzurkunde f\195\188r Caer Darrow", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {94, 72} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch", leaveGap = 1},
{ name = "Stratholme", -- Stratholme
displayname = "Stratholme",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "Die \195\182stlichen Pestl\195\164nder (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "Side entrance at EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "Haupteingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Seiteneingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Fras Siabis Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "K\195\182nigsplatz Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "\195\132ltestenplatz Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {24, 66} }, symbol = { "P3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Marktgasse Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 62} }, symbol = { "P4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Feststra\195\159e Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {61, 62} }, symbol = { "P5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Elders' Square Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {80, 68} }, symbol = { "P6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Postmaster Malown", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 86}, {47, 74}, {24, 66}, {50, 62}, {61, 62}, {80, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead\nSpawns on opening of a 3rd Mail box\nMail box keys looted from Courier", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Skul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 83} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "STRATSkull" },
dtl11 = { text = "Kurier von Stratholme", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 78} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATStratholmeCourier" },
dtl12 = { text = "Fras Siabi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 83} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATFrasSiabi" },
dtl13 = { text = "Herdsinger Forresten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 62}, {65, 58}, {66, 66} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Undead\nWill continue to respawn if any\nGhouls that spawn in his place\nare killed", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATHearthsingerForresten" },
dtl14 = { text = "Der Unverziehene", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATTheUnforgiven" },
dtl15 = { text = "Timmy der Grausame", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 61.5} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATTimmytheCruel" },
dtl16 = { text = "Kanonenmeister Willey", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {1, 74} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch", lootid = "STRATCannonMasterWilley" },
dtl17 = { text = "Archivar Galford", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 92} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Mensch", lootid = "STRATArchivistGalford" },
dtl18 = { text = "Balnazzar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Demon", lootid = "STRATBalnazzar" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sothos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Summoning", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl20 = { text = "Jarien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Summoning", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl21 = { text = "Aurius", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81, 61} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "Steinbuckel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 42} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "STRATStonespine" },
dtl23 = { text = "Baroness Anastari", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATBaronessAnastari" },
dtl24 = { text = "Nerub'enkan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 39} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATNerubenkan" },
dtl25 = { text = "Maleki der Leichenblasse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 14} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Mensch", lootid = "STRATMalekithePallid" },
dtl26 = { text = "Magistrate Barthilas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 10}, {74, 60} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Undead", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATMagistrateBarthilas" },
dtl27 = { text = "Ramstein der Verschlinger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 15} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATRamsteintheGorger" },
dtl28 = { text = "Baron Rivendare", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 15} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATBaronRivendare", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Burg Shadowfang", -- Burg Shadowfang
displayname = "SBurg Shadowfang",
displayshort = "BSF",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "Silberwald (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zinnen", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = "Zinnen", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { "B2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Todesh\195\182riger Captain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.8, 34.8}, {50, 46.8} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 32}, {67, 33} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Rethilgore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mensch\nThe Cell Keeper" },
dtl9 = { text = "Zauberhexer Ashcrombe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 73} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 Elite Mensch" },
dtl10 = { text = "Deathstalker Adamant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 74} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 Elite Mensch" },
dtl11 = { text = "Klingenklaue der Metzger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BSFRazorclawtheButcher" },
dtl12 = { text = "Kommandant Silverlaine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 87} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Undead", lootid = "BSFSilverlaine" },
dtl13 = { text = "Commander Springvale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 69} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Undead", lootid = "BSFSpringvale" },
dtl14 = { text = "Odo der Blindseher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 84} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BSFOdotheBlindwatcher" },
dtl15 = { text = "Fenrus der Verschlinger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.4, 33.4} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Bestie", lootid = "BSFFenrustheDevourer" },
dtl16 = { text = "Wolfmeister Nandos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 29} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BSFWolfMasterNandos" },
dtl17 = { text = "Erzmagier Arugal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {84, 13} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mensch", lootid = "BSFArchmageArugal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BSFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "H\195\182llenfeuerbollwerk", -- Hellfire Rampart
displayname = "HZ: H\195\182llenfeuerbollwerk",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HCRampart
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "60-62",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wachhabender Gargolmar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "Omor der Narbenlose", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampOmor" },
dtl4 = { text = "Vazruden der Herold", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill both hellfire sentry to start encounter", lootid = "HCRampVazruden" },
dtl5 = { text = "Nazan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampNazan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Verst\195\164rkte Teufelseisentruhe", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampFelIronChest", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Der Blutkessel", -- The Blood Furnace
displayname = "HZ: Der Blutkessel",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "61-63",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Der Sch\195\182pfer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broggok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBroggok" },
dtl4 = { text = "Keli'dan der Zerst\195\182rer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.6, 35.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBreaker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die zerschmetterten Hallen", -- Shattered Halls
displayname = "HZ: Die zerschmetterten Hallen",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Randy Sauseritzel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Allianz, Heroisch)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Drisella", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroisch)" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gro\195\159hexenmeister", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 66.02} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsNethekurse" },
dtl5 = { text = "Blutwache Porung", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.23, 10.55} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroisch)", lootid = "HCHallsPorung" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kriegshetzer O'mrogg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.42, 33.79} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsOmrogg" },
dtl7 = { text = "Kriegsh\195\164uptling Kargath Messerfaust", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsKargath" },
dtl8 = { text = "Henker der Zerschmetterten Hand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroisch)", lootid = "HCHallsExecutioner" },
dtl9 = { text = "Gefreiter Jacint", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Allianz, Heroisch)" },
dtl10 = { text = "Scharfsch\195\188tze Braunbart", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Allianz, Heroisch)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Hauptmann Alina", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Allianz, Heroisch)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Sp\195\164her Orgarr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroisch)" },
dtl13 = { text = "Korag M\195\164hnenstolz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroisch)" },
dtl14 = { text = "Hauptmann Knochenbrecher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroisch)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "Magtheridons Kammer", -- Magtheridon's Lair
displayname = "HZ: Magtheridons Kammer",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Magtheridon", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die Sklavenunterk\195\188nfte", -- The Slave Pens
displayname = "EK: Die Sklavenunterk\195\188nfte",
displayshort = "SU",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "62-64",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Kessels (Heroisch)",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu der Verr\195\164ter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "J\195\164ter Gr\195\188ndaum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Nar'biss der Ketzer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.2, 72.66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroisch)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Rokmar der Zerquetscher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.81, 41.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveRokmar" },
dtl6 = { text = "Naturalist Biss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.09, 61.13} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Quagmirran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 72.27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveQuagmirran" }
{ name = "Der Tiefensumpf", -- The Underbog
displayname = "EK: Der Tiefensumpf",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "63-65",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Kessels (Heroisch)",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfenn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "Die Tiefenspore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Ghaz'an", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.84, 34.18} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderGhazan" },
dtl5 = { text = "Erdbinder Rayge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Windrufer Klaue", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Sumpff\195\188rst Musel'ek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.84, 30.27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderSwamplord" },
dtl8 = { text = "Die Schattenmutter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.09, 45.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderStalker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Die Dampfkammer", -- The Steamvault
displayname = "EK: Die Dampfkammer",
displayshort = "DK",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Kessels (Heroisch)",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wasserbeschw\195\182rerin Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Hautpkammer Zugangskonsole", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "W\195\164chter des zweiten Teils", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSecondFragmentGuardian" },
dtl5 = { text = "Arkaner Beh\195\164lter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Robogenieur Dampfhammer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSteamrigger" },
dtl7 = { text = "Hautpkammer Zugangskonsole", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Kriegsherr Kalithresh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.19, 43.95} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamWarlord" },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "H\195\182hle des Schlangenschreins", -- SerpentShrine Cavern
displayname = "EK: H\195\182hle des Schlangenschreins",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydross der Unstete", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "Das Grauen aus der Tiefe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLurker" },
dtl4 = { text = "Leotheras der Blinde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.75, 27.15} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLeotheras" },
dtl5 = { text = "Tiefenlord Karathress", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentKarathress" },
dtl6 = { text = "Seher Olum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Morogrim Gezeitenwandler", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.02, 28.52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentMorogrim" },
dtl8 = { text = "Lady Vashj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.64, 55.47} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentVashj", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentTrash" }
{ name = "Auchenaikrypta", -- Auchenai Crypts
displayname = "Auch: Auchenaikrypta",
displayshort = "Krypta",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "64-66",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Unteres Viertel",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Shirrak der Totenw\195\164chter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "Exarch Maladaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsExarch" },
dtl4 = { text = "Avatar des Gemarterten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsAvatar" },
dtl5 = { text = "D'ore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsTrash" }
{ name = "Schattenlabyrinth", -- Shadow Labyrinth
displayname = "Auch: Schattenlabyrinth",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "65-67",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Schattenlabyrinths\nKey: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Unteres Viertel",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spion To'gun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Botschafter H\195\182llenschlund", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowHellmaw" },
dtl4 = { text = "Schwarzherz der Hetzer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 73} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowBlackheart" },
dtl5 = { text = "Gro\195\159meister Vorpil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Kodex des Blutes", lootid = "AuchShadowGrandmaster" },
dtl6 = { text = "Murmur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowMurmur" },
dtl7 = { text = "W\195\164chter des ersten Teils", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowFirstFragmentGuardian" },
dtl8 = { text = "Arkaner Beh\195\164lter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.38, 37.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowTrash" }
{ name = "Sethekkhallen", -- Sethekk Halls
displayname = "Auch: Sethekkhallen",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "67-69",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)\nKey: Mit Essenz erf\195\188llter Mondstein (Anzu)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Unteres Viertel",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Dunkelwirker Syth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "Lakka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Die Sage von Terokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTheSagaofTerokk" },
dtl5 = { text = "Anzu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkRavenGod", special = "(Beschw\195\182rbar, Heroisch)" },
dtl6 = { text = "Klauenk\195\182nig Ikiss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTalonKing", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTrash" }
{ name = "Managruft", -- Mana Tombs
displayname = "Auch: Managruft",
displayshort = "Gruft",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)\nKey: Das Auge des Haramad (Ehrf\195\188rchtig, Yor)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Das Konsortium",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Pandemonius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "Schattenlord Xiraxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Botschafter Pax'ivi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.29, 16.41} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroisch)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Tavarok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 76} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTavarok" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kryoingenieur Sha'heen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Bedienungskonsole des Astraltransporters", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Nexusprinz Shaffar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaNexusPrince" },
dtl9 = { text = "Yor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Stasiskammer", special = "(Beschw\195\182rbar, Heroisch)", lootid = "AuchManaYor", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTrash" }
{ name = "Gruuls Unterschlupf", -- Gruul's Lair
displayname = "Gruuls Unterschlupf",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "Schergrat",
levels = "65-68",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "High King Maulgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gicherer der Wahnsinnige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Schamane)" },
dtl4 = { text = "Krosh Feuerhand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Magier)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Blindauge der Seher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Priester)" },
dtl6 = { text = "Olm der Beschw\195\182rer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hexenmeister)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gruul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 27} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GruulGruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Schwarzer Tempel", -- Black Temple
displayname = "Der Schwarze Tempel",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "Schattenmondtal",
levels = "67-70",
players = "40",
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Medaillon von Karabor",
general = "Ruf: Todesh\195\182rige der Aschenzungen",
dtl1 = { text = "Der Schwarze Tempel (Anfang)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Der Schwarze Tempel (Spitze)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Der Schwarze Tempel (Keller)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {7.62, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Geist von Olum", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Oberster Kriegsf\195\188rst Naj'entus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Supremus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "Akamas Schemen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "Geist von Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Aluyen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Reagenzien Verk\195\164ufer)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Okuno", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(R\195\188stmeister der Todesh\195\182rigen)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Seher Kanai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Zu Teron Blutschatten", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 51.76}, {79.1, 78.32} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Zu Reliquiar der Verirrten", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 37.5}, {84.18, 67.38} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Zu Illidan Sturmgrimm", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.83, 33.2}, {58.2, 10.74} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = "Gurtogg Siedeblut", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.59, 57.23} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTBloodboil" },
dtl17 = { text = "Reliquiar der Verirrten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTEssencofSouls" },
dtl18 = { text = "Essenz des Zorns", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Essenz der Begierde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Essenz des Leidens", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Teron Blutschatten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.77, 81.45} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTGorefiend" },
dtl22 = { text = "Mutter Shahraz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.77, 4.88} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTShahraz" },
dtl23 = { text = "Rat der Illidari", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTCouncil" },
dtl24 = { text = "Lady Malande", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Priesterin)" },
dtl25 = { text = "Gathios der Zerschmetterer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Paladin)" },
dtl26 = { text = "Hochnethermant Zerevor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Magier)" },
dtl27 = { text = "Veras Schwarzschatten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Schurke)" },
dtl28 = { text = "Illidan Sturmgrimm", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" }
{ name = "Mechanar", -- The Mechanar
displayname = "FdS: Mechanar",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "69-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "Key: Warpgeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "Festung der St\195\188rme\nRuf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Torw\195\164chter Gyrotod", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "Torw\195\164chter Eisenhand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechIron" },
dtl4 = { text = "Beh\195\164lter der Legion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCacheoftheLegion" },
dtl5 = { text = "Mechanolord Kapazitus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCapacitus" },
dtl6 = { text = "\195\188berladene Manazelle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechOverchargedManacell" },
dtl7 = { text = "Nethermantin Sepethrea", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 9.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechSepethrea" },
dtl8 = { text = "Pathaleon der Kalkulator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18.5, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCalc", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechTrash" }
{ name = "Botanica", -- The Botanica
displayname = "FdS: Botanica",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "Key: Warpgeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "Festung der St\195\188rme\nRuf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Commander Sarannis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Botanist Freywinn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotFreywinn" },
dtl4 = { text = "Thorngrin the Tender", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotThorngrin" },
dtl5 = { text = "Laj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotLaj" },
dtl6 = { text = "Warp Splinter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34.5, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSplinter", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotTrash" }
{ name = "Arcatraz", -- The Arcatraz
displayname = "FdS: Arcatraz",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel zu Arkatraz\nKey: Warpgeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "Festung der St\195\188rme\nRuf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zereketh der Unabh\195\164ngige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zereketh der Unabh\195\164ngige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcThirdFragmentGuardian" },
dtl4 = { text = "Arkaner Beh\195\164lter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Zornseher Soccothrates", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.5, 70} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcScryer" },
dtl6 = { text = "Dalliah die Verdammnisverk\195\188nderin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 70} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcDalliah" },
dtl7 = { text = "Seher Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 15.04} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Herold Horizontiss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcHarbinger" },
dtl9 = { text = "Aufseher Mellichar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Millhaus Manasturm", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcTrash" }
{ name = "Vorgebirge des Alten H\195\188gellands", -- Old Hillsbrad
displayname = "HdZ: Vorgebirge des Alten H\195\188gellands",
displayshort = "HdZ1",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Schl\195\188ssel der Zeit (Heroisch)",
general = "Tanaris\nEreignis: Flucht aus Burg Durnholde\nRuf: H\195\188ter der Zeit",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Erozion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Brazen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Leutnant Drach", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 64.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl5 = { text = "Thrall", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79.49, 57.23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "(Unten)", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kapit\195\164n Skarloc", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradSkarloc" },
dtl7 = { text = "Thralls 2. Halt", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Thralls 3. Halt", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {47.07, 41.41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Epochenj\195\164ger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Thralls 4. Halt", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(Oben)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Taretha", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(Oben)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Jonathan Revah", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Jerry Carter", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Thomas Yance", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradThomasYance" },
dtl15 = { text = "Gealterter Hexer von Dalaran", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradAgedDalaranWizard", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Schwarzen Morast", -- The Black Morass
displayname = "HdZ: Schwarzen Morast",
displayshort = "HdZ2",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Schl\195\188ssel der Zeit (Heroisch)",
general = "Tanaris\nEreignis: \195\182ffnung des Dunklen Portals\nRuf: H\195\188ter der Zeit",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "Sa'at", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spawnpunkte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Chronolord Deja", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Welle 6)", lootid = "CoTMorassDeja" },
dtl4 = { text = "Temporus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Welle 12)", lootid = "CoTMorassTemporus" },
dtl5 = { text = "Aeonus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Welle 18)", lootid = "CoTMorassAeonus", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Das Dunkle Portal", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.14, 74.22} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Medivh" },
{ name = "Die Schlacht am Berg Hyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
displayname = "HdZ: Die Schlacht am Berg Hyjal",
displayshort = "HdZ3",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich",
general = "Tanaris\nEreignis: Schlacht um Berg Hyjal\nRuf: Die W\195\164chter der Sande",
dtl1 = { text = "Basis der Allianz", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(Lady Jaina Prachtmeer)" },
dtl2 = { text = "Basis der Horde", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Thrall)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Basis der Nachtelfen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Tyrande Wisperwind)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Furor Winterfrost", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 46.88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalWinterchill" },
dtl5 = { text = "Anetheron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 50.98} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAnetheron" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kaz'rogal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 32.81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalKazrogal" },
dtl7 = { text = "Azgalor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Karazahn", -- Karazahn
displayname = "Karazahn",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "Deadwind Pass",
levels = "70",
players = "10",
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Der Schl\195\188ssel des Meisters\nKey: Geschw\195\164rzte Urne (Schrecken der Nacht)",
general = "Ruf: Das Violette Auge",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hastings", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Hauswart" },
dtl4 = { text = "Berthold", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Pf\195\182rtner" },
dtl5 = { text = "Moroes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 25.98}, {65.23, 23.24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Treppen zum Ballsaal)", lootid = "KaraMoroes" },
dtl6 = { text = "Calliard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.44, 33.4} }, symbol = { "c" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Nachtw\195\164chter" },
dtl7 = { text = "Attumen der J\195\164ger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAttumen" },
dtl8 = { text = "Mittnacht", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Koren", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.02, 30.47} }, symbol = { "d" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Schmied" },
dtl10 = { text = "Treppen zum Oberen Stall", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.55, 37.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bennett", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {19.53, 35.55} }, symbol = { "e" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Die Schutzwache", special = "Oben" },
dtl12 = { text = "Schwarzhaupt", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74.8, 36.52} }, symbol = { "f" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Adlige" },
dtl13 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Hyakiss der Lauerer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Rar, Zuf\195\164llig)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl15 = { text = "Rokad der Verheerer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Rar, Zuf\195\164llig)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl16 = { text = "Shadikith der Gleiter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Rar, Zuf\195\164llig)", lootid = "KaraNamed", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "Rampe zu den G\195\164stekammern", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {17.77, 3.32}, {73.24, 10.16} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl18 = { text = "Keannas Aufzeichnungen", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {82.52, 4.69} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraKeannaLog" },
dtl19 = { text = "Tugendhafte Maid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.38, 16.21} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraMaiden" },
dtl20 = { text = "Treppen zur Opernhaus Orchester Ebene", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84.18, 15.04} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Sebastian", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {55.08, 18.55} }, symbol = { "g" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Orgelspieler" },
dtl22 = { text = "Barnes", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51.95, 10.35} }, symbol = { "h" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Inspizient" },
dtl23 = { text = "Opernevent", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "Zuf\195\164llig", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl24 = { text = "Der Zauberer von Oz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Zuf\195\164llig)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl25 = { text = "Rotk\195\164ppchen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Zuf\195\164llig)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl26 = { text = "Romeo und Julia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Zuf\195\164llig)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl27 = { text = "Rampe vom Zwischengeschoss zum Balkon", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62.11, 8.79} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl28 = { text = "Terrasse des Meisters", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl29 = { text = "Schrecken der Nacht", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Summoned)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl30 = { text = "Weg zur Besch\195\164digten Treppe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.66, 24.02} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Oben)" },
dtl31 = { text = "Besch\195\164digte Treppe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 24.41} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Oben)" },
dtl32 = { text = "Der Kurator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10.16, 35.16} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraCurator" },
dtl33 = { text = "Verbindung zu:", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.67, 44.92}, {30.47, 68.55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl34 = { text = "Wravien", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.24, 69.73} }, symbol = { "i" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Magier" },
dtl35 = { text = "Gradav", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {17.97, 69.34} }, symbol = { "j" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Hexenmeister" },
dtl36 = { text = "Kamsis", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.41, 73.83} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Die Beschw\195\182rerin" },
dtl37 = { text = "Rampe zur Bibliothek der Besch\195\188tzer", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {19.92, 76.56} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl38 = { text = "Verd\195\164chtiges B\195\188cherregal", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {20.51, 66.6} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "(-> Passage zu Siechhuf)" },
dtl39 = { text = "Terestian Siechhuf", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.19, 72.85} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Kil'rek (Wichtel)", lootid = "KaraIllhoof" },
dtl40 = { text = "Arans Schemen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.2, 66.21} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAran" },
dtl41 = { text = "Rampe nach oben zur Himmelswacht", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Nethergroll)" },
dtl42 = { text = "Rampe nach unten zur Halle der Spieler", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Schachevent)" },
dtl43 = { text = "Nethergroll", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9.38, 65.82} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNetherspite" },
dtl44 = { text = "Ythar", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {27.15, 66.21} }, symbol = { "l" },
tooltiptxt = "", special ="(Reparieren und Belohnungen)" },
dtl45 = { text = "Verbindung zu:", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.76, 63.48}, {62.5, 39.84} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl46 = { text = "Echo Medivhs", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {65.04, 37.5} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "Schachevent", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.58, 34.96} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraChess" },
dtl48 = { text = "Rampe zu Medivhs Kammer", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63.09, 29.88} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl49 = { text = "Wendeltreppe zum Netherraum", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.64, 32.62} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Prinz)" },
dtl50 = { text = "Prinz Malchezaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.37, 31.05} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat to allow summoning of Nightbane", special = "Leads to...", lootid = "KaraPrince" },
{ name = "Zul'Aman", -- Zul'Aman
displayname = "Zul'Aman",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "Geisterlande",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Nalorakk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(B\195\164r)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Akil'zon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Adler)", lootid = "ZAAkilZon" },
dtl4 = { text = "Jan'alai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 67.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Drachenfalke)", lootid = "ZAJanAlai" },
dtl5 = { text = "Halazzi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.05, 36.62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Luchs)", lootid = "ZAHalazzi" },
dtl6 = { text = "Hexlord Malacrass", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 54.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAMalacrass" },
dtl7 = { text = "Zul'jin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.4, 54.7} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAZuljin", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Festung der St\195\188rme", -- The Eye
displayname = "FdS: Festung der St\195\188rme",
displayshort = "FdS",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der St\195\188rme",
general = "Ruf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Al'ar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Leerh\195\164scher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeVoidReaver" },
dtl4 = { text = "Hochastronom Solarian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeSolarian" },
dtl5 = { text = "Kael'thas Sonnenwanderer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeKaelthas" },
dtl6 = { text = "Thaladred der Verfinsterer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Krieger)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Meisteringenieur Telonicus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(J\195\164ger)" },
dtl8 = { text = "Gro\195\159astronom Capernian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", speical = "(Magier)" },
dtl9 = { text = "F\195\188rst Blutdurst", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Paladin)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Legendary", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeLegendaries" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeTrash" },
{ name = "Terrasse der Magister", -- Magister's Terrace
displayname = "Terrasse der Magister",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "Insel von Quel'Danas",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Selin Feuerherz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "Teufelskristalle", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Tyrith", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Vexallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.4, 31.84} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTVexallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Seherkugel", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {94.53, 31.64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Kalecgos)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Priesterin Delrissa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.67, 52.54} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Unter)", lootid = "SMTDelrissa" },
dtl8 = { text = "Kael'Thas Sonnenwanderer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6.05, 48.24} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTKaelthas", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Exit", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2.73, 47.85} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Orb)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
{ name = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
displayname = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "Insel von Quel'Danas",
levels = "69-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kalecgos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sathrovarr der Verderber", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Madrigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Brutallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPBrutallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Teufelsruch", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPFelmyst" },
dtl7 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.41, 33.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Eredar Zwillinge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower)", lootid = "SPEredarTwins" },
dtl9 = { text = "Gro\195\159hexenmeister Alythess", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower)" },
dtl10 = { text = "Lady Sacrolash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower)" },
dtl11 = { text = "M'uru", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Entropius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl13 = { text = "Kil'jaeden", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.71, 32.62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPKiljaeden" },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPTrash" },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Instances/AlphaMap_Instances.lua New file
0,0 → 1,8
-- Register this type as one where AlphaMap should remember Instance progress
AM_Raid_Progress_Types[AM_TYP_INSTANCE] = true;
-- Register the map data with the main AddOn
AlphaMap_Instances/ New file
0,0 → 1,2254
-- [[
-- AlphaMap v2.11.11100 Traditional Chinese Localization File
-- Initial Translated by: Arith Hsu (2006/07/21)
-- Maintained by: Arith Hsu
-- Last Updated: 2006/07/26
-- Comments:
-- 2006/07/27 Arith: 翻譯這個插件的文字,工作量是很龐大的,特別是要去查詢各副本裡的 boss 名稱,還有一些對應的任務名稱和
-- 一些任務注意事項等。期望看到後續有人熱心維護這個翻譯,但是請尊重各個維護翻譯的人的辛勞,你可以把你
-- 的名字加在檔頭,但是請勿移除其他人的名字。
-- 使用簡體中文的朋友如果是拿這個正體中文檔案直接轉簡體,我也沒什麼意見,但是請一樣保留原翻譯者的記錄
-- 另外請注意,正體中文和簡體中文的翻譯還是有諸多的不一致,請自行修正。
-- Revision History:
-- 7/26: Complete about 95% translations.
-- ]]
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
{ name = "黑暗深淵", -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = "黑暗深淵",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "梣谷 (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "一些水下的區域",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深淵"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "加摩拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英野獸 (巨型烏龜)", lootid = "BFDGhamoora" },
dtl4 = { text = "潮濕的便箋", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {23.5, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "'深淵的知識' 任務物品,\n箱子中" },
dtl5 = { text = "薩利維絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {3, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BFDLadySarevess" },
dtl6 = { text = "銀月守衛塞爾瑞德", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {11, 51} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "'尋找塞爾瑞德'任務的搜尋目標,\n也是'黑暗深淵中的惡魔'任務的開始" },
dtl7 = { text = "格裏哈斯特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英人形怪 (魚人)", lootid = "BFDGelihast" },
dtl8 = { text = "洛古斯‧傑特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 43}, {55, 46} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 菁英人形怪", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl9 = { text = "阿奎尼斯男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BFDBaronAquanis" },
dtl10 = { text = "深淵之核", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "部落'廢墟之間'任務物品" },
dtl11 = { text = "夢遊者克爾裏斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BFDTwilightLordKelris" },
dtl12 = { text = "Blackfathom-Tiefen Altar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "瑟拉吉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 菁英野獸", lootid = "BFDOldSerrakis" },
dtl14 = { text = "阿庫邁爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 85} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl29 菁英野獸 (水蛇)", lootid = "BFDAkumai", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石深淵", -- Blackrock Depths
displayname = "黑石深淵",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "52-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "洛考爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 菁英元素怪", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "審訊官格斯塔恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BRDHighInterrogatorGerstahn" },
dtl4 = { text = "溫德索爾元帥", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {46, 95} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "將連結到奧妮克希亞系列任務" },
dtl5 = { text = "指揮官哥沙克", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 90} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "部落'指揮官哥沙克'任務" },
dtl6 = { text = "卡蘭‧巨錘", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 86} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "聯盟'卡蘭‧巨錘'任務" },
dtl7 = { text = "法律之環", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "在此將所有怪物殺死以使\n上層的觀眾從紅色的侵略形轉為\n黃色中立", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl8 = { text = "瑟爾倫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "NPC 群領隊", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl9 = { text = "弗蘭克羅恩‧鑄鐵", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.8, 78.1} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "'黑鐵的遺產' 任務" },
dtl10 = { text = "控火師羅格雷恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 78} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPyromantLoregrain" },
dtl11 = { text = "黑色寶庫", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "弗諾斯‧達克維爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 41} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BRDFineousDarkvire" },
dtl13 = { text = "典獄官斯迪爾基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl56 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BRDWarderStilgiss" },
dtl14 = { text = "維雷克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 菁英" },
dtl15 = { text = "伊森迪奧斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "'伊森迪奧斯!' 任務", lootid = "BRDLordIncendius" },
dtl16 = { text = "黑鐵砧", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "暗爐之鎖", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 72.4} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "打開鎖以使你可以進入更高層的區域\n需要暗爐鑰匙" },
dtl18 = { text = "貝爾加", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 62} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英巨人", lootid = "BRDBaelGar" },
dtl19 = { text = "安格弗將軍", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 64} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英矮人", lootid = "BRDGeneralAngerforge" },
dtl20 = { text = "傀儡統帥阿格曼奇", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 51} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英矮人", lootid = "BRDGolemLordArgelmach" },
dtl21 = { text = "黑鐵酒吧", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 50} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "購買六個黑鐵酒杯\n並且將其給予羅克諾特下士", lootid = "BRDGuzzler" },
dtl22 = { text = "弗萊拉斯大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 38} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BRDFlamelash" },
dtl23 = { text = "無敵的潘佐爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 27} }, symbol = { "19" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英傀儡", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPanzor" },
dtl24 = { text = "召喚者之墓", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 18} }, symbol = { "20" },
tooltiptxt = "依序擊敗七個小王後便可進入夠深處\n箱子", lootid = "BRDTomb" },
dtl25 = { text = "講學廳", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 8.5} }, symbol = { "21" },
tooltiptxt = "找到並且擊敗兩個暗爐持火者\n並點燃兩個火炬\n打死地一個持火者後只有三分鐘的時間" },
dtl26 = { text = "瑪格姆斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 8.5} }, symbol = { "22" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英巨人", lootid = "BRDMagmus" },
dtl27 = { text = "鐵爐堡公主茉艾拉‧銅鬚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 8} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BRDPrincess" },
dtl28 = { text = "達格蘭‧索瑞森大帝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 8.5} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BRDImperatorDagranThaurissan" },
dtl29 = { text = "黑熔爐", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63, 22} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "融煉黑鐵錠,\n也是製作濃煙山脈之心的地方" },
dtl30 = { text = "熔火之心", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {65, 30} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "'熔火之心的傳送門' 任務\n熔火之心入口", toMap = "熔火之心", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石塔", -- Blackrock Spire
displayname = "黑石塔 (下層)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (上層)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上層)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "通往歐莫克大王的橋", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 32.1}, {15, 32.1} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {71, 22}, {94, 26} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "下層" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29, 53}, {29, 77} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "斜坡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {86, 40}, {89, 58} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "維埃蘭", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 菁英\n'晉升印章'任務" },
dtl9 = { text = "瓦羅什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪" },
dtl10 = { text = "尖銳長矛", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {69, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "任務物品" },
dtl11 = { text = "寶鑽", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 25 } }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "寶鑽任務系列\n不在下層" },
dtl12 = { text = "尖石屠夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 32.1} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪\n在通往歐莫克大王的橋上巡邏", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneButcher", special = AM_RARE },
dtl13 = { text = "歐莫克大王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英人形怪", lootid = "LBRSOmokk" },
dtl14 = { text = "尖石統帥", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "在歐莫克大王附近的小丘上", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneLord", special = AM_RARE },
dtl15 = { text = "暗影獵手沃什加斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 64} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英人形怪", lootid = "LBRSVosh" },
dtl16 = { text = "第五塊摩沙魯石板", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {77, 68} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "任務物品" },
dtl17 = { text = "班諾克‧巨斧", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.5, 26.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪\n在下層", lootid = "LBRSGrimaxe", special = AM_RARE },
dtl18 = { text = "維姆薩拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 32} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "LBRSVoone" },
dtl19 = { text = "第六塊摩沙魯石板", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {75, 29} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "任務物品" },
dtl20 = { text = "莫爾‧灰蹄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 35} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英\n需要召喚火盆\n需中斷其治療", lootid = "LBRSGrayhoof" },
dtl21 = { text = "煙網蛛后", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 58} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英野獸", lootid = "LBRSSmolderweb" },
dtl22 = { text = "水晶之牙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 49} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英野獸", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "LBRSCrystalFang" },
dtl23 = { text = "烏洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 30} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", lootid = "LBRSDoomhowl" },
dtl24 = { text = "軍需官茲格雷斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 89} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "LBRSZigris" },
dtl25 = { text = "哈雷肯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英野獸\nKill to trigger spawn of Gizrul", lootid = "LBRSHalycon" },
dtl26 = { text = "奴役者基茲盧爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英野獸\n在哈雷肯死後被觸發產生", lootid = "LBRSSlavener" },
dtl27 = { text = "維姆薩拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 62} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英龍", lootid = "LBRSWyrmthalak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl28 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "LBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石塔 (上層)",
displayname = "黑石塔 (上層)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (下層)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "烈焰衛士艾博希爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8.2, 31.0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英元素怪", lootid = "UBRSEmberseer", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {8.6, 38.9}, {36.4, 61.2} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "末日扣環", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {41.3, 68.65} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "任務物品\n在一堆傾倒的柱子附近的箱子裡\n不是很容易可以被看見\n可以從達基薩斯將軍的房間跳下" },
dtl7 = { text = "烈焰之父", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "在靠近通到的底端\n先避免龍蛋孵化再去開啟", lootid = "UBRSFLAME" },
dtl8 = { text = "索拉卡‧火冠", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英龍族\n在拾取烈焰之父之後出現", lootid = "UBRSSolakar" },
dtl9 = { text = "傑德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52.6} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "UBRSRunewatcher" },
dtl10 = { text = "古拉魯克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 52.6} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英人形怪", lootid = "UBRSAnvilcrack" },
dtl11 = { text = "大酋長雷德‧黑手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n僅限部落的'為了部落'任務\n騎著蓋斯下來", lootid = "UBRSRend" },
dtl12 = { text = "蓋斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英龍", lootid = "UBRSGyth" },
dtl13 = { text = "奧比", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68.1, 65.9} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "僅限於'監護者'任務" },
dtl14 = { text = "比斯巨獸", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 60.8} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英野獸", lootid = "UBRSBeast" },
dtl15 = { text = "瓦薩拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 56.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英\n需有任務才可召喚\n先將黑手大廳清完後再召喚", lootid = "UBRSValthalak" },
dtl16 = { text = "達基薩斯將軍", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.6, 73.2} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 菁英龍", lootid = "UBRSDrakkisath" },
dtl17 = { text = "黑翼之巢", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.5, 27.6} }, symbol = { "BWL" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑翼之巢", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑翼之巢", -- Blackwing Lair
displayname = "黑翼之巢",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "黑石塔",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上層)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 51}, {17, 52} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "狂野的拉佐格爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 66} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLRazorgore" },
dtl6 = { text = "墮落的瓦拉斯塔茲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 67} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLVaelastrasz" },
dtl7 = { text = "勒西雷爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLLashlayer" },
dtl8 = { text = "費爾默", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {12, 44} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLFiremaw" },
dtl9 = { text = "埃博諾克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 29} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLEbonroc" },
dtl10 = { text = "弗萊格爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 29} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLFlamegor" },
dtl11 = { text = "克洛瑪古斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 40} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLChromaggus" },
dtl12 = { text = "奈法利安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 14} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "BWLNefarian", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BWLTrashMobs", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄運之槌", -- Dire Maul
displayname = "厄運之槌 - 概觀",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "厄運之槌 (東)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 81}, {57, 96}, {100, 80} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (東)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (東)" },
dtl2 = { text = "厄運之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.5, 38} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (北)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)" },
dtl3 = { text = "厄運之槌 (西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 88} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (西)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (西)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "圖書館", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 58}, {41, 41} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "從北厄/西厄可以抵達", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄運之槌 (東)", -- Dire Maul East
displayname = "厄運之槌 (東)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 : Broken Commons", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 : Eldereth Row", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Drop to Broken Commons\nside Chamber" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {41, 85}, {61, 93} }, symbol = { "L1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {75, 92}, {55, 82} }, symbol = { "L2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 63}, {83, 73} }, symbol = { "L3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "開始追捕普希林", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10, 50} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "追捕以取得厄運之槌鑰匙(月牙鑰匙)", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl9 = { text = "結束追捕普希林", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 61} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "喔, 你這小惡魔!", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl10 = { text = "瑟雷姆·刺蹄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英惡魔", lootid = "DMEZevrimThornhoof" },
dtl11 = { text = "海多斯博恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 77} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英元素怪", lootid = "DMEHydro" },
dtl12 = { text = "蕾瑟塔蒂絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英人形怪", lootid = "DMELethtendris" },
dtl13 = { text = "埃隆巴克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "打開門" },
dtl14 = { text = "奧茲恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英惡魔", lootid = "DMEAlzzin" },
dtl15 = { text = "依薩利恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "需要召喚火盆\n任務從黑石山的布德利取得", lootid = "DMEIsalien", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl16 = { text = "書籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMETrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄運之槌 (北)", -- Dire Maul North
displayname = "厄運之槌 (北)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "需要從東厄普希林拿到的月牙鑰匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄運之槌 (西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌 (西)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "衛兵摩爾達", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.4, 55.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "DMNGuardMoldar" },
dtl5 = { text = "踐踏者克雷格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英惡魔", lootid = "DMNStomperKreeg" },
dtl6 = { text = "衛兵芬古斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.2, 56.1} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "DMNGuardFengus" },
dtl7 = { text = "衛兵斯里基克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "DMNGuardSlipkik" },
dtl8 = { text = "諾特‧希姆加克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNThimblejack" },
dtl9 = { text = "克羅卡斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.6, 34.8} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNCaptainKromcrush" },
dtl10 = { text = "戈多克大王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.2, 11.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNKingGordok" },
dtl11 = { text = "圖書館", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {20, 89} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = "貢品進貢", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNTRIBUTERUN" },
dtl13 = { text = "書籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄運之槌 (西)", -- Dire Maul West
displayname = "厄運之槌 (西)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "需要從東厄普希林拿到的月牙鑰匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄運之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "階梯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "水晶塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 80}, {64, 61}, {64, 87}, {27, 62}, {27, 37} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "將這些都摧毀", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "辛德拉古靈", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "任務接到'挑戰托塞德林王子'" },
dtl6 = { text = "特迪斯‧扭木", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 74} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英元素怪", lootid = "DMWTendrisWarpwood" },
dtl7 = { text = "伊琳娜‧暗木", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 87} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族", lootid = "DMWIllyannaRavenoak" },
dtl8 = { text = "蘇斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 60} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英不死族", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "DMWTsuzee" },
dtl9 = { text = "卡雷迪斯鎮長", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 51} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族", lootid = "DMWMagisterKalendris" },
dtl10 = { text = "伊莫塔爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英惡魔", lootid = "DMWImmolthar" },
dtl11 = { text = "赫爾努拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 19, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英惡魔", lootid = "DMWHelnurath" },
dtl12 = { text = "托塞德林王子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 26} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英人形怪", lootid = "DMWPrinceTortheldrin", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "圖書館", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51, 20} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "書籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMWTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "諾姆瑞根", -- Gnomeregan
displayname = "諾姆瑞根",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "丹莫洛 (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "部落可由藏寶海灣傳送過來.\n起始任務來自奧格瑪工程師.",
dtl1 = { text = "正門入口 (Clockwerk Run)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "後門入口 (車庫)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "需要車間鑰匙", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "粘性輻射塵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 菁英元素怪\n下層", lootid = "GnViscousFallout" },
dtl5 = { text = "格魯比斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 46} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 菁英人形怪\n觸發後出現\n在同一個地方和爆破專家艾米·短線講話", lootid = "GnGrubbis" },
dtl6 = { text = "克努比 (宿舍區)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 54} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "矩陣式打孔電腦 3005-B", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70, 50} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升級" },
dtl8 = { text = "清洗區", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "電刑器 6000 型", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 49} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 菁英機器人\n會掉落車間鑰匙", lootid = "GnElectrocutioner6000" },
dtl10 = { text = "矩陣式打孔電腦 3005-C", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33.2, 49.6} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升級" },
dtl11 = { text = "群體打擊者 9-60", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.6, 77.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 菁英機器人", lootid = "GnCrowdPummeler960" },
dtl12 = { text = "矩陣式打孔電腦 3005-D", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.9, 75.7} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升級" },
dtl13 = { text = "黑鐵大師", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "GnDIAmbassador" },
dtl14 = { text = "麥克尼爾‧瑟瑪普拉格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.8, 42.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl35 菁英惡魔", lootid = "GnMekgineerThermaplugg", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GnTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "瑪拉頓", -- Maraudon
displayname = "瑪拉頓",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "淒涼之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 (橙區)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 (紫區)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 (傳送)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "溫格 (第五可汗)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 6} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl6 = { text = "諾克賽恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 菁英元素怪", lootid = "MaraNoxxion" },
dtl7 = { text = "銳刺鞭笞者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 14} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 菁英野獸", lootid = "MaraRazorlash" },
dtl8 = { text = "瑪勞杜斯 (第四可汗)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "維利塔恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 32} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 菁英人形怪", lootid = "MaraLordVyletongue" },
dtl10 = { text = "收割者麥什洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 30} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "MaraMeshlok" },
dtl11 = { text = "被詛咒的塞雷布拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 35} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl49 菁英人形怪", lootid = "MaraCelebras" },
dtl12 = { text = "蘭斯利德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.3, 60} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 菁英元素怪", lootid = "MaraLandslide" },
dtl13 = { text = "工匠吉茲洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 菁英人形怪", lootid = "MaraTinkererGizlock" },
dtl14 = { text = "洛特格里普", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 82} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 菁英野獸", lootid = "MaraRotgrip" },
dtl15 = { text = "瑟萊德絲公主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 菁英元素怪", lootid = "MaraPrincessTheradras" },
dtl16 = { text = "札爾塔的靈魂", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "熔火之心", -- Molten Core
displayname = "熔火之心",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "黑石深淵",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石深淵", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "魯西弗隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "瑪格曼達", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 野獸", lootid = "MCMagmadar" },
dtl4 = { text = "基赫納斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形", lootid = "MCGehennas" },
dtl5 = { text = "加爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 71} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 元素怪", lootid = "MCGarr" },
dtl6 = { text = "沙斯拉爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形", lootid = "MCShazzrah" },
dtl7 = { text = "迦頓男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 68} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 元素怪", lootid = "MCGeddon" },
dtl8 = { text = "焚化者古雷曼格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 57} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 巨人", lootid = "MCGolemagg" },
dtl9 = { text = "薩弗隆先驅者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 80} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形", lootid = "MCSulfuron" },
dtl10 = { text = "管理者埃克索圖斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {89, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形", lootid = "MCMajordomo" },
dtl11 = { text = "拉格納羅斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 元素怪", lootid = "MCRagnaros", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCTrashMobs", lootlink = true },
dtl13 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCRANDOMBOSSDROPPS", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "納克薩瑪斯", -- Naxxramas
displayname = "納克薩瑪斯",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "斯坦索姆",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text ="憎惡區" , colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2, 15} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "縫補者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "憎惡區", lootid = "NAXPatchwerk" },
dtl3 = { text = "葛羅巴斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "憎惡區", lootid = "NAXGrobbulus" },
dtl4 = { text = "古魯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 20} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "憎惡區", lootid = "NAXGluth" },
dtl5 = { text = "泰迪斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 4} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "憎惡區", lootid = "NAXThaddius", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "蜘蛛區", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 3} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "阿努比瑞克漢", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 20} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "蜘蛛區", lootid = "NAXAnubRekhan" },
dtl8 = { text = "大寡婦費琳娜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "蜘蛛區", lootid = "NAXGrandWidowFaerlina" },
dtl9 = { text = "梅克絲娜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74, 5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "蜘蛛區", lootid = "NAXMaexxna", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "瘟疫區", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "瘟疫者諾斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "瘟疫區", lootid = "NAXNothderPlaguebringer" },
dtl12 = { text = "骯髒者海根", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 58} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "瘟疫區", lootid = "NAXHeiganderUnclean" },
dtl13 = { text = "洛斯伯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "瘟疫區", lootid = "NAXLoatheb", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "死亡騎士區", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {15, 79} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "講師拉祖維斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "死亡騎士區", lootid = "NAXInstructorRazuvious" },
dtl16 = { text = "收割者高希", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "死亡騎士區", lootid = "NAXGothikderHarvester" },
dtl17 = { text = "四騎士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "死亡騎士區", lootid = "NAXTheFourHorsemen" },
dtl18 = { text = "庫爾塔茲領主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "瑟裡耶克爵士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "莫格萊尼公爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "女公爵布勞繆克絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "冰霜巨龍的巢穴", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜巨龍的巢穴" },
dtl23 = { text = "薩菲隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 91} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜巨龍的巢穴", lootid = "NAXSapphiron" },
dtl24 = { text = "科爾蘇加德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜巨龍的巢穴", lootid = "NAXKelThuzard", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl26 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "NAXTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴", -- Onyxia's Lair
displayname = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "塵泥沼澤 (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "需要龍火護符\n(完整的任務是在黑石塔上層殺死達基薩斯將軍)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "奧妮克希亞守衛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族" },
dtl3 = { text = "雛龍蛋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "奧妮克希亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 龍族", lootid = "Onyxia", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "怒焰裂谷", -- Ragefire Chasm
displayname = "怒焰裂谷",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "奧格瑪",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "瑪爾·恐怖圖騰", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "'歸還背包'任務" },
dtl3 = { text = "饑餓者塔拉加曼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 菁英惡魔", lootid = "RFCTaragaman" },
dtl4 = { text = "祈求者耶戈什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 86} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 菁英人形怪", lootid = "RFCJergosh" },
dtl5 = { text = "巴紮蘭", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 91} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 菁英惡魔", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "剃刀高地", -- Razorfen Downs
displayname = "剃刀高地",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "南貧瘠之地 (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "圖特卡什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 菁英不死族", lootid = "RFDTutenkash" },
dtl4 = { text = "銅鑼以叫出圖特卡什", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "亨利‧斯特恩,\n貝尼斯特拉茲", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "學會如何製造 :\n金棘茶, \n超強食人妖之血藥水" },
dtl6 = { text = "火眼莫德雷斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 47} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl39 菁英不死族", lootid = "RFDMordreshFireEye" },
dtl7 = { text = "暴食者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 65} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 菁英人形怪", lootid = "RFDGlutton" },
dtl8 = { text = "拉戈斯諾特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 67} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFDRagglesnout" },
dtl9 = { text = "寒冰之王亞門納爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 59} }, symbol = { "0" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 菁英不死族", lootid = "RFDAmnennar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "剃刀沼澤", -- Razorfen Kraul
displayname = "剃刀沼澤",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "貧瘠之地 (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "魯古格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 菁英人形怪" },
dtl3 = { text = "阿格姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 菁英人形怪" },
dtl4 = { text = "亡語者賈格巴", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 38} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 菁英人形怪", lootid = "RFKDeathSpeakerJargba" },
dtl5 = { text = "主宰拉姆塔斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 29} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 菁英人形怪", lootid = "RFKOverlordRamtusk" },
dtl6 = { text = "喚地者哈穆加", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKEarthcallerHalmgar" },
dtl7 = { text = "進口商威利克斯,\n赫爾拉斯‧靜水", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "卡爾加‧刺肋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英人形怪", lootid = "RFKCharlgaRazorflank" },
dtl9 = { text = "盲眼獵手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6, 32} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 菁英野獸\n& Chest", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKBlindHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ward Sealing Agathelos", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "暴怒的阿迦賽羅斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11, 65} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英野獸", lootid = "RFKAgathelos", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFKTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "安其拉廢墟", -- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "安其拉廢墟",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "希利蘇斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "庫林納克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 & 菁英", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="安多洛夫中將,\n四個卡多雷精英", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20Andorov" },
dtl4 = { text = "奎茲上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.1, 46.9} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl5 = { text = "圖畢德上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55.4, 46.9} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl6 = { text = "德蘭上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.2, 47.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl7 = { text = "瑟瑞姆上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.2, 49.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl8 = { text = "葉吉斯少校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.3, 50.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl9 = { text = "帕康少校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 53.4} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl10 = { text = "澤朗上校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 51.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 菁英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl11 = { text = "拉賈克斯將軍", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.2, 49.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ20Rajaxx" },
dtl12 = { text = "莫阿姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 31} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ20Moam" },
dtl13 = { text = "吞咽者布魯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ20Buru" },
dtl14 = { text = "安全的房間", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 70} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "狩獵者阿亞米斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 91} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ20Ayamiss" },
dtl16 = { text = "無疤者奧斯里安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29, 73} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ20Ossirian", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = "職業書籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20ClassBooks" },
dtl18 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants" },
dtl19 = { text = "AQ20"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20SET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "血色修道院", -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = "血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "提里斯法林地 (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "墓地入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "鐵脊死靈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英不死族\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "永醒的艾希爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英不死族\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMAzshir" },
dtl4 = { text = "死靈勇士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 80} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英不死族\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMFallenChampion" },
dtl5 = { text = "血法師薩爾諾斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 菁英不死族\n墓地", lootid = "SMBloodmageThalnos" },
dtl6 = { text = "圖書館入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {56, 74} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl7 = { text = "馴犬者洛克希", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.1, 95} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 菁英人形怪\n圖書館", lootid = "SMHoundmasterLoksey" },
dtl8 = { text = "奧法師杜安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.1, 92} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl37 菁英人形怪\n圖書館", lootid = "SMDoan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "軍械庫入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 65} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl10 = { text = "赫洛德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74.8, 6.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 菁英人形怪\n軍械庫", lootid = "SMHerod", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = "大教堂入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 65} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl12 = { text = "大檢察官法爾班克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 11} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 菁英人形怪\n大教堂", lootid = "SMFairbanks" },
dtl13 = { text = "血色十字軍指揮官莫格萊尼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 12} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 菁英人形怪\n大教堂", lootid = "SMMograine" },
dtl14 = { text = "大檢察官懷特邁恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 4.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 菁英人形怪\n大教堂", lootid = "SMWhitemane", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl15 = { text = "套裝 : 血色十字軍系列", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "6 件", lootid = "SMScarletSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "安其拉", -- Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "安其拉神廟",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "希利蘇斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "亞雷戈斯\n凱雷斯特拉茲\n夢境之龍麥琳瑟拉", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "安多葛斯\n溫瑟拉\n坎多斯特拉茲", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "預言者斯克拉姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 41} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n戶外", lootid = "AQ40Skeram" },
dtl5 = { text = "維姆/克里勳爵/亞爾基公主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Vem" },
dtl6 = { text = "沙爾圖拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 30} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ40Sartura" },
dtl7 = { text = "頑強的范克里斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 14} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ40Fankriss" },
dtl8 = { text = "維希度斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 7} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Viscidus" },
dtl9 = { text = "哈霍蘭公主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", lootid = "AQ40Huhuran" },
dtl10 = { text = "雙子帝王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 67} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首領\n維克尼拉斯大帝\n維克洛爾大帝", lootid = "AQ40Emperors" },
dtl11 = { text = "奧羅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 22, 87 } }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首領", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Ouro" },
dtl12 = { text = "克蘇恩之眼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun" },
dtl13 = { text = "克蘇恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "AQ40 "..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40SET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "AQ Brood Rings", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQBroodRings", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_OPENING, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQOpening", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "死亡礦井", -- The Deadmines
displayname = "死亡礦井",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "西部荒野 (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡礦井"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "拉克佐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 菁英人形怪", lootid = "VCRhahkZor" },
dtl5 = { text = "礦工約翰森", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 菁英人形怪", lootid = "VCMinerJohnson", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "斯尼德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 77} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英機器人 (伐木機上)", lootid = "VCSneed" },
dtl7 = { text = "基爾尼格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 60.2} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英人形怪", lootid = "VCGilnid" },
dtl8 = { text = "迪菲亞火藥", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.6, 39} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "...火藥用於炸開大門" },
dtl9 = { text = "重拳先生", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 31} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英人形怪", lootid = "VCMrSmite" },
dtl10 = { text = "曲奇", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 36} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCCookie" },
dtl11 = { text = "綠皮隊長", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 37} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 菁英人形怪", lootid = "VCCaptainGreenskin" },
dtl12 = { text = "艾德溫‧范克里夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 37} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 菁英人形怪", lootid = "VCVanCleef", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl13 = { text = "套裝 : 迪菲亞皮甲", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "5 件", lootid = "VCDefiasSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "監獄", -- The Stockade
displayname = "監獄",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "暴風城",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "可怕的塔高爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 菁英人形怪", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl4 = { text = "卡姆‧深怒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 43} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 菁英人形怪", lootid = "SWStKamDeepfury" },
dtl5 = { text = "哈姆霍克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {85, 56} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 菁英人形怪" },
dtl6 = { text = "巴基爾‧斯瑞德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "迪克斯特‧瓦德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 菁英人形怪" },
dtl8 = { text = "布魯戈‧艾爾克納寇", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 54} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SWStBruegalIronknuckle", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "阿塔哈卡神廟", -- The Sunken Temple
displayname = "沈沒的神廟",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "悲傷沼澤 (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "也被稱呼為阿塔哈卡神廟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "阿塔哈卡神廟"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口處通往高層的階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "入口處通往中層的階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "通往上層的階梯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 18}, {69, 18}, {52, 48}, {69, 48} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "食人妖小首領 (上層)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 23}, {66, 23}, {72, 33}, {49, 33}, {54, 43}, {66, 43} }, symbol = { "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6" },
tooltiptxt = "全部殺死後,然後是迦瑪蘭\n接著是伊蘭尼庫斯", lootid = "STTrollMinibosses", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "雕像 (下層)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 82}, {22, 64}, {13, 77}, {30, 77}, {13, 68}, {30, 68} }, symbol = { "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6" },
tooltiptxt = "依標示的順序啟動雕像\n以召喚阿塔拉利恩" },
dtl7 = { text = "哈卡祭壇", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿塔拉利恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 71} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STAtalalarion", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "德姆塞卡爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 菁英龍族", lootid = "STDreamscythe" },
dtl10 = { text = "德拉維沃爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 菁英龍族", lootid = "STWeaver" },
dtl11 = { text = "哈卡的化身", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 33} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 菁英龍", lootid = "STAvatarofHakkar" },
dtl12 = { text = "預言者迦瑪蘭", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STJammalan" },
dtl13 = { text = "可悲的奧戈姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 菁英不死族", lootid = "STOgom" },
dtl14 = { text = "摩弗拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 62} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 菁英龍", lootid = "STMorphaz" },
dtl15 = { text = "哈札斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 菁英龍", lootid = "STHazzas" },
dtl16 = { text = "伊蘭尼庫斯的陰影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 62} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 菁英龍", lootid = "STEranikus" },
dtl17 = { text = "精華之泉", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {85, 57} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "把伊蘭尼庫斯精華放在精華之泉裡", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "STTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "奧達曼", -- Uldaman
displayname = "奧達曼",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "荒蕪之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "正門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "後門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "巴爾洛戈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite" },
dtl4 = { text = "聖騎士的遺體", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "魯維羅什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 73.3} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 菁英人形怪", lootid = "UldRevelosh" },
dtl6 = { text = "艾隆納亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 Giant", lootid = "UldIronaya" },
dtl7 = { text = "安諾拉 (大師級附魔師)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 61} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "黑曜石哨兵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.4, 62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 菁英機器人" },
dtl9 = { text = "古代的石頭看守者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.7, 43} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl44 菁英元素怪", lootid = "UldAncientStoneKeeper" },
dtl10 = { text = "加加恩‧火錘", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 31} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", lootid = "UldGalgannFirehammer" },
dtl11 = { text = "格瑞姆洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 19} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 菁英人形怪", lootid = "UldGrimlok" },
dtl12 = { text = "阿札達斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 14.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 巨人\n下層", lootid = "UldArchaedas" },
dtl13 = { text = "諾甘農圓盤", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {39.7, 6.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "上層" },
dtl14 = { text = "古代寶藏", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.3, 4.9} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "下層", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UldTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "哀嚎洞穴", -- Wailing Caverns
displayname = "哀嚎洞穴",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "貧瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "納拉雷克斯的信徒", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "考布萊恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英人形怪", lootid = "WCLordCobrahn" },
dtl5 = { text = "安娜科德拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 35} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英人形怪", lootid = "WCLadyAnacondra" },
dtl6 = { text = "克雷什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 42} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英人形怪", lootid = "WCKresh" },
dtl7 = { text = "變異精靈龍", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 43} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英龍族", lootid = "WCDeviateFaerieDragon", special = AM_RARE },
dtl8 = { text = "皮薩斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 34} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 菁英人形怪", lootid = "WCLordPythas" },
dtl9 = { text = "斯卡姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 69} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 菁英人形怪", lootid = "WCSkum" },
dtl10 = { text = "瑟芬迪斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 52} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 菁英人形怪\n上層 level", lootid = "WCLordSerpentis" },
dtl11 = { text = "永生者沃爾丹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 48} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 菁英元素怪\n上層 level", lootid = "WCVerdan" },
dtl12 = { text = "吞噬者穆坦努斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.9, 23.9} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 菁英人形怪\nTriggered Spawn", lootid = "WCMutanus" },
dtl13 = { text = "納拉雷克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.4, 25.4} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英人形怪", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = "套裝 : 毒蛇的擁抱", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "5 件", lootid = "WCViperSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "祖爾法拉克", -- Zul'Farrak
displayname = "祖爾法拉克",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "塔納利斯 (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "澤雷利斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "杉達爾‧沙掠者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "水占師維蕾薩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英人形怪" },
dtl5 = { text = "加茲瑞拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英野獸", lootid = "ZFGahzrilla" },
dtl6 = { text = "灰塵怨靈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 46} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "ZFDustwraith" },
dtl7 = { text = "安圖蘇爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 35} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 菁英人形怪", lootid = "ZFAntusul" },
dtl8 = { text = "殉教者塞卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英人形怪" },
dtl9 = { text = "巫醫祖穆拉恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 23} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英人形怪", lootid = "ZFWitchDoctorZumrah" },
dtl10 = { text = "祖爾法拉克陣亡英雄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 27} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英人形怪" },
dtl11 = { text = "暗影祭司塞瑟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 菁英人形怪", lootid = "ZFSezzziz" },
dtl12 = { text = "耐克魯姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英不死族" },
dtl13 = { text = "布萊中士", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {26, 26} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "探水棒任務\n敵對/友善依陣營與採取的動作而定" },
dtl14 = { text = "Ruuzlu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 菁英人形怪" },
dtl15 = { text = "烏克茲‧沙頂", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 42} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 菁英人形怪", lootid = "ZFChiefUkorzSandscalp", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "祖爾格拉布", -- Zul'Gurub
displayname = "祖爾格拉布",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "荊棘谷 (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "混濁的水", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "高階祭司 耶克里克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(蝙蝠王)", lootid = "ZGJeklik" },
dtl4 = { text = "高階祭司 溫諾希斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(蛇王)", lootid = "ZGVenoxis" },
dtl5 = { text = "高階祭司 瑪爾羅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 85} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(蜘蛛王)", lootid = "ZGMarli" },
dtl6 = { text = "血領主 曼多基爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 73} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(恐龍王)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGMandokir" },
dtl7 = { text = "瘋狂之源", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_OPTIONAL },
dtl8 = { text = "格里雷克‧鋼鐵之血", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首領 不死族", lootid = "ZGGrilek" },
dtl9 = { text = "哈札拉爾‧織夢者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首領 不死族", lootid = "ZGHazzarah" },
dtl10 = { text = "雷納塔基‧千刃之王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首領 不死族", lootid = "ZGRenataki" },
dtl11 = { text = "烏蘇雷‧雷巫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首領 不死族", lootid = "ZGWushoolay" },
dtl12 = { text = "加茲蘭卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGGahzranka" },
dtl13 = { text = "高階祭司 塞卡爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 32} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(虎王)", lootid = "ZGThekal" },
dtl14 = { text = "高階祭司 婭爾羅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 16} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(豹王)", lootid = "ZGArlokk" },
dtl15 = { text = "妖術師 金度", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形怪", special = "(瘟疫之神)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGJindo" },
dtl16 = { text = "哈卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 40} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 龍", lootid = "ZGHakkar", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGTrash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = "ZG"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl19 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGShared", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl20 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGEnchants", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "通靈學院", -- Scholomance
displayname = "通靈學院",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "西瘟疫之地 (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41, 41}, {34, 80} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "基爾圖諾斯的衛士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 32} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英惡魔", lootid = "SCHOLOBloodSteward" },
dtl6 = { text = "傳令官基爾圖諾斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SCHOLOKirtonostheHerald" },
dtl7 = { text = "詹迪斯‧巴羅夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96, 8.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLOJandiceBarov" },
dtl8 = { text = "血骨傀儡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英不死族\n下層\n會掉落觀察室鑰匙", lootid = "SCHOLORattlegore" },
dtl9 = { text = "死亡騎士達克雷爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLODeathKnight" },
dtl10 = { text = "馬杜克‧布萊克波爾", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.7, 42} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英\n在觀察室放下黎明先鋒的箱子後\n會轉為敵對", lootid = "SCHOLOMarduk" },
dtl11 = { text = "維克圖斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.2, 42} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族\n在觀察室放下黎明先鋒的箱子後\n會轉為敵對", lootid = "SCHOLOVectus" },
dtl12 = { text = "萊斯‧霜語", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 87} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLORasFrostwhisper" },
dtl13 = { text = "科爾莫克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 80} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英", lootid = "SCHOLOKormok" },
dtl14 = { text = "講師瑪麗希亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 94} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", lootid = "SCHOLOInstructorMalicia" },
dtl15 = { text = "瑟爾林‧卡斯迪諾夫教授", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 74.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", lootid = "SCHOLODoctorTheolenKrastinov" },
dtl16 = { text = "博學者普克爾特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 55.2} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLOLorekeeperPolkelt" },
dtl17 = { text = "拉文尼亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.8, 92} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLOTheRavenian" },
dtl18 = { text = "阿萊克斯‧巴羅夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.2, 74.5} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLOLordAlexeiBarov" },
dtl19 = { text = "伊露希亞‧巴羅夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.6, 54} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族", lootid = "SCHOLOLadyIlluciaBarov" },
dtl20 = { text = "黑暗院長加丁", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.2, 74.4} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英人形怪", lootid = "SCHOLODarkmasterGandling", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl21 = { text = "火炬", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 19} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "煉金實驗室", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14, 70} }, symbol = { "AL" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl23 = { text = "南海鎮地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {56, 25} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl24 = { text = "塔倫米爾地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {11, 36} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl25 = { text = "布瑞爾地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 77} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl26 = { text = "凱爾達隆地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {94, 72} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1},
{ name = "斯坦索姆", -- Stratholme
displayname = "斯坦索姆",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "東瘟疫之地 (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "側門入口在 (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "正門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "側門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "弗拉斯‧希亞比的郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "國王廣場郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "十字軍廣場郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {24, 66} }, symbol = { "P3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "市場郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 62} }, symbol = { "P4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "節日小道的郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {61, 62} }, symbol = { "P5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "長者廣場郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {80, 68} }, symbol = { "P6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "郵差瑪羅恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 86}, {47, 74}, {24, 66}, {50, 62}, {61, 62}, {80, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英不死族\n在打開第三個郵箱時出現\n郵箱鑰匙從信差身上拾取", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "斯庫爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 83} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英不死族", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "STRATSkull" },
dtl11 = { text = "斯坦索姆信差", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 78} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英不死族", lootid = "STRATStratholmeCourier" },
dtl12 = { text = "弗拉斯‧希亞比", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 83} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英不死族", lootid = "STRATFrasSiabi" },
dtl13 = { text = "弗雷斯特恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 62}, {65, 58}, {66, 66} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英不死族", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATHearthsingerForresten" },
dtl14 = { text = "不可寬恕者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 菁英不死族", lootid = "STRATTheUnforgiven" },
dtl15 = { text = "悲慘的提米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 61.5} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英不死族", lootid = "STRATTimmytheCruel" },
dtl16 = { text = "炮手威利", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {1, 74} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATCannonMasterWilley" },
dtl17 = { text = "檔案管理員加爾福特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 92} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATArchivistGalford" },
dtl18 = { text = "巴納札爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英惡魔", lootid = "STRATBalnazzar" },
dtl19 = { text = "索索斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "需要召喚火盆", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl20 = { text = "賈琳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "需要召喚火盆", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl21 = { text = "奧裏克斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81, 61} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "石脊", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 42} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "STRATStonespine" },
dtl23 = { text = "安娜絲塔麗男爵夫人", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATBaronessAnastari" },
dtl24 = { text = "奈魯布恩坎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 39} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATNerubenkan" },
dtl25 = { text = "蒼白的瑪勒基", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 14} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATMalekithePallid" },
dtl26 = { text = "巴瑟拉斯鎮長", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 10}, {74, 60} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 菁英人形怪", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATMagistrateBarthilas" },
dtl27 = { text = "吞咽者拉姆斯登", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 15} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATRamsteintheGorger" },
dtl28 = { text = "瑞文戴爾男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 15} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英人形怪", lootid = "STRATBaronRivendare", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "影牙城堡", -- Shadowfang Keep
displayname = "影牙城堡",
displayshort = "SFK",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "銀松森林 (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "城垛", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = "城垛", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { "B2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "死亡之誓", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英不死族", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.8, 34.8}, {50, 46.8} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 32}, {67, 33} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "雷希戈爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 菁英人形怪" },
dtl9 = { text = "巫師阿克魯比", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 73} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 菁英人形怪" },
dtl10 = { text = "亡靈哨兵阿達曼特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 74} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 菁英人形怪" },
dtl11 = { text = "屠夫拉佐克勞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BSFRazorclawtheButcher" },
dtl12 = { text = "席瓦萊恩男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 87} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 菁英不死族", lootid = "BSFSilverlaine" },
dtl13 = { text = "指揮官斯普林瓦爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 69} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 菁英不死族", lootid = "BSFSpringvale" },
dtl14 = { text = "盲眼守衛奧杜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 84} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BSFOdotheBlindwatcher" },
dtl15 = { text = "吞噬者芬魯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.4, 33.4} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英野獸", lootid = "BSFFenrustheDevourer" },
dtl16 = { text = "狼王南杜斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 29} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BSFWolfMasterNandos" },
dtl17 = { text = "大法師阿魯高", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {84, 13} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 菁英人形怪", lootid = "BSFArchmageArugal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BSFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "地獄火堡壘: 地獄火壁壘", -- Hellfire Ramparts
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 地獄火壁壘",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HellfireRampart
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "60-62",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "看護者卡爾古瑪", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "無疤者歐瑪爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampOmor" },
dtl4 = { text = "先驅者維斯路登", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill both hellfire sentry to start encounter", lootid = "HCRampVazruden" },
dtl5 = { text = "納桑", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampNazan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "強化惡魔鐵箱", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampFelIronChest", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "地獄火堡壘: 血熔爐", -- The Blood Furnace
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 血熔爐",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "61-63",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "創造者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "布洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBroggok" },
dtl4 = { text = "破壞者·凱利丹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.6, 35.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBreaker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "地獄火堡壘: 破碎大廳", -- Shattered Halls
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 破碎大廳",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "藍迪·威索洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聯盟, 英雄)" },
dtl3 = { text = "崔賽拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄)" },
dtl4 = { text = "大術士·奈德克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 66.02} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsNethekurse" },
dtl5 = { text = "血衛士波洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.23, 10.55} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄)", lootid = "HCHallsPorung" },
dtl6 = { text = "戰爭製造者·歐姆拉格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.42, 33.79} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsOmrogg" },
dtl7 = { text = "大酋長卡加斯·刃拳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsKargath" },
dtl8 = { text = "破碎之手劊子手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄)", lootid = "HCHallsExecutioner" },
dtl9 = { text = "士兵賈辛特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聯盟, 英雄)" },
dtl10 = { text = "槍兵伯朗畢爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聯盟, 英雄)" },
dtl11 = { text = "隊長阿蓮娜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聯盟, 英雄)" },
dtl12 = { text = "斥候歐卡爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄)" },
dtl13 = { text = "科洛特·波特曼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄)" },
dtl14 = { text = "隊長碎骨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "地獄火堡壘: 瑪瑟里頓的巢穴", -- Magtheridon's Lair
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 瑪瑟里頓的巢穴",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "瑪瑟里頓", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "盤牙洞穴: 奴隸監獄", -- The Slave Pens
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 奴隸監獄",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "62-64",
players = "20",
prereq = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
general = "鑰匙: 倉庫之鑰 (英雄模式)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "背叛者曼紐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "威德·綠指", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "異教徒司卡利斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.2, 72.66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄模式)" },
dtl5 = { text = "爆破者洛克瑪", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.81, 41.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveRokmar" },
dtl6 = { text = "博物學家·拜特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.09, 61.13} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "奎克米瑞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 72.27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveQuagmirran" }
{ name = "盤牙洞穴: 毒牙沼澤", -- The Underbog
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 毒牙沼澤",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "63-65",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 倉庫之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "飢餓之牙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "地孢", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "高薩安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.84, 34.18} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderGhazan" },
dtl5 = { text = "大地束縛者瑞吉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "喚風者卡勞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "沼澤王莫斯萊克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.84, 30.27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderSwamplord" },
dtl8 = { text = "黑色捕獵者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.09, 45.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderStalker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "盤牙洞穴: 蒸汽洞窟", -- The Steamvault
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 蒸汽洞窟",
displayshort = "SV",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 倉庫之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "海法師希斯比亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "主房間通道面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "第二部守衛者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSecondFragmentGuardian" },
dtl5 = { text = "秘法容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "米克吉勒·蒸氣操控者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSteamrigger" },
dtl7 = { text = "主房間通道面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "督軍卡利斯瑞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.19, 43.95} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamWarlord" },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "盤牙洞穴: 毒蛇神殿洞穴", -- SerpentShrine Cavern
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 毒蛇神殿洞穴",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "不穩定者海卓司", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "海底潛伏者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLurker" },
dtl4 = { text = "盲目者李奧薩拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.75, 27.15} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLeotheras" },
dtl5 = { text = "深淵之王卡拉薩瑞斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentKarathress" },
dtl6 = { text = "先知歐蘭", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "莫洛葛利姆·潮行者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.02, 28.52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentMorogrim" },
dtl8 = { text = "瓦許女士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.64, 55.47} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentVashj", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentTrash" }
{ name = "奧齊頓: 奧奇奈地穴", -- Auchenai Crypts
displayname = "奧齊頓: 奧奇奈地穴",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "64-66",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 陰鬱城",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "死亡看守者辛瑞克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "主教瑪拉達爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsExarch" },
dtl4 = { text = "馬丁瑞德的化身", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsAvatar" },
dtl5 = { text = "迪歐瑞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsTrash" }
{ name = "奧齊頓: 暗影迷宮", -- Shadow Labyrinth
displayname = "奧齊頓: 暗影迷宮",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "65-67",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 暗影迷宮鑰匙\n鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 陰鬱城",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "間諜·吐剛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "海爾瑪大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowHellmaw" },
dtl4 = { text = "激勵者布萊克哈特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 73} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowBlackheart" },
dtl5 = { text = "領導者瓦皮歐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "血之聖典", lootid = "AuchShadowGrandmaster" },
dtl6 = { text = "莫爾墨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowMurmur" },
dtl7 = { text = "第一部守衛者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowFirstFragmentGuardian" },
dtl8 = { text = "秘法容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.38, 37.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowTrash" }
{ name = "奧齊頓: 塞司克大廳", -- Sethekk Halls
displayname = "奧齊頓: 塞司克大廳",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "67-69",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)\n鑰匙: 注滿精華的月亮石 (安祖)",
general = "聲望: 陰鬱城",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "暗法師希斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "拉卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "泰洛克的傳說", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTheSagaofTerokk" },
dtl5 = { text = "安祖", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkRavenGod", special = "(召喚, 英雄模式)" },
dtl6 = { text = "鷹王伊奇斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTalonKing", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTrash" }
{ name = "奧齊頓: 法力墓地", -- Mana Tombs
displayname = "奧齊頓: 法力墓地",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)\n鑰匙: 哈拉瑪德之眼 (崇拜, 約兒)",
general = "聲望: 聯合團",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "班提蒙尼厄斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "暗影之王希瑞西斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "帕克西維大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.29, 16.41} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄)" },
dtl5 = { text = "塔瓦洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 76} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTavarok" },
dtl6 = { text = "工程師薩希恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "虛空傳送者控制面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "奈薩斯王子薩法爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaNexusPrince" },
dtl9 = { text = "約兒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "靜止密室", special = "(召喚, 英雄)", lootid = "AuchManaYor", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTrash" }
{ name = "戈魯爾之巢", -- Gruul's Lair
displayname = "戈魯爾之巢",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "劍刃山脈",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "大君王莫卡爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "瘋癲者奇克勒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(薩滿)" },
dtl4 = { text = "克羅斯·火手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(法師)" },
dtl5 = { text = "先知盲眼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(牧師)" },
dtl6 = { text = "召喚者歐莫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(術士)" },
dtl7 = { text = "弒龍者戈魯爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 27} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GruulGruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "黑暗神廟", -- Black Temple
displayname = "黑暗神廟",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "影月谷",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 卡拉伯爾獎章",
general = "聲望: 灰舌死亡誓言者",
dtl1 = { text = "黑暗神廟 - 開始", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗神廟 - 上層", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑暗神廟 - 地下室", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {7.62, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "歐蘭的靈魂", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "高階督軍納珍塔斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "瑟普莫斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿卡瑪的黑暗面", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "烏達羅之靈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "阿魯焰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(卷軸商人)" },
dtl11 = { text = "歐庫諾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(灰舌死亡誓言者)" },
dtl12 = { text = "先知卡奈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "通往泰朗·血魔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 51.76}, {79.1, 78.32} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "通往靈魂聖盒", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 37.5}, {84.18, 67.38} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "通往伊利丹·怒風", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.83, 33.2}, {58.2, 10.74} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = "葛塔格·血沸", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.59, 57.23} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTBloodboil" },
dtl17 = { text = "靈魂聖盒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTEssencofSouls" },
dtl18 = { text = "憤怒精華", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "慾望精華", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "受難精華", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "泰朗·血魔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.77, 81.45} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTGorefiend" },
dtl22 = { text = "薩拉茲女士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.77, 4.88} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTShahraz" },
dtl23 = { text = "伊利達瑞議事", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTCouncil" },
dtl24 = { text = "瑪蘭黛女士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(牧師)" },
dtl25 = { text = "粉碎者高希歐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聖騎士)" },
dtl26 = { text = "高等虛空術師札瑞佛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(法師)" },
dtl27 = { text = "維拉斯·深影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(盜賊)" },
dtl28 = { text = "伊利丹·怒風", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" }
{ name = "風暴要塞: 麥克那爾", -- The Mechanar
displayname = "風暴要塞: 麥克那爾",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "69-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "鑰匙: 扭曲鍛造鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "看守者蓋洛奇歐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "看守者鐵手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechIron" },
dtl4 = { text = "軍團儲藏處", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCacheoftheLegion" },
dtl5 = { text = "機械王卡帕希特斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCapacitus" },
dtl6 = { text = "滿溢的法力容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechOverchargedManacell" },
dtl7 = { text = "虛空術師賽派斯瑞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 9.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechSepethrea" },
dtl8 = { text = "計算者帕薩里歐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18.5, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCalc", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechTrash" }
{ name = "風暴要塞: 波塔尼卡", -- The Botanica
displayname = "風暴要塞: 波塔尼卡",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "鑰匙: 扭曲鍛造鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "指揮官薩瑞尼斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "大植物學家費瑞衛恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotFreywinn" },
dtl4 = { text = "看管者索古林", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotThorngrin" },
dtl5 = { text = "拉杰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotLaj" },
dtl6 = { text = "扭曲分裂者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34.5, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSplinter", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotTrash" }
{ name = "風暴要塞: 亞克崔茲", -- The Arcatraz
displayname = "風暴要塞: 亞克崔茲",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "鑰匙: 亞克崔茲鑰匙\n鑰匙: 扭曲鍛造鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "無約束的希瑞奇斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "第三部守衛者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcThirdFragmentGuardian" },
dtl4 = { text = "秘法容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "怒鐮者索扣斯瑞特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.5, 70} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcScryer" },
dtl6 = { text = "末日預言者達利亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 70} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcDalliah" },
dtl7 = { text = "先知烏達羅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 15.04} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "先驅者史蓋力司", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcHarbinger" },
dtl9 = { text = "守望者米利恰爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "米歐浩斯·曼納斯頓", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcTrash" }
{ name = "時光之穴: 希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址", -- Old Hilsbrad
displayname = "時光之穴: 希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址",
displayshort = "CoT1",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "時光之穴, 塔納利斯",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "需完成傳送門鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 時光之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件: 逃離敦霍爾德\n聲望: 時光守衛者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "伊洛森", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "布瑞茲恩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "中尉崔克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 64.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl5 = { text = "索爾", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79.49, 57.23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "(下層)", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl6 = { text = "史卡拉克上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradSkarloc" },
dtl7 = { text = "索爾的第二停留點", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "索爾的第三停留點", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {47.07, 41.41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "伊波奇獵人", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "索爾的第四停留點", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(屋內樓上)" },
dtl11 = { text = "塔蕾莎", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(屋內樓上)" },
dtl12 = { text = "強納森·瑞瓦", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "傑瑞·卡特", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "湯瑪斯·陽斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradThomasYance" },
dtl15 = { text = "年邁的達拉然法師", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradAgedDalaranWizard", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "時光之穴: 黑色沼澤", -- The Black Morass
displayname = "時光之穴: 黑色沼澤",
displayshort = "CoT2",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "時光之穴, 塔納利斯",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 時光之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件: 開啟黑暗之門\n聲望: 時光守衛者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "塞特", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "生成點", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "克洛諾斯領主迪賈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(第六波)", lootid = "CoTMorassDeja" },
dtl4 = { text = "坦普拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(第十二波)", lootid = "CoTMorassTemporus" },
dtl5 = { text = "艾奧那斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(第十八波)", lootid = "CoTMorassAeonus", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "黑暗之門", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.14, 74.22} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "麥迪文" },
{ name = "時光之穴: 海加爾山", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
displayname = "時光之穴: 海加爾山",
displayshort = "CoT3",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "時光之穴, 塔納利斯",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務",
general = "事件: 海加爾山戰場\n聲望: 流沙之鱗",
dtl1 = { text = "聯盟營地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(珍娜·普勞德摩爾女士)" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落營地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(索爾)" },
dtl3 = { text = "夜精靈營地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(泰蘭妲·語風)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "瑞奇·寒冬", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 46.88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalWinterchill" },
dtl5 = { text = "安納斯隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 50.98} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAnetheron" },
dtl6 = { text = "卡斯羅高", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 32.81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalKazrogal" },
dtl7 = { text = "埃加洛爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿克蒙德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "隱多米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl10 = { text = "提多姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
{ name = "卡拉贊", -- Karazahn
displayname = "卡拉贊",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "逆風小徑",
levels = "70",
players = "10",
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 主人鑰匙\n鑰匙: 燻黑的骨灰甕 (夜禍)",
general = "聲望: 紫羅蘭之眼",
dtl1 = { text = "前方入口 1", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "前方入口 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "哈斯丁", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "勃特霍德", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "摩洛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 25.98}, {65.23, 23.24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(通往舞廳的樓梯間)", lootid = "KaraMoroes" },
dtl6 = { text = "卡利卡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.44, 33.4} }, symbol = { "c" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "獵人阿圖曼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAttumen" },
dtl8 = { text = "午夜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "卡爾侖", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.02, 30.47} }, symbol = { "d" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "通往上層的樓梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.55, 37.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "班尼特", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {19.53, 35.55} }, symbol = { "e" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "上層" },
dtl12 = { text = "埃伯洛克", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74.8, 36.52} }, symbol = { "f" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "潛伏者亞奇斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(稀有, 隨機)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl15 = { text = "劫掠者·拉卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(稀有, 隨機)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl16 = { text = "滑翔者·薛迪依斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(稀有, 隨機)", lootid = "KaraNamed", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "通往迎賓廳斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {17.77, 3.32}, {73.24, 10.16} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl18 = { text = "琪安娜的日誌", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {82.52, 4.69} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraKeannaLog" },
dtl19 = { text = "貞潔聖女", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.38, 16.21} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraMaiden" },
dtl20 = { text = "通往歌劇院樂團層的樓梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84.18, 15.04} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "塞巴斯汀", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {55.08, 18.55} }, symbol = { "g" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "巴奈斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51.95, 10.35} }, symbol = { "h" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl23 = { text = "歌劇事件", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "隨機", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl24 = { text = "綠野仙蹤", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(隨機)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl25 = { text = "小紅帽", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(隨機)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl26 = { text = "羅密歐與茱莉葉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(隨機)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl27 = { text = "夾層至包廂的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62.11, 8.79} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl28 = { text = "大師的露台", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl29 = { text = "夜禍", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Summoned)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl30 = { text = "通往損壞的階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.66, 24.02} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上層)" },
dtl31 = { text = "損壞的階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 24.41} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上層)" },
dtl32 = { text = "館長", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10.16, 35.16} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraCurator" },
dtl33 = { text = "通往:", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.67, 44.92}, {30.47, 68.55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl34 = { text = "瑞依恩", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.24, 69.73} }, symbol = { "i" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl35 = { text = "葛瑞戴", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {17.97, 69.34} }, symbol = { "j" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl36 = { text = "坎希斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.41, 73.83} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl37 = { text = "通往管理員圖書館的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {19.92, 76.56} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl38 = { text = "神秘的書架", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {20.51, 66.6} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "(-> 通往泰瑞斯提安·疫蹄)" },
dtl39 = { text = "泰瑞斯提安·疫蹄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.19, 72.85} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "基瑞克", lootid = "KaraIllhoof" },
dtl40 = { text = "艾蘭之影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.2, 66.21} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAran" },
dtl41 = { text = "通往天文觀測台的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(尼德斯)" },
dtl42 = { text = "通往投機者大廳的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(西洋棋事件)" },
dtl43 = { text = "尼德斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9.38, 65.82} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNetherspite" },
dtl44 = { text = "伊斯亞爾", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {27.15, 66.21} }, symbol = { "l" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl45 = { text = "通往:", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.76, 63.48}, {62.5, 39.84} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl46 = { text = "麥迪文的回音", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {65.04, 37.5} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "西洋棋事件", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.58, 34.96} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraChess" },
dtl48 = { text = "通往麥迪文房間的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63.09, 29.88} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl49 = { text = "通往虛空空間的螺旋梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.64, 32.62} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(莫克札王子)" },
dtl50 = { text = "莫克札王子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.37, 31.05} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Leads to...", lootid = "KaraPrince" },
{ name = "祖阿曼", -- Zul'Aman
displayname = "祖阿曼",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "鬼魂之地",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "納羅拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(熊)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "阿奇爾森", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(é·¹)", lootid = "ZAAkilZon" },
dtl4 = { text = "賈納雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 67.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(龍鷹)", lootid = "ZAJanAlai" },
dtl5 = { text = "哈拉齊", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.05, 36.62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(山貓)", lootid = "ZAHalazzi" },
dtl6 = { text = "妖術領主瑪拉克雷斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 54.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAMalacrass" },
dtl7 = { text = "祖爾金", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.4, 54.7} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAZuljin", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "風暴要塞", -- The Eye
displayname = "風暴要塞: 風暴要塞",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "鑰匙: 風暴之鑰",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "歐爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "虛空劫掠者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeVoidReaver" },
dtl4 = { text = "大星術師索拉瑞恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeSolarian" },
dtl5 = { text = "凱爾薩斯·日行者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeKaelthas" },
dtl6 = { text = "扭曲預言家薩拉瑞德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(戰士)" },
dtl7 = { text = "首席技師泰隆尼卡斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(獵人)" },
dtl8 = { text = "大星術師卡普尼恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", speical = "(法師)" },
dtl9 = { text = "桑古納爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聖騎士)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Legendary", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeLegendaries" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeTrash" },
{ name = "博學者殿堂", -- Magister's Terrace
displayname = "博學者殿堂",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "奎爾達納斯之島",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "斯琳·炎心", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "惡魔水晶", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "提里斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "維克索魯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.4, 31.84} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTVexallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "索蘭尼亞的占卜寶珠", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {94.53, 31.64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(卡雷苟斯)" },
dtl7 = { text = "女牧師戴利莎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.67, 52.54} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下層)", lootid = "SMTDelrissa" },
dtl8 = { text = "凱爾薩斯·逐日者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6.05, 48.24} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTKaelthas", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
{ name = "Plateau du Puits de soleil", -- Sunwell Plateau
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "奎爾達納斯之島",
levels = "69-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "卡雷苟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "『墮落者』塞斯諾瓦", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "瑪德里茍沙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "布魯托魯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPBrutallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "魔霧", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPFelmyst" },
dtl7 = { text = "???", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.41, 33.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "埃雷達爾雙子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下層)", lootid = "SPEredarTwins" },
dtl9 = { text = "大術士艾黎瑟絲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下層)" },
dtl10 = { text = "莎珂蕾希女士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下層)" },
dtl11 = { text = "莫魯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En haut)" },
dtl12 = { text = "安卓普斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En haut)" },
dtl13 = { text = "基爾加丹", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.71, 32.62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPKiljaeden" },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPTrash" },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Instances/README.txt New file
0,0 → 1,19
This is a plugin AddOn for "AlphaMap (Fan's Update)"
It shows pre-made Minimap textured maps of Instances.
If you have Enabled Mouse Interactive mode in then you can Zoom in/out on particular areas of the map by <ALT>-Left/Right clicking;
Useful when you want to see a particular area in more detail.
You can change the position, scale, transparency of the maps.
You can change the size of on map notes, and hide/show their backgrounds, and change their colours to make them more visible.
You can change the transparency and colour of the background of the maps themselves to see them more clearly.
Settings for each map can be saved separately if needed (see the main AlphaMap FAQ);
For example you might want notes on a white background on one Instance map to make them visible, but notes with a black background on another map.
When you Target named Bosses in Instances, then they will be highlighted on the AlphaMap Instance map, to show where you/they are.
When you kill named Bosses in instances, AlphaMap will change their symbol to a Graveyard symbol, to show what progress your Raid/Party has made.
PLEASE READ THE "AlphaMap FAQ.txt" for more details.
AlphaMap_Instances/AlphaMap_Instances.toc New file
0,0 → 1,10
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap_Instances
## Notes: Instance Maps for AlphaMap
## RequiredDeps: AlphaMap
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/BlackwingLair.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ZulGurub.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Botanica.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Uldaman.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Stratholme.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/SethekkHalls.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/HCShatteredHalls.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheEye.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/NetherstormBG.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/BlackTemple.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheSteamvault.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/AlteracValley.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/SerpentShrine.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/MountHyjal.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Scholomance.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/MagtheridonsLair.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ScarletMonastery.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Karazahn.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheSlavePens.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ZulFarrak.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Naxxramas.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ShadowLabyrinth.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/DireMaul.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/RuinsofAhnQiraj.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/MagistersTerrace.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/SunwellPlateau.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheUnderbog.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Maraudon.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ZulAman.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/MoltenCore.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Arcatraz.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/DMNorth.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheSunkenTemple.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/UBRS.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/WailingCaverns.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/DMEast.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Mechanar.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/HCBloodFurnace.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ManaTombs.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/HCRampart.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/AuchenaiCrypts.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/Gnomeregan.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/RazorfenKraul.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ArathiBasin.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/ShadowfangKeep.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/OldHilsbrad.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/GruulsLair.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TempleofAhnQiraj.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheDeadmines.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/BlackfathomDeeps.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/TheStockade.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/RagefireChasm.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/RazorfenDowns.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/BlackMorass.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/OnyxiasLair.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/LBRS.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/DMWest.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/WarsongGulch.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/Maps/BlackrockDepths.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Instances/ New file
0,0 → 1,2253
--AlphaMap Simplified Chinese
--Locolized by springsnow (2006/7/14)(3区-吉安娜-浮云)
--Last Updated:2006/9/23
if( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
{ name = "黑暗深渊", -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = "黑暗深渊",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "灰谷 (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "有一些水下部分",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "加摩拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英野兽 (巨型海龟)", lootid = "BFDGhamoora" },
dtl4 = { text = "潮湿的便笺", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {23.5, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "箱子中,'深渊中的知识',\n的任务物品" },
dtl5 = { text = "萨利维丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {3, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英人形生物", lootid = "BFDLadySarevess" },
dtl6 = { text = "银月守卫塞尔瑞德", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {11, 51} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "'寻找塞尔瑞德'的任务目标,\n& 任务'黑暗深渊中的邪恶'起始" },
dtl7 = { text = "格里哈斯特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英人形生物 (鱼人)", lootid = "BFDGelihast" },
dtl8 = { text = "洛古斯·杰特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 43}, {55, 46} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 精英人形生物", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl9 = { text = "阿奎尼斯男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 精英人形生物", lootid = "BFDBaronAquanis" },
dtl10 = { text = "深渊之核", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "梦游者克尔里斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 精英人形生物", lootid = "BFDTwilightLordKelris" },
dtl12 = { text = "黑暗深渊祭坛", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "瑟拉吉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 精英野兽", lootid = "BFDOldSerrakis" },
dtl14 = { text = "阿库迈尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 85} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl29 精英野兽 (九头蛇)", lootid = "BFDAkumai", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石深渊", -- Blackrock Depths
displayname = "黑石深渊",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "52-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "洛考尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 精英元素生物", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "审讯官格斯塔恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 精英人形生物", lootid = "BRDHighInterrogatorGerstahn" },
dtl4 = { text = "温德索尔元帅", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {46, 95} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "奥妮克希亚任务链中的一个环节" },
dtl5 = { text = "指挥官哥沙克", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 90} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "任务'指挥官哥沙克'" },
dtl6 = { text = "卡兰·巨锤", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 86} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "任务'卡兰·巨锤'" },
dtl7 = { text = "法律之环", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "击败这里的怪物以转换\n上层的观众从\n红色敌对状态到黄色中立状态", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl8 = { text = "塞尔德林", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "NPC小组队长" , lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl9 = { text = "弗兰克罗恩·铸铁的雕像", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.8, 78.1} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "任务'黑铁的遗产'" },
dtl10 = { text = "控火师罗格雷恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 78} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPyromantLoregrain" },
dtl11 = { text = "黑色宝库", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "弗诺斯·达克维尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 41} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 精英人形生物", lootid = "BRDFineousDarkvire" },
dtl13 = { text = "典狱官斯迪尔基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl56 精英人形生物", lootid = "BRDWarderStilgiss" },
dtl14 = { text = "维雷克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 精英" },
dtl15 = { text = "伊森迪奥斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "任务'伊森迪奥斯!'", lootid = "BRDLordIncendius" },
dtl16 = { text = "黑铁砧", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "暗炉之锁", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 72.4} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "开启以打开下层到上层区域的通道\n需要暗炉钥匙" },
dtl18 = { text = "贝尔加", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 62} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英山岭巨人", lootid = "BRDBaelGar" },
dtl19 = { text = "安格弗将军", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 64} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英侏儒", lootid = "BRDGeneralAngerforge" },
dtl20 = { text = "傀儡统帅阿格曼奇", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 51} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英侏儒", lootid = "BRDGolemLordArgelmach" },
dtl21 = { text = "黑铁酒吧", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 50} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "买6个黑铁酒杯\n然后给他们干杯 ;P", lootid = "BRDGuzzler" },
dtl22 = { text = "弗莱拉斯大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 38} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英人形生物", lootid = "BRDFlamelash" },
dtl23 = { text = "无敌的潘佐尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 27} }, symbol = { "19" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英机器", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPanzor" },
dtl24 = { text = "召唤者之墓", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 18} }, symbol = { "20" },
tooltiptxt = "逐一击败7个首领以到达更深处\n& 获得箱子", lootid = "BRDTomb" },
dtl25 = { text = "讲学厅", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 8.5} }, symbol = { "21" },
tooltiptxt = "找到并击败2个暗炉持火者\n然后点亮两个火炬以继续.\n从杀死第一个起只有3分钟时间." },
dtl26 = { text = "玛格姆斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 8.5} }, symbol = { "22" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英山岭巨人", lootid = "BRDMagmus" },
dtl27 = { text = "铁炉堡公主茉艾拉·铜须", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 8} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英人形生物", lootid = "BRDPrincess" },
dtl28 = { text = "达格兰·索瑞森大帝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 8.5} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", lootid = "BRDImperatorDagranThaurissan" },
dtl29 = { text = "黑熔炉", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63, 22} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "熔炼黑铁,\n及制造浓烟山脉之心" },
dtl30 = { text = "熔火之心", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {65, 30} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "任务'熔火之心的传送门'\n熔火之心入口", toMap = "熔火之心", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石塔", -- Blackrock Spire
displayname = "黑石塔 (下层)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (上层)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上层)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "通往欧莫克大王的桥", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 32.1}, {15, 32.1} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {71, 22}, {94, 26} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "下层" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29, 53}, {29, 77} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "斜坡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {86, 40}, {89, 58} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "维埃兰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 精英\n晋升印章任务" },
dtl9 = { text = "瓦罗什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物" },
dtl10 = { text = "尖锐长矛", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {69, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "任务物品" },
dtl11 = { text = "比修", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 25 } }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "比修任务链\n不在下层" },
dtl12 = { text = "尖石屠夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 32.1} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物\n在通往欧莫克大王的桥上巡逻", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneButcher", special = AM_RARE },
dtl13 = { text = "欧莫克大王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英人形生物", lootid = "LBRSOmokk" },
dtl14 = { text = "尖石统帅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "出现在欧莫克大王附近的小山", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneLord", special = AM_RARE },
dtl15 = { text = "暗影猎手沃什加斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 64} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英人形生物", lootid = "LBRSVosh" },
dtl16 = { text = "第五块摩沙鲁石板", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {77, 68} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "任务物品" },
dtl17 = { text = "班诺克·巨斧", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.5, 26.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物\n在下层", lootid = "LBRSGrimaxe", special = AM_RARE },
dtl18 = { text = "指挥官沃恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 32} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", lootid = "LBRSVoone" },
dtl19 = { text = "第六块摩沙鲁石板", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {75, 29} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "任务物品" },
dtl20 = { text = "莫尔·灰蹄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 35} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英\n需要召唤火盆\n打断他们的治疗", lootid = "LBRSGrayhoof" },
dtl21 = { text = "烟网蛛后", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 58} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英野兽", lootid = "LBRSSmolderweb" },
dtl22 = { text = "水晶之牙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 49} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英野兽", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "LBRSCrystalFang" },
dtl23 = { text = "乌洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 30} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物", lootid = "LBRSDoomhowl" },
dtl24 = { text = "军需官兹格雷斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 89} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", lootid = "LBRSZigris" },
dtl25 = { text = "哈雷肯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英野兽\n杀死以触发基兹鲁尔出现", lootid = "LBRSHalycon" },
dtl26 = { text = "奴役者基兹鲁尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英野兽\n哈雷肯死亡后触发其出现", lootid = "LBRSSlavener" },
dtl27 = { text = "维姆萨拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 62} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英龙类", lootid = "LBRSWyrmthalak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl28 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "LBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑石塔 (上层)",
displayname = "黑石塔 (上层)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (下层)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "烈焰卫士艾博希尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8.2, 31.0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英元素生物", lootid = "UBRSEmberseer", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {8.6, 38.9}, {36.4, 61.2} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "末日扣环", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {41.3, 68.65} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "任务物品\n在坍塌的柱子中间的巨大箱子里\n难以辨认\n可以从达基萨斯将军处下来" },
dtl7 = { text = "烈焰之父", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "战斗触发于门口附近\n阻止群居孵化者孵化蛋", lootid = "UBRSFLAME" },
dtl8 = { text = "索拉卡·火冠", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英龙类\n拾取烈焰之父后出现", lootid = "UBRSSolakar" },
dtl9 = { text = "杰德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52.6} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "UBRSRunewatcher" },
dtl10 = { text = "古拉鲁克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 52.6} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英人形生物", lootid = "UBRSAnvilcrack" },
dtl11 = { text = "大酋长雷德·黑手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 \n限制性任务'为部落而战!'\n出现时乘坐盖斯", lootid = "UBRSRend" },
dtl12 = { text = "盖斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英龙类", lootid = "UBRSGyth" },
dtl13 = { text = "奥比", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68.1, 65.9} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "限制性任务'监护者'" },
dtl14 = { text = "比斯巨兽", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 60.8} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英野兽", lootid = "UBRSBeast" },
dtl15 = { text = "瓦塔拉克公爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 56.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英\n需要任务召唤\n请首先清理黑手大厅", lootid = "UBRSValthalak" },
dtl16 = { text = "达基萨斯将军", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.6, 73.2} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? 精英龙类", lootid = "UBRSDrakkisath" },
dtl17 = { text = "黑翼之巢", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.5, 27.6} }, symbol = { "BWL" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑翼之巢", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "黑翼之巢", -- Blackwing Lair
displayname = "黑翼之巢",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上层)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 51}, {17, 52} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "狂野的拉格佐尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 66} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLRazorgore" },
dtl6 = { text = "堕落的瓦拉斯塔兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 67} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLVaelastrasz" },
dtl7 = { text = "勒什雷尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLLashlayer" },
dtl8 = { text = "费尔默", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {12, 44} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLFiremaw" },
dtl9 = { text = "埃博诺克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 29} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLEbonroc" },
dtl10 = { text = "弗莱格尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 29} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLFlamegor" },
dtl11 = { text = "克洛玛古斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 40} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLChromaggus" },
dtl12 = { text = "奈法利安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 14} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "BWLNefarian", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BWLTrashMobs", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄运之槌", -- Dire Maul
displayname = "厄运之槌 - 概貌",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "厄运之槌东", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 81}, {57, 96}, {100, 80} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开厄运之槌东地图", toMap = "厄运之槌 (东)" },
dtl2 = { text = "厄运之槌北", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.5, 38} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开厄运之槌北地图", toMap = "厄运之槌 (北)" },
dtl3 = { text = "厄运之槌西", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 88} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开厄运之槌西地图", toMap = "厄运之槌 (西)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "图书馆", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 58}, {41, 41} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "从北或西厄运之槌到达", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄运之槌 (东)", -- Dire Maul East
displayname = "厄运之槌 (东)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 : 被毁坏的庭院", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 : 艾德雷斯区", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 : 拉瑞斯小亭", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "掉下到达被毁坏的庭院\n旁的房间" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {41, 85}, {61, 93} }, symbol = { "L1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {75, 92}, {55, 82} }, symbol = { "L2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 63}, {83, 73} }, symbol = { "L3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "开始追捕普希林", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10, 50} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "追捕以获得厄运之槌(月牙)钥匙", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl9 = { text = "结束追捕普希林", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 61} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Oooh, you little Imp!", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl10 = { text = "瑟雷姆·刺蹄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英恶魔", lootid = "DMEZevrimThornhoof" },
dtl11 = { text = "海多斯博恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 77} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英元素生物", lootid = "DMEHydro" },
dtl12 = { text = "雷瑟塔帝丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英人形生物", lootid = "DMELethtendris" },
dtl13 = { text = "埃隆巴克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "开门" },
dtl14 = { text = "奥兹恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英恶魔", lootid = "DMEAlzzin" },
dtl15 = { text = "伊萨莉恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "需要召唤火盆召唤\n从黑石山的伯德雷处获取任务", lootid = "DMEIsalien", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl16 = { text = "书籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMETrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄运之槌 (北)", -- Dire Maul North
displayname = "厄运之槌 (北)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "需要从厄运之槌东追捕追捕普希林任务的月牙钥匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄运之槌(西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄运之槌 (西)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "卫兵摩尔达", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.4, 55.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", lootid = "DMNGuardMoldar" },
dtl5 = { text = "践踏者克雷格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英恶魔", lootid = "DMNStomperKreeg" },
dtl6 = { text = "卫兵芬古斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.2, 56.1} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", lootid = "DMNGuardFengus" },
dtl7 = { text = "卫兵斯里基克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英人形生物", lootid = "DMNGuardSlipkik" },
dtl8 = { text = "诺特·希姆加可", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNThimblejack" },
dtl9 = { text = "克罗卡斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.6, 34.8} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNCaptainKromcrush" },
dtl10 = { text = "戈多克大王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.2, 11.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNKingGordok" },
dtl11 = { text = "图书馆", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {20, 89} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = "贡品", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNTRIBUTERUN" },
dtl13 = { text = "书籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "厄运之槌 (西)", -- Dire Maul West
displayname = "厄运之槌 (西)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "需要从厄运之槌东追捕追捕普希林任务的月牙钥匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄运之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄运之槌 (北)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "楼梯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "水晶塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 80}, {64, 61}, {64, 87}, {27, 62}, {27, 37} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "摧毁这些", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "辛德拉古灵", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "杀死王子的任务" },
dtl6 = { text = "特迪斯·扭木", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 74} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英元素生物", lootid = "DMWTendrisWarpwood" },
dtl7 = { text = "伊琳娜·暗木", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 87} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "DMWIllyannaRavenoak" },
dtl8 = { text = "苏斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 60} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英亡灵", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "DMWTsuzee" },
dtl9 = { text = "卡雷迪斯镇长", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 51} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "DMWMagisterKalendris" },
dtl10 = { text = "伊莫塔尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英恶魔", lootid = "DMWImmolthar" },
dtl11 = { text = "赫尔努拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 19, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英恶魔\n术士史诗坐骑任务召唤部分", lootid = "DMWHelnurath" },
dtl12 = { text = "托塞德林王子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 26} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英人形生物", lootid = "DMWPrinceTortheldrin", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "图书馆", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51, 20} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "书籍", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMWTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "诺莫瑞根", -- Gnomeregan
displayname = "诺莫瑞根",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "丹莫罗 (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "部落经由藏宝海湾传送器进入.\n从奥格瑞玛工程师处获得起始任务.",
dtl1 = { text = "正门入口 (发条小径)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "后门入口 (车间)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "需要车间钥匙", toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "粘性辐射尘", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 精英元素生物\n下层", lootid = "GnViscousFallout" },
dtl5 = { text = "格鲁比斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 46} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 精英人形生物\n触发出现\n与同一位置的爆破专家艾米·短线交谈", lootid = "GnGrubbis" },
dtl6 = { text = "克努比 (The Dormitory)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 54} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "矩阵式打孔计算机 3005-B", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70, 50} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升级" },
dtl8 = { text = "清洗区", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "电刑器6000型", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 49} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 精英机械\n掉落车间钥匙", lootid = "GnElectrocutioner6000" },
dtl10 = { text = "矩阵式打孔计算机 3005-C", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33.2, 49.6} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升级" },
dtl11 = { text = "群体打击者 9-60", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.6, 77.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 精英机械", lootid = "GnCrowdPummeler960" },
dtl12 = { text = "矩阵式打孔计算机 3005-D", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.9, 75.7} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "卡片升级" },
dtl13 = { text = "黑铁大师", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "GnDIAmbassador" },
dtl14 = { text = "麦克尼尔·瑟玛普拉格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.8, 42.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl35 精英恶魔", lootid = "GnMekgineerThermaplugg", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GnTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "玛拉顿", -- Maraudon
displayname = "玛拉顿",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "凄凉之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 (橙色)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 (紫色)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 (传送)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "温格 (第五可汗)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 6} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl6 = { text = "诺克赛恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 精英元素生物", lootid = "MaraNoxxion" },
dtl7 = { text = "锐刺鞭笞者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 14} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 精英野兽", lootid = "MaraRazorlash" },
dtl8 = { text = "玛劳杜斯 (第四可汗)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "维利塔恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 32} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 精英人形生物", lootid = "MaraLordVyletongue" },
dtl10 = { text = "收割者麦什洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 30} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "MaraMeshlok" },
dtl11 = { text = "被诅咒的塞雷布拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 35} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl49 精英人形生物", lootid = "MaraCelebras" },
dtl12 = { text = "兰斯利德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.3, 60} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 精英元素生物", lootid = "MaraLandslide" },
dtl13 = { text = "工匠吉兹洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 精英人形生物", lootid = "MaraTinkererGizlock" },
dtl14 = { text = "洛特格里普", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 82} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 精英野兽", lootid = "MaraRotgrip" },
dtl15 = { text = "瑟莱德丝公主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 精英元素生物", lootid = "MaraPrincessTheradras" },
dtl16 = { text = "扎尔塔的灵魂", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "熔火之心", -- Molten Core
displayname = "熔火之心",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "黑石深渊",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "鲁西弗隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "玛格曼达", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 野兽", lootid = "MCMagmadar" },
dtl4 = { text = "基赫纳斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "MCGehennas" },
dtl5 = { text = "加尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 71} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 元素生物", lootid = "MCGarr" },
dtl6 = { text = "沙斯拉尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "MCShazzrah" },
dtl7 = { text = "迦顿男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 68} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 元素生物", lootid = "MCGeddon" },
dtl8 = { text = "焚化者古雷曼格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 57} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 巨人", lootid = "MCGolemagg" },
dtl9 = { text = "萨弗隆先驱者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 80} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "MCSulfuron" },
dtl10 = { text = "管理者埃克索图斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {89, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "MCMajordomo" },
dtl11 = { text = "拉格纳罗斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 元素生物", lootid = "MCRagnaros", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCTrashMobs", lootlink = true },
dtl13 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCRANDOMBOSSDROPPS", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "纳克萨玛斯", -- Naxxramas
displayname = "纳克萨玛斯",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "斯坦索姆",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text ="憎恶翼" , colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2, 15} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "帕奇维克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "憎恶翼", lootid = "NAXPatchwerk" },
dtl3 = { text = "格罗布鲁斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "憎恶翼", lootid = "NAXGrobbulus" },
dtl4 = { text = "格拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 20} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "憎恶翼", lootid = "NAXGluth" },
dtl5 = { text = "塔迪乌斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 4} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "憎恶翼", lootid = "NAXThaddius", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "地穴蜘蛛翼", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 3} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "阿努布雷坎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 20} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "地穴蜘蛛翼", lootid = "NAXAnubRekhan" },
dtl8 = { text = "黑女巫法琳娜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "地穴蜘蛛翼", lootid = "NAXGrandWidowFaerlina" },
dtl9 = { text = "迈克斯纳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74, 5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "地穴蜘蛛翼", lootid = "NAXMaexxna", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "瘟疫翼", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "瘟疫使者诺斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "瘟疫翼", lootid = "NAXNothderPlaguebringer" },
dtl12 = { text = "肮脏的希尔盖", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 58} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "瘟疫翼", lootid = "NAXHeiganderUnclean" },
dtl13 = { text = "洛欧塞布", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "瘟疫翼", lootid = "NAXLoatheb", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "死亡骑士翼", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {15, 79} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "教官拉苏维奥斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "死亡骑士翼", lootid = "NAXInstructorRazuvious" },
dtl16 = { text = "收割者戈提克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "死亡骑士翼", lootid = "NAXGothikderHarvester" },
dtl17 = { text = "四死亡骑士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "死亡骑士翼", lootid = "NAXTheFourHorsemen" },
dtl18 = { text = "库尔塔兹领主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "瑟里耶克爵士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "大领主莫格莱尼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "女公爵布劳缪克丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "冰霜飞龙巢穴", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜飞龙巢穴" },
dtl23 = { text = "萨菲隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 91} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜飞龙巢穴", lootid = "NAXSapphiron" },
dtl24 = { text = "克尔苏加德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜飞龙巢穴", lootid = "NAXKelThuzard", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl26 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "NAXTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴", -- Onyxia's Lair
displayname = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "尘泥沼泽 (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "需要龙火护符\n(完成在黑石塔上层杀死达基萨斯将军的任务)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "奥妮克希亚守卫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类" },
dtl3 = { text = "雏龙蛋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "奥妮克希亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 龙类", lootid = "Onyxia", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "怒焰裂谷", -- Ragefire Chasm
displayname = "怒焰裂谷",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "奥格瑞玛",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛尔·恐怖图腾", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "背包任务" },
dtl3 = { text = "饥饿者塔拉加曼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 精英恶魔", lootid = "RFCTaragaman" },
dtl4 = { text = "祈求者耶戈什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 86} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 精英人形生物", lootid = "RFCJergosh" },
dtl5 = { text = "巴扎兰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 91} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 精英恶魔", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "剃刀高地", -- Razorfen Downs
displayname = "剃刀高地",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "南贫瘠之地 (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "图特卡什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 精英亡灵", lootid = "RFDTutenkash" },
dtl4 = { text = "敲锣召唤图特卡什", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "亨利·斯特恩,\n& 奔尼斯特拉兹", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "学习如何制造 :\n金棘茶, \n强力巨魔之血药水" },
dtl6 = { text = "火眼莫德雷斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 47} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl39 精英亡灵", lootid = "RFDMordreshFireEye" },
dtl7 = { text = "暴食者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 65} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 精英人形生物", lootid = "RFDGlutton" },
dtl8 = { text = "拉戈斯诺特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 67} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFDRagglesnout" },
dtl9 = { text = "寒冰之王亚门纳尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 59} }, symbol = { "0" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 精英亡灵", lootid = "RFDAmnennar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "剃刀沼泽", -- Razorfen Kraul
displayname = "剃刀沼泽",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "南贫瘠之地 (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "鲁古格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 精英人形生物" },
dtl3 = { text = "阿格姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 精英人形生物" },
dtl4 = { text = "亡语者贾格巴", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 38} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 精英人形生物", lootid = "RFKDeathSpeakerJargba" },
dtl5 = { text = "主宰拉姆塔斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 29} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 精英人形生物", lootid = "RFKOverlordRamtusk" },
dtl6 = { text = "唤地者哈穆加", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKEarthcallerHalmgar" },
dtl7 = { text = "进口商威利克斯,\n& 赫尔拉斯·静水", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "卡尔加·刺肋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英人形生物", lootid = "RFKCharlgaRazorflank" },
dtl9 = { text = "盲眼猎手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6, 32} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 精英野兽\n& 箱子", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKBlindHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ward Sealing Agathelos", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "暴怒的阿迦赛罗斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11, 65} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英野兽", lootid = "RFKAgathelos", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFKTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "安其拉废墟", -- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "安其拉废墟",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "希利苏斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "库林纳克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 & 精英", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="安多洛夫中将,\n&卡多雷四精英", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20Andorov" },
dtl4 = { text = "奎兹上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.1, 46.9} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl5 = { text = "图比德上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55.4, 46.9} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl6 = { text = "德雷恩上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.2, 47.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl7 = { text = "库雷姆上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.2, 49.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl8 = { text = "耶吉斯少校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.3, 50.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl9 = { text = "帕库少校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 53.4} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl10 = { text = "泽兰上校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 51.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 精英", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl11 = { text = "拉贾克斯将军", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.2, 49.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ20Rajaxx" },
dtl12 = { text = "莫阿姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 31} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ20Moam" },
dtl13 = { text = "吞咽者布鲁", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ20Buru" },
dtl14 = { text = "安全房间", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 70} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "狩猎者阿亚米斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 91} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ20Ayamiss" },
dtl16 = { text = "无疤者奥斯里安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29, 73} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ20Ossirian", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = "职业技能书", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20ClassBooks" },
dtl18 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants" },
dtl19 = { text = "AQ20"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20SET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "血色修道院", -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = "血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "提瑞斯法林地 (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "墓地入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "铁脊死灵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英亡灵\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "永醒的艾希尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英亡灵\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMAzshir" },
dtl4 = { text = "死灵勇士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 80} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英亡灵\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMFallenChampion" },
dtl5 = { text = "血法师萨尔诺斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 精英亡灵\n墓地", lootid = "SMBloodmageThalnos" },
dtl6 = { text = "图书馆入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {56, 74} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl7 = { text = "驯犬者洛克希", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.1, 95} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 精英人形生物\n图书馆", lootid = "SMHoundmasterLoksey" },
dtl8 = { text = "奥法师杜安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.1, 92} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl37 精英人形生物\n图书馆", lootid = "SMDoan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "军械库入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 65} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl10 = { text = "赫洛德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74.8, 6.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 精英人形生物\n军械库", lootid = "SMHerod", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = "大教堂入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 65} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl12 = { text = "大检察官法尔班克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 11} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 精英人形生物\n大教堂", lootid = "SMFairbanks" },
dtl13 = { text = "血色十字军指挥官莫格莱尼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 12} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 精英人形生物\n大教堂", lootid = "SMMograine" },
dtl14 = { text = "大检察官怀特迈恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 4.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 精英人形生物\n大教堂", lootid = "SMWhitemane", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl15 = { text = "套装 : 血色十字军链甲", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "6 部分", lootid = "SMScarletSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "安其拉神殿", -- Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "安其拉神殿",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "希利苏斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "亚雷戈斯\n& 凯雷斯特拉兹\n& 梦境之龙麦琳瑟拉", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "安多葛斯\n& 温瑟拉\n& 坎多斯特拉兹", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "预言者斯克拉姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 41} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 \n外部", lootid = "AQ40Skeram" },
dtl5 = { text = "维姆 & 组合", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Vem" },
dtl6 = { text = "沙尔图拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 30} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ40Sartura" },
dtl7 = { text = "顽强的范克瑞斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 14} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ40Fankriss" },
dtl8 = { text = "维希度斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 7} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Viscidus" },
dtl9 = { text = "哈霍兰公主", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ40Huhuran" },
dtl10 = { text = "双子皇帝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 67} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", lootid = "AQ40Emperors" },
dtl11 = { text = "奥罗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 22, 87 } }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首领", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Ouro" },
dtl12 = { text = "克苏恩之眼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun" },
dtl13 = { text = "克苏恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "AQ40 "..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40SET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "AQ Brood Rings", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQBroodRings", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_OPENING, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQOpening", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "死亡矿井", -- The Deadmines
displayname = "死亡矿井",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "西部荒野 (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "拉克佐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 精英人形生物", lootid = "VCRhahkZor" },
dtl5 = { text = "矿工约翰森", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 精英人形生物", lootid = "VCMinerJohnson", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "斯尼德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 77} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英机械 (in Shredder)", lootid = "VCSneed" },
dtl7 = { text = "基尔尼格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 60.2} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英人形生物", lootid = "VCGilnid" },
dtl8 = { text = "迪菲亚火药", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.6, 39} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "...爆破粉,用于打破大门" },
dtl9 = { text = "重拳先生", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 31} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英人形生物", lootid = "VCMrSmite" },
dtl10 = { text = "曲奇", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 36} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCCookie" },
dtl11 = { text = "绿皮队长", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 37} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 精英人形生物", lootid = "VCCaptainGreenskin" },
dtl12 = { text = "艾德温·范克利夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 37} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 精英人形生物", lootid = "VCVanCleef", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl13 = { text = "套装 : 迪菲亚皮甲", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCDefiasSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "监狱", -- The Stockade
displayname = "监狱",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "暴风城",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "可怕的塔格尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 精英人形生物", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl4 = { text = "卡姆·深怒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 43} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 精英人形生物", lootid = "SWStKamDeepfury" },
dtl5 = { text = "哈姆霍克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {85, 56} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 精英人形生物" },
dtl6 = { text = "巴吉尔·特雷德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "迪克斯特·瓦德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 精英人形生物" },
dtl8 = { text = "Bruegal Ironknuckle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 54} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SWStBruegalIronknuckle", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "T阿塔哈卡神庙", -- The Sunken Temple
displayname = "阿塔哈卡神庙",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "悲伤沼泽 (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "也称为沉没的神庙",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "T阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口通往下层楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "入口通往中层楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "到达上层楼梯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 18}, {69, 18}, {52, 48}, {69, 48} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "巨魔小首领 (上层)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 23}, {66, 23}, {72, 33}, {49, 33}, {54, 43}, {66, 43} }, symbol = { "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6" },
tooltiptxt = "全部杀死, 然后再杀死迦玛兰\n以挑战伊兰尼库斯", lootid = "STTrollMinibosses", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "雕像 (下层)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 82}, {22, 64}, {13, 77}, {30, 77}, {13, 68}, {30, 68} }, symbol = { "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6" },
tooltiptxt = "按数字顺序激活以\n召唤阿塔拉利恩" },
dtl7 = { text = "哈卡祭坛", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿塔拉利恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 71} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 精英人形生物", lootid = "STAtalalarion", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "德姆赛卡尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 精英龙类", lootid = "STDreamscythe" },
dtl10 = { text = "德拉维沃尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 精英龙类", lootid = "STWeaver" },
dtl11 = { text = "哈卡的化身", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 33} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 精英龙类", lootid = "STAvatarofHakkar" },
dtl12 = { text = "预言者迦玛兰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 精英人形生物", lootid = "STJammalan" },
dtl13 = { text = "可悲的奥戈姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 精英亡灵", lootid = "STOgom" },
dtl14 = { text = "摩弗拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 62} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 精英龙类", lootid = "STMorphaz" },
dtl15 = { text = "哈扎斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 精英龙类", lootid = "STHazzas" },
dtl16 = { text = "伊兰尼库斯的阴影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 62} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 精英龙类", lootid = "STEranikus" },
dtl17 = { text = "精华之泉", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {85, 57} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "STTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "奥达曼", -- Uldaman
displayname = "奥达曼",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "荒芜之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "前门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开奥达曼外部地图", toMap = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "旁门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "巴尔洛戈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 精英" },
dtl4 = { text = "圣骑士的遗体", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "鲁维罗什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 73.3} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 精英人形生物", lootid = "UldRevelosh" },
dtl6 = { text = "艾隆纳亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 巨人", lootid = "UldIronaya" },
dtl7 = { text = "安诺拉 (大师级附魔师)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 61} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "黑曜石哨兵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.4, 62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 精英机械" },
dtl9 = { text = "古代的石头看守者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.7, 43} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl44 精英元素生物", lootid = "UldAncientStoneKeeper" },
dtl10 = { text = "加加恩·火锤", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 31} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "UldGalgannFirehammer" },
dtl11 = { text = "格瑞姆洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 19} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 精英人形生物", lootid = "UldGrimlok" },
dtl12 = { text = "阿扎达斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 14.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 巨人\n下层", lootid = "UldArchaedas" },
dtl13 = { text = "诺甘农圆盘", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {39.7, 6.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "上层" },
dtl14 = { text = "古代宝藏", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.3, 4.9} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "上层", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UldTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "哀嚎洞穴", -- Wailing Caverns
displayname = "哀嚎洞穴",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "贫瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "纳拉雷克斯的信徒", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "触发副本终结" },
dtl4 = { text = "考布莱恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英人形生物", lootid = "WCLordCobrahn" },
dtl5 = { text = "安娜科德拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 35} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英人形生物", lootid = "WCLadyAnacondra" },
dtl6 = { text = "克雷什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 42} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英人形生物", lootid = "WCKresh" },
dtl7 = { text = "变异精灵龙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 43} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英龙类", lootid = "WCDeviateFaerieDragon", special = AM_RARE },
dtl8 = { text = "皮萨斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 34} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 精英人形生物", lootid = "WCLordPythas" },
dtl9 = { text = "斯卡姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 69} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 精英人形生物", lootid = "WCSkum" },
dtl10 = { text = "瑟芬迪斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 52} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 精英人形生物\n上层", lootid = "WCLordSerpentis" },
dtl11 = { text = "永生者沃尔丹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 48} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 精英元素生物\n上层", lootid = "WCVerdan" },
dtl12 = { text = "吞噬者穆坦努斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.9, 23.9} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 精英人形生物\n触发出现", lootid = "WCMutanus" },
dtl13 = { text = "纳拉雷克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.4, 25.4} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英人形生物", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = "套装 : 毒蛇的拥抱", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "WCViperSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "祖尔法拉克", -- Zul'Farrak
displayname = "祖尔法拉克",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "塔纳利斯 (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "泽雷利斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "杉达尔·沙掠者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "水占师维蕾萨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英人形生物" },
dtl5 = { text = "加兹瑞拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英野兽", lootid = "ZFGahzrilla" },
dtl6 = { text = "灰尘怨灵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 46} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "ZFDustwraith" },
dtl7 = { text = "安图苏尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 35} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 精英人形生物", lootid = "ZFAntusul" },
dtl8 = { text = "殉教者塞卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英人形生物" },
dtl9 = { text = "巫医祖穆拉恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 23} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英人形生物", lootid = "ZFWitchDoctorZumrah" },
dtl10 = { text = "祖尔法拉克阵亡英雄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 27} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英人形生物" },
dtl11 = { text = "暗影祭司塞瑟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 精英人形生物", lootid = "ZFSezzziz" },
dtl12 = { text = "耐克鲁姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英亡灵" },
dtl13 = { text = "布莱中士", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {26, 26} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "探水棒任务\n敌对/中立取决于\n阵营及采取的行动" },
dtl14 = { text = "卢兹鲁", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 精英人形生物" },
dtl15 = { text = "乌克兹·沙顶", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 42} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 精英人形生物", lootid = "ZFChiefUkorzSandscalp", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "祖而格拉布", -- Zul'Gurub
displayname = "祖而格拉布",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "荆棘谷 (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "混浊的水", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "高阶祭司耶克里克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(蝙蝠)", lootid = "ZGJeklik" },
dtl4 = { text = "高阶祭司温诺西斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(毒蛇)", lootid = "ZGVenoxis" },
dtl5 = { text = "高阶祭司玛尔里", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 85} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(蜘蛛)", lootid = "ZGMarli" },
dtl6 = { text = "血领主曼多基尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 73} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(迅猛龙)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGMandokir" },
dtl7 = { text = "疯狂之源", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_OPTIONAL },
dtl8 = { text = "格里雷克,钢铁之血", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首领 亡灵", lootid = "ZGGrilek" },
dtl9 = { text = "哈扎拉尔,织梦者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首领 亡灵", lootid = "ZGHazzarah" },
dtl10 = { text = "雷纳塔基,千刃之王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首领 亡灵", lootid = "ZGRenataki" },
dtl11 = { text = "雷巫乌苏雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "首领 亡灵", lootid = "ZGWushoolay" },
dtl12 = { text = "加兹兰卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGGahzranka" },
dtl13 = { text = "高阶祭司塞卡尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 32} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(猛虎)", lootid = "ZGThekal" },
dtl14 = { text = "高阶祭司娅尔罗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 16} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(猎豹)", lootid = "ZGArlokk" },
dtl15 = { text = "妖术师金度", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", special = "(亡灵)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGJindo" },
dtl16 = { text = "哈卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 40} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 龙类", lootid = "ZGHakkar", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGTrash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = "ZG"..AM_CLASS_SETS, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl19 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGShared", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl20 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGEnchants", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "通灵学院", -- Scholomance
displayname = "通灵学院",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "西瘟疫之地 (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41, 41}, {34, 80} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "基尔图诺斯的卫士", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 32} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英恶魔", lootid = "SCHOLOBloodSteward" },
dtl6 = { text = "传令官基尔图诺斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SCHOLOKirtonostheHerald" },
dtl7 = { text = "詹迪斯·巴罗夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96, 8.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英亡灵", lootid = "SCHOLOJandiceBarov" },
dtl8 = { text = "血骨傀儡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英亡灵\n下层\n掉落观察室钥匙", lootid = "SCHOLORattlegore" },
dtl9 = { text = "死亡骑士达克雷尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英亡灵\n骑士/萨满祭司任务召唤", lootid = "SCHOLODeathKnight" },
dtl10 = { text = "马杜克·布莱克波尔", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.7, 42} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英\n在观察室中放置黎明先锋\n以激怒他", lootid = "SCHOLOMarduk" },
dtl11 = { text = "维克图斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.2, 42} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵\n在观察室中放置黎明先锋\n以激怒他", lootid = "SCHOLOVectus" },
dtl12 = { text = "莱斯·霜语", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 87} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英亡灵", lootid = "SCHOLORasFrostwhisper" },
dtl13 = { text = "库尔莫克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 80} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英", lootid = "SCHOLOKormok" },
dtl14 = { text = "讲师玛丽希亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 94} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物", lootid = "SCHOLOInstructorMalicia" },
dtl15 = { text = "瑟尔林·卡斯迪诺夫教授", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 74.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物", lootid = "SCHOLODoctorTheolenKrastinov" },
dtl16 = { text = "博学者普克尔特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 55.2} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "SCHOLOLorekeeperPolkelt" },
dtl17 = { text = "拉文尼亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.8, 92} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "SCHOLOTheRavenian" },
dtl18 = { text = "阿雷克斯·巴罗夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.2, 74.5} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "SCHOLOLordAlexeiBarov" },
dtl19 = { text = "伊露希亚·巴罗夫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.6, 54} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "SCHOLOLadyIlluciaBarov" },
dtl20 = { text = "黑暗院长加丁", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.2, 74.4} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英人形生物", lootid = "SCHOLODarkmasterGandling", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl21 = { text = "火炬", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 19} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "炼金实验室", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14, 70} }, symbol = { "AL" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl23 = { text = "南海镇地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {56, 25} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl24 = { text = "塔伦米尔地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {11, 36} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl25 = { text = "布瑞尔地契 ", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 77} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl26 = { text = "凯尔达隆地契", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {94, 72} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物", leaveGap = 1},
{ name = "斯坦索姆", -- Stratholme
displayname = "斯坦索姆",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "东瘟疫之地 (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "旁门入口在 EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "正门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "旁门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "弗拉斯·希亚比的邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "国王广场邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "十字军广场邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {24, 66} }, symbol = { "P3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "市场邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 62} }, symbol = { "P4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "节日小道的邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {61, 62} }, symbol = { "P5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "长者广场邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {80, 68} }, symbol = { "P6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "邮差马龙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 86}, {47, 74}, {24, 66}, {50, 62}, {61, 62}, {80, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵\n打开第三个邮箱时召唤出来\n邮箱钥匙掉落自信使", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "斯库尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 83} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英亡灵", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "STRATSkull" },
dtl11 = { text = "斯坦索姆信使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 78} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATStratholmeCourier" },
dtl12 = { text = "弗拉斯·希亚比", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 83} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATFrasSiabi" },
dtl13 = { text = "弗雷斯特恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 62}, {65, 58}, {66, 66} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英亡灵\n如果任何出现在他的位置\n的食尸鬼被杀死\n则将连续刷新", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATHearthsingerForresten" },
dtl14 = { text = "不可宽恕者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATTheUnforgiven" },
dtl15 = { text = "悲惨的提米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 61.5} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATTimmytheCruel" },
dtl16 = { text = "炮手威利", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {1, 74} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物", lootid = "STRATCannonMasterWilley" },
dtl17 = { text = "档案管理员加尔福特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 92} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英人形生物", lootid = "STRATArchivistGalford" },
dtl18 = { text = "巴纳扎尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英恶魔", lootid = "STRATBalnazzar" },
dtl19 = { text = "索托斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "需要亚雷恩 & 索托斯的召唤火盆", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl20 = { text = "亚雷恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "需要亚雷恩 & 索托斯的召唤火盆", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl21 = { text = "奥里克斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81, 61} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "石脊", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 42} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "STRATStonespine" },
dtl23 = { text = "安娜丝塔丽男爵夫人", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATBaronessAnastari" },
dtl24 = { text = "奈鲁布恩坎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 39} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATNerubenkan" },
dtl25 = { text = "苍白的玛勒基", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 14} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英人形生物", lootid = "STRATMalekithePallid" },
dtl26 = { text = "巴瑟拉斯镇长", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 10}, {74, 60} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 精英亡灵", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATMagistrateBarthilas" },
dtl27 = { text = "吞咽者拉姆斯登", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 15} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATRamsteintheGorger" },
dtl28 = { text = "瑞文戴尔男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 15} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英亡灵", lootid = "STRATBaronRivendare", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "影牙城堡", -- Shadowfang Keep
displayname = "影牙城堡",
displayshort = "SFK",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "银松森林 (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { "B2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "死亡之誓", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英亡灵", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.8, 34.8}, {50, 46.8} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 32}, {67, 33} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "雷希戈尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 精英人形生物\n牢房看守" },
dtl9 = { text = "巫师阿克鲁比", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 73} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 精英人形生物" },
dtl10 = { text = "亡灵哨兵阿达曼特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 74} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 精英人形生物" },
dtl11 = { text = "夫拉佐克劳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 精英人形生物", lootid = "BSFRazorclawtheButcher" },
dtl12 = { text = "席瓦莱恩男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 87} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 精英亡灵", lootid = "BSFSilverlaine" },
dtl13 = { text = "指挥官斯普林瓦尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 69} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 精英亡灵", lootid = "BSFSpringvale" },
dtl14 = { text = "盲眼守卫奥杜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 84} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 精英人形生物", lootid = "BSFOdotheBlindwatcher" },
dtl15 = { text = "吞噬者芬鲁斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.4, 33.4} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英野兽", lootid = "BSFFenrustheDevourer" },
dtl16 = { text = "狼王南杜斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 29} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 精英人形生物", lootid = "BSFWolfMasterNandos" },
dtl17 = { text = "大法师阿鲁高", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {84, 13} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 精英人形生物", lootid = "BSFArchmageArugal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BSFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "地狱火堡垒 - 地狱火城墙", -- Hellfire Ramparts
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 地狱火城墙",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HellfireRampart
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "60-62",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "巡视者加戈玛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "无疤者奥摩尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampOmor" },
dtl4 = { text = "传令官瓦兹德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill both hellfire sentry to start encounter", lootid = "HCRampVazruden" },
dtl5 = { text = "纳杉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampNazan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "强化魔铁箱", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampFelIronChest", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉", -- The Blood Furnace
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "61-63",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "制造者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "布洛戈克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBroggok" },
dtl4 = { text = "击碎者克里丹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.6, 35.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBreaker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅", -- Shattered Halls
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "兰迪·维兹普罗克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(联盟, 英雄模式)" },
dtl3 = { text = "德雷希拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄模式)" },
dtl4 = { text = "高阶术士奈瑟库斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 66.02} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsNethekurse" },
dtl5 = { text = "血卫士伯鲁恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.23, 10.55} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄模式)", lootid = "HCHallsPorung" },
dtl6 = { text = "战争使者沃姆罗格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.42, 33.79} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsOmrogg" },
dtl7 = { text = "酋长卡加斯·刃拳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsKargath" },
dtl8 = { text = "碎手斩杀者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄模式)", lootid = "HCHallsExecutioner" },
dtl9 = { text = "列兵亚森特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(联盟, 英雄模式)" },
dtl10 = { text = "火枪手布隆恩·棕须", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(联盟, 英雄模式)" },
dtl11 = { text = "奥琳娜上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(联盟, 英雄模式)" },
dtl12 = { text = "斥候奥贾尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄模式)" },
dtl13 = { text = "克拉格·傲鬃", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄模式)" },
dtl14 = { text = "沙塔·碎骨上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(部落, 英雄模式)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "地狱火堡垒 - 玛瑟里顿的巢穴", -- Magtheridon's Lair
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 玛瑟里顿的巢穴",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛瑟里顿", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "盘牙水库 - 奴隶围栏", -- The Slave Pens
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 奴隶围栏",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "62-64",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:水库钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "背叛者门努", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "除草者格林萨姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "异教徒斯卡希斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.2, 72.66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄模式)" },
dtl5 = { text = "巨钳鲁克玛尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.81, 41.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveRokmar" },
dtl6 = { text = "博学者拜特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.09, 61.13} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "夸格米拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 72.27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveQuagmirran" }
{ name = "盘牙水库 - 幽暗沼泽", -- The Underbog
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 幽暗沼泽",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "63-65",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:水库钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "霍加尔芬", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "幽暗孢子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "加兹安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.84, 34.18} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderGhazan" },
dtl5 = { text = "缚地者雷葛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "唤风者克劳恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "沼地领主穆塞雷克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.84, 30.27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderSwamplord" },
dtl8 = { text = "黑色阔步者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.09, 45.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderStalker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "盘牙水库 - 蒸汽地窟", -- The Steamvault
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 蒸汽地窟",
displayshort = "SV",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "70-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:水库钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "水术师瑟丝比娅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "主厅控制面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "第二块碎片的守护者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSecondFragmentGuardian" },
dtl5 = { text = "奥术容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "机械师斯蒂里格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSteamrigger" },
dtl7 = { text = "主厅控制面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "督军卡利瑟里斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.19, 43.95} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamWarlord" },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "盘牙水库 - 毒蛇神殿", -- SerpentShrine Cavern
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 毒蛇神殿",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "不稳定的海度斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "鱼斯拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLurker" },
dtl4 = { text = "盲眼者莱欧瑟拉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.75, 27.15} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLeotheras" },
dtl5 = { text = "深水领主卡拉瑟雷斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentKarathress" },
dtl6 = { text = "先知奥鲁姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "莫洛格里·踏潮者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.02, 28.52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentMorogrim" },
dtl8 = { text = "瓦丝琪", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.64, 55.47} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentVashj", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentTrash" }
{ name = "奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴", -- Auchenai Crypts
displayname = "奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "64-66",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:贫民窟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "死亡观察者希尔拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "大主教玛拉达尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsExarch" },
dtl4 = { text = "殉难者的化身", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsAvatar" },
dtl5 = { text = "德欧里", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsTrash" }
{ name = "奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫", -- Shadow Labyrinth
displayname = "奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "65-67",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:暗影迷宫钥匙\n钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:贫民窟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "间谍托古恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "赫尔默大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowHellmaw" },
dtl4 = { text = "煽动者布莱卡特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 73} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowBlackheart" },
dtl5 = { text = "沃匹尔大师", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "鲜血法典", lootid = "AuchShadowGrandmaster" },
dtl6 = { text = "摩摩尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowMurmur" },
dtl7 = { text = "第一块碎片的守护者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowFirstFragmentGuardian" },
dtl8 = { text = "奥术容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.38, 37.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowTrash" }
{ name = "奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅", -- Sethekk Halls
displayname = "奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "67-69",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)\n钥匙:灌注精华的月亮石 (安苏)",
general = "阵营:贫民窟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗编织者塞斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "拉卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "泰罗克的传说", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTheSagaofTerokk" },
dtl5 = { text = "安苏", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkRavenGod", special = "(召唤, 英雄模式)" },
dtl6 = { text = "利爪之王艾吉斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTalonKing", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTrash" }
{ name = "奥金顿 - 法力陵墓", -- Mana Tombs
displayname = "奥金顿 - 法力陵墓",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)\n钥匙:哈拉迈德之眼 (崇拜, 尤尔)",
general = "阵营:星界财团",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "潘德莫努斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "暗影领主希拉卡希斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "帕克希维大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.29, 16.41} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄模式)" },
dtl5 = { text = "塔瓦洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 76} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTavarok" },
dtl6 = { text = "低温工程师沙赫恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "虚灵传送器控制台", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "节点亲王沙法尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaNexusPrince" },
dtl9 = { text = "尤尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "静止间", special = "(召唤, 英雄模式)", lootid = "AuchManaYor", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTrash" }
{ name = "格鲁尔的巢穴", -- Gruul's Lair
displayname = "格鲁尔的巢穴",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "刀锋山",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "莫加尔大王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "疯狂的基戈尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(萨满祭司)" },
dtl4 = { text = "克洛什·火拳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(法师)" },
dtl5 = { text = "盲眼先知", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(牧师)" },
dtl6 = { text = "召唤者沃尔姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(牧师)" },
dtl7 = { text = "屠龙者格鲁尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 27} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GruulGruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "黑暗神殿", -- Black Temple
displayname = "黑暗神殿",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "影月谷",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:卡拉波勋章",
general = "阵营:灰舌死誓者",
dtl1 = { text = "黑暗神殿 (入门)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗神殿 (顶层)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑暗神殿 (底层)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {7.62, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "奥鲁姆之魂", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "高阶督军纳因图斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "苏普雷姆斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿卡玛之影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "乌达鲁之魂", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "奥鲁尤", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(材料商)" },
dtl11 = { text = "沃库诺", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(灰舌死誓者军需官)" },
dtl12 = { text = "先知坎奈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "通往塔隆·血魔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 51.76}, {79.1, 78.32} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "通往灵魂之匣", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 37.5}, {84.18, 67.38} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "通往伊利丹·怒风", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.83, 33.2}, {58.2, 10.74} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = "古尔图格·血沸", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.59, 57.23} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTBloodboil" },
dtl17 = { text = "灵魂之匣", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTEssencofSouls" },
dtl18 = { text = "愤怒精华", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "欲望精华", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "苦痛精华", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "塔隆·血魔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.77, 81.45} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTGorefiend" },
dtl22 = { text = "莎赫拉丝主母", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.77, 4.88} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTShahraz" },
dtl23 = { text = "伊利达雷议会", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTCouncil" },
dtl24 = { text = "女公爵玛兰德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(牧师)" },
dtl25 = { text = "击碎者加西奥斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(圣骑士)" },
dtl26 = { text = "高阶灵术师塞勒沃尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(法师)" },
dtl27 = { text = "薇尔莱丝·深影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(潜行者)" },
dtl28 = { text = "伊利丹·怒风", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" }
{ name = "风暴要塞 - 能源舰", -- The Mechanar
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 能源舰",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "69-72",
players = "20",
prereq = "钥匙:星船钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "看守者盖罗基尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "看守者埃隆汉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechIron" },
dtl4 = { text = "军团储藏室", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCacheoftheLegion" },
dtl5 = { text = "机械领主卡帕西图斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCapacitus" },
dtl6 = { text = "超载的魔法晶格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechOverchargedManacell" },
dtl7 = { text = "灵术师塞比瑟蕾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 9.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechSepethrea" },
dtl8 = { text = "计算者帕萨雷恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18.5, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCalc", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechTrash" }
{ name = "风暴要塞 - 生态船", -- The Botanica
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 生态船",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "钥匙:星船钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "指挥官萨拉妮丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "高级植物学家弗雷温", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotFreywinn" },
dtl4 = { text = "看管者索恩格林", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotThorngrin" },
dtl5 = { text = " 拉伊", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotLaj" },
dtl6 = { text = "迁跃扭木", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34.5, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSplinter", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotTrash" }
{ name = "风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱", -- The Arcatraz
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "70-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "钥匙:禁魔监狱钥匙\n钥匙:星船钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "自由的瑟雷凯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "自由的瑟雷凯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcThirdFragmentGuardian" },
dtl4 = { text = "奥术容器", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "天怒预言者苏克拉底", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.5, 70} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcScryer" },
dtl6 = { text = "末日预言者达尔莉安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 70} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcDalliah" },
dtl7 = { text = "先知乌达鲁", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 15.04} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "预言者斯克瑞斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcHarbinger" },
dtl9 = { text = "监护者梅里卡尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "米尔豪斯·法力风暴", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcTrash" }
{ name = "时光之穴 - 旧希尔希布莱德", -- Old Hillsbrad
displayname = "时光之穴 - 旧希尔希布莱德",
displayshort = "CoT1",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHillsbrad", -- OldHillsbrad
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:时光之匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件:逃离敦霍尔德堡\n阵营:时光守护者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "伊洛希恩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "布拉森", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "德拉克中尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 64.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl5 = { text = " 萨尔", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79.49, 57.23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "(下层)", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl6 = { text = "斯卡洛克上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradSkarloc" },
dtl7 = { text = "萨尔的第二次止步", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "萨尔的第三次止步", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {47.07, 41.41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "时空猎手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "萨尔的第四次止步", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(上层)" },
dtl11 = { text = "塔蕾莎", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(上层)" },
dtl12 = { text = "乔纳森·雷瓦", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "杰瑞·卡特尔", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "托马斯·杨斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradThomasYance" },
dtl15 = { text = "老迈的达拉然巫师", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradAgedDalaranWizard", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "时光之穴 - 黑色沼泽", -- The Black Morass
displayname = "时光之穴 - 黑色沼泽",
displayshort = "CoT2",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:时光之匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件:开启黑暗之门\n阵营:时光守护者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "萨艾特", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "刷新点", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "波:时空领主德亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(第6)", lootid = "CoTMorassDeja" },
dtl4 = { text = "波:坦普卢斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(第12)", lootid = "CoTMorassTemporus" },
dtl5 = { text = "波:埃欧努斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(第18)", lootid = "CoTMorassAeonus", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "黑暗之门", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.14, 74.22} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "麦迪文" },
{ name = "时光之穴 - 海加尔峰", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
displayname = "时光之穴 - 海加尔峰",
displayshort = "CoT3",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "需要完成入口任务",
general = "事件:海加尔之战\n阵营:流沙之鳞",
dtl1 = { text = "联盟基地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(吉安娜·普罗德摩尔)" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落基地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(萨尔)" },
dtl3 = { text = "暗夜精灵基地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(泰兰德·语风)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "雷基·冬寒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 46.88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalWinterchill" },
dtl5 = { text = "安纳塞隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 50.98} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAnetheron" },
dtl6 = { text = "卡兹洛加", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 32.81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalKazrogal" },
dtl7 = { text = "阿兹加洛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿克蒙德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "因多米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl10 = { text = "泰多姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = ""},
{ name = "卡拉赞", -- Karazahn
displayname = "卡拉赞",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "逆风小径",
levels = "70",
players = "10",
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:麦迪文的钥匙\n钥匙:黑色骨灰 (夜之魇)",
general = "阵营:紫罗兰之眼",
dtl1 = { text = "前门入口 1", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "前门入口 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "哈斯汀斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "看管者" },
dtl4 = { text = "伯特霍德", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "门卫" },
dtl5 = { text = "莫罗斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 25.98}, {65.23, 23.24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(通往宴会厅的楼梯)", lootid = "KaraMoroes" },
dtl6 = { text = "卡利亚德", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.44, 33.4} }, symbol = { "c" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "清洁工" },
dtl7 = { text = "猎手阿图门", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAttumen" },
dtl8 = { text = "午夜", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "库雷恩", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.02, 30.47} }, symbol = { "d" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "铁匠" },
dtl10 = { text = "通往马厩上层的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.55, 37.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "本内特", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {19.53, 35.55} }, symbol = { "e" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "警卫", special = "上层" },
dtl12 = { text = "埃伯洛克", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74.8, 36.52} }, symbol = { "f" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "贵族" },
dtl13 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "潜伏者希亚其斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(稀有, 随机)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl15 = { text = "蹂躏者洛卡德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(稀有, 随机)", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl16 = { text = "滑翔者沙德基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(稀有, 随机)", lootid = "KaraNamed", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "通往会客间的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {17.77, 3.32}, {73.24, 10.16} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl18 = { text = "金娜的日记", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {82.52, 4.69} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraKeannaLog" },
dtl19 = { text = "贞节圣女", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.38, 16.21} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraMaiden" },
dtl20 = { text = "通往歌剧院正厅的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84.18, 15.04} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "塞巴斯蒂安", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {55.08, 18.55} }, symbol = { "g" },
tooltiptxt = "风琴手" },
dtl22 = { text = "巴内斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51.95, 10.35} }, symbol = { "h" },
tooltiptxt = "舞台管理员" },
dtl23 = { text = "歌剧院事件", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "随机", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl24 = { text = "绿叶仙踪", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(随机)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl25 = { text = "小红帽", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(随机)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl26 = { text = "罗密欧与朱丽叶", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(随机)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl27 = { text = "楼座与露台间的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62.11, 8.79} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl28 = { text = "主宰的露台", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl29 = { text = "夜之魇", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Summoned)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl30 = { text = "通往破碎阶梯的通道", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.66, 24.02} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl31 = { text = "破碎阶梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 24.41} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl32 = { text = "馆长", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10.16, 35.16} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraCurator" },
dtl33 = { text = "通往:", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.67, 44.92}, {30.47, 68.55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl34 = { text = "拉维恩", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.24, 69.73} }, symbol = { "i" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "法师" },
dtl35 = { text = "格拉达夫", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {17.97, 69.34} }, symbol = { "j" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "术士" },
dtl36 = { text = "卡姆希丝", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.41, 73.83} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "咒术师" },
dtl37 = { text = "通往守护者的图书馆的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {19.92, 76.56} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl38 = { text = "奇怪的书架", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {20.51, 66.6} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "(-> 特雷斯坦·邪蹄)" },
dtl39 = { text = "特雷斯坦·邪蹄", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.19, 72.85} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "基尔里克 (小鬼)", lootid = "KaraIllhoof" },
dtl40 = { text = "埃兰之影", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.2, 66.21} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAran" },
dtl41 = { text = "通往观星大厅的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(虚空幽龙)" },
dtl42 = { text = "通往象棋大厅的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(象棋事件)" },
dtl43 = { text = "虚空幽龙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9.38, 65.82} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNetherspite" },
dtl44 = { text = "伊萨尔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {27.15, 66.21} }, symbol = { "l" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(修理, 出售商品)" },
dtl45 = { text = "通往:", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.76, 63.48}, {62.5, 39.84} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl46 = { text = "麦迪文的回音", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {65.04, 37.5} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "象棋事件", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.58, 34.96} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraChess" },
dtl48 = { text = "通往麦迪文房间的斜坡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63.09, 29.88} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl49 = { text = "通往虚空异界的楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.64, 32.62} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(王子)" },
dtl50 = { text = "玛克扎尔王子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.37, 31.05} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Leads to...", lootid = "KaraPrince" },
{ name = "祖阿曼", -- Zul'Aman
displayname = "祖阿曼",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "幽魂之地",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "纳洛拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(野熊)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "埃基尔松", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(雄鹰)", lootid = "ZAAkilZon" },
dtl4 = { text = "加亚莱", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 67.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(龙鹰)", lootid = "ZAJanAlai" },
dtl5 = { text = "哈尔拉兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.05, 36.62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(山猫)", lootid = "ZAHalazzi" },
dtl6 = { text = "妖术领主玛拉卡斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 54.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAMalacrass" },
dtl7 = { text = "祖尔金", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.4, 54.7} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAZuljin", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "风暴之眼", -- The Eye
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 风暴之眼",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "风暴要塞",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "钥匙:风暴钥匙",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奥", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "空灵机甲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeVoidReaver" },
dtl4 = { text = "大星术师索兰莉安", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeSolarian" },
dtl5 = { text = "凯尔萨斯·逐日者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeKaelthas" },
dtl6 = { text = "亵渎者萨拉德雷", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(战士)" },
dtl7 = { text = "首席技师塔隆尼库斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(猎人)" },
dtl8 = { text = "星术师卡波妮娅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", speical = "(法师)" },
dtl9 = { text = "萨古纳尔男爵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(圣骑士)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Legendary", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeLegendaries" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeTrash" },
{ name = "魔导师平台", -- Magister's Terrace
displayname = "魔导师平台",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "奎尔丹纳斯岛",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "塞林·火心", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "邪能水晶", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "塔雷斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "维萨鲁斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.4, 31.84} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTVexallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "占卜宝珠", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {94.53, 31.64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(卡雷苟斯)" },
dtl7 = { text = "女祭司德莉希亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.67, 52.54} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下层)", lootid = "SMTDelrissa" },
dtl8 = { text = "凯尔萨斯·逐日者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6.05, 48.24} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTKaelthas", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
{ name = "Plateau du Puits de soleil", -- Sunwell Plateau
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "奎尔丹纳斯岛",
levels = "69-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "卡雷苟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "腐蚀者萨索瓦尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "玛蒂苟萨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "布鲁塔卢斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPBrutallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "菲米丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPFelmyst" },
dtl7 = { text = "???", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.41, 33.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "艾瑞达双子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下层)", lootid = "SPEredarTwins" },
dtl9 = { text = "高阶术士奥蕾塞丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下层)" },
dtl10 = { text = "萨洛拉丝女王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(下层)" },
dtl11 = { text = "穆鲁", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl12 = { text = "熵魔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl13 = { text = "基尔加丹", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.71, 32.62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPKiljaeden" },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPTrash" },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Instances/localisation.en.lua New file
0,0 → 1,2322
-- localization.lua
AM_TYP_INSTANCE = "Instances";
-- Including "continent" will split the maps in to separate options on the DropDown menu, 1 for each continent...
-- If one map of this type mentions continent, then they ALL must mention continent
{ name = "Blackfathom Deeps", -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = "Blackfathom Deeps",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "Ashenvale (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Some underwater sections",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ghamoo-ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Beast (Giant Turtle)", lootid = "BFDGhamoora" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lorgalis Manuscript", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {23.5, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item for 'Knowledge of the Deeps',\nin chest" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lady Sarevess", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {3, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BFDLadySarevess" },
dtl6 = { text = "Argent Guard Thaelrid", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {11, 51} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Target of Quest 'In Search of Thaelrid',\n& Quest Start for 'Villainy'" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gelihast", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humanoid (Murloc)", lootid = "BFDGelihast" },
dtl8 = { text = "Lorgus Jett", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 43}, {55, 46} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl9 = { text = "Baron Aquanis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BFDBaronAquanis" },
dtl10 = { text = "Fathom Core", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 76} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Twilight Lord Kelris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BFDTwilightLordKelris" },
dtl12 = { text = "Blackfathom-Tiefen Altar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {63, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Old Serra'kis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Beast", lootid = "BFDOldSerrakis" },
dtl14 = { text = "Aku'mai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 85} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl29 Elite Beast (Hydra)", lootid = "BFDAkumai", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Blackrock Depths", -- Blackrock Depths
displayname = "Blackrock Depths",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "Blackrock Mountain",
levels = "52-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lord Roccor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Elemental", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Interrogator Gerstahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BRDHighInterrogatorGerstahn" },
dtl4 = { text = "Marshal Windsor", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {46, 95} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Link in Onyxia Quest Chain" },
dtl5 = { text = "Commander Gor'shak", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 90} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "'Commander Gor'shak' Quest" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kharan Mighthammer", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44, 86} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "'Kharan Mighthammer' Quest" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ring of Law", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat Mobs here to turn \nUpper level spectators from \nRed Aggro. to Yellow", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl8 = { text = "Theldren", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 73.4} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "NPC Group Leader", lootid = "BRDArena" },
dtl9 = { text = "Franclorn Forgewright", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.8, 78.1} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "'Dark Iron Legacy' Quest" },
dtl10 = { text = "Pyromancer Loregrain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 78} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPyromantLoregrain" },
dtl11 = { text = "The Vault", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl12 = { text = "Fineous Darkvire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 41} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BRDFineousDarkvire" },
dtl13 = { text = "Warder Stilgliss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl56 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BRDWarderStilgiss" },
dtl14 = { text = "Verek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 54} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite" },
dtl15 = { text = "Lord Incendius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "'Incendius!' Quest", lootid = "BRDLordIncendius" },
dtl16 = { text = "The Black Anvil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.7, 48.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl17 = { text = "ShadowForge Lock", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 72.4} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Unlock to allow deeper access to higher level areas\nRequires Shadowforge Key" },
dtl18 = { text = "Bael'Gar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 62} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mountain Giant", lootid = "BRDBaelGar" },
dtl19 = { text = "General Angerforge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 64} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Dwarf", lootid = "BRDGeneralAngerforge" },
dtl20 = { text = "Golem Lord Argelmach", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 51} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Dwarf", lootid = "BRDGolemLordArgelmach" },
dtl21 = { text = "The Grim Guzzler", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 50} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Buy 6 Dark Iron Ale mugs\nand give them to Rocknot ;P", lootid = "BRDGuzzler" },
dtl22 = { text = "Ambassador Flamelash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 38} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BRDFlamelash" },
dtl23 = { text = "Panzor the Invincible", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 27} }, symbol = { "19" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Golem", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "BRDPanzor" },
dtl24 = { text = "Summoner's Tomb", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {46, 18} }, symbol = { "20" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat 7 bosses in sequence to go deeper\n& Chest", lootid = "BRDTomb" },
dtl25 = { text = "The Lyceum", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 8.5} }, symbol = { "21" },
tooltiptxt = "Find and defeat 2 Flamekeepers\nand light both torches to progress.\nOnly have 3 minutes from killing the first." },
dtl26 = { text = "Magmus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 8.5} }, symbol = { "22" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Mountain Giant", lootid = "BRDMagmus" },
dtl27 = { text = "Princess Moira Bronzebeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 8} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BRDPrincess" },
dtl28 = { text = "Emperor Dagran Thaurissan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 8.5} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BRDImperatorDagranThaurissan" },
dtl29 = { text = "The Black Forge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63, 22} }, symbol = { "23" },
tooltiptxt = "Forge Dark Iron,\nand make Smoking Heart of the Mountain" },
dtl30 = { text = "Molten Core", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {65, 30} }, symbol = { "24" },
tooltiptxt = "'Attunement to the Core' Quest\nMolten Core Entrance", toMap = "Molten Core", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Blackrock Spire", -- Blackrock Spire
displayname = "Blackrock Spire (Lower)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "Blackrock Mountain",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Blacrock Spire (Upper)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Bridge to High Lord Omokk", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 32.1}, {15, 32.1} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {71, 22}, {94, 26} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lower Level" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29, 53}, {29, 77} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ramps", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {86, 40}, {89, 58} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Vaelan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite\nSeal of Ascension Quest" },
dtl9 = { text = "Warosh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl10 = { text = "Roughshod Pike", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {69, 29} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bijou", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 25 } }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Bijou Quest chain\nNot Lower Level" },
dtl12 = { text = "Spirestone Butcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 32.1} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid\nPatrols bridge to Highlord Omokk", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneButcher", special = AM_RARE },
dtl13 = { text = "Highlord Omokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Humanoid", lootid = "LBRSOmokk" },
dtl14 = { text = "Spirestone Battle Lord", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {2, 32.1} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Spawns on hill near Lord Omokk", lootid = "LBRSSpirestoneLord", special = AM_RARE },
dtl15 = { text = "Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 64} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Humanoid", lootid = "LBRSVosh" },
dtl16 = { text = "Fith Mosh'aru Tablet", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {77, 68} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item" },
dtl17 = { text = "Bannok Grimaxe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.5, 26.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid\nOn Lower Level", lootid = "LBRSGrimaxe", special = AM_RARE },
dtl18 = { text = "War Master Voone", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 32} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "LBRSVoone" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sixth Mosh'aru Tablet", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {75, 29} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item" },
dtl20 = { text = "Mor Grayhoof", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 35} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite\nRequires Summoning Brazier\nInterrupt their heals", lootid = "LBRSGrayhoof" },
dtl21 = { text = "Mother Smolderweb", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 58} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Beast", lootid = "LBRSSmolderweb" },
dtl22 = { text = "Crystal Fang", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 49} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Beast", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "LBRSCrystalFang" },
dtl23 = { text = "Urok Doomhowl", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 30} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "LBRSDoomhowl" },
dtl24 = { text = "Quartermaster Zigris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 89} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "LBRSZigris" },
dtl25 = { text = "Halcyon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Beast\nKill to trigger spawn of Gizrul", lootid = "LBRSHalycon" },
dtl26 = { text = "Gizrul the Slavener", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 92} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Beast\nSpawn triggered by death of Halcyon", lootid = "LBRSSlavener" },
dtl27 = { text = "Overlord Wyrmthalak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 62} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Dragon", lootid = "LBRSWyrmthalak", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl28 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "LBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)",
displayname = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "Blackrock Mountain",
levels = "53-60",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Blackrock Spire (Lower)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Pyroguard Emberseer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8.2, 31.0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Elemental", lootid = "UBRSEmberseer", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {8.6, 38.9}, {36.4, 61.2} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Doomrigger's Clasp", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {41.3, 68.65} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Item\nIn large Chest among toppled pillars\nCan be hard to spot\nCan drop down from General Drakkisath" },
dtl7 = { text = "Father Flame", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Fight spawns near doorway\nStop hatchers hatching eggs", lootid = "UBRSFLAME" },
dtl8 = { text = "Solakar Flamewreath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 65.45} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Dragonkin\nSpawned after Looting Father Flame", lootid = "UBRSSolakar" },
dtl9 = { text = "Jed Runewatcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52.6} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "UBRSRunewatcher" },
dtl10 = { text = "Goraluk Anvilcrack", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 52.6} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "UBRSAnvilcrack" },
dtl11 = { text = "Warchief Rend Blackhand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nLimited to 'For the Horde!' Quest\nComes mounted on Gyth", lootid = "UBRSRend" },
dtl12 = { text = "Gyth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.5, 51} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Dragon", lootid = "UBRSGyth" },
dtl13 = { text = "Awbee", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68.1, 65.9} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Limited to 'The Matron Protectorate' Quest" },
dtl14 = { text = "The Beast", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 60.8} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Beast", lootid = "UBRSBeast" },
dtl15 = { text = "Lord Valthalak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.7, 56.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite\nNeed Quest to Summon\nClear Hall of Blackhand first", lootid = "UBRSValthalak" },
dtl16 = { text = "General Drakkisath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.6, 73.2} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl?? Elite Dragon", lootid = "UBRSDrakkisath" },
dtl17 = { text = "Blackwing Lair", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.5, 27.6} }, symbol = { "BWL" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackwing Lair", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UBRSTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Blackwing Lair", -- Blackwing Lair
displayname = "Blackwing Lair",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "Blackrock Spire",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 51}, {17, 52} }, symbol = { "x3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Razorgore the Untamed", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 66} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLRazorgore" },
dtl6 = { text = "Vaelastrasz the Corrupt", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.5, 67} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLVaelastrasz" },
dtl7 = { text = "Broodlord Lashlayer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {77, 42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLLashlayer" },
dtl8 = { text = "Firemaw", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {12, 44} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLFiremaw" },
dtl9 = { text = "Ebonroc", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 29} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLEbonroc" },
dtl10 = { text = "Flamegor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 29} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLFlamegor" },
dtl11 = { text = "Chromaggus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 40} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLChromaggus" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nefarian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 14} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "BWLNefarian", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BWLTrashMobs", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Dire Maul", -- Dire Maul
displayname = "Dire Maul - Overview",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Dire Maul East", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 81}, {57, 96}, {100, 80} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul East Map", toMap = "Dire Maul East" },
dtl2 = { text = "Dire Maul North", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.5, 38} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul North Map", toMap = "Dire Maul North" },
dtl3 = { text = "Dire Maul West", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 88} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Dire Maul West Map", toMap = "Dire Maul West", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Library", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 58}, {41, 41} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "Reached from North or West Dire Maul", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Dire Maul East", -- Dire Maul East
displayname = "Dire Maul (East)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance : Broken Commons", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entrance : Eldereth Row", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entrance : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Drop to Broken Commons\nside Chamber" },
dtl5 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {41, 85}, {61, 93} }, symbol = { "L1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {75, 92}, {55, 82} }, symbol = { "L2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 63}, {83, 73} }, symbol = { "L3" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Pusillin Chase Starts", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10, 50} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Chase to get Dire Maul (Crescent) Key", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl9 = { text = "Pusillin Chase End", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 61} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Oooh, you little Imp!", lootid = "DMEPusillin" },
dtl10 = { text = "Zevrim Thornhoof", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMEZevrimThornhoof" },
dtl11 = { text = "Hydrospawn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 77} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Elemental", lootid = "DMEHydro" },
dtl12 = { text = "Lethendris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "DMELethtendris" },
dtl13 = { text = "Old Ironbark", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Opens door" },
dtl14 = { text = "Alzzin the Wildshaper", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMEAlzzin" },
dtl15 = { text = "Isalien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 23} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Need Brazier of Beckoning to summon\nQuest from Bodley in Blackrock Mountain", lootid = "DMEIsalien", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl16 = { text = "Books", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMETrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Dire Maul North", -- Dire Maul North
displayname = "Dire Maul (North)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Dire Maul(West)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul West" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Guard Mol'dar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.4, 55.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "DMNGuardMoldar" },
dtl5 = { text = "Stomper Kreeg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMNStomperKreeg" },
dtl6 = { text = "Guard Fengus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.2, 56.1} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "DMNGuardFengus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Guard Slip'kik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "DMNGuardSlipkik" },
dtl8 = { text = "Knot Thimblejack", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNThimblejack" },
dtl9 = { text = "Captain Kromcrush", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.6, 34.8} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNCaptainKromcrush" },
dtl10 = { text = "King Gordok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.2, 11.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNKingGordok" },
dtl11 = { text = "Library", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {20, 89} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = "Tribute Run", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMNTRIBUTERUN" },
dtl13 = { text = "Books", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Dire Maul West", -- Dire Maul West
displayname = "Dire Maul (West)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Dire Maul (North)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul North", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Stairs", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Pylons", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 80}, {64, 61}, {64, 87}, {27, 62}, {27, 37} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "Destroy these", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Shen'dralar Ancient", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {68, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest to Kill Prince" },
dtl6 = { text = "Tendris Warpwood", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 74} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Elemental", lootid = "DMWTendrisWarpwood" },
dtl7 = { text = "Illyanna Ravnoak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 87} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "DMWIllyannaRavenoak" },
dtl8 = { text = "Tsu'Zee", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 60} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "DMWTsuzee" },
dtl9 = { text = "Magister Kalendris", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 51} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "DMWMagisterKalendris" },
dtl10 = { text = "Immol'thar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Demon", lootid = "DMWImmolthar" },
dtl11 = { text = "Lord Hel'nurath", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 19, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Demon\nSummon as part of Warlock Epic Mount quest", lootid = "DMWHelnurath" },
dtl12 = { text = "Prince Tortheldrin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 26} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "DMWPrinceTortheldrin", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Library", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51, 20} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Books", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMBooks", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DMWTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Gnomeregan", -- Gnomeregan
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance (Clockwerk Run)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Rear Entrance (Workshop)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Viscous Fallout", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Elemental\nLower level", lootid = "GnViscousFallout" },
dtl5 = { text = "Grubbis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 46} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Humanoid\nTriggered Spawn\nSpeak to Blastmaster at same location", lootid = "GnGrubbis" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kernobee (The Dormitory)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 54} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Matrix Punchograh 3005-B", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70, 50} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl8 = { text = "The Clean Zone", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Electrocutioner 6000", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 49} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mechanical\nDrops Workshop Key", lootid = "GnElectrocutioner6000" },
dtl10 = { text = "Matrix Puchograph 3005-C", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33.2, 49.6} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl11 = { text = "Crowd Pummeler 9-60", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.6, 77.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Mechanical", lootid = "GnCrowdPummeler960" },
dtl12 = { text = "Matrix Punchograph 3005-D", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.9, 75.7} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Card Upgrade" },
dtl13 = { text = "Dark Iron Ambassador", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "GnDIAmbassador" },
dtl14 = { text = "Mekgineer Thermoplugg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.8, 42.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl35 Elite Demon", lootid = "GnMekgineerThermaplugg", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "GnTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Maraudon", -- Maraudon
displayname = "Maraudon",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entrance (Purple)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entrance (Portal)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Veng (Fifth Khan)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 6} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS },
dtl6 = { text = "Noxxion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Elemental", lootid = "MaraNoxxion" },
dtl7 = { text = "Razorlash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 14} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Beast", lootid = "MaraRazorlash" },
dtl8 = { text = "Maraudos (Fourth Khan)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Lord Vyletongue", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 32} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "MaraLordVyletongue" },
dtl10 = { text = "Meshlok the Harvester", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 30} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "MaraMeshlok" },
dtl11 = { text = "Celebras the Cursed", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 35} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl49 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "MaraCelebras" },
dtl12 = { text = "Landslide", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.3, 60} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Elemental", lootid = "MaraLandslide" },
dtl13 = { text = "Tinkerer Gizlock", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 74} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "MaraTinkererGizlock" },
dtl14 = { text = "Rotgrip", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 82} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Beast", lootid = "MaraRotgrip" },
dtl15 = { text = "Princess Theradras", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Elemental", lootid = "MaraPrincessTheradras" },
dtl16 = { text = "Zaetar's Spirit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 85} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Molten Core", -- Molten Core
displayname = "Molten Core",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "Blackrock Depths",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Depths", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lucifron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "Magmadar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Beast", lootid = "MCMagmadar" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gehennas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 46} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "MCGehennas" },
dtl5 = { text = "Garr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 71} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Elemental", lootid = "MCGarr" },
dtl6 = { text = "Shazzrah", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 80} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "MCShazzrah" },
dtl7 = { text = "Baron Geddon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 68} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Elemental", lootid = "MCGeddon" },
dtl8 = { text = "Golemagg the Incinerator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 57} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant", lootid = "MCGolemagg" },
dtl9 = { text = "Sulfuron Harbinger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 80} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "MCSulfuron" },
dtl10 = { text = "Majordomo Executus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {89, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "MCMajordomo" },
dtl11 = { text = "Ragnaros", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 52} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Elemental", lootid = "MCRagnaros", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCTrashMobs", lootlink = true },
dtl13 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MCRANDOMBOSSDROPPS", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Naxxramas", -- Naxxramas
displayname = "Naxxramas",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Stratholme",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text ="Abomination Wing" , colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2, 15} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Patchwerk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXPatchwerk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Grobbulus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXGrobbulus" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gluth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 20} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXGluth" },
dtl5 = { text = "Thaddius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 4} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Abomination Wing", lootid = "NAXThaddius", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Spider Wing", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67, 3} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Anub'Rekhan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 20} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Spider Wing", lootid = "NAXAnubRekhan" },
dtl8 = { text = "Grand Widow Faerlina", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Spider Wing", lootid = "NAXGrandWidowFaerlina" },
dtl9 = { text = "Maexxna", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74, 5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Spider Wing", lootid = "NAXMaexxna", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Necro Wing", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Noth the Plaguebringer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Necro Wing", lootid = "NAXNothderPlaguebringer" },
dtl12 = { text = "Helgan the Unclean", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 58} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Necro Wing", lootid = "NAXHeiganderUnclean" },
dtl13 = { text = "Loatheb", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Necro Wing", lootid = "NAXLoatheb", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Deathknight Wing", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {15, 79} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Instructor Razuvious", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Deathknight Wing", lootid = "NAXInstructorRazuvious" },
dtl16 = { text = "Gothik the Harvester", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Deathknight Wing", lootid = "NAXGothikderHarvester" },
dtl17 = { text = "The Four Horsemen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Deathknight Wing", lootid = "NAXTheFourHorsemen" },
dtl18 = { text = "Thane Korth'azz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sir Zeliek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Highlord Mograine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Lady Blaumeaux", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "Frostwyrm Lair", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair" },
dtl23 = { text = "Sapphiron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 91} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair", lootid = "NAXSapphiron" },
dtl24 = { text = "Kel'Thuzard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair", lootid = "NAXKelThuzard", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl25 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "NAXTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Onyxia's Lair", -- Onyxia's Lair
displayname = "Onyxia's Lair",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "Dustwallow Marsh (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "Requires Drakefire Amulet\n(Complete quest in UBRS to kill General Drakkisath)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Onyxian Warders", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl3 = { text = "Whelp Eggs", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Onyxia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Dragonkin", lootid = "Onyxia", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Ragefire Chasm", -- Ragefire Chasm
displayname = "Ragefire Chasm",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "Orgrimmar",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Maur Grimtotem", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Satchel Quest" },
dtl3 = { text = "Taragaman the Hungerer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Demon", lootid = "RFCTaragaman" },
dtl4 = { text = "Jergosh the Invoker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 86} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "RFCJergosh" },
dtl5 = { text = "Bazzalan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 91} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl16 Elite Demon", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Razorfen Downs", -- Razorfen Downs
displayname = "Razorfen Downs",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "Southern Barrens (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Tuten'kash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Undead", lootid = "RFDTutenkash" },
dtl4 = { text = "Gong to spawn Tuten'kash", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Henry Stern,\n& Belnistrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {76, 27} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Learn how to make :\nGoldthorn Tea, \nMighty Troll's Blood Potion" },
dtl6 = { text = "Mordresh Fire Eye", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87, 47} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl39 Elite Undead", lootid = "RFDMordreshFireEye" },
dtl7 = { text = "Glutton", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 65} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "RFDGlutton" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ragglesnout", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 67} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFDRagglesnout" },
dtl9 = { text = "Amnennar the Coldbringer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 59} }, symbol = { "0" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite Undead", lootid = "RFDAmnennar", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFDTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Razorfen Kraul", -- Razorfen Kraul
displayname = "Razorfen Kraul",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "Southern Barrens (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Roogug", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl3 = { text = "Aggem Thorncurse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl4 = { text = "Death Speaker Jargba", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 38} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl30 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "RFKDeathSpeakerJargba" },
dtl5 = { text = "Overlord Ramtusk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 29} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "RFKOverlordRamtusk" },
dtl6 = { text = "Earthcaller Halmgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 37} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKEarthcallerHalmgar" },
dtl7 = { text = "Willix the Importer,\n& Heralath Fallowbrook", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Charlga Razorflank", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "RFKCharlgaRazorflank" },
dtl9 = { text = "Blind Hunter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6, 32} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl32 Elite Beast\n& Chest", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "RFKBlindHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Ward Sealing Agathelos", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 54} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Agathelos the Raging", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11, 65} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Beast", lootid = "RFKAgathelos", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl12 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "RFKTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj", -- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kurinnaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss & Elites", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="Lieutenant General Andorov,\n&Four Kaldorei Elites", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20Andorov" },
dtl4 = { text = "Captain Qeez", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.1, 46.9} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl5 = { text = "Captain Tuubid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55.4, 46.9} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl6 = { text = "Captain Drenn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.2, 47.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl7 = { text = "Captain Xurrem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.2, 49.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl8 = { text = "Major Yeggeth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.3, 50.3} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl9 = { text = "Major Pakkong", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 53.4} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl10 = { text = "Colonel Zerran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 51.2} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
dtl11 = { text = "General Rajaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.2, 49.5} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Rajaxx" },
dtl12 = { text = "Moam", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 31} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Moam" },
dtl13 = { text = "Buru the Gorger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 55} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Buru" },
dtl14 = { text = "Safe Room", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 70} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Ayamiss the Hunter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 91} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Ayamiss" },
dtl16 = { text = "Ossirian the Unscarred", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29, 73} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ20Ossirian", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = "Class Books", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20ClassBooks" },
dtl18 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants" },
{ name = "Scarlet Monastery", -- Scarlet Monastery
displayname = "Scarlet Monastery",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "Tirisfal Glades (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Graveyard Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Ironspine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "Azshir the Sleepless", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMAzshir" },
dtl4 = { text = "Fallen Champion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 80} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMFallenChampion" },
dtl5 = { text = "Bloodmage Thalnos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", lootid = "SMBloodmageThalnos" },
dtl6 = { text = "Library Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {56, 74} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl7 = { text = "Houndmaster Loksey", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.1, 95} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl34 Elite Humanoid\nLibrary", lootid = "SMHoundmasterLoksey" },
dtl8 = { text = "Arcanist Doan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95.1, 92} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl37 Elite Humanoid\nLibrary", lootid = "SMDoan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Armoury Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 65} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl10 = { text = "Herod", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {74.8, 6.2} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humanoid\nArmoury", lootid = "SMHerod", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = "Cathedral Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {37, 65} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl12 = { text = "High Inquisitor Fairbanks", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 11} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humanoid\nCathedral", lootid = "SMFairbanks" },
dtl13 = { text = "Scarlet Commander Mograine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 12} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Humanoid\nCathedral", lootid = "SMMograine" },
dtl14 = { text = "High Inquisitor Whitemane", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.4, 4.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Humanoid\nCathedral", lootid = "SMWhitemane", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl15 = { text = "Set : Chain of the Scarlet Crusade", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "6 Piece", lootid = "SMScarletSET", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Ahn'Qiraj", -- Ahn'Qiraj
displayname = "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Arygos\n& Caelestrasz\n& Merithra of the Dream", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Andorgos\n& Vethsera\n& Kandrostrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "The Prophet Skeram", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19, 41} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss\nOutside", lootid = "AQ40Skeram" },
dtl5 = { text = "Vem & Co", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Vem" },
dtl6 = { text = "Battleguard Sartura", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40, 30} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Sartura" },
dtl7 = { text = "Fankriss the Unyielding", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 14} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Fankriss" },
dtl8 = { text = "Viscidus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82, 7} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Viscidus" },
dtl9 = { text = "Princess Huhuran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 49} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Huhuran" },
dtl10 = { text = "Twin Emperors", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 67} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "AQ40Emperors" },
dtl11 = { text = "Ouro", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 22, 87 } }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "AQ40Ouro" },
dtl12 = { text = "Eye of C'Thun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun" },
dtl13 = { text = "C'Thun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 50} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40CThun", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ40Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0 } }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQEnchants", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = "AQ Brood Rings", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQBroodRings", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_OPENING, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQOpening", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "The Deadmines", -- The Deadmines
displayname = "The Deadmines",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "Westfall (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Deadmines"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Rhahk'Zor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "VCRhahkZor" },
dtl5 = { text = "Miner Johnson", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl19 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "VCMinerJohnson", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "Sneed", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 77} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Mechanical (in Shredder)", lootid = "VCSneed" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gilnid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 60.2} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "VCGilnid" },
dtl8 = { text = "Defias Gunpowder", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.6, 39} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "...Blast Powder to blow the doors" },
dtl9 = { text = "Mr. Smite", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 31} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "VCMrSmite" },
dtl10 = { text = "Cookie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 36} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCCookie" },
dtl11 = { text = "Captain Greenskin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 37} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "VCCaptainGreenskin" },
dtl12 = { text = "Edwin VanCleef", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79, 37} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "VCVanCleef", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl13 = { text = "Set : Defias Leather", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "VCDefiasSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "The Stockade", -- The Stockade
displayname = "The Stockade",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "Stormwind City",
levels = "24-32",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Targorr the Dread", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl4 = { text = "Kam Deepfury", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 43} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl27 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "SWStKamDeepfury" },
dtl5 = { text = "Hamhock", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {85, 56} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl6 = { text = "Bazil Thredd", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {95, 62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Dextren Ward", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl8 = { text = "Bruegal Ironknuckle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 54} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SWStBruegalIronknuckle", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", -- The Sunken Temple
displayname = "Sunken Temple",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "Swamp of Sorrows (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "Also called Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Sunken Temple"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Stairs at Entrance to Lower", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Stairs at Entrance to Mid", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Stairs reaching Upper levels", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {52, 18}, {69, 18}, {52, 48}, {69, 48} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Troll Minibosses (Upper level)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 23}, {66, 23}, {72, 33}, {49, 33}, {54, 43}, {66, 43} }, symbol = { "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill all, then Jammal'an\nto fight Eranikus", lootid = "STTrollMinibosses", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Statues (Lower level)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 82}, {22, 64}, {13, 77}, {30, 77}, {13, 68}, {30, 68} }, symbol = { "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6" },
tooltiptxt = "Activate in numerical order to\nsummon Atal'alarion" },
dtl7 = { text = "Altar of Hakkar", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 74} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Atal'alarion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 71} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "STAtalalarion", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Dreamscythe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 33} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Dragonkin", lootid = "STDreamscythe" },
dtl10 = { text = "Weaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 33} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Dragonkin", lootid = "STWeaver" },
dtl11 = { text = "Avatar of Hakkar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 33} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl50 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STAvatarofHakkar" },
dtl12 = { text = "Jammal'an the Prophet", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl54 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "STJammalan" },
dtl13 = { text = "Ogom the Wretched", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Undead", lootid = "STOgom" },
dtl14 = { text = "Morphaz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59, 62} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl52 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STMorphaz" },
dtl15 = { text = "Hazzas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 62} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl53 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STHazzas" },
dtl16 = { text = "Shade of Eranikus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 62} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl55 Elite Dragon", lootid = "STEranikus" },
dtl17 = { text = "Essence Font", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {85, 57} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "STTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Uldaman", -- Uldaman
displayname = "Uldaman",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "The Badlands (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Click to open Uldaman Exterior Map", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Rear Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Baelog", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite" },
dtl4 = { text = "Remains of a Paladin", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Revelosh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 73.3} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl40 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "UldRevelosh" },
dtl6 = { text = "Ironaya", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 75} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant", lootid = "UldIronaya" },
dtl7 = { text = "Annora (Master Enchanter)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 61} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Obsidian Sentinel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.4, 62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl42 Elite Mechanical" },
dtl9 = { text = "Ancient Stone Keeper", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.7, 43} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl44 Elite Elemental", lootid = "UldAncientStoneKeeper" },
dtl10 = { text = "Galgann Firehammer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 31} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "UldGalgannFirehammer" },
dtl11 = { text = "Grimlok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 19} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "UldGrimlok" },
dtl12 = { text = "Archaedas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.2, 14.4} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Giant\nLower level", lootid = "UldArchaedas" },
dtl13 = { text = "The Discs of Norgannon", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {39.7, 6.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Upper level" },
dtl14 = { text = "Ancient Treasure", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.3, 4.9} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lower level", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UldTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Wailing Caverns", -- Wailing Caverns
displayname = "Wailing Caverns",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "The Barrens (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Disciple of Naralex", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Triggers Instance Final" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lord Cobrahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "WCLordCobrahn" },
dtl5 = { text = "Lady Anacondra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 35} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "WCLadyAnacondra" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kresh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 42} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "WCKresh" },
dtl7 = { text = "Deviate Faerie Dragon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 43} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Dragonkin", lootid = "WCDeviateFaerieDragon", special = AM_RARE },
dtl8 = { text = "Lord Pythas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 34} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "WCLordPythas" },
dtl9 = { text = "Skum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {93, 69} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl21 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "WCSkum" },
dtl10 = { text = "Lord Serpentis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {60, 52} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humanoid\nUpper level", lootid = "WCLordSerpentis" },
dtl11 = { text = "Verdan the Everliving", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 48} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Elemental\nUpper level", lootid = "WCVerdan" },
dtl12 = { text = "Mutanus the Devourer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.9, 23.9} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humanoid\nTriggered Spawn", lootid = "WCMutanus" },
dtl13 = { text = "Naralex", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32.4, 25.4} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humanoid", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl14 = { text = "Set : Embrace of the Viper", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "WCViperSET", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Zul'Farrak", -- Zul'Farrak
displayname = "Zul'Farrak",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "Tanaris (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zerillis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sandarr Dunereaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE },
dtl4 = { text = "Hydromancer Velratha", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 43} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl5 = { text = "Gahz'rilla", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 46} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Beast", lootid = "ZFGahzrilla" },
dtl6 = { text = "Dustwraith", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {32, 46} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humanoid", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "ZFDustwraith" },
dtl7 = { text = "Antu'sul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 35} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "ZFAntusul" },
dtl8 = { text = "Theka the Martyr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 33} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl9 = { text = "Witch Doctor Zum'rah", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53, 23} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "ZFWitchDoctorZumrah" },
dtl10 = { text = "Zul'Farrak Dead Hero", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 27} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl11 = { text = "Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl47 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "ZFSezzziz" },
dtl12 = { text = "Nekrum Gutchewer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36, 26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Undead" },
dtl13 = { text = "Sergeant Bly", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {26, 26} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Divino-matic Rod Quest\nHostile/Friendly depending on\nfaction and actions taken" },
dtl14 = { text = "Ruuzlu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl46 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl15 = { text = "Chief Ukorz Sandscalp", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 42} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl48 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "ZFChiefUkorzSandscalp", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Zul'Gurub", -- Zul'Gurub
displayname = "Zul'Gurub",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "Stranglethorn Vale (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
players = "20",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Muddy Churning Waters", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "High Priestess Jeklik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Bat)", lootid = "ZGJeklik" },
dtl4 = { text = "High Priest Venoxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Snake)", lootid = "ZGVenoxis" },
dtl5 = { text = "High Priestess Mar'li", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48, 85} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Spider)", lootid = "ZGMarli" },
dtl6 = { text = "Bloodlord Mandokir", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76, 73} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Raptor)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGMandokir" },
dtl7 = { text = "Edge of Madness", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_OPTIONAL },
dtl8 = { text = "Gri'lek, of the Iron Blood", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGGrilek" },
dtl9 = { text = "Hazza'rah, the Dreamweaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGHazzarah" },
dtl10 = { text = "Renataki, of the Thousand Blades", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGRenataki" },
dtl11 = { text = "Wushoolay, the Storm Witch", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Undead", lootid = "ZGWushoolay" },
dtl12 = { text = "Gahz'ranka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 33} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGGahzranka" },
dtl13 = { text = "High Priest Thekal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 32} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Tiger)", lootid = "ZGThekal" },
dtl14 = { text = "High Priestess Arlokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49, 16} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Panther)", lootid = "ZGArlokk" },
dtl15 = { text = "Jin'do the Hexxer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", special = "(Undead)"..AM_OPTIONAL, lootid = "ZGJindo" },
dtl16 = { text = "Hakkar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 40} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Dragon", lootid = "ZGHakkar", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl17 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGTrash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_RBOSS_DROP, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGShared", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl19 = { text = AM_ENCHANTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZGEnchants", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Scholomance", -- Scholomance
displayname = "Scholomance",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "Western Plaguelands (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41, 41}, {34, 80} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Blood Steward of Kirtonos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54, 32} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Demon", lootid = "SCHOLOBloodSteward" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kirtonos the Herald", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 5} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SCHOLOKirtonostheHerald" },
dtl7 = { text = "Jandice Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96, 8.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOJandiceBarov" },
dtl8 = { text = "Rattlegore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead\nLower level\nDrops key to Viewing Room", lootid = "SCHOLORattlegore" },
dtl9 = { text = "Death Knight Darkreaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10, 41} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead\nPaladins/Shaman Quest to Summon", lootid = "SCHOLODeathKnight" },
dtl10 = { text = "Marduk Blackpool", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.7, 42} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite\nAggro by placing Dawn's Gambit\nin Viewing room", lootid = "SCHOLOMarduk" },
dtl11 = { text = "Vectus", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.2, 42} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead\nAggro by placing Dawn's Gambit\nin Viewing room", lootid = "SCHOLOVectus" },
dtl12 = { text = "Ras Frostwhisper", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 87} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLORasFrostwhisper" },
dtl13 = { text = "Kormok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18, 80} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite", lootid = "SCHOLOKormok" },
dtl14 = { text = "Instructor Malicia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 94} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "SCHOLOInstructorMalicia" },
dtl15 = { text = "Doctor Theolen Krastinov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 74.2} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "SCHOLODoctorTheolenKrastinov" },
dtl16 = { text = "Lorekeeper Polkelt", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 55.2} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOLorekeeperPolkelt" },
dtl17 = { text = "The Ravenian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.8, 92} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOTheRavenian" },
dtl18 = { text = "Lord Alexei Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.2, 74.5} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOLordAlexeiBarov" },
dtl19 = { text = "Lady Illucia Barov", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.6, 54} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "SCHOLOLadyIlluciaBarov" },
dtl20 = { text = "Darkmaster Gandling", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.2, 74.4} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "SCHOLODarkmasterGandling", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl21 = { text = "Torch Lever", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 19} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "Alchemy Lab", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14, 70} }, symbol = { "AL" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl23 = { text = "Deed to Southshore", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {56, 25} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl24 = { text = "Deed to Tarren Mill", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {11, 36} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl25 = { text = "Deed to Brill", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 77} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl26 = { text = "Deed to Caer Darrow", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {94, 72} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid", leaveGap = 1},
{ name = "Stratholme", -- Stratholme
displayname = "Stratholme",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "Eastern Plaguelands (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "Side entrance at EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Side Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Fras Siabi's Postbox", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "King's Square Postbox", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Crusader's Postbox", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {24, 66} }, symbol = { "P3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Market Row Postbox", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 62} }, symbol = { "P4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Festival Lane Postbox", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {61, 62} }, symbol = { "P5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Elders' Square Postbox", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {80, 68} }, symbol = { "P6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Postmaster Malown", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37, 86}, {47, 74}, {24, 66}, {50, 62}, {61, 62}, {80, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead\nSpawns on opening of a 3rd Mail box\nMail box keys looted from Courier", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Skul", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 83} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "STRATSkull" },
dtl11 = { text = "Stratholme Courier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43, 78} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATStratholmeCourier" },
dtl12 = { text = "Fras Siabi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39, 83} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATFrasSiabi" },
dtl13 = { text = "Hearthsinger Forresten", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 62}, {65, 58}, {66, 66} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Undead\nWill continue to respawn if any\nGhouls that spawn in his place\nare killed", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATHearthsingerForresten" },
dtl14 = { text = "The Unforgiven", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl57 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATTheUnforgiven" },
dtl15 = { text = "Timmy the Cruel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 61.5} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATTimmytheCruel" },
dtl16 = { text = "Cannon Master Willey", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {1, 74} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "STRATCannonMasterWilley" },
dtl17 = { text = "Archivist Galford", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 92} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "STRATArchivistGalford" },
dtl18 = { text = "Balnazzar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Demon", lootid = "STRATBalnazzar" },
dtl19 = { text = "Sothos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Summoning", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl20 = { text = "Jarien", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17, 97} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Requires Jarien & Sothos's Brazier of Summoning", lootid = "STRATSothosJarien" },
dtl21 = { text = "Aurius", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81, 61} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl22 = { text = "Stonespine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78, 42} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "STRATStonespine" },
dtl23 = { text = "Baroness Anastari", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90, 39} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl59 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATBaronessAnastari" },
dtl24 = { text = "Nerub'enkan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64, 39} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl60 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATNerubenkan" },
dtl25 = { text = "Maleki the Pallid", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81, 14} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "STRATMalekithePallid" },
dtl26 = { text = "Magistrate Barthilas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66, 10}, {74, 60} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl58 Elite Undead", special = AM_VARIES, lootid = "STRATMagistrateBarthilas" },
dtl27 = { text = "Ramstein the Gorger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 15} }, symbol = { "16" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl61 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATRamsteintheGorger" },
dtl28 = { text = "Baron Rivendare", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42, 15} }, symbol = { "17" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATBaronRivendare", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Shadowfang Keep", -- Shadowfang Keep
displayname = "Shadowfang Keep",
displayshort = "SFK",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "Silverpine Forest (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Battlements", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = {text = "Battlements", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { "B2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Deathsworn Captain", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69, 85}, {35, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Undead", special = AM_RARE },
dtl6 = { text = "Stairs", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.8, 34.8}, {50, 46.8} }, symbol = { "S1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Stairs", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {42, 32}, {67, 33} }, symbol = { "S2" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl8 = { text = "Rethilgore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl20 Elite Humanoid\nThe Cell Keeper" },
dtl9 = { text = "Sorcerer Ashcrombe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67, 73} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl10 = { text = "Deathstalker Adamant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 74} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl18 Elite Humanoid" },
dtl11 = { text = "Razorclaw the Butcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {25, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl22 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BSFRazorclawtheButcher" },
dtl12 = { text = "Baron Silverlaine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {13, 87} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Undead", lootid = "BSFSilverlaine" },
dtl13 = { text = "Commander Springvale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 69} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Undead", lootid = "BSFSpringvale" },
dtl14 = { text = "Odo the Blindwatcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61, 84} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl24 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BSFOdotheBlindwatcher" },
dtl15 = { text = "Fenrus the Devourer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.4, 33.4} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Beast", lootid = "BSFFenrustheDevourer" },
dtl16 = { text = "Wolf Master Nandos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 29} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl25 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BSFWolfMasterNandos" },
dtl17 = { text = "Archmage Arugal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {84, 13} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Humanoid", lootid = "BSFArchmageArugal", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl18 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BSFTrash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Hellfire Ramparts", -- Hellfire Ramparts
displayname = "HC: Ramparts",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HellfireRampart
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
levels = "60-62",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Flamewrought Key (Heroic)",
general = "Hellfire Citadel\nRep: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRep: Honor Hold (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Watchkeeper Gargolmar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "Omor the Unscarred", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampOmor" },
dtl4 = { text = "Vazruden the Herald", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill both hellfire sentry to start encounter", lootid = "HCRampVazruden" },
dtl5 = { text = "Nazan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampNazan", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "Fel Iron Chest", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16, 81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCRampFelIronChest", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "The Blood Furnace", -- The Blood Furnace
displayname = "HC: The Blood Furnace",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
levels = "61-63",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Flamewrought Key (Heroic)",
general = "Hellfire Citadel\nRep: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRep: Honor Hold (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "The Maker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broggok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBroggok" },
dtl4 = { text = "Kell'dan the Breaker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.6, 35.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceBreaker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "The Shattered Halls", -- Shattered Halls
displayname = "HC: The Shattered Halls",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
levels = "70-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Shattered Halls Key\nKey: Flamewrought Key (Heroic)",
general = "Hellfire Citadel\nRep: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRep: Honor Hold (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Randy Whizzlesprocket", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, Heroic)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Drisella", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroic)" },
dtl4 = { text = "Grand Warlock Nethekurse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 66.02} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsNethekurse" },
dtl5 = { text = "Blood Guard Porung", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.23, 10.55} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroic)", lootid = "HCHallsPorung" },
dtl6 = { text = "Warbringer O'mrogg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.42, 33.79} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsOmrogg" },
dtl7 = { text = "Warchief Kargath Bladefist", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsKargath" },
dtl8 = { text = "Shattered Hand Executioner", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroic)", lootid = "HCHallsExecutioner" },
dtl9 = { text = "Private Jacint (Alliance", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, Heroic)" },
dtl10 = { text = "Rifleman Brownbeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, Heroic)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Captain Alina", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, Heroic)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Scout Orgarr", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroic)" },
dtl13 = { text = "Korag Proudmane", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroic)" },
dtl14 = { text = "Captain Boneshatter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 57.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Horde, Heroic)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCHallsTrash" }
{ name = "Magtheridon's Lair", -- Magtheridon's Lair
displayname = "HC: Magtheridon's Lair",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "Key: Flamewrought Key (Heroic)",
general = "Hellfire Citadel\nRep: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRep: Honor Hold (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Magtheridon", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "The Slave Pens", -- The Slave Pens
displayname = "CFR: The Slave Pens",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "Zangarmarsh",
levels = "62-64",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Reservoir Key (Heroic)",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu the Betrayer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "Weeder Greenthumb", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Skar'this the Heretic", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.2, 72.66} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroic)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Rokmar the Cracker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {57.81, 41.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveRokmar" },
dtl6 = { text = "Naturalist Bite", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {96.09, 61.13} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Quagmirran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.86, 72.27} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveQuagmirran" }
{ name = "The Underbog", -- The Underbog
displayname = "CFR: The Underbog",
displayshort = "UB",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "Zangarmarsh",
levels = "63-65",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Reservoir Key (Heroic)",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "The Underspore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Ghaz'an", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.84, 34.18} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderGhazan" },
dtl5 = { text = "Earthbinder Rayge", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Windcaller Claw", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {69.53, 28.91} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Swamplord Musel'ek", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.84, 30.27} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderSwamplord" },
dtl8 = { text = "The Black Stalker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.09, 45.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderStalker", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "The Steamvault", -- The Steamvault
displayname = "CFR: The Steamvault",
displayshort = "SV",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "Zangarmarsh",
levels = "70-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Reservoir Key (Heroic)",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydromancer Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Main Chamber Access Panel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Second Fragment Guardian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSecondFragmentGuardian" },
dtl5 = { text = "Arcane Container", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.54, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Mekgineer Steamrigger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamSteamrigger" },
dtl7 = { text = "Main Chamber Access Panel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 80.08} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Warlord Kalithresh", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.19, 43.95} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamWarlord", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamTrash" }
{ name = "Serpentshrine Cavern", -- SerpentShrine Cavern
displayname = "CFR: Serpentshrine Cavern",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "Zangarmarsh",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRequires Attunement\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydross the Unstable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "The Lurker Below", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLurker" },
dtl4 = { text = "Leotheras the Blind", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.75, 27.15} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentLeotheras" },
dtl5 = { text = "Fathom-Lord Karathress", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentKarathress" },
dtl6 = { text = "Seer Olum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {49.22, 17.77} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Morogrim Tidewalker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.02, 28.52} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentMorogrim" },
dtl8 = { text = "Lady Vashj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.64, 55.47} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentVashj", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentTrash" }
{ name = "Auchenai Crypts", -- Auchenai Crypts
displayname = "Auch: Auchenai Crypts",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "64-66",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: Lower City",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Shirrak the Dead Watcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "Exarch Maladaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsExarch" },
dtl4 = { text = "Avatar of the Martyred", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsAvatar" },
dtl5 = { text = "D'ore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsTrash" }
{ name = "Shadow Labyrinth", -- Shadow Labyrinth
displayname = "Auch: Shadow Labyrinth",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "65-67",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Shadow Labyrinth Key\nKey: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: Lower City",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spy To'gun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Ambassador Hellmaw", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowHellmaw" },
dtl4 = { text = "Blackheart the Inciter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 73} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowBlackheart" },
dtl5 = { text = "Grandmaster Vorpil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "Codex of Blood", lootid = "AuchShadowGrandmaster" },
dtl6 = { text = "Murmur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowMurmur" },
dtl7 = { text = "First Fragment Guardian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.1, 44} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowFirstFragmentGuardian" },
dtl8 = { text = "Arcane Container", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {90.38, 37.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchShadowTrash" }
{ name = "Sethekk Halls", -- Sethekk Halls
displayname = "Auch: Sethekk Halls",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "67-69",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Essence-Infused Moonstone (Anzu)\nKey: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: Lower City",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Darkweaver Syth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "Lakka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "The Saga of Terokk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTheSagaofTerokk" },
dtl5 = { text = "Anzu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkRavenGod", special = "(Heroic, Summoned)" },
dtl6 = { text = "Talon King Ikiss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 18.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTalonKing", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkTrash" }
{ name = "Mana-Tombs", -- Mana Tombs
displayname = "Auch: Mana-Tombs",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "70-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: The Eye of Haramad (Exalted, Yor)\nKey: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: The Consortium",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Pandemonius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "Shadow Lord Xiraxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Ambassador Pax'ivi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.29, 16.41} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroic)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Tavarok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 76} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTavarok" },
dtl6 = { text = "Cryo-Engineer Sha'heen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "Ethereal Transporter Control Panel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.58, 87.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Nexus-Prince Shaffar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaNexusPrince" },
dtl9 = { text = "Yor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.5, 84.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Stasis Chamber", special = "(Heroic, Summoned)", lootid = "AuchManaYor", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaTrash" }
{ name = "Gruul's Lair", -- Gruul's Lair
displayname = "Gruul's Lair",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "Blade's Edge Mountain",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {88, 76} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "High King Maulgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Kiggler the Crazed", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Shaman)" },
dtl4 = { text = "Krosh Firehand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Mage)" },
dtl5 = { text = "Blindeye the Seer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Priest)" },
dtl6 = { text = "Olm the Summoner", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Warlock)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Gruul the Dragonkiller", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {20, 27} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulGruul", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Black Temple", -- Black Temple
displayname = "Black Temple",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "Shadowmoon Valley",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: Medallion of Karabor",
general = "Rep: Ashtongue Deathsworn",
dtl1 = { text = "Black Temple Start", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Black Temple Top", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Black Temple Basement", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {7.62, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Spirit of Olum", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "High Warlord Naj'entus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Supremus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "Shade of Akama", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "Spirit of Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Aluyen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Reagent Vendor)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Okuno", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(Ashtongue Deathsworn)", special = "(Quartermaster)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Seer Kanai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Path to Teron Gorefiend", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 51.76}, {79.1, 78.32} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Path to Reliquary of Souls", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 37.5}, {84.18, 67.38} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl15 = { text = "Path to Illidan Stormrage", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.83, 33.2}, {58.2, 10.74} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl16 = { text = "Gurtogg Bloodboil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.59, 57.23} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTBloodboil" },
dtl17 = { text = "Reliquary of Souls", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTEssencofSouls" },
dtl18 = { text = "Essence of Anger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl19 = { text = "Essence of Desire", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl20 = { text = "Essence of Suffering", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86.52, 93.75} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Teron Gorefiend", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.77, 81.45} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTGorefiend" },
dtl22 = { text = "Mother Shahraz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.77, 4.88} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTShahraz" },
dtl23 = { text = "Illidari Council", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTCouncil" },
dtl24 = { text = "Lady Malande", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Priest)" },
dtl25 = { text = "Gathios the Shatterer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Paladin)" },
dtl26 = { text = "High Nethermancer Zerevor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Mage)" },
dtl27 = { text = "Veras Darkshadow", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Rogue)" },
dtl28 = { text = "Illidan Stormrage", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" }
{ name = "The Mechanar", -- The Mechanar
displayname = "TK: The Mechanar",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "Netherstorm",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Warpforged Key (Heroic)",
general = "Tempest Keep\nRep: The Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gatewatcher Iron-Hand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechIron" },
dtl4 = { text = "Cache of the Legion", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCacheoftheLegion" },
dtl5 = { text = "Mechano-Lord Capacitus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCapacitus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Overcharged Manacell", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechOverchargedManacell" },
dtl7 = { text = "Nethermancer Sepethrea", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47, 9.9} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechSepethrea" },
dtl8 = { text = "Pathaleon the Calculator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {18.5, 47} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechCalc", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechTrash" }
{ name = "The Botanica", -- The Botanica
displayname = "TK: The Botanica",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "Netherstorm",
levels = "70-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Warpforged Key (Heroic)",
general = "Tempest Keep\nRep: The Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Commander Sarannis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Botanist Freywinn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotFreywinn" },
dtl4 = { text = "Thorngrin the Tender", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotThorngrin" },
dtl5 = { text = "Laj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35, 69} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotLaj" },
dtl6 = { text = "Warp Splinter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34.5, 40} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSplinter", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl7 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotTrash" }
{ name = "The Arcatraz", -- The Arcatraz
displayname = "TK: The Arcatraz",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "Netherstorm",
levels = "70-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Key to the Arcatraz\nKey: Warpforged Key (Heroic)",
general = "Tempest Keep\nRep: The Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zereketh the Unbound", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "Third Fragment Guardian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcThirdFragmentGuardian" },
dtl4 = { text = "Arcane Container", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {11.5, 70} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcScryer" },
dtl6 = { text = "Dalliah the Doomsayer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 70} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcDalliah" },
dtl7 = { text = "Seer Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 15.04} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Harbinger Skyriss", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcHarbinger" },
dtl9 = { text = "Warden Mellichar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Millhouse Manastorm", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.5, 17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcTrash" }
{ name = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills", -- Old Hillsbrad
displayname = "CoT: Old Hillsbrad",
displayshort = "CoT1",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: Key of Time (Heroic)",
general = "Tanaris\nEvent: Escape from Durnholde Keep\nRep: Keepers of Time",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Erozion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Brazen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Lieutenant Drake", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83, 64.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl5 = { text = "Thrall", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79.49, 57.23} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "(Lower)", lootid = "CoTHillsbradDrake" },
dtl6 = { text = "Captain Skarloc", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradSkarloc" },
dtl7 = { text = "Thrall's Second Stop", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {72, 68} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Thrall's Third Stop", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {47.07, 41.41} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl9 = { text = "Epoch Hunter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CoTHillsbradHunter" },
dtl10 = { text = "Thrall's Fourth Stop", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(Upper)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Taretha", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.5, 30.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "(Upper)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Jonathan Revah", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl13 = { text = "Jerry Carter", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {28.71, 49.02} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl14 = { text = "Thomas Yance", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradThomasYance" },
dtl15 = { text = "Aged Dalaran Wizard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "CoTHillsbradAgedDalaranWizard", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Black Morass", -- The Black Morass
displayname = "CoT: Black Morass",
displayshort = "CoT2",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: Key of Time (Heroic)",
general = "Tanaris\nEvent: Opening of the Dark Portal\nRep: Keepers of Time",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Sa'at", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spawn Points", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Chrono Lord Deja", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Wave 6)", lootid = "CoTMorassDeja" },
dtl4 = { text = "Temporus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Wave 12)", lootid = "CoTMorassTemporus" },
dtl5 = { text = "Aeonus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Wave 18)", lootid = "CoTMorassAeonus", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "The Dark Portal", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.14, 74.22} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Medivh" },
{ name = "Battle for Mount Hyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
displayname = "CoT: Hyjal Summit",
displayshort = "CoT3",
continent = 1,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "70",
players = "25",
prereq = "Attunement Required\n",
general = "Tanaris\nEvent: The Battle for Mount Hyjal\nRep: The Scale of the Sands",
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Base", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(Lady Jaina Proudmoore)" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde Base", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Thrall)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Night Elf Base", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Tyrande Whisperwind)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Rage Winterchill", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 46.88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalWinterchill" },
dtl5 = { text = "Anetheron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.48, 50.98} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAnetheron" },
dtl6 = { text = "Kaz'rogal", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 32.81} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalKazrogal" },
dtl7 = { text = "Azgalor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = ""},
-- dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Karazhan", -- Karazhan
displayname = "Karazhan",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazhan
location = "Deadwind Pass",
levels = "70",
players = "10",
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: The Master's Key\nKey: Blackened Urn (Nightbane)",
general = "Rep: The Violet Eye",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Back Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hastings", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Caretaker" },
dtl4 = { text = "Berthold", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Doorman" },
dtl5 = { text = "Moroes", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.05, 25.98}, {65.23, 23.24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Staircase to the Ballroom)", lootid = "KaraMoroes" },
dtl6 = { text = "Calliard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.44, 33.4} }, symbol = { "c" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Nightman" },
dtl7 = { text = "Attumen the Huntsman", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAttumen" },
dtl8 = { text = "Midnight", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.53, 33.01} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Koren", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.02, 30.47} }, symbol = { "d" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Blacksmith" },
dtl10 = { text = "Stairs to Upper Stable", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.55, 37.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = "Bennett", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {19.53, 35.55} }, symbol = { "e" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Sergeant at Arms" },
dtl12 = { text = "Ebonlocke", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {74.8, 36.52} }, symbol = { "f" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Noble" },
dtl13 = { text = "The Servant's Quarters", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Random Boss" },
dtl14 = { text = "Hyakiss the Lurker", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl15 = { text = "Rakad the Ravager", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNamed" },
dtl16 = { text = "Shadikith the Glider", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.05, 8.79} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNamed", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "Ramp to the Guest Chambers", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {17.77, 3.32}, {73.24, 10.16} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl18 = { text = "Keanna's Log", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {82.52, 4.69} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraKeannaLog" },
dtl19 = { text = "Maiden of Virtue", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {92.38, 16.21} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraMaiden" },
dtl20 = { text = "Stairs to Opera House Orchestra Level", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {84.18, 15.04} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl21 = { text = "Sebastian", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {55.08, 18.55} }, symbol = { "g" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Organist" },
dtl22 = { text = "Barnes", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {51.95, 10.35} }, symbol = { "h" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Stage Manager" },
dtl23 = { text = "The Opera House", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "Random Boss", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl24 = { text = "The Wizard of Oz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl25 = { text = "Little Red Riding Hood", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl26 = { text = "Romulo & Julianne", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {51.17, 14.26} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl27 = { text = "Ramp from Mezzanine to Balcony", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62.11, 8.79} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl28 = { text = "The Master's Terrace", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { "T" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl29 = { text = "Nightbane", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 32.81} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Summoned)", lootid = "KaraOperaEvent" },
dtl30 = { text = "Path to the Broken Stairs", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.66, 24.02} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl31 = { text = "The Broken Stairs", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 24.41} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl32 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl33 = { text = "The Curator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {10.16, 35.16} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraCurator" },
dtl34 = { text = "Connects :", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.67, 44.92}, {30.47, 68.55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl35 = { text = "Wravien", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.24, 69.73} }, symbol = { "i" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Mage" },
dtl36 = { text = "Gradav", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {17.97, 69.34} }, symbol = { "j" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Warlock" },
dtl37 = { text = "Kamsis", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {16.41, 73.83} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Conjurer" },
dtl38 = { text = "Ramp to Guardian's Library", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {19.92, 76.56} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl39 = { text = "Suspicious Bookshelf", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {20.51, 66.6} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "(-> Terestian Illhoof)" },
dtl40 = { text = "Terestian Illhoof", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.19, 72.85} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Kil'rek (Imp)", lootid = "KaraIllhoof" },
dtl41 = { text = "Shade of Aran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.2, 66.21} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraAran" },
dtl42 = { text = "Ramp up to the Celestial Watch", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Netherspite" },
dtl43 = { text = "Ramp down to the Gamesman's Hall", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22.27, 79.49} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Chess Event" },
dtl44 = { text = "Netherspite", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {9.38, 65.82} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraNetherspite" },
dtl45 = { text = "Ythar", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {27.15, 66.21} }, symbol = { "l" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Repair and Rewards" },
dtl46 = { text = "Connects :", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.76, 63.48}, {62.5, 39.84} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "Echo of Medivh", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {65.04, 37.5} }, symbol = { "k" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl48 = { text = "Chess Event", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {67.58, 34.96} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "KaraChess" },
dtl49 = { text = "Ramp to Medivh's Chamber", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {63.09, 29.88} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl50 = { text = "Spiral Stairs to Netherspace", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.64, 32.62} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Prince" },
dtl51 = { text = "Prince Malchezaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.37, 31.05} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "Defeat to allow summoning of Nightbane", special = "Leads to...", lootid = "KaraPrince" },
{ name = "Zul'Aman", -- Zul'Aman
displayname = "Zul'Aman",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "Ghostlands",
levels = "70",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Nalorakk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Bear)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Akil'Zon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Eagle)", lootid = "ZAAkilZon" },
dtl4 = { text = "Jan'Alai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.3, 67.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Dragonhawk)", lootid = "ZAJanAlai" },
dtl5 = { text = "Halazzi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.05, 36.62} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lynx)", lootid = "ZAHalazzi" },
dtl6 = { text = "Hex Lord Malacrass", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 54.9} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAMalacrass" },
dtl7 = { text = "Zul'Jin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.4, 54.7} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "ZAZuljin", leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "The Eye", -- The Eye
displayname = "TK: The Eye",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "Netherstorm",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "Key: Warpforged Key (Heroic)",
general = "Tempest Keep\nRep: The Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Al'ar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Void Reaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeVoidReaver" },
dtl4 = { text = "High Astromancer Solarian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {86, 47} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeSolarian" },
dtl5 = { text = "Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeKaelthas" },
dtl6 = { text = "Thaladred the Darkener", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Warrior)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Master Engineer Telonicus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Hunter)" },
dtl8 = { text = "Grand Astromancer Capernian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", speical = "(Mage)" },
dtl9 = { text = "Lord Sanguinar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 13} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Paladin)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = "Legendary", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeLegendaries" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeTrash" },
{ name = "Magister's Terrace", -- Magister's Terrace
displayname = "Magister's Terrace",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "Isle of Quel'Danas",
levels = "69-72",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Selin Fireheart", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Tyrith", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Vexallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.4, 31.84} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTVexallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Scrying Orb", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {94.53, 31.64} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Kalecgos)" },
dtl7 = { text = "Priestess Delrissa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.67, 52.54} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower Level)", lootid = "SMTDelrissa" },
dtl8 = { text = "Kael'Thas Sunstrider", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {6.05, 48.24} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTKaelthas", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl9 = { text = "Exit", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2.73, 47.85} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Orb)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl10 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
{ name = "Sunwell Plateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
displayname = "Sunwell Plateau",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "Isle of Quel'Danas",
levels = "69-72",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kalecgos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sathrovarr the Corruptor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Madrigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl5 = { text = "Brutallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPBrutallus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Felmyst", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.45, 60.55} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPFelmyst" },
dtl7 = { text = "???", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.41, 33.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Eredar Twins", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower)", lootid = "SPEredarTwins" },
dtl9 = { text = "Grand Warlock Alythess", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower)" },
dtl10 = { text = "Lady Sacrolash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.79, 16.99} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Lower)" },
dtl11 = { text = "M'uru", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl12 = { text = "Entropius", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.72, 20.12} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Upper)" },
dtl13 = { text = "Kil'jaeden", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61.71, 32.62} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPKiljaeden" },
dtl14 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SPTrash" },
-- Below is the template for Adding new Instance Maps with Text and Information
-- The fields name, type, filename, location, levels, and players are Mandatory
-- All other fields are optional and can be deleted or left blank
-- Fields can contain multiple co-ordinates up to a maximum of AM_MAX_MULT_COORDS which
-- is set to 8 by default - Different symbols can be used at each coordinate, or just 1
-- As long as a blp/tga exists with the given filename, then nothing else needs to be
-- done to see notes on the map
-- Use 'lootid = ""' where a link to Atlas Loot information exists - must be the same as the id
-- used in that AddOn to identify the mob/set
-- Use 'toMap = ""' to place a link to a different map, e.g. links between DM West and North,
-- so that when the user clicks on the button, the map changes to the other
-- Use 'special = ' to add information such as Rare/Wanders, etc to the Key in a different colour
-- Use 'leaveGap = x' where 'x' is a number specifying the size of the gap to appear AFTER the
-- current Map Key entry
-- A symbol of "" will be blank on the map and the key. A symbol of " " will use the default
-- After 32 dtl_ fields, there will be a page break on the Map Key with arrows to show the
-- the other fields. You can control where the page break appears amongst your notes by
-- padding with extra blank dtl_ records as per Alterac Valley above
-- wmData and amData are used to translate WorldMap coordinates in to coordinates on the
-- Instance style map. Obviously this won't help in an Instance as player coordinates are
-- not given, but plotting player positions is possible in BattleGrounds and in 'external'
-- dungeons/raid maps - The basic process for calulating these figures is as follows :
-- First create your map to be displayed in AlphaMap so you can see it in game and it is
-- possible to mark down mouse coordinates
-- Then move to the Far West of the dungeon/location and record your Player coordinates as
-- they would be calculated by GetPlayerMapPosition("player") - In caves like Gnomeregan and Maraudon
-- the player coordinates are actually your coords on the Continent. For Azuregos and other maps,
-- the player coordinates are normal map coords - call the West most 'X' coordinate wmData.minX
-- Then display the AlphaMap of the area, and move your mouse to the point where your player
-- is and mark down the cursor coords - call the mouse's 'X' coordinate amData.minX
-- Basically, the furthest West point of the AlphaMap is the Minimum X value where a player
-- can be displayed on the map and wmData.minX on the WorldMap is equivalent to amData.minX on the
-- AlphaMap
-- Then repeat this process for the furthest Eastern point and wmData.maxX = amData.maxX
-- Then repeat for Northern and Southern most points, .minY and maxY
-- AlphaMap should then use these comparitive coordinate systems to plot your player positions
-- on the AlphaMap based on World Map coordinates
-- This process can take a lot of fine tuning. I found 5 decimal places was accurate enough when
-- dealing with Continent based player coords for cave systems. Also be very wary of the fact
-- that some maps are slightly rotated in game, which can make your coordinate system accurate
-- in the middle, but with increasing variance toward the edges of the map. Also, if you make
-- any errors when you create the map, by overlapping tiles or stretching one to make it fit,
-- or whatever, then these kinds of issues can result in strange coordinate problems too.
-- { name = "",
-- type = AM_TYP_INSTANCE,
-- displayname = "",
-- filename = "",
-- location = "",
-- levels = "",
-- players = "",
-- prereq = "",
-- general = "",
-- dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
-- tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "", leaveGap = 1, },
-- dtl5 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "0" },
-- tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_RARE..AM_WANDERS, leaveGap = 2 },
-- dtl6 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "0" },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl7 = { text = "", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "0" },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- ...............
-- }
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/localisation.en.lua New file
0,0 → 1,247
-- localization.lua
AM_TYP_BG = "BattleGrounds"; -- Register the Type of map
-- Define the Map details
-- the wmData and amData allow the positioning of Player/Party/Raid dots on the map and relate GetPlayerCoordinates to frame coordinates on the map
{ name = "Alterac Valley", -- Alterac Valley
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Alterac Valley",
displayshort = "AV",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\AlteracValley",
location = "Alterac Mountains (63, 58)",
levels = "51-60",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
notescale = 0.7,
wmData = { minX = 0.395, maxX = 0.586, minY = 0.106, maxY = 0.9187 },
amData = { minX = 0.65, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.036, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Entrance", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {87.98, 2.69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde Entrance", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.01, 71.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67.38, 6.47} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill boss to win the game" },
dtl4 = { text = "Frostwolf Keep", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.38, 92.42} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill boss to win the game", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Graveyards", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {79.29, 8.36}, {83.68, 32.53}, {70.89, 44.37}, {83.49, 60.99}, {80.66, 80.18}, {80.27, 94.31} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Capture to allow your faction to resurrect here", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "Stormpike Aid Station", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {57, 9.55} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl7 = { text = "Stormpike Graveyard", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {79.29, 8.36}, {57, 12} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl8 = { text = "Stonehearth Graveyard", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.68, 32.53}, {57, 32.53} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl9 = { text = "Snowfall Graveyard", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.2, 44.8}, {57, 44.37} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl10 = { text = "Iceblood Graveyard", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.49, 60.99}, {57, 60.99} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl11 = { text = "Frostwolf Graveyard", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {82.0, 80.18}, {57, 80.18} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl12 = { text = "Frostwolf Relief Hut", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.27, 94.31}, {57, 94.31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Stonehearth Outpost", bgPOI = true, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Balinda", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "Iceblood Garrison", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl16 = { text = "Glavangar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "Alliance Bunkers", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {82.02, 27.16}, {70.50, 13.53}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Horde can destroy for honour\nGuards stop respawning when destroyed", bgPOI = true },
dtl18 = { text = "Stonehearth Bunker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {60, 41.98} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl19 = { text = "Icewing Bunker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {60, 27.16} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance Wing Commander Karl Philips\nHorde Wing Commander Guse", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl20 = { text = "Dun Baldar South Bunker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {71.00, 13.00}, {60, 13.53} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl21 = { text = "Dun Baldar North Bunker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {73.04, 7.37}, {60, 7.37} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde Wing Commander Mulverick", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "Horde Towers", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04}, {77, 88.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance can destroy for honour\nGuards stop respawning when destroyed", bgPOI = true },
dtl23 = { text = "Iceblood Tower", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {60, 59.29} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl24 = { text = "Tower Point", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {60, 67.25} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance Wing Commander Louis Philips\nHorde Wing Commander Slidore", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl25 = { text = "East Frostwolf Tower", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.6, 89.04}, {63, 89.05} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl26 = { text = "West Frostwolf Tower", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.5, 88.8}, {60.5, 88.5} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = "Mines", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {73.33, 74.61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Capture to farm resources", bgPOI = true },
dtl28 = { text = "Irondeep Mine", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {63, 1.69} }, symbol = { "IM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl29 = { text = "Coldtooth Mine", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {73.33, 74.61}, {63, 74.61} }, symbol = {"CM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl30 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl31 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl32 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl33 = { text = "Summoning Zones", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.76, 44.27}, {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Summon a Factions Avatar at these points" },
dtl34 = { text = "Ivus the Forest Lord", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.76, 44.27} }, symbol = { "IF" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Dun Baldar" },
dtl35 = { text = "Lokholar the Ice Lord", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { "LI" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Frostwolf Keep", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl36 = { text = "Alliance Wing Commanders", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {81.05, 85.46}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl37 = { text = "Karl Philips (9 Icewing Bunker)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl38 = { text = "Slidore (13 Tower Point)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl39 = { text = "Vipore", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.05, 85.46} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl40 = { text = "Ichman (14 East Frostwolf Tower)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl41 = { text = "Horde Wing Commanders", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {82.02, 27.16}, {88.96, 23.38}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl42 = { text = "Louis Philips (13 Tower Point)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl43 = { text = "Guse (9 Icewing Bunker)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl44 = { text = "Jeztore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.96, 23.38} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl45 = { text = "Mulverick (11 Dun Baldar North Bunker)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl46 = { text = "Steamsaw Locations", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {83, 54.72}, {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "Alliance Steamsaw", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {83, 54.72} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest" },
dtl48 = { text = "Horde Steamsaw", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl49 = { text = "Caverns", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08}, {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl50 = { text = "Icewing", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08} }, symbol = { "IC" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl51 = { text = "Wildpaw", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { "WC" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl52 = { text = "Wolf Rider Commander", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.2, 86.55} }, symbol = { "WR" },
tooltiptxt = "Tame Wolves and hand in Ram hides to summon Cavalry\nAlliance counterpart in Dun Baldar, just south of Aid Station GY", leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Arathi Basin", -- Arathi Basin
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Arathi Basin",
displayshort = "AB",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\ArathiBasin",
location = "Arathi Highlands (73, 28)",
levels = "20+ Banded",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.23, maxX = 0.71, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.76 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.93, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.87 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Start", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21.8, 12.98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", bgBase = "A" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde Start", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.89, 80.63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here", bgBase = "H", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Stables", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.67, 29.6}, {9, 28.0} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl4 = { text = "Gold Mine", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.81, 30.54}, {9, 34.0} }, symbol = { "M" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl5 = { text = "Blacksmith", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {51.9, 50.2}, {9, 50.2} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl6 = { text = "Lumber Mill", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41.10, 62.37}, {9, 62.0} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl7 = { text = "Farm", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.52, 67.75}, {9, 68.0} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62, leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Eye of the Storm", -- Eye of the Storm
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Eye of the Storm",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\NetherstormBG", -- NetherstormBG
location = "Netherstorm",
levels = "61-69, 70",
players = "15",
prereq = "Four capture points and a flag to capture and return",
general = "Accumulate 2000 victory points",
wmData = { minX = 0.347, maxX = 0.614, minY = 0.164, maxY = 0.835 },
amData = { minX = 0.245, maxX = 0.685, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {44.8, 20.8} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 74.9} }, symbol = { "H" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl3 = { text = "Fel Reaver Ruins", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 58}, {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl4 = { text = "Mage Tower", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.2, 39}, {21, 39} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl5 = { text = "Draenei Ruins", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.5, 37.5}, {72, 37.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "Blood Elf Tower", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.8, 56}, {72, 56} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl7 = { text = "Flag", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 47} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "N", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl8 = { text = "Graveyard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 58} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl9 = { text = "Graveyard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl10 = { text = "Graveyard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl11 = { text = "Graveyard", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 60} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Warsong Gulch", -- Warsong Gulch
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Warsong Gulch",
displayshort = "WSG",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\WarsongGulch",
location = "Ashenvale (62, 84) / The Barrens (47, 8)",
levels = "10+ Banded",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.26, maxX = 0.74, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.95 },
amData = { minX = 0.33, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.12, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Flag Room", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {64.31, 14.15} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "Alliance Exit", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.93, 22.34} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Use or /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Horde Flag Room", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.75, 85.31} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl4 = { text = "Horde Exit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87.75, 77.12} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Use or /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Power Buff", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.35, 60.26}, {76.26, 39.67} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Rejuvination", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.09, 61.43}, {56.04, 39.20} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "Restores HP & Mana", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl7 = { text = "Alliance Flag Carrier", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {30, 15} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "A" },
dtl8 = { text = "Horde Flag Carrier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 85} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "H", leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Strand of the Ancients", -- Stand of the Ancients
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Strand of the Ancients",
displayshort = "SotA",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\SotA", -- NetherstormBG
location = "Northrend",
levels = "80",
players = "15",
prereq = "One team lays siege, the other defends",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.347, maxX = 0.614, minY = 0.164, maxY = 0.835 },
amData = { minX = 0.245, maxX = 0.685, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = "TestMap", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/AlphaMap_Battlegrounds.toc New file
0,0 → 1,10
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap_Battlegrounds
## Notes: Battleground Maps with Player Dots and special BG functions for AlphaMap
## RequiredDeps: AlphaMap
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/ New file
0,0 → 1,262
-- localization.lua <French>
-- À \195\128
-- Á \195\129
-- Â \195\130
-- Ä \195\132
-- È \195\136
-- É \195\137
-- Ê \195\138
-- Ë \195\139
-- Î \195\142
-- Ï \195\143
-- Ô \195\148
-- Ö \195\150
-- Û \195\155
-- Ü \195\156
-- à \195\160
-- á \195\161
-- â \195\162
-- ä \195\164
-- è \195\168
-- é \195\169
-- ê \195\170
-- ë \195\171
-- î \195\174
-- ï \195\175
-- ô \195\180
-- ö \195\182
-- û \195\187
-- ü \195\188
-- 'Π\39\197\146
local EOTS = "L\39\197\146il du cyclone"
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
AM_TYP_BG = "Champs de Bataille";
{ name = "Vallée d'Alterac",
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Vallée d'Alterac",
displayshort = "AV",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\AlteracValley",
location = "Montagnes d'Alterac (63, 58)",
levels = "51-60",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
notescale = 0.7,
wmData = { minX = 0.395, maxX = 0.586, minY = 0.106, maxY = 0.9187 },
amData = { minX = 0.65, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.036, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance - Entrée", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {87.98, 2.69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde - Entrée", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.01, 71.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67.38, 6.47} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "Tuer Vanndar Foudrepique pour remporter la victoire" },
dtl4 = { text = "Donjon Loup-de-Givre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.38, 92.42} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "Tuer Drek'Thar pour remporter la victoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Cimetières", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {79.29, 8.36}, {83.68, 32.53}, {70.89, 44.37}, {83.49, 60.99}, {80.66, 80.18}, {80.27, 94.31} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Capture to allow your faction to resurrect here", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "Poste de secours Foudrepique", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {57, 9.55} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl7 = { text = "Cimetière Foudrepique", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {79.29, 8.36}, {57, 12} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl8 = { text = "Cimetière de G\195\174tepierre", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.68, 32.53}, {57, 32.53} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl9 = { text = "Cimetière des neiges", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.2, 44.8}, {57, 44.37} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl10 = { text = "Cimetière de Glace-sang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.49, 60.99}, {57, 60.99} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl11 = { text = "Cimetière Loup-de-givre", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {82.0, 80.18}, {57, 80.18} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl12 = { text = "Hutte de gu\195\169rison Loup-de-givre", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.27, 94.31}, {57, 94.31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Avant-poste de G\195\174tepierre", bgPOI = true, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Balinda", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "Garnison de Glacesang", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl16 = { text = "Glavangar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "Fortin d'Alliance", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {82.02, 27.16}, {70.50, 13.53}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Horde can destroy for honour\nGuards stop respawning when destroyed", bgPOI = true },
dtl18 = { text = "Fortin de G\195\174tepierre", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {60, 41.98} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl19 = { text = "Fortin de l'Aile de glace", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {60, 27.16} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance Wing Commander Karl Philips\nHorde Wing Commander Guse", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl20 = { text = "Fortin nord de Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {71.00, 13.00}, {60, 13.53} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl21 = { text = "Fortin nord de Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {73.04, 7.37}, {60, 7.37} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde Wing Commander Mulverick", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "Tours d'Horde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04}, {77, 88.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance can destroy for honour\nGuards stop respawning when destroyed", bgPOI = true },
dtl23 = { text = "Tour de Glace-sang", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {60, 59.29} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl24 = { text = "Tour de la halte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {60, 67.25} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance Wing Commander Louis Philips\nHorde Wing Commander Slidore", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl25 = { text = "Tour Loup-de-givre orientale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.6, 89.04}, {63, 89.05} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl26 = { text = "Tour Loup-de-givre occidentale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.5, 88.8}, {60.5, 88.5} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = "Mines", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {73.33, 74.61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Capture to farm resources", bgPOI = true },
dtl28 = { text = "Mine de Gouffrefer", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {63, 1.69} }, symbol = { "IM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl29 = { text = "Mine de Froide-dent", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {73.33, 74.61}, {63, 74.61} }, symbol = {"CM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl30 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl31 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl32 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl33 = { text = "Zones d'invocation", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.76, 44.27}, {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Summon a Factions Avatar at these points" },
dtl34 = { text = "Ivus le Seigneur des for\195\170ts", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.76, 44.27} }, symbol = { "IF" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Dun Baldar" },
dtl35 = { text = "Lokholar le Seigneur de glace", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { "LI" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Frostwolf Keep", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl36 = { text = "Alliance Commandants", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {81.05, 85.46}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl37 = { text = "Karl Philips (9 Fortin de l'Aile de glace)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl38 = { text = "Slidore (13 Tour de la Halte)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl39 = { text = "Vipore", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.05, 85.46} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl40 = { text = "Ichman (14 Tour De Frostwolf Est)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl41 = { text = "Horde Commandants", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {82.02, 27.16}, {88.96, 23.38}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl42 = { text = "Louis Philips (13 Tour de la Halte)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl43 = { text = "Guse (9 Fortin de l'Aile de glace)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl44 = { text = "Jeztore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.96, 23.38} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl45 = { text = "Mulverick (11 Fortin nord de Dun Baldar)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl46 = { text = "Scie m\195\169canique Endroits", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {83, 54.72}, {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "Alliance Scie m\195\169canique", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {83, 54.72} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest" },
dtl48 = { text = "Horde Scie m\195\169canique", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl49 = { text = "Cavernes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08}, {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl50 = { text = "Caverne de l'Aile de glace", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08} }, symbol = { "IC" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl51 = { text = "Caverne des Follepatte", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { "WC" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl52 = { text = "Commandant des chevaucheurs de loup", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.2, 86.55} }, symbol = { "WR" },
tooltiptxt = "Tame Wolves and hand in Ram hides to summon Cavalry\nAlliance counterpart in Dun Baldar, just south of Aid Station GY", leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Bassin d'Arathi", -- Bassin d'Arathi
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Bassin d'Arathi",
displayshort = "AB",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\ArathiBasin",
location = "Hautes-terres d'Arathi (73, 28)",
levels = "20+ Banded",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.23, maxX = 0.71, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.76 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.93, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.87 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Start", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21.8, 12.98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", bgBase = "A" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde Start", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.89, 80.63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here", bgBase = "H", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ecuries", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.67, 29.6}, {9, 28.0} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl4 = { text = "Mine d'or", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.81, 30.54}, {9, 34.0} }, symbol = { "M" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl5 = { text = "Forge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {51.9, 50.2}, {9, 50.2} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl6 = { text = "Scierie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41.10, 62.37}, {9, 62.0} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl7 = { text = "Ferme", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.52, 67.75}, {9, 68.0} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62, leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = EOTS, -- Eye of the Storm
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = EOTS,
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\NetherstormBG", -- NetherstormBG
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "61-69, 70",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.347, maxX = 0.614, minY = 0.164, maxY = 0.835 },
amData = { minX = 0.245, maxX = 0.685, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = "Horde - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 20.8} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "Alliance - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 74.9} }, symbol = { "H" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ruines des saccageurs gangren\195\169s", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 58}, {20, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl4 = { text = "Tour des mages", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.2, 39}, {20, 39} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl5 = { text = "Ruines draene\195\175", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.5, 37.5}, {80, 37.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "Tour des elfes de sang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.8, 56}, {80, 56} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl7 = { text = "Drapeau", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 47} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "N", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl8 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 58} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl9 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl10 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl11 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 60} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Goulet des Chanteguerres", -- Goulet des Warsong
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Goulet des Chanteguerres",
displayshort = "WSG",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\WarsongGulch",
location = "Ashenvale (62, 84) / Les Tarrides (47, 8)",
levels = "10+ Banded",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.26, maxX = 0.74, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.95 },
amData = { minX = 0.33, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.12, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Flag Room", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {64.31, 14.15} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "Alliance Exit", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.93, 22.34} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Use or /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Horde Flag Room", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.75, 85.31} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl4 = { text = "Horde Exit", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87.75, 77.12} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Use or /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Power Buff", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.35, 60.26}, {76.26, 39.67} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Rejuvination", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.09, 61.43}, {56.04, 39.20} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "Restores HP & Mana", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl7 = { text = "Alliance Flag Carrier", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {30, 15} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "A" },
dtl8 = { text = "Horde Flag Carrier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 85} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "H", leaveGap = 2 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/ New file
0,0 → 1,238
-- localization.lua <German>
-- Translation by : Eike Hanus, StarDust
-- Last Update : 8/23/2006
-- Ä: C3 84 - \195\132 - Ä
-- Ö: C3 96 - \195\150 - Ö
-- Ü: C3 9C - \195\156 - Ü
-- ß: C3 9F - \195\159 - ß
-- ä: C3 A4 - \195\164 - ä
-- ö: C3 B6 - \195\182 - ö
-- ü: C3 BC - \195\188 - ü
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
AM_TYP_BG = "Schlachtfelder";
{ name = "Alteractal", -- Alteractal
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Alteractal",
displayshort = "AV",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\AlteracValley",
location = "Vorgebirge von Hillsbrad (63, 58)",
levels = "51-60",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
notescale = 0.7,
wmData = { minX = 0.395, maxX = 0.586, minY = 0.106, maxY = 0.9187 },
amData = { minX = 0.65, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.036, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Allianz)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {87.98, 2.69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Horde)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.01, 71.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67.38, 6.47} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill boss to win the game" },
dtl4 = { text = "Burg Frostwolf", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.38, 92.42} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "Kill boss to win the game", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Friedh\195\182fe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {79.29, 8.36}, {83.68, 32.53}, {70.89, 44.37}, {83.49, 60.99}, {80.66, 80.18}, {80.27, 94.31} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Capture to allow your faction to resurrect here", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "Lazarett der Sturmlanzen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {57, 9.55} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl7 = { text = "Friedhof der Sturmlanzen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {79.29, 8.36}, {57, 12} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl8 = { text = "Steinbruchfriedhof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.68, 32.53}, {57, 32.53} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl9 = { text = "Schneewehenfriedhof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.2, 44.8}, {57, 44.37} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl10 = { text = "Eisblutfriedhof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.49, 60.99}, {57, 60.99} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl11 = { text = "Friedhof der Frostw\195\182lfe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {82.0, 80.18}, {57, 80.18} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl12 = { text = "Heilerh\195\188tte der Frostwolf", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.27, 94.31}, {57, 94.31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Steinbruchau\195\159enposten", bgPOI = true, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Balinda", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "Eisblutgarnison", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl16 = { text = "Glavangar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "Bunker (Allianz)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {82.02, 27.16}, {70.50, 13.53}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Horde can destroy for honour\nGuards stop respawning when destroyed", bgPOI = true },
dtl18 = { text = "Steinbruchbunker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {60, 41.98} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl19 = { text = "Eisschwingenbunker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {60, 27.16} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance Wing Commander Karl Philips\nHorde Wing Commander Guse", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl20 = { text = "S\195\188dbunker von Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {71.00, 13.00}, {60, 13.53} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl21 = { text = "Nordbunker von Dun Baldar", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {73.04, 7.37}, {60, 7.37} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde Wing Commander Mulverick", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "T\195\188rme (Horde)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04}, {77, 88.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance can destroy for honour\nGuards stop respawning when destroyed", bgPOI = true },
dtl23 = { text = "Eisblutturm", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {60, 59.29} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl24 = { text = "Turmstellung", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {60, 67.25} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance Wing Commander Louis Philips\nHorde Wing Commander Slidore", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl25 = { text = "\195\150stlicher Frostwolfturm", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.6, 89.04}, {63, 89.05} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl26 = { text = "Westlicher Frostwolfturm", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.5, 88.8}, {60.5, 88.5} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = "Gruben", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {73.33, 74.61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Capture to farm resources", bgPOI = true },
dtl28 = { text = "Eisenschachtmine", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {63, 1.69} }, symbol = { "IM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl29 = { text = "Eisbei\195\159ermine", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {73.33, 74.61}, {63, 74.61} }, symbol = {"CM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl30 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl31 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl32 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl33 = { text = "Beschw\195\182rungszonen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.76, 44.27}, {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Summon a Factions Avatar at these points" },
dtl34 = { text = "Ivus der Waldf\195\188rst", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.76, 44.27} }, symbol = { "IF" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Dun Baldar" },
dtl35 = { text = "Lokholar der Eislord", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { "LI" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Frostwolf Keep", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl36 = { text = "Schwadronskommandanten (Allianz)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {81.05, 85.46}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl37 = { text = "Karl Philips (9 Icewing Bunker)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl38 = { text = "Slidore (13 Turmstellung)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl39 = { text = "Vipore", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.05, 85.46} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl40 = { text = "Ichman (14 East Frostwolf Tower)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl41 = { text = "Schwadronskommandanten (Horde)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {82.02, 27.16}, {88.96, 23.38}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl42 = { text = "Louis Philips (13 Tower Point)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl43 = { text = "Guse (9 Icewing Bunker)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl44 = { text = "Jeztore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.96, 23.38} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl45 = { text = "Mulverick (11 Dun Baldar North Bunker)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl46 = { text = "Dampfs\195\164gen", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {83, 54.72}, {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "Dampfs\195\164ge (Allianz)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {83, 54.72} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest" },
dtl48 = { text = "Dampfs\195\164ge (Horde)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl49 = { text = "H\195\182hle", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08}, {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl50 = { text = "Icewing", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08} }, symbol = { "IC" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl51 = { text = "Wildpaw", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { "WC" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl52 = { text = "Wolf Rider Commander", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.2, 86.55} }, symbol = { "WR" },
tooltiptxt = "Tame Wolves and hand in Ram hides to summon Cavalry\nAlliance counterpart in Dun Baldar, just south of Aid Station GY", leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Arathibecken", -- Arathi Becken
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Arathibecken",
displayshort = "AB",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\ArathiBasin",
location = "Arathi Hochland (73, 28)",
levels = "20+ Banded",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.23, maxX = 0.71, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.76 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.93, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.87 },
dtl1 = { text = "Allianz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21.8, 12.98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", bgBase = "A" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.89, 80.63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here", bgBase = "H", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "St\195\164lle", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.67, 29.6}, {9, 28.0} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl4 = { text = "Goldmine", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.81, 30.54}, {9, 34.0} }, symbol = { "M" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl5 = { text = "Schmiede", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {51.9, 50.2}, {9, 50.2} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl6 = { text = "S\195\164gewerk", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41.10, 62.37}, {9, 62.0} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl7 = { text = "Hof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.52, 67.75}, {9, 68.0} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Capture", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62, leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "Auge des Sturms", -- Eye of the Storm
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Auge des Sturms",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\NetherstormBG", -- NetherstormBG
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "61-69, 70",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.347, maxX = 0.614, minY = 0.164, maxY = 0.835 },
amData = { minX = 0.245, maxX = 0.685, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Horde)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 20.8} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Allianz)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 74.9} }, symbol = { "H" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl3 = { text = "Teufelsh\195\164scherruinen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 58}, {20, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl4 = { text = "Magierturm", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.2, 39}, {20, 39} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl5 = { text = "Draeneiruinen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.5, 37.5}, {80, 37.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "Blutelfenturm", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.8, 56}, {80, 56} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl7 = { text = "Flagge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 47} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "N", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl8 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 58} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl9 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl10 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl11 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 60} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "Kriegshymnenschlucht", -- Warsongschlucht
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "Kriegshymnenschlucht",
displayshort = "WS",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\WarsongGulch",
location = "Ashenvale (62, 84) / Das Brachland (47, 8)",
levels = "10+ Banded",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.26, maxX = 0.74, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.95 },
amData = { minX = 0.33, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.12, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = "Allianz Flag Room", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {64.31, 14.15} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "Ausgang (Allianz)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.93, 22.34} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Use or /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Horde Flag Room", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.75, 85.31} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl4 = { text = "Ausgang (Horde)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87.75, 77.12} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Use or /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Power Buff", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.35, 60.26}, {76.26, 39.67} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "Rejuvination", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.09, 61.43}, {56.04, 39.20} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "Restores HP & Mana", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl7 = { text = "Alliance Flag Carrier", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {30, 15} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "A" },
dtl8 = { text = "Horde Flag Carrier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 85} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "H", leaveGap = 2 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/ New file
0,0 → 1,239
-- [[
-- AlphaMap v2.11.11100 Traditional Chinese Localization File
-- Initial Translated by: Arith Hsu (2006/07/21)
-- Maintained by: Arith Hsu
-- Last Updated: 2006/07/26
-- Comments:
-- 2006/07/27 Arith: 翻譯這個插件的文字,工作量是很龐大的,特別是要去查詢各副本裡的 boss 名稱,還有一些對應的任務名稱和
-- 一些任務注意事項等。期望看到後續有人熱心維護這個翻譯,但是請尊重各個維護翻譯的人的辛勞,你可以把你
-- 的名字加在檔頭,但是請勿移除其他人的名字。
-- 使用簡體中文的朋友如果是拿這個正體中文檔案直接轉簡體,我也沒什麼意見,但是請一樣保留原翻譯者的記錄
-- 另外請注意,正體中文和簡體中文的翻譯還是有諸多的不一致,請自行修正。
-- Revision History:
-- 7/26: Complete about 95% translations.
-- ]]
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
AM_TYP_BG = "戰場";
{ name = "奧特蘭克山谷", -- Alterac Valley
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "奧特蘭克山谷",
displayshort = "AV",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\AlteracValley",
location = "奧特蘭克山脈 (63, 58)",
levels = "51-60",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
notescale = 0.7,
wmData = { minX = 0.395, maxX = 0.586, minY = 0.106, maxY = 0.9187 },
amData = { minX = 0.65, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.036, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "聯盟入口", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {87.98, 2.69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落入口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.01, 71.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "丹巴達爾", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67.38, 6.47} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "殺死首領來贏得這場戰役" },
dtl4 = { text = "霜狼要塞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.38, 92.42} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "殺死首領來贏得這場戰役", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {79.29, 8.36}, {83.68, 32.53}, {70.89, 44.37}, {83.49, 60.99}, {80.66, 80.18}, {80.27, 94.31} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "佔領後可讓你的友‹方可以在此復活", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "雷矛急救站", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {57, 9.55} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl7 = { text = "雷矛墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {79.29, 8.36}, {57, 12} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl8 = { text = "石爐墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.68, 32.53}, {57, 32.53} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl9 = { text = "落雪墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.2, 44.8}, {57, 44.37} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl10 = { text = "冰血墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.49, 60.99}, {57, 60.99} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl11 = { text = "霜狼墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {82.0, 80.18}, {57, 80.18} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl12 = { text = "霜狼急救站", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.27, 94.31}, {57, 94.31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "石爐哨站", bgPOI = true, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "巴林達上尉", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "冰血要塞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl16 = { text = "加爾范上尉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "聯盟碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {82.02, 27.16}, {70.50, 13.53}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "部落可以摧毀以取得榮譽\n摧毀後守衛將不會在重生", bgPOI = true },
dtl18 = { text = "石爐碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {60, 41.98} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl19 = { text = "冰翼碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {60, 27.16} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "聯盟指揮官卡爾菲利普\n部落空軍指揮官古斯", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl20 = { text = "丹巴達爾南部碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {71.00, 13.00}, {60, 13.53} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl21 = { text = "丹巴達爾北部碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {73.04, 7.37}, {60, 7.37} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "部落空軍指揮官穆維里克", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "部落碉堡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04}, {77, 88.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "聯盟可以摧毀以取得榮譽\n摧毀後守衛將不會在重生", bgPOI = true },
dtl23 = { text = "冰血哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {60, 59.29} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl24 = { text = "哨塔高地", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {60, 67.25} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "部落指揮官路易斯菲利普\n聯盟空軍指揮官斯里多爾", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl25 = { text = "東部霜狼哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.6, 89.04}, {63, 89.05} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl26 = { text = "西部霜狼哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.5, 88.8}, {60.5, 88.5} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = "礦坑", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {73.33, 74.61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "佔領以獲取資源", bgPOI = true },
dtl28 = { text = "深鐵礦坑", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {63, 1.69} }, symbol = { "IM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl29 = { text = "金牙礦坑", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {73.33, 74.61}, {63, 74.61} }, symbol = {"CM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl30 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl31 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl32 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl33 = { text = "Summoning Zone", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.76, 44.27}, {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Summon a Factions Avatar at these points" },
dtl34 = { text = "Ivus the Forest Lord", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.76, 44.27} }, symbol = { "IF" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Dun Baldar" },
dtl35 = { text = "Lokholar the Ice Lord", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { "LI" },
tooltiptxt = "Escort summoning NPCs to this point\nfrom Frostwolf Keep", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl36 = { text = "Alliance Wing Commanders", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {81.05, 85.46}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl37 = { text = "Karl Philips (9 Icewing Bunker)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl38 = { text = "Slidore (13 Tower Point)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl39 = { text = "Vipore", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.05, 85.46} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl40 = { text = "Ichman (14 East Frostwolf Tower)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl41 = { text = "Horde Wing Commanders", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {82.02, 27.16}, {88.96, 23.38}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "Rescue and escort back to base to get Air support", bgPOI = true },
dtl42 = { text = "Louis Philips (13 Tower Point)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl43 = { text = "Guse (9 Icewing Bunker)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl44 = { text = "Jeztore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.96, 23.38} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl45 = { text = "Mulverick (11 Dun Baldar North Bunker)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl46 = { text = "Steamsaw Locations", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {83, 54.72}, {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "Alliance Steamsaw", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {83, 54.72} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest" },
dtl48 = { text = "Horde Steamsaw", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "Required for Reaper quest", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl49 = { text = "Caverns", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08}, {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl50 = { text = "Icewing", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08} }, symbol = { "IC" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl51 = { text = "Wildpaw", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { "WC" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl52 = { text = "Wolf Rider Commander", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.2, 86.55} }, symbol = { "WR" },
tooltiptxt = "Tame Wolves and hand in Ram hides to summon Cavalry\nAlliance counterpart in Dun Baldar, just south of Aid Station GY", leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "阿拉希盆地", -- Arathi Basin
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "阿拉希盆地",
displayshort = "AB",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\ArathiBasin",
location = "阿拉希高地 (73, 28)",
levels = "20+ 帶狀",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.23, maxX = 0.71, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.76 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.93, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.87 },
dtl1 = { text = "聯盟起始點", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21.8, 12.98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "聯盟玩家從此處開始", bgBase = "A" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落起始點", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.89, 80.63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "部落玩家從此處開始", bgBase = "H", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "獸欄", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.67, 29.6}, {9, 28.0} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "佔領", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl4 = { text = "金礦", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.81, 30.54}, {9, 34.0} }, symbol = { "M" },
tooltiptxt = "佔領", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl5 = { text = "鐵匠舖", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {51.9, 50.2}, {9, 50.2} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "佔領", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl6 = { text = "伐木廠", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41.10, 62.37}, {9, 62.0} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "佔領", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl7 = { text = "農場", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.52, 67.75}, {9, 68.0} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "佔領", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62, leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "暴風之眼", -- Eye of the Storm
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "暴風之眼",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\NetherstormBG", -- NetherstormBG
location = "虛空風暴",
levels = "61-69, 70",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "Accumulate 2000 victory points",
wmData = { minX = 0.347, maxX = 0.614, minY = 0.164, maxY = 0.835 },
amData = { minX = 0.245, maxX = 0.685, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = "部落入口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 20.8} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "聯盟入口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 74.9} }, symbol = { "H" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl3 = { text = "惡魔搶奪者廢墟", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 58}, {20, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl4 = { text = "法師塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.2, 39}, {20, 39} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl5 = { text = "德萊尼廢墟", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.5, 37.5}, {80, 37.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "血精靈哨塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.8, 56}, {80, 56} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl7 = { text = "旗幟", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 47} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "N", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl8 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 58} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl9 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl10 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl11 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 60} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "戰歌峽谷", -- Warsong Gulch
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "戰歌峽谷",
displayshort = "WSG",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\WarsongGulch",
location = "梣谷 (62, 84) / 貧瘠之地 (47, 8)",
levels = "10+ 帶狀",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.26, maxX = 0.74, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.95 },
amData = { minX = 0.33, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.12, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = "聯盟旗幟房", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {64.31, 14.15} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "聯盟玩家從這裡開始" },
dtl2 = { text = "聯盟出口", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.93, 22.34} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "使用或輸入 /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "部落旗幟房", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.75, 85.31} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "部落玩家從這裡開始" },
dtl4 = { text = "部落出口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87.75, 77.12} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "使用或輸入 /afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "增益點", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.35, 60.26}, {76.26, 39.67} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "回春", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.09, 61.43}, {56.04, 39.20} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "回復生命和法力", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl7 = { text = "聯盟旗幟搬運者", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {30, 15} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "A" },
dtl8 = { text = "部落旗幟搬運者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 85} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "H", leaveGap = 2 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/README.txt New file
0,0 → 1,56
This is a plugin AddOn for "AlphaMap (Fan's Update)"
It shows pre-made Minimap textured maps of BattleGrounds, that have several unique features to help BG GamePlay.
It will show Battleground Raid members on the map.
(Especially useful with the "PartySpotter" AddOn installed).
If you have Enabled Mouse Interactive mode in then you can Zoom in/out on particular areas of the map by <ALT>-Left/Right clicking;
Especially useful in Alterac Valley where you want to see the Dun Baldar bunkers and Team mates in more detail.
There are several features available for each BG :
Alterac Valley
Right Click on objectives to open a menu allowing you to report the number of incoming enemies or say it is safe.
The Tooltip for Objectives like towers and grave yards will display the time left until captured.
For performance reasons, this is only calculated when you mouse over the objective itself.
To update the timer on an objective that you are hovering over, simply click the mouse.
To broadcast the time until captured to the Battleground, then <CONTROL>-Click on the objective.
Arathi Basin
Right Click on objectives to open a menu allowing you to report the number of incoming enemies or say it is safe.
The Tooltip for Objectives displays the time left till captured.
AlphaMap will calculate the minimum number of bases your side needs to win the game.
When the number of bases needed to win changes, then this information is reported to the chat frame automatcially.
If you have Scrolling Combat Text installed, then this information is also reported here.
OR, click on any AB objective to manually get an update on the current number of bases to win.
<CONTROL>-Clicking on an AB objective will report the minimum number of bases needed to the Battleground channel.
Warsong Gulch
The Warsong map has two flags representing the Horde and Alliance flags.
When a flag is picked up, the name of the person holding the flag is displayed on the map.
Right Click on the map to open a menu allowing you to report where the flag carrier is
e.g. "Horde Flag Going West"
Eye of the Storm
Right Click on objectives to open a menu allowing you to report the number of incoming enemies or say it is safe.
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/AlphaMap_Battlegrounds.lua New file
0,0 → 1,7
-- Register BG "types" in the AM_BG_Types array
AM_BG_Types[AM_TYP_BG] = true;
-- Register the Map Data with the main AddOn
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/Maps/NetherstormBG.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/Maps/WarsongGulch.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/Maps/ArathiBasin.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/Maps/SotA.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/Maps/AlteracValley.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap_Battlegrounds/ New file
0,0 → 1,235
--AlphaMap Simplified Chinese
--Locolized by springsnow (2006/7/14)(3区-吉安娜-浮云)
--Last Updated:2006/9/23
if( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
AM_TYP_BG = "战场地图";
{ name = "奥特兰克山谷", -- Alterac Valley
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "奥特兰克山谷",
displayshort = "AV",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\AlteracValley",
location = "奥特兰克山脉 (63, 58)",
levels = "51-60",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
general = "",
notescale = 0.7,
wmData = { minX = 0.395, maxX = 0.586, minY = 0.106, maxY = 0.9187 },
amData = { minX = 0.65, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.036, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "联盟入口", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {87.98, 2.69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落入口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.01, 71.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "丹巴达尔", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {67.38, 6.47} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "杀死首领以获得游戏胜利" },
dtl4 = { text = "霜狼要塞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75.38, 92.42} }, symbol = { "!" },
tooltiptxt = "杀死首领以获得游戏胜利", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {79.29, 8.36}, {83.68, 32.53}, {70.89, 44.37}, {83.49, 60.99}, {80.66, 80.18}, {80.27, 94.31} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "占领以使你的阵营能在此复活", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "雷矛急救站", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.26, 9.55}, {57, 9.55} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl7 = { text = "雷矛墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {79.29, 8.36}, {57, 12} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl8 = { text = "石炉墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.68, 32.53}, {57, 32.53} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl9 = { text = "落雪墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.2, 44.8}, {57, 44.37} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl10 = { text = "冰血墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83.49, 60.99}, {57, 60.99} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl11 = { text = "霜狼墓地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {82.0, 80.18}, {57, 80.18} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 184 },
dtl12 = { text = "雷矛急救站", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.27, 94.31}, {57, 94.31} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "石炉哨站", bgPOI = true, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "巴琳达", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {79, 36.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl15 = { text = "冰血要塞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl16 = { text = "加尔范", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.82, 57.7} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl17 = { text = "联盟碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {82.02, 27.16}, {70.50, 13.53}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "部落可以破坏以获得荣誉\n当被破坏后守卫停止刷新", bgPOI = true },
dtl18 = { text = "石炉碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {85.54, 41.98}, {60, 41.98} }, symbol = { "8" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl19 = { text = "冰翼碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {60, 27.16} }, symbol = { "9" },
tooltiptxt = "联盟空军指挥官卡尔·菲利普\n部落空军指挥官古斯", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl20 = { text = "丹巴达尔南部碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {71.00, 13.00}, {60, 13.53} }, symbol = { "10" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl21 = { text = "丹巴达尔北部碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {73.04, 7.37}, {60, 7.37} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "部落空军指挥官穆维里克", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl22 = { text = "部落哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04}, {77, 88.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "联盟可以破坏以获得荣誉\n当被破坏后守卫停止刷新", bgPOI = true },
dtl23 = { text = "冰血哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.31, 59.29}, {60, 59.29} }, symbol = { "12" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl24 = { text = "哨塔高地", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {60, 67.25} }, symbol = { "13" },
tooltiptxt = "联盟空军指挥官刘易斯·菲利普\n部落空军指挥官斯里多尔", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl25 = { text = "东部霜狼哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80.6, 89.04}, {63, 89.05} }, symbol = { "14" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245 },
dtl26 = { text = "西部霜狼哨塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {78.5, 88.8}, {60.5, 88.5} }, symbol = { "15" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 245, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = "矿洞", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {73.33, 74.61} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "占领以开采资源", bgPOI = true },
dtl28 = { text = "深铁矿洞", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.15, 1.69}, {63, 1.69} }, symbol = { "IM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl29 = { text = "冷齿矿洞", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {73.33, 74.61}, {63, 74.61} }, symbol = {"CM" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl30 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl31 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl32 = { text = "", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
-- Pad to dtl32 to control the page break
dtl33 = { text = "召唤区域", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {80.76, 44.27}, {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "在这个点召唤阵营之神" },
dtl34 = { text = "森林之王伊弗斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.76, 44.27} }, symbol = { "IF" },
tooltiptxt = "护卫者从丹巴达尔召唤NPC到这个点" },
dtl35 = { text = "冰雪之王洛克霍拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.14, 48.05} }, symbol = { "LI" },
tooltiptxt = "护卫者从霜狼要塞召唤NPC到这个点", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl36 = { text = "联盟中校", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16}, {81.05, 85.46}, {81.83, 67.25}, {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "援救并召唤回基地以获得空中支持", bgPOI = true },
dtl37 = { text = "卡尔·菲利普 (9 冰翼碉堡)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl38 = { text = "斯里多尔 (13 哨塔高地)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl39 = { text = "维波里", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {81.05, 85.46} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl40 = { text = "艾克曼 (14 东部霜狼哨塔)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {80.4, 89.04} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl41 = { text = "部落中校", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25}, {82.02, 27.16}, {88.96, 23.38}, {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "援救并召唤回基地以获得空中支持", bgPOI = true },
dtl42 = { text = "刘易斯·菲利普 (13 哨塔高地)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {81.83, 67.25} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl43 = { text = "古斯 (9 冰翼碉堡)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.02, 27.16} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl44 = { text = "杰斯托", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.96, 23.38} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl45 = { text = "穆维里克 (11 丹巴达尔北部碉堡)", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73.04, 7.37} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl46 = { text = "蒸汽锯位置", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {83, 54.72}, {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl47 = { text = "联盟蒸汽锯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {83, 54.72} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "收割机任务需要" },
dtl48 = { text = "部落蒸汽锯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88.57, 15.42} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "收割机任务需要", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl49 = { text = "洞穴", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08}, {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl50 = { text = "冰翼", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64.54, 24.08} }, symbol = { "IC" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl51 = { text = "蛮爪", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {85.93, 94.71} }, symbol = { "WC" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl52 = { text = "霜狼骑兵指挥官", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.2, 86.55} }, symbol = { "WR" },
tooltiptxt = "驯服狼并上交羊皮以召唤骑兵\n联盟类似地点在丹巴达尔, 就在急救站墓地南部", leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "阿拉希盆地", -- Arathi Basin
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "阿拉希盆地",
displayshort = "AB",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\ArathiBasin",
location = "阿拉希高地 (73, 28)",
levels = "20+ 团队",
players = "15",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.23, maxX = 0.71, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.76 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.93, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.87 },
dtl1 = { text = "联盟起点", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21.8, 12.98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "联盟玩家开始于这里", bgBase = "A" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落起点", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {91.89, 80.63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "部落玩家开始于这里", bgBase = "H", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "兽栏", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.67, 29.6}, {9, 28.0} }, symbol = { "S" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl4 = { text = "金矿", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72.81, 30.54}, {9, 34.0} }, symbol = { "M" },
tooltiptxt = "占领", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl5 = { text = "铁匠铺", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {51.9, 50.2}, {9, 50.2} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "占领", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl6 = { text = "伐木场", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {41.10, 62.37}, {9, 62.0} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "占领", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62 },
dtl7 = { text = "农场", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.52, 67.75}, {9, 68.0} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "占领", bgPOI = true, bgTimer = 62, leaveGap = 1 },
{ name = "风暴之眼", -- Eye of the Storm
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "风暴之眼",
displayshort = "",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\NetherstormBG", -- NetherstormBG
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "61-69, 70",
players = "15",
prereq = "Four capture points and a flag to capture and return",
general = "Accumulate 2000 victory points",
wmData = { minX = 0.347, maxX = 0.614, minY = 0.164, maxY = 0.835 },
amData = { minX = 0.245, maxX = 0.685, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = "部落入口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.8, 20.8} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Horde players start here" },
dtl2 = { text = "联盟入口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.8, 74.9} }, symbol = { "H" },
tooltiptxt = "Alliance players start here", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl3 = { text = "魔能机甲废墟", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 58}, {20, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl4 = { text = "法师塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.2, 39}, {20, 39} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl5 = { text = "德莱尼废墟", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.5, 37.5}, {80, 37.5} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl6 = { text = "血精灵塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.8, 56}, {80, 56} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl7 = { text = "旗帜", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 47} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "N", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl8 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 58} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl9 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {37, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl10 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 33} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true },
dtl11 = { text = "墓地", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56, 60} }, symbol = { "GY" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgPOI = true, leaveGap = 2 },
{ name = "战歌峡谷", -- Warsong Gulch
type = AM_TYP_BG,
displayname = "战歌峡谷",
displayshort = "WSG",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Battlegrounds\\Maps\\WarsongGulch",
location = "灰谷 (62, 84) / 贫瘠之地 (47, 8)",
levels = "10+ 团队",
players = "10",
prereq = "",
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.26, maxX = 0.74, minY = 0.05, maxY = 0.95 },
amData = { minX = 0.33, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.12, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = "联盟旗帜房间", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {64.31, 14.15} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "联盟玩家开始于这里" },
dtl2 = { text = "联盟出口", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45.93, 22.34} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "使用或者输入/afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "部落旗帜房间", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.75, 85.31} }, symbol = { "F" },
tooltiptxt = "部落玩家开始于这里" },
dtl4 = { text = "部落出口", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {87.75, 77.12} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "使用或者输入/afk", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "增益", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.35, 60.26}, {76.26, 39.67} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl6 = { text = "恢复点", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.09, 61.43}, {56.04, 39.20} }, symbol = { "R" },
tooltiptxt = "恢复生命值 & 法力值", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl7 = { text = "联盟旗帜运送者", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {30, 15} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "A" },
dtl8 = { text = "部落旗帜运送者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30, 85} }, symbol = { "FC" },
tooltiptxt = "", bgFlag = "H", leaveGap = 2 },
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap/ New file
0,0 → 1,363
--AlphaMap Simplified Chinese
--Locolized by springsnow (2006/7/14)(3区-吉安娜-浮云)
--Last Updated:2006/9/23
if( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
--Colored State values
ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED = "|c00FF0000禁用|r";
--Slash Help
AM_SLASH_HELP_USAGE = "AlphaMap 使用方法: /alphamap 或 /am:";
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AM_SLASH_HELP_DISABLE = "/am disable - 禁用 AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RESET = "/am reset - 重置 AlphaMap 选项为默认值.";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RAID = "/am raid - 显示团队标记";
AM_SLASH_HELP_PTIPS = "/am ptips - 显示队伍提示信息";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MNTIPS = "/am mntips - 显示 MapNotes 提示信息";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GTIPS = "/am gtips - 显示 Gatherer 提示信息";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MOVESLIDER = "/am moveslider - 开启/关闭移动透明调节条";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SLIDER = "/am slider - 开启/关闭显示透明调节条显示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GATHERER = "/am gatherer - 开启/关闭对 Gatherer 的支持";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MAPNOTES = "/am mapnotes - 开启/关闭对 MapNotes 的支持";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOCLOSE = "/am combat - 开启/关闭战斗中自动关闭";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOOPEN = "/am reopen - 开启/关闭战斗结束后重新开启";
AM_SLASH_HELP_WMCLOSE = "/am wmclose - 开启/关闭世界地图关闭时自动关闭";
AM_SLASH_HELP_LOCK = "/am lock - 开启/关闭 AlphaMap 移动功能";
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AM_SLASH_HELP_TOG = "|c00FF0000/am tog - 开启/关闭 Alphamap 显示|r";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ALPHA = "/am alpha |c0000AA00<数值>|r - 设置 AlphaMap 透明度 (范围 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MINIMAP = "/am minimap - 开启/关闭显示迷你地图按钮";
AM_SLASH_HELP_HELP = "/am help <或> /am ? - 列出 AlphaMap 的命令行";
ALPHA_MAP_LOAD_CONFIRM = "|c00A335EDAlphaMap |c0000FF00v."..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION.." |c00A335ED 载入 - 输入 "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH1.." 或 "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH2.." 显示选项|r";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCKED = "AlphaMap: 用户界面 |c00FF0000锁定|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_UNLOCKED = "AlphaMap: 用户界面 |c0000FF00未锁定|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCK_HELP = "如果点选此选项, 那么 AlphaMap 将被锁定在该位置不能再进行移动.";
ALPHA_MAP_DISABLED_HINT = "提示: AlphaMap 已 "..ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED..". 输入 |C0000AA00'/am Enable'|R 命令重新启用它.";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_REOPEN_STATE = "AlphaMap: 战斗结束后重新开启 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_PTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: 队伍/团队提示信息 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MNTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: MapNotes 提示信息 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Gatherer 提示信息 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_WMCLOSE_STATE = "AlphaMap: 关闭世界地图时关闭 ";
AM_OPTIONS = "选项";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER = "显示 Gatherer 图标";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER = "在地图上显示透明度调节条";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER_MOVE = "允许移动透明度调节条";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_LOCK = "锁定 AlphaMap 位置";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_ON = "|c00FF0000所有图标当前隐藏|r";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS = "地图选择器";
AM_OPTIONS_ADDONS = "世界地图标记 & 图标 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_MISC = "内部插件选项 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_DUNGEON_NOTES = "AlphaMap 标记选项 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES = "显示 AlphaMap 标记";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_TOOLTIPS = "显示 AlphaMap 标记提示信息";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NBG_SET = "设置标记背景颜色";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY = "显示地图关键点";
AM_MISC = "其他";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MBG_SET = "设置地图背景颜色";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_BOXES = "AlphaMap 选择器位置 :";
AM_OPTIONS_UNDOCKED = "AlphaMap 选择器 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPPED = "吸附到 AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_DOCK_IT = "嵌入到选项窗口";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_IT = "吸附到 AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_HOW_TO_MAP = "嵌入到 AlphaMap 从 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPEN = "如果 AlphaMap 已关闭则开启";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_WORLDI = "开启/关闭世界地图图标/标记";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DUNGI = "开启/关闭地下城 AlphaMap 标记";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_INFO = "开启/关闭关键点/页眉/页脚";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_USE_AM = "当在战场中时使用 AlphaMap 的战场地图作为默认值";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL = "设置改变影响到所有%s";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_MESSAGES = "发送战c信息到 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_AUTO = "自动发送 NuN 标记设置";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_MESSAGES = "自动发送 NuN 标记到 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MODES = "世界地图查看模式 :";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_ALLOW = "允许改变到暴雪地图";
AM_OPTIONS_WMOTHER = "其他地图控制 : ";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS1 = "AlphaMap 地图 1";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS2 = " ..... 2";
AM_LEADSTO = "通往...";
AM_RARE = "(稀有)";
AM_VARIES = "(多个位置)";
AM_WANDERS = "(巡逻)";
AM_OPTIONAL = "(可选)";
AM_NO_LIMIT = "无玩家限制";
AM_MOB_LOOT = "怪物掉落";
AM_RBOSS_DROP = "随机首领掉落";
AM_CLASS_SETS = "职业套装";
AM_TIER0_SET = "T0套装";
AM_TIER1_SET = "T1套装";
AM_TIER2_SET = "T2套装";
AM_TIER3_SET = "T3套装";
AM_TIER4_SET = "T4套装";
AM_PVP = "PvP";
AM_ANCHOR_POINT = { { Display = "上", -- Localise
Command = "TOP" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "右上", -- Localise
Command = "TOPRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "右", -- Localise
Command = "RIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "右下", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "下", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOM" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "左下", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMLEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "å·¦", -- Localise
Command = "LEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "左上", -- Localise
Command = "TOPLEFT" } -- Do NOT Localise
AM_BG_BASE = "基地";
AM_BG_BASES = "基地";
AM_BG_REQUIRED = "需要获胜 !";
AM_EXTERIOR = " 外部";
AM_RCMENU_INC = " Inc "; -- as in 5 inc Blacksmith or 3 inc farm
AM_RCMENU_ZERG = "Zerg"; -- as in Zerg Inc Frostwolf GY
AM_OK = "确定";
AM_RCMENU_HIGHLIGHT = "高亮"; -- as in leave this note highlighted on the map
AM_RCMENU_NUN_AUTO = "自动发送标记"; -- send the NotesUNeed note for the current map note to Raid/Party/...
AM_RCMENU_NUN_MAN = "手动发送标记";
AM_RCMENU_AFLAG = "联盟军旗 ";
AM_RCMENU_HFLAG = "部落军旗 ";
AM_OPENING = "AQ Opening Quest Chain";
AM_HORDE = "部落";
AM_PICKED = { word = "拔起了" };
-- Deutsch
--AM_PICKED = { word = "aufgenommen" };
-- Francais
--AM_PICKED = { word = "ramass\195\169",
-- posWord = " par ",
-- extraChars = 2 };
AM_NEUTRAL = "中立";
AM_REVERED = "崇敬";
AM_EXALTED = "崇拜";
AM_CONFIG_SAVED = "AlphaMap 设置改变为 : ";
AM_CANCEL = "取消";
AM_TT_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "AlphaMap\n左击开启/关闭 AlphaMap\n右击开启/关闭选项";
AM_TT_ALPHA_BUTTON2 = "左击开启/关闭 AlphaMap\n右击开启/关闭选项";
AM_TT_PAUSE1 = "暂停";
AM_TT_PAUSE2 = "点击后暂停地图刷新并允许你打开/关闭而不重置到当前地图\n如果其他相冲突的插件继续重置 AlphaMap 到当前区域则\n仍然起作用";
AM_TT_PLAY1 = "播放";
AM_TT_PLAY2 = "即点击后立刻终止暂停地图刷新功能";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT1 = "热点";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT2 = "快速将鼠标掠过该工具以改变 AlphaMap 查看方式\n例如显示/隐藏地图或者标记/图标, 或者使其完全显示\n查看选项中的地图选择器标签以获取完整列表\n(可绑定按键)";
AM_TT_LOCK1 = "锁定地图选择器";
AM_TT_LOCK2 = "解锁显示一个用来移动地图选择器下拉列表的框体";
AM_TT_TAB1 = "初始 AlphaMap 选项";
AM_TT_TAB2A = "特定选项仅用于 AlphaMap 包含的地图而非暴雪地图.";
AM_TT_TAB2B = "例如地图/标记/文本背景, 及显示的标记/额外信息\n注意 : 仅应用于 AlphaMap 地图, 查看世界地图区域时不适用";
AM_TT_TAB3A = "进一步设置仅适用于 AlphaMap 地图";
AM_TT_TAB3B = "注意 : 仅应用于 AlphaMap 地图, 查看世界地图区域时不适用";
AM_TT_TAB4 = "设置世界地图选择器下拉列表位置\n及定义热点的状态";
AM_TT_TAB5 = "其他 AlphaMap 设置及与其他插件的配合";
AM_TT_MAPNOTES = "启用显示 MapNotes, CTMap_Mod notes, MetaMapNotes, MapNotes(Cosmos)";
AM_TT_RAID1 = "反选仅显示小队位置点";
AM_TT_RAID2 = "(即使在团队中)";
AM_TT_CLEAR1 = "显示/隐藏所有上面启用的图标/标记\n也有同样功能的按键绑定";
AM_TT_CLEAR2 = "例如迅速地清理地图\或者\隐藏全部, 并在需要时使用热点来使它们可见";
AM_TT_SLIDER = "显示一个透明度滑动控制条在 AlphaMap 上";
AM_TT_SLIDERM1 = "钩选以启用移动透明度滑动条功能";
AM_TT_SLIDERM2 = "放置在地图上任意位置以重新定位其在那儿\n放置在'超出' AlphaMap 范围处以分离它\n(在鼠标交互模式下当CTRL键被按下时可以\n随鼠标移动)";
AM_TT_ACLOSE1 = "当进入战斗时自动关闭 AlphaMap";
AM_TT_ACLOSE2 = "(如果你总是开启地图进行游戏则非常有用)";
AM_TT_AOPEN = "当离开战斗时自动重新打开 AlphaMap";
AM_TT_LEGACY1 = "原始玩家 & 队伍方向图标";
AM_TT_LEGACY2 = "也许会遇到小地图图标闪烁的情形";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES1 = "显示 AlphaMap 地图标记";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES2 = "(这和 MapNotes 不同\n而且不可以被改变)";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE1 = "反选单独为每个副本地图保存设置";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE2 = "例如你也许想为祖尔法拉克设置一个较暗的背景, 而熔火之心则\n设置一个明亮的背景.\n\n请保持钩选如果你确定你希望当你对任意副本地图做出任何改变时\n设该置复制到所有其它副本地图";
AM_TT_KEY = "即显示地图说明";
AM_TT_ALL_BG1 = "反选单独为每个战场地图保存设置";
AM_TT_ALL_BG2 = "例如你也许想奥特兰克战场地图相对于战歌峡谷显示得更大.\n\n请保持钩选如果你确定你希望当你对任意战场地图做出任何改变时\n该设置复制到所有其它战场地图";
AM_TT_ALL_NI1 = "反选单独为每个非副本地图保存设置";
AM_TT_ALL_NI2 = "例如你也许不想为地下城外部显示地图说明\n但是想让它在世界首领地图上显示.\n\n请保持钩选如果你确定你希望当你对任意非副本地图做出任何改变时\n该设置复制到所有其它非副本地图";
AM_TT_MSG = "战场信息将被发送到 :";
AM_TT_MSG_DFLT2 = " - 你的团队, 如果你在进入战场前已经在一个团队中\n - 你的小队, 如果你在进入战场前已经在一个小队中\n - 否则战场频道";
AM_TT_MSG_PARTY2 = " - 仅你的小队, 如果你在进入战场前已经在一个团队或小队中\n - 否则战场频道";
AM_TT_MSG_BG2 = " - 仅战场频道";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG1 = "在战场中使用 AlphaMap 的战场地图作为默认地图";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG2 = "如果此选项被钩选则当你进入战场时战场地图将自动打开\n\n如果你宁愿在战场中使用普通的暴雪风格地图则反选\n(当你进入战场时地图将不会自动打开)";
AM_TT_NUN_F1 = "格式化的 NotesUNeed 标记可以被添加到接收到它们的人的数据库中";
AM_TT_NUN_F2 = "(然后, 没有安装 NotesUNeed 的人将看到额外的文字而不只是标记的文本.)";
AM_TT_NUN = "NotesUNeed 标记将被自动发送到:";
AM_TT_NUN_DFLT2 = " - 你的团队, 如果在团队中\n - 你的小队, 如果在小队中\n - 否则你只能 '/Say' 发送标记\n\n注意除非你在进战场前已经在团队/小队中\n否则在战场中团队/小队信息发送将失败";
AM_TT_NUN_PARTY2 = " - 仅你的小队, 如果你在团队或者小队中\n - 否则你将只能 '/Say' 发送标记\n\n注意除非你在进战场前已经在团队/小队中\n否则在战场中团队/小队信息发送将失败";
AM_TT_NUN_GUILD2 = " - 你的公会";
AM_TT_MOUSE1 = "鼠标交互模式允许你 CTRL-点击 AlphaMap";
AM_TT_MOUSE2 = "通常 AlphaMap 对于鼠标来说不可见.\n然而, 在鼠标交互\n模式下, 当 CTRL 键被按下你将可以看见你鼠标悬停处的地图地区\n名称, 并且可以 CTRL-左击 和 CTRL-右击来进行缩放.\n\n当在鼠标交互模式时, 你也可以 CTRL-点击 \nAlphaMap 滑动条和地图坐标来重新定位它们";
AM_TT_MUTE = "开启/关闭打开/关闭 AlphaMap 的声音";
AM_TT_XY = "开启/关闭显示玩家/鼠标坐标";
AM_TT_STANDARD = "标准查看 - 世界地图地区与原始暴雪地图一样显示";
AM_TT_COMPACT1 = "简洁查看 - 仅显示当前地区已探索的区域";
AM_TT_COMPACT2 = "你尚未探索的区域将不被显示\n除非你已经安装了 MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update) 插件";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW1 = "当钩选时, AlphaMap 将保存你对暴雪地图的\n位置/透明度/缩放度所做的任意改变";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW2 = "反选后恢复原始的暴雪地图设置\n这需要'重载用户界面'在此期间游戏将会\n暂停几秒";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_CHANGE1 = "当钩选时, 下面的透明度和缩放度滑动条\n将仅影响原始的暴雪地图";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1 = "开启/关闭帮助提示信息";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2 = "不影响地图图标提示信息";
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
AM_TYP_WM = "世界地图";
AM_TYP_GM = "暴雪地图";
AM_TYP_BG = "战场地图";
AM_TYP_CAVES = "Caves";
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap/AlphaMap.xml New file
0,0 → 1,6546
////////////// DISCLAIMER / APOLOGY / CREDIT ////////////////////////////////
ALL Credit for the original version 1 of this AddOn should go to Jeremy Walsh
I took over version 1 purely as a last resort to enable
BattleGrounds support and allow full compatibility with PartySpotter
within BattleGrounds
Telic :)
Full Credits : Jeremy Walsh, Telic, Alchemys Indomane
AlphaMap: A worldmap frame that is transparent and allows character manipulation
copyright 2004-2005 by Jeromy Walsh ( )
Official Site: AlphaMap has popped up on a number of related websites. This is great news!! But for the
latest and greatest version, check the following URL:
Contributions: Part of the code for this is adapted from WorldMapFrame.xml and OpacitySliderFrame.xml
of the original Blizzard(tm) Entertainment distribution.
3rd Party Components: Part of the code is taken from MapNotes, MapNotes Gathering, and Gatherer. This
is done to provide optional support for those addons.
Other Contributors: I'd like to thank "Ska Demon" of the Curse Gaming forums for helping me make v1.3
as good as it is. Ska provided the base code for the slash commands to set various parameters,
as well as provided the base code to save variables between WoW sessions. Finally, Ska provided
the code to scale the AlphaMap via a slash command.
Special Thanks: Special thanks to Ska Demon for keeping AlphaMap alive during my busy schedule.
Also thanks to my wife Lindsey Walsh, for putting up with me during the midnight coding sessions.
License: You are hereby authorized to freely modify and/or distribute all files of this add-on, in whole or in part,
providing that this header stays intact, and that you do not claim ownership of this Add-on.
Additionally, the original owner wishes to be notified by email if you make any improvements to this add-on.
Any positive alterations will be added to a future release, and any contributing authors will be
identified in the section above.
- toc Update for v1.10 of WoW
- Centered the AlphaMap, and made sure Slider appears on the map when using /am reset
- Completely discarded the Old Saved Variables method which may have been causing some conflicts
v1.02.1900 (Fans Update Version)
- Moved strings to localization.lua (others are welcome to provide translations!)
- Added some functions for colored feedback.
- Added /am reset, /am enable, /am disable slash commands
v1.01.1900 (Fans Update Version)
- Updated toc
- Adjusted the Map Scaling function that was preventing the map from displaying
v1.01.1800 (Fans Update Version)
- Fixed the Corpse icon (Thanks to Xtro)
v1.00.1800 (Fans Update Version)
- All team mates of your faction are now visible in BattleGrounds, whether or not they are in your Party/Raid
- Improved the Units Tooltips code, to display a list of player names under the mouse as per the tooltips on other maps
- Added BattleGround Flag/Objective statuses
- Has full support for the PartySpotter AddOn
v1.3.1 - Removed all references to the worldmap POI's - some other addon was conflicting
v1.3.0 - A large number of slash commands, usable via /AlphaMap or /am
- Every slash command setting is stored between WoW usage
- Raid Pins Shown ( togglable via /am raid )
- Optional Tooltips on Pins ( Party/Raid, MapNotes, Gatherer, and MapNotes Gathering )
- Tooltips Togglable via /am ptips, /am mntips, /am gtips, /am mngtips
- Slider is moveable and lockable via /am moveslider
- Optionally Show Slider via /am slider
- Optional Support for Gatherer 1.9.12 (1300) via /am gatherer
- Optional Support for MapNotes 0.5.4 (4196) via /am mapnotes
- Optional Support for MapNotes Gathering 0.5.6 (4150) via /am gathering
- Optionally Close AlphaMap when entering combat via /am combat
- Optionally Close Alphamap when world map closes via /am wmclose
- Moveable AlphaMap; move by dragging along the top border - lockable via /lock
- Scaleable AlphaMap via /am scale <value>
- AlphaMap togglable via /am tog
- AlphaMap alpha settable through /am alpha <value>
- Alpha value is saved between sessions
- Fixed a bug allowing you to set a scale < 0
- Fixed a bug allowing you to set alpha < 0 or > 1
- Fixed a bug caused by 1300 where GetMapLandmarkInfo returned an extra parameter
v1.2.1 - Fixed a bug causing AlphaMap to be closely tied to MapNotes
v1.2.0 - Automatic update of AlphaMap on zone change
- Now displays "Point of Interest" flags, such as set by guards
- Now displays "MapNotes" pins, until they change something with MapNotes that breaks AlphaMap
- Player pin is now shown as an arrow, indicating direction
- Added Hotkey assignment to Increment/Decrement map alpha by 10%
- Added player's coordinates near the top right of the AlphaMap. (Under the minimap in standard resolutions)
v1.1.0 - Fixed a bug with markers not becoming transparent when alpha is set to 0
- Player Corpse is now shown on AlphaMap
v1.0.0 - Displays a slider in the lower left corner that can be used to set window opacity
v0.9.0 - Displays the worldmap in a large, semi-transparent, non-movable window
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<Script file="Constants.lua"/>
<Script file="localisation.en.lua"/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file="AlphaMap.lua"/>
<Frame name="AlphaMapUnitTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="$parentIcon" file="Interface\WorldMap\WorldMapPlayerIcon" setAllPoints="true"/>
this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
if ( this:GetID() == 0 ) then
this.unit = "player";
this.unit = "party"..this:GetID();
<Frame name="AlphaMapRaidUnitTemplate" hidden="true" inherits="AlphaMapUnitTemplate" virtual="true">
this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
this.unit = "raid"..this:GetID();
<Frame name="AlphaMapCorpseTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture file="Interface\Minimap\POIIcons" setAllPoints="true">
<TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.5625" top="0" bottom="0.0625"/>
this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
<Frame name="AlphaMapVehicleTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="45" y="45"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<AbsInset left="10" right="10" top="10" bottom="10"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentHighlight" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\VehicleHighlight" setAllPoints="true"/>
<Texture name="$parentOccupied" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\VehicleOccupied" setAllPoints="true"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" setAllPoints="true"/>
self:SetFrameLevel(self:GetFrameLevel() + 2);
<Frame name="AlphaMapPOITemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true" enableMouse="false">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="Interface\Minimap\POIIcons">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Button name="$parentButton" setAllPoints="true" hidden="true">
this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
this:SetFrameLevel(AlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 3);
AM_POI_OnClick(self:GetParent(), arg1);
this:SetFrameLevel(AlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2);
<Frame name="GatheringPOITemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
if( AlphaMapConfig.mngtips == true ) then
AlphaNotesGathering_OnEnter( this:GetID() );
AlphaNotesGathering_OnLeave( this:GetID() );
<Frame name="MapNotesPOITemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="Interface\AddOns\MapNotes\POIIcons\Icon1">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
AlphaMapNotes_OnEnter( this:GetID(), AlphaMapFrame );
AlphaMapNotes_OnLeave( this:GetID() );
<Frame name="AMCT_UserMap_NoteTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentIcon" file="">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
AlphaCTMapNotes_OnEnter( this:GetID() );
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
<Frame name="AlphaGatherTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
<Frame name="AlphaMapFlagTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" setAllPoints="true"/>
this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() + 2);
<Frame name="AlphaMapAlphaMapNoteTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="$parentBackground" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\bGround" hidden="false" setAllPoints="true"/>
<Texture name="$parentPOI" file="Interface\Minimap\POIIcons" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<Texture name="$parentAFlag" file="Interface\WorldStateFrame\AllianceFlag" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<Texture name="$parentHFlag" file="Interface\WorldStateFrame\HordeFlag" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<Texture name="$parentHighlight" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\MyHighlight" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<Texture name="$parentTarget" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\Target" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="72" y="72"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<FontString name="$parentText" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="XX" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="CENTER">
<Shadow name="$parentShadow">
<AbsDimension x="1" y="1"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<Layer level="OVERLAY">
<Texture name="$parentCorpse" file="Interface\Minimap\POIIcons" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="20" y="20"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.5625" top="0" bottom="0.0625"/>
<Button name="$parentButton" setAllPoints="true">
this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "MiddleButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
AlphaMapAlphaMapNote_OnClick(arg1, this);
<Frame name="AlphaMapAlphaMapKeyButtonTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="$parentHighlight" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\MyHighlight" hidden="true">
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="" y="-1"/>
<Button name="$parentButton" setAllPoints="true">
<Layer level="OVERLAY">
<Texture name="$parentCorpse" file="Interface\Minimap\POIIcons" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
<AbsDimension x="-32" y="0"/>
<TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.5625" top="0" bottom="0.0625"/>
this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "MiddleButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
AlphaMapAlphaMapKey_OnClick(arg1, this);
<Button name="AlphaMap_TabButtonsTemplate" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="500" y="22"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentLeftDisabled" file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-ActiveTab">
<AbsDimension x="20" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="2"/>
<TexCoords left="0" right="0.15625" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
<Texture name="$parentMiddleDisabled" file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-ActiveTab">
<AbsDimension x="88" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentLeftDisabled" relativePoint="RIGHT"/>
<TexCoords left="0.15625" right="0.84375" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
<Texture name="$parentRightDisabled" file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-ActiveTab">
<AbsDimension x="20" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentMiddleDisabled" relativePoint="RIGHT"/>
<TexCoords left="0.84375" right="1.0" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
<Texture name="$parentLeft" file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-InActiveTab">
<AbsDimension x="20" y="32"/>
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PanelTemplates_Tab_OnClick(self, AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame);
AlphaMap_TabSelect(self, button);
PanelTemplates_TabResize(self, 0);
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end -->
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AMMFBottomH:Hide(); -->
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this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
this:GetParent().isMoving = false;
this:GetParent().isMoving = false;
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end -->
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AMMFTopH:Hide(); -->
<!-- if( not AlphaMapConfig.lock or AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) then -->
this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
<!-- end -->
this:GetParent().isMoving = false;
this:GetParent().isMoving = false;
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AlphaMapButton_OnClick(self, arg1);
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AlphaMapButton:SetAllPoints( AlphaMapFrame );
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this:SetFrameLevel(AM_Coordinates:GetFrameLevel() + 1);
AM_Coordinates.isMoving = true;
if ( AM_Coordinates.isMoving ) then
if ( AM_Coordinates.isMoving ) then
AM_Coordinates.isMoving = false;
AM_CoordsOnUpdate(self, arg1);
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this.unit = "player";
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local x, y = self:GetCenter();
local parentX, parentY = self:GetParent():GetCenter();
if ( x > parentX ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
AlphaMapTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
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this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetFrameLevel() + 1 );
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this.fadeOut = nil;
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defaultValue="0.3" movable="true" parent="AlphaMapFrame">
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this:SetFrameLevel( AlphaMapSliderFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1 );
AlphaMapSliderFrame.isMoving = true;
AlphaMapSliderFrame.isMoving = false;
if ( AlphaMapSliderFrame.Adopt ) then
AlphaMapSliderFrame.Adopt = nil;
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<!-- Minimap Icon frame -->
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this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
AM_MinimapButtonOnClick(arg1, this)
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this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() - 1);
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_OptionsDDFreeIt:GetID() ) ) then
this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_OptionsDDFreeIt:GetID() ) ) then
this:GetParent().isMoving = false;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_OptionsDDFreeIt:GetID() ) ) then
this:GetParent().isMoving = false;
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AM_ListUp = "C";
AM_ListUp = nil;
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AM_ListUp = "Z";
AM_ListUp = nil;
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this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_LOCK1, AM_TT_LOCK2);
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this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
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this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
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AM_ButtonAngleText:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "AM_ButtonAngle", "TOP", -10, 0);
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AM_ButtonRadiusText:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "AM_ButtonRadius", "TOP", -9, 0);
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AM_AlphaText:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "AM_Alpha", "TOP", -12, 0);
AM_CurrentAlpha:SetText( math.floor( AM_Alpha:GetValue() * 100).."%" );
AlphaMapSliderFrame:SetValue( 1 - AM_Alpha:GetValue() );
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PanelTemplates_SetNumTabs(this, 5);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_MAPNOTES);
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<!-- USE FOR SOMETHING ELSE (Carto ?) -->
<!-- <CheckButton name="AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotesGathering" hidden="true" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotesTooltips" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
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<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotesGathering" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
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</CheckButton> -->
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<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_RAID1, AM_TT_RAID2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_CLEAR1, AM_TT_CLEAR2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_SLIDER);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_SLIDERM1, AM_TT_SLIDERM2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_ACLOSE1, AM_TT_ACLOSE2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_AOPEN);
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<!-- <CheckButton name="AM_OptionsMapLock" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="AM_OptionsAutocloseW" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-11"/>
</CheckButton> -->
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_LEGACY1, AM_TT_LEGACY2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_AM_NOTES1, AM_TT_AM_NOTES2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_KEY);
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AM_NoteScaleSliderText:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "AM_NoteScaleSlider", "TOP", -10, 0);
AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor = AM_NoteScaleSlider:GetValue();
AM_NoteScaleSliderValue:SetText( AM_NoteScaleSlider:GetValue() );
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_HOTSPOT1, AM_TT_HOTSPOT2);
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<!-- this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() - 1); -->
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_AUTO_BG1, AM_TT_AUTO_BG2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_MSG, AM_TT_MSG_PARTY2, nil, true);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_MSG, AM_TT_MSG_BG2);
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AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_ALL_BG1, AM_TT_ALL_BG2);
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<Color r="0.2" g="1.0" b="0.2"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="30" y="-124"/>
<FontString name="AM_OptionsWorldMapModes" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MODES">
<Color r="0.2" g="1.0" b="0.2"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOP">
<AbsDimension x="10" y="0"/>
<FontString name="AM_OptionsGameMapModes" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_MODES">
<Color r="0.2" g="1.0" b="0.2"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOP">
<AbsDimension x="10" y="-158"/>
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsNuNFormatted" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsNuNLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="5" y="-2"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_NUN_F1, AM_TT_NUN_F2);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsNuNDefault" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsNuNSendToLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_NUN, AM_TT_NUN_DFLT2, nil, true);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsNuNParty" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsNuNDefault" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_NUN, AM_TT_NUN_PARTY2, nil, true);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsNuNGuild" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsNuNParty" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_NUN, AM_TT_NUN_GUILD2);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsWM_Escape" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsOtherWMControls" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="5" y="-2"/>
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsWM_Mouse" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsWM_Escape" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_MOUSE1, AM_TT_MOUSE2);
<CheckButton name="AM_Options_Mute" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsWM_Mouse" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_MUTE);
<CheckButton name="AM_Options_Coords" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_Options_Mute" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_XY);
<CheckButton name="AM_Options_HelpTooltips" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_Options_Coords" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1, AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsWM_Standard" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsWorldMapModes" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="5" y="-8"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_STANDARD);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsWM_Overlay" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsWM_Standard" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_COMPACT1, AM_TT_COMPACT2);
<!-- Future Development -->
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsWM_Minimap" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsWM_Overlay" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsWM_ZMinimap" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsWM_Minimap" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
<!-- Future Development -->
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsGM_Allow" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsGameMapModes" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="5" y="-5"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW1, AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW2);
<CheckButton name="AM_OptionsGM_Change" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="18" y="18"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AM_OptionsGM_Allow" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(this, AM_TT_BLIZZ_CHANGE1);
AM_OptionsNuNLabel:SetText(AM_NUN.." "..AM_OPTIONS);
<Frame name="AMPopup" frameStrata="FULLSCREEN_DIALOG" hidden="true" parent="UIParent">
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<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="AMPopupButton23" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
<Frame name="AMFlags" parent="AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame">
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<FontString name="AMAText" inherits="GameFontNormalLarge" text=" " justifyH="LEFT">
<AbsDimension x="1" y="1"/>
<FontString name="AMHText" inherits="GameFontNormalLarge" text=" " justifyH="LEFT">
<AbsDimension x="1" y="1"/>
<FontString name="AMBases" inherits="GameFontNormalLarge" text=" " justifyH="LEFT">
<AbsDimension x="1" y="1"/>
<GameTooltip name="AlphaMapTooltip" frameStrata="TOOLTIP" hidden="true" parent="UIParent" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate">
<Frame name="AM_PlayerHighlight" parent="AlphaMapPing">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="AlphaMapPingHighlight" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\MyHighlight"/>
<Button name="AM_ALToggleButton" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="AL" hidden="true" parent="AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame">
<AbsDimension x="45" y="35"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="5"/>
this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
AM_AtlasLootClick(arg1, this);
<Button name="AM_ResetInstanceButton" inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="AM_RESET_INSTANCE" hidden="true" parent="AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame">
<AbsDimension x="90" y="35"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="36"/>
this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp");
<Frame name="AM_AL_ControlFrame">
<AbsDimension x="1" y="1"/>
AlphaMap/localisation.en.lua New file
0,0 → 1,355
-- localization.lua
BINDING_HEADER_ALPHAMAP = "AlphaMap Key Bindings";
--Colored State values
ALPHA_MAP_GREEN_ENABLED = "|c0000FF00Enabled|r";
ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED = "|c00FF0000Disabled|r";
--Slash Help
AM_SLASH_HELP_USAGE = "AlphaMap Usage: /alphamap or /am:";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ENABLE = "/am enable - enable / re-enable AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_DISABLE = "/am disable - disable AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RESET = "/am reset - reset AlphaMap options to default.";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RAID = "/am raid - show Raid Pins";
AM_SLASH_HELP_PTIPS = "/am ptips - show party tooltips";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MNTIPS = "/am mntips - show MapNotes tips";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GTIPS = "/am gtips - show Gatherer tips";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MOVESLIDER = "/am moveslider - toggle movement of the slider";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SLIDER = "/am slider - toggle display of slider";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GATHERER = "/am gatherer - toggle support for Gatherer";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MAPNOTES = "/am mapnotes - toggle support for MapNotes";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOCLOSE = "/am combat - toggle Autoclose on Combat";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOOPEN = "/am reopen - toggle Re-Open after Combat";
AM_SLASH_HELP_WMCLOSE = "/am wmclose - toggle Autoclose on WorldMap close";
AM_SLASH_HELP_LOCK = "/am lock - toggle movement of the AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SCALE = "/am scale |c0000AA00<value>|r - set the alphamap window scale (Range 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_DDSCALE = "/am ddscale |c0000AA00<value>|r - set the Map Selector scale (Range 0.3 - 1.4)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_TOG = "|c00FF0000/am tog - toggle display of alphamap|r";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ALPHA = "/am alpha |c0000AA00<value>|r - set the transparency of alphamap (Range 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MINIMAP = "/am minimap - toggle the display of the Minimap button";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SEARCH = "/am -s <Text to search for>";
AM_SLASH_HELP_HELP = "/am help <OR> /am ? - lists the AlphaMap slash commands";
ALPHA_MAP_LOAD_CONFIRM = "|c00A335EDAlphaMap |c0000FF00v."..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION.." |c00A335ED is Loaded - Type "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH1.." or "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH2.." for options|r";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCKED = "AlphaMap: User Interface |c00FF0000Locked|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_UNLOCKED = "AlphaMap: User Interface |c0000FF00Unlocked|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCK_HELP = "If this option is checked, the AlphaMap will be locked into place and can't be moved.";
ALPHA_MAP_DISABLED_HINT = "Hint: AlphaMap is "..ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED..". Type |C0000AA00'/am Enable'|R to re-enable.";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_SLIDER_STATE = "AlphaMap: Slider Movement ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_COMBAT_STATE = "AlphaMap: AutoClose on Combat ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_REOPEN_STATE = "AlphaMap: Re-Open after Combat ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_PTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Party/Raid ToolTips ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MNTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: MapNotes ToolTips ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Gatherer ToolTips ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_WMCLOSE_STATE = "AlphaMap: Close on WorldMap Close ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GATHERER_STATE = "AlphaMap: Gatherer Support ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MAPNOTES_STATE = "AlphaMap: MapNotes Support ";
AM_OPTIONS = "Options";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTES = "Enable Map Notes";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTES_TOOLTIPS = "Display Map Notes Tooltips";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER = "Enable Gatherer Icons";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER_TOOLTIPS = "Display Gatherer Tooltips";
AM_OPTIONS_PARTY_TOOLTIPS = "Display Group Tooltips";
AM_OPTIONS_RAID_PINS = "Enable Group Pins";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER = "Display Alpha Slider on Map";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER_MOVE = "Allow Movement of Alpha Slider";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOCLOSE_COMBAT = "Close Map when Combat starts";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOOPEN_COMBAT = "Re-Open Map after Combat ends";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOCLOSE_WORLDMAP = "Close Map when World Map closes";
AM_OPTIONS_ANGLESLIDER = "Minimap Angle : ";
AM_OPTIONS_RADIUSLIDER = "Minimap Radius : ";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_LOCK = "Lock AlphaMap Position";
AM_OPTIONS_MINIMAP = "Display Minimap Button";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_OFF = "Hide Enabled Icons";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_ON = "|c00FF0000All Icons Currently Hidden|r";
AM_OPTIONS_LEGACYPLAYER = "Display Legacy style Player Icon";
AM_OPTIONS_ZONE_SELECTOR = "Display Map Selector";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS = "Map Selector";
AM_OPTIONS_ADDONS = "WorldMap Notes & Icons : ";
AM_OPTIONS_MISC = "Internal AddOn Options : ";
AM_OPTIONS_DUNGEON_NOTES = "AlphaMap Note Options : ";
AM_OPTIONS_DUNGEON_FRAMES = "AlphaMap Extra Information : ";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES = "Display AlphaMap Notes";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_TOOLTIPS = "Display AlphaMap Note Tooltips";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_BCKGRND = "Show Note Background";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NBG_SET = "Set Note Background Colour";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_HEADER = "Show Header Information";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_EXTRA = "Show Footer Information";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY = "Show Map Key";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY_TOOLTIPS = "Show Map Key Tooltips";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTESCALE = "Set AlphaMap Note Size";
AM_MISC = "Miscellaneous";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MAP_BCKGRND = "Show Map Background";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MBG_SET = "Set Map Background Colour";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_TEXT_BCKGRND = "Show Text Background";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_TEXTBG_SET = "Set Text Background Colour";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_BOXES = "Position of AlphaMap Selector :";
AM_OPTIONS_UNDOCKED = "AlphaMap Selector is : ";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE = "Free Floating";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPPED = "Attached to AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_DOCK_IT = "Dock to Options Frame";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE_IT = "Free Floating";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_IT = "Attach to AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_HOW_TO_MAP = "Anchor to AlphaMap by : ";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_BEHAVE = "HotSpot Behaviour : ";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DISABLE = "Enable HotSpot Functionality";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPEN = "Open AlphaMap if Closed";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_WORLDI = "Toggle World Icons/Notes";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DUNGI = "Toggle Dungeon AlphaMap Notes";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_NBG = "Toggle Note Backgrounds";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_MBG = "Toggle Map Background";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_MINIMAP = "Enable Minimap Button as HotSpot";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_INFO = "Toggle Key/Header/Footer";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_USE_AM = "Use AlphaMap's BattleGround maps\nby default when in Battlegrounds";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE_LABEL = "Control settings for all %s Maps : ";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL = "Setting Changes for %s Maps";
AM_MANUAL_APPLY = "Manually";
AM_AUTO_SWITCH = "Auto Switch to %s Maps";
AM_AUTO_OPEN = "Auto Open BG Maps";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE = "%s Apply to ALL %s Maps";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_MESSAGES = "Send Battlefield Messages to : ";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_AUTO = "Auto-Send NuN Note Settings";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_FORMAT = "Send Formatted Notes";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_MESSAGES = "Auto Send NuN Notes to : ";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MODES = "World Map View Modes :";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_MODES = "Blizzard Map Settings :";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_ALLOW = "Allow changes to Blizzard Map";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_CHANGE = "Check to change Blizzard Map";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MINIMODE = "Minimap Textures";
AM_OPTIONS_WMOTHER = "Other Map Controls : ";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_ESCAPE = "Enable <Escape> Closing";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_MOUSE = "Enable Mouse Interaction";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS1 = "AlphaMap Maps 1";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS2 = " ..... 2";
AM_OPTIONS_HELP_TIPS = "Help Tooltips";
AM_LEADSTO = "Leads to...";
AM_INSTANCE_PREREQS = "Prerequisites : ";
AM_INSTANCE_GENERAL = "General Notes : ";
AM_RARE = "(Rare)";
AM_VARIES = "(Varies)";
AM_WANDERS = "(Patrols)";
AM_OPTIONAL = "(Optional)";
AM_NO_LIMIT = "No Player Limit";
AM_MOB_LOOT = "Mob Loot";
AM_RBOSS_DROP = "Random Boss Drops";
AM_ENCHANTS = "Enchants";
AM_PVP_SET = "PvP Sets";
AM_PVP = "PvP";
AM_ANCHOR_POINT = { { Display = "Top", -- Localise
Command = "TOP" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Top Right", -- Localise
Command = "TOPRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Right", -- Localise
Command = "RIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Bottom Right", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Bottom", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOM" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Bottom Left", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMLEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Left", -- Localise
Command = "LEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Top Left", -- Localise
Command = "TOPLEFT" } -- Do NOT Localise
AM_BG_ONLY = "Only";
AM_BG_ALL = "All";
AM_BG_BASE = "Base";
AM_BG_BASES = "Bases";
AM_BG_REQUIRED = "%s %d %s required to Win %s";
AM_EXTERIOR = " Exterior";
AM_RCMENU_INC = " Inc "; -- as in 5 inc Blacksmith or 3 inc farm
AM_RCMENU_ZERG = "Zerg"; -- as in Zerg Inc Frostwolf GY
AM_OK = "OK";
AM_RCMENU_HIGHLIGHT = "Highlight"; -- as in leave this note highlighted on the map
AM_RCMENU_NUN_AUTO = "Auto-Send Note"; -- send the NotesUNeed note for the current map note to Raid/Party/...
AM_RCMENU_NUN_MAN = "Manual Send Note";
AM_RCMENU_AFLAG = "Alliance Flag ";
AM_RCMENU_HFLAG = "Horde Flag ";
AM_RCMENU_FLAGLOC = { "Our Tunnel",
"Our Roof",
"Going West",
"Going East",
"In Middle",
"Their Tunnel",
"Their Roof",
"Their Flag Room",
"Their GY"
AM_OPENING = "AQ Opening Quest Chain";
AM_HORDE = "Horde";
AM_PICKED = { word = "picked",
posWord = " by ",
extraChars = 1 };
-- Deutsch
--AM_PICKED = { word = "aufgenommen" };
-- Francais
--AM_PICKED = { word = "ramass\195\169",
-- posWord = " par ",
-- extraChars = 2 };
AM_NEUTRAL = "Neutral";
AM_FRIENDLY = "Friendly";
AM_HONOURED = "Honoured";
AM_REVERED = "Revered";
AM_EXALTED = "Exalted";
AM_CONFIG_SAVED = "AlphaMap Settings changed for : ";
AM_CANCEL = "Cancel";
AM_TT_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "AlphaMap\nLeft Click Toggles AlphaMap\nRight Click Toggles Options";
AM_TT_ALPHA_BUTTON2 = "Left Click Toggles AlphaMap\nRight Click Toggles Options";
AM_TT_PAUSE1 = "Pause";
AM_TT_PAUSE2 = "Click to Pause map updates and allow you to open/close without resetting to current map Also use if another conflicting AddOn continually resets the AlphaMap to the current zone";
AM_TT_PLAY1 = "Play";
AM_TT_PLAY2 = "i.e. Click now to Un-Pause map updates";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT1 = "HotSpot";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT2 = "Quick Mouse-Over facility to change the AlphaMap view e.g. show/hide the map or Notes/Icons, or make fully opaque See Map Selector Tab of Options for full list (Key Binding available)";
AM_TT_LOCK1 = "Lock Map Selector";
AM_TT_LOCK2 = "Un-lock to show a frame with which to move the Map Selection drop down boxes";
AM_TT_TAB1 = "Original AlphaMap Options";
AM_TT_TAB2A = "Specific options only for Maps included with AlphaMap and NOT Blizzard maps.";
AM_TT_TAB2B = "e.g. Map/Note/Text backgrounds, and which notes/extra information to show NOTE : Only applies to AlphaMap Maps, and not applicable when viewing world map zones";
AM_TT_TAB3A = "Further settings only applicable to AlphaMap Maps";
AM_TT_TAB3B = "NOTE : Only applies to AlphaMap Maps, and not applicable when viewing world map zones";
AM_TT_TAB4 = "Set the position of the Map Selector Drop Down box controls and define Hot Spot behaviour";
AM_TT_TAB5 = "Miscallaneous AlphaMap settings and integration with other AddOns";
AM_TT_MAPNOTES = "Enable display of MapNotes, CTMap_Mod notes, MetaMapNotes, MapNotes(Cosmos)";
AM_TT_RAID1 = "Un-Check to ONLY show Party Pins";
AM_TT_RAID2 = "(Even when in Raid)";
AM_TT_CLEAR1 = "Show/Hide all above Enabled Icons/Notes Also see Key Binding for same function";
AM_TT_CLEAR2 = "e.g. Quick way to un-clutter the map OR Hide all, and use Hot Spot to make them visible when needed";
AM_TT_SLIDER = "Show an Opacity Slider Control On the AlphaMap";
AM_TT_SLIDERM1 = "Check to enable movement of the on-map Opacity Slider";
AM_TT_SLIDERM2 = "Drop anywhere on the Map to re-locate it there Drop 'off' the AlphaMap to detach it (Can also be moved with the mouse when the Alt key is pressed in Mouse Interaction mode)";
AM_TT_ACLOSE1 = "Auto-Close AlphaMap when entering Combat";
AM_TT_ACLOSE2 = "(Useful if you play with map always displayed)";
AM_TT_AOPEN = "Auto-Re-Open AlphaMap when leaving Combat";
AM_TT_LEGACY1 = "Original Player & Party Directional Icons";
AM_TT_LEGACY2 = "May suffer from blinking Minimap Icons";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES1 = "Display AlphaMap's on-map notes";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES2 = "(These are NOT the same as MapNotes and can not be changed)";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE1 = "Un-check to save the settings for each Instance map seperately";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE2 = "e.g. you might want a dark background for Zul'Farrak, but a light one for Molten Core. Keep checked if you want to make sure that when you make ANY change to ANY Instance Map then the settings will be copied to ALL the other Instance maps";
AM_TT_KEY = "i.e. Show Map Legend";
AM_TT_ALL_BG1 = "Un-check to save the settings for each Battleground map seperately";
AM_TT_ALL_BG2 = "e.g. you might want AV to display at a larger scale than Warsong. Keep checked if you want to make sure that when you make ANY change to ANY Battleground Map then the settings will be copied to ALL the other Battleground maps";
AM_TT_ALL_NI1 = "Un-check to save the settings for each Non-Instance map seperately";
AM_TT_ALL_NI2 = "e.g. you might not want to display the Map Legend for dungeon exteriors but do want it for World Boss maps. Keep checked if you want to make sure that when you make ANY change to ANY Non-Instance Map then the settings will be copied to ALL the other Non-Instance maps";
AM_TT_MSG = "Battleground Messages will be sent to :";
AM_TT_MSG_DFLT2 = " - your Raid if you were in a Raid BEFORE you entered the Battleground\n - your Party if you were in a Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground\n - the Battleground channel otherwise";
AM_TT_MSG_PARTY2 = " - only your Party as long as you were in a Raid or Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground\n - the Battleground channel otherwise";
AM_TT_MSG_BG2 = " - the Battleground channel only";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG1 = "Makes AlphaMap's Battleground map the default map to be used in Battlegrounds";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG2 = "Battlegound maps will open automatically when you enter a Battleground if this option is checked Un-Check if you wish to use the normal Blizzard style map in Battlegrounds (The map will not open automatically when you enter a BG)";
AM_TT_NUN_F1 = "Formatted NotesUNeed notes can be added to the database of people who receive them";
AM_TT_NUN_F2 = "(However, people without NotesUNeed installed will see extra formatting characters rather than just the note's text.)";
AM_TT_NUN = "NotesUNeed notes will be auto-sent to :";
AM_TT_NUN_DFLT2 = " - your Raid if in a Raid\n - your Party if in a Party\n - otherwise you will just '/Say' the note \n\nNote that Raid/Party messages will fail inside Battlegrounds unless \nyou were in the Raid/Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground";
AM_TT_NUN_PARTY2 = " - only your Party, if you are in a Raid OR Party\n - otherwise you will just '/Say' the note \n\nNote that Raid/Party messages will fail inside Battlegrounds unless \nyou were in the Raid/Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground";
AM_TT_NUN_GUILD2 = " - your Guild";
AM_TT_MOUSE1 = "Mouse Interaction mode allows you to Alt-Click the AlphaMap";
AM_TT_MOUSE2 = "Normally the AlphaMap is invisible to the mouse. However, in mouse interaction mode, then when the Alt key is pressed you will be able to see the name of map regions that your mouse hovers over, and can Alt-Left Click and Alt-Right Click to zoom in and out. When in Mouse Interaction mode, you can also Alt-Click on the AlphaMap Slider and on-map Coordinates to reposition them";
AM_TT_MUTE = "Toggle the sound when Opening/Closing the AlphaMap";
AM_TT_XY = "Toggle the display of Player/Cursor coordinates";
AM_TT_STANDARD = "Standard View - world map Zones as displayed in the original Blizzard Map";
AM_TT_COMPACT1 = "Compact View - Only display explorable areas in the current Zone";
AM_TT_COMPACT2 = "Note that areas that you have NOT discovered will not be displayed unless you have installed MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update) AddOn";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW1 = "While checked, AlphaMap will save any changes you make to the Blizzard Map position/opacity/scale";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW2 = "Un-Check to restore the original Blizzard Map settings This requires a 'ReloadUI' during which the game will pause for a few seconds";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_CHANGE1 = "While checked, then changes to the opacity and scale sliders below Will only affect the original Blizzard Map";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1 = "Toggle Help Tooltips";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2 = "Does not affect on map icon tooltips";
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
AM_TYP_WM = "World Map";
AM_TYP_GM = "Blizzard Map";
--AM_TYP_INSTANCE = "Instances";
--AM_TYP_BG = "Battlegrounds";
--AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES = "World Bosses";
--AM_TYP_CAVES = "Caves";
AlphaMap/AlphaMap.lua New file
0,0 → 1,8935
-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- v3.33.30000 (Fans Update Version)
-- ////////////// DISCLAIMER / APOLOGY / CREDIT ///////////////////////////////
-- ALL Credit for the original version 1 of this AddOn should go to Jeremy Walsh
-- I took over version 1 purely as a last resort to enable
-- BattleGrounds support and allow full compatibility with PartySpotter
-- within BattleGrounds
-- Telic :)
-- Full Credits : Jeremy Walsh, Telic, Alchemys Indomane
-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- AlphaMap: A worldmap frame that is transparent and allows character manipulation
-- copyright 2004-2005 by Jeromy Walsh ( )
-- Official Site: AlphaMap has popped up on a number of related websites. This is great news!! But for the
-- latest and greatest version, check the following URL:
-- Contributions: Part of the code for this is adapted from WorldMapFrame.xml and OpacitySliderFrame.xml
-- of the original Blizzard(tm) Entertainment distribution.
-- 3rd Party Components: Part of the code is taken from MapNotes, MapNotes Gathering, and Gatherer. This
-- is done to provide optional support for those addons.
-- Other Contributors: I'd like to thank "Ska Demon" of the Curse Gaming forums for helping me make v1.3
-- as good as it is. Ska provided the base code for the slash commands to set various parameters,
-- as well as provided the base code to save variables between WoW sessions. Finally, Ska
-- provided the code to scale the AlphaMap via a slash command.
-- Special Thanks: Special thanks to Ska Demon for keeping AlphaMap alive during my busy schedule.
-- Also thanks to my wife Lindsey Walsh, for putting up with me during the midnight coding sessions.
-- License: You are hereby authorized to freely modify and/or distribute all files of this add-on, in whole or in part,
-- providing that this header stays intact, and that you do not claim ownership of this Add-on.
-- Additionally, the original owner wishes to be notified by email if you make any improvements to this add-on.
-- Any positive alterations will be added to a future release, and any contributing authors will be
-- identified in the section above.
-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AM_Minimap_Data = {};
AM_Raid_Progress_Types = {};
AM_BG_Types = {};
--local AMC = {};
--local AMF = {};
local AM_Update_Timer_S = 0;
local AM_Update_Timer_P = 0;
local AM_Main_Update_Timer = 0;
local AM_Main_Update_BGTests = 0;
local AM_DEFAULT_ALPHA = 0.8;
local AM_DEFAULT_SCALE = 0.8;
local AM_DEFAULT_MINIMAP_ANGLE = 268; -- just a slight adjustment from 274 to get it out from under the Blizzard Tracking button
local AM_ROTATIONAL_ADJUSTMENT = math.pi * 0.75;
local AM_ROTATIONAL_ADJUSTMENT2 = math.pi * 0.25;
local AM_DEFAULT_COLOUR = { r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 1.0 };
local AM_SCALE_MIN = 0.65;
local AM_SCALE_MAX = 1.2;
-- Local Varibales
local AM_FLASH_TIMER = 0.3;
local MOFFSET_X = 0.0022;
local MOFFSET_Y = 0.0;
local AM_DefaultSliderX = 24;
local AM_DefaultSliderY = 450;
local AM_DefaultCoordsX = 60; -- Inset by 45 more as anchoring from center of a 90 width frame
local AM_DefaultCoordsY = 532;
local AM_ZoomScalingFactor = 1.0;
local amPlayer;
local AM_AutoClosed = nil;
local amPlayersModel = nil;
local amAlphaMapMap = nil;
local amSelectedMap = nil;
local iNote = 0;
local rScale = 1;
local amNotePage = 1;
local amNotesPerPage = 32;
local lastTab = nil;
local amContType = AM_TYP_WM;
local amMapType = AM_TYP_WM;
local sortedMapList = {};
local sortedMapListType = AM_TYP_WM;
local amAnchorPoint = AM_ANCHOR_POINT;
local amUnitScale;
local amInstanceIndex = {};
local amBGIndex;
local amRaidIndex;
local am_MaxGNotes = 500;
local amBGPOIs = {};
local prvMapFileName = nil;
local amMapNeedsRefresh = nil;
local amRcMenus = { POI = false, Flag = false, Highlight = false, NuN = false };
local amACarrier = nil;
local amHCarrier = nil;
local pFaction, basesRequired;
local amH = {};
local hTimer = 0;
local lastLootId = nil;
local amPrevAlphaMap = nil;
local amPrevBases = nil;
local AM_WorldMapSelected = nil;
local AM_ManualMapChange = nil;
local amUnitsRefresh = nil;
local inTheMiddleofNoWhere = nil;
local bringMeBack = nil;
local currentArea = nil;
local updatingPaused = nil;
local pauseToggled = nil;
local amForceUpdate = nil;
local justEnteredWorld = nil;
local amBGToggled = nil;
local lastEnteredZone = nil;
local AlphaMapDetailFrame_Backdrop = nil;
local amWorldMapOpenStatus = false;
local AM_HotSpotToggled = false;
local AM_ValidMaps = {};
local AM_ValidIndex = {};
local AM_ChangingOriWorldMap = false;
local AM_SkipWorldMapRepos = nil;
local amBGRaidState = "BG";
local amHiddenByHotSpot = nil;
local selectedCont = nil;
local selectedZone = 999;
local selectedMap = nil;
local amLoaded = nil;
local AlphaMap_IsUpdating = nil;
local AM_BossTargetted = nil;
local AM_OverlayIndex = {};
local globalMute = nil;
local AM_conts = {};
local AM_nconts = 0;
local AM_zones = {};
local AM_numOverlays = 0;
local macroMaps = { World = true,
Kalimdor = true,
Azeroth = true,
Expansion01 = true,
Expansion02 = true,
local AM_SuppressBoxRefresh = true;
local AM_Realm = nil;
local AM_Name = nil;
local applyAMMapChanges = true;
--Saved Variables
AlphaMapConfig = {};
AlphaMapConfigurations = {};
AlphaMapRecent = {};
AlphaMapRaidProgress = {};
AlphaMapVersion = {};
-- Hooked Functions
--local amOri_Gatherer_ChangeMap;
local amOri_NuNGNote_WriteNote;
local amOri_NuNGNote_Delete;
local amOri_AcceptBattlefieldPort;
local amOri_eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;
-- Version Update Warning
StaticPopupDialogs["AM_UPDATE_WARNER"] = {
text = TEXT(OKAY),
button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
showAlert = 1,
timeout = 0,
OnShow = function()
local txt = AM_UPDATE_WARNING;
OnAccept = function()
-- Local Functions --
local AML = {};
function AML.AM_Strip(longName)
local _, _, shortName = string.find(longName, ".*\\(%a+%_*%a*%s*%a*)$");
if ( shortName ) then
return shortName;
return longName;
function AML.AM_GetMapIndex(mapName)
for index, mapData in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
if ( mapData.displayname == mapName ) then
return index;
return nil;
function AML.AM_GetTypeIndex(typ)
for i, typeData in pairs(AM_ValidIndex) do
if ( typeData.displayname == typ ) then
return i+AM_nconts, typeData.type, i;
return nil;
function AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(mapData, pX, pY)
if ( ( mapData ) and ( type(mapData) == "string" ) ) then
for i=1, getn(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST), 1 do
if ( ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].area ) and ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].area == mapData ) and ( pX ) and ( pY ) ) then
if ( ( pX > AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].wmData.minX ) and
( pX < AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].wmData.maxX ) and
( pY > AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].wmData.minY ) and
( pY < AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].wmData.maxY ) ) then
return AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i], i, AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].filename;
elseif ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].filename == mapData ) then
if ( AM_ValidMaps[mapData] ) then
return AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i], i, mapData;
elseif ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].name == mapData ) then
local map = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i].filename;
if ( AM_ValidMaps[map] ) then
return AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[i], i, map;
elseif ( ( mapData ) and ( type(mapData) == "number" ) ) then
if ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[mapData] ) then
local map = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[mapData].filename;
if ( AM_ValidMaps[map] ) then
return AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[mapData].Display, AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[mapData].type;
return nil;
function AML.AlphaMap_Print(msg, r, g, b, frame, id)
if ( Print ) then
Print(msg, r, g, b, frame, id);
if (not r) then r = 1.0; end
if (not g) then g = 1.0; end
if (not b) then b = 0.0; end
if ( frame ) then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg, r, g, b,id);
function AML.MN_HideRemaining(n)
MapNotePOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapNotesPOI"..n );
while ( MapNotePOI ) do
n = n + 1;
MapNotePOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapNotesPOI"..n );
function AML.AM_SortMapList(ele1, ele2)
if ( ele1.displayname < ele2.displayname ) then
return true;
return nil;
function AML.AM_LoadSortedMapList(mType)
sortedMapList = {};
sortedMapListType = mType;
local sortedMapListIndex = 0;
for index, value in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
local map = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].filename;
local typ = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].type;
if ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].continent ) then
typ = typ .. ": " .. AM_conts[ AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].continent ];
if ( ( AM_ValidMaps[map] ) and ( typ == mType ) ) then
sortedMapListIndex = sortedMapListIndex + 1;
sortedMapList[sortedMapListIndex] = { name = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].name,
displayname = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].displayname,
filename = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].filename,
levels = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].levels,
players = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].players
table.sort(sortedMapList, AML.AM_SortMapList);
function AML.AM_GetTabID(tab, ent)
for i=1, getn(tab), 1 do
if ( tab[i] == ent ) then
return i;
return nil;
function AML.AM_EnableEscapeMode()
local entry = AML.AM_GetTabID(UISpecialFrames, "AlphaMapFrame");
if ( not entry ) then
table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "AlphaMapFrame");
function AML.AM_DisableEscapeMode()
local entry = AML.AM_GetTabID(UISpecialFrames, "AlphaMapFrame");
if ( entry ) then
table.remove(UISpecialFrames, entry);
function AML.AM_BuildMap(mapData, mFrame)
local xi = 1;
local bT = mFrame:GetName().."_T";
local mZoom = amAlphaMapMap.minimapZoom;
local xOffset = 0;
local yOffset = 0;
if ( amAlphaMapMap.minimapXOffset ) then
xOffset = amAlphaMapMap.minimapXOffset;
if ( amAlphaMapMap.minimapYOffset ) then
yOffset = amAlphaMapMap.minimapYOffset;
if ( not mZoom ) then
mZoom = 1;
while ( mapData[xi] ) do
local yi = 1;
while ( mapData[xi][yi] ) do
local mapTexture = getglobal(bT..(xi)..(yi));
if ( not mapTexture ) then
mFrame:CreateTexture( bT..(xi)..(yi), "ARTWORK" );
mapTexture = getglobal(bT..(xi)..(yi));
local anchorPoint, anchorTo;
if ( ( xi == 1 ) and ( yi == 1 ) ) then
anchorPoint = "TOPLEFT";
anchorTo = mFrame;
elseif ( yi == 1 ) then
anchorPoint = "TOPRIGHT";
anchorTo = getglobal(bT..(xi-1)..(yi));
anchorPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT";
anchorTo = getglobal(bT..(xi)..(yi-1));
local tWidth = mapData[xi][yi].width * ( mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[2] - mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[1] ) * mZoom;
local tHeight = mapData[xi][yi].height * ( mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[4] - mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[3] ) * mZoom;
mapTexture:SetTexture( "textures\\Minimap\\"..mapData[xi][yi].filename );
mapTexture:SetTexCoord(mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[1], mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[2], mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[3], mapData[xi][yi].texcoordinates[4]);
mapTexture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", anchorTo, anchorPoint, xOffset, yOffset);
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = 0;
yi = yi + 1;
xi = xi + 1;
-- Defined as given as a DropDown button func
function AML.AM_HidePopup()
function AML.AM_OpenNuNNote(note)
NuN_CmdLine("-g", note);
function AML.AM_GetCommandID(tab, txt)
for i = 1, getn(tab), 1 do -- #tab
if ( tab[i].Command == txt ) then return i; end
return nil;
function AML.AM_SendNuNNote(modeNote)
local _, _, mode, note = string.find(modeNote, "(%a+):(.*)");
local bttn;
local tmpThis = this;
if ( NuNFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( NuNGNoteFrame:IsVisible() ) then
NuNGNoteFrame.fromQuest = nil;
UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(NuNChatDropDown, NuNChatDropDown_Initialise);
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(NuNChatDropDown, 110);
local groupState;
if ( GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 ) then
groupState = "Raid";
elseif ( GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 ) then
groupState = "Party";
groupState = "BG";
if ( GetCurrentMapContinent == -1 ) then
groupState = amBGRaidState;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSentTo == "Default" ) and ( groupState == "BG" ) ) then
elseif ( ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == "Default" ) and ( groupState == "Raid" ) ) then
elseif ( ( ( groupState == "Party" ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo ~= "Guild" ) ) or
( ( groupState == "Raid" ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == "Party" ) ) ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == "Guild" ) then
bttn = AML.AM_GetCommandID(NUN_TRANSMITTO, "SAY");
mode = "Manual";
this = getglobal("DropDownList1Button"..bttn);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted ) then
if ( mode == "Auto" ) then
this = tmpThis;
function AML.AM_HighlightNote(id)
local index = tostring(id);
if ( not amH[index] ) then
amH[index] = "Fixed";
elseif ( amH[index] == "Fixed" ) then
amH[index] = nil;
amH[index] = "Fixed";
function AML.AM_Highlight(parm1)
if ( type(parm1) == "string" ) then
local key = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapButton"..parm1);
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i);
if ( ( note.control ) and ( note.control == key ) ) then
elseif ( type(parm1) == "number" ) then
elseif ( ( type(parm1) == "table" ) and ( parm1.controlled ) ) then
for i, value in pairs(parm1.controlled) do
AML.AM_HighlightNote( value );
function AML.AM_ClearHighlights()
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
local amIndex = tostring(i);
if ( amH[amIndex] ) then
amH[amIndex] = nil;
function AML.AM_GetFlagCarrier(arg1)
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( string.find(amAlphaMapMap.filename, "WarsongGulch") ) ) then
if ( string.find(arg1, AM_PICKED.word) ) then
local sStart = 1;
local sEnd = string.find(arg1, " ") - 1;
if ( AM_PICKED.posWord ) then
sStart = string.find(arg1, AM_PICKED.posWord) + string.len(AM_PICKED.posWord);
sEnd = string.len(arg1) - AM_PICKED.extraChars;
local player = string.sub(arg1, sStart, sEnd);
if ( string.find(arg1, AM_HORDE) ) then
amHCarrier = player;
local amIndex = tostring(AMFlags.hNote);
if ( ( not amH[amIndex] ) or ( amH[amIndex] == "Temp" ) ) then
amH[amIndex] = "Fixed";
amACarrier = player;
local amIndex = tostring(AMFlags.aNote);
if ( ( not amH[amIndex] ) or ( amH[amIndex] == "Temp" ) ) then
amH[amIndex] = "Fixed";
local amIndex;
if ( string.find(arg1, AM_HORDE) ) then
amHCarrier = nil;
AMHText:SetText(" ");
amIndex = tostring(AMFlags.hNote);
if ( amH[amIndex] ) then
amH[amIndex] = nil;
amACarrier = nil;
AMAText:SetText(" ");
amIndex = tostring(AMFlags.aNote);
if ( amH[amIndex] ) then
amH[amIndex] = nil;
local h = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..amIndex.."Highlight");
if ( h ) then
function AML.AM_CalcRequiredBases(faction1, faction2)
faction1 = 2000 - faction1;
faction2 = 2000 - faction2;
if ( faction2 == 0 ) then
return 5;
local scoreRatio = faction1 / faction2;
if ( scoreRatio < 0.25 ) then
return 1;
elseif ( ( scoreRatio > 0.25 ) and ( scoreRatio < 0.66 ) ) then
return 2;
elseif ( ( scoreRatio > 0.67 ) and ( scoreRatio < 1.5 ) ) then
return 3
elseif ( ( scoreRatio > 1.5 ) and ( scoreRatio < 4 ) ) then
return 4;
elseif ( scoreRatio > 4 ) then
return 5;
return nil; -- too close to call, so don't change stance
function AML.AM_GetABScores()
if ( string.find(amAlphaMapMap.filename, "ArathiBasin") ) then
local AlliScore, HordeScore = 0, 0;
local _, _, AlliText = GetWorldStateUIInfo(1);
local _, _, HordeText = GetWorldStateUIInfo(2);
if ( ( AlliText ) and ( HordeText ) ) then
local first = string.find(AlliText, ":");
if ( first ) then
first = string.find(AlliText, ":", first+1);
local sep = string.find(AlliText, "/");
if ( sep ) then
AlliScore = string.sub(AlliText, first+2, sep-1);
first = string.find(HordeText, ":");
first = string.find(HordeText, ":", first+1);
sep = string.find(HordeText, "/");
HordeScore = tonumber( string.sub(HordeText, first+2, sep-1) );
local pFaction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if ( ( AlliScore ) and ( HordeScore ) ) then
if ( pFaction == "Horde" ) then
return string.sub(pFaction, 1, 1), AML.AM_CalcRequiredBases(HordeScore, AlliScore);
return string.sub(pFaction, 1, 1), AML.AM_CalcRequiredBases(AlliScore, HordeScore);
return nil;
function AML.AM_NotifyBasesRequiredChange(numBases)
local basesText, basesOnly, basesShock;
local textColour;
local rtrnText;
if ( numBases == 1 ) then
basesText = AM_BG_BASE;
basesOnly = AM_BG_ONLY;
basesShock = "!";
textColour = { r=0.0, g=1.0, b=0.0 }; -- green :)
elseif ( numBases < 3 ) then
basesText = AM_BG_BASES
basesOnly = AM_BG_ONLY;
basesShock = "";
textColour = { r=0.0, g=1.0, b=0.0 }; -- green :)
elseif ( numBases > 3 ) then
basesText = AM_BG_BASES
basesOnly = "";
basesShock = "";
textColour = { r=1.0, g=0.0, b=0.0 }; -- red :'(
elseif ( numBases == 5 ) then
basesText = AM_BG_BASES
basesOnly = AM_BG_ALL;
basesShock = "!";
textColour = { r=1.0, g=0.0, b=0.0 }; -- red :'(
basesText = AM_BG_BASES
basesOnly = "";
basesShock = "";
textColour = { r=0.9, g=0.8, b=0.0 }; -- yellow/gold
local msgText = format(AM_BG_REQUIRED, basesOnly, numBases, basesText, basesShock);
rtrnText = msgText;
if ( numBases > 4 ) then
basesText = string.upper(msgText);
if ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) ) then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msgText, textColour.r, textColour.g, textColour.b);
if ( ( IsAddOnLoaded("SCT") ) and ( SCT.CmdDisplay ) ) then
local r, g, b = (textColour.r * 10), (textColour.g * 10), (textColour.b * 10);
msgText = "'" .. msgText .. "' " .. r .. " " .. g .. " " .. b;
return rtrnText;
function AML.AM_FetchBGPOIs()
local numPOIs = GetNumMapLandmarks();
local name, description, textureIndex, x, y;
local x1, x2, y1, y2;
local POI = AM_CreateAlphaMapAlphaMapNote(1);
local alphaMapIconDimension = AlphaMapAlphaMapNote1POI:GetWidth();
local i = 0;
while ( true ) do
i = i + 1;
name, description, textureIndex, x, y = GetMapLandmarkInfo( i );
if ( name ) then
if ( not amBGPOIs[name] ) then
amBGPOIs[name] = {};
local x1, x2, y1, y2 = WorldMap_GetPOITextureCoords(textureIndex);
if ( x1 > 0 ) then
x1 = string.sub( (tostring(x1)), 1, 5 );
if ( x2 > 0 ) then
x2 = string.sub( (tostring(x2)), 1, 5 );
if ( y1 > 0 ) then
y1 = string.sub( (tostring(y1)), 1, 5 );
if ( y2 > 0 ) then
y2 = string.sub( (tostring(y2)), 1, 5 );
local key = x1.." : "..x2.." : "..y1.." : "..y2;
amBGPOIs[name].x1, amBGPOIs[name].x2, amBGPOIs[name].y1, amBGPOIs[name].y2 = x1, x2, y1, y2;
amBGPOIs[name].key = key;
function AML.AM_SetupPOIs(amPrfx, amPstfx, amFrame)
local numPOIs = GetNumMapLandmarks();
local name, description, textureIndex, x, y;
local i, x1, x2, y1, y2 = 1;
local alphaMapPOI = AM_CreateAlphaMapPOI(i);
-- Iterate through each of the Points of interest
while ( alphaMapPOI ) do
-- Get the current point of interest
alphaMapPOITexture = getglobal( alphaMapPOI:GetName()..amPstfx );
-- Check if the current POI is a valid POI
if ( i <= numPOIs ) then
name, description, textureIndex, x, y, mapLinkID = GetMapLandmarkInfo( i );
x1, x2, y1, y2 = WorldMap_GetPOITextureCoords(textureIndex);
-- Set the texture coordinates
getglobal( alphaMapPOI:GetName()..amPstfx ):SetTexCoord( x1, x2, y1, y2 );
x = x * amFrame:GetWidth();
y = -y * amFrame:GetHeight();
alphaMapPOI:SetPoint( "CENTER", amFrame, "TOPLEFT", x, y ); = name;
alphaMapPOI.description = description;
alphaMapPOI.mapLinkID = mapLinkID;
i = i + 1;
alphaMapPOI = AM_CreateAlphaMapPOI(i);
i = i + 1;
alphaMapPOI = getglobal("AlphaMapPOI"..i);
-- v3.00 should convert to recursive function
function AML.AM_CopySettings(sttngsF, sttngsT)
if ( ( sttngsF ) and ( type(sttngsF) == "table" ) and ( sttngsT ) and ( type(sttngsT) == "table" ) ) then
for v1, vs1 in pairs(sttngsF) do
if ( type(sttngsF[v1]) == "table" ) then
if ( not sttngsT[v1] ) then
sttngsT[v1] = {};
for v2, vs2 in pairs(sttngsF[v1]) do
sttngsT[v1][v2] = sttngsF[v1][v2];
sttngsT[v1] = sttngsF[v1];
-- v3.00 should convert to recursive function
function AML.AM_CheckSettings(sttngsF, sttngsT)
if ( ( sttngsF ) and ( type(sttngsF) == "table" ) and ( sttngsT ) and ( type(sttngsT) == "table" ) ) then
for value1, values1 in pairs(sttngsF) do
if ( type(sttngsF[value1]) == "table" ) then
if ( not sttngsT[value1] ) then
sttngsT[value1] = {};
for value2, values2 in pairs(sttngsF[value1]) do
if ( sttngsT[value1][value2] == nil ) then
sttngsT[value1][value2] = sttngsF[value1][value2];
if ( sttngsT[value1] == nil ) then
sttngsT[value1] = sttngsF[value1];
function AML.AM_InitialiseConfigurations()
local tmp = {};
tmp.Alpha = AlphaMapConfig.alpha;
tmp.InBG = AlphaMapConfig.amInBG;
tmp.Auto = AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch;
tmp.Open = AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen;
AlphaMapConfig.alpha = 1.0;
AlphaMapConfig.amInBG = true;
AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch = true;
AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen = true;
for map, maps in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
local key = AML.AM_Strip(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[map].filename);
if ( not AlphaMapConfigurations[ key ] ) then
AlphaMapConfigurations[ key ] = {};
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations[ key ]);
AML.AM_CheckSettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations[ key ]);
AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen = tmp.Open;
AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch = tmp.Auto;
AlphaMapConfig.amInBG = tmp.InBG;
AlphaMapConfig.alpha = tmp.Alpha;
function AML.AM_UpdateNoteBgColour(i)
local bg = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i.."Background");
if ( bg ) then
bg:SetVertexColor(AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.b);
function AML.AM_UpdateColours(txture, red, green, blue, opacity, allNotes)
if ( txture == "Map" ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r = red;
AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g = green;
AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b = blue;
AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a = opacity;
AlphaMapAlphaMapBgTexture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue);
elseif ( txture == "Notes" ) then
local upTo = 90;
if ( not allNotes ) then
upTo = iNote;
AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.r = red;
AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.g = green;
AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.b = blue;
AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.a = opacity;
for i=1, upTo, 1 do
elseif ( txture == "Text" ) then
AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.r = red;
AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.g = green;
AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.b = blue;
AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.a = opacity;
AlphaMapAlphaMapTitleTexture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue);
AlphaMapAlphaMapDetailsTexture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue);
AlphaMapAlphaMapPreReqTexture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue);
function AML.AM_AcceptColour()
local red, green, blue = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB();
local opacity = OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue();
AML.AM_UpdateColours(ColorPickerFrame.amTexture, red, green, blue, opacity);
function AML.AM_CancelColourPicker(prevColors)
local red, green, blue = unpack(prevColors);
local opacity = ColorPickerFrame.amAlpha;
AML.AM_UpdateColours(ColorPickerFrame.amTexture, red, green, blue, opacity);
ColorPickerFrame.amTexture = nil;
ColorPickerFrame.amAlpha = nil;
function AML.AM_SetUpColourPicker(colour, txture)
ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = true;
ColorPickerFrame.amTexture = txture;
ColorPickerFrame.amAlpha = colour.a;
ColorPickerFrame.func = AML.AM_AcceptColour;
ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = AML.AM_AcceptColour;
ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = AML.AM_CancelColourPicker;
ColorPickerFrame.previousValues = {colour.r, colour.g, colour.b};
ColorPickerFrame.opacity = colour.a;
ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(colour.r, colour.g, colour.b);
function AML.AM_SetLock()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked ) then
AM_MapSelector.locked = true;
AM_MapSelector.locked = false;
function AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(pX, pY)
local wmData = amAlphaMapMap.wmData;
local amData = amAlphaMapMap.amData;
local negX, negY = nil, nil;
local wmDimension, wmOffset, relativeOffset, amDimension, amOffset;
if ( pX < 0 ) then
negX = true;
pX = -(pX);
if ( pY < 0 ) then
negY = true;
pY = -(pY);
if ( pX < wmData.minX ) then
pX = amData.minX;
elseif ( pX > wmData.maxX ) then
pX = amData.maxX;
wmDimension = wmData.maxX - wmData.minX;
wmOffset = pX - wmData.minX;
relativeOffset = wmOffset/wmDimension;
amDimension = amData.maxX - amData.minX;
amOffset = amDimension * relativeOffset;
pX = amData.minX + amOffset;
if ( pY < wmData.minY ) then
pY = amData.minY;
elseif ( pY > wmData.maxY ) then
pY = amData.maxY;
local wmDimension = wmData.maxY - wmData.minY;
local wmOffset = pY - wmData.minY;
local relativeOffset = wmOffset/wmDimension;
local amDimension = amData.maxY - amData.minY;
local amOffset = amDimension * relativeOffset;
pY = amData.minY + amOffset;
if ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) then
local zData = amAlphaMapMap.zoomed;
if ( pX < zData.minX ) then
pX = 0;
elseif ( pX > zData.maxX ) then
pX = 1;
if ( pX == zData.minX ) then
pX = pX + 0.0001;
elseif ( pX == zData.maxX ) then
pX = pX - 0.0001;
pX = (pX - zData.minX) * 2;
if ( pY < zData.minY ) then
pY = 0;
elseif ( pY > zData.maxY ) then
pY = 1;
if ( pY == zData.minY ) then
pY = pY + 0.0001;
elseif ( pY == zData.maxY ) then
pY = pY - 0.0001;
pY = (pY - zData.minY) * 2;
if ( negX ) then
pX = -(pX);
if ( negY ) then
pY = -(pY);
return pX, pY;
function AML.AM_ClearNotes()
if ( ( MetaMapNotes_Data ) or ( MapNotes_Data_Notes ) ) then
local i = 1;
local MapNotePOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapNotesPOI"..i );
while ( MapNotePOI ) do
i = i + 1;
MapNotePOI = getglobal("AlphaMapNotesPOI"..i);
local i = 1;
local CTMapNote = getglobal("AMCT_UserMap_Note"..i);
while ( CTMapNote ) do
i = i + 1;
CTMapNote = getglobal("AMCT_UserMap_Note"..i);
for i = 1, FLIGHTMAP_MAX_POIS, 1 do
if ( Gatherer ) then
local i = 1;
local GathererPOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapGathererPOI"..i );
while ( GathererPOI ) do
i = i + 1;
GathererPOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapGathererPOI"..i );
if ( TomTom ) then
local i = 1;
local ttP = getglobal( "AM_TTP"..i );
while ( ttP ) do
i = i + 1;
ttP = getglobal( "AM_TTP"..i );
function AML.AM_SetAlphaMapTypeOptions(typ, displayText)
if ( not typ ) then return; end
-- v3.00 Set the Text of Labels and Buttons based on the type of map
AM_OptionsTypeSaveLabel:SetText( format(AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE_LABEL, typ) );
AM_OptionsTypeLabel:SetText( format(AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL, typ) );
AM_OptionsFrameTypeSetAll:SetText( format(AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE, AM_MANUAL_APPLY, typ) );
AM_OptionsDisplayTypeAffectAllText:SetText( format(AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE, AM_AUTO_APPLY, typ) );
AM_OptionsAutoSwitchText:SetText( format(AM_AUTO_SWITCH, typ) );
AM_OptionsAutoOpenText:SetText( AM_AUTO_OPEN );
-- Show BG Options for Battleground maps specifically
if ( AM_BG_Types[typ] ) then
-- AM_OptionsAutoSwitch:Show();
function AML.AlphaMap_Search(sTxt)
if ( ( sTxt ) and ( type(sTxt) == "string" ) and ( sTxt ~= "" ) ) then
local foundArray, foundI = {}, 0;
local dtlI, dtlN;
local cat, subCat;
local visibleNote;
sTxt = string.lower(sTxt);
for index, map in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
dtlI = 1;
dtlN = "dtl"..dtlI;
cat = map.type;
if ( map.continent ) then
cat = cat .. " :" .. AM_conts[map.continent];
subCat = map.displayname;
while ( map[dtlN] ) do
local cTxt = map[dtlN].text;
if ( map[dtlN].tooltiptxt ) then cTxt = cTxt .. " " .. map[dtlN].tooltiptxt; end
if ( map[dtlN].special ) then cTxt = cTxt .. " " .. map[dtlN].special; end
cTxt = string.lower( cTxt );
if ( string.find(cTxt, sTxt) ) then
cTxt = string.gsub(cTxt, "\n", " ");
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.displayname == subCat ) ) then
amNotePage = tonumber(string.format("%d", (dtlI / amNotesPerPage) + 1));
local normalisedDtlI = mod(dtlI, amNotesPerPage);
visibleNote = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapButtonDtl"..normalisedDtlI);
if ( visibleNote ) then
if ( not foundArray[cat] ) then
foundArray[cat] = {};
foundArray[cat].counter = 1;
foundArray[cat][subCat] = {};
foundArray[cat][subCat].counter = 1;
foundArray[cat][subCat][cTxt] = map[dtlN].symbol[1];
elseif ( not foundArray[cat][subCat] ) then
foundArray[cat].counter = foundArray[cat].counter + 1;
foundArray[cat][subCat] = {};
foundArray[cat][subCat].counter = 1;
foundArray[cat][subCat][cTxt] = map[dtlN].symbol[1];
foundArray[cat].counter = foundArray[cat].counter + 1;
foundArray[cat][subCat].counter = foundArray[cat][subCat].counter + 1;
foundArray[cat][subCat][cTxt] = map[dtlN].symbol[1];
dtlI = dtlI + 1;
dtlN = "dtl"..dtlI;
local counter = 0;
for cat, catList in pairs(foundArray) do
AML.AlphaMap_Print(" ");
AML.AlphaMap_Print("-s |cffff0000".. sTxt .."|r");
AML.AlphaMap_Print(" ");
AML.AlphaMap_Print(cat .. " : " .. "( "..catList.counter.." )");
subCatCounter = 0;
for subCat, subCatList in pairs(catList) do
if ( subCat ~= "counter" ) then
AML.AlphaMap_Print(" ");
AML.AlphaMap_Print(subCat.. " : " .. "( "..subCatList.counter.." )");
for key, symbol in pairs(subCatList) do
if ( key ~= "counter" ) then
AML.AlphaMap_Print("\""..symbol.."\"" .. " " .. key);
counter = counter + 1;
AML.AlphaMap_Print(" ");
AML.AlphaMap_Print(" ");
AML.AlphaMap_Print("( "..counter.." )");
AML.AlphaMap_Print(" ");
function AML.AM_GetOverlays(mapFileName)
local numOverlays = 0;
if ( not mapFileName ) then mapFileName = GetMapInfo(); end
if ( ( Mozz_GetNumMapOverlays ) and ( mapFileName ) ) then
if ( ( MozzFullWorldMap.Enabled ) and ( Mozz_GetMainTable ) ) then
local zoneTable = Mozz_GetMainTable(mapFileName);
numOverlays = getn(zoneTable);
if ( numOverlays == 0 ) then
numOverlays = Mozz_GetNumMapOverlays();
numOverlays = GetNumMapOverlays();
return numOverlays;
-- Called when AlphaMap is loaded
function AlphaMapFrame_OnLoad()
SlashCmdList["ALPHAMAPSLASH"] = AlphaMap_Main_ChatCommandHandler;
this:RegisterEvent( "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" );
this:RegisterEvent( "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" );
this:RegisterEvent( "VARIABLES_LOADED" );
this:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" );
this:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" );
this:RegisterEvent( "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE" );
this:RegisterEvent( "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE" );
this:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" );
this:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" );
this:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" );
this:RegisterEvent( "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" );
this:RegisterEvent( "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" );
amOri_NuNGNote_WriteNote = NuNGNote_WriteNote;
NuNGNote_WriteNote = amNew_NuNGNote_WriteNote;
amOri_NuNGNote_Delete = NuNGNote_Delete;
NuNGNote_Delete = amNew_NuNGNote_Delete;
hooksecurefunc("ToggleFrame", AM_ToggleWorldMap);
amOri_AcceptBattlefieldPort = AcceptBattlefieldPort;
AcceptBattlefieldPort = amNew_AcceptBattlefieldPort;
amOri_eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee = eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee = amNew_eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;
{ text=AM_MISC,
-- Gatherer Performance Support
if ( type(WorldMapDisplayFrames) ~= "table" ) then
WorldMapDisplayFrames = { WorldMapFrame, AlphaMapFrame };
table.insert(WorldMapDisplayFrames, AlphaMapFrame);
function AML.RefreshZoneDropDown(c, z)
z = z or 999;
if ( AM_conts[c] ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, c);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapContinentDropDown, AM_conts[c] );
if ( ( AM_zones[c] ) and ( AM_zones[c][z] ) ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, z);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown, AM_zones[c][z] );
gMapMenus = {};
-- Called whenever AlphaMap is sent an event notification
function AlphaMapFrame_OnEvent()
if ( event == "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" ) then
if ( MetaMap_OptionsButton ) then
MetaMap_OptionsButton:SetFrameLevel( MetaMapTopFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
-- This code suppresses AlphaMap processing of WorldMapUpdates that occur between PlayerLeavingWorld and
-- PlayerEnteringWorld Events. It was necessary to stop incorrect maps being displayed when moving between
-- Instances and Instance Exteriors e.g. Gnomeregan and Gnomeregan Exterior
if ( inTheMiddleofNoWhere ) then
bringMeBack = 1;
-- Make sure that there is a prompt update to the on map players/notes/icons
local inBG = nil;
local newMapFileName = GetMapInfo();
if ( ( newMapFileName ) and ( GetCurrentMapContinent() == -1 ) ) then
inBG = true;
-- Suppress DropDown box refresh unless we have actually changed World Maps
if ( ( inBG ) or ( newMapFileName ~= prvMapFileName ) ) then
if ( not inBG ) then
prvMapFileName = newMapFileName;
if ( not AM_WorldMapSelected ) then
currentArea = newMapFileName;
-- Battlegrounds processing
if ( inBG ) then
-- Suppress map refreshes while the Options frame is open in BG, but flag we need one when Options close
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AML.AM_SetupPOIs("AlphaMapPOI", "Texture", AlphaMapUnits);
amMapNeedsRefresh = true;
-- AB point calculations can be here if needed (I think)
if ( ( updatingPaused ) and ( not AM_WorldMapSelected ) and ( not amForceUpdate ) ) then
if ( ( inBG ) and ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
elseif ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
AML.AM_SetupPOIs("AlphaMapPOI", "Texture", AlphaMapUnits);
elseif ( AlphaMapFrame.isMoving ) then
if ( ( inBG ) and ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
elseif ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
AML.AM_SetupPOIs("AlphaMapPOI", "Texture", AlphaMapUnits);
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" ) then
inTheMiddleofNoWhere = true;
amPrevBases = nil;
elseif ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" ) then
justEnteredWorld = true;
AM_Main_Update_BGTests = 0;
AM_Main_Update_Timer = 0;
inTheMiddleofNoWhere = nil;
if ( ( bringMeBack ) or ( updatingPaused ) ) then
bringMeBack = nil;
if ( ( not IsInInstance() ) and ( GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 ) ) then
elseif( event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" ) then --***
if ( ( UnitOnTaxi("player") ) and ( updatingPaused ) ) then
amForceUpdate = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
elseif ( event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" and AlphaMapConfig.combat == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AM_AutoClosed = "true";
elseif ( ( event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.reopen == true ) and ( AM_AutoClosed == "true" ) ) then
AM_AutoClosed = nil;
elseif ( ( event == "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE" ) or ( event == "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE" ) ) then
elseif ( event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" ) then
elseif ( event == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH" ) then
elseif ( event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" ) then
if ( ( arg1 == "AM_FU" ) and ( arg4 ~= AM_Name ) ) then
elseif ( event == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" ) then
if ( GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 ) then
elseif( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
if ( ( MetaMap_OptionsButton ) or ( Cartographer ) ) then
applyAMMapChanges = nil;
AM_OptionsFrame.AlphaMapConfig = {};
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab1.controlledFrame = AM_OptionsFrameGeneral;
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab2.controlledFrame = AM_OptionsFrameDungeon;
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab3.controlledFrame = AM_OptionsFrameBG;
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab4.controlledFrame = AM_OptionsFrameMaps;
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab5.controlledFrame = AM_OptionsFrameMisc;
AM_ANCHOR_FREE = AM_OptionsDDFreeIt:GetID();
if ( AlphaMapConfigurations.wm ) then
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfigurations.wm, AlphaMapConfig)
if( AlphaMapConfig.enabled == nil) then
AlphaMapConfig.enabled = true;
if( AlphaMapConfig.alpha == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.alpha = AM_DEFAULT_ALPHA;
AlphaMapSliderFrame:SetValue( 1 - AlphaMapConfig.alpha );
if( AlphaMapConfig.scale == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.scale = AM_DEFAULT_SCALE;
if( AlphaMapConfig.combat == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.combat = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.reopen == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = false;
if( AlphaMapConfig.ptips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ptips = true;
if( AlphaMapConfig.gtips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gtips = true;
if( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mntips = true;
if( AlphaMapConfig.mngtips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mngtips = false;
if( AlphaMapConfig.wmclose == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmclose = false;
if( AlphaMapConfig.gatherer == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gatherer = true;
if( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes = true;
if( == nil ) then = true;
if( AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock ) then
if( AlphaMapConfig.slider == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.slider = false;
if( AlphaMapConfig.slider == false ) then
HideUIPanel( AlphaMapSliderFrame );
SetAlphaMapOpacity( AlphaMapConfig.alpha );
if (AlphaMapConfig.enabled == false) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.angle == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.angle = AM_DEFAULT_MINIMAP_ANGLE;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.radius == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.radius = AM_DEFAULT_MINIMAP_RADIUS;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.minimap == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.minimap = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.legacy == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.legacy = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKey == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmKey = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips = true;
amPlayer = UnitName("player");
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom = 5;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDPoint, AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(AlphaMapDDPoint, amAnchorPoint[AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom].Display);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo = 1;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, amAnchorPoint[AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo].Display);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddP = AM_ANCHOR_DEFAULT;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_FREE ) then
-- AlphaMapPlaceDDs();
AM_MapSelector.locked = nil;
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_ALPHAMAP ) then
AM_MapSelector:SetParent( AlphaMapFrame );
AM_MapSelector.locked = true;
AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked = true;
AM_MapSelector.locked = true;
AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked = true;
-- AlphaMapPlaceDDs();
if ( AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour = AM_DEFAULT_COLOUR;
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Notes", AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour.a, true);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour = AM_DEFAULT_COLOUR;
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Map", AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour = AM_DEFAULT_COLOUR;
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Text", AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.a );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.amInBG == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amInBG = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.amClearView == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amClearView = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.posX == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.posX = 512;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.posX == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.posY = 383;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType = "Default";
if ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo = "Default";
if ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmMode = AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.Escape == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.Escape = false;
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.Escape == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.Mouse == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.Mouse = true;
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX ) then
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX = AM_DefaultSliderX;
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY ) then
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY = AM_DefaultSliderY;
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocX ) then
AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocX = AM_DefaultCoordsX;
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocY ) then
AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocY = AM_DefaultCoordsY;
AM_AM_LOOT_POINT = { "TOPLEFT", AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 };
AM_UI_LOOT_POINT = { "CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0 };
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mute == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mute = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.coords == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.coords = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.gmap == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gmap = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hTips == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hTips = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor = AM_DEFAULT_NOTESCALE;
if ( not AlphaMapConfigurations.wm ) then
AlphaMapConfigurations.wm = {};
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations.wm);
AlphaMapConfigurations.wm.amInBG = false;
if ( not ) then = {};
end = false;
-- Convert old data to v3.00 settings
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.dmAll ~= nil ) and ( AM_TYP_INSTANCE ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_INSTANCE] = AlphaMapConfig.dmAll;
AlphaMapConfig.dmAll = nil;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.bgAll ~= nil ) and ( AM_TYP_BG ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_BG] = AlphaMapConfig.bgAll;
AlphaMapConfig.bgAll = nil;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.raidAll ~= nil ) then
local tmpVal = AlphaMapConfig.raidAll;
if ( AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES ) then AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES] = tmpVal; AlphaMapConfig.raidAll = nil; end
if ( AM_TYP_EXTERIORS ) then AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_EXTERIORS] = tmpVal; AlphaMapConfig.raidAll = nil; end
if ( ( AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES ) and ( AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES] == nil ) ) then
if ( ( AM_TYP_EXTERIORS ) and ( AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_EXTERIORS] ~= nil ) ) then
elseif ( ( AM_TYP_EXTERIORS ) and ( AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_EXTERIORS] == nil ) ) then
if ( ( AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES ) and ( AlphaMapConfig[AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES] ~= nil ) ) then
AM_conts = { GetMapContinents() };
local dL;
for i in ipairs(AM_conts) do
gMapMenus[i] = {};
gMapMenus[i][1] = {};
local zones = { GetMapZones(i) };
for z in ipairs(zones) do
gMapMenus[i][1][z] = {};
gMapMenus[i][1][z].text = zones[z];
gMapMenus[i][1][z].func = AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick;
gMapMenus[i][1][z].hasArrow = nil;
gMapMenus[i][1][z].value = nil;
AM_zones[i] = { GetMapZones(i) };
for j, map in ipairs( gMapMenus[i][1] ) do
SetMapZoom(i, j);
dL = GetNumDungeonMapLevels();
if ( dL > 0 ) then
gMapMenus[i][1][j].func = nil; -- %%%
gMapMenus[i][1][j].hasArrow = true;
gMapMenus[i][1][j].value = map.text;
gMapMenus[i][2] = {};
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text] = {};
for k=1, dL do
local mapName = strupper( GetMapInfo() );
mapName = getglobal( "DUNGEON_FLOOR_" .. mapName .. k );
if ( mapName ) then
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k] = {};
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k].text = mapName;
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k].func = AML.AlphaMapZoneLevel_OnClick;
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k].hasArrow = nil;
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k].checked = nil;
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k].arg1 = j;
gMapMenus[i][2][map.text][k].arg2 = mapName;
-- Last opened maps
if ( not AlphaMapRecent ) then
AlphaMapRecent = {};
AM_nconts = getn(AM_conts);
for i=1, AM_nconts, 1 do
if ( not AlphaMapRecent[i] ) then
AlphaMapRecent[i] = 1;
for i, entry in ipairs(AM_ValidIndex) do
if ( not AlphaMapRecent[entry.displayname] ) then
AlphaMapRecent[entry.displayname] = 1;
if ( AlphaMapConfig[entry.typ] == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig[entry.typ] = true;
-- Only carry out the following after ALL basic AlphaMapConfig values have been validated above --
-- Populate / Check Configurations
if ( AlphaMapConfig.gmap == true ) then
if ( AtlasLootItemsFrame ) then
AlphaMapDetailFrame_Backdrop = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetBackdrop();
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
--Cosmos integration
if(EarthFeature_AddButton) then
subtext = "";
tooltip = "";
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap\\Artwork\\MinimapIconUp";
callback = AM_ToggleOptions;
test = nil;
elseif(Cosmos_RegisterButton) then
-- Call AlphaMap_MN_RegisterAsPlugin() :
AM_Realm = GetCVar("realmName");
AM_Name = UnitName("player");
if ( not AlphaMapRaidProgress ) then
AlphaMapRaidProgress = {}; = {}; = {};
if ( not ) then = {};
if ( not ) then = {};
if ( not[AM_Realm] ) then[AM_Realm] = {};
if ( not[AM_Realm] ) then[AM_Realm] = {};
if ( not[AM_Realm][AM_Name] ) then[AM_Realm][AM_Name] = {};
if ( not[AM_Realm][AM_Name] ) then[AM_Realm][AM_Name] = {};
AlphaMapVersion.edition = "Fan's Update";
AlphaMapVersion.version = ALPHA_MAP_VERSION;
local amtypwm = AM_TYP_WM;
AM_TYP_WM = "?";
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 1);
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 2);
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 3);
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 4);
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 5);
lastTab = nil;
AM_TYP_WM = amtypwm;
-- Wheelies ftw!
AlphaMapFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function()
local scrollUp = ( arg1 == 1 );
if ( IsAltKeyDown() ) then
if ( IsShiftKeyDown() ) then
local alpha = AM_Alpha:GetValue();
if ( scrollUp ) then
alpha = alpha + 0.1;
if ( alpha > 1 ) then
alpha = 1;
alpha = alpha - 0.1;
if ( alpha < 0 ) then
alpha = 0;
local scale = AM_Scale:GetValue();
if ( scrollUp ) then
scale = scale + 0.075;
if scale > 2 then
scale = 2;
scale = scale - 0.075;
if scale < 0.2 then
scale = 0.2;
-- signal that all variables have been loaded and the AddOn is ready to go...
amLoaded = true;
function AM_ValidateMaps()
local AM_ValidTypes = {}; -- keep track of types we've noted
AM_ValidMaps = {};
AM_ValidIndex = {};
local i = 0;
for index, value in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
local map = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].filename;
local typ = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].type;
local cnt = AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[index].continent;
local dsp = typ;
if ( ( cnt ) and ( AM_conts[cnt] ) ) then
dsp = typ .. ": " .. AM_conts[cnt];
elseif ( cnt ) then
dsp = typ .. ": " .. cnt;
if ( AM_Minimap_Data[map] ) then
AM_ValidMaps[map] = true;
if ( not AM_ValidTypes[dsp] ) then
AM_ValidTypes[dsp] = true;
i = i + 1;
AM_ValidIndex[i] = { displayname = dsp,
typ = typ,
local texture = AlphaMapAlphaMapTexture:GetTexture();
if ( ( texture ) and ( texture ~= "" ) ) then
AM_ValidMaps[map] = true;
if ( not AM_ValidTypes[dsp] ) then
AM_ValidTypes[dsp] = true;
i = i + 1;
AM_ValidIndex[i] = { displayname = dsp,
typ = typ,
table.sort(AM_ValidIndex, AML.AM_SortMapList);
function AlphaMapFrame_Update(map)
if ( AlphaMap_IsUpdating ) then
AlphaMap_IsUpdating = true;
if ( AM_ChangingOriWorldMap ) then
amMapNeedsRefresh = true;
amAlphaMapMap = nil;
local zoneName = GetRealZoneText();
local mapFileName = GetMapInfo();
if ( ( updatingPaused ) and ( selectedMap ) ) then
mapFileName = selectedMap;
local playerX, playerY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
if ( AM_ManualMapChange ) then
AM_ManualMapChange = nil;
amNotePage = 1;
if ( AtlasLootItemsFrame_OnCloseButton ) then
if ( amForceUpdate ) then
amForceUpdate = nil;
amUnitsRefresh = true;
if ( map ) then
amAlphaMapMap = map
elseif ( AM_WorldMapSelected ) then
AM_WorldMapSelected = nil;
amUnitsRefresh = true;
if ( playerX > 0 ) then
local zoneNameExt = zoneName..AM_EXTERIOR;
amAlphaMapMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(zoneNameExt);
if ( not amAlphaMapMap ) then
amAlphaMapMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(mapFileName, playerX, playerY);
-- trigger a second test for 1 second later... ?
if ( not amAlphaMapMap ) then
amAlphaMapMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(zoneName);
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( mapFileName ) ) then
local settings = AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(amAlphaMapMap.filename) ];
if ( ( AM_BG_Types[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) and ( not settings.amInBG ) ) then
amAlphaMapMap = nil;
if ( ( not amAlphaMapMap ) or ( amAlphaMapMap.filename ~= amPrevAlphaMap ) ) then
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
amMapType = amAlphaMapMap.type;
if ( amAlphaMapMap.continent ) then
amMapType = amMapType .. ": " .. AM_conts[amAlphaMapMap.continent];
amContType = amMapType;
if ( amAlphaMapMap.filename ~= amPrevAlphaMap ) then
amPrevAlphaMap = amAlphaMapMap.filename;
local i = 1;
local t = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
while ( t ) do
i = i + 1;
t = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
i = 1;
t = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..i);
while ( t ) do
i = i + 1;
t = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..i);
local xi, yi = 1, 1;
local txture = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame_T"..(xi)..(yi));
while ( txture ) do
while ( txture ) do
yi = yi + 1;
txture = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame_T"..(xi)..(yi));
yi = 1;
xi = xi + 1;
txture = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame_T"..(xi)..(yi));
if ( AM_Minimap_Data[ amAlphaMapMap.filename ] ) then
AML.AM_BuildMap( AM_Minimap_Data[ amAlphaMapMap.filename ], AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg ) then
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Map", AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg ) then
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Text", AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.a );
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap.displayname ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.displayname ~= "" ) ) then
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap.displayshort ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.displayshort ~= "" ) ) then
AlphaMapAlphaMapName:SetText(amAlphaMapMap.displayname.." -"..amAlphaMapMap.displayshort);
if ( amAlphaMapMap.location ) then
AlphaMapAlphaMapLocation:SetText(": "..amAlphaMapMap.location);
if ( amAlphaMapMap.levels ) then
AlphaMapAlphaMapLevels:SetText(": "..amAlphaMapMap.levels);
if ( amAlphaMapMap.players ) then
AlphaMapAlphaMapPlayers:SetText(": "..amAlphaMapMap.players);
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap.prereq ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.prereq ~= "" ) ) then
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap.general ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.general ~= "" ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.scale ) then
AlphaMapFrame:SetScale( AlphaMapConfig.scale );
SetAlphaMapOpacity( AlphaMapConfig.alpha );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKey ) then
for n=1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra == true ) then
amPrevAlphaMap = amAlphaMapMap.filename;
local ddI = AML.AM_GetTypeIndex(amContType);
if ( ddI ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, ddI);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapContinentDropDown, amMapType );
ddI = AML.AM_GetMapIndex(amAlphaMapMap.displayname);
if ( ddI ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, ddI);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown, amAlphaMapMap.displayname );
local lC, lZ = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone();
amAlphaMapMap = nil;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.scale ) ) then
AlphaMapFrame:SetScale( AlphaMapConfig.scale );
if ( not mapFileName ) then
if ( lC == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID ) then
mapFileName = "Cosmic";
mapFileName = "World";
amMapType = AM_TYP_WM;
if ( AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) then
for i=1, 12, 1 do
local i = 1;
local t = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..i);
while ( t ) do
i = i + 1;
t = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..i);
AM_numOverlays = AML.AM_GetOverlays(mapFileName);
local dungeonLevel = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel();
local textureName = GetMapOverlayInfo(1); -- temporary (?) check on Beta as Wintergrasp(Lake) has a zero length string overlay... causing a problem...
if ( ( type(textureName) == "string" ) and ( string.len(textureName) == 0 ) ) then
AM_numOverlays = 0;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE ) or ( AM_numOverlays < 1 ) or ( dungeonLevel > 0 ) ) then
if ( dungeonLevel > 0 ) then
AML.AM_SetupPOIs("AlphaMapPOI", "Texture", AlphaMapUnits);
-- Overlay stuff
if ( ( Mozz_GetNumMapOverlays ) and ( worldMapFrame_UpdateOverlays ) ) then
worldMapFrame_UpdateOverlays("AlphaMapDetailFrame", "AlphaMapOverlay");
local textureWidth, textureHeight, offsetX, offsetY, mapPointX, mapPointY;
local textureCount = 1;
local texture;
local texturePixelWidth, textureFileWidth, texturePixelHeight, textureFileHeight;
local numTexturesWide, numTexturesTall;
for i=1, AM_numOverlays do
textureName, textureWidth, textureHeight, offsetX, offsetY, mapPointX, mapPointY = GetMapOverlayInfo(i);
numTexturesWide = ceil(textureWidth/256);
numTexturesTall = ceil(textureHeight/256);
for j=1, numTexturesTall do
if ( j < numTexturesTall ) then
texturePixelHeight = 256;
textureFileHeight = 256;
texturePixelHeight = mod(textureHeight, 256);
if ( texturePixelHeight == 0 ) then
texturePixelHeight = 256;
textureFileHeight = 16;
while(textureFileHeight < texturePixelHeight) do
textureFileHeight = textureFileHeight * 2;
for k=1, numTexturesWide do
texture = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..textureCount);
if ( not texture ) then
texture = AlphaMapDetailFrame:CreateTexture("AlphaMapOverlay"..textureCount, "ARTWORK");
if ( k < numTexturesWide ) then
texturePixelWidth = 256;
textureFileWidth = 256;
texturePixelWidth = mod(textureWidth, 256);
if ( texturePixelWidth == 0 ) then
texturePixelWidth = 256;
textureFileWidth = 16;
while(textureFileWidth < texturePixelWidth) do
textureFileWidth = textureFileWidth * 2;
texture:SetTexCoord(0, texturePixelWidth/textureFileWidth, 0, texturePixelHeight/textureFileHeight);
texture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", AlphaMapDetailFrame, "TOPLEFT", offsetX + (256 * (k-1)), -(offsetY + (256 * (j - 1))));
texture:SetTexture(textureName..(((j - 1) * numTexturesWide) + k));
if ( textureName == "" ) then
textureCount = textureCount +1;
local tI = textureCount;
local tT = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..tI);
while ( tT ) do
tI = tI + 1;
tT = getglobal("AlphaMapOverlay"..tI);
local tI = 1;
local tN = "AlphaMapOverlay"..tI;
local tT = getglobal(tN);
AM_OverlayIndex = nil;
AM_OverlayIndex = {};
while ( tT ) do
local oFrame = getglobal("AlphaMapOFrame"..tI);
if ( tT:IsVisible() ) then
if ( not oFrame ) then
oFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "AlphaMapOFrame"..tI, AlphaMapDetailFrame);
oFrame:SetAllPoints( tT );
AM_OverlayIndex[oFrame] = tT;
elseif ( oFrame ) then
tI = tI + 1;
tN = "AlphaMapOverlay"..tI;
tT = getglobal(tN);
if ( amPrevAlphaMap ~= mapFileName ) then
amPrevAlphaMap = mapFileName;
AML.RefreshZoneDropDown(lC, lZ);
if ( ( amUnitsRefresh ) and ( macroMaps[mapFileName] ) ) then
amUnitsRefresh = nil;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) and ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView ) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) ) then
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( MapNotes_DisablePlugin ) then
AM_PlaceMap(AlphaMapFrame, AlphaMapConfig.posX, AlphaMapConfig.posY);
AlphaMap_IsUpdating = nil;
function AM_CoordsOnUpdate(self, elapsed)
if ( not self.isMoving ) then
if ( not self.timer ) then
self.timer = 0;
self.timer = self.timer + elapsed;
if ( self.timer > 0.1 ) then
self.timer = 0;
local cX, cY, cLoc = nil, nil, nil;
local pX, pY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
local fmtng = "%d, %d";
if ( MN_COORD_F ) then -- take MapNotes coordinate formatting if available
local pLoc = AM_GREEN..(format( fmtng, pX * 100.0, pY * 100.0)).."|r\n";
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
cX, cY = AM_GetCLoc(AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame);
cX, cY = AM_GetCLoc(AlphaMapFrame);
if ( ( cX ) and ( cY ) ) then
cLoc = AM_YELLOW..( format( fmtng, cX, cY ) ).."|r";
AlphaMapLocationText:SetText( pLoc .. (cLoc or "") );
AM_Coordinates:SetWidth( AlphaMapLocationText:GetWidth() + 9 );
if ( cLoc ) then
local AB_MsgTimer = 0;
local AB_MsgInterval = 5;
function AM_Notes(amAlphaMapMap)
local counter = 0;
local i = 1;
local kIndex = 1 + ( (amNotePage-1) * amNotesPerPage );
local kIndexMax = kIndex + amNotesPerPage;
local var = "dtl"..i;
local leaveGap = nil;
local noteFrame;
local dfltScale = 0.8;
local partyData = nil;
local raidData = nil;
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( AM_Raid_Progress_Types[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) ) then
if ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][ amAlphaMapMap.filename ] ) then
partyData =[AM_Realm][AM_Name][ amAlphaMapMap.filename ];
if ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][ amAlphaMapMap.filename ] ) then
raidData =[AM_Realm][AM_Name][ amAlphaMapMap.filename ];
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.notescale ) ) then
dfltScale = amAlphaMapMap.notescale;
amUnitScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(0.4, 0.6, dfltScale);
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
noteFrame = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame;
noteFrame = AlphaMapDetailFrame;
amBGPOIs = {};
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( AM_BG_Types[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) ) then
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( string.find(amAlphaMapMap.filename, "ArathiBasin") ) ) then
local timeDiff = GetTime() - AB_MsgTimer;
if ( timeDiff > AB_MsgInterval ) then
AB_MsgTimer = GetTime();
pFaction, basesRequired = AML.AM_GetABScores();
if ( ( basesRequired ) and ( basesRequired ~= amPrevBases ) ) then
amPrevBases = basesRequired;
AMFlags.aNote = nil;
AMFlags.hNote = nil;
-- Hide keys
for n=counter+1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..n.."Symbol"):SetText(" ");
iNote = 0;
while ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap[var] ) ) do
counter = i;
local index, key, keyText, keySpecial;
local showKey, corpse = nil, nil;
local data = amAlphaMapMap[var];
local bttn = math.ceil( i/amNotesPerPage );
if ( ( data.colour ) and ( data.colour ~= "" ) ) then
colour = data.colour;
colour = AM_RED;
if ( partyData ) then
for boss in pairs(partyData) do
if ( string.find(data.text, boss) ) then
corpse = true;
if ( ( raidData ) and ( not corpse ) ) then
for boss in pairs(raidData) do
if ( string.find(data.text, boss) ) then
corpse = true;
if ( i == kIndex ) then
index = mod( i, amNotesPerPage );
keySpecial = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..index.."Special");
key = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..index.."Symbol");
keyText = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..index);
local bttnTmp = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapButtonDtl"..index);
if ( bttnTmp ) then
bttn = bttnTmp
bttn.txt = data.text;
if ( data.tooltiptxt ) then
bttn.tttxt = data.tooltiptxt;
bttn.tttxt = "";
showKey = true;
if ( kIndex < ( kIndexMax - 1) ) then
kIndex = kIndex + 1;
bttn.controlled = {};
-- 0 catcher at initialisation
local symbol, abbreviation = AM_ProcessMultipleCoords(data, bttn, colour, i, noteFrame, corpse);
if ( corpse ) then
if ( showKey ) then
if ( abbreviation ) then
symbol = abbreviation;
local previous = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..(index-1));
if ( ( leaveGap ) and ( previous ) ) then
keyText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", previous, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -(leaveGap * 16));
leaveGap = nil;
elseif ( previous ) then
keyText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", previous, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -2);
if ( symbol == " " ) then
if ( ( symbol == nil ) or ( symbol == "" ) or ( symbol == " " ) ) then
key:SetText( " " );
key:SetText( colour..symbol.."|r" );
if ( data.special ) then
if ( data.toMap ) then
bttn.toMap = data.toMap;
bttn.toMap = nil;
local lootT = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..index.."LootTexture");
if ( data.lootid ) then
bttn.lootid = data.lootid;
bttn.lootid = nil;
if ( ( data.lootid ) and ( AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot ) ) then
local noteT = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..index.."NoteTexture");
if ( ( NuN_GNoteExists ) and ( NuN_GNoteExists(data.text, true) ) ) then
if ( data.bgPOI ) then
bttn.bgPOI = true;
bttn.bgPOI = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKey ) then
local corpseT = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapButtonDtl"..index.."ButtonCorpse");
if ( corpseT ) then
local corpseP = corpseT:GetParent();
if ( ( corpse ) and ( corpseP ) and ( corpseP:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( data.leaveGap ) then
leaveGap = data.leaveGap;
leaveGap = nil;
i = i + 1;
var = "dtl"..i;
-- Have we needed multiple pages to display all the notes
if ( counter > amNotesPerPage ) then
local lastPage = math.ceil( counter/amNotesPerPage );
-- Determine if we are on the first or last page of notes
if ( amNotePage < 2 ) then
elseif ( amNotePage == lastPage ) then
-- Hide remaining notes
i = 1;
local amNote = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..(iNote+i));
while ( amNote ) do
i = i + 1;
amNote = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..(iNote+i));
function AM_ProcessMultipleCoords(data, control, colour, numericSymbol, noteFrame, corpse)
local symbol = nil;
local abbreviated = nil;
local baseLvl = noteFrame:GetFrameLevel();
local minX, maxX, minY, maxY = 0, 100, 0, 100;
if ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) then
minX = amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.minX * 100;
maxX = amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.maxX * 100;
minY = amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.minY * 100;
maxY = amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.maxY * 100;
for i=1, 8, 1 do
if ( data.coords[i] ) then
local tX = data.coords[i][1];
local tY = data.coords[i][2];
if ( ( data.symbol[i] ) and ( data.symbol[i] ~= "" ) ) then
if ( ( numericSymbol ) and ( data.symbol[i] == "0" ) ) then
symbol = numericSymbol.."";
symbol = data.symbol[i];
if ( i > 1 ) then
abbreviated = string.sub(symbol, 1, 1) .. AM_ABBREVIATED;
elseif ( not symbol ) then
symbol = AM_DFLT_SYMBOL;
if ( ( tX == 0 ) and ( tY == 0 ) ) then
local stillShow = true;
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) and ( tX >= minX ) and ( tX <= maxX ) ) then
if ( tX == minX ) then
tX = tX + 0.01;
elseif ( tX == maxX ) then
tX = tX - 0.01;
tX = (tX - minX) * 2;
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) then
stillShow = nil;
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) and ( tY >= minY ) and ( tY <= maxY ) ) then
if ( tY == minY ) then
tY = tY + 0.01;
elseif ( tY == maxY ) then
tY = tY - 0.01;
tY = (tY - minY) * 2;
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) then
stillShow = nil;
local x = tX * AM_INSTANCE_SCALING_FACTOR * AM_ZoomScalingFactor;
local y = tY * AM_INSTANCE_SCALING_FACTOR * AM_ZoomScalingFactor;
iNote = iNote + 1;
local note = AM_CreateAlphaMapAlphaMapNote(iNote);
note:SetWidth( AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor + 2 );
note:SetHeight( AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor + 2 );
getglobal(note:GetName() .. "Text"):SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, (AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor - 2));
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg ) then
local noteBttn = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..iNote.."Button");
if ( ( symbol == "" ) or ( symbol == " " ) ) then
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..iNote.."Text"):SetText( " " );
note:SetFrameLevel( baseLvl );
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..iNote.."Text"):SetText( colour..symbol.."|r" );
note:SetFrameLevel( baseLvl + 1 );
note:SetAlpha( 1 );
note.control = control; = iNote;
if ( type(control) ~= "number" ) then control.controlled[ getn(control.controlled)+1 ] = iNote; end
note.txt = data.text;
if ( data.tooltiptxt ) then
note.tttxt = data.tooltiptxt;
note.tttxt = "";
if ( data.special ) then
note.special = data.special;
note.special = nil;
if ( data.toMap ) then
note.toMap = data.toMap;
note.toMap = nil;
if ( data.lootid ) then
note.lootid = data.lootid;
note.lootid = nil;
note:SetPoint("CENTER", noteFrame, "TOPLEFT", x/amUnitScale, -y/amUnitScale);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes ) then
note.bgTimerLimit = data.bgTimer;
if ( data.bgPOI ) then
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..iNote.."Text"):SetText( "" );
if ( amBGPOIs[data.text] ) then
note:SetFrameLevel( baseLvl + 2 );
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..iNote.."POI"):SetTexCoord( amBGPOIs[data.text].x1, amBGPOIs[data.text].x2, amBGPOIs[data.text].y1, amBGPOIs[data.text].y2 );
note.bgPOI = true;
if ( ( amBGPOIs[data.text] ) and ( amBGPOIs[data.text].key ) ) then
if ( ( AM_BGChanging[amBGPOIs[data.text].key] ) and ( not note.timer ) ) then
note.timer = GetTime();
elseif ( ( not AM_BGChanging[amBGPOIs[data.text].key] ) and ( note.timer ) ) then
note.timer = nil;
note.timer = nil;
note.bgPOI = nil;
note.timer = nil;
if ( data.bgFlag ) then
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..iNote.."Text"):SetText( "" );
if ( data.bgFlag == "A" ) then
AMAText:SetPoint("LEFT", note, "RIGHT", 1, 0);
AMFlags.aNote = iNote;
AMHText:SetPoint("LEFT", note, "RIGHT", 1, 0);
AMFlags.hNote = iNote;
note.bgFlag = data.bgFlag;
note.bgFlag = nil;
if ( data.bgBase ) then
note.bgBase = data.bgBase;
if ( pFaction == data.bgBase) then
AMBases:SetPoint("LEFT", note, "RIGHT", 1, 0);
note.bgBase = nil;
if ( ( note:IsVisible() ) and ( corpse ) ) then
if ( ( note:IsVisible() ) and ( not stillShow ) ) then
return symbol, abbreviated;
function AM_TurnDetailPage(direction)
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.mute ) then
amNotePage = amNotePage + direction;
-- Called to toggle visibility of the AlphaMap
function ToggleAlphaMap()
AM_AutoClosed = nil;
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AlphaMapFrame.UserHidden = true;
if (AlphaMapConfig.enabled) then
function ToggleSlider()
if ( AlphaMapSliderFrame:IsVisible() ) then
HideUIPanel( AlphaMapSliderFrame );
AlphaMapConfig.slider = false;
ShowUIPanel( AlphaMapSliderFrame );
AlphaMapConfig.slider = true;
-- Helper function to increment the opacity by 0.1
function IncrementAlphaMap(direction)
local increment = direction * 0.1;
-- Determine the transparency from the alpha slider
local alpha = 1.0 - AlphaMapSliderFrame:GetValue();
-- Increment the opacity
alpha = alpha + increment;
-- Clamp the opacity between 0.0 & 1.0
if( alpha > 1.0 ) then
alpha = 1.0;
elseif( alpha < 0.0 ) then
alpha = 0.0;
SetAlphaMapOpacity( alpha );
-- Unit Updates / Icon Updates
function AlphaMapUnits_Update(tim)
--*** if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
--*** local ddStatus = UIDropDownMenu_GetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown );
--*** if ( ( not ddStatus ) or ( ddStatus == "" ) ) then
--*** UIDropDownMenu_ClearAll(AlphaMapContinentDropDown);
--*** UIDropDownMenu_ClearAll(AlphaMapZoneDropDown);
--*** local ddI = AML.AM_GetTypeIndex(amContType);
--*** if ( ddI ) then
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, ddI);
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapContinentDropDown, amMapType );
--*** AML.AM_LoadSortedMapList(amContType);
--*** ddI = AML.AM_GetMapIndex(amAlphaMapMap.displayname);
--*** if ( ddI ) then
--*** AlphaMapFrame_LoadInstances();
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, ddI);
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown, amAlphaMapMap.displayname );
--*** end
--*** end
--*** end
--*** end
if ( AlphaMapFrame.isMoving ) then
-- Get Zone/Continent Info
local zone = GetCurrentMapZone();
local continent = GetCurrentMapContinent();
if ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( MouseIsOver(Minimap) ) ) then
amUnitScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale();
AM_Update_Timer_P = AM_Update_Timer_P + tim;
local playerX, playerY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
local playerFrame = nil;
local showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers = nil;
local pLoc = "";
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap.wmData ) ) then
playerX, playerY = 0, 0;
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
local zoneName = GetRealZoneText();
if ( not currentArea ) then
currentArea = GetMapInfo(); -- best guess
if ( ( == zoneName ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.wmData ) ) then
showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers = true;
playerFrame = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame;
elseif ( ( == (zoneName..AM_EXTERIOR) ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.wmData ) ) then
showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers = true;
playerFrame = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame;
elseif ( ( amAlphaMapMap.area ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.area == currentArea ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.wmData ) ) then
showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers = true;
playerFrame = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame;
playerX, playerY = 0, 0;
playerFrame = AlphaMapDetailFrame;
if ( ( updatingPaused ) and ( playerX ~= 0 ) ) then
if ( zone == 0 ) then
if ( ( continent ~= 0 ) and ( continent ~= selectedCont ) ) then
playerX, playerY = 0, 0;
elseif ( zone ~= selectedZone ) then
playerX, playerY = 0, 0;
--Position player
if ( ( playerFrame == AlphaMapDetailFrame ) and ( AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) ) then
playerFrame = nil;
playerX, playerY = 0, 0;
if ( ( playerX == 0 and playerY == 0 ) ) then
elseif ( playerFrame ) then
-- Some of below potential for displaying adjusted on map icons/notes given we have zoomed down to a single explorable area
-- if ( ( playerFrame == AlphaMapDetailFrame ) and ( AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) ) then
-- playerFrame, playerX, playerY = AM_GetZoomedCoords(playerX, playerY);
-- end
-- if ( ( playerX == 0 ) and ( playerY == 0 ) ) then
-- AlphaMapMinimap:Hide();
-- AlphaMapPing:Hide();
-- AlphaMapPlayer:Hide();
-- else
local amPlayerScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(0.6, 0.9);
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
playerX, playerY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(playerX, playerY);
playerX = playerX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
playerY = -playerY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
if ( AlphaMapConfig.legacy ) then
AlphaMapMinimap:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", playerX/amPlayerScale, playerY/amPlayerScale);
if ( not MouseIsOver(Minimap) ) then
if ( not amPlayersModel ) then
amPlayersModel = AM_GetPlayerModelRef();
AlphaMapPlayer:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", playerX/amPlayerScale, playerY/amPlayerScale);
local amFacing, amSin, amCos;
if ( GetCVar("rotateMinimap") == "1" ) then
amFacing = ( MiniMapCompassRing:GetFacing() - AM_ROTATIONAL_ADJUSTMENT2 );
amSin = math.cos(amFacing);
amCos = math.sin(amFacing);
amFacing = ( amPlayersModel:GetFacing() + AM_ROTATIONAL_ADJUSTMENT );
amSin = math.sin(amFacing);
amCos = math.cos(amFacing);
AM_pArrow:SetTexCoord( 0.5-amSin, 0.5+amCos,
0.5+amCos, 0.5+amSin,
0.5-amCos, 0.5-amSin,
0.5+amSin, 0.5-amCos);
-- Position player ping if its shown
if ( AlphaMapPing:IsVisible() ) then
AlphaMapPing:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", playerX/amPlayerScale + 20, playerY/amPlayerScale + 20);
if ( AlphaMapPlayer:IsVisible() ) then
AM_PlayerHighlight:SetPoint("CENTER", AlphaMapPlayer, "CENTER");
elseif ( AlphaMapMinimap:IsVisible() ) then
AM_PlayerHighlight:SetPoint("CENTER", AlphaMapMinimap, "CENTER");
-- If ping has a timer greater than 0 count it down, otherwise fade it out
if ( AlphaMapPing.timer > 0 ) then
AlphaMapPing.timer = AlphaMapPing.timer - ( tim );
if ( AlphaMapPing.timer <= 0 ) then
AlphaMapPing.fadeOut = 1;
AlphaMapPing.fadeOutTimer = MINIMAPPING_FADE_TIMER;
elseif ( AlphaMapPing.fadeOut ) then
AlphaMapPing.fadeOutTimer = AlphaMapPing.fadeOutTimer - ( tim );
if ( AlphaMapPing.fadeOutTimer > 0 ) then
AlphaMapPing:SetAlpha(255 * (AlphaMapPing.fadeOutTimer/MINIMAPPING_FADE_TIMER))
AlphaMapPing.fadeOut = nil;
-- end
if ( AM_Update_Timer_P > AM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_PMAX ) then
local countShown = 0;
AM_Update_Timer_P = 0;
--Position groupmates
local partyX, partyY, partyMemberFrame;
local raidMax = GetNumRaidMembers();
if( raidMax > 0 and == true ) then
if ( playerFrame ) then
for i=1, raidMax, 1 do
partyX, partyY = GetPlayerMapPosition( "raid"..i );
partyMemberFrame = getglobal( "AlphaMapRaid"..i );
if ( ( ( partyX == 0 ) and ( partyY == 0 ) ) or ( UnitIsUnit( "raid"..i, "player" ) ) ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
partyX, partyY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(partyX, partyY);
partyX = partyX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
partyY = -partyY * playerFrame:GetHeight(); = nil;
partyMemberFrame:SetPoint( "CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", partyX/amUnitScale, partyY/amUnitScale);
countShown = i;
for i=countShown+1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
if ( playerFrame ) then
local max = GetNumPartyMembers();
for i=1, max, 1 do
partyX, partyY = GetPlayerMapPosition("party"..i);
partyMemberFrame = getglobal("AlphaMapParty"..i);
if ( partyX == 0 and partyY == 0 ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
partyX, partyY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(partyX, partyY);
partyX = partyX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
partyY = -partyY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
partyMemberFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", partyX/amUnitScale, partyY/amUnitScale);
countShown = i;
for i=countShown+1, MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do
for i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
-- Position Team Members
if ( ) then
local playerCount = GetNumRaidMembers();
if ( not playerCount ) then
playerCount = 0;
countShown = playerCount;
if ( playerFrame ) then
for i=playerCount+1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
local teamX, teamY, name = GetBattlefieldPosition(i - playerCount);
local teamMemberFrame = getglobal("AlphaMapRaid"..i);
if ( teamX == 0 and teamY == 0 ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
teamX, teamY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(teamX, teamY);
teamX = teamX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
teamY = -teamY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
teamMemberFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", teamX/amUnitScale, teamY/amUnitScale); = name;
countShown = i;
for i=countShown+1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS, 1 do
-- Position flags
local flagX, flagY, flagToken, flagFrame, flagTexture;
local numFlags = 0;
if ( playerFrame ) then
numFlags = GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions();
for i=1, numFlags do
flagX, flagY, flagToken = GetBattlefieldFlagPosition(i);
flagFrame = getglobal("AlphaMapFlag"..i);
flagTexture = getglobal("AlphaMapFlag"..i.."Texture");
if ( flagX == 0 and flagY == 0 ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
flagX, flagY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(flagX, flagY);
flagX = flagX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
flagY = -flagY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
flagFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", flagX/amUnitScale, flagY/amUnitScale);
for i=numFlags+1, NUM_WORLDMAP_FLAGS do
flagFrame = getglobal("AlphaMapFlag"..i);
--Position corpse
local corpseX, corpseY = GetCorpseMapPosition();
if ( ( corpseX == 0 and corpseY == 0 ) or ( not playerFrame ) ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
corpseX, corpseY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(corpseX, corpseY);
corpseX = corpseX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
corpseY = -corpseY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
AlphaMapCorpse:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", corpseX/amUnitScale, corpseY/amUnitScale);
-- Position Death Release marker
if ( GetDeathReleasePosition ) then
local deathReleaseX, deathReleaseY = GetDeathReleasePosition();
if ( ( ( deathReleaseX == 0 ) and ( deathReleaseY == 0 ) ) or UnitIsGhost("player") or ( not playerFrame ) ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
deathReleaseX, deathReleaseY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(deathReleaseX, deathReleaseY);
deathReleaseX = deathReleaseX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
deathReleaseY = -deathReleaseY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
AlphaMapDeathRelease:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", deathReleaseX/amUnitScale, deathReleaseY/amUnitScale);
-- position vehicles
if ( GetNumBattlefieldVehicles ) then
local numVehicles;
if ( ( continent == WORLDMAP_WORLD_ID ) or ( zone == 0 ) or ( not playerFrame ) ) then
-- Hide vehicles on the worldmap and continent maps
numVehicles = 0;
numVehicles = GetNumBattlefieldVehicles();
local totalVehicles = #ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES;
local index, texName = 0;
for i=1, numVehicles do
if (i > totalVehicles) then
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i] = CreateFrame("FRAME", "AlphaMapVehicle"..i, nil, "AlphaMapVehicleTemplate");
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i].texture = getglobal("AlphaMapVehicle"..i.."Texture");
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i].highlight = getglobal("AlphaMapVehicle"..i.."Highlight");
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i].occupied = getglobal("AlphaMapVehicle"..i.."Occupied");
local vehicleX, vehicleY, unitName, isPossessed, vehicleType, orientation, isPlayer = GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo(i);
local r, g, b = 1.0, 0.105, 0.84;
if ( ( vehicleX ) and ( not isPlayer ) and ( not ( ( vehicleX == 0 ) and ( vehicleY == 0 ) ) ) ) then
if ( showingInstanceStyleMapwithPlayers ) then
vehicleX, vehicleY = AML.AM_OffsetInstanceCoords(vehicleX, vehicleY);
vehicleX = vehicleX * playerFrame:GetWidth();
vehicleY = -vehicleY * playerFrame:GetHeight();
texName = GetMapVehicleTexture(vehicleType, isPossessed);
if ( string.find(texName, "Horde") ) then
r, g, b = 1, 0, 0;
elseif ( string.find(texName, "Alliance") ) then
r, g, b = 0, 0, 1;
elseif ( string.find(texName, "Ground") ) then
r, g, b = 0.141, 1.0, 0.0;
elseif ( string.find(texName, "ccupied") ) then
r, g, b = 0.105, 0.882, 1.0;
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i].highlight:SetVertexColor(r, g, b);
if ( string.find(texName, "Unoccupied") ) then
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i].occupied:SetVertexColor(r, g, b);
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i]:SetPoint("CENTER", playerFrame, "TOPLEFT", vehicleX/amUnitScale, vehicleY/amUnitScale);
ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES[i].name = unitName;
index = i; -- save for later
if (index < totalVehicles) then
for i=index+1, totalVehicles do
AM_Update_Timer_S = AM_Update_Timer_S + tim;
if ( ( updatingPaused ) and ( not amUnitsRefresh ) ) then
if ( ( amMapType == AM_TYP_WM ) and ( AM_Update_Timer_S > AM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SMAX ) ) then
AM_Update_Timer_S = 0;
local map = GetMapInfo();
if ( updatingPaused ) then
continent, zone, map = selectedCont, selectedZone, selectedMap;
if ( not map ) then
if ( continent == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID ) then
map = "Cosmic";
map = "World";
-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- MapNotes Pins
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- Now taken care of via MapNotes 'wmflag' Plugin option
-- MetaMap support
if ( MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo ) then
_, MapNote_DataSet = MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo();
MapNote_Texture = METAMAP_ICON_PATH.."Icon";
-- Check if we're in a valid zone and MapNotes is active
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView) and ( not amAlphaMapMap ) and ( MapNote_DataSet and AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) ) then
local n, l = 1, 1;
local MapNotePOI, myTexture;
local amWidth = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()/amUnitScale;
local amHeight = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()/amUnitScale;
-- Iterate through the saved MapNotes
for i, value in ipairs(MapNote_DataSet) do
MapNotePOI = AM_CreateMapNotesPOI(i);
MapNotePOI:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", ((MapNote_DataSet[i].xPos)*amWidth), -((MapNote_DataSet[i].yPos)*amHeight) );
myTexture = getglobal( "AlphaMapNotesPOI"..i.."Texture" );
myTexture:SetTexture( MapNote_Texture..MapNote_DataSet[i].icon );
n = n + 1;
-- Hide all the others
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- CTMapMod Notes
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ( ( CT_UserMap_Notes ) and ( CT_MapMod_GetZoneName ) ) then
AM_DrawCTMapNotes(continent, zone);
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- Zone FlightMap Icons
-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ( FlightMapUtil ) then
AM_DrawFlightMasters(continent, zone);
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- TomTom
if ( TomTom ) then
AM_DrawTomToms(continent, zone);
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- Gatherer Pins
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ( ( Gatherer ) and ( Gatherer.Config ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.gatherer ) ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapGathererPOI1 ) then
local i = 2;
local GathererPOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapGathererPOI"..i );
while ( GathererPOI ) do
i = i + 1;
GathererPOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapGathererPOI"..i );
amUnitsRefresh = nil;
function AM_DrawTomToms(cont, zone)
local i = 0;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes ) and ( TomTom.profile.worldmap.enable ) ) then
local ttZone = TomTom:GetMapFile(cont, zone);
for uid, data in pairs(TomTom.waypoints) do
if ( ( TomTom.waypoints[ttZone] ) and ( TomTom.waypoints[ttZone][uid] ) ) then
i = i + 1;
local tomtomP = AM_CreateTomTomPoint(i);
tomtomP.uid = uid;
tomtomP.label = data.title;
tomtomP.coord = data.x .. ", " .. data.y; = AM_zones[cont][zone];
local amWidth = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()/amUnitScale;
local amHeight = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()/amUnitScale;
tomtomP:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", ((data.x/100)*amWidth), -((data.y/100)*amHeight));
i = i + 1;
local leftOver = getglobal("AM_TTP"..i);
while ( leftOver ) do
i = i + 1;
leftOver = getglobal("AM_TTP"..i);
function AM_TTP_OnEnter()
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
AlphaMapTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
local label = this.label or "Waypoint";
AlphaMapTooltip:AddDoubleLine("TomTom", label, 0, 1, 0);
local needGap = true;
if ( this.uid ) then
local dist, x, y = TomTom:GetDistanceToWaypoint(this.uid);
if ( dist ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:AddLine(string.format("%d yards away", dist), 1, 1, 1);
needGap = false;
if ( needGap ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:AddLine(" ", 0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
label = "";
if ( ) then
label =
if ( this.coord ) then
label = label .. " (" .. this.coord .. ")";
if ( label ~= "" ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:AddLine(label, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
function AM_TTP_OnLeave()
function AM_TTP_OnClick()
if ( TomTom.InitializeDropdown ) then
local dropdown = TomTom.dropdown;
dropdown.uid = this.uid;
ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, "cursor", 0, 0);
function AM_DrawCTMapNotes(continent, zone)
local zName = CT_MapMod_GetZoneName(zone, GetMapZones(continent));
local y = 1;
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap ) and ( CT_UserMap_Notes[zName] ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) ) then
local amWidth = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth()/amUnitScale;
local amHeight = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight()/amUnitScale;
for i, var in ipairs(CT_UserMap_Notes[zName]) do
if ( y > CT_NUM_USERMAP_NOTES ) then
if ( not CT_MapMod_Options[amPlayer.."@"..GetCVar("realmName")].hideGroups[CT_MAPMOD_SETS[(var.set or 1)]] and ( not CT_MapMod_Filter or string.find(strlower(, strlower(CT_MapMod_Filter)) or string.find(strlower(var.descript), strlower(CT_MapMod_Filter)) ) ) then
local note = AM_CreateCTMapNote(y);
local iconTexture = getglobal("AMCT_UserMap_Note"..y.."Icon");
if ( ( var.set == 7 ) or ( var.set == 8 ) ) then
local offset = 0;
if ( var.set == 8 ) then
offset = 29;
if ( CT_UserMap_HerbIcons[var.icon+offset] ) then
note:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", (var.x*amWidth), -(var.y*amHeight));
if ( not ) then = "";
if ( ( not var.set ) or ( not CT_MAPMOD_SETS[var.set] ) ) then
var.set = 1;
if ( not var.descript ) then
var.descript = "";
end =;
note.set = CT_MAPMOD_SETS[var.set];
note.descript = var.descript;
y = y + 1;
local CTMapNote = getglobal("AMCT_UserMap_Note"..y);
while ( CTMapNote ) do
y = y + 1;
CTMapNote = getglobal("AMCT_UserMap_Note"..y);
function AM_DrawFlightMasters(continent, zone)
local POI = 1;
if ( ( zone ~= 0 ) and ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) and ( FlightMapUtil.getZoneName ) ) then
local zoneName = FlightMapUtil.getZoneName();
local nodes = FlightMapUtil.getNodesInZone(zoneName, false);
for node, data in pairs(nodes) do
if ( AM_ShowFlightNode(node, data, POI) ) then
POI = POI + 1;
function AM_ShowFlightNode(node, data, num)
if ( not data.Location.Zone ) then
return nil;
if ( num > FLIGHTMAP_MAX_POIS ) then
return nil;
local x = data.Location.Zone.x * AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth();
local y = data.Location.Zone.y * AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight();
if ( AM_FlightCheck_CloseToExistingPOI(x, y) ) then
return nil;
local name = FlightMapUtil.getNameAndZone(data.Name);
local button = getglobal("AM_FlightMapPOI"..num);
local bTexture = getglobal("AM_FlightMapPOI"..num.."Texture");
if ( not FlightMapUtil.knownNode(node) ) then
if ( not FlightMap.Opts.showAllInfo ) then
return nil;
end = name; = data;
button.node = node;
button:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", x/amUnitScale, -y/amUnitScale);
return true;
function AM_FlightCheck_CloseToExistingPOI(x, y)
local i = 1;
local button = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
while ( ( button ) and ( button:IsVisible() ) ) do
local _, _, index, _, _ = GetMapLandmarkInfo(i);
-- Index 15 is an invisible POI
if ( index ~= 15 ) then
local px, py = button:GetCenter();
if ( ( px ) and ( py ) ) then
px = px - AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetLeft();
py = py - AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetBottom();
if abs(px - x) < FLIGHTMAP_CLOSE and
abs(py - y) < FLIGHTMAP_CLOSE then
return true;
i = i + 1;
button = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
return false;
-- Helper function to set the opacity of the AlphaMap
function SetAlphaMapOpacity(alpha)
-- Determine the transparency
if ( not alpha ) then
alpha = 1.0 - AlphaMapSliderFrame:GetValue();
AlphaMapSliderFrame:SetValue( 1.0 - alpha );
local txtAlpha = alpha/2 + 0.4;
if ( AM_ChangingOriWorldMap ) then
if ( applyAMMapChanges ) then
WorldMapFrame:SetAlpha( alpha );
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:SetAlpha( alpha );
if ( alpha == 0 ) then
txtAlpha = 0;
AlphaMapAlphaMapTitleFrame:SetAlpha( txtAlpha );
AlphaMapAlphaMapPreReqFrame:SetAlpha( txtAlpha );
AlphaMapAlphaMapDetailsFrame:SetAlpha( txtAlpha );
AlphaMapDetailFrame:SetAlpha( alpha );
if ( alpha == 0.0 ) then
if ( AlphaMapSliderFrame ) then
AlphaMapSliderFrame:SetAlpha( txtAlpha );
AlphaMapConfig.alpha = alpha;
-- Function to extract the next param from the command line
function AlphaMap_Extract_NextParameter(msg)
local params = msg;
local command = params;
local index = strfind(command, " ");
if ( index ) then
command = strsub(command, 1, index-1);
params = strsub(params, index+1);
params = "";
return command, params;
-- Function to handle slash commands
function AlphaMap_Main_ChatCommandHandler(msg)
local commandName, params = AlphaMap_Extract_NextParameter(msg);
if ((commandName) and (strlen(commandName) > 0)) then
commandName = string.lower(commandName);
commandName = "";
-- Enable via slash command
if( strfind( commandName, "enable" ) ) then
-- If we are disabled, ignore all other commands
if (not AlphaMapConfig.enabled) or (AlphaMapConfig.enabled == false) then
if ( commandName == "-s" ) then
-- Check if we should toggle disable AlphaMap
if( strfind( commandName, "disable" ) ) then
-- Check if we should toggle on/off the AlphaMap
elseif ( ( strfind( commandName, "tog" ) ) or ( strfind(commandName, "show") ) or ( strfind(commandName, "display") ) ) then
-- Check if we should lock the UI
elseif( strfind( commandName, "lock" ) ) then
-- Check if we should reset config options to the defaults
elseif (strfind(commandName, "reset")) then
-- Scale the MapSelector DropDown boxes
elseif ( strfind(commandName, "ddscale") ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddScale ) then
prev = AlphaMapConfig.ddScale;
local ddScale = tonumber(params);
if ( ( not ddScale ) or ( ddScale < 0.3 ) or ( ddScale > 1.4 ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddScale = ddScale;
AML.AlphaMap_Print(prev .. " -> " .. AlphaMapConfig.ddScale);
-- Check if we should scale the window
elseif( strfind( commandName, "scale" ) ) then
local scale = tonumber(params);
if ( ( not scale ) or ( scale < 0.0 ) ) then
scale = 1.0;
AlphaMapConfig.scale = scale;
AlphaMapFrame:SetScale( scale );
-- Check if we should allow movement of the slider
-- NOTE: This must be checked BEFORE "slider"
elseif( strfind(commandName, "moveslider" ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock = not AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock;
if( AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock == false ) then
-- Check if we should Toggle on/off display of the slider
elseif (strfind(commandName, "slider")) then
-- Check if we should autoclose AM on combat
elseif (strfind(commandName, "combat")) then
AlphaMapConfig.combat = not AlphaMapConfig.combat;
AM_AutoClosed = nil;
if( AlphaMapConfig.combat == true ) then
elseif ( ( strfind(commandName, "reopen") ) or ( strfind(commandName, "re-open") ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = not AlphaMapConfig.reopen;
AM_AutoClosed = nil;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.reopen == true ) then
-- Check if we should show raid pins
elseif (strfind(commandName, "raid")) then = not;
if( == true ) then
-- check if we should display party/raid tooltips
elseif (strfind(commandName, "ptips")) then
AlphaMapConfig.ptips = not AlphaMapConfig.ptips;
if( AlphaMapConfig.ptips == true ) then
-- check if we should display MapNotes tooltips
elseif( strfind( commandName, "mntips" ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mntips = not AlphaMapConfig.mntips;
if( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) then
-- check if we should display MapNotes Gatherer tooltips
elseif( strfind( commandName, "mngtips" ) ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mngtips = not AlphaMapConfig.mngtips;
if( AlphaMapConfig.mngtips == true ) then
-- check if we should display Gatherer tooltips
elseif (strfind(commandName, "gtips")) then
AlphaMapConfig.gtips = not AlphaMapConfig.gtips;
if( AlphaMapConfig.gtips == true ) then
-- Check if we should set the alpha
elseif (strfind(commandName, "alpha")) then
local alpha = tonumber(params);
if ( ( not alpha ) or ( alpha < 0 ) ) then
alpha = 0.0;
if ( alpha > 1.0 ) then
alpha = 1.0;
SetAlphaMapOpacity( alpha );
-- Check if we should close AlphaMap when the World Map Closes
elseif (strfind(commandName, "wmclose")) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmclose = not AlphaMapConfig.wmclose;
if( AlphaMapConfig.wmclose == true ) then
-- Check if we should show Gatherer Pins
elseif (strfind(commandName, "gatherer")) then
AlphaMapConfig.gatherer = not AlphaMapConfig.gatherer;
if( AlphaMapConfig.gatherer == true ) then
-- Check if we should show MapNotes Pins
elseif (strfind(commandName, "mapnotes")) then
AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes = not AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes;
if( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) then
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( MapNotes_DisablePlugin ) then
elseif ( strfind(commandName, "minimap") ) then
AlphaMapConfig.minimap = not AlphaMapConfig.minimap;
if ( AM_MinimapButton:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( strfind(commandName, "legacy") ) then
AlphaMapConfig.legacy = not AlphaMapConfig.legacy;
elseif ( ( strfind(commandName, "help") ) or ( strfind(commandName, "?") ) ) then
elseif ( strfind(commandName, "info") ) then
local msg = "AlphaMap v"..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION .. " " .. GetLocale();
local cont, zone = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone();
if ( not cont ) then cont = -99; end
if ( not zone ) then zone = -99; end
local map = GetMapInfo();
if ( not map ) then
if ( cont == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID ) then
mapFileName = "Cosmic";
mapFileName = "World";
local zName = GetRealZoneText();
if ( not zName ) then zName = "<nil>"; end
msg = map .. " | " .. cont .. " : " .. zone .. " | " .. zName;
local _, iType = IsInInstance();
-- If all else fails, output the help info
-- ShowSlashCommands();
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
function DrawAlphaMapGatherer()
local noteCount, maxNotes = 0, Gatherer.Config.GetSetting("mainmap.count", 600);
local mapContinent = GetCurrentMapContinent()
local mapZone = GetCurrentMapZone()
local mainNote;
-- Get Current Continent and Zone
if ( ( updatingPaused ) and ( selectedCont ) and ( selectedZone ) ) then
mapContinent, mapZone = selectedCont, selectedZone;
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap ) and ( Gatherer.Storage.HasDataOnZone(mapContinent, mapZone) ) ) then
for nodeId, gatherType, num in Gatherer.Storage.ZoneGatherNames(mapContinent, mapZone) do
if (Gatherer.Config.DisplayFilter_MainMap(nodeId)) then
for index, xPos, yPos, count in Gatherer.Storage.ZoneGatherNodes(mapContinent, mapZone, nodeId) do
if ( noteCount < maxNotes ) then
noteCount = noteCount + 1;
mainNote = AM_CreateGathererPOI(noteCount);
mainNote:SetAlpha(Gatherer.Config.GetSetting("mainmap.percent", 80) / 100);
xPos = xPos * AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth();
yPos = yPos * AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight();
mainNote:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", xPos, -yPos);
local texture = Gatherer.Util.GetNodeTexture(nodeId);
local iconsize = Gatherer.Config.GetSetting("mainmap.iconsize", 16);
mainNote.continent = mapContinent; = mapZone; = nodeId;
mainNote.index = index;
else -- reached note limit
noteCount = noteCount + 1;
mainNote = getglobal("AlphaMapGathererPOI"..noteCount);
while ( mainNote ) do
noteCount = noteCount + 1;
mainNote = getglobal("AlphaMapGathererPOI"..noteCount);
function AlphaMapNotes_OnEnter( id, noteFrame )
local MapNote_DataSet = nil;
local MapNote_ZShift = nil;
local MapNote_Clrs = nil;
local createdBy = "";
local cNr = 0;
if ( ( id == 9998 ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) ) then -- tloc
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
elseif ( ( id == 9999 ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) ) then -- PartyNote
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
elseif ( id ) then
if ( MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo ) then
_, MapNote_DataSet = MetaMap_GetCurrentMapInfo();
MapNote_Clrs = MetaMap_Colors;
MapNote_Opts = MetaMapOptions;
if ( ( MapNote_DataSet ) and ( MapNote_DataSet[id] ) ) then
MapNote_DataSet = MapNote_DataSet[id];
MapNote_DataSet = nil;
if ( ( MapNote_DataSet ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
if ( MapNote_DataSet.ncol ) then
cNr = MapNote_DataSet.ncol;
GameTooltip:SetText(, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].r, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].g, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].b, MapNote_Opts.TooltipWrap);
if ((MapNote_DataSet.inf1 ~= nil) and (MapNote_DataSet.inf1 ~= "")) then
cNr = MapNote_DataSet.in1c;
if ( not cNr ) then
cNr = 0;
GameTooltip:AddLine(MapNote_DataSet.inf1, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].r, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].g, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].b, MapNote_Opts.TooltipWrap);
if ((MapNote_DataSet.inf2 ~= nil) and (MapNote_DataSet.inf2 ~= "")) then
cNr = MapNote_DataSet.in2c;
if ( not cNr ) then
cNr = 0;
GameTooltip:AddLine(MapNote_DataSet.inf2, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].r, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].g, MapNote_Clrs[cNr].b, MapNote_Opts.TooltipWrap);
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine( createdBy, MapNote_DataSet.creator, 0.49, 0.39, 0.0, 0.49, 0.39, 0.0 );
function AlphaCTMapNotes_OnEnter( id )
if ( ( CT_UserMap_Notes ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(, this.set, 0, 1, 0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
if ( this.descript ) then
GameTooltip:AddLine(this.descript, nil, nil, nil, 1);
function AlphaMapGatherer_OnEnter(frame)
if( AlphaMapConfig.gtips == true ) then
local _tr = Gatherer.Locale.Tr;
local tooltip = GameTooltip;
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
tooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
tooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
local id =;
local name = Gatherer.Util.GetNodeName(id);
local _, _,
who = Gatherer.Storage.GetNodeInfo(frame.continent,, id, frame.index);
local last = inspected or harvested;
if (count > 0) then
tooltip:AddLine(_tr("NOTE_COUNT", count));
if (who) then
if (who == "REQUIRE") then
elseif (who == "IMPORTED") then
tooltip:AddLine(_tr("NOTE_SOURCE", who));
if (last and last > 0) then
tooltip:AddLine(_tr("NOTE_LASTSEEN", format("%d", time()-last)));
if (GatherDrops) then
local drops = GatherDrops[id];
if (drops) then
local total =;
if (total and total > 0) then
tooltip:AddLine(_tr("Overall drop rates:"));
for item, count in pairs(drops) do
if (item ~= "total") then
local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, invTexture = GetItemInfo(item);
if (itemName) then
local expected = count/total
if (expected > 0.01) then
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(itemLink, string.format("x%0.2f", expected))
function AlphaMapNotes_OnLeave( id )
function AM_FlightMapPOIButton_OnEnter(thePOI)
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) then
local x, y = thePOI:GetCenter();
local parentX, parentY = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetCenter();
if (x > parentX) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(thePOI, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(thePOI, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
FlightMapUtil.addFlightsForNode(GameTooltip, thePOI.node, "");
function AlphaMapUnit_OnEnter(unit)
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ptips ) then
local unitPin;
local newLine = "";
local ttText = "";
local x, y = unit:GetCenter();
local parentX, parentY = unit:GetParent():GetCenter();
if ( x > parentX ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(unit, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(unit, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
if ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapPlayer) ) then
ttText = ttText..amPlayer;
newLine = "\n";
-- Check party
unitPin = getglobal("AlphaMapParty"..i);
if ( unitPin:IsVisible() and MouseIsOver(unitPin) ) then
ttText = ttText..newLine..UnitName(unitPin.unit);
newLine = "\n";
--Check Raid
for i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
unitPin = getglobal("AlphaMapRaid"..i);
if ( unitPin:IsVisible() and MouseIsOver(unitPin) ) then
-- Handle players not in your raid or party, but on your team
if ( ) then
ttText =;
elseif ( unitPin.unit ) then
ttText = ttText..newLine..UnitName(unitPin.unit);
newLine = "\n";
-- Check Vehicles
if ( GetNumBattlefieldVehicles ) then
local numVehicles = GetNumBattlefieldVehicles();
for _, v in pairs(ALPHA_MAP_VEHICLES) do
if ( ( v:IsVisible() ) and ( MouseIsOver(v) ) ) then
if ( ) then
ttText =;
newLine = "\n";
-- <= == == == == == == == == == == == == =>
-- => New utility functions
-- <= == == == == == == == == == == == == =>
function ShowSlashCommands()
function AlphaMap_Disable()
if (AlphaMapConfig.enabled == false) then
AlphaMapConfig.enabled = false;
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AlphaMapFrame.UserHidden = true;
function AlphaMap_ReEnable()
if (AlphaMapConfig.enabled == true) then
AlphaMapConfig.enabled = true;
function AlphaMap_ResetAll()
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.enabled = true;
AlphaMapConfig.alpha = AM_DEFAULT_ALPHA;
AlphaMapConfig.scale = AM_DEFAULT_SCALE;
AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor = AM_DEFAULT_NOTESCALE;
AlphaMapConfig.combat = false;
AlphaMapConfig.ptips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.gtips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.mntips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.mngtips = false;
AlphaMapConfig.wmclose = false;
AlphaMapConfig.gatherer = true;
AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes = true;
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
end = true;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock = true;
AlphaMapConfig.slider = false;
AlphaMapConfig.minimap = true;
AlphaMapConfig.legacy = false;
AlphaMapConfig.angle = AM_DEFAULT_MINIMAP_ANGLE;
AlphaMapConfig.radius = AM_DEFAULT_MINIMAP_RADIUS;
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg = false;
AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg = false;
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmKey = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.ddP = AM_ANCHOR_DEFAULT;
AM_MapSelector.locked = true;
AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom = 5;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDPoint, AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(AlphaMapDDPoint, amAnchorPoint[AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom].Display);
AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo = 1;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, amAnchorPoint[AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo].Display);
AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons = false;
AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons = false;
AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg = false;
AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg = false;
AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap = false;
AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo = false;
AlphaMapConfig.amInBG = true;
AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch = true;
AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen = true;
for i, entry in ipairs(AM_ValidIndex) do
AlphaMapConfig[entry.typ] = true;
AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType = "Default";
AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted = false;
AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo = "Default";
AlphaMapConfig.wmMode = AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE;
AlphaMapConfig.Escape = false;
AlphaMapConfig.Mouse = true;
AlphaMapConfig.mute = false;
AlphaMapConfig.coords = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hTips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX = AM_DefaultSliderX;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY = AM_DefaultSliderY;
AlphaMapConfig.amClearView = false;
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = false;
AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour = AM_DEFAULT_COLOUR;
AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour = AM_DEFAULT_COLOUR;
AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked = false;
SetAlphaMapOpacity( AlphaMapConfig.alpha );
AlphaMapFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "CENTER", 0, 0);
ShowUIPanel( AlphaMapSliderFrame );
HideUIPanel( AlphaMapSliderFrame );
AlphaMapConfig.posX = 512;
AlphaMapConfig.posY = 383;
AlphaMapConfigurations = {};
AlphaMapConfigurations.wm = {};
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations.wm); = {};
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.gmap ) and ( applyAMMapChanges ) ) then
WorldMapFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0);
local dConvert = math.pi / 180; -- ok, lets try Radians then....
local rAngleOffset = 90 * dConvert; -- 0 & 360 start at 12 O'Clock, and ensure it moves Clockwise. i.e. 90 Degrees at 3 O'Clock is more intuitive for the user
function AM_UpdateMinimapButton()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.angle ) then
local x = 56 - ( AlphaMapConfig.radius * math.cos( (AlphaMapConfig.angle * dConvert) + rAngleOffset ) );
local y = ( AlphaMapConfig.radius * math.sin( (AlphaMapConfig.angle * dConvert) + rAngleOffset ) ) - 58;
AM_MinimapButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "Minimap", "TOPLEFT", x, y);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.minimap == true ) then
function AM_MinimapButtonOnEnter()
GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this)
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap ) then
function AM_MinimapButtonOnLeave()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap ) then
function AM_DDOptionsButtonOnEnter()
GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this)
function AM_DDOptionsButtonOnLeave()
function AM_MinimapButtonOnClick(mBttn, minimapButton)
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
if ( AM_DDHotSpot.toggled == true ) then
AM_DDHotSpot.toggled = false;
if ( ( minimapButton ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap ) ) then
elseif ( mBttn == "RightButton" ) then
function AM_ToggleOptions()
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
function AM_SetOptions()
if ( not amLoaded ) then
-- if ( AM_HotSpotToggled ) then
-- AM_HotSpot_OnLeave();
-- end
local optionsType;
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(amAlphaMapMap.filename) ], AlphaMapConfig);
local settingLabel = amAlphaMapMap.displayname;
if ( AlphaMapConfig[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) then
settingLabel = amAlphaMapMap.type;
optionsType = amAlphaMapMap.type;
elseif ( ( GetMapInfo() ) and ( GetCurrentMapContinent() == -1 ) ) then
local mapFileName = GetMapInfo();
local amMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(mapFileName);
if ( amMap ) then
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(amMap.filename) ], AlphaMapConfig);
local settingLabel = amMap.displayname;
if ( AlphaMapConfig[amMap.type] ) then
settingLabel = amMap.type;
optionsType = amMap.type;
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfigurations.wm, AlphaMapConfig);
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfigurations.wm, AlphaMapConfig);
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AM_OptionsFrame.AlphaMapConfig);
AM_OptionsFrame.label = AM_OptionsLabel:GetText();
AM_SkipWorldMapRepos = true;
local displayText = AM_OptionsLabel:GetText();
if ( displayText == AM_TYP_WM ) then
if ( ( lastTab ) and ( ( lastTab:GetID() == 2 ) or ( lastTab:GetID() == 3 ) ) ) then
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 1);
AML.AM_SetAlphaMapTypeOptions(optionsType, displayText);
if ( ( lastTab ) and ( ) ) then
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 1);
function AM_Options_OnClose()
AM_ChangingOriWorldMap = false;
if ( amMapNeedsRefresh ) then
local amMap = nil;
local mapFileName = GetMapInfo();
if ( mapFileName ) then
amMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(mapFileName);
amMapNeedsRefresh = nil;
function AM_SetOptionsSliders()
AM_CurrentAlpha:SetText(math.floor(AlphaMapConfig.alpha * 100).."%");
AM_CurrentScale:SetText(math.floor( AlphaMapConfig.scale * 100 ).."%");
-- AM_ButtonAngle:SetValue(AlphaMapConfig.angle);
-- AM_CurrentButtonAngle:SetText(AlphaMapConfig.angle..AM_DEGREE);
-- AM_ButtonRadius:SetValue(AlphaMapConfig.radius);
-- AM_CurrentButtonRadius:SetText(AlphaMapConfig.radius);
function AM_SetButtonSliders()
function AM_OptionsCheckBox_OnCheck(option)
local notSavedYet = true;
if ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotes ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotes:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes = true;
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes = false;
if ( MapNotes_DisablePlugin ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotesTooltips ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayMapNotesTooltips:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mntips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.mntips = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayGatherer ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayGatherer:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gatherer = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.gtips == true ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gatherer = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayGathererTooltips ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayGathererTooltips:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gtips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.gtips = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayRaid ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayRaid:GetChecked() ) then = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ptips == true ) then
else = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayPartyTooltips ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayPartyTooltips:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ptips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.ptips = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplaySlider ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplaySlider:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.slider = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock == true ) then
AlphaMapConfig.slider = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayMSlider ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayMSlider:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock = false;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock = true;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsAutocloseC ) then
AM_AutoClosed = nil;
if ( AM_OptionsAutocloseC:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.combat = true;
if ( AM_OptionsAutoReOpen:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = true;
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = false;
AlphaMapConfig.combat = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsAutoReOpen ) then
AM_AutoClosed = nil;
if ( AM_OptionsAutoReOpen:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = true;
AlphaMapConfig.reopen = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsAutocloseW ) then
if ( AM_OptionsAutocloseW:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmclose = true;
AlphaMapConfig.wmclose = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsMinimap ) then
if ( AM_OptionsMinimap:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.minimap = true;
AlphaMapConfig.minimap = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsClearView ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsLegacy ) then
if ( AM_OptionsLegacy:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.legacy = true;
AlphaMapConfig.legacy = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMNotes ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMNotes:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes = true;
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMNoteBg:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMNotesTooltips ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMNotesTooltips:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMNoteBg ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMNoteBg:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayMapBg ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayMapBg:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg = true;
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Map", AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a );
AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayMapTxtBg ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayMapTxtBg:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg = true;
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Text", AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.a );
AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMHeader ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMHeader:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader = true;
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMExtra ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMExtra:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra = true;
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMKey ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMKey:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmKey = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmKey = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayDMKeyTooltips ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMKeyTooltips:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDDDockIt ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDDDockIt:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddP = option:GetID();
AM_MapSelector.locked = true;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDDFreeIt ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDDFreeIt:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddP = option:GetID();
AM_MapSelector.locked = nil;
AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDDMapIt ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDDMapIt:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.ddP = option:GetID();
AM_MapSelector.locked = true;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotEnable ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotEnable:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot = true;
AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotOpen ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotOpen:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotOpacity ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotOpacity:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotWorldI ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotWorldI:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotDungI ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotDungI:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotNBG ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotNBG:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotMBG ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotMBG:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotMinimap ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotMinimap:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionHotSpotInfoFrames ) then
if ( AM_OptionHotSpotInfoFrames:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsUseInstanceInBG ) then
if ( AM_OptionsUseInstanceInBG:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amInBG = true;
AlphaMapConfig.amInBG = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
-- v3.00 Type needs re-writing x
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsDisplayTypeAffectAll ) then
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayTypeAffectAll:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig[amAlphaMapMap.type] = true;
AlphaMapConfig[amAlphaMapMap.type] = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsAutoSwitch ) then
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
if ( AM_OptionsAutoSwitch:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch = true;
AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsAutoOpen ) then
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
if ( AM_OptionsAutoOpen:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen = true;
AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsBGMsgsDefault ) then
if ( AM_OptionsBGMsgsDefault:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType = "Default";
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsBGMsgsParty ) then
if ( AM_OptionsBGMsgsParty:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType = "Party";
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsBGMsgsGeneral ) then
if ( AM_OptionsBGMsgsGeneral:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType = "General";
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsNuNFormatted ) then
if ( AM_OptionsNuNFormatted:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted = true;
AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsNuNDefault ) then
if ( AM_OptionsNuNDefault:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo = "Default";
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsNuNParty ) then
if ( AM_OptionsNuNParty:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo = "Party";
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsNuNGuild ) then
if ( AM_OptionsNuNGuild:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo = "Guild";
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsWM_Standard ) then
if ( AM_OptionsWM_Standard:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmMode = AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsWM_Overlay ) then
if ( AM_OptionsWM_Overlay:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmMode = AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_OMODE;
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsWM_Minimap ) then -- Future Development
if ( AM_OptionsWM_Minimap:GetChecked() ) then
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsWM_ZMinimap ) then -- Future Development
if ( AM_OptionsWM_ZMinimap:GetChecked() ) then
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsWM_Escape ) then
if ( AM_OptionsWM_Escape:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.Escape = true;
AlphaMapConfig.Escape = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsWM_Mouse ) then
if ( AM_OptionsWM_Mouse:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.Mouse = true;
AlphaMapConfig.Mouse = false;
elseif ( option == AM_Options_Mute ) then
if ( AM_Options_Mute:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.mute = true;
AlphaMapConfig.mute = false;
elseif ( option == AM_Options_Coords ) then
if ( AM_Options_Coords:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.coords = true;
AlphaMapConfig.coords = false;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsGM_Allow ) then
if ( AM_OptionsGM_Allow:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.gmap = true;
notSavedYet = nil;
AlphaMapConfig.gmap = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_Options_HelpTooltips ) then
if ( AM_Options_HelpTooltips:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.hTips = true;
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(AM_Options_HelpTooltips, AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1, AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2);
AlphaMapConfig.hTips = false;
notSavedYet = nil;
elseif ( option == AM_OptionsGM_Change ) then
if ( AM_OptionsGM_Change:GetChecked() ) then
if ( applyAMMapChanges ) then
if ( not WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AM_ChangingOriWorldMap = true;
AM_SkipWorldMapRepos = true;
AML.AM_CopySettings(, AlphaMapConfig);
AM_ChangingOriWorldMap = false;
AM_SkipWorldMapRepos = true;
AML.AM_CopySettings(AM_OptionsFrame.AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfig);
PanelTemplates_SetTab(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame, 5);
notSavedYet = nil;
if ( notSavedYet ) then
function AM_SetOptionsCheckBoxes()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mntips == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.gatherer == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.gtips == true ) then
if ( == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ptips == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.slider == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.combat == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.reopen == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.wmclose == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.minimap == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.legacy == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes == true ) then
if ( AM_OptionsDisplayDMNoteBg:GetChecked() ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmMapBg == true ) then
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Map", AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmTxtBg == true ) then
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Text", AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour.a );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmHeader == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmExtra == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKey == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_OPTIONS ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_FREE ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_ALPHAMAP ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMinimap == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.amInBG == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.autoSwitch == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.autoOpen == true ) then
-- v3.00 Needs re-writing based on type of Map open x
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( AlphaMapConfig[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.amClearView == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType == "Default" ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType == "Party" ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType == "General" ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNFormatted == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == "Default" ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == "Party" ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.NuNSendTo == "Guild" ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_OMODE ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MINIMODE ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_ZMINIMODE ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.Escape == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.Mouse == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.mute == true ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.coords == true ) then
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.gmap == true ) and ( applyAMMapChanges ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hTips == true ) then
AM_ChangingOriWorldMap = false;
function AM_UpdateFrame_OnUpdate(elapsed)
AM_Main_Update_Timer = AM_Main_Update_Timer + elapsed;
if ( AlphaMapFrame.isMoving ) then
if ( AM_Main_Update_Timer > 0.33 ) then
-- This code deals with auto-opening / auto-closing of the AlphaMap Battleground maps
if ( justEnteredWorld ) then
lastEnteredZone = GetRealZoneText();
if ( ( not lastEnteredZone ) or ( lastEnteredZone == "" ) ) then
if ( ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( MiniMapBattlefieldFrame.status == "active" ) ) then
local am = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(lastEnteredZone);
if ( ( am ) and ( AM_BG_Types[am.type] ) ) then
local settings = AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(am.filename) ];
if ( settings.autoOpen ) then -- previously .amInBG
amBGToggled = lastEnteredZone;
justEnteredWorld = nil;
elseif ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( MiniMapBattlefieldFrame.status == "active" ) ) then
if ( ( amBGToggled ) and ( amBGToggled ~= lastEnteredZone ) ) then
amBGToggled = lastEnteredZone;
justEnteredWorld = nil;
elseif ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( MiniMapBattlefieldFrame.status ~= "active" ) ) then
if ( amBGToggled ) then
amBGToggled = nil;
justEnteredWorld = nil;
if ( justEnteredWorld ) then
AM_Main_Update_BGTests = AM_Main_Update_BGTests + 1;
if ( AM_Main_Update_BGTests > 20 ) then
justEnteredWorld = nil;
AM_Main_Update_BGTests = 0;
if ( ( amLoaded ) and ( not AML.ddChecked ) ) then
local toggle;
if ( not WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
toggle = true;
if ( toggle ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, 150);
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, 150);
AML.ddChecked = true;
AM_Main_Update_Timer = 0;
function AM_Alpha_OnUpdate()
function AlphaMapFrame_PingPlayerPosition()
if ( ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) or ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.wmData ) ) ) then
local zoneName = GetRealZoneText();
if ( ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) or ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( ( zoneName == ) or ( zoneName..AM_EXTERIOR == ) ) ) ) then
AlphaMapPing.timer = 3;
function AM_ClearView()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.amClearView ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amClearView = false;
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amClearView = true;
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
function AM_GetPlayerModelRef()
local isModel = { Minimap:GetChildren() };
for yes=getn(isModel), 1, -1 do
if ( ( isModel[yes]:IsObjectType("Model") ) and ( not isModel[yes]:GetName() ) ) then
return isModel[yes];
function AlphaMap_ShowPopup()
local lScale = AlphaMapFrame:GetScale();
if ( lScale < 0.64 ) then
elseif ( lScale > 1.1 ) then
function AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(min, max, dflt, frame)
if ( not frame ) then frame = AlphaMapFrame; end
local gScale = UIParent:GetScale();
local lScale = frame:GetScale();
local eScale = frame:GetEffectiveScale();
if ( not min ) then
if ( not max ) then
if ( not dflt ) then
dflt = 1;
eScale = eScale * dflt;
if ( eScale < min ) then
return ( ( min / gScale ) / lScale );
elseif ( eScale > max ) then
return ( ( max / gScale ) / lScale );
return dflt;
function AlphaMap_ShowTooltip()
local lScale = AlphaMapFrame:GetScale();
rScale = GameTooltip:GetScale();
if ( lScale < 0.9 ) then
elseif ( lScale > 1.0 ) then
function AlphaMap_HideTooltip()
if ( rScale ) and ( rScale ~= 0 ) then
function AlphaMapAlphaMapKey_OnEnter(bttn)
local highLvl = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2;
local parent = bttn:GetParent();
local bttnName = parent:GetName();
local bttnID = parent:GetID();
local tstText = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..bttnID.."Symbol"):GetText();
-- v3.00 Removed - not sure why I left it dependant on Type... all amAlphaMapMap types should be the same (?)
-- if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.type == AM_TYP_INSTANCE ) ) then
-- highLvl = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2;
-- else
-- highLvl = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2;
-- end
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i);
if ( note.control == parent ) then
if ( ( tstText ~= "" ) and ( tstText ~= " " ) ) then
note:SetFrameLevel( highLvl );
-- getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i.."Highlight"):Show();
local amIndex = tostring(i);
if ( not amH[amIndex] ) then
amH[amIndex] = "Temp";
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmKeyTooltips ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
GameTooltip:SetText( parent.txt );
if ( ( parent.tttxt ) and ( parent.tttxt ~= "" ) ) then
GameTooltip:AddLine( AM_GREEN..parent.tttxt.."|r" );
function AlphaMapAlphaMapKey_OnLeave(bttn)
local baseLvl = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1; -- v3.00
local parent = bttn:GetParent();
local bttnName = parent:GetName();
-- v3.00 removed, again not sure why Instance was treated as special case...
-- if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.type == AM_TYP_INSTANCE ) ) then
-- baseLvl = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1;
-- else
-- baseLvl = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1;
-- end
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes ) then
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i);
if ( ( not note.bgPOI ) and ( not note.bgFlag ) ) then
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i):SetFrameLevel( baseLvl );
local amIndex = tostring(i);
if ( ( amH[amIndex] ) and ( amH[amIndex] == "Temp" ) ) then
amH[amIndex] = nil;
function AlphaMapAlphaMapKey_OnClick(mBttn, bttn)
local parent = bttn:GetParent();
local keyID = parent:GetID();
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
if ( parent.toMap ) then
local bttnName = parent:GetName(); -- ??? Should this be before the ...Frame_Update(...
getglobal(bttnName.."Highlight"):Hide(); -- ???
bttnName = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( bttnName ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( bttnName );
elseif ( ( parent.lootid ) and ( parent.lootid ~= "" ) and ( AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot ) ) then
if ( ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss ) and ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss == parent.lootid ) and ( not AtlasLootItemsFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
local boss = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..keyID):GetText();
AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot(parent.lootid, boss, AM_AM_LOOT_POINT);
elseif ( mBttn == "RightButton" ) then
if ( AMPopup:IsVisible() ) then
amRcMenus.bttnText = parent.txt;
if ( parent.bgPOI ) then
amRcMenus.POI = true;
amRcMenus.bgFlag = false;
amRcMenus.POI = false;
if ( parent.bgFlag ) then
amRcMenus.bgFlag = parent.bgFlag;
amRcMenus.Flag = true;
amRcMenus.POI = false;
amRcMenus.Flag = false;
if ( ( NuN_GNoteExists) and ( NuN_GNoteExists(amRcMenus.bttnText, true) ) ) then
amRcMenus.NuN = true;
amRcMenus.NuN = nil;
AM_rcMenu_Initialise(bttn, ("Dtl"..keyID));
-- Will change Key Page if the notes don't appear on the currently open page...
function AlphaMapAlphaMapNote_OnEnter(note)
local highLvl = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2;
local parent = note:GetParent();
local noteName = parent:GetName();
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips ) then
-- If numeric, then the following call will convert the value pointed to by "parent.control" to a table type... except if there are errors in the data
if ( type(parent.control) == "number" ) then
amNotePage = parent.control;
if ( type(parent.control) ~= "table" ) then
AML.AlphaMap_Print("Error on map : ";
local controlName = parent.control:GetName();
if ( parent.bgFlag ) then
if ( ( parent.bgFlag == "A" ) and ( amACarrier ) ) then
parent.tttxt = amACarrier;
elseif ( ( parent.bgFlag == "H" ) and ( amHCarrier ) ) then
parent.tttxt = amHCarrier;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips ) then
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
local otherNote = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i);
if ( otherNote.control == parent.control ) then
otherNote:SetFrameLevel( highLvl );
-- getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i.."Highlight"):Show();
local amIndex = tostring(i);
if ( not amH[amIndex] ) then
amH[amIndex] = "Temp";
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesTooltips ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
GameTooltip:SetText( parent.txt );
if ( ( parent.special ) and ( parent.special ~= "" ) ) then
GameTooltip:AddLine( AM_BLUE..parent.special.."|r" );
if ( ( parent.tttxt ) and ( parent.tttxt ~= "" ) ) then
GameTooltip:AddLine( AM_GREEN..parent.tttxt.."|r" );
parent.time = nil;
if ( parent.timer ) then
local timeDiff = GetTime() - parent.timer;
timeDiff = parent.bgTimerLimit - timeDiff;
local time = "0:00";
if ( timeDiff > 0 ) then
time = math.floor( timeDiff / 60 );
local subT = math.floor( timeDiff - ( time * 60 ) );
if ( subT == 0 ) then
subT = "00";
elseif ( subT < 10 ) then
subT = "0" .. subT;
time = time .. ":" .. subT;
if ( time == "0:00" ) then
GameTooltip:AddLine( "~"..AM_RED..time.."|r" );
GameTooltip:AddLine( "~"..AM_ORANGE..time.."|r" );
parent.time = time;
function AlphaMapAlphaMapNote_OnLeave(note)
local baseLvl = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1;
local parent = note:GetParent();
if ( type(parent.control) ~= "table" ) then return; end
local controlName = parent.control:GetName();
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i):SetFrameLevel( baseLvl );
local amIndex = tostring(i);
if ( ( amH[amIndex] ) and ( amH[amIndex] == "Temp" ) ) then
amH[amIndex] = nil;
function AlphaMapAlphaMapNote_OnClick(mBttn, note)
local parent = note:GetParent();
local keyID = parent.control:GetID();
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
if ( parent.toMap ) then
for n=1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
AlphaMapFrame_Update( AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap) );
elseif ( ( parent.lootid ) and ( AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot ) ) then
local boss = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..keyID):GetText();
AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot(parent.lootid, boss, AM_AM_LOOT_POINT);
elseif ( parent.bgFlag ) then
if ( ( parent.bgFlag == "A" ) and ( amACarrier ) ) then
-- TargetByName(amACarrier, true);
elseif ( ( parent.bgFlag == "H" ) and ( amHCarrier ) ) then
-- TargetByName(amHCarrier, true);
elseif ( parent.bgPOI ) then
if ( string.find(amAlphaMapMap.filename, "ArathiBasin") ) then
local pFaction, basesRequired = AML.AM_GetABScores();
if ( basesRequired ) then
local msg = AML.AM_NotifyBasesRequiredChange(basesRequired);
if ( ( msg ) and ( IsControlKeyDown() ) ) then
SendChatMessage(msg, "BATTLEGROUND");
elseif ( string.find(amAlphaMapMap.filename, "AlteracValley") ) then
if ( ( parent.time ) and ( IsControlKeyDown() ) ) then
SendChatMessage(parent.txt .. " : " .. parent.time, "BATTLEGROUND");
elseif ( mBttn == "RightButton" ) then
if ( AMPopup:IsVisible() ) then
amRcMenus.bttnText = parent.txt;
if ( parent.bgPOI ) then
amRcMenus.POI = true;
amRcMenus.bgFlag = false;
amRcMenus.POI = false;
if ( parent.bgFlag ) then
amRcMenus.bgFlag = parent.bgFlag;
amRcMenus.Flag = true;
amRcMenus.POI = false;
amRcMenus.Flag = false;
if ( ( NuN_GNoteExists ) and ( NuN_GNoteExists(amRcMenus.bttnText, true) ) ) then
amRcMenus.NuN = true;
amRcMenus.NuN = nil;
AM_rcMenu_Initialise(note, parent:GetID());
function AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrame_OnShow()
if ( lastTab ) then
PanelTemplates_SetTab(this, 1);
function AlphaMap_TabSelect(subFrame, mouseButton)
lastTab = subFrame;
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab1:SetText( AM_TAB_TEXT[1].text );
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab1, 0);
if ( AM_OptionsLabel:GetText() == AM_TYP_WM ) then
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab2:SetText( "|c00FF0000".. AM_TAB_TEXT[2].text .."|r");
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab2, 0);
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab3:SetText( "|c00FF0000".. AM_TAB_TEXT[3].text .."|r");
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab3, 0);
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab2:SetText( AM_TAB_TEXT[2].text );
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab2, 0);
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab3:SetText( AM_TAB_TEXT[3].text );
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab3, 0);
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab4:SetText( AM_TAB_TEXT[4].text );
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab4, 0);
AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab5:SetText( AM_TAB_TEXT[5].text );
PanelTemplates_TabResize(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab5, 0);
local tabText = getglobal(subFrame:GetName().."Text");
local tabN = subFrame:GetID();
tabText:SetText("|c0000FF00".. AM_TAB_TEXT[tabN].text .."|r");
function AM_ScaleSliderChanged()
local scale = AM_Scale:GetValue();
AM_CurrentScale:SetText( math.floor( scale * 100 ).."%" );
if ( AM_ChangingOriWorldMap ) then
if ( applyAMMapChanges ) then
WorldMapFrame:SetScale( scale );
local wmTTScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(nil, nil, nil, WorldMapFrame);
if ( AM_SkipWorldMapRepos ) then
AM_SkipWorldMapRepos = nil;
AlphaMapFrame:SetScale( scale );
if ( ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( amAlphaMapMap ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_ALPHAMAP ) then
AM_PlaceMap(AlphaMapFrame, AlphaMapConfig.posX, AlphaMapConfig.posY);
AlphaMapConfig.scale = scale;
function AM_MarkPosition()
local x, y = AlphaMapFrame:GetCenter();
local lScale = AlphaMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
x = x * lScale;
y = y * lScale;
AlphaMapConfig.posX = x;
AlphaMapConfig.posY = y;
function AM_PlaceMap(frame, x, y)
if ( ( x ) and ( y ) and ( not frame.isMoving ) ) then
local lScale = frame:GetEffectiveScale();
x = x / lScale;
y = y / lScale;
frame:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y);
function AML.AlphaMapContinentButton_OnClick()
selectedCont = this:GetID();
selectedZone = 999;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, selectedCont);
AlphaMapContinentDropDown.lastSelected = selectedCont;
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
amContType = AM_TYP_WM;
if ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
function AML.AM_Instances_OnClick()
selectedCont = nil;
selectedZone = nil;
selectedMap = nil;
amContType = this.value;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, this:GetID());
AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick(nil, AlphaMapRecent[amContType]);
function AML.AlphaMapFrame_LoadContinents()
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
local func;
for i=1, AM_nconts, 1 do
info.text = AM_conts[i];
info.func = AML.AlphaMapContinentButton_OnClick;
info.checked = nil;
for i, entry in ipairs(AM_ValidIndex) do
info.text = entry.displayname;
info.func = AML.AM_Instances_OnClick;
info.checked = nil;
function SetupContinentDropDown()
UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, AML.AlphaMapFrame_LoadContinents);
function AML.SetupZoneDropDown()
UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, AML.AlphaMapZoneDropDown_Initialise);
function AML.AlphaMapZoneDropDown_Initialise(self, level)
if ( amContType == AM_TYP_WM ) then
level = level or 1;
if ( not selectedCont ) then
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
if ( selectedCont < 1 ) then
selectedCont = AlphaMapContinentDropDown.lastSelected;
if ( not selectedCont ) then
selectedCont = 1;
-- Get the current level from the info table
local info = gMapMenus[selectedCont];
if ( not info ) then
info = info[level];
-- If a value has been set, try to find it at the current level
if ( ( level > 1 ) and ( UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE ) ) then
-- this was fucking me up big time and leads to a memory leak, never mind taint
-- but resetting numButtons to zero doesn't seem to cause taint, so seems like a reasonable solution
local listFrame = getglobal("DropDownList"..level);
if ( listFrame.numButtons > 0 ) then
listFrame.numButtons = 0;
AML.AlphaMapFrame_LoadZones(info, level);
function AML.AlphaMapFrame_LoadZones(zone, level)
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
for i, entry in ipairs(zone) do
info.text = entry.text;
info.func = entry.func;
info.value = entry.value;
info.hasArrow = entry.hasArrow;
info.checked = nil;
info.arg1 = entry.arg1;
info.arg2 = entry.arg2;
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level);
amContType = AM_TYP_WM;
amMapType = AM_TYP_WM;
function AML.AlphaMapFrame_LoadInstances()
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
for i=1, getn(sortedMapList), 1 do
info.text = sortedMapList[i].displayname;
info.func = AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick;
info.checked = nil;
function AML.AlphaMapZoneLevel_OnClick(self, zone, level)
local zoneButton = getglobal("DropDownList1Button" .. zone);
AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick(zoneButton, zone);
UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown, level );
function AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick(self, selected, argument2, argument3)
if ( ( self ) and ( not selected ) ) then
selected = self:GetID();
if ( ( amContType ~= AM_TYP_WM ) and ( selected > getn(sortedMapList) ) ) then -- selected ???
selected = 1;
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, selected);
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedZone = nil;
selectedMap = nil;
if ( amContType == AM_TYP_WM ) then
selectedZone = selected;
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
if ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
amMapType = AM_TYP_WM;
if ( not selectedCont ) then
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = selected;
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
amMapType = AM_TYP_WM;
SetMapZoom(selectedCont, selected);
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
amAlphaMapMap = nil;
local mType = sortedMapListType;
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap( sortedMapList[selected].name );
amMapType = mType;
amAlphaMapMap = map;
if ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
amMapType = mType;
amAlphaMapMap = map;
AlphaMapFrame_Update( amAlphaMapMap );
AlphaMapRecent[mType] = selected;
local AM_MapSelector_Timer = 0;
function AM_Selector_OnUpdate()
if ( ( AM_MapSelector:IsVisible() ) and ( MouseIsOver(AM_MapSelector) ) and ( not AM_MapSelector.locked ) ) then
-- Scale Checker because the scale on game load isn't correct, and things shrink too much
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_FREE ) then
AM_MapSelector_Timer = AM_MapSelector_Timer + arg1;
if ( AM_MapSelector_Timer > AM_MAPSELECTOR_LIMIT ) then
AM_MapSelector_Timer = 0;
function AM_rcMenu_Initialise(notePoint, highlight)
local bttnIndex = 0;
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
local width, maxWidth = 0, 40;
local normalText = nil;
local bttns = {};
local scaleValue = notePoint:GetScale();
for i = 1, 24, 1 do
bttns[i] = getglobal("AMPopupButton"..i);
bttns[i].text = getglobal("AMPopupButton"..i.."Text");
if ( amRcMenus.POI ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText("|c0000ff00" .. AM_TYP_BG .. "|r");
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
for i = 1, 6, 1 do
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
local n = i;
if ( n > 5 ) then
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AM_BroadcastMsg;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = (n..AM_RCMENU_INC..amRcMenus.bttnText);
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText(amRcMenus.bttnText.." "..AM_OK);
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AM_BroadcastMsg;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = (amRcMenus.bttnText.." "..AM_OK);
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
elseif ( amRcMenus.Flag ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText("|c0000ff00" .. AM_TYP_BG .. "|r");
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
local flgText = AM_RCMENU_HFLAG;
if ( amRcMenus.bgFlag == "A" ) then
for i = 1, getn(AM_RCMENU_FLAGLOC), 1 do
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AM_BroadcastMsg;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = flgText..AM_RCMENU_FLAGLOC[i];
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
if ( NuN_GNoteExists ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText("|c0000ff00" .. AM_NUN .. "|r");
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AML.AM_OpenNuNNote;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = amRcMenus.bttnText;
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
if ( amRcMenus.NuN ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AML.AM_SendNuNNote;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = "Auto:"..amRcMenus.bttnText;
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AML.AM_SendNuNNote;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = "Manual:"..amRcMenus.bttnText;
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
local optionsHeader = nil;
if ( ( not amRcMenus.POI ) and ( not amRcMenus.Flag ) ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText("|c0000ff00" .. AM_OPTIONS .. "|r");
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
optionsHeader = true;
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AM_BossDeadToggle;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = amRcMenus.bttnText;
if ( highlight ) then
if ( not optionsHeader ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText("|c0000ff00" .. AM_OPTIONS .. "|r");
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
optionsHeader = true;
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AML.AM_Highlight;
bttns[bttnIndex].arg1 = highlight;
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
if ( bttnIndex > 0 ) then
if ( not optionsHeader ) then
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].text:SetText("|c0000ff00" .. AM_OPTIONS .. "|r");
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
optionsHeader = true;
bttnIndex = bttnIndex + 1;
bttns[bttnIndex].func = AML.AM_HidePopup;
width = bttns[bttnIndex].text:GetWidth() + 40;
if ( width > maxWidth ) then
maxWidth = width;
if ( bttnIndex > 0 ) then
local singleHeight = AMPopupButton1:GetHeight() + 1;
local heightBuffer = 24;
local maxHeight = bttnIndex * singleHeight + heightBuffer;
for i=1, bttnIndex, 1 do
bttns[i]:SetWidth(maxWidth - 2);
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( y > 300 ) then
if ( x > 500 ) then
AMPopup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", notePoint, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0);
AMPopup:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", notePoint, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0);
if ( x > 500 ) then
AMPopup:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", notePoint, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0);
AMPopup:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", notePoint, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
function AMPopup_OnClick(mBttn, Bttn)
local func = Bttn.func;
if ( func ) then
function AM_BroadcastMsg(msg)
if ( amBGRaidState ~= "BG" ) then
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType == "Default" ) and ( amBGRaidState == "Raid" ) ) then
SendChatMessage(msg, "RAID");
elseif ( ( ( amBGRaidState == "Party" ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType ~= "General" ) ) or
( ( amBGRaidState == "Raid" ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.bgMsgType == "Party" ) ) ) then
SendChatMessage(msg, "PARTY");
SendChatMessage(msg, "BATTLEGROUND");
SendChatMessage(msg, "BATTLEGROUND");
function AlphaMapDDPoint_OnLoad()
UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(AlphaMapDDPoint, AlphaMapDDPoint_Initialise);
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(AlphaMapDDPoint, 110);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDPoint, AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom);
function AlphaMapDDPoint_Initialise()
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
for i=1, getn(amAnchorPoint), 1 do
info.text = amAnchorPoint[i].Display;
info.func = AlphaMapDDPoint_OnClick;
info.checked = nil;
function AlphaMapDDPoint_OnClick()
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDPoint, this:GetID());
AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom = this:GetID();
function AlphaMapDDrelativePoint_OnLoad()
UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, AlphaMapDDrelativePoint_Initialise);
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, 110);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo ) then
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo);
function AlphaMapDDrelativePoint_Initialise()
local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
for i=1, getn(amAnchorPoint), 1 do
info.text = amAnchorPoint[i].Display;
info.func = AlphaMapDDrelativePoint_OnClick;
info.checked = nil;
function AlphaMapDDrelativePoint_OnClick()
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapDDrelativePoint, this:GetID());
AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo = this:GetID();
function AlphaMapPlaceDDs(showMap)
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_FREE ) then
if ( AM_MapSelector:IsUserPlaced() ) then
AM_MapSelector:SetPoint("TOP", "UIParent", "TOP", 0, -75);
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_ALPHAMAP ) then
if ( ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( showMap ) ) then
local from = amAnchorPoint[AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom].Command;
local to = amAnchorPoint[AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo].Command;
AM_MapSelector:SetPoint(from, "AlphaMapFrame", to, -8, 8);
AM_MapSelector:SetFrameLevel( AM_OptionsFrameMaps:GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
AM_MapSelector:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "AM_OptionsFrameMaps", "BOTTOM", 0, 10);
function AM_Selector_OnShow()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.HotSpot ) then
local parent = this:GetParent();
if ( parent == UIParent ) then
function AM_CheckDDScale()
local parent = AM_MapSelector:GetParent();
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.ddScale ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.ddScale >= 0.3 ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.ddScale <= 1.4 ) ) then
AM_MapSelector_Scale = AlphaMapConfig.ddScale;
if ( parent == AM_OptionsFrameMaps ) and ( AM_OptionsFrameMaps ) then
-- Scale set to 1 before Docking
local adjuster = AM_MapSelector_Scale;
local uiScale = UIParent:GetEffectiveScale();
if ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_ANCHOR_ALPHAMAP ) then
uiScale = AlphaMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
adjuster = adjuster / uiScale;
function AM_ToggleHotSpot()
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AM_HotSpotToggled ) then
function AM_HotSpot_OnEnter()
if ( MouseIsOver(AM_DDHotSpot) ) then
if ( AM_HotSpotToggled == true ) then
if ( not AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpen ) then
AM_DDHotSpot.toggled = true;
-- AlphaMapFrame is immediately visible even if toggled open above...
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AM_DDHotSpot.alpha = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetAlpha();
elseif ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AM_DDHotSpot.alpha = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetAlpha();
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amClearView = not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) and ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView ) ) then
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes ) then
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg ) then
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapBgTexture:IsVisible() ) then
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Map", AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a );
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo ) and ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapDetailsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapTitleFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapPreReqFrame:IsVisible() ) then
AM_HotSpotToggled = true;
function AM_HotSpot_OnLeave()
if ( AM_HotSpotToggled == false ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsOpacity ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AtlasLootItemsFrame ) then
elseif ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsWmIcons ) then
AlphaMapConfig.amClearView = not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView;
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.mapnotes == true ) and ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView ) ) then
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsDmIcons ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotes ) then
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsNBg ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.dmNotesBg ) then
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
for i=1, iNote, 1 do
if ( AlphaMapConfig.hsMBg ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapBgTexture:IsVisible() ) then
AML.AM_UpdateColours("Map", AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.r, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.g, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.b, AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour.a );
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.hsInfo ) and ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapDetailsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapTitleFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapPreReqFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AM_DDHotSpot.toggled ) then
amHiddenByHotSpot = true;
AM_DDHotSpot.toggled = nil;
AM_DDHotSpot.alpha = nil;
AM_HotSpotToggled = false;
-- Global Functions
function AM_OptionsNoteBG_Set()
AML.AM_SetUpColourPicker(AlphaMapConfig.nBgColour, "Notes");
function AM_OptionsMapBG_Set()
AML.AM_SetUpColourPicker(AlphaMapConfig.mBgColour, "Map");
function AM_OptionsTextBG_Set()
AML.AM_SetUpColourPicker(AlphaMapConfig.txtBgColour, "Text");
function AM_SelectorLockToggle()
AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked = ( not AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked );
function AM_SaveConfig(map)
if ( map ) then
amAlphaMapMap = map;
if ( AM_ChangingOriWorldMap ) then
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
-- v3.00 Needs type re-writing x
if ( AlphaMapConfig[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) then
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(amAlphaMapMap.filename) ])
elseif ( ( GetMapInfo() ) and ( GetCurrentMapContinent() == -1 ) ) then
local mapFileName = GetMapInfo();
local amMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(mapFileName);
if ( amMap ) then
-- v3.00 Needs type re-writing x
if ( AlphaMapConfig[amMap.type] ) then
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(amMap.filename) ])
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations.wm);
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations.wm);
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AM_OptionsFrame.AlphaMapConfig);
return true;
function AM_SaveGlobals()
for configuration, configurations in pairs(AlphaMapConfigurations) do
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].enabled = AlphaMapConfig.enabled;
for i, entry in ipairs(AM_ValidIndex) do
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ][entry.typ] = AlphaMapConfig[entry.typ];
-- AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].lock = AlphaMapConfig.lock;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].legacy = AlphaMapConfig.legacy;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].ddScale = AlphaMapConfig.ddScale;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].ddP = AlphaMapConfig.ddP;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].ddAnchorTo = AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorTo;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].ddAnchorFrom = AlphaMapConfig.ddAnchorFrom;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].freeLocked = AlphaMapConfig.freeLocked;
-- AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].slider = AlphaMapConfig.slider;
-- AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].sliderlock = AlphaMapConfig.sliderlock;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].minimap = AlphaMapConfig.minimap;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].angle = AlphaMapConfig.angle;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].radius = AlphaMapConfig.radius;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].wmMode = AlphaMapConfig.wmMode;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].Escape = AlphaMapConfig.Escape;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].Mouse = AlphaMapConfig.Mouse;
-- AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].sliderLocX = AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX;
-- AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].sliderLocY = AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].mute = AlphaMapConfig.mute;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].gmap = AlphaMapConfig.gmap;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].hTips = AlphaMapConfig.hTips;
function AM_SaveTypes(amTyp)
if ( not amTyp ) then
if ( not amAlphaMapMap ) then
AML.AlphaMap_Print("No map type... Line:6497");
amTyp = amAlphaMapMap.type;
for map, maps in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
if ( AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[map].type == amTyp ) then
if ( not AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[map].filename) ] ) then
AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[map].filename) ] = {};
AML.AM_CopySettings(AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST[map].filename) ]);
function AlphaMapAlphaMap_OnUpdate(arg1)
hTimer = hTimer + arg1;
if ( hTimer > AM_FLASH_TIMER ) then
local lVals = {};
for index, value in pairs(amH) do
if ( not lVals[index] ) then
local h = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..index.."Highlight");
if ( h ) then
local t = h:GetTexture();
if ( not h:IsVisible() ) then
if ( string.find(t, "Inverse") ) then
lVals[index] = true;
hTimer = 0;
function AM_Showing()
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.mute ) and ( not globalMute ) ) then
if ( not updatingPaused ) then
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP ) and ( AlphaMapConfig.ddP == AM_OptionsDDMapIt:GetID() ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapConfig.coords ) then
function AM_Hiding()
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.mute ) and ( not globalMute ) ) then
if( AlphaMapFrame.UserHidden == false and AlphaMapConfig.wmclose ) then
AlphaMapFrame.UserHidden = false;
if ( not updatingPaused ) then
function AM_PauseButtonOnClick(mBttn)
if ( updatingPaused ) then
updatingPaused = nil;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo(); -- ?????
updatingPaused = true;
function AM_CycleWMMode()
if ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmMode = AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_OMODE;
elseif ( AlphaMapConfig.wmMode == AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_OMODE ) then
AlphaMapConfig.wmMode = AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_SMODE;
if ( AlphaMapDetailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
-- ZoomClick
function AlphaMapButton_OnClick(frameButton, mouseButton)
local needZoomRefresh = true;
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( not AM_Minimap_Data[amAlphaMapMap.filename] ) and ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame) ) ) then
if ( ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
x = x / AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
y = y / AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
local centerX, centerY = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetCenter();
local width = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetWidth();
local height = AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetHeight();
local adjustedY = (centerY + (height/2) - y) / height;
local adjustedX = (x - (centerX - (width/2))) / width;
AM_Zoom(adjustedX, adjustedY);
elseif ( ( mouseButton == "RightButton" ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
local inInstance, dType = IsInInstance(); -- Further BG testing
if ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) then
-- if ( ( not true ) and ( GetCurrentMapZone() > 0 ) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) ) then
if ( ( GetCurrentMapZone() > 0 ) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) and ( IsShiftKeyDown() ) ) then
-- Zoom even further within a Zone
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
local eScale = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
x = x / eScale;
y = y / eScale;
local cX, cY = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetCenter();
local pW, pH = AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth(), AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight();
x = (x - (cX - (pW/2))) / pW;
y = (cY + (pH/2) - y) / pH;
local localTexture = nil;
for overlayFrame, overlayTexture in pairs(AM_OverlayIndex) do
if ( MouseIsOver(overlayFrame) ) then
local tX, tY = overlayFrame:GetCenter();
tX = (tX - (cX - (pW/2))) / pW;
tY = (cY + (pH/2) - tY) / pH;
local dist = ( (tX - x) * (tX - x) ) + ( (tY - y) * (tY - y) );
if ( ( not localTexture ) or ( dist < localTexture.dist ) ) then
if ( not localTexture ) then
localTexture = {};
localTexture.overlayFrame = overlayFrame;
localTexture.overlayTexture = overlayTexture;
localTexture.dist = dist;
if ( localTexture ) then
local test = AlphaMapZoomed:GetTexture();
if ( ( test ) and ( test ~= "" ) ) then
-- The Below information can be used to plot player icons/notes on zoomed map portions - I just didn't have time to fully implement.
-- See the commented out AM_GetZoomedCoords(x, y) function
local leftX = localTexture.overlayFrame:GetLeft();
local rightX = localTexture.overlayFrame:GetRight();
local topY = localTexture.overlayFrame:GetTop();
local bottomY = localTexture.overlayFrame:GetBottom();
leftX = (leftX - (cX - (pW/2))) / pW;
rightX = (rightX - (cX - (pW/2))) / pW;
topY = (cY + (pH/2) - topY) / pH;
bottomY = (cY + (pH/2) - bottomY) / pH;
local w, h = localTexture.overlayTexture:GetWidth(), localTexture.overlayTexture:GetHeight();
local sFactor = 628 / w;
if ( h > w ) then
sFactor = 628 / h;
AlphaMapZoomed:SetWidth( sFactor * w );
AlphaMapZoomed:SetHeight( sFactor * h );
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed = nil;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed = {};
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.leftX = leftX;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.rightX = rightX;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.width = rightX - leftX;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.topY = topY;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.bottomY = bottomY;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.height = bottomY - topY;
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.textureWidth = AlphaMapZoomed:GetWidth();
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.textureHeight = AlphaMapZoomed:GetHeight();
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed.sFactor = sFactor;
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) then
if ( not frameButton ) then
frameButton = self;
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
x = x / frameButton:GetEffectiveScale();
y = y / frameButton:GetEffectiveScale();
local centerX, centerY = frameButton:GetCenter();
local width = frameButton:GetWidth();
local height = frameButton:GetHeight();
local adjustedY = (centerY + (height/2) - y) / height;
local adjustedX = (x - (centerX - (width/2))) / width;
ProcessMapClick(adjustedX, adjustedY);
needZoomRefresh = false;
elseif ( AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) then
AlphaMapFrame.zoomed = nil;
if ( MapNotes_EnablePlugin ) then
if ( GetCurrentMapContinent() ~= 0 ) then
needZoomRefresh = false;
selectedZone = 999;
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
AlphaMapUnits_Update(AM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SMAX + 1);
function AM_Zoom(x, y)
local minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
if ( x < 0.25 ) then
minX = 0;
maxX = 0.5;
elseif ( x > 0.75 ) then
minX = 0.5;
maxX = 1;
minX = x - 0.25;
maxX = x + 0.25;
if ( y < 0.25 ) then
minY = 0;
maxY = 0.5;
elseif ( y > 0.75 ) then
minY = 0.5;
maxY = 1;
minY = y - 0.25;
maxY = y + 0.25;
amAlphaMapMap.zoomed = {};
amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.minX = minX;
amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.maxX = maxX;
amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.minY = minY;
amAlphaMapMap.zoomed.maxY = maxY;
AlphaMapAlphaMapTexture:SetTexCoord(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);
function AM_ZoomOut()
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
amAlphaMapMap.zoomed = nil;
AlphaMapAlphaMapTexture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1);
function AM_Main_OnUpdate(arg1)
if ( AlphaMapFrame.isMoving ) then
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.Mouse == true ) and ( not AM_HotSpotToggled ) ) then
if ( IsAltKeyDown() ) then -- BIG CHANGE IN FUNCTIONALITY
if ( not AM_CoordinatesMovementFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( not AlphaMapButton:IsVisible() ) then
local i = 1;
local POI = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
while ( POI ) do
if ( POI:IsVisible() ) then
local bttn = getglobal("AlphaMapPOI"..i.."Button");
if ( bttn ) then
i = i + 1;
POI = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
if ( AM_CoordinatesMovementFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapButton:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AlphaMapSliderFrame.isMoving ) then
AlphaMapSliderFrame.isMoving = false;
if ( AlphaMapSliderFrame.Adopt ) then
AlphaMapSliderFrame.Adopt = nil;
if ( AM_Coordinates.isMoving ) then
AM_Coordinates.isMoving = false;
local i = 1;
local POI = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
while ( POI ) do
local bttn = getglobal("AlphaMapPOI"..i.."Button");
if ( ( bttn ) and ( bttn:IsVisible() ) ) then
i = i + 1;
POI = getglobal( "AlphaMapPOI"..i );
if ( ( IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( IsAltKeyDown() ) and ( not AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
elseif ( ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) or ( not IsAltKeyDown() ) ) and ( AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
function AM_POI_OnEnter()
local pere = this:GetParent();
AlphaMapFrame.poiHighlight = 1;
if ( pere.description and strlen(pere.description) > 0 ) then
function AM_POI_OnLeave()
AlphaMapFrame.poiHighlight = nil;
function AM_POI_OnClick(self, mouseButton)
if ( self.mapLinkID ) then
AlphaMapButton_OnClick(AlphaMapButton, mouseButton);
function AlphaMapButton_OnUpdate(elapsed)
if ( ( amMapType == AM_TYP_WM ) and ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapFrame) ) ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
x = x / this:GetEffectiveScale();
y = y / this:GetEffectiveScale();
local centerX, centerY = this:GetCenter();
local width = this:GetWidth();
local height = this:GetHeight();
local adjustedX = (x - (centerX - (width/2))) / width;
local adjustedY = (centerY + (height/2) - y ) / height;
local name, fileName, texPercentageX, texPercentageY, textureX, textureY, scrollChildX, scrollChildY = UpdateMapHighlight( adjustedX, adjustedY );
AlphaMapFrame.areaName = name;
if ( not AlphaMapFrame.poiHighlight ) then
if ( fileName ) then
AlphaMapHighlight:SetTexCoord(0, texPercentageX, 0, texPercentageY);
textureX = textureX * width;
textureY = textureY * height;
scrollChildX = scrollChildX * width;
scrollChildY = -scrollChildY * height;
if ( (textureX > 0) and (textureY > 0) ) then
AlphaMapHighlight:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "TOPLEFT", scrollChildX, scrollChildY);
function AlphaMapButton_OnHide()
AlphaMapFrame.poiHighlight = nil;
function AM_RememberSliderPos()
AlphaMapSliderFrame.Adopt = nil;
if ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapFrame) ) then
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX, AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY = AM_GetRelativeCoords(AlphaMapFrame);
AlphaMapSliderFrame.Adopt = true;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX = AM_DefaultSliderX;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY = AM_DefaultSliderY;
function AM_RememberCoordsPos()
if ( AM_Coordinates.isMoving ) then
if ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapFrame) ) then
AM_Coordinates.startingX, AM_Coordinates.startingY = AM_GetRelativeCoords(AlphaMapFrame, AM_Coordinates);
AM_Coordinates.startingX, AM_Coordinates.startingY = AM_DefaultCoordsX, AM_DefaultCoordsY;
local x, y;
if ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapFrame) ) then
x, y = AM_GetRelativeCoords(AlphaMapFrame, AM_Coordinates);
x, y = AM_Coordinates.startingX, AM_Coordinates.startingY;
if ( x < 45 ) then
x = x + 45;
AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocX, AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocY = x, y;
function AM_GetRelativeCoords(rFrame, pFrame)
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
local aX, aY = 0, 0;
-- ludicrously complex minor adjustment to allow for the unitScaling adjustments when SetPoint(ing... later on
if ( pFrame ) then
local eScale = pFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
local offX, offY = pFrame:GetCenter();
local w = pFrame:GetWidth();
local h = pFrame:GetHeight();
local pX, pY = x / eScale, y / eScale;
aY = (offY + h/2 - pY) / h;
aX = (pX - (offX - w/2)) / w;
aX = ( (0.5 - aX) * w ) / eScale;
aY = -( (0.5 - aY) * h ) / eScale;
x = x / (rFrame:GetEffectiveScale()) + aX;
y = y / (rFrame:GetEffectiveScale()) + aY;
local centerX, centerY = rFrame:GetCenter();
local width = rFrame:GetWidth();
local height = rFrame:GetHeight();
local adjustedX = (x - (centerX - (width/2))) / width;
local adjustedY = (centerY + (height/2) - y ) / height;
x = math.floor( width*adjustedX );
y = math.floor( height - (height*adjustedY) );
return x, y;
function AM_SetSliderPos()
if ( AlphaMapSliderFrame:IsUserPlaced() ) then
local x, y = AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX, AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY;
AlphaMapSliderFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapFrame", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y);
AlphaMapSliderFrame:SetFrameLevel( AlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 3);
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.slider ) then
function AM_SetCoordsPos()
local x, y = AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocX, AlphaMapConfig.coordsLocY;
local amUnitScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale();
AM_Coordinates:SetScale( amUnitScale );
AM_Coordinates:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapFrame", "BOTTOMLEFT", x / amUnitScale, y / amUnitScale);
AM_Coordinates:SetFrameLevel( AlphaMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 3);
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.coords ) then
function AM_SetupGameMap(showMap)
if ( applyAMMapChanges ) then
UIPanelWindows["WorldMapFrame"] = nil;
WorldMapFrame:SetAttribute("UIPanelLayout-enabled", false);
local wmTTScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(nil, nil, nil, WorldMapFrame);
WorldMapFrame:SetScript("OnKeyDown", nil);
local alreadyInserted = nil;
for _, frame in ipairs(UISpecialFrames) do
if ( frame == "WorldMapFrame" ) then
alreadyInserted = true;
if ( not alreadyInserted ) then
table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "WorldMapFrame");
WorldMapFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function()
WorldMapFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function()
local x, y = WorldMapFrame:GetCenter();
local lScale = WorldMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
x = x * lScale;
y = y * lScale; = x; = y;
AM_PlaceMap(WorldMapFrame, x, y);
WorldMapFrame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function()
WorldMapFrame:SetWidth(1024); -- yyy
WorldMapFrame:SetHeight(768); -- yyy
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then
local scrollUp = ( arg1 == 1 );
if ( IsAltKeyDown() ) then
if ( IsShiftKeyDown() ) then
local alpha =;
if ( scrollUp ) then
alpha = alpha + 0.05;
if ( alpha > 1 ) then
alpha = 1;
alpha = alpha - 0.05;
if ( alpha < 0 ) then
alpha = 0;
WorldMapFrame:SetAlpha(alpha); = alpha;
local scale =;
if ( scrollUp ) then
scale = scale + 0.075;
if scale > 2 then
scale = 2;
scale = scale - 0.075;
if scale < 0.2 then
scale = 0.2;
local wmTTScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(nil, nil, nil, WorldMapFrame);
WorldMapTooltip:SetScale(wmTTScale); = scale;
local wmAlert = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, WorldMapFrame); -- yyy
wmAlert:SetScript("OnShow", function () -- yyy
WorldMapFrame:SetWidth(1024); -- yyy
WorldMapFrame:SetHeight(768); -- yyy
AM_PlaceMap(WorldMapFrame,,; -- yyy
end); -- yyy
if ( showMap ) then
if ( not WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
WorldMapFrame:SetWidth(1024); -- yyy
WorldMapFrame:SetHeight(768); -- yyy
local x, y = WorldMapFrame:GetCenter();
local lScale = WorldMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
x = x * lScale;
y = y * lScale; = x; = y;
AM_PlaceMap(WorldMapFrame, x, y);
AM_OptionsFrame:SetFrameLevel( WorldMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 4 );
function AM_ResetGameMap()
function AM_WorldMapMovementFrame_OnShow()
if ( MozzWorldMapShowAllCheckButton ) then
MozzWorldMapShowAllCheckButton:SetFrameLevel( AM_WorldMapMovementFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1 );
function AM_WorldMapMovementFrame_OnHide()
function AM_DisableStandardOptions()
function AM_EnableStandardOptions()
function AM_GetCLoc(cFrame)
local x, y = nil, nil;
if ( MouseIsOver(cFrame) ) then
local centerX, centerY = cFrame:GetCenter();
local width = cFrame:GetWidth();
local height = cFrame:GetHeight();
x, y = GetCursorPosition();
x = x / cFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
y = y / cFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
local adjustedY = (centerY + height/2 - y) / height;
local adjustedX = (x - (centerX - width/2)) / width;
x = 100 * ( adjustedX + MOFFSET_X );
y = 100 * ( adjustedY + MOFFSET_Y );
return x, y;
function AM_AtlasLootClick(mBttn, guiBttn)
local pere = AtlasLootPanel:GetParent();
if ( ( AtlasLootPanel:IsVisible() ) and ( pere == AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame ) ) then
AtlasLoot_AnchorFrame = AM_AM_LOOT_POINT;
AtlasLootPanel:SetPoint("TOP", "AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame", "BOTTOM", 0, 9);
function AM_ResetAtlasLootPanel()
if ( AtlasFrame ) then
AtlasLoot_AnchorFrame = AtlasFrame;
AtlasLootPanel:SetPoint("TOP", "AtlasFrame", "BOTTOM", 0, 9);
function AML.AM_MapReset()
if ( not amHiddenByHotSpot ) then
if ( updatingPaused ) then return; end
selectedMap = newMapFileName;
amContType = AM_TYP_WM;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
AML.RefreshZoneDropDown(selectedCont, selectedZone);
amHiddenByHotSpot = nil;
function AM_ShowAlphaPauseTooltip(loc)
if ( updatingPaused ) then
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(loc, AM_TT_PLAY1, AM_TT_PLAY2);
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(loc, AM_TT_PAUSE1, AM_TT_PAUSE2);
function AM_Options_OnUpdate()
if ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab1) ) then
AM_TabTooltipShowing = true;
elseif ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab2) ) then
AM_TabTooltipShowing = true;
elseif ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab3) ) then
AM_TabTooltipShowing = true;
elseif ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab4) ) then
AM_TabTooltipShowing = true;
elseif ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMap_OptionsTabFrameTab5) ) then
AM_TabTooltipShowing = true;
elseif ( AM_TabTooltipShowing ) then
AM_TabTooltipShowing = nil;
function AM_ShowAlphaTabTooltip(tab)
local tabN = tab:GetID();
local txt1 = AM_TAB_TEXT[tabN].tt1;
local txt2 = AM_TAB_TEXT[tabN].tt2;
local txt3 = AM_TAB_TEXT[tabN].tt3;
AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(tab, txt1, txt2, txt3);
function AM_ShowAlphaTooltip(loc, txt1, txt2, txt3, freeFormat)
if ( not AlphaMapConfig.hTips ) then
local format = 1;
if ( freeFormat ) then
format = nil;
local r, g, b = 1, 0.6, 0;
local anchor = AM_GetTooltipLoc();
AlphaMapTooltip:SetOwner(loc, anchor);
AlphaMapTooltip:AddLine(txt1, r, g, b, format);
r, g, b = 0, 1, 0;
if ( txt2 ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:AddLine(txt2, r, g, b, format);
r, g, b = 1, 0.1, 0.1;
if ( txt3 ) then
AlphaMapTooltip:AddLine(txt3, r, g, b, format);
function AM_GetTooltipLoc()
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
function AM_CheckALTogglePos()
if ( not AM_ALToggleButton:IsVisible() ) then
if ( AQ_AMCloseButton ) then
AM_ALToggleButton:SetPoint("RIGHT", "AQ_AMCloseButton", "LEFT", -5, 0);
AM_ALToggleButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 5);
function AM_CosmicClick(z)
if ( updatingPaused ) then
updatingPaused = nil;
pauseToggled = true;
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
AlphaMapUnits_Update(AM_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SMAX + 1);
if ( pauseToggled ) then
pauseToggled = nil;
updatingPaused = true;
local function AM_HighlightBoss_Dungeon(mapData, targ, dType)
local index = 1;
local increment = 1;
local note = "dtl"..index;
while ( mapData[note] ) do
if ( string.find( mapData[note].text, targ ) ) then
if ( ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( mapData == amAlphaMapMap ) ) then
AM_BossTargetted = {};
AM_BossTargetted.index = increment;
amH[ tostring(increment) ] = "Temp";
if ( ( UnitIsDead("target") ) and ( AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType] ) ) then
if ( not AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][mapData.filename] ) then
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][mapData.filename] = {};
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][mapData.filename][mapData[note].text] = true;
local AM_Msg = mapData.filename .. ":" .. dType .. ":" .. mapData[note].text;
SendAddonMessage("AM_FU", AM_Msg, "RAID");
return true;
local incrementer = 1;
if ( ( mapData[note].coords[1][1] == 0 ) and ( mapData[note].coords[1][2] == 0 ) ) then
incrementer = 0;
elseif ( getn(mapData[note].coords) > 1 ) then
incrementer = getn(mapData[note].coords);
increment = increment + incrementer;
index = index + 1;
note = "dtl"..index;
function AM_HighlightNamedTarget()
local targ = UnitName("target");
local inInstance, dType = IsInInstance();
local done = nil;
if ( ( targ ) and ( targ ~= "" ) and ( not UnitPlayerControlled("target") ) and ( inInstance ) ) then
local mapData, _, filename = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap( GetRealZoneText() );
if ( mapData ) then
if ( AM_LINKED_DUNGEONS[filename] ) then
for dungeon in pairs( AM_LINKED_DUNGEONS[filename] ) do
mapData = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(dungeon);
if ( mapData ) then
done = AM_HighlightBoss_Dungeon(mapData, targ, dType);
if ( done ) then
done = AM_HighlightBoss_Dungeon(mapData, targ, dType);
if ( ( AM_BossTargetted ) and ( not done ) ) then
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.index.."Target");
if ( note ) then
if ( ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted.index) ] ) and ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted.index) ] == "Temp" ) ) then
local highlight = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.index.."Highlight");
if ( ( highlight ) and ( highlight:IsVisible() ) ) then
amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted.index) ] = nil;
AM_BossTargetted = nil;
local function AM_CheckBoss_Dungeon(msg, dType, mapData)
local index = 1;
local note = "dtl"..index;
while ( mapData[note] ) do
if ( string.find( msg, mapData[note].text ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType] ) then
if ( not AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][mapData.filename] ) then
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][mapData.filename] = {};
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][mapData.filename][mapData[note].text] = true;
if ( ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( mapData == amAlphaMapMap ) ) then
local AM_Msg = mapData.filename .. ":" .. dType .. ":" .. mapData[note].text;
SendAddonMessage("AM_FU", AM_Msg, "RAID");
return true;
index = index + 1;
note = "dtl"..index;
function AM_CheckBossDeath(msg)
local inInstance, dType = IsInInstance();
local done = nil;
if ( inInstance ) then
local mapData, _, filename = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap( GetRealZoneText() );
if ( mapData ) then
if ( AM_LINKED_DUNGEONS[filename] ) then
for dungeon in pairs( AM_LINKED_DUNGEONS[filename] ) do
mapData = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(dungeon);
if ( mapData ) then
done = AM_CheckBoss_Dungeon(msg, dType, mapData);
if ( done ) then
AM_CheckBoss_Dungeon(msg,dType, mapData);
function AM_UpdateRaidProgress(amMsg)
local sep1 = string.find(amMsg, ":");
local sep2 = string.find(amMsg, ":", sep1+1);
local filename = string.sub(amMsg, 1, sep1-1);
local dType = string.sub(amMsg, sep1+1, sep2-1);
local bossName = string.sub(amMsg, sep2+1);
if ( ( filename ) and ( dType ) and ( bossName ) ) then
if ( AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType] ) then
if ( not AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][filename] ) then
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][filename] = {};
if ( not AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][filename][bossName] ) then
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][filename][bossName] = true;
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( amAlphaMapMap.filename == filename ) then
function AM_ClearPartyProgress()
for dungeon in pairs([AM_Realm][AM_Name] ) do[AM_Realm][AM_Name][dungeon] = nil;
if ( ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( amAlphaMapMap ) ) then
function AM_ClearRaidProgress(dungeon)
if ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][dungeon] ) then[AM_Realm][AM_Name][dungeon] = nil;
if ( ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.filename == dungeon ) ) then
function AM_BossDeadToggle(boss)
local changed = nil;
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename] )
and ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename][boss] ) ) then[AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename][boss] = nil;
changed = true;
elseif ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename] )
and ([AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename][boss] ) ) then[AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename][boss] = nil;
changed = true;
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
local inInstance, dType = IsInInstance();
if ( ( inInstance ) and ( AM_Raid_Progress_Types[amAlphaMapMap.type] ) and ( AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType] ) ) then
if ( not AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename] ) then
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename] = {};
AlphaMapRaidProgress[dType][AM_Realm][AM_Name][amAlphaMapMap.filename][boss] = true;
changed = true;
if ( changed ) then
AM_Notes( amAlphaMapMap );
function AM_ResetInstance()
--function AM_GetZoomedCoords(x, y)
-- local zData = AlphaMapFrame.zoomed;
-- if ( ( x < zData.leftX ) or
-- ( x > zData.rightX ) or
-- ( y < zData.topY ) or
-- ( y > zData.bottomY ) ) then
-- return nil, 0, 0;
-- else
-- local relativeX = ( (x - zData.leftX) / zData.width);
-- local relativeY = ( (y - zData.topY) / zData.height);
-- if ( zData.width > zData.height ) then
-- -- Think it needs scaling based on height/width
-- elseif ( zData.height > zData.width ) then -- differences, although it may be due to an error
-- -- in the scaling of the texture based on height/width
-- end
-- return AlphaMapZoomed, relativeX, relativeY;
-- end
-- Hooked functions
--function amNew_Gatherer_ChangeMap()
-- local tmpF = WorldMapFrame.IsVisible;
-- local px, py = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
-- if ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( px == 0 ) and ( py == 0 ) ) then
-- WorldMapFrame.IsVisible = amDummyTrue;
-- end
-- amOri_Gatherer_ChangeMap();
-- WorldMapFrame.IsVisible = tmpF;
function amDummyTrue()
return true;
function amNew_eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(parm1)
local pToggled = nil;
local c, z = GetCurrentMapContinent(), GetCurrentMapZone();
local i, iType = IsInInstance();
local amMap = amAlphaMapMap;
local amTyp = amMapType;
local mapFileName = GetMapInfo();
local tmpAmMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(mapFileName);
if ( not updatingPaused ) then
updatingPaused = true;
pToggled = true;
local x, y, m = amOri_eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(parm1);
if ( pToggled ) then
updatingPaused = nil;
if ( ( AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( not updatingPaused ) ) then
if ( amMap ) then
elseif ( ( iType ) and ( iType == "pvp" ) and ( c == -1 ) and ( tmpAmMap ) and ( AlphaMapConfigurations[ AML.AM_Strip(tmpAmMap.filename) ].amInBG == false ) ) then
globalMute = true;
globalMute = nil;
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
SetMapZoom(c, z);
return x, y, m;
function amNew_NuNGNote_WriteNote(...)
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
function amNew_NuNGNote_Delete(param1, ...)
amOri_NuNGNote_Delete(param1, ...);
if ( amAlphaMapMap ) then
function AM_ToggleWorldMap(frame)
if ( frame == WorldMapFrame ) then
if ( not WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
-- the WorldMap is now CLOSING
if ( AM_OptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( AM_OptionsGM_Change:GetChecked() ) then
AM_ChangingOriWorldMap = false;
-- the WorldMap is now OPENING...
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.gmap ) and ( applyAMMapChanges ) ) then
local wmTTScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(nil, nil, nil, WorldMapFrame);
WorldMapTooltip:SetFrameLevel( WorldMapFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
function amNew_AcceptBattlefieldPort(p1, p2)
if ( GetCurrentMapContinent() ~= -1 ) then
if ( GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 ) then
amBGRaidState = "Raid";
elseif ( GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 ) then
amBGRaidState = "Party";
amBGRaidState = "BG";
amOri_AcceptBattlefieldPort(p1, p2);
function AM_ScaleNotes()
local i = 1;
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i);
while ( ( note ) and ( amAlphaMapMap ) ) do
note:SetWidth( AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor + 2 );
note:SetHeight( AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor + 2 );
getglobal(note:GetName() .. "Text"):SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, (AlphaMapConfig.nsFactor - 2));
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..i);
-- Global Functions for Registering Plugin Maps
-- Plugins that want to register maps to be shown in AlphaMap should pass up to 3 parameters
-- 1.) [MANDATORY] The name of the AddOn doing the registering, or the Type of maps being registered for information purposes only
-- 2.) [MANDATORY] A table of data for the maps being registered - to be added to the core AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST array
--3.) [OPTIONAL] Any maps built from in-game Minimap textures must be added to the AM_Minimap_Data array
function AlphaMap_RegisterMaps(mapType, mapData, miniMapData)
if ( ( mapData ) and ( type(mapData) == "table" ) ) then
for index in pairs(mapData) do
table.insert(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST, mapData[index]);
if ( ( miniMapData ) and ( type(miniMapData) == "table" ) ) then
for index in pairs(miniMapData) do
AM_Minimap_Data[index] = miniMapData[index];
elseif ( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("FAILED TO LOAD ALPHAMAP MAPS : " .. tostring(mapType), 1.0, 0.12, 0.12);
-- Dynamic XML Creation
function AM_CreateAlphaMapAlphaMapNote(index)
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..index)
if ( not note ) then
note = CreateFrame("Frame", "AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..index, AlphaMapFrame, "AlphaMapAlphaMapNoteTemplate");
return note;
function AM_CreateAlphaMapPOI(index)
local POI = getglobal("AlphaMapPOI"..index);
if ( not POI ) then
POI = CreateFrame("Frame", "AlphaMapPOI"..index, AlphaMapUnits, "AlphaMapPOITemplate");
return POI;
function AM_CreateMapNotesPOI(index, specialID)
local MapNotePOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapNotesPOI"..index );
if ( not MapNotePOI ) then
MapNotePOI = CreateFrame("Frame", "AlphaMapNotesPOI"..index, AlphaMapUnits, "MapNotesPOITemplate");
if ( specialID ) then
return MapNotePOI;
function AM_CreateGathererPOI(index)
local GathererPOI = getglobal("AlphaMapGathererPOI"..index);
if ( not GathererPOI ) then
GathererPOI = CreateFrame("Frame", "AlphaMapGathererPOI"..index, AlphaMapUnits, "AlphaGatherTemplate");
return GathererPOI;
function AM_CreateCTMapNote(index)
local CTMapNote = getglobal("AMCT_UserMap_Note"..index);
if ( not CTMapNote ) then
CTMapNote = CreateFrame("Frame", "AMCT_UserMap_Note"..index, AlphaMapUnits, "AMCT_UserMap_NoteTemplate");
return CTMapNote;
function AM_CreateLine(index)
local Line = getglobal("AlphaMapLine_"..index);
if ( not Line ) then
Line = AlphaMapUnits:CreateTexture( ("AlphaMapLine_"..index), "OVERLAY");
return Line;
function AM_CreateTomTomPoint(index)
local ttP, ttT = getglobal("AM_TTP"..index);
if ( not ttP ) then
ttP = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_TTP"..index, AlphaMapUnits);
ttT = ttP:CreateTexture();
ttP:SetScript("OnEnter", AM_TTP_OnEnter);
ttP:SetScript("OnLeave", AM_TTP_OnLeave);
ttP:SetScript("OnClick", AM_TTP_OnClick);
return ttP;
-- Call AlphaMap_MN_RegisterAsPlugin() :
-- These are the only changes required to allow MapNotes to be created on
-- AlphaMap Instance style maps e.g. Instance/Battlegrounds/World Boss Maps
-- I use the 'MapNotes_EnablePlugin()' and 'MapNotes_DisablePlugin()' functions
-- provided by MapNotes to show/hide (enable/disable) the MapNotes on these maps
-- e.g. MapNotes_DisablePlugin(AM_MN_PLUGIN);
function AlphaMap_MN_RegisterAsPlugin()
MAPNOTES_PLUGINS_LIST.AlphaMap = AM_MN_PLUGIN; -- See Constants.lua for details
function AlphaMap_MN_Query() -- Returns a Key value for sorting MapNotes on AlphaMap frames
if ( ( type(amAlphaMapMap) == "table" ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.filename ) ) then -- depending on what is CURRENTLY displayed in the AlphaMap frames.
local key = AML.AM_Strip(amAlphaMapMap.filename);
return key; -- So instead of MapNotes_Data_Notes[cont][zone]...
else -- We would store notes under MapNotes_Data_Notes[value_returned_from_here]
return nil;
-- Return a localised name for the 'Key' value as it would be returned from the _MN_Query() function
-- This is not Mandatory, but will give more meaningful messages when you use the new Search functionality,
-- or Send/Recieve notes
-- If NOT provided, then the lclFunc variable should be ommitted from the Plugin data array that you Reigster with MapNotes
function AlphaMap_MN_Localiser(key)
local mKey;
for map, maps in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
mKey = AML.AM_Strip( maps.filename );
if ( ( mKey ) and ( mKey == key ) ) then
return maps.displayname;
-- Second MapNotes Registration as Plugin to use MapNotes functionality on main World Map Zones
-- Basically an attempt to Register as a Plugin that uses the same MapNotes root Key of "WM"
function AlphaMap_WM_RegisterAsPlugin()
function AlphaMap_WM_Localiser(key)
if ( MapNotes_Keys[key] ) then
return MapNotes_Keys[key].name, MapNotes_Keys[key].longName, WORLD_MAP;
return tostring(key), tostring(key);
AlphaMap/AlphaMap.toc New file
0,0 → 1,8
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap |c0000FF00(v3.33.30000)|r
## Version: 3.33.30000
## Author: Telic (Original v1 Jeromy Walsh)
## Notes: A semi-transparent worldmap overlay that does not interrupt character control. Update by
## OptionalDeps: Thottbot, MapNotes, MetaMap, CT_MapMod, FlightMap, NotesUNeed, GuildMap, AtlasLoot, Atlas, MobileMinimapButtons
## SavedVariables: AlphaMapConfig, AlphaMapConfigurations, AlphaMapRecent, AlphaMapRaidProgress, AlphaMapWatchList, AlphaMapVersion, AM_MapNotes
AlphaMap/ New file
0,0 → 1,414
-- localization.lua <French>
-- À \195\128
-- Á \195\129
-- Â \195\130
-- Ä \195\132
-- È \195\136
-- É \195\137
-- Ê \195\138
-- Ë \195\139
-- Î \195\142
-- Ï \195\143
-- Ô \195\148
-- Ö \195\150
-- Û \195\155
-- Ü \195\156
-- à \195\160
-- á \195\161
-- â \195\162
-- ä \195\164
-- è \195\168
-- é \195\169
-- ê \195\170
-- ë \195\171
-- î \195\174
-- ï \195\175
-- ô \195\180
-- ö \195\182
-- û \195\187
-- ü \195\188
-- 'Π\39\197\146
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEALPHAMAP = "Afficher/masquer la carte";
BINDING_NAME_CLEARVIEWALPHAMAP = "Afficher/masquer les notes et les icônes";
BINDING_NAME_CYCLEWMMODE = "Change le style de la carte";
BINDING_NAME_HOT_SPOT = "Fonction 'HotSpot'";
--Colored State values
ALPHA_MAP_GREEN_ENABLED = "|c0000FF00Activé|r";
ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED = "|c00FF0000Désactivé|r";
--Slash Help
AM_SLASH_HELP_USAGE = "Utilisation : /alphamap or /am:";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ENABLE = "/am enable - active AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_DISABLE = "/am disable - désactive AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RESET = "/am reset - restaure les options par défaut";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RAID = "/am raid - affiche les icônes de Raid";
AM_SLASH_HELP_PTIPS = "/am ptips - affiche les bulle d'aide (groupe)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MNTIPS = "/am mntips - affiche les info-bulles de MapNotes";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GTIPS = "/am gtips - affiche les info-bulles de Gatherer";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MOVESLIDER = "/am moveslider - bloque/débloque le réglage de l'opacité";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SLIDER = "/am slider - affiche/masque le réglage de l'opacité";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GATHERER = "/am gatherer - active/désactive le support de Gatherer";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MAPNOTES = "/am mapnotes - active/désactive le support de MapNotes";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOCLOSE = "/am combat - fermer AlphaMap au début du combat";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOOPEN = "/am reopen - réouvrir AlphaMap à la fin du combat";
AM_SLASH_HELP_WMCLOSE = "/am wmclose - fermer AlphaMap à la fermeture de la carte du monde";
AM_SLASH_HELP_LOCK = "/am lock - empêcher le déplacement de la carte";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SCALE = "/am scale |c0000AA00<valeur>|r - règle l'échelle de la carte (de 0.0 à 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_DDSCALE = "/am ddscale |c0000AA00<valeur>|r - règle l'échelle du sélecteur de carte (de 0.3 à 1.4)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_TOG = "|c00FF0000/am tog - affiche/masque la carte|r";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ALPHA = "/am alpha |c0000AA00<valeur>|r - règle la transparence de la carte (de 0.0 à 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MINIMAP = "/am minimap - affiche/masque le bouton sur la MiniMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SEARCH = "/am -s <texte à rechercher>";
AM_SLASH_HELP_HELP = "/am help <OU> /am ? - affiche cette aide";
ALPHA_MAP_LOAD_CONFIRM = "|c00A335EDAlphaMap |c0000FF00v."..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION.." |c00A335ED est chargé - Tapez "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH1.." ou "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH2.." pour les options.|r";
ALPHA_MAP_ENABLED = "|c0000BFFFAlphaMap est maintenant "..ALPHA_MAP_GREEN_ENABLED;
ALPHA_MAP_DISABLED = "|c0000BFFFAlphaMap est maintenant "..ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED;
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCKED = "AlphaMap: Interface |c00FF0000figée|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_UNLOCKED = "AlphaMap: Interface |c0000FF00déplaçable|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCK_HELP = "Cochez cette option pour empêcher de déplacer l'interface d'AlphaMap.";
ALPHA_MAP_DISABLED_HINT = "Note: AlphaMap est "..ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED..". Tapez |C0000AA00'/am Enable'|R le réactiver.";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_SLIDER_STATE = "AlphaMap: Déplacement du contrôle d'opacité ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_COMBAT_STATE = "AlphaMap: Fermeture auto. au début du combat ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_REOPEN_STATE = "AlphaMap: Réouverture à la fin du combat ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_RAID_STATE = "AlphaMap: Icônes de Raid ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_PTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Info-bulles de groupe/raid ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MNTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Info-bullles de MapNodes ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Info-bulles de Gatherer ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_WMCLOSE_STATE = "AlphaMap: Fermeture auto. à la fermeture de la carte du monde ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GATHERER_STATE = "AlphaMap: Support de Gatherer ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MAPNOTES_STATE = "AlphaMap: Support de MapNotes ";
-- Options
AM_OPTIONS = "Options";
AM_OPTIONS_TITLE = "Options d'AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_RESET = "Réinitialiser";
AM_OPTIONS_ANGLESLIDER = "Angle du bouton de la mini-carte : ";
AM_OPTIONS_RADIUSLIDER = "Distance du bouton de la mini-carte : ";
AM_OPTIONS_ALPHASLIDER = "Opacité de la carte : ";
AM_OPTIONS_SCALESLIDER = "Echelle de la carte : ";
-- Tab 1
AM_OPTIONS_ADDONS = "Notes et icônes";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTES = " Afficher les notes de MapNotes";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTES_TOOLTIPS = " Activer les info-bulles";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTESG_TOOLTIPS = " Activer les info-bulles";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER = " Afficher les icônes de Gatherer";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER_TOOLTIPS = " Activer les info-bulles";
AM_OPTIONS_RAID_PINS = " Afficher les membres du groupe de raid";
AM_OPTIONS_PARTY_TOOLTIPS = " Activer les info-bulles";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_OFF = " Masquer toutes les notes et icônes";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_ON = " |c00FF0000Masquer toutes les notes et icônes|r";
AM_OPTIONS_MISC = "Autres options";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER = " Afficher le contrôle d'opacité";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER_MOVE = " Autoriser le déplacement";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOCLOSE_COMBAT = " Fermer quand le combat commence";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOOPEN_COMBAT = " Réouvrir quand le combat est fini";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOCLOSE_WORLDMAP = " Fermer avec la carte du monde";
AM_OPTIONS_MINIMAP = " Afficher le bouton de la mini-carte";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_LOCK = " Figer la position de la carte";
AM_OPTIONS_LEGACYPLAYER = " Utiliser l'icône standard du joueur";
-- Tab 2
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS1 = "Cartes spéciales (1)";
AM_OPTIONS_DUNGEON_NOTES = "Points d'intérêt";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES = " Afficher les P.O.I. sur la carte";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_TOOLTIPS = " Activer les info-bulles";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_BCKGRND = " Utiliser un fond de couleur";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NBG_SET = "Choisir la couleur";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTESCALE = " Taille du texte : ";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_HEADER = " Afficher l'entête";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_EXTRA = " Afficher les notes générales";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY = " Afficher les détails";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY_TOOLTIPS = " Activer les info-bulles";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MAP_BCKGRND = " Utiliser un fond de couleur pour la carte";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MBG_SET = "Choisir la couleur";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_TEXT_BCKGRND = " Utiliser un fond de couleur pour le texte";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_TEXTBG_SET = "Choisir la couleur";
-- Tab 3
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS2 = " ... 2 ";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL = "Paramètres des cartes des %s";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE_LABEL = "Réglages des cartes des %s";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE = "Appliquer %s à toutes les cartes des %s";
AM_AUTO_APPLY = "automatiquement";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_MESSAGES = "Messages des Champs de bataille";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_USE_AM = "Utiliser les cartes CdB d'AlphaMap\nplutôt que celles de Blizzard";
AM_AUTO_OPEN = "Ouverture auto. des cartes CdB";
-- Tab 4
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS = "Sélecteur et HotSpot";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_BOXES = "Position du sélecteur";
AM_OPTIONS_DOCK_IT = " Dans la fenêtre des options";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE_IT = " Déplacement libre";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_IT = " Attaché à la carte";
AM_OPTIONS_HOW_TO_MAP = "Point d'attache";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_BEHAVE = "Comportement du HotSpot";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_MINIMAP = " Utiliser aussi le bouton de la mini-carte";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPEN = " Afficher la carte (si masquée)";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPACITY = " Rendre la carte 100% opaque";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_WORLDI = " Afficher/masquer les icônes et les notes";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DUNGI = " Afficher/masquer les P.O.I. (villes, BG, etc.)";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_NBG = " Afficher/masquer le fond des P.O.I.";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_MBG = " Afficher/masquer le fond de la carte";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_INFO = " Afficher/masquer les descriptions";
AM_ANCHOR_POINT = { { Display = "Bord supérieur", -- Localise
Command = "TOP" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Coin supérieur droit", -- Localise
Command = "TOPRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Bord droit", -- Localise
Command = "RIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Coin inférieur droit", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Bord inférieur", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOM" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Coin inférieur gauche", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMLEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Bord gauche", -- Localise
Command = "LEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Coin supérieur gauche", -- Localise
Command = "TOPLEFT" } -- Do NOT Localise
AM_OPTIONS_UNDOCKED = "Le sélecteur de carte est ";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE = "déplaçable";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE_LOCKED = " (mais bloqué)"; -- Unused ?
AM_OPTIONS_MAPPED = "attaché à la carte";
AM_AUTO_SWITCH = "Afficher automatiquement les cartes des %s"; -- Unused ?
-- Tab 5
AM_MISC = "Divers";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_AUTO = "Support de NotesUNeed"; -- Unused ?
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_FORMAT = " Envoyer des notes formatées";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_MESSAGES = "Envoi auto. des notes";
AM_OPTIONS_WMOTHER = "Autres réglages divers";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_ESCAPE = " Fermer la carte avec la touche <Echap>";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_MOUSE = " Réagir à la souris (cf. FAQ)";
AM_OPTIONS_MUTE = " Ouverture et fermeture muettes";
AM_OPTIONS_COORDS = " Afficher les coordonnées (x, y)";
AM_OPTIONS_HELP_TIPS = " Afficher les bulles d'aide (options et sélecteur)";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MODES = "Affichage de la carte du monde";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_MODES = "Carte Blizzard d'origine";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_ALLOW = " Patcher la carte Blizzard";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_CHANGE = " Modifier la carte Blizzard";
-- Unused ???
AM_OPTIONS_ZONE_SELECTOR = "Afficher le sélecteur de carte";
-- Future development
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MINIMODE = "Minimap Textures";
-- Details
AM_LEADSTO = "Mène vers...";
AM_INSTANCE_PREREQS = "Pré-requis : ";
AM_INSTANCE_GENERAL = "Notes générales : ";
AM_RARE = "(rare)";
AM_VARIES = "(lieu aléatoire)";
AM_WANDERS = "(patrouille)";
AM_OPTIONAL = "(optionnel)";
AM_NO_LIMIT = "aucune limite";
AM_MOB_LOOT = "Mob Loot";
AM_RBOSS_DROP = "Random Boss Drops";
AM_ENCHANTS = "Enchants";
AM_PVP_SET = "Sets JcJ";
AM_CLASS_SETS = "Sets de classe";
AM_PVP = "JcJ";
AM_OPTIONS_GROUP_DEFAULT = " Groupe ou raid"; -- ??
AM_BG_ONLY = "Plus que";
AM_BG_ALL = "Toutes";
AM_BG_BASE = "base";
AM_BG_BASES = "bases";
AM_BG_REQUIRED = "%s %d %s nécessaires pour gagner %s";
AM_EXTERIOR = "Extérieur";
AM_RCMENU_INC = " Inc "; -- as in 5 inc Blacksmith or 3 inc farm
AM_RCMENU_ZERG = "Zerg"; -- as in Zerg Inc Frostwolf GY
AM_OK = "OK";
AM_RCMENU_HIGHLIGHT = "Highlight"; -- as in leave this note highlighted on the map
AM_RCMENU_NUN_AUTO = "Auto-Send Note"; -- send the NotesUNeed note for the current map note to Raid/Party/...
AM_RCMENU_NUN_MAN = "Manual Send Note";
AM_RCMENU_AFLAG = "Drapeau de l'Alliance ";
AM_RCMENU_HFLAG = "Drapeau de la Horde ";
AM_RCMENU_FLAGLOC = { "Notre tunnel",
"Our Roof",
"Va vers l'ouest",
"Va vers l'est",
"Au milieu",
"Leur tunnel",
"Their Roof",
"Their Flag Room",
"Their GY"
AM_OPENING = "Série de quêtes d'accès à AQ";
AM_HORDE = "Horde";
AM_PICKED = { word = "ramassé",
posWord = " par ",
extraChars = 2 };
AM_NEUTRAL = "Neutre";
AM_FRIENDLY = "Amical";
AM_HONOURED = "Honoré";
AM_REVERED = "Révéré";
AM_EXALTED = "Exalté";
AM_CONFIG_SAVED = "Préférences enregistrées pour : ";
AM_CANCEL = "Annuler";
AM_CORPSE_TXT = "Cadavre";
AM_RESET_INSTANCE = "Réinitialiser";
AM_TT_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "AlphaMap\nClic gauche pour afficher la carte\nClic droit pour les options";
AM_TT_ALPHA_BUTTON2 = "Clic gauche pour afficher la carte\nClic droit pour les options";
AM_TT_PAUSE1 = "Pause";
AM_TT_PAUSE2 = "Click to Pause map updates and allow you to open/close without resetting to current map Also use if another conflicting AddOn continually resets the AlphaMap to the current zone";
AM_TT_PLAY1 = "Play";
AM_TT_PLAY2 = "i.e. Click now to Un-Pause map updates";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT1 = "HotSpot";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT2 = "Quick Mouse-Over facility to change the AlphaMap view e.g. show/hide the map or Notes/Icons, or make fully opaque See Map Selector Tab of Options for full list (Key Binding available)";
AM_TT_LOCK1 = "Lock Map Selector";
AM_TT_LOCK2 = "Un-lock to show a frame with which to move the Map Selection drop down boxes";
AM_TT_TAB1 = "Original AlphaMap Options";
AM_TT_TAB2A = "Specific options only for Maps included with AlphaMap and NOT Blizzard maps.";
AM_TT_TAB2B = "e.g. Map/Note/Text backgrounds, and which notes/extra information to show NOTE : Only applies to AlphaMap Maps, and not applicable when viewing world map zones";
AM_TT_TAB3A = "Further settings only applicable to AlphaMap Maps";
AM_TT_TAB3B = "NOTE : Only applies to AlphaMap Maps, and not applicable when viewing world map zones";
AM_TT_TAB4 = "Set the position of the Map Selector Drop Down box controls and define Hot Spot behaviour";
AM_TT_TAB5 = "Miscallaneous AlphaMap settings and integration with other AddOns";
AM_TT_MAPNOTES = "Enable display of MapNotes, CTMap_Mod notes, MetaMapNotes, MapNotes(Cosmos)";
AM_TT_RAID1 = "Un-Check to ONLY show Party Pins";
AM_TT_RAID2 = "(Even when in Raid)";
AM_TT_CLEAR1 = "Show/Hide all above Enabled Icons/Notes Also see Key Binding for same function";
AM_TT_CLEAR2 = "e.g. Quick way to un-clutter the map OR Hide all, and use Hot Spot to make them visible when needed";
AM_TT_SLIDER = "Show an Opacity Slider Control On the AlphaMap";
AM_TT_SLIDERM1 = "Check to enable movement of the on-map Opacity Slider";
AM_TT_SLIDERM2 = "Drop anywhere on the Map to re-locate it there Drop 'off' the AlphaMap to detach it (Can also be moved with the mouse when the Control key is pressed in Mouse Interaction mode)";
AM_TT_ACLOSE1 = "Auto-Close AlphaMap when entering Combat";
AM_TT_ACLOSE2 = "(Useful if you play with map always displayed)";
AM_TT_AOPEN = "Auto-Re-Open AlphaMap when leaving Combat";
AM_TT_LEGACY1 = "Original Player & Party Directional Icons";
AM_TT_LEGACY2 = "May suffer from blinking Minimap Icons";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES1 = "Display AlphaMap's on-map notes";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES2 = "(These are NOT the same as MapNotes and can not be changed)";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE1 = "Un-check to save the settings for each Instance map seperately";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE2 = "e.g. you might want a dark background for Zul'Farrak, but a light one for Molten Core. Keep checked if you want to make sure that when you make ANY change to ANY Instance Map then the settings will be copied to ALL the other Instance maps";
AM_TT_KEY = "i.e. Show Map Legend";
AM_TT_ALL_BG1 = "Un-check to save the settings for each Battleground map seperately";
AM_TT_ALL_BG2 = "e.g. you might want AV to display at a larger scale than Warsong. Keep checked if you want to make sure that when you make ANY change to ANY Battleground Map then the settings will be copied to ALL the other Battleground maps";
AM_TT_ALL_NI1 = "Un-check to save the settings for each Non-Instance map seperately";
AM_TT_ALL_NI2 = "e.g. you might not want to display the Map Legend for dungeon exteriors but do want it for World Boss maps. Keep checked if you want to make sure that when you make ANY change to ANY Non-Instance Map then the settings will be copied to ALL the other Non-Instance maps";
AM_TT_MSG = "Battleground Messages will be sent to :";
AM_TT_MSG_DFLT2 = " - your Raid if you were in a Raid BEFORE you entered the Battleground\n - your Party if you were in a Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground\n - the Battleground channel otherwise";
AM_TT_MSG_PARTY2 = " - only your Party as long as you were in a Raid or Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground\n - the Battleground channel otherwise";
AM_TT_MSG_BG2 = " - the Battleground channel only";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG1 = "Makes AlphaMap's Battleground map the default map to be used in Battlegrounds";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG2 = "Battlegound maps will open automatically when you enter a Battleground if this option is checked Un-Check if you wish to use the normal Blizzard style map in Battlegrounds (The map will not open automatically when you enter a BG)";
AM_TT_NUN_F1 = "Formatted NotesUNeed notes can be added to the database of people who receive them";
AM_TT_NUN_F2 = "(However, people without NotesUNeed installed will see extra formatting characters rather than just the note's text.)";
AM_TT_NUN = "NotesUNeed notes will be auto-sent to :";
AM_TT_NUN_DFLT2 = " - your Raid if in a Raid\n - your Party if in a Party\n - otherwise you will just '/Say' the note \n\nNote that Raid/Party messages will fail inside Battlegrounds unless \nyou were in the Raid/Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground";
AM_TT_NUN_PARTY2 = " - only your Party, if you are in a Raid OR Party\n - otherwise you will just '/Say' the note \n\nNote that Raid/Party messages will fail inside Battlegrounds unless \nyou were in the Raid/Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground";
AM_TT_NUN_GUILD2 = " - your Guild";
AM_TT_MOUSE1 = "Mouse Interaction mode allows you to Control-Click the AlphaMap";
AM_TT_MOUSE2 = "Normally the AlphaMap is invisible to the mouse. However, in mouse interaction mode, then when the Control key is pressed you will be able to see the name of map regions that your mouse hovers over, and can Control-Left Click and Control-Right Click to zoom in and out. When in Mouse Interaction mode, you can also Control-Click on the AlphaMap Slider and on-map Coordinates to reposition them";
AM_TT_MUTE = "Toggle the sound when Opening/Closing the AlphaMap";
AM_TT_XY = "Toggle the display of Player/Cursor coordinates";
AM_TT_STANDARD = "Standard View - world map Zones as displayed in the original Blizzard Map";
AM_TT_COMPACT1 = "Compact View - Only display explorable areas in the current Zone";
AM_TT_COMPACT2 = "Note that areas that you have NOT discovered will not be displayed unless you have installed MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update) AddOn";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW1 = "While checked, AlphaMap will save any changes you make to the Blizzard Map position/opacity/scale";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW2 = "Un-Check to restore the original Blizzard Map settings This requires a 'ReloadUI' during which the game will pause for a few seconds";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_CHANGE1 = "While checked, then changes to the opacity and scale sliders below Will only affect the original Blizzard Map";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1 = "Toggle Help Tooltips";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2 = "Does not affect on map icon tooltips";
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
AM_TYP_WM = "World Map";
AM_TYP_GM = "Blizzard Map";
--AM_TYP_INSTANCE = "Instances";
--AM_TYP_BG = "Battlegrounds";
--AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES = "World Bosses";
--AM_TYP_CAVES = "Caves";
AlphaMap/ New file
0,0 → 1,361
-- localization.lua <German>
-- Translation by : Eike Hanus, StarDust
-- Last Update : 8/23/2006
-- Ä: C3 84 - \195\132 - Ä
-- Ö: C3 96 - \195\150 - Ö
-- Ü: C3 9C - \195\156 - Ü
-- ß: C3 9F - \195\159 - ß
-- ä: C3 A4 - \195\164 - ä
-- ö: C3 B6 - \195\182 - ö
-- ü: C3 BC - \195\188 - ü
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
BINDING_HEADER_ALPHAMAP = "AlphaMap Tastenbelegung";
BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEALPHAMAP = "AlphaMap anzeigen/verbergen";
BINDING_NAME_INCREMENTALPHAMAP = "Verringere AlphaMap Transparenz";
BINDING_NAME_DECREMENTALPHAMAP = "Erh\195\182he AlphaMap Transparenz";
BINDING_NAME_CLEARVIEWALPHAMAP = "Zeige/Verstecke alle Notizen/Icons";
BINDING_NAME_CYCLEWMMODE = "Weltkartenmodi durchschalten";
--Colored State values
ALPHA_MAP_GREEN_ENABLED = "|c0000FF00Aktiviert|r";
ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED = "|c00FF0000Deaktiviert|r";
--Slash Help
AM_SLASH_HELP_USAGE = "AlphaMap Benutzung: /alphamap oder /am:";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ENABLE = "/am enable - AlphaMap aktivieren / re-aktivieren";
AM_SLASH_HELP_DISABLE = "/am disable - AlphaMap deaktivieren";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RESET = "/am reset - AlphaMap Optionen auf Standard zur\195\188cksetzen";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RAID = "/am raid - Schlachtzug Pins anzeigen";
AM_SLASH_HELP_PTIPS = "/am ptips - Gruppen-Tooltipps anzeigen";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MNTIPS = "/am mntips - MapNotes Tipps anzeigen";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GTIPS = "/am gtips - Gatherer Tipps anzeigen";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MOVESLIDER = "/am moveslider - Verschiebung der Reglers wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SLIDER = "/am slider - Anzeige des Regles wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GATHERER = "/am gatherer - Unterst\195\188tzung f\195\188r Gatherer wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MAPNOTES = "/am mapnotes - Unterst\195\188tzung f\195\188r MapNotes wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOCLOSE = "/am combat - Automatisches Schlie\195\159en im Kampf wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOOPEN = "/am reopen - Automatisches wieder \195\150ffnen nach Kampf wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_WMCLOSE = "/am wmclose - Automatisches Schlie\195\159en wenn Weltkarte geschlossen wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_LOCK = "/am lock - Verschiebung der AlphaMap wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SCALE = "/am scale |c0000AA00<value>|r - legt die Skalierung der AlphaMap fest (Bereich 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_TOG = "|c00FF0000/am tog - Anzeige der AlphaMap wechseln|r";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ALPHA = "/am alpha |c0000AA00<value>|r - legt die Transparenz der AlphaMap fest (Bereich 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MINIMAP = "/am minimap - Anzeige des Minimap Buttons wechseln";
AM_SLASH_HELP_HELP = "/am help <ODER> /am ? - Liste der AlphaMap Chatbefehle ausgeben";
ALPHA_MAP_LOAD_CONFIRM = "|c00A335EDAlphaMap |c0000FF00v."..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION.." |c00A335ED wurde geladen - Gib "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH1.." oder "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH2.." ein um die Optionen anzuzeigen.|r";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCKED = "AlphaMap: Benutzerinterface |c00FF0000Gesperrt|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_UNLOCKED = "AlphaMap: Benutzerinterface |c0000FF00Offen|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCK_HELP = "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird AlphaMap an der momentanen Position fixiert und kann nicht mehr verschoben werden.";
ALPHA_MAP_DISABLED_HINT = "Hint: AlphaMap is "..ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED..". Type |C0000AA00'/am Enable'|R to re-enable.";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_SLIDER_STATE = "AlphaMap: Regler Verschiebung ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_COMBAT_STATE = "AlphaMap: Auto-Schlie\195\159en im Kampf ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_REOPEN_STATE = "AlphaMap: Wieder \195\150ffnen nach Kampf ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_RAID_STATE = "AlphaMap: Schlachtzug Pins ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_PTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Gruppe/Schlachtzug Tooltipps ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MNTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: MapNotes ToolTips ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: Gatherer ToolTips ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_WMCLOSE_STATE = "AlphaMap: AlphaMap mit Weltkarte schlie\195\159en ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GATHERER_STATE = "AlphaMap: Gatherer Unterst\195\188tzung ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MAPNOTES_STATE = "AlphaMap: MapNotes Unterst\195\188tzung ";
AM_OPTIONS = "Optionen";
AM_OPTIONS_RESET = "R\195\188cksetzen";
AM_OPTIONS_CLOSE = "Schlie\195\159en";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTES = "MapNotes verwenden";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTES_TOOLTIPS = "Tooltipps anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTESG = "MapNotes Gatherer Icons anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER = "Gatherer Icons anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_GATHERER_TOOLTIPS = "Tooltipps anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_PARTY_TOOLTIPS = "Gruppen Tooltipps anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_RAID_PINS = "Schlachtzug Pins anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER = "Alpha-Slider auf Karten einblenden";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER_MOVE = "Alpha-Slider verschiebbar";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOCLOSE_COMBAT = "Karte bei Kampfbeginn schlie\195\159en";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOOPEN_COMBAT = "Karte nach Kampfende \195\182ffnen";
AM_OPTIONS_AUTOCLOSE_WORLDMAP = "AlphaMap mit Weltkarte schlie\195\159en";
AM_OPTIONS_ANGLESLIDER = "Minimap Winkel : ";
AM_OPTIONS_RADIUSLIDER = "Minimap Radius : ";
AM_OPTIONS_ALPHASLIDER = "Karten-Transparenz : ";
AM_OPTIONS_SCALESLIDER = "Karten-Skalierung : ";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_LOCK = "AlphaMap Position fixieren";
AM_OPTIONS_MINIMAP = "Minimap-Button anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_OFF = "Alle Icons verstecken";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_ON = "|c00FF0000Derzeit sind alle Icons ausgeblendet|r";
AM_OPTIONS_LEGACYPLAYER = "Spieler-Icon im WoW-Stil anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_ZONE_SELECTOR = "Zeige Kartenselektor";
AM_OPTIONS_GENERAL_CHAT = "Allgemeiner Chat";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS = "Kartenselektor";
AM_OPTIONS_ADDONS = "Weltkarten Notizen & Icons :";
AM_OPTIONS_MISC = "Interne AddOn Optionen :";
AM_OPTIONS_DUNGEON_NOTES = "Notiz Optionen :";
AM_OPTIONS_DUNGEON_FRAMES = "Zusatzinformationen :";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES = "Notizen anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_TOOLTIPS = "Tooltipps anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES_BCKGRND = "Notiz-Hintergrund anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NBG_SET = "Hintergrundfarbe w\195\164hlen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_HEADER = "Kopfzeilen Information anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_EXTRA = "Fu\195\159zeilen Information anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY = "Kartenlegende anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY_TOOLTIPS = "Tooltipps anzeigen";
AM_MISC = "Verschiedenes";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MAP_BCKGRND = "Karten-Hintergrund anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MBG_SET = "Hintergrundfarbe w\195\164hlen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_TEXT_BCKGRND = "Text-Hintergrund anzeigen";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_TEXTBG_SET = "Hintergrundfarbe w\195\164hlen";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_BOXES = "Position des AlphaMap Selektors :";
AM_OPTIONS_UNDOCKED = "AlphaMap Selektor ist : ";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE = "Frei Beweglich";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPPED = "Mit AlphaMap verbunden";
AM_OPTIONS_DOCK_IT = "Mit Optionsfenster verbunden";
AM_OPTIONS_FREE_IT = "Frei beweglich";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_IT = "Mit AlphaMap verbunden";
AM_OPTIONS_HOW_TO_MAP = "Position auf der AlphaMap : ";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_BEHAVE = "HotSpot Verhalten :";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DISABLE = "HotSpot Funktion verwenden";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPEN = "AlphaMap \195\182ffnen falls geschlossen";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPACITY = "Komplett undurchsichtige AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_WORLDI = "Welt Icons/Notizen umschalten";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DUNGI = "Instanzen AlphaMap Notizen umschalten";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_NBG = "Notiz Hintergrund umschalten";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_MBG = "Karten Hintergrund umschalten";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_MINIMAP = "Minimap Icon als HotSpot verwenden";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_INFO = "Schl\195\188ssel/Kopf/Fu\195\159 umschalten";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_USE_AM = "Instanzkarten auf Schlachtfeldern zulassen";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE_LABEL = "Einstellungen f\195\188r alle %s :";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL = "Einstellungen betreffen ALLE %s Karten";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_MESSAGES = "Schlachtfeld-Nachrichten versenden an :";
AM_OPTIONS_GROUP_DEFAULT = "Gruppenabh\195\164ngig";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_AUTO = "Auto-Sende NuN Notiz Einstellungen";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_FORMAT = "Formatierte Notizen senden";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_MESSAGES = "NuN Notizen automatisch versenden an : ";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MODES = "Weltkarten Ansichtsmodi :";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_MODES = "Blizzard Karten-Einstellungen :";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_ALLOW = "\195\132nderungen der Blizzard Karten zulassen";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_CHANGE = "Aktivieren, um die Blizzard Karten zu ver\195\164ndern";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MINIMODE = "Minimap Texturen";
AM_OPTIONS_WMOTHER = "Einstellungen f\195\188r andere Karten : ";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_ESCAPE = "Schlie\195\159en mit <ESC> zulassen";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_MOUSE = "Mausinteraktion zulassen";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS1 = "AlphaMap Karten 1";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS2 = " ..... 2";
AM_OPTIONS_HELP_TIPS = "Hilfe Tooltips";
AM_INSTANCE_TITLE_PLAYERS = "Max. Spielerzahl ";
AM_LEADSTO = "Pfad...";
AM_INSTANCE_PREREQS = "Vorbedingung : ";
AM_INSTANCE_GENERAL = "Allgemeine Notizen : ";
AM_RARE = "(Selten)";
AM_VARIES = "(Variiert)";
AM_WANDERS = "(Patroliert)";
AM_OPTIONAL = "(Optional)";
AM_NO_LIMIT = "Keine Spielerbegrenzung";
AM_MOB_LOOT = "Mob Loot";
AM_RBOSS_DROP = "Zuf\195\164llige Boss Drops";
AM_ENCHANTS = "Verzauberungen";
AM_CLASS_SETS = "Klassen Sets";
AM_TIER0_SET = "Tier 0 Sets";
AM_TIER1_SET = "Tier 1 Sets";
AM_TIER2_SET = "Tier 2 Sets";
AM_TIER3_SET = "Tier 3 Sets";
AM_TIER4_SET = "Tier 4 Sets";
AM_PVP_SET = "PvP Sets";
AM_PvP = "PvP";
AM_ANCHOR_POINT = { { Display = "Oben", -- Localise
Command = "TOP" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Oben Rechts", -- Localise
Command = "TOPRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Rechts", -- Localise
Command = "RIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Unten Rechts", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Unten", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOM" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Unten Links", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMLEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Links", -- Localise
Command = "LEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "Oben Links", -- Localise
Command = "TOPLEFT" } -- Do NOT Localise
AM_BG_ONLY = "Nur";
AM_BG_ALL = "Alle";
AM_BG_BASE = "Basis";
AM_BG_BASES = "Basen";
AM_BG_REQUIRED = "Erforderlich um zu gewinnen !";
AM_EXTERIOR = " Au\195\159erhalb";
AM_RCMENU_INC = " Inc "; -- as in 5 inc Blacksmith or 3 inc farm
AM_RCMENU_ZERG = "Zerg"; -- as in Zerg Inc Frostwolf GY
AM_OK = "OK";
AM_RCMENU_HIGHLIGHT = "Hervorheben"; -- as in leave this note highlighted on the map
AM_RCMENU_NUN_AUTO = "Notiz Automatisch Senden"; -- send the NotesUNeed note for the current map note to Raid/Party/...
AM_RCMENU_NUN_MAN = "Notiz Manuell Senden";
AM_RCMENU_NUN_OPEN = "Notiz \195\150ffnen";
AM_RCMENU_AFLAG = "Allianz Flagge ";
AM_RCMENU_HFLAG = "Horde Flagge ";
AM_RCMENU_FLAGLOC = { "Unser Tunnel",
"Unser Dach",
"In der Mitte",
"Deren Tunnel",
"Deren Dach",
"Deren Flaggenraum",
"Deren Friedhof"
AM_OPENING = "AQ Opening Quest Chain";
AM_HORDE = "Horde";
--AM_PICKED = { word = "picked",
-- posWord = " by ",
-- extraChars = 1 };
-- Deutsch
AM_PICKED = { word = "aufgenommen" };
AM_NEUTRAL = "Neutral";
AM_FRIENDLY = "Freundlich";
AM_HONOURED = "Wohlwollend";
AM_REVERED = "Respektvoll";
AM_EXALTED = "Ehrf\195\188rchtig";
AM_CONFIG_SAVED = "AlphaMap Einstellungen ge\195\164ndert f\195\188r : ";
AM_CANCEL = "Abbrechen";
AM_CORPSE = "Tot";
AM_RESET_INSTANCE = "R\195\188cksetzen";
AM_TT_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "AlphaMap\nLinksklick \195\182ffnet AlphaMap.\nRechtsklick \195\182ffnet Optionen.";
AM_TT_ALPHA_BUTTON2 = "Linksklick \195\182ffnet AlphaMap.\nRechtsklick \195\182ffnet Optionen.";
AM_TT_PAUSE1 = "Update Pause";
AM_TT_PAUSE2 = "Klicken um Kartenupdates zu verhindern und die aktuelle Karte zu \195\182ffnen/schlie\195\159en ohne die momentane Karte zur\195\188ckzusetzen. Kann auch verwendet werden, falls ein anderes AddOn im Konflikt mit AlphaMap steht und die angezeigte Karte st\195\164ndig auf die momentane zur\195\188cksetzt.";
AM_TT_PLAY1 = "Update Starten";
AM_TT_PLAY2 = "Klicken um wieder Kartenupdates durchzuf\195\188hren.";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT1 = "HotSpot";
AM_TT_HOTSPOT2 = "\195\132ndert die AlphaMap Ansicht, wenn der Mauszeiger \195\188ber das Icon bewegt wird. z.B. Karte oder Notizen/Icons anzeigen/verbergen oder die Karte komplett sichtbar machen. Siehe Abschnitt 'Kartenselektor' f\195\188r Optionen.\n(Bindung an ein Tastenk\195\188rzel m\195\182glich)";
AM_TT_LOCK1 = "Kartenselektor fixieren";
AM_TT_LOCK2 = "Wenn nicht aktiviert, wird der Kartenselektor (Drop-Down) in einem eigenen Fenster angezeigt, welches beliebig verschoben werden kann.";
AM_TT_TAB1 = "Allgemeine Optionen";
AM_TT_TAB2A = "Spezifische Optionen, welche ausschlie\195\159lich f\195\188r Karten von AlphaMap selbst gelten";
AM_TT_TAB2B = "z.B. Hintergrund der Karten/Notizen/Text und welche Notizen/Extrainfos angezeigt werden sollen.\nHINWEIS: Betrifft nur Karten von AlphaMap und nicht die Zonen der Weltkarte.";
AM_TT_TAB3A = "Erweiterte Optionen, welche ausschlie\195\159lich f\195\188r Karten von AlphaMap selbst gelten";
AM_TT_TAB3B = "HINWEIS: Betrifft nur Karten von AlphaMap und nicht die Zonen der Weltkarte.";
AM_TT_TAB4 = "Festlegen der Position des Kartenselektors sowie des Verhaltens vom HotSpot";
AM_TT_TAB5 = "Sonstige Optionen und Integration in andere AddOns";
AM_TT_MAPNOTES = "MapNotes, CTMap_Mod Notes, MetaMapNotes und KartenNotizen(Cosmos) anzeigen.";
AM_TT_RAID1 = "Wenn nicht aktiviert, werden nur die Pins der Gruppenmitglieder auf den Karten angezeigt.";
AM_TT_RAID2 = "(auch wenn du dich in einer Schlachtzugsgruppe befindest)";
AM_TT_CLEAR1 = "Alle oben angew\195\164hlten Icons/Notizen anzeigen oder verbergen. Siehe auch Tastenbelegung f\195\188r die selbe Funktionalit\195\164t.";
AM_TT_CLEAR2 = "Schnelle M\195\182glichkeit um eine un\195\188bersichtliche Karte wieder \195\188bersichtlicher zu machen indem z.B. alle Icons und Notizen ausgeblendet und mittles des HotSpots wieder sichtbar gemacht werden.";
AM_TT_SLIDER = "Schieberegler f\195\188r die Transparenz der Karten auf der AlphaMap anzeigen.";
AM_TT_SLIDERM1 = "Wenn aktiviert, kann der Schieberegler auf der AlphaMap verschoben werden.";
AM_TT_SLIDERM2 = "Den Schieberegler aus der Karte 'heraus' ziehen um jenen frei zu stellen (kann auch mit der Maus verschoben werden, wenn die Strg-Taste im Maus-Interaktionsmodus gedr\195\188ckt wird).";
AM_TT_ACLOSE1 = "AlphaMap automatisch schlie\195\159en, wenn du in einen Kampf eintrittst.";
AM_TT_ACLOSE2 = "(hilfreich, wenn du z.B. beim Spielen die Karte immer anzeigst)";
AM_TT_AOPEN = "AlphaMap automatisch wieder \195\182ffnen, wenn du einen Kampf verl\195\164sst.";
AM_TT_LEGACY1 = "Originale Icons f\195\188r die Anzeige der eigenen Position und jener von Gruppenmitgliedern verwenden.";
AM_TT_LEGACY2 = "Das blinkende Minimap-Icon leidet eventuell darunter.";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES1 = "AlphaMap's eigene Hinweise anzeigen.";
AM_TT_AM_NOTES2 = "(sind NICHT die selben wie die KartenNotizen und k\195\182nnen nicht ver\195\164ndert werden)";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE1 = "Wenn nicht aktiviert, werden die Einstellungen f\195\188r jede Instanzkarte getrennt abgespeichert.";
AM_TT_ALL_INSTANCE2 = "Wenn du z.B. einen dunklen Hintergrund f\195\188r die Karte von Zul'Farak m\195\182chtest aber einen hellen f\195\188r jene von Molten Core.\n\nWenn aktiviert, wird JEGLICHE Ver\195\164nderung der Einstellungen EINER Instanzkarte automatisch auf ALLE anderen selbigen \195\188bertragen.";
AM_TT_KEY = "Die Kartenlegende anzeigen.";
AM_TT_ALL_BG1 = "Wenn nicht aktiviert, werden die Einstellungen f\195\188r jede Schlachtfeldkarte getrennt abgespeichert.";
AM_TT_ALL_BG2 = "Wenn du z.B. die Karte vom Aratibecken mit einer h\195\182heren Skalierung anzeigen m\195\182chtest als jene der Warsongschlucht.\n\nWenn aktiviert, wird JEGLICHE Ver\195\164nderung der Einstellungen EINER Schlachgfeldkarte automatisch auf ALLE anderen selbigen \195\188bertragen.";
AM_TT_ALL_NI1 = "Wenn nicht aktiviert, werden die Einstellungen f\195\188r jede nicht-Instanzkarte getrennt abgespeichert.";
AM_TT_ALL_NI2 = "Wenn du z.B. die Kartenlegende von normalen Zonen nicht anzeigen m\195\182chtest, f\195\188r Karten der Weltbosse aber schon.\n\nWenn aktiviert, wird JEGLICHE Ver\195\164nderung der Einstellungen EINER nicht-Instanzkarte automatisch auf ALLE anderen selbigen \195\188bertragen.";
AM_TT_MSG = "Schlachtfeld Nachrichten senden an:";
AM_TT_MSG_DFLT2 = " - deine Schlachtzugsgruppe, wenn du in einer warst BEVOR du das Schlachtfeld betreten hast\n - deine Gruppe, wenn du in einer warst BEVOR du das Schlachtfeld betreten hast\n - ansonsten an den Channel des Schlachtfeldes";
AM_TT_MSG_PARTY2 = " - deine Gruppe, wenn du in einer Gruppe oder Schlachtzugsgruppe warst BEVOR du das Schlachtfeld betreten hast\n - ansonsten an den Channel des Schlachtfeldes";
AM_TT_MSG_BG2 = " - an den Channel des Schlachtfeldes";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG1 = "Macht die Schlachtfeldkarte von AlphaMap zur Standardkarte auf Schlachtfeldern.";
AM_TT_AUTO_BG2 = "Wenn aktiviert, wird die Karte des Schlachtfeldes automatisch angezeigt sobald du ein Schlachtfeld betrittst.\n\nWenn nicht aktiviert, werden die normalen Blizzard-Karten auf Schlachtfeldern verwendet.\n(die Karte des Schlachtfeldes wird dann nicht automatisch angezeigt sobald du ein Schlachtfeld betrittst)";
AM_TT_NUN_F1 = "Formatierte NotesUNeed Notizen an Mitspielern senden und zu deren Datenbank hinzuf\195\188gen, welche diese empfangen k\195\182nnen.";
AM_TT_NUN_F2 = "(Wie auch immer, Mitspieler welche NotesUNeed nicht installiert haben sehen besondere formatierte Zeichen und nicht nur den Notiz-Text)";
AM_TT_NUN = "NotesUNeed Notizen senden an:";
AM_TT_NUN_DFLT2 = " - deine Schlachtzugsgruppe, wenn du dich in einer befindest\n - deine Gruppe, wenn du dich in einer befindest\n - ansonsten werden die Notizen nur \195\188ber '/Say' ausgegeben\n\nBeachte, dass Schlachzugsgruppen/Gruppen-Nachrichten innerhalb von Schlachtfeldern nicht \nfunktionieren au\195\159er du warst in einer BEVOR du das Schlachtfeld betreten hast.";
AM_TT_NUN_PARTY2 = " - deine Gruppe, wenn du dich in einer Gruppe oder Schlachtzugsgruppe befindest\n - ansonsten werden die Notizen nur \195\188ber '/Say' ausgegeben\n\nBeachte, dass Schlachzugsgruppen/Gruppen-Nachrichten innerhalb von Schlachtfeldern nicht \nfunktionieren au\195\159er du warst in einer BEVOR du das Schlachtfeld betreten hast.";
AM_TT_NUN_GUILD2 = " - deine Gilde";
AM_TT_MOUSE1 = "Der Maus-Interaktionsmodus erlaubt ein Strg-Klick auf den AlphaMap Karten.";
AM_TT_MOUSE2 = "Normalerweise ist AlphaMap unsichtbar f\195\188r die Maus.\nIm Maus-Interaktionsmodus kann bei gedr\195\188ckter Strg-Taste die Maus \195\188ber die Weltkarte bewegt und somit die einzelnen Gebiete hervorgehoben und deren Name angezeigt werden (wie bei der normalen Blizzard Weltkarte auch). Dar\195\188berhinaus kann mittles Strg-Rechts-Klick und Strg-Links-Klick auf der Karte gezoomt werden.\n\nIm Maus-Interaktionsmodus kann der Schieberegler und die Koordinaten auch mittels Strg-Klick neu positioniert werden.";
AM_TT_MUTE = "Aktiviert/Deaktiviert das Abspielen eines Sounds wenn AlphaMap ge\195\182ffnet oder geschlossen wird.";
AM_TT_XY = "Zwischen der Anzeige der Koordinaten des Spielers und Mauszeigers wechseln.";
AM_TT_STANDARD = "Standardansicht - Weltkarten Zonen wie auf der originalen Blizzard Karte.";
AM_TT_COMPACT1 = "Kompaktansicht - nur entdeckbare Gebiete in der momentanen Zone anzeigen.";
AM_TT_COMPACT2 = "Hinweis: Noch NICHT entdeckte Gebiete werden nicht angezeigt au\195\159er das AddOn 'MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)' ist installiert.";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW1 = "Wenn aktiviert, speichert AlphaMap jegliche \195\132nderungen an den Blizzard Karten (Transparenz, Position, Skalierung).";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_ALLOW2 = "Wenn nicht aktiviert, werden die originalen Blizzard Karteneinstellungen wieder hergestellt.\nDies erfordert ein 'ReloadUI', wodurch das Spiel für einige Sekunden nicht mehr reagieren kann.";
AM_TT_BLIZZ_CHANGE1 = "Wenn aktiviert, werden jegliche \195\132nderungen der Transparenz und Skalierung mittels unterer Schieberegler nur auf die originalen Blizzard Karten angewendet.";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1 = "Hilfe Tooltips anzeigen/verbergen.";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2 = "Beeinflusst nicht die Anzeige der Icon Tooltips auf den AlphaMap Karten.";
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
AM_TYP_WM = "Weltkarte";
AM_TYP_GM = "Blizzard Karte";
AM_TYP_INSTANCE = "Instanzen";
AM_TYP_BG = "Schlachtfelder";
AM_TYP_WORLDBOSSES = "Schlachtzugbosse";
AM_TYP_CAVES = "Höhles";
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap/AlphaMap FAQ.txt New file
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The "README.txt" file included with the AlphaMap AddOn can answer many questions including a list of slash commands.
If something has changed or stopped working after you update your version of the AlphaMap - PLEASE check the Change Log section of the "Notes.txt" file, as it will list all changes made in that version of AlphaMap.
Q01 - How do I show/hide the AlphaMap ?
A01 - You can toggle the display of the AlphaMap via various methods :
a.) Left-Click on the Minimap icon with the greek letter alpha
b.) Specify your own key in the WoW Key bindings
c.) If the AlphaMap drop down boxes are 'free floating', then Left-Click on the alpha button
d.) Slash command "/am toggle" or "/am tog"
Q02 - How do I show/hide the AlphaMap Options frame ?
A02 - You can toggle the display of the AlphaMap Options via various methods :
a.) Right-Click on the Minimap icon with the greek letter alpha
b.) If the AlphaMap drop down boxes are visible, then Right-Click on the alpha button
c.) Slash command "/am"
Q03 - How do I move the AlphaMap ?
A03 - Hold down the <Control> & <Alt> keys at the same and you will see yellow movement bars displayed at the top and bottom of the AlphaMap frame - these can be clicked on and the frame dragged in to a different position.
Q04 - How do I hide the bar control with the Drop Down Boxes ? (i.e. the MapSelector controls)
A04 - The Map Selector controls can be displayed in various positions, controlled from the third Tab of the AlphaMap Options frame with the label "Map Selector".
a.) Free floating - the controls will be on screen all the time, and can be moved where ever you like by 'unlocking' the pad lock symbol on the controls themselves
b.) Attached to the AlphaMap - the controls will only be shown when the AlphaMap Frame is shown. When this option is checked, then 2 further drop down boxes are displayed in the Options frame allowing you to specify where the Map Selector controls are attached to the AlphaMap. The controls will move when you move the AlphaMap.
c.) Docked to the Options Frame - if this option is checked, then the Map Selector controls will only appear in the Options frame, and you won't see them during normal play.
Q05 - The Map keeps changing back to the Zone my character is in. How do I view other Map zones in AlphaMap ?
A05 - This is a compatibility issue with one of the other AddOns that you have installed. Some other AddOns will insist on continuously resetting the World Map to zone where your character is currently standing, so even when you change the map you are looking at in AlphaMap, the other AddOn immediately resets it. e.g. using the map coordinates in Telo's Infobar can cause this problem.
The easiest way to fix this problem is to use the AlphaMap "Pause" button which is available next to the Drop Down boxes in the Map Selector Controls. While paused, AlphaMap will ignore world map updates triggered by other AddOns, although it will still allow the map to change when you manually select a differnt map to look at, or your character physically moves between zones.
The AlphaMap Pause button can be very useful, but playing with the AlphaMap paused ALL the time is not recommended; For example, the status of PvP objectives may not be updated correctly when AlphaMap updating is paused.
Q06 - I try to view the Map for Upper Blackrock Spire, but it keeps changing back to the map for Lower Blackrock Spire. What's going on ?
A06 - Some Instances have been identified by Blizzard with the same overall name. For example, AlphaMap can detect that you are in Dire Maul, but it has no way of knowing whether you are in DireMaul West, North, or East.
In order to make sure you keep the correct Instance map available, you can use the AlphaMap Pause button, then open the map you need.
Q07 - Can I click on the AlphaMap to zoom in and out like I do on the World Map ?
A07 - Open up the AlphaMap options, click on the 5th Tab labelled "Miscallaneous", and make sure that the "Mouse Interaction Mode" is enabled.
While enabled, then you will be able to <Alt>-Left/Right Click on the AlphaMap frame to zoom in and out of maps.
Since v2.90.20003 you can zoom in on areas of Instance/Battleground/Dungeon Exterior maps using the same functionality.
(Also since v2.90.20003, you can actually zoom in on areas of normal map zones to see individually discoverable areas. Must also hold down the Shift key. i.e. Shift-Alt-Left Click)
Q08 - I have used the <Alt>-Click control to look at a different map, but now I can't use the Drop Down boxes, and there seems to be a drop in frame rate. What is causing this, and is there a way to fix it ?
A08 - This issue is related to Q05 and is related to other AddOns that reset the map when no player icon is visible. Early releases of Gatherer could cause this, but that issue has now been resolved.
The resolution to this problem is again similar to Q05, and should be solved by use of the AlphaMap Pause button.
Q09 - The AlphaMap seems to have disappeared, and isn't displayed when I use any of the options that should show it. Is there a way to get it back ?
A09 - There are 2 possibilities :
a.) Its possible that the AlphaMap is being displayed, but is 100% transparent - double check the Alpha setting slider in the AlphaMap Options frame.
b.) When scaling the AlphaMap, and/or scaling the UI itself via Blizzards Options, it is possible for the AlphaMap to disappear off screen. Open up the AlphaMap Options, and change the scale of the AlphaMap frame; This will re-attach the AlphaMap to the center of the screen (toggle the display of the AlphaMap again in case you were changing the scale while the frame was invisible.)
Q10 - I have moved the AlphaMap frame and set its scale and alpha just how I want. But when I open an Instance Map, it is displayed in a different position and at a different scale. Why have the settings changed ?
A10 - The map Settings for world map zones, Instances, Battlegrounds, Non-Instance maps are all saved separately.
So, for example you can display world maps be default in the upper left of the screen at one scale and with one transparency;
Instance maps can be displayed in the center of the screen at a different scale, at 100% opacity and all notes and note keys displayed;
Battleground maps could be displayed at much smaller scale, under the minimap with no notes or map keys displayed;
And Non-Instance maps such as World Boss maps or External dungeons could be displayed full screen.
In order to understand this quickly and easily, just try the following :
a.) open up a world map in AlphaMap
b.) open up the AlphaMap Options frame
c.) you will see the words "World Map" displayed in the lower right hand corner of the options which means any changes you make to the AlphaMap/Options will only apply to AlphaMap when it is showing world map zones
c.) now open up an Instance map such as Naxxramas
d.) the words in the lower right hand corner of the AlphaMap Options frame will now show "Instances" and any changes you make will only apply to the display of Instance maps in AlphaMap
e.) etc. etc. for "BattleGrounds" and "Non-Instance Maps"
NOTE: some options are GLOBAL such as where the AlphaMap Drop Down boxes are located. See the "Notes.txt" file included with the AddOn for further details.
Q11 - The second and third Tabs of the Options frame always seem to be coloured red, and I can't click on them. Why are they disabled ?
A11 - As mentioned in Q10 above, AlphaMap saves its options separately for world maps/Instances/Battlegrounds/Non-Instance maps.
The options on the second and third Tabs ONLY apply to the special AlphaMap maps such as Instances/Battlegrounds, and NOT to world maps.
So if you open up a world map in AlphaMap, and then open the options, the second and third tabs are unavailable.
But if you open up an Instance map, and then open the options, then the second and thrid tabs will be available, and you can control how AlphaMap's in built notes appear, what size they are, what colour background they use, whether to display extra information frames and map keys, and whether or not to show backgrounds for them also, etc. etc.
Q12 - I don't mind displaying all Instance maps with the same settings, but is there a way to show the different Battleground maps at different scales and positions by default ?
A12 - Yes; You can actually save the settings for all the Instance maps, Battleground maps, Non-Instance maps completely separately from each other; Or have one set of Options for Instances, but have different settings for each Battleground map...
By default all Instance maps use one set of options, and all Battleground maps use one different set of options, etc.
But if you wanted to, for example, show Alterac Valley BG map at a different scale by default to the Warsong/AB maps, then you can do the following :
a.) Open up the Alterac Valley map in AlphaMap
b.) Open up the AlphaMap Options frame; By default it will say "Battlegrounds" in the lower right corner of the Options frame.
c.) Open up the Third Tab of the Options labelled "AlphaMap Maps 2" ( "..... 2" )
d.) UN-Check the option that says "Setting Changes affect ALL BG Maps"
e.) You should now see that the text in the lower right hand corner has change to "Alterac Valley" instead of "Battlegrounds" - which means all changes to the options will ONLY affect that map, and no other Battleground maps.
f.) The same functionality is available for Instance/Non-Instance maps
Q13 - What's the HotSpot all about ?
A13 - You can use the HotSpot to make very quick changes to how the AlphaMap is displayed and/or what notes/information it displays by simply moving your mouse over the HotSpot; As soon as your mouse leaves the HotSpot, then the AlphaMap will revert to how it normally displays maps.
For example, you might play with world maps displayed at 40% transparency, with no MapNotes / Gatherer Icons displayed, and you can use the HotSpot to quickly and easily make the Map full opaque and display notes/icons again for quick reference.
NOTE 1 : A key binding is available to toggle this viewing mode if you want to mouse over icons that are displayed while the HotSpot is 'active', or if you leave the Map Selector HotSpot docked in the Options frame by default.
NOTE 2 : If you don't normally display the Map Selector drop down boxes, then the AlphaMap Minimap Button can be used as a HotSpot also.
The list of attributes that can be toggled/changed via the HotSpot is controlled from the third Tab of the AlphaMap Options frame labelled "Map Selector"
Q14 - I heard there is a cool mode for viewing world maps in AlphaMap which gets rid of the border and map background, and just shows parts of the map you can travel to, saving screen real estate. How do I turn this on ?
A14 - Check the following Option :
a.) Open up a world map in AlphaMap
b.) Open up the AlphaMap Options
c.) Open the fifth Tab labelled Miscallaneous
d.) Check the "Compact" viewing mode toward the upper right of the frame, instead of the "Standard" viewing mode which always displays the world map border and background
Q15 - I am using the Compact viewing mode, but would like to see unexplored areas when playing with low level characters. Is there a way to see more of the map ?
A15 - There is no option for this built in to AlphaMap. To display unexplored areas of world maps in either "Standard" or "Compact" viewing modes you need to install "MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)"
"MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)" is compatible with the World Map Frame & AlphaMap. (It is also compatible with MetaMap and Cartographer as long as MetaMap's own 'FullWorldMap' functionality is disabled, and Cartographer's Foglight is disabled).
Q16 - I am trying to change the Options for a Battleground map, but before I can change the option, the map changes to another one.
A16 - World Map PvP events and Battleground events like Towers being captured will trigger updates to the world map, and can interrupt you when you were trying to look at another map, or change an Options setting for another map.
As usual, if the map is changing when you don't want it to - use the AlphaMap Pause button, and then open the Options frame, and you should be certain of changing the correct Options.
Q17 - How can I make the AlphaMap BG maps open automaically when I enter a BG ?
A17 - Check the following option :
a.) Open up the Battleground map in AlphaMap
b.) Open up the AlphaMap Options
c.) Open the third Tab laballed "AlphaMap Maps 2" ( "..... 2" )
d.) Check the "Use AlphaMap's BG maps by default when in Battlegrounds"
NOTE : The opposite is equally true, and if you don't want AlphaMap to open automatically when you enter a BG, then make sure the above Option is NOT checked - if left unchecked, then AlphaMap will display the world map view of the Battleground when you open
(If the AlphaMap was automaticlly opened when you enter a BG, then it should auto-close when you leave.)
Q18 - I don't want to see the provided AlphaMap Notes on Battleground maps, but when I turn them off, I can't see any Battelground objectives such as Towers / Graveyards. Is there a way to disable the notes, but still show the BG Objectives ?
A18 - Yes. You can disable all the AlphaMap notes on Battleground maps, and you will still see the BG Tower / Bunker / Graveyard objectives and their Capture status when inside the Battleground.
The Battleground objective symbols are NOT displayed when you look at the AlphaMap map OUTSIDE OF the Battleground and it will look very blank with all the notes turned off also - the BG Objectives WILL still be shown when your character is inside the BG.
Q19 - The Map Selector Drop Down boxes are too small / too large. Is there some way I can adjust their size separately to the UI / scale of the AlphaMap ?
A19 - Yes. There is a slash command provided "/am ddscale <value>". As an option that will be rarely used, there is no corresponding GUI component for this Option yet.
The default scale value for the Map Selector controls is 0.7, and can be changed to any value between 0.3 and 1.4.
For example :
/am ddscale 0.6 -- will reduce the size of the Map Selector boxes slightly
Use "/am ddscale" on its own to reset to the default value again. The command will report the old and new values being set.
AlphaMap/Artwork/Silver.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
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AlphaMap/Artwork/MinimapIconUp.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
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AlphaMap/Artwork/MyHighlight.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap/Artwork/Gold.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
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AlphaMap/Artwork/FaceOff.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap/Artwork/MinimapIconDown.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap/Artwork/VehicleOccupied.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap/Artwork/bGround.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
AlphaMap/Artwork/BlankBG.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
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AlphaMap/ New file
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-- [[
-- AlphaMap v2.11.11100 Traditional Chinese Localization File
-- Initial Translated by: Arith Hsu (2006/07/21)
-- Maintained by: Arith Hsu
-- Last Updated: 2006/07/26
-- Comments:
-- 2006/07/27 Arith: 翻譯這個插件的文字,工作量是很龐大的,特別是要去查詢各副本裡的 boss 名稱,還有一些對應的任務名稱和
-- 一些任務注意事項等。期望看到後續有人熱心維護這個翻譯,但是請尊重各個維護翻譯的人的辛勞,你可以把你
-- 的名字加在檔頭,但是請勿移除其他人的名字。
-- 使用簡體中文的朋友如果是拿這個正體中文檔案直接轉簡體,我也沒什麼意見,但是請一樣保留原翻譯者的記錄
-- 另外請注意,正體中文和簡體中文的翻譯還是有諸多的不一致,請自行修正。
-- Revision History:
-- 7/26: Complete about 95% translations.
-- ]]
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
--Colored State values
ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED = "|c00FF0000取消|r";
--Slash Help
AM_SLASH_HELP_USAGE = "AlphaMap 使用語法: /alphamap 或 /am:";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ENABLE = "/am enable - 開啟/重新開啟 AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_DISABLE = "/am disable - 取消 AlphaMap";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RESET = "/am reset - 還原 AlphaMap 選項到預設值.";
AM_SLASH_HELP_RAID = "/am raid - 顯示團隊標示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_PTIPS = "/am ptips - 顯示隊伍提示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MNTIPS = "/am mntips - 顯示地圖註記提示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GTIPS = "/am gtips - 顯示採集提示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MNGTIPS = "/am mngtips - 顯示地圖註記採集類提示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MOVESLIDER = "/am moveslider - 打開移動滑動條";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SLIDER = "/am slider - 打開顯示滑動條";
AM_SLASH_HELP_GATHERER = "/am gatherer - 打開採集助手的支援";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MAPNOTES = "/am mapnotes - 打開地圖註記的支援";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOCLOSE = "/am combat - 啟動戰鬥時自動關閉";
AM_SLASH_HELP_AUTOOPEN = "/am reopen - 啟動戰鬥結束後自動重新打開";
AM_SLASH_HELP_WMCLOSE = "/am wmclose - 啟動世界地圖關閉時自動關閉";
AM_SLASH_HELP_LOCK = "/am lock - 啟動 AlphaMap 的位置移動";
AM_SLASH_HELP_SCALE = "/am scale |c0000AA00<value>|r - 設定 Alphamap 視窗的比例 (範圍 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_TOG = "|c00FF0000/am tog - 開啟 Alphamap 的顯示|r";
AM_SLASH_HELP_ALPHA = "/am alpha |c0000AA00<value>|r - 設定 Alphamap 的透明度 (範圍 0.0 - 1.0)";
AM_SLASH_HELP_MINIMAP = "/am minimap - 開啟小地圖按鍵的顯示";
AM_SLASH_HELP_HELP = "/am help <OR> /am ? - 列出 AlphaMap 的所有命令語法";
ALPHA_MAP_LOAD_CONFIRM = "|c00A335EDAlphaMap |c0000FF00v."..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION.." |c00A335ED 已經載入. - 輸入 "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH1.." 或 "..SLASH_ALPHAMAPSLASH2.." 以設定進階選項|r";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCKED = "AlphaMap: 使用者界面 |c00FF0000鎖定|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_UNLOCKED = "AlphaMap: 使用者界面 |c0000FF00解鎖|r.";
ALPHA_MAP_UI_LOCK_HELP = "如果這個選項被勾選, AlphaMap 的顯示位置將會被鎖定並且不能被移動.";
ALPHA_MAP_DISABLED_HINT = "提示: AlphaMap 已"..ALPHA_MAP_RED_DISABLED..". 輸入 |C0000AA00'/am Enable'|R 來重新啟動.";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_PTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: 小隊/團隊提示資訊 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MNTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: 地圖標記提示資訊 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_MNGTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: 地圖標記採集類提示資訊 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_GTIPS_STATE = "AlphaMap: 採集助手提示資訊 ";
ALPHA_MAP_CONFIG_WMCLOSE_STATE = "AlphaMap: 關閉世界地圖時關閉 ";
AM_OPTIONS = "選項";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPNOTESG = "啟動地圖註記採集類圖示";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER = "在地圖上顯示透明度滑動條";
AM_OPTIONS_SLIDER_MOVE = "允許移動透明度滑動條";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_LOCK = "鎖定 AlphaMap 位置";
AM_OPTIONS_CLEARVIEW_ON = "|c00FF0000所有的圖示都已隱藏|r";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS = "地圖選擇器";
AM_OPTIONS_ADDONS = "世界地圖註記和圖示: ";
AM_OPTIONS_MISC = "內部的插件選項: ";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NOTES = "顯示地下城註記";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_NBG_SET = "設定註記的背景顏色";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_KEY = "顯示地圖鑰匙";
AM_MISC = "雜項";
AM_OPTIONS_DM_MBG_SET = "設定地圖背景顏色";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_BOXES = "AlphaMap 的位置調整:";
AM_OPTIONS_UNDOCKED = "AlphaMap 的位置調整現在已";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPPED = "依附於 AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_DOCK_IT = "與選項窗隔連結";
AM_OPTIONS_MAP_IT = "依附於 AlphaMap";
AM_OPTIONS_HOW_TO_MAP = "AlphaMap 固定於: ";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_OPEN = "若 AlphaMap 關閉則開啟";
AM_OPTIONS_HOTSPOT_DUNGI = "開啟地下城 AlphaMap 註記";
AM_OPTIONS_BG_USE_AM = "在戰場使用界面地圖";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE_LABEL = "所有%1地圖的控制設定: ";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL = "將變動套用到所有%1地圖";
AM_OPTIONS_TYPE_SAVE = "套用到所有的%1地圖";
AM_OPTIONS_NUN_AUTO = "自動送出 NuN 註記的設定";
AM_OPTIONS_WMAP_MODES = "世界地圖顯示模式:";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_MODES = "Blizzard Map Settings :";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_ALLOW = "Allow changes to Blizzard Map";
AM_OPTIONS_GMAP_CHANGE = "Check to change Blizzard Map";
AM_OPTIONS_WMOTHER = "其他的地圖控制: ";
AM_OPTIONS_WM_MOUSE = "啟動滑鼠互動模式";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS1 = "AlphaMap 地圖 1";
AM_OPTIONS_MAPS2 = " ..... 2";
AM_LEADSTO = "通往...";
AM_RARE = "(稀有)";
AM_VARIES = "(多個位置)";
AM_WANDERS = "(巡邏)";
AM_OPTIONAL = "(可選擇)";
AM_NO_LIMIT = "沒有玩家限制";
AM_MOB_LOOT = "小怪掉落";
AM_RBOSS_DROP = "首領隨機掉落";
AM_CLASS_SETS = "職業套裝";
AM_TIER0_SET = "T0 套裝";
AM_TIER1_SET = "T1 套裝";
AM_TIER2_SET = "T2 套裝";
AM_TIER3_SET = "T3 套裝";
AM_TIER4_SET = "T4 套裝";
AM_PVP_SET = "PVP 套裝";
AM_PVP = "PvP";
AM_ANCHOR_POINT = { { Display = "頂端", -- Localise
Command = "TOP" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "右上方", -- Localise
Command = "TOPRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "右邊", -- Localise
Command = "RIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "右下方", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMRIGHT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "底端", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOM" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "左下方", -- Localise
Command = "BOTTOMLEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "左邊", -- Localise
Command = "LEFT" }, -- Do NOT Localise
{ Display = "左上方", -- Localise
Command = "TOPLEFT" } -- Do NOT Localise
AM_BG_BASE = "Only 1 Base";
AM_BG_BASES = "Bases";
AM_BG_REQUIRED = "Required to Win !";
AM_EXTERIOR = " 外部";
AM_RCMENU_INC = " Inc "; -- as in 5 inc Blacksmith or 3 inc farm
AM_RCMENU_ZERG = "Zerg"; -- as in Zerg Inc Frostwolf GY
AM_OK = "OK";
AM_RCMENU_HIGHLIGHT = "Highlight"; -- as in leave this note highlighted on the map
AM_RCMENU_NUN_AUTO = "自動傳送註記"; -- send the NotesUNeed note for the current map note to Raid/Party/...
AM_RCMENU_NUN_MAN = "手動傳送註記";
AM_RCMENU_AFLAG = "聯盟旗幟 ";
AM_RCMENU_HFLAG = "部落旗幟 ";
AM_RCMENU_FLAGLOC = { "Our Tunnel",
"Our Roof",
"Going West",
"Going East",
"In Middle",
"Their Tunnel",
"Their Roof",
"Their Flag Room",
"Their GY"
AM_OPENING = "AQ Opening Quest Chain";
AM_HORDE = "Horde";
AM_PICKED = { word = "picked",
posWord = " by ",
extraChars = 1 };
-- Deutsch
--AM_PICKED = { word = "aufgenommen" };
-- Francais
--AM_PICKED = { word = "ramass\195\169",
-- posWord = " par ",
-- extraChars = 2 };
AM_NEUTRAL = "中立";
AM_REVERED = "崇敬";
AM_EXALTED = "崇拜";
AM_CONFIG_SAVED = "AlphaMap Settings changed for : ";
AM_CANCEL = "取消";
AM_TT_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "AlphaMap\n按滑鼠左鍵開啟 AlphaMap\n按滑鼠右鍵開啟選項設定";
AM_TT_ALPHA_BUTTON2 = "按滑鼠左鍵開啟 AlphaMap\n按滑鼠右鍵開啟選項設定";
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
AM_TYP_WM = "世界地圖";
AM_TYP_GM = "Blizzard Map";
AM_TYP_BG = "戰場";
AM_TYP_CAVES = "Caves";
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap/README.txt New file
0,0 → 1,1227
v3.33.30000 (Fan's Update)
Includes Maps for Instances, Battlegrounds, & World Bosses, and the major non-Instance Cave systems
Basically, AlphaMap is a scalable, moveable, transparent WorldMap that the user can have on screen while they continue to play and interact with the world.
Move the AlphaMap by holding down Control & Alt keys, and moving via the yellow movement bars at the top and bottom of the map.
Supported by PartySpotter, and MozzFullWorldMap(Fan's Update).
Native support for MapNotes, Gatherer, MetaMapNotes, CTMapMod, FlightMap, AtlasLoot, and NotesUNeed
See Patch Notes / Change History for specific details of functional changes/bug fixes
- World Map replacement mode via the 'Mouse Interaction' checkbox in the Miscallaneous Tab of the Options. ALT-Clicking on the AlphaMap will allow you to zoom in/out via left/right clicks. Without the <Alt> key pressed, then AlphaMap will remain invisible to the mouse as per current functionality.
- World Map 'Compact' veiwing mode, which will trim the world map, and only show explorable areas; so that keeping the map up on screen uses even less space.
The 'Standard'/'Compact' veiwing modes can be switched via a key binding.
NOTE : A side affect of this will mean that characters won't see areas they haven't discovered yet. If you would like to use Compact viewing mode, but STILL be able to see ALL areas in the current Map, you will need to install 'MozzFullWorldMap (Fans Update)'
- Special Battlefield options for reporting positions and incoming. (Note that the Raid Group numbered icons in the pictures are only available with the 'PartySpotter' AddOn installed)
High Quality Instance Maps :
lots of options allowing you to change the scale, alpha, the display of notes, note backgrounds, map background, Instance Header and Footer information, instance legend, the ability to change the colour of the note and/or map backgrounds.
Compatible with the latest versions of AtlasLoot (v1.60 and later). Atlas not required if you need to save memory.
Instance settings are saved separately to the World Map settings, so you don't have to change the way AlphaMap is displayed every time you enter/exit an Instance.
Or, save all Instance map settings separately allowing you to have different Instance maps set to different sizes, etc. Uncheck the box on the 'Dungeons' tab of the Options frame.
High Quality BattleGround Maps :
Minimap textured maps of Battlegrounds displaying all player units, and Battleground flags/objectives.
In Warsong Gulch, extra flag icons record which players have picked up which flags. Left click on a flag to target the carrier. Right click the flag to bring up a menu allowing you to report the flag's position to Raid/Party/General chat.
In Arathi Basin, the number of bases required to win is displayed next to your Faction's entry point. When ever the number of bases you need to win changes, a message is sent to your chat box to inform you of this. If you have the Scrolling Combat Text AddOn installed, then this message will also be displayed in the center of the screen. Right click on bases to report the number of incoming enemy to Raid/Party/General chat.
In Alterac Valley, Right click on bases to report the number of incoming enemy to Raid/Party/General chat.
As per all AlphaMap maps, the scale, alpha, and position of the maps can be changed and will be saved separately from the World Map settings or the Instance map settings.
Or, save all Battleground map settings independantly from each other allowing you to show the large Alterac Valley map at a smaller scale than the small Warsong Gulch map - Uncheck the box on the 'Battlegrounds' tab of the Options frame.
World Boss Maps & Instance Exteriors Caves :
For example, maps for Gnomeregan dungeon (before you enter the Instance), Dire Maul exterior, and Maraudon Exterior; And zoomed minimap style maps for the World Bosses Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and all 4 of the Four Dragons. All these maps are capable of displaying player units, and all save their settings spearately from each other, and from the World, Instance and Battleground maps.
All the above maps have AlphaMap notes detailing key locations, mobs, etc. These notes can be clicked to do one or more of the following :
Left Click
- If the note leads to another map, then that map will be displayed. e.g. links between LBRS/UBRS/BWL, DM maps, etc.
- If the note has Loot noted for it, a small gold coin will be displayed next to it, and left clicking will show the AtlasLoot frame
Righ Click will raise a menu with several possible options
- You can leave a particular map note highlighted
- In Battlegrounds, there are special options for reporting the number of enemy incoming on a base, or the location of a flag carrier
- If you have NotesUNeed installed, then you can open a NotesUNeed note, or Send the NotesUNeed note text to your Raid/Party/Guild. i.e. store the tactics for a particular boss in a NotesUNeed note, and then send those tactics to your Raid via the right click menu for that boss on the AlphaMap.
Original Credits : Jeremy Walsh, Telic, Alchemys Indomane
Version 2 Credits :
Most of the High Quality Maps are courtesy of Niflheim. Thanks Niflheim :)
But I created the following maps myself, so send any corrections to me :
Dire Maul Overview, West, East, North, & Exterior
Gnomregan & Gnomregan Exterior
Warsong, AB, and AV Battlegrounds
Maraudon Exterior
Localisation Credits
German : Eike Hanus, Stardust
Traditional Chinese : Arith Hsu
Simplified Chinese : springsnow
BC Credits :
Again thanks to Niflheim for allowing use of his Instance maps :)
Gruul's Lair & Eye of the Storm BG map courtesy of myself :)
Auchindoun and Tempest Keep and most BC maps courtesy of Daveish <- he's like Niflheim on speed :)
Big thank you to Daveish, who made his AtlasLoot data and frames available for other AddOns to access :)
And to Asurn for AtlasQuest and helping to make AlphaMap compatible.
AlphaMap's Options
1.) First, please remember that AlphaMap can save options for different maps completely separately, so changing a setting when you are viewing a World map zone won't necessarily have any affect when you view one of AlphaMap's maps such as an Instance map, or Battleground map. The name of the map (or type of map) that you are changing the settings for is in the bottom right of the Options frame.
2.) Some settings are global and you should check the 'Global Variables' section of the 'Readme.txt' file if you need any clarification.
3.) You can only access options for AlphaMap's custom maps if you have one of AlphaMap's custom maps open (or it was the last type of map you had open). I did this to try and prevent confusion; For example, it didn't make sense to change how AlphaMap's internal notes are displayed when the player is viewing a World map zone (and I can't predict whether you are intending to change the note settings for Instances, or Battlegrounds, or Non-Instances.)
4.) If you have an AlphaMap Map open, then the "AlphaMap Maps 1" and "AlphaMap Maps 2" tabs are accessible. However, on Tab 2, the Battleground checkboxes are only availabe if the last map you had open was a Battleground map, and the Instance checkboxes are only available if the last map you had open was an Instance map, etc. etc.
Global Varibales
As mentioned above in the sections on High Quality Instance/Battleground/Exterior Maps, most of the settings can be saved separately for each map automatically, e.g. the transparency, scale, position, etc. So to change the settings for Naxxramas, you should first display the map for Naxxramas in AlphaMap, and then open the options. (If you have the 'Changes affect ALL INSTANCE Maps' checkbox checked on the Dungeons Tab, then opening ANY Instance map, and then opening the Options will allow you to change the Options for ALL instance maps.)
However, some variables are always saved globally, sometimes because it just doesn't make sense to save them individually for each map, and sometimes because its just too difficult to implement without problems. The following settings are Global no matter which map you are displaying :
- Enable/Disable AlphaMap
- Checkbox controlling whether setting changes apply to ALL Instance Maps or should be saved independantly
- Checkbox controlling whether setting changes apply to ALL Battleground Maps or should be saved independantly
- Checkbox controlling whether setting changes apply to ALL Non-Instance Maps or should be saved independantly
- Whether the AlphaMap position is Locked or not. (Maps can still be saved in different positions before this option locks them all where they are)
- Whether the legacy player arrow is used or the new one that fixes the old Minimap blink issue
- Where the AlphaMap map selector is docked
- The position of the Minimap Button
- The mode of the World Map view : Standard/Compact
- Whether the 'Escape' key can be used to close AlphaMap
- Whether the Mouse Interaction mode of 'Ctrl-Click' map selection is enabled or not
- Whether or not to play sounds when the map opens/closes, or should be muted
- Whether or not the original game World Map frame can be changed or not
- The toggle of Help Tooltips
Known Issues
Some other AddOns that reset the world map, may prevent you from using AlphaMap to view World Zones other than the one you are currently in. e.g. Telo's Infobar Coordinates will constantly reset the map to the current zone. (The AddOn 'cMinimapCoordinates' provides similar functionality without affecting AlphaMap)
To counter this problem I have provided a 'Pause' button next to the AlphaMap Map Selector drop down boxes. Clicking this will pause map updates to AlphaMap, allowing you to manually select other areas to view. Also, the map will still update when your character physically changes Map zones, but other background events that would otherwise reset the map should still be ignored.
This is not the normal mode of use, and is only provided as a helper function for people who can't live without a conflicting AddOn.
1.) The Hot Spot function can not make the AlphaMap opaque if the Options frame is open.
2.) BG objective Icons are deliberately duplicated to the left of the map.
This was done to make sure that their status is always easy to see even when player dots are obscuring the actual on map icons - it also means the right click menu is always still available for the user to report Incoming enemies.
Change History
Changes in v3.33.30000 from v3.32.30000
- if using AlphaMap to change the original WorldMap, this release fixes scaling issues with the WorldMap Tooltip
- fix to on map corpse icons
- fix to stop taint issues from blocking Set Focus and Clear Focus actions from drop down menus
- fix to 'zone' drop down population when in Instances, BGs, etc.
Changes in v3.32.30000 from v3.31.30000
- NotesUNeed compatibility for sending of Raid instructions from boss notes
Changes in v3.31.30000 from v3.30.30000
- fix to right click menus on custom maps
- right click menu text now slightly larger
Changes in v3.30.30000 from v3.25.20400
- v3.0 & WotLK compatibility update
(No WotLK instance maps available in this version yet)
- can now use the mouse wheel to change the scale of the AlphaMap
Mouse Interaction mode must be enabled, and the <ALT> key must be held down to change map size.
<ALT> & <SHIFT> must be held down together to change the map opacity.
This method can also be used to change the size and opacity of the original World Map.
(Must have enabled World Map changes from the Miscallaneous Tab of AlphaMap Options)
- new WotLK vehicle units are more clearly highlighted on AlphaMap, including a direction indicator
Colour coding indicates Horde (red), Alliance (blue), Air (light blue), Ground (green).
A single highlighting bracket indicates the vehicle is unoccupied.
- the original World Map frame will now scale in place, rather than being re-centered
- the original World Map will now remember its position when moved
- unit icons are now slightly larger by default
- fixed bug where MozzFullWorldMap is loaded but not enabled
- adjustment to Alterac Valley Graveyard timers
Changes in v3.25.20400 from v3.24.20400
- fix to make Instance map changes automatic when MozzFullWorldMap installed
- fix to re-enable BG Tower Timers
Changes in v3.24.20400 from v3.23.20400
- localisation fix for LBRS (and a couple of other Instances) for all languages other than English
- removed reference to some AtlasLoot PvP sets for simplicity
(AtlasLoot has its own mechanism for browsing Armour Sets now so...)
Changes in v3.23.20400 from v3.22.20400
- AlphaQuestHelper update for compatibility with Cartographer AND QuestHelper
Changes in v3.22.20400 from v3.21.20400
- fixed a problem where BG objectives wouldn't update on the world map 'style' maps
- PvP objectives should now update even when the map is paused
- fixed a problem where player dots would disappear in certain circumstances
Changes in v3.21.20400 from v3.20.20400
- new AlphaQuestHelper plugin now included to show QuestHelper Icons and "Ants" on AlphaMap
NOTE : this will ONLY work with the NEXT release of QuestHelper
i.e. versions LATER than "QuestHelper 0.44.17-gf3f3830"
With earlier versions, the QuestHelper icons will not remain attached to AlphaMap, so please await the next release of QuestHelper
You should probably leave the AlphaQuestHelper plugin disabled until a compatible QuestHelper is released
Changes in v3.20.20400 from v3.19.20400
- Fix to MozzFullWorldMap compatibility (that resulted in a blank map)
Changes in v3.19.20400 from v3.18.20400
- Major French localisation update. Thx to Septh :)
- fix to problem where newly explored areas would not update immediately
- fix to Arathi Basin Stables and Lumber Mill timer on all Clients
- further fix to Arathi Basin Lumber Mill timer on French Client
Changes in v3.18.20400 from v3.17.20400
- fix to problem where on map icons & player dots would pause
Changes in v3.17.20400 from v3.16.20400
- update to TomTom support to include distances in Tooltip info
Right-click menu functionality requires TomTom r131 or later.
Changes in v3.16.20400 from v3.15.20400
- fix to Map switching ability and potential Paused status bug
Changes in v3.15.20400 from v3.10.20400
- updated support for TomTom
Sadly, TomTom has changed and is hiding much of its information, so I can no longer reliably include distance information in the Tooltip;
Neither, can I reliably make the Right click menu available from TomTom dots.
(At least not without virtually writing my own version of TomTom... ;)
Changes in v3.10.20400 from v3.00.20300
- toc update
- added maps for Magister's Terrace, Sunwell Plateau
- fix to DropDown box use where the "default" map in a zone is a custom AlphaMap Map
- new option to control whether BG maps should auto-open when entering a BG
i.e. now separate to the option controlling whether you use AlphaMap maps or World BG maps in Battlegrounds
- improvement to Search facility to highlight on-map notes where multiple pages of notes exist
- some small bug fixes and changes to Options text
- some small database fixes
Changes in v3.00.20300 from v2.97.20300
- Map categories are now defined as separate Plugins so you can pick and choose which maps you want to load
Other Plugins for other maps can be created and registered with AlphaMap
- split the non-Instance Raid category in to 2 types : WorldBosses, and Instance Exteriors
- added Instance Exterior maps for CoT, Coilfang, Auchindoun, Sunken Temple, Blackfathom Deeps, The Deadmines, Scarlet Monastery, & Karazahn
All show player/raid dots.
- added a new Searching feature to help find/highlight particular Mobs/NPCs
Works via a new slash command "/am -s <Search for this text>"
All AlphaMap maps with Notes containing the text will be reported to the chat frame.
If an AlphaMap map is open and has notes containing the text, then those notes will be highlighted.
"/am -s" without any other text will turn off search highlights on the map.
- updated the way that the map selector drop down boxes are updated - BIG improvement in usability overall
- allowed map changing again by <Alt>-clicking at the edge of the map.
To Zoom in to particular world map textures, hold <Shift> & <Alt> down when left clicking the AlphaMap
(<Alt> Right click to zoom out)
- fixed a bug that would happen when moving from Arathi Basin to another Battleground
- fixed an Instance progress bug, where the key symbols for bosses would change to GY symbols and be displayed, even though the key was hidden
Changes in v2.97.20300 from v2.96.20300
- fixed an issue with the Instance / BG maps being mistakenly left in a zoomed state
Instance/BG maps will auto-zoom out when you change map.
<Alt>-Left Click to zoom in on a particular part of the Instance or Battleground map
<Alt>-Right Click to zoom out to the full map view again
- spam guard now in place to try and reduce Arathi Basin message spam when when the number of bases required to win is too close to call
- Gatherer and Astrolabe compatibility update
- fixed issue of the WorldMap not scaling immediately while using the slider
- MetaMapNotes support
- changes to MetaMap and Cartographer support.
Changes to the WorldMap are NOT possible using Alphamap if either of these AddOns is installed, to prevent conflicting settings
Also, change to prevent confusion between Cartographer Gatherer and the genuine article which resulted in an error
Changes in v2.96.20300 from v2.95.20300
- fixed a problem with tooltip scale being corrupted after clicking BG objectives
Changes in v2.95.20300 from v2.94.20300
- New maps for Black Temple, The Eye, and World Bosses Doomwalker and Highlord Kruul
Only one map is supplied for Black Temple, but don't forget that AlphaMap allows you to zoom in to Instance maps by holding down the <Alt> key while left/right clicking.
So you can zoom in to particular wings of the instance to get a detailed view.
- Corrections to World Boss Encounters in Feralis, Ashenvale, and Blasted Lands
- Big database update for Instance Notes and AtlasLoot Enhanced
- Bug fix to Battleground Timers in AV and AB to display time till capture
(Note that as before, the time till capped is shown in the Tooltip for a Tower/Base, and to reduce performance costs is only calculated once when you mouse over the objective)
- New BG functionality based on Time till capped information :
Left-Clicking on a Tower that is changing hands will refresh the Timer information in the tooltip without having to wiggle the mouse around
<Control> Left-Clicking on a Tower that is changing hands will broadcast the Timer information to the Battleground Channel
- Bug fix to the Battleground calculation in AB to display the number of bases needed to win
- New BG functionality in AB
Can manually check the number of bases required to win by Left-Clicking on any of the Objectives - Farm, Blacksmith, etc.
<Control> Left-Clicking on any objective will broadcast the number of bases required to win to the Battleground Channel
- Note that you can still report Incoming enemies to BG Objectives by Right clicking on them and selecting the message to send
- TomTom compatibility changes (displayed by default with no option to turn off atm)
- MobMap compatibility changes via Plugin AddOn called "AlphaMobMap"
So enable AlphaMobMap via the Blizzard AddOn screen in order to display MobMap markers on AlphaMap
- Bug fix to Key bindings to change opacity
- Bug fix to make moving the AlphaMap much less fiddly and prevent it from dropping accidentally
- AlphaMap should now scale in situ, rather than being re-centered when changing size
- Pressing of the Escape key should now close the WorldMap if "modified" by AlphaMap
Changes in v2.94.20300 from v2.93.20300
- fixed AlphaMap's ability to modify the original Blizzard Map (Miscallaneous Tab Option)
- the Map Selector drop down boxes have been slightly reduced in size by default, and will remain a constant size no matter which UI Scale is selected.
If you are not happy with the default size, then the following slash command can be used to change it :
/am ddscale <value>
The default scale value for the Map Selector controls is 0.7, and can be changed to any value between 0.3 and 1.4.
For example :
/am ddscale 0.64 -- will reduce the size of the Map Selector boxes slightly
Use "/am ddscale" on its own to reset to the default value again.
The command will report the old and new values being set.
As an option that will be rarely used, there is no corresponding GUI component for this Option yet - perhaps later ;)
NOTE : This option controls the size of the Map Selector frame both when attached to the AlphaMap, or Free Floating.
Changes in v2.93.20300 from v2.92.20300
- Fixed a graphical glitch on the Terokkar Forest map
- Fixed a bug when positioning the Minimap button
- Normalised the scaling of the Map Selector drop down boxes
- Rotating Minimap support (for updating the AlphaMap Player arrorw)
- Repositioned the Player ping
- Provided a new slash command to help in reporting issues where the AlphaMap is not automatically updating to the expected map
/am info
If the map is not automatically updating to what you expect, then please use this slash command when reporting the problem to me, and make sure you copy ALL 3 lines of information from the chat window.
Changes in v2.92.20300 from v2.91.20200
- updated Shadow Labyrinth boss loot information
(Credit : BoaConstrictor)
- WoW Patch 2.3 compatibility changes and a toc update ofc
Changes in v2.91.20200 from v2.91.20100
- simply a toc update
Changes in v2.91.20100 from v2.90.20003
- toc update
- some AtlasLoot updates, some small corrections, and a map for The Black Temple
Changes in v2.90.20003 from v2.81.20003
The Mouse Interaction Mode which allows you to Zoom in and out of world map Zones NOW USES THE <ALT> KEY.
- As Above, to move the on map Coordinates, you now need to use the <ALT> Key, and NOT the <Control> Key.
You can now Create and Edit MapNotes on world zone maps in AlphaMap, using the standard <Control>-Right Click method of interaction.
You should now also see Party Notes, and Thottbott Markers on the AlphaMap world zone maps.
You can create a Party Note on the AlphaMap, but will need to hold down both the <Control> & <Shift> keys.
This functionality requires the latest version of "MapNotes (Fan's Update)". (v3.40.20003 or later)
NOTE: As a Result of this change the AlphaMap Option to hide MapNotes Tooltips no longer works when using MapNotes (Fan's Update); And only applies to the tooltip's displayed when using CTMapMod or MetaMap
Zoom in to see Instance Maps in more detail by <Alt>-Left Clicking on them. (2x zoom)
Zoom out again by <Alt>-Right Clicking
Useful for quick checking areas in detail without having to change the scale of the map frame itself, or focusing in more detail on particular dungeon wings.
NOTE : Must have Mouse Interaction Mode enabled. (Enabled by default).
NOTE : Can't currently zoom in on maps created from in-game Minimap Textures such as World Boss maps (these are already zoomed minimap textures, so I didn't dedicate any time to it ;)
- Can now scale the AlphaMap Notes on Instance/BattleGround/WorldBoss Maps to suit your needs
For example - open up an Instance Map;
Open up the AlphaMap Options;
Click on the Second Tab;
You will see the options have been slightly re-organised, and there is now a slider on the left hand side allowing you to change the size of the on-map icons
AlphaMap key symbols are not affected by this re-sizing, but are now slightly larger by default.
Can now Zoom in on WorldMap areas using the normal <Alt>-Click method - basically this means you can zoom even further on world map zones and see individual "discoverable areas" as a single enlarged area of the map - at the moment, I'm afraid no map icons will be displayed on 'zoomed' map areas.
Sometimes this feature is useful for quickly seeing part of the map more clearly, sometimes not so useful ;)
Let me know what you think.
BattleGround Tooltips will now show the Amount of time until a Graveyard or Objective is Captured by a Faction.
Only Roughly accurate to within a couple of seconds, and only calculated when you mouse over the objective to keep performance impact to a minimum, but a good guide-line none the less.
- fix to make sure automatically opened AlphaMap BG maps show player icons correctly when moving from one BG to another
- updated the Eye of the Storm BG map to include secondary icons for the Capture objectives, as they are often obscured by player icons
- IMPORTANT BUG FIX FOR PEOPLE WHO DO NOT USE AlphaMap Battleground Maps as Default Maps in BG
Thank you to dw420 for their error reports
- New Maps for :
Serpentshrine Cavern
Cavern of Time : Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Cavern of Time : Battle for Mount Hyjal
Cavern of Time : Black Morass
Lord Kazzak map updated to Outland Doom Lord Kazzak map
( Some created myself, some thanks again to Daveish :)
- Updated for latest Gatherer Beta
- Added support for Gatherer's control of Icon Sizes
- Added secondary BG Objecive Icons to the Eye of the Storm BG map, as status often obscured by Player Icons
- if AlphaMap on-map Instance note tooltips have been disabled, then neither will the note be highlighted when you mouse over it
- Miscallaneous data corrections, and updates, including localisation corrections and Atlas Loot IDs
- Thottbott compatibility update
Changes in v2.81.20003 from v2.80.20003
- fix for people not using Gatherer
Changes in v2.80.20003 from v2.70.20003
- updated the Eye of the Storm Battleground coordinate system to display Players correctly now :)
- added the following Maps courtesy of Daveish <- He's like Niflheim on speed ;)
Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts
Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls
Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs
Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz
Tempest Keep: The Botanica
Tempest Keep: The Mechanar
- added support for the latest Gatherer Beta
NOTE: everything should work fine during normal play, but if viewing other World Map Zones other than the one where your character is located while using Gatherer, you may suffer from a performance impact and find Drop down boxes impossible to use. The AlphaMap Pause button can be used to solve these issues for the time being.
However, if you have used any AddOn that alters the original Blizzard WorldMap, such as the Miscallaneous AlphaMap Option, then you may also notice these problems when trying to use the original Blizzard WorldMap to view other zones, in which case the AlphaMap pause button will not help as it is linked to the Gatherer Minimap processing. I will investigate to see if this is solvable from within AlphaMap if the problem still exists when Gatherer reaches a Gamma release, as I believe that Gatherer's Astrolabe library is still being tweaked.
- AlphaMap will now highlight Named Bosses on Instance maps if you Target them
- when Named bosses in Instances are killed, AlphaMap will now flag them with a GraveYard symbol
If the Instance is a normal Party Instance, then the bosses will reset automatically when you leave the Party-Instance.
If the Instance is a Raid Instance, you will have to use the new Reset button.
If you don't receive the system message when a Named Mob dies, then your AlphaMap may still be updated by one of two automatic methods :
1.) targetting the corpse of the Named Mob will update its status on the AlphaMap Instance map
2.) other users of AlphaMap in the same Raid will send notification messages to you to update your Instance details
Failing that, you can use the new "Dead" option on the note Right-Click Menu to toggle the status of that boss.
NOTE: you can't note a boss as Dead unless you are inside an instance, but you are allowed to toggle the status back to life whether in an Instance or not
- corrected the Hellfire Ramparts map, and updated the notes. ty Pleegwat :)
- updated some more AtlasLoot Enhanced Loot IDs
- removed the AlphaMap Options frame link to AtlasLoot as no longer required
- fixed the problem where the AlphaMap Coordinates couldn't be moved by holding down the Control key
Changes in v2.70.20003 from v2.66.20000
- the Lock Map Option has been removed. Simply hold the <Control> and <Alt> keys down at the same time, and the movement bars at the top and bottom of the Map will become visible for you to move the map. Different maps will still store there positions separately.
- when scaling the AlphaMap, it will now be re-anchored to the center of the screen; This should stop the AlphaMap disappearing off the screen when you scale it requiring you to re-position it several times potentially. Now just scale it in the center of the screen, and use the new <Control><Alt>-Drag method of movement.
- toc update
- fixed a problem when trying to Zoom back in to a Continent from the 'Cosmic' map via the Mouse while updating is paused
- timing issues would sometimes stop Battleground maps opening automatically when entering a BG; This should now be fixed. Maps will auto-close when you leave a BG if they auto-opened when you entered.
- added a new map for BlackRock Mountain before entering an Instance
- fixed Player coordinate problems in non-Instance Gnomregan Exterior, etc.
- updated the Scrolling Combat Text interface to the latest release for that AddOn
- couple of small performance improvements
(However, you should still use the provided Pause button if you have other AddOns that continually reset the map, this can also improve performance as well as preventing other AddOns from resetting the map)
- improved compatibility with NotesUNeed
- added 'Placeholder' entries for most of the new BC Maps. This means most Instances are now listed, but where no map is yet available, then AlphaMap will show a warning graphic instead of the map, but you will be able to access AtlasLoot items from the frame. Where no specific map is available, then the Instance name will be postfixed with '(x)'
NOTE 1 : If you don't want to see any entries where no map is yet available, then delete the 'Placeholder.blp' file from the \AddOns\AlphaMap\Maps directory
NOTE 2 : Remember that if you don't want to use AlphaMap for viewing Battleground/Instance/WorldBoss Maps, then you can simply delete the relevant .blp file from the \AddOns\AlphaMap\Maps directory and those maps won't be shown in the drop down boxes. For example, if you just want to show BattleGround maps in AlphaMap, but not Instance maps, then you can delete or move all the Instance .blp files you don't want to use, and AlphaMap will no longer show any Instances options in the drop down boxes, but the Battlegrounds will still be available :)
In other words, AlphaMap will cope gracefully with the absence of map files you don't feel you need; So its up to you what maps to keep.
Changes in v2.66.20000 from v2.65.20000
- fixed the unattached Map Selector problem again, after having caused it again, after having fixed it the first time ;p
( Doh! I'm tired. )
- fixed the yellow circle locator to ensure it appears over the player even when using the Legacy Player Icons
(Although I may remove that option completely soon, as the old code does not seem to be standing the test of time. Are any people finding it a useful feature ?)
Changes in v2.65.20000 from v2.64.20000
- Instances now listed separately in drop down boxes based on the continent where they are located
- New BC Instance Maps provided with the kind permission of Niflheim :)
- Included new BC Battleground map for Eye of the Storm
- update for German Client Battleground Objectives
- fixed the problem of the UI disappearing if combat starts while the WorldMap is open
- small compatibility changes for WoW 2.xx and Burning Crusade
- can no longer Target Flag carriers in Warsong Gulch
- Drop Down boxes will now remain docked to the Options frame between log ins
- fix to ensure no .scale error during first time installs
Changes in v2.64.20000 from v2.63.20000
- Important bug fix for displaying World Maps
(For those who don't have MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update) installed ;)
Changes in v2.63.20000 from v2.62.11200
- updated to support new API, and The Burning Crusade Expansion pack
- one small bug fix for compatibility with MapNotes (Fan's Update) v3.10.20000
Changes in v2.62.11200 from v2.53.11200
- updated to support the latest version of AtlasLoot Enhanced
- some database updates
Changes in v2.60.11200 from v2.53.11200
- updated to support latest version of AtlasLoot Enhanced
Left Click the "AL" Button - shows original Sets
Right Click the "AL" Button - shows the new Faction Rewards
- compatibility changes to support the upcoming release of "MapNotes (Fan's Update)"
MapNotes (Fan's Update) will support the creation of MapNotes on AlphaMap Instance/Battleground/WorldBoss Maps, plus the ability to Ctrl-Alt-Drag notes to move their position, a note searching feature, and some bug fixes.
- made sure the WorldMap Blackout frame won't appear when using Windowed mode at different UI scales
- fixed a "Friedhof der Frostwolf" error in the German Localised Alterac Valley map
Changes in v2.53.11200 from v2.52.11200
- update for Simplified Chinese Localisation (Thanks to Springsnow)
- stopped drop down boxes reverting to world zones when map opens after selecting an Instance/BG/Raid map
- stopped player position pinging when showing maps that the player is not currently in
- stopped the player icon appearing on maps it shouldn't appear on when the Pause button is clicked
Changes in v2.52.11200 from v2.50.11200
- changes to make compatible with the next release of AtlasQuest. ( AtlasQuest version 3.14.30 and later should work with AlphaMap ) Check for new "AQ" button at the top right of instance style maps.
- new AtlasLoot button at top right of Instance maps allowing quick access to AtlasLoot Sets
- also fixed small problem where AtlasLoot Legendary sets not accessible
- AlphaMap will now automatically open an Instance map when you select "Instances", or a Battleground map when you select "Battlegrounds", etc. It will try to remember the last map you had open, or just open the first map in the Drop Down list.
- improved the coordinate system in Alterac Valley so player positions are now more accurate
- some small database corrections for Warsong and Alterac Valley
- movement bars are now hidden when the Control key is pressed in Mouse Interaction mode, to stop them interfering with mouse clicks at the edge of the map.
- formatted the tooltips with default line breaks (with a couple of deliberate exceptions)
- German localisation updates from Stardust
Changes in v2.50.11200 from v2.32.11200
- Pause functionality now much improved and should now successfully prevent map resets caused by more troublseome conflicting AddOns such as Telo's Infobar Coordinates.
- now properly fixed the sending of messages in Battlegrounds. Note that you still need to be in a Raid/Party BEFORE you enter a Battleground in order to send AlphaMap Battleground messages to Raid/Party members
- Added help Tooltips for the Map Selector controls, and the Options. (Only English tooltips available currently)
These tooltips can be turned off/on via the 'Help Tooltips' checkbox in the Miscallaneous Tab of the Options.
I haven't provided Tooltips for every option, just those I thought needed clarification.
- Options slightly reorganised. You should now only be able to access Instance options when the last map you opened was an Instance map, and only be able to access the Battleground options if the last map you had open was a Battleground map, and so on...
Please see the "AlphaMap's Options" section of the 'Readme.txt' file for more details.
- Added map of the exterior of Uldaman
- Added map of the exterior of Wailing Caverns
- Improved performance by reducing AlphaMap's memory footprint by roughly 50% (approx. 1.3Mb reduction)
- added an Earth/Cosmos button for accessing AlphaMap Options
- updated compatibility with latest version of Gatherer (Supports Gatherer filtering options and latest gatherer types - you may need to update your version of Gatherer. I had no problems displaying icons recorded from earlier versions in the latest one)
- slightly increased the size of the font used to display player/cursor coordinates
- made the AlphaMap note highlighting much more noticable
- fixed a silly bug which prevented Simplified Chinese Localisation from working
- slightly increased the size of the player icon at smaller scales, and slightly corrected the player ping animation position and made it more visible
(You can use the HotSpot (by mousing over it) to highlight player position on the map)
- default alpha setting for AlphaMap maps (i.e. Instance maps, etc.) is now fully opaque
Changes in v2.32.11200 from v2.31.11200
- fixed the issue where the AlphaMap on-map slider would reattach itself to the AlphaMap after the user has moved it off the map to detach it
- corrected the spelling of the French localistion for the Gold Mine in Arathi Basin (not verified)
Changes in v2.31.11200 from v2.30.11200
- small fix to stop "MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)" being a mandatory requirement for Compact viewing mode
Still recommended however. Note that if you don't have MFWM installed and enabled, then only regions in which you have discovered at least one area will be displayed in Compact mode and completely un-explored (undiscovered) maps will be displayed in Standard mode.
Changes in v2.30.11200 from v2.25.11200
- 99% localised for Simplified Chinese courtesy of springsnow
- German localisation update courtesy of StarDust
- Now displays both the player(green) and the cursor(yellow) coordinates. These can be turned off by the new '(x, y)' option on the Miscallaneous Tab of the Options frame. Saved on a per map basis, so you can show coords on the world map, and perhaps in BG maps, but turn them off for Instance maps, etc.
- Changed the default behaviour to have Mouse Interaction mode turned on. So press the Ctrl-Key to use the mouse to zoom in and out of map regions
- When in Mouse Interaction mode and the Control key is pressed, the displayed Coordinates can be moved with the mouse and attached anywhere else on the AlphaMapFrame. Again, the position of the Coordinates is saved on a per map basis, so you can move them to the right on the World Map, while leaving them in the default position for BG maps, etc.
- Small re-organisation of the Options tabs and new Options for the following features :
1.) Can now show backgrounds for the text frames when veiwing Instance/BG/Raid maps. The colour and alpha setting of the text background can be changed independantly of the map or note backgrounds. New option on the "AlphaMap Maps 1" Tab of the options frame.
2.) New optins to control Non-Instance map settings in just the same way as Instance or Battleground maps. i.e. you can check an option so that when you make a change to ANY Non-Instance map, it will affect ALL Non-Instance maps. Similarly, there is a new button for a one off application of the current AlphaMap Settings to ALL Non-Instance maps. These new options have been added to the 'Non-Instance' section of the 'AlphaMap Maps 2' Tab of the options frame.
- Added support for the sending of messages via the new 'Battleground' Channel.
Important : Due to the way that Blizzard have changed the grouping system in Battlegrounds, it has become 'difficult' for me to determine whether a player is really capable of broadcasting messages to a Raid or not. i.e. you can appear to be in a Raid, but not be able to send Raid messages if the Raid was one formed automatically on entering a BattleGround.
For this reason, the ability to broadcast BG messages to Raid or Party members is dependant on you being in a Raid or Party BEFORE you entered the Battleground. Otherwise, the only type of messages you will be able to send is 'Battleground' messages - even if you join a 'proper' Raid/Party after entering the Battleground.
- fixed the Arathi Basin calculation of the number of bases required to win which was broken by changes in WoW 1.12
- small database corrections, and added links to AtlasLoot Tier sets from Instance maps
- now more compatible with MobileMinimapButtons (although MobileMinimapButtons may reset the Radius of your AlphaMap button if you use a non-standard AlphaMap Radius setting - this can't currently be avoided without disabling MobileMinimapButtons as MobileMinimapButtons 'automatically' interferes with AlphaMap)
- the current map zone is now reset whenever the AlphaMap or World Maps are closed. This should ensure that other AddOns that calculate the player's map coordinates do not report incorrect values after different maps were viewed.
(This does not correct the issue of certain other coordinate AddOns resetting the map, as this can not be sensibly corrected from within AlphaMap and requires those other AddOns to be changed - the pause button can be used to try and correct this, but I can't promise anything)
- increased the frame Strata of some frames so that they aren't obscured by other windows/buttons
- fix to prevent the black background appearing for some users who still found this to be a problem after having changed the original World Map Frame scale
- fix to make sure that MozzFullWorldMap(Fan's Update) world map check box control is still accessable when the World Map scale has been changed
- When using the latest version of MozzFullWorldMap(Fan's Update) v2.05.11200 or later, AlphaMap will stay in Compact viewing mode even when you have discovered no areas on a particular map.
- fixed the 'Reset All' button so that it does again reset all the options
- changed the tooltip anchor for the Minimap button to the WoW game default position (lower right of screen)
- Mouse Interaction mode is not available if the AlphaMap was opened via the HotSpot key binding (This was done to prevent certain errors that could occur)
Changes in v2.25.11200 from v2.25.11100
- Simply a .toc update for the latest WoW patch
Changes in v2.25.11100 from v2.12.11100
- Enhanced the Mouse Interaction mode by adding zone labels to show the names of areas/POIs that the mouse is over when the <Ctrl> key is pressed
- Added a key binding to toggle the HotSpot functionality. This is not availabe when the Options frame is open, and the hot spot veiw will be cancelled when the Options frame is opened.
- German Localisation for the GUI Options, in addition to the Drop Down boxes and Instance/Boss names that were already German localised
- 95% Localised for Traditional Chinese (Thanks to Arith Hsu)
- Compatible with AtlasLoot v1.18.00 and later (New Buttons in the Miscallaneous Tab of the AlphaMap Options frame)
- Added the ability to change the Position, Scale and Opacity of the Original Blizzard WorldMap Frame. Check the option to "Allow changes to the Blizzard Map" under the Miscallaneous Tab. This is just an extra feature as I prefer having some control over the original WorldMap rather than it being permanently Full Screen.
The original WorldMap Frame can be moved anywhere on screen and will remember where it was left as long as the "Allow changes to the Blizzard Map" option is checked.
The original Blizzard WorldMap's scale and alpha can ONLY be changed when the "Check to change the Blizzard Map" option is checked - when checked, then the other AlphaMap options will be hidden/disabled, and only the scale and alpha setting will be usable.
1.) To Reset the games WorldMap, simply Un-check the "Allow changes to Blizzard Map" checkbox - Un-Checking this option will ReLoad your User Interface. This will cause a significant pause, and is similar to re-logging in to the game world (without having to log out first).
2.) Some other AddOns may not like it if you change the scale of Blizzard's original WorldMap Frame. I have tested with Titan Coordinates, and Gatherer, and MapNotes(Continued), which all seem fine, but if you have an AddOn that won't display or play nicely with a personalised WorldMapFrame, then you just might not be able to use this option. (Or it might only be a very small change for the author of the other AddOn to make it compatible with a scaled WorldMap)
3.) If you have MetaMap installed, then you don't really need this option, so I don't want to see any reports of errors due to this option being used at the same time as MetaMap - just leave the option unchecked.
- Two changes that mean the on-map Opacity Slider can now be moved anywhere on the AlphaMap and it will remember where you anchored it :
1.) Firstly, the slider's value can't be changed while you moving it.
2.) Secondly, if you 'drop' the opacity slider anywhere on the AlphaMap, then it will re-anchor itself in that position and remember where you left it. If you 'drop' it anywhere else on screen, then it will no longer move when the AlphaMap is moved, and it will remember where you left it on your game screen instead.
- Control of the on-map Opacity Slider is no longer global, and its settings can now be saved separately on a per map basis. i.e. you can have the slider showing for world map views, but hidden, or in a different anchor position, on Instance/Battleground/Raid maps.
- Improved the Minimap button as HotSpot functionality. If you use the Minimap button as a Hotspot to temporarily open the map, then clicking on the Minimap button will make sure the AlphaMap stays open when your mouse leaves the Hotspot.
- When in Mouse Interaction mode and the Control key is pressed, the on-map Opacity Slider can be moved (and can not be used to alter the alpha setting of the map)
- Mouse Interaction mode for changing the map you are looking at should now work even when background map updating is 'Paused'
- Added a 'Mute' option which stops the page turning sound when the map opens/closes, or you change pages on the Map Key. (You will still hear clicks when using the Drop Down boxes to select a map however)
- Users who don't wish to use AlphaMap's Instance/Battelground/Raid maps, can now remove them from the "\AlphaMap\Maps" folder, and they will no longer be available to view within the game. So if you want the BattleGround maps, but not the Instance maps, then delete the .blp files you don't want, or move them to the "\AlphaMap\Maps\UnusedMaps" folder.
- Fix to make sure that the AtlasLoot frame closes if open when you change the map you are viewing
- Fixed a small problem where the Map Key 'seems' to disappear. This could happen if you were viewing the second page of key notes for one instance style map, and then try to view another instance style map that has only 1 page of key notes.
- Fixed a small problem when displaying Gatherer icons with 'missing' user configuration details
- Reworked the fix to prevent the AlphaMap displaying automatically when loggin-in / changing zones. The Map should display when you select "Attached to Map" as the docking position for the drop down boxes if the map was closed before the option was checked.
- While in Flight, the 'Pause' button will prevent zone changes from updating the AlphaMap. Changing zone at any other time will still update the AlphaMap even when paused. (Pausing was really only provided to prevent map updates that AlphaMap doesn't recognise as 'valid', and changing zone is normally treated as a valid trigger for an update to the AlphaMap)
- Fixed the position of the 'Secondary' EastFrostwolf Tower Icon on the Alterac Valley Map, and a couple of other small database updates
- Made compatible with the latest version of MetaMapFWM
- Changed the default position of the Map Selector drop down boxes to be nearer the top of the screen if 'Free Floating' and not yet manually placed
- Some small changes for compatibility with Cosmos versions of MapNotes and Atlas
- Changed the default behaviour to not close the AlphaMap when combat starts
Changes in v2.12.11100 from v2.11.11100
- Fixed the issue that would cause the AlphaMap to display when first logging in, or changing zone
Changes in v2.11.11100 from v2.10.11100
- Made compatible with the latest version of AtlasLoot
- Small adjustment to the 'Mouse Interaction' mode to prevent problems in Instances/Battlegrounds. Note that the on-map clicking to zoom between World Map areas won't work while in Instances/Battlegrounds even if you have manually selected a World Map from the drop down boxes. Only the drop down boxes can be used in these 'special' areas.
- Small bug fix to the new 'Escape' key functionality to make it global. Note that some settings are always global for all your maps and are not saved on a per map basis. e.g. the Minimap Button position. See the section on Global Variables in the notes.
- Fixed the error connected to the Map Noting OptionsSet
Changes in v2.10.11100 from v2.05.11100
- NEW FEATURE : World Map replacement mode via new option on the Miscallaneous Tab to allow Mouse interaction with AlphaMap. When checked, then the user can <CTRL-Click> on AlphaMap to zoom in and out of map zones just as they do on the World Map. CTRL-Right click to zoom out, and CTRL-Left click to zoom in on a continent/zone. If the Ctrl key is not pressed, then the AlphaMap is still completely invisible to the mouse as per standard functionality, and you can still select mobs/players through the map.
- NEW FEATURE : Added an Option on the Miscallaneous Tab allowing the user to close the AlphaMap with the 'Escape' key (Disabled by default)
- Fixed a small compatibility issue with TinyTip AddOn where mousing over the MiniMap icon would reset the tooltip scale
- Improved compatibility with other language clients. Also included limited localisation for French and German clients meaning that AlphaMap should now update automatically to the correct map when entering/exiting Instances and BattleGrounds, and the names of Instances and some mobs will be in the local client language
Changes in v2.05.11100 from v2.01.11100
- NEW FEATURE : Added a new World Map Viewing mode, controlled from a new check box on the Miscallaneous Tab of the Options Frame
Compact mode shows a trimmed version of the World Map displaying only explorable areas in the current map.
A side affect of this means you won't see areas you haven't discovered yet. If you would like to use Compact viewing mode, but STILL be able to see ALL areas in the current Map, you will need to install 'MozzFullWorldMap (Fans Update)'
- Added a key binding so that you can cycle between the Standard and Compact viewing modes of the World Map
- Added a map for Maraudon Dungeon (outside of Instance)
- Fixed an issue where the Map Selector drop down boxes were not remembering where they were anchored
- Fixed a bug message that can be displayed in Warsong Gulch while using the normal World Map view
- Made AlphaMap more compatible with GuildMap, ensuring that the drop down boxes can be used to display any map while the Pause map updating feature is activated (Previously, GuildMap would still interfere with the drop down boxes while map updates were paused.)
Changes in v2.01.11100 from v2.00.11100
- Stopped the AtlasLoot frame from appearing transparent if the AlphaMap frame alpha setting is changed.
- If you have the "Use Instance map in Battlegrounds" check box checked, then AlphaMap will autoshow the Battleground map when you enter any Battleground.
- Improved the Pause button functionality. While paused you can still manually show any map you want. Also, while paused, the map will be updated when you change map areas, but other background events that reset the map should still be ignored. Again, please note this is just a small helper function if you have other AddOns that are resetting your map, and I don't think most people will need it. It also has limitations in that new notes/icons that are added to/deleted from the World Map will not be shown in AlphaMap until you manually refresh the display by 'unpausing' it; Battleground objectives won't be up to date while the map is paused either. So, please no unnecessary complaints about 'quirky' behaviour while the map is paused - this is not the normal mode of use ;)
AlphaMap Fan's Update v2.00.11100 - Major Release
- ADDED THE ABILITY TO DISPLAY INSTANCE MAPS. AlphaMap will automatically display the map of the Insance you are in when opened. All maps come with notes, and these are compatible with the new version of AtlasLoot(Atlas not required if you want to save memory).
- ADDED THE ABILITY TO DISPLAY MiniMap Versions of Battleground maps which can display the battleground objectives, flags, and team mates.
- Warsong map includes special Flag icons which take note of the Flag carrrier's name. Click on the flag to target the carrier.
- Arathi basin map includes a numeric display next to your Faction's spawn entrance displaying how many bases you need to win. Also, when this number changes, a message is displayed in your default chat window. If you have SCT installed, then you will see this message in the center of your screen before it fades.
- ADDED THE ABILITY TO DISPLAY exterior Dungeon/Raid maps showing player locations. e.g. the Gnomeregan dungeon before entering the instance, and zoomed minimap views of Lord Kazzak, and Emerald Dragon World Boss locations.
- The notes on the Instance/Battleground/Raid maps can be left clicked :
- If the note leads to another map, then that map will be displayed. e.g. links between LBRS/UBRS/BWL, DM maps, etc.
- If the note has Loot noted for it, a small gold coin will be displayed next to it, and left clicking will show the AtlasLoot frame
- Right clicking a note can display a menu with several possible options
- You can leave a particular map note highlighted
- In Battlegrounds, there are special options for reporting the number of enemy incoming on a base, or the location of a flag carrier
- If you have NotesUNeed installed, then you can open a NotesUNeed note, or Send the NotesUNeed note text to your Raid/Party/Guild. i.e. store the tactics for a particular boss in a NotesUNeed note, and then send those tactics to your Raid via the right click menu for that boss on the AlphaMap.
- ADDED new Map Selector frame so that you can view any World Map Zone, Battleground or Instance in AlphaMap no matter where you are. This Map Selector frame can be attached to the AlphaMap, docked to the Options frame, or moved anywhere on screen and locked in place.
- The new Map Selector frame has a 'Hot Spot' which you can program to do different things when ever you place your mouse over it. So for example, you can use it as a quick way to display the AlphaMap and then close it again by moving your mouse away. Or, you can play with the AlphaMap displayed but without any notes and being very transparent, and use the Hot Spot to make the AlphaMap opaque and display all the notes until you move your mouse away again.
- Added lots of options so that you can customise the way that AlphaMap displays Instances/BattleGround/Raid maps, such as whether or not to display notes, a map key, tooltips, note and map backgrounds, and the colour of the note and map backgrounds
- IMPORTANT : By default, AlphaMap will save your display settings differently for viewing World Map zones, Battlegrounds, and Instance maps.
So for example, you can display the World map as a transparent AlphaMap in the center of the screen;
But Instance maps can be displayed with a smaller fully opaque AlphaMap in the upper right of the screen;
And Battleground maps could be displayed with a differently scaled map without the map key showing.
And because the settings are saved separately you don't have to manually change your settings each time you exit/enter an Instance or Battleground.
Or you can change this option in the settings and allow every Instance to save its settings independantly of other Instance maps - For example you might find it useful to set the scale of the Ragefire Chasm map to 40%, but want the Zul'farak map to be 60%...
Exterior raid maps like Gnomeregan Exterior, and Lord Kazzak all save their settings separately from each other, and from Instance and Battleground maps.
Basically, you should set up a particular map the way you like it once, and then that is the way it will display in the future, and you don't have to keep adjusting the map display every time you go in to a BattleGround/Instance/Raid map, and again when you exit.
- New Key binding that will quickly show/hide all the 'enabled' on screen AlphaMap notes and icons.
- Icons displayed on the AlphaMap no longer shrink out of existance when you reduce the map scale. They will only shrink to a minimum size, allowing you to have a really small AlphaMap with notes and player markers that are still visible and useful. Similarly, they don't grow beyond a certain maximum size if you scale the map up either.
- Tooltips displayed over the AlphaMap won't shrink out of existance when you reduce the map scale; And are now compatible with the display of NotesUNeed tooltips (Display of NotesUNeed merged map notes will require a NotesUNeed update)
- AlphaMap can now be moved via bars at the top AND bottom of the map. These bars are highlighted when the mouse is over them, but are not highlighted and become 'mouse transparent' if the AlphaMap position is locked.
- FIXED THE MINIMAP BLINKING ISSUE. This fix replaces the way in which the player arrow is shown on the AlphaMap, and arrows pointing toward Party members are no longer displayed on the AlphaMap.
- Added the option to display the old style player arrow, if minimap blinking was not an issue for you. The new player arrow is the default.
- The new Map Selector frame has a 'Pause' map updates button. This should not normally be needed, but occasionally, you may wish to stop background events from changing the map you are viewing. (Especially if you have other AddOns installed that access Map functions). When 'paused' then you won't be able to change the World Map area being viewed in AlphaMap. This is only intended for temporary use, and if map updates are paused when you move from one World Map area to another, then Player icons may appear on the incorrect map.
- Various small tweaks to the code
1.) The Hot Spot function can not make the AlphaMap opaque if the Options frame is open.
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.60.11000
- Added support for FlightMap
- Added a checkbox control for displaying the minimap button, and setting is saved between sessions
- Fixed an graphical glitch displaying MetaMapNotes
- The Auto-ReOpen AlphaMap after combat option is now off by default. Also made sure it doesn't reopen after manually closing.
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.52.11000
- Fixed the PartySpotter compatibility issue
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.51.11000
- Options GUI will now show/hide the Opacity Slider
- Stopped AlphaMap appearing after combat unless it was definitely open before combat
- Fixed the text for the Option to re-open AlphaMap after combat
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.50.11000
- Added a Minimap button. Left-click to toggle AlphaMap. Right-click to toggle Options
- Added a new Frame for graphically setting AlphaMap Options
- Added compatibility for MetaMap Notes : controlled via the existing MapNoting Options
- Added compatibility for CTMapMod Notes : controlled via the existing MapNoting Options (This includes the CTMapMod herb/ore notes)
- Gatherer filters now filter what displays on the AlphaMap
- Added an option to Re-open the AlphaMap automatically when Combat finishes
- MozzFullWorldMap Support. AlphaMap offers 2 tiers of support for MozzFullWorldMap :
1.) AlphaMap now functions correctly with current version of "MozzFullWorldMap 1.10 + configurable!" : i.e. this simply fixes an issue caused by MFW that would prevent AlphaMap from working correctly; But does NOT allow you to see Undiscovered areas in AlphaMap.
2.) Support for future release of MFW / MetaMapFWM : I have made some requests to the authors of both "MozzFullWorldMap 1.10 + configurable!", and "MetaMapFWM" to make some small changes in their mods which will allow access to their functionality from other AddOns. Support to use this functionality is built in to this version of AlphaMap, and would allow users to toggle the display of undiscovered areas. However, this functionality will not be available until the next releases of MozzFullWorldMap / MetaMapFWM, and only if those authors do update their AddOns to be compatible. If these negotiations fail to bear fruit, then I will consider importing (repeating) all the MFW code in to AlphaMap itself in a future release.
- Ping ! When you open AlphaMap, your characters location will be Pinged, to highlight your location when you first open it. As per WorldMap functionality
- To fix an issue with blank tooltips when mousing over location/gatherer/player icons on the Minimap, the Player/Minimap icons will disappear from the AlphaMap when you Mouse Over the Minimap Cluster. (However, 'local' party icons on the Minimap can still blink when your mouse is not over the Minimap, and AlphaMap is visible. This is an issue that is probably not possible for me to fix, as the Minimap drawing/updating seems to be an internal WoW function. The only alternative I have is to stop displaying the Minimap icons on the AlphaMap - player location could still be flagged, but I don't believe it would be possible for you see a directional arrow indicating your posistion and heading, and the arrows indicating the direction of fellow party members would also not be available. Let me know what you think.)
- Performance improvements. Basically, I felt that updating the map every frame was overkill. For me, the map was updating roughly 30 times per second. This version of AlphaMap will only update player icons roughly 10 times a second, and only update MapNotes, and other more static icons, roughly 2 times a second. Let me know if anyone finds any major issues with this approach.
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.03.11000
- toc Update for v1.10 of WoW
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.03.1900
- Centered the AlphaMap, and made sure Slider appears on the map when using /am reset
- Completely discarded the Old Saved Variables method which may have been causing some conflicts
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.02.1900
- Moved strings to localization.lua (others are welcome to provide translations!)
- Added some functions for colored feedback.
- Added /am reset, /am enable, /am disable slash commands
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.01.1900
- Updated toc
- Adjusted the Map Scaling function that was preventing the Map from displaying
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.01.1800
- Fixed the Corpse Icon (Thanks to Xtro)
AlphaMap Fan's Update v1.00.1800
- All team mates of your faction are now visible in BattleGrounds, whether or not they are in your Party/Raid
- Improved the Units Tooltips code, to display a list of player names under the mouse as per the tooltips on other maps
- Added BattleGround Flag/Objective statuses
- Has full support for the PartySpotter AddOn
Slash Commands are as follows:
/alphamap or /am:
/am - displays the options
/am tog - toggle display of alphamap
/am ? <OR> /am help - displays this list of slash commands
/am enable - Enable (re-enable) AlphaMap
/am disable - Disable AlphaMap
/am reset - Reset all config options to defaults
/am raid - show Raid Pins
/am ptips - show party tooltips
/am mntips - show MapNotes tips
/am gtips - show Gatherer tips
/am mngtips - show MapNotes Gathering tips
/am moveslider - toggle movement of the slider
/am slider - toggle display of slider
/am gatherer - toggle support for Gatherer
/am mapnotes - toggle support for MapNotes
/am gathering - toggle support for MapNotes Gathering
/am combat - toggle "Autoclose on Combat"
/am wmclose - toggle "Autoclose on WorldMap close"
/am lock - toggle movement of the AlphaMap
/am scale <value> - set the alphamap window scale
/am alpha <value> - set the transparency of alphamap in a range from 0.0 - 1.0
/am minimap - toggles the AlphaMap button on the Minimap Cluster
AlphaMap/Bindings.xml New file
0,0 → 1,25
<Binding name="TOGGLEALPHAMAP" header="ALPHAMAP">
IncrementAlphaMap( 1 );
IncrementAlphaMap( -1 );
<Binding name="CYCLEWMMODE">
<Binding name="HOT_SPOT">
\ No newline at end of file
AlphaMap/Constants.lua New file
0,0 → 1,98
ALPHA_MAP_VERSION = "3.33.30000";
-- AlphaMap MapNotes compatible version
-- symbol
AM_DEGREE = "\194\176";
-- Constant used to Register AlphaMap with MapNotes to allow note creation on Instance/BG/World Boss Maps
-- This is an example of how other AddOns should also register their Plugins with MapNotes (See code also)
AM_MN_PLUGIN = { name = "AlphaMap",
frame = "AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame",
keyVal = "AlphaMap_MN_Query",
lclFnc = "AlphaMap_MN_Localiser",
-- The Below style of Plugin Information demonstrates how you can display/change actual Blizzard World Map Notes
-- on your own AddOn's Frames using the Plugin functionality - It will depend on your Frame having the same proportions
-- as the World Map Button in order to display notes in the correct positions.
-- Notes made on the AddOn frame will be displayed on the World Map, and vice versa.
AM_WM_PLUGIN = { name = "WM AlphaMap", --
frame = "AM_WorldMapNotesFrame", -- Just use a different anchor Frame
keyVal = "MapNotes_GetMapKey", -- SAFEST Use MapNotes own Key Fetching routine
lclFnc = "AlphaMap_WM_Localiser", -- MUST Provide own Localiser to avoid Recursion
wmflag = "1", -- Indicates you want to display World Map Notes via this Plugin
-- Constants used in Instance data that don't require localisation
-- (Note : these can be overidden in any localisation file if required)
AM_RED = "|c00FF1010"; -- default used for hostile mobs, and Exits
AM_GREEN = "|c0000FF00"; -- default used for neutral/friendly NPCs
AM_BLUE = "|c005070FF"; -- default used for Entrances, and Stairs/Paths between distinct map areas
AM_GOLD = "|c00FFD200"; -- default used for Chests
AM_PURPLE = "|c00FF35A3";
AM_ORANGE = "|c00FF7945"; -- default used for Quest items/objects
AM_YELLOW = "|c00FFFF00";
AM_CYAN = "|cff008888";
AM_NUN = "NotesUNeed";
AM_AL = "AtlasLoot Enhanced";
DireMaul = { DMEast = true,
DMWest = true,
DMNorth = true
LBRS = { LBRS = true,
UBRS = true
AM_BGChanging = { ["0.375 : 0.5 : 0 : 0.125"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.125 : 0.25"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.5 : 0.125 : 0.25"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.75 : 0.125 : 0.25"] = true,
["0.125 : 0.25 : 0.25 : 0.375"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.5 : 0.25 : 0.375"] = true,
["0.75 : 0.875 : 0.25 : 0.375"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.375 : 0.5"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.5 : 0.375 : 0.5"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.75 : 0.375 : 0.5"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.25 : 0.375 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.75 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.875 : 1 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.500 : 0 : 0.125"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.125 : 0.250"] = true,
-- Legacy format to allow for overlapping functionality
["0.375 : 0.500 : 0.125 : 0.250"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.750 : 0.125 : 0.250"] = true,
["0.125 : 0.250 : 0.250 : 0.375"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.500 : 0.250 : 0.375"] = true,
["0.750 : 0.875 : 0.250 : 0.375"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.375 : 0.500"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.500 : 0.375 : 0.500"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.750 : 0.375 : 0.500"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.500 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.250 : 0.375 : 0.500 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.750 : 0.500 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.875 : 1.000 : 0.500 : 0.625"] = true,