WoWInterface SVN DivinePleaReminder

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Rev 1 → Rev 2

DivinePleaReminder/embeds.xml New file
0,0 → 1,6
<Ui xsi:schemaLocation=" ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<Script file="libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua" />
<Include file="libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.xml" />
\ No newline at end of file
DivinePleaReminder/DivinePleaReminder.lua New file
0,0 → 1,113
DivinePleaReminder v1.1, by sigmalmtd
A lightweight AddOn for Protection Paladins. Flashes the Divine Plea button when in combat and the buff is inactive.
DivinePleaReminder = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("DivinePleaReminder", "AceEvent-3.0")
function DivinePleaReminder:OnInitialize()
self.buttons = {}
function DivinePleaReminder:OnEnable()
local class, slot
-- Only enable for Paladins
_, class = UnitClass("player")
if class == "PALADIN" then
self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED", "CheckButton")
self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA", "Update")
self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", "Update")
self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", "Update")
-- Check all buttons
for slot = 1, 120 do
self:CheckButton(nil, slot)
function DivinePleaReminder:OnDisable()
local idx, slot
-- Hide and free all textures
for idx, slot in pairs(self.buttons) do
slot.texture = nil
self.buttons[idx] = nil
self.buttons = {}
-- Called on all buttons when the mod is enabled and called on single buttons when ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED is fired for that slot
-- Checks if the button contains the Divine Plea spell, and creates a texture, and/or enabling or disabling it as necessary
function DivinePleaReminder:CheckButton(eventName, slot)
local slotType, spellId, spellSubType, parent, texture
slotType, spellId, spellSubType = GetActionInfo(slot)
if UnitInVehicle("player") == nil and slotType == "spell" and GetSpellName(spellId, spellSubType) == "Divine Plea" then
if self.buttons[slot] then
-- Texture has already been created
self.buttons[slot].enabled = true
-- Texture has not been created. Find its parent and set it up
parent = nil
if Bartender4 then
parent = _G["BT4Button" .. slot]
elseif slot <= 12 then
parent = _G["ActionButton" .. slot]
elseif slot <= 24 then
parent = _G["BonusActionButton" .. (slot-12)]
elseif slot <= 36 then
parent = _G["MultiBarRightButton" .. (slot-24)]
elseif slot <= 48 then
parent = _G["MultiBarLeftButton" .. (slot-36)]
elseif slot <= 60 then
parent = _G["MultiBarBottomRightButton" .. (slot-48)]
elseif slot <= 72 then
parent = _G["MultiBarBottomLeftButton" .. (slot-60)]
elseif Dominos then
parent = _G["DominosActionButton" .. (slot-72)]
if parent then
self.buttons[slot] = {}
self.buttons[slot].enabled = true
texture = parent:CreateTexture("DivinePleaReminderHighlight" .. slot, "OVERLAY")
self.buttons[slot].texture = texture
texture:SetWidth(parent:GetWidth() * 1.722)
texture:SetHeight(parent:GetHeight() * 1.722)
texture:SetPoint("CENTER", parent, "CENTER", 0, 0)
texture:SetVertexColor(1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8)
elseif self.buttons[slot] then
-- Texture has been created, but this slot no longer holds Divine Plea. Disable it
self.buttons[slot].enabled = false
-- Update all textures' shown status
function DivinePleaReminder:Update()
local slot, show
-- Only show the highlight if we're in combat and don't have Divine Plea active
if not UnitAffectingCombat("player") or UnitAura("player", "Divine Plea") then
show = false
show = true
-- Iterate over the active textures and start/slop the flashing as necessary
for _, slot in pairs(self.buttons) do
if slot.enabled and show then
UIFrameFlash(slot.texture, 0.5, 0.5, -1, false, 0.1, 0.1)
DivinePleaReminder/libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceEvent-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
DivinePleaReminder/libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,125
--- AceEvent-3.0 provides event registration and secure dispatching.
-- All dispatching is done using **CallbackHandler-1.0**. AceEvent is a simple wrapper around
-- CallbackHandler, and dispatches all game events or addon message to the registrees.
-- **AceEvent-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceEvent:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceEvent itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceEvent, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceEvent.
-- @class file
-- @name AceEvent-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceEvent-3.0.lua 766 2009-04-04 08:26:05Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceEvent-3.0", 3
local AceEvent = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceEvent then return end
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
AceEvent.frame = AceEvent.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceEvent30Frame") -- our event frame
AceEvent.embeds = AceEvent.embeds or {} -- what objects embed this lib
-- APIs and registry for blizzard events, using CallbackHandler lib
if not then = CallbackHandler:New(AceEvent,
"RegisterEvent", "UnregisterEvent", "UnregisterAllEvents")
function, eventname)
function, eventname)
-- APIs and registry for IPC messages, using CallbackHandler lib
if not AceEvent.messages then
AceEvent.messages = CallbackHandler:New(AceEvent,
"RegisterMessage", "UnregisterMessage", "UnregisterAllMessages"
AceEvent.SendMessage = AceEvent.messages.Fire
--- embedding and embed handling
local mixins = {
"RegisterEvent", "UnregisterEvent",
"RegisterMessage", "UnregisterMessage",
"UnregisterAllEvents", "UnregisterAllMessages",
--- Register for a Blizzard Event.
-- The callback will always be called with the event as the first argument, and if supplied, the `arg` as second argument.
-- Any arguments to the event will be passed on after that.
-- @name AceEvent:RegisterEvent
-- @class function
-- @paramsig event[, callback [, arg]]
-- @param event The event to register for
-- @param callback The callback function to call when the event is triggered (funcref or method, defaults to a method with the event name)
-- @param arg An optional argument to pass to the callback function
--- Unregister an event.
-- @name AceEvent:UnregisterEvent
-- @class function
-- @paramsig event
-- @param event The event to unregister
--- Register for a custom AceEvent-internal message.
-- The callback will always be called with the event as the first argument, and if supplied, the `arg` as second argument.
-- Any arguments to the event will be passed on after that.
-- @name AceEvent:RegisterMessage
-- @class function
-- @paramsig message[, callback [, arg]]
-- @param message The message to register for
-- @param callback The callback function to call when the message is triggered (funcref or method, defaults to a method with the event name)
-- @param arg An optional argument to pass to the callback function
--- Unregister a message
-- @name AceEvent:UnregisterMessage
-- @class function
-- @paramsig message
-- @param message The message to unregister
--- Send a message over the AceEvent-3.0 internal message system to other addons registered for this message.
-- @name AceEvent:SendMessage
-- @class function
-- @paramsig message, ...
-- @param message The message to send
-- @param ... Any arguments to the message
-- Embeds AceEvent into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
-- @param target target object to embed AceEvent in
function AceEvent:Embed(target)
for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
target[v] = self[v]
self.embeds[target] = true
return target
-- AceEvent:OnEmbedDisable( target )
-- target (object) - target object that is being disabled
-- Unregister all events messages etc when the target disables.
-- this method should be called by the target manually or by an addon framework
function AceEvent:OnEmbedDisable(target)
-- Script to fire blizzard events into the event listeners
local events =
AceEvent.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...)
events:Fire(event, ...)
--- Finally: upgrade our old embeds
for target, v in pairs(AceEvent.embeds) do
DivinePleaReminder/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceAddon-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
DivinePleaReminder/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,634
--- **AceAddon-3.0** provides a template for creating addon objects.
-- It'll provide you with a set of callback functions that allow you to simplify the loading
-- process of your addon.\\
-- Callbacks provided are:\\
-- * **OnInitialize**, which is called directly after the addon is fully loaded.
-- * **OnEnable** which gets called during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, when most of the data provided by the game is already present.
-- * **OnDisable**, which is only called when your addon is manually being disabled.
-- @usage
-- -- A small (but complete) addon, that doesn't do anything,
-- -- but shows usage of the callbacks.
-- local MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- function MyAddon:OnInitialize()
-- -- do init tasks here, like loading the Saved Variables,
-- -- or setting up slash commands.
-- end
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- -- Do more initialization here, that really enables the use of your addon.
-- -- Register Events, Hook functions, Create Frames, Get information from
-- -- the game that wasn't available in OnInitialize
-- end
-- function MyAddon:OnDisable()
-- -- Unhook, Unregister Events, Hide frames that you created.
-- -- You would probably only use an OnDisable if you want to
-- -- build a "standby" mode, or be able to toggle modules on/off.
-- end
-- @class file
-- @name AceAddon-3.0.lua
-- @release $Id: AceAddon-3.0.lua 777 2009-04-04 20:16:09Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceAddon-3.0", 5
local AceAddon, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceAddon then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
AceAddon.frame = AceAddon.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceAddon30Frame") -- Our very own frame
AceAddon.addons = AceAddon.addons or {} -- addons in general
AceAddon.statuses = AceAddon.statuses or {} -- statuses of addon.
AceAddon.initializequeue = AceAddon.initializequeue or {} -- addons that are new and not initialized
AceAddon.enablequeue = AceAddon.enablequeue or {} -- addons that are initialized and waiting to be enabled
AceAddon.embeds = AceAddon.embeds or setmetatable({}, {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end }) -- contains a list of libraries embedded in an addon
local tinsert, tconcat = table.insert, table.concat
local fmt = string.format
local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type
xpcall safecall implementation
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
local code = [[
local xpcall, eh = ...
local method, ARGS
local function call() return method(ARGS) end
local function dispatch(func, ...)
method = func
if not method then return end
ARGS = ...
return xpcall(call, eh)
return dispatch
local ARGS = {}
for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
return dispatcher
Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
local function safecall(func, ...)
-- we check to see if the func is passed is actually a function here and don't error when it isn't
-- this safecall is used for optional functions like OnInitialize OnEnable etc. When they are not
-- present execution should continue without hinderance
if type(func) == "function" then
return Dispatchers[select('#', ...)](func, ...)
-- local functions that will be implemented further down
local Enable, Disable, EnableModule, DisableModule, Embed, NewModule, GetModule, GetName, SetDefaultModuleState, SetDefaultModuleLibraries, SetEnabledState, SetDefaultModulePrototype
-- used in the addon metatable
local function addontostring( self ) return end
--- Create a new AceAddon-3.0 addon.
-- Any libraries you specified will be embeded, and the addon will be scheduled for
-- its OnInitialize and OnEnable callbacks.
-- The final addon object, with all libraries embeded, will be returned.
-- @paramsig [object ,]name[, lib, ...]
-- @param object Table to use as a base for the addon (optional)
-- @param name Name of the addon object to create
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create a simple addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
-- -- Create a Addon object based on the table of a frame
-- local MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(MyFrame, "MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
function AceAddon:NewAddon(objectorname, ...)
local object,name
local i=1
if type(objectorname)=="table" then
if type(name)~="string" then
error(("Usage: NewAddon([object,] name, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2)
if self.addons[name] then
error(("Usage: NewAddon([object,] name, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Addon '%s' already exists."):format(name), 2)
object = object or {} = name
local addonmeta = {}
local oldmeta = getmetatable(object)
if oldmeta then
for k, v in pairs(oldmeta) do addonmeta[k] = v end
addonmeta.__tostring = addontostring
setmetatable( object, addonmeta )
self.addons[name] = object
object.modules = {}
object.defaultModuleLibraries = {}
Embed( object ) -- embed NewModule, GetModule methods
self:EmbedLibraries(object, select(i,...))
-- add to queue of addons to be initialized upon ADDON_LOADED
tinsert(self.initializequeue, object)
return object
--- Get the addon object by its name from the internal AceAddon registry.
-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set).
-- @param name unique name of the addon object
-- @param silent if true, the addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- @usage
-- -- Get the Addon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
function AceAddon:GetAddon(name, silent)
if not silent and not self.addons[name] then
error(("Usage: GetAddon(name): 'name' - Cannot find an AceAddon '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
return self.addons[name]
-- - Embed a list of libraries into the specified addon.
-- This function will try to embed all of the listed libraries into the addon
-- and error if a single one fails.
-- **Note:** This function is for internal use by :NewAddon/:NewModule
-- @paramsig addon, [lib, ...]
-- @param addon addon object to embed the libs in
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
function AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(addon, ...)
for i=1,select("#", ... ) do
local libname = select(i, ...)
self:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, false, 4)
-- - Embed a library into the addon object.
-- This function will check if the specified library is registered with LibStub
-- and if it has a :Embed function to call. It'll error if any of those conditions
-- fails.
-- **Note:** This function is for internal use by :EmbedLibraries
-- @paramsig addon, libname[, silent[, offset]]
-- @param addon addon object to embed the library in
-- @param libname name of the library to embed
-- @param silent marks an embed to fail silently if the library doesn't exist (optional)
-- @param offset will push the error messages back to said offset, defaults to 2 (optional)
function AceAddon:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset)
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(libname, true)
if not lib and not silent then
error(("Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(libname)), offset or 2)
elseif lib and type(lib.Embed) == "function" then
tinsert(self.embeds[addon], libname)
return true
elseif lib then
error(("Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Library '%s' is not Embed capable"):format(libname), offset or 2)
--- Return the specified module from an addon object.
-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set)
-- @name //addon//:GetModule
-- @paramsig name[, silent]
-- @param name unique name of the module
-- @param silent if true, the module is optional, silently return nil if its not found (optional)
-- @usage
-- -- Get the Addon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Get the Module
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
function GetModule(self, name, silent)
if not self.modules[name] and not silent then
error(("Usage: GetModule(name, silent): 'name' - Cannot find module '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
return self.modules[name]
local function IsModuleTrue(self) return true end
--- Create a new module for the addon.
-- The new module can have its own embeded libraries and/or use a module prototype to be mixed into the module.\\
-- A module has the same functionality as a real addon, it can have modules of its own, and has the same API as
-- an addon object.
-- @name //addon//:NewModule
-- @paramsig name[, prototype|lib[, lib, ...]]
-- @param name unique name of the module
-- @param prototype object to derive this module from, methods and values from this table will be mixed into the module (optional)
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create a module with some embeded libraries
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
-- -- Create a module with a prototype
-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", prototype, "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
function NewModule(self, name, prototype, ...)
if type(name) ~= "string" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2) end
if type(prototype) ~= "string" and type(prototype) ~= "table" and type(prototype) ~= "nil" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'prototype' - table (prototype), string (lib) or nil expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2) end
if self.modules[name] then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Module '%s' already exists."):format(name), 2) end
-- modules are basically addons. We treat them as such. They will be added to the initializequeue properly as well.
-- NewModule can only be called after the parent addon is present thus the modules will be initialized after their parent is.
local module = AceAddon:NewAddon(fmt("%s_%s", or tostring(self), name))
module.IsModule = IsModuleTrue
module.moduleName = name
if type(prototype) == "string" then
AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, prototype, ...)
AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, ...)
AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, unpack(self.defaultModuleLibraries))
if not prototype or type(prototype) == "string" then
prototype = self.defaultModulePrototype or nil
if type(prototype) == "table" then
local mt = getmetatable(module)
mt.__index = prototype
setmetatable(module, mt) -- More of a Base class type feel.
safecall(self.OnModuleCreated, self, module) -- Was in Ace2 and I think it could be a cool thing to have handy.
self.modules[name] = module
return module
--- Returns the real name of the addon or module, without any prefix.
-- @name //addon//:GetName
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- print(MyAddon:GetName())
-- -- prints "MyAddon"
function GetName(self)
return self.moduleName or
--- Enables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- This internally calls AceAddon:EnableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnEnable callback
-- and enabling all modules of the addon (unless explicitly disabled).\\
-- :Enable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to true
-- @name //addon//:Enable
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Enable MyModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
function Enable(self)
return AceAddon:EnableAddon(self)
--- Disables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- This internally calls AceAddon:DisableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnDisable callback
-- and disabling all modules of the addon.\\
-- :Disable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to false
-- @name //addon//:Disable
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Disable MyAddon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:Disable()
function Disable(self)
return AceAddon:DisableAddon(self)
--- Enables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Enable` on the module object.
-- @name //addon//:EnableModule
-- @paramsig name
-- @usage
-- -- Enable MyModule using :GetModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- -- Enable MyModule using the short-hand
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:EnableModule("MyModule")
function EnableModule(self, name)
local module = self:GetModule( name )
return module:Enable()
--- Disables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Disable` on the module object.
-- @name //addon//:DisableModule
-- @paramsig name
-- @usage
-- -- Disable MyModule using :GetModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Disable()
-- -- Disable MyModule using the short-hand
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:DisableModule("MyModule")
function DisableModule(self, name)
local module = self:GetModule( name )
return module:Disable()
--- Set the default libraries to be mixed into all modules created by this object.
-- Note that you can only change the default module libraries before any module is created.
-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModuleLibraries
-- @paramsig lib[, lib, ...]
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create the addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Configure default libraries for modules (all modules need AceEvent-3.0)
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleLibraries("AceEvent-3.0")
-- -- Create a module
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
function SetDefaultModuleLibraries(self, ...)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleLibraries(...): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
self.defaultModuleLibraries = {...}
--- Set the default state in which new modules are being created.
-- Note that you can only change the default state before any module is created.
-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModuleState
-- @paramsig state
-- @param state Default state for new modules, true for enabled, false for disabled
-- @usage
-- -- Create the addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Set the default state to "disabled"
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleState(false)
-- -- Create a module and explicilty enable it
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
function SetDefaultModuleState(self, state)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleState(state): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
self.defaultModuleState = state
--- Set the default prototype to use for new modules on creation.
-- Note that you can only change the default prototype before any module is created.
-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModulePrototype
-- @paramsig prototype
-- @param prototype Default prototype for the new modules (table)
-- @usage
-- -- Define a prototype
-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
-- -- Set the default prototype
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype)
-- -- Create a module and explicitly Enable it
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- -- should print "OnEnable called!" now
-- @see NewModule
function SetDefaultModulePrototype(self, prototype)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
if type(prototype) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): 'prototype' - table expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2)
self.defaultModulePrototype = prototype
--- Set the state of an addon or module
-- This should only be called before any enabling actually happend, e.g. in/before OnInitialize.
-- @name //addon//:SetEnabledState
-- @paramsig state
-- @param state the state of an addon or module (enabled=true, disabled=false)
function SetEnabledState(self, state)
self.enabledState = state
--- Return an iterator of all modules associated to the addon.
-- @name //addon//:IterateModules
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Enable all modules
-- for name, module in MyAddon:IterateModules() do
-- module:Enable()
-- end
local function IterateModules(self) return pairs(self.modules) end
-- Returns an iterator of all embeds in the addon
-- @name //addon//:IterateEmbeds
-- @paramsig
local function IterateEmbeds(self) return pairs(AceAddon.embeds[self]) end
--- Query the enabledState of an addon.
-- @name //addon//:IsEnabled
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- if MyAddon:IsEnabled() then
-- MyAddon:Disable()
-- end
local function IsEnabled(self) return self.enabledState end
local mixins = {
NewModule = NewModule,
GetModule = GetModule,
Enable = Enable,
Disable = Disable,
EnableModule = EnableModule,
DisableModule = DisableModule,
IsEnabled = IsEnabled,
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = SetDefaultModuleLibraries,
SetDefaultModuleState = SetDefaultModuleState,
SetDefaultModulePrototype = SetDefaultModulePrototype,
SetEnabledState = SetEnabledState,
IterateModules = IterateModules,
IterateEmbeds = IterateEmbeds,
GetName = GetName,
local function IsModule(self) return false end
local pmixins = {
defaultModuleState = true,
enabledState = true,
IsModule = IsModule,
-- Embed( target )
-- target (object) - target object to embed aceaddon in
-- this is a local function specifically since it's meant to be only called internally
function Embed(target)
for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
target[k] = v
for k, v in pairs(pmixins) do
target[k] = target[k] or v
-- - Initialize the addon after creation.
-- This function is only used internally during the ADDON_LOADED event
-- It will call the **OnInitialize** function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the **OnEmbedInitialize** function on all embeded libraries.
-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- @param addon addon object to intialize
function AceAddon:InitializeAddon(addon)
safecall(addon.OnInitialize, addon)
local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
for i = 1, #embeds do
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedInitialize, lib, addon) end
-- we don't call InitializeAddon on modules specifically, this is handled
-- from the event handler and only done _once_
-- - Enable the addon after creation.
-- Note: This function is only used internally during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, or during ADDON_LOADED,
-- if IsLoggedIn() already returns true at that point, e.g. for LoD Addons.
-- It will call the **OnEnable** function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the **OnEmbedEnable** function on all embeded libraries.\\
-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is disabled.
-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- Use :Enable on the addon itself instead.
-- @param addon addon object to enable
function AceAddon:EnableAddon(addon)
if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
if self.statuses[] or not addon.enabledState then return false end
-- set the statuses first, before calling the OnEnable. this allows for Disabling of the addon in OnEnable.
self.statuses[] = true
safecall(addon.OnEnable, addon)
-- make sure we're still enabled before continueing
if self.statuses[] then
local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
for i = 1, #embeds do
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedEnable, lib, addon) end
-- enable possible modules.
for name, module in pairs(addon.modules) do
return self.statuses[] -- return true if we're disabled
-- - Disable the addon
-- Note: This function is only used internally.
-- It will call the **OnDisable** function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the **OnEmbedDisable** function on all embeded libraries.\\
-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is still enabled.
-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- Use :Disable on the addon itself instead.
-- @param addon addon object to enable
function AceAddon:DisableAddon(addon)
if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
if not self.statuses[] then return false end
-- set statuses first before calling OnDisable, this allows for aborting the disable in OnDisable.
self.statuses[] = false
safecall( addon.OnDisable, addon )
-- make sure we're still disabling...
if not self.statuses[] then
local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
for i = 1, #embeds do
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedDisable, lib, addon) end
-- disable possible modules.
for name, module in pairs(addon.modules) do
return not self.statuses[] -- return true if we're disabled
--- Get an iterator over all registered addons.
-- @usage
-- -- Print a list of all installed AceAddon's
-- for name, addon in AceAddon:IterateAddons() do
-- print("Addon: " .. name)
-- end
function AceAddon:IterateAddons() return pairs(self.addons) end
--- Get an iterator over the internal status registry.
-- @usage
-- -- Print a list of all enabled addons
-- for name, status in AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() do
-- if status then
-- print("EnabledAddon: " .. name)
-- end
-- end
function AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() return pairs(self.statuses) end
-- Following Iterators are deprecated, and their addon specific versions should be used
-- e.g. addon:IterateEmbeds() instead of :IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon)
function AceAddon:IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon) return pairs(self.embeds[addon]) end
function AceAddon:IterateModulesOfAddon(addon) return pairs(addon.modules) end
-- Event Handling
local function onEvent(this, event, arg1)
if event == "ADDON_LOADED" or event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then
-- if a addon loads another addon, recursion could happen here, so we need to validate the table on every iteration
while(#AceAddon.initializequeue > 0) do
local addon = tremove(AceAddon.initializequeue, 1)
-- this might be an issue with recursion - TODO: validate
if event == "ADDON_LOADED" then addon.baseName = arg1 end
tinsert(AceAddon.enablequeue, addon)
if IsLoggedIn() then
while(#AceAddon.enablequeue > 0) do
local addon = tremove(AceAddon.enablequeue, 1)
AceAddon.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", onEvent)
-- upgrade embeded
for name, addon in pairs(AceAddon.addons) do
DivinePleaReminder/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. for more info
-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
local oldminor = self.minors[major]
if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
return self.libs[major], oldminor
function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
DivinePleaReminder/DivinePleaReminder.toc New file
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## Interface: 30100
## Title: DivinePleaReminder
## Notes: A lightweight AddOn for Protection Paladins. Flashes the Divine Plea button when in combat and the buff is inactive.
## Author: sigmalmtd
## Version: 1.1
## X-Category: Paladin
\ No newline at end of file
DivinePleaReminder/README.txt New file
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DivinePleaReminder v1.1, by sigmalmtd (Nikolay on Azgalor)
A lightweight AddOn for Protection Paladins. Flashes the Divine Plea button when in combat and the buff is inactive.
With the patch 3.1 release, the Prot Paladin talent 'Guarded by the Light' was changed to refresh the duration of Divine Plea, and the new 'Glyph of Divine Plea' reduces damage taken by 3% while the buff is active, making it necessary to maintain 100% uptime on Divine Plea, for both the mana regen and damage reduction. However, in some cases the buff may fall off for whatever reason. Rather than casting the spell every time it is available, or needing to search through a list of buffs to see if it is active, this AddOn displays an unobtrusive reminder to re-cast the spell. The Divine Plea button on your action bar(s) will flash with a red border when in combat and the buff is inactive, whether or not the spell is on cooldown. This provides a static location that is easy to find in a pinch, and is likely near the rest of the rotation.
While DivinePleaReminder is intended for Prot Paladins, it will also function while in Ret or Holy spec as well. However, without the 'Guarded by the Light' talent, this AddOn provides no meaningful information, as the buff duration cannot be refreshed, and the button will begin to flash 15 seconds after Divine Plea is cast. A possible future change may enable or disable the flashing based on whether the user has this talent.
DivinePleaReminder is safe to enable for classes other than Paladins, and will consume no resources.
This AddOn is lightweight and stateless, meaning it has low memory and CPU usage, does not have configuration slash-commands, and does not store any SavedVariables. I am open to suggestions and feature requests, but I would like to keep these properties if possible.
Note: DivinePleaReminder searches for the Divine Plea spell on your action bars. It will work if you have multiple instances of the spell, and if you move the spell around. However, it will not be able to find macros that in some way cast Divine Plea, and thus will not highlight those buttons.
DivinePleaReminder was tested and is known to be compatible with the following bar AddOns:
- The defualt Blizzard bars
- Bartender4
- Dominos
If your favorite bar AddOn was not listed, DivinePleaReminder may still work, depending on how the author wrote their AddOn. Try it anyway, and if the flashing doesn't show, then file a Bug Report and I will do my best to support it. With any bar AddOn, please be sure you have upgraded to its latest stable version before reporting a bug.
If you like this AddOn, please tell your friends and guild about it! As stated above, I am open to suggestions and feature requests, but would like to keep this AddOn simple. If you find a bug with this AddOn, or if it is not compatible with the latest stable version of your bar AddOn of choice, please submit a Bug Report. Feature Requests and Bugs can be submitted on my WowInterface portal:
v1.1 - Fixed bug with vehicles
v1.0 - Initial Release