WoWInterface SVN KuiNameplates

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 120 to Rev 121
    Reverse comparison

Rev 120 → Rev 121

1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 50001
## Interface: 50100
## Author: Kesava
## Title: |cff9900ffKui|r Nameplates
## Notes: Prettier, lightweight, configurable nameplates.
138,19 → 138,25
type = 'toggle',
order = 3
tapped = {
name = 'Use tapped colour',
desc = 'Give tapped units a grey health bar',
type = 'toggle',
order = 4
friendly = {
name = 'Friendly health format',
desc = 'The health display pattern for friendly units',
type = 'input',
pattern = '([<=]:[dmcp];)',
order = 4
order = 5
hostile = {
name = 'Hostile health format',
desc = 'The health display pattern for hostile or neutral units',
type = 'input',
pattern = '([<=]:[dmcp];)',
order = 5
order = 6
1,6 → 1,4
local addon, ns = ...
local MAJOR, MINOR = 'Kui-1.0', 1
local MAJOR, MINOR = 'Kui-1.0', 2
local kui = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not kui then
30,6 → 28,13
yanone = media .. 'f\\yanone.ttf',
------------------------------------------------------------------ var tables --
local ct = { -- classification table
elite = { '+', 'elite' },
rare = { 'r', 'rare' },
rareelite = { 'r+', 'rare elite' },
worldboss = { 'b', 'boss' }
------------------------------------------------------------------- functions --
kui.GetClassColour = function(class, str)
83,28 → 88,22
kui.UnitLevel = function(unit)
level, cl = UnitLevel(unit), UnitClassification(unit)
l = level
kui.UnitLevel = function(unit, long)
local level, classification =
UnitLevel(unit), UnitClassification(unit)
local diff = GetQuestDifficultyColor(level <= 0 and 999 or level)
if l < 0 then
level = '??'
l = 999
if ct[classification] then
classification = long and ct[classification][2] or ct[classification][1]
classification = ''
if cl == 'elite' then
cl = '+'
elseif cl == 'rareelite' then
cl = 'r+'
elseif cl == 'rare' then
cl = 'r'
elseif cl == 'worldboss' then
cl = 'b'
cl = ''
if level == -1 then
level = '??'
return level, cl, GetQuestDifficultyColor(l)
return level, classification, diff
kui.CreateFontString = function(parent, args)
44,6 → 44,7
hostile = '<:p;', -- health display pattern for hostile/neutral units
showalt = true, -- show alternate (contextual) health values as well as main values
mouseover = false, -- hide health values until you mouse over or target the plate
tapped = true, -- use grey health bar colour for tapped units
smooth = true -- smoothly animate health bar changes
castbar = {
1,6 → 1,8
Kui Nameplates
TODO make option for friendly/enemy name text colour (defaults to white)
local addon, ns = ...
15,6 → 17,7
{ .7, .2, .1 }, -- hated
{ 1, .8, 0 }, -- neutral
{ .2, .6, .1 }, -- friendly
{ .5, .5, .5 }, -- tapped
-- combat log events to listen to for cast warnings/healing
73,6 → 76,15
elseif (r + g) > 1.8 and b == 0 then
-- neutral NPC
r, g, b = unpack(ns.r[2])
elseif b > .9 and (r+g) > 1.06 and (r+g) < 1.1 then
-- tapped NPC
if profile.hp.tapped then
-- use grey...
r, g, b = unpack(ns.r[4])
-- or don't change
r, g, b =
-- enemy player, use default UI colour
227,7 → 239,7
---------------------------------------------------- Update health bar & text --
local function OnHealthValueChanged(oldBar, curr)
local frame = oldBar:GetParent()
local frame = oldBar:GetParent():GetParent()
local min, max = oldBar:GetMinMaxValues()
local deficit, big, sml, condition, display, pattern, rules
= max - curr, '', ''
412,7 → 424,7
if profile.general.fixaa and uiscale then
------------------------------------------------------------ Position --
local x, y = select(4, self:GetPoint())
local x, y = select(4, self.firstChild:GetPoint())
x = x / uiscale
y = y / uiscale
683,22 → 695,27
function ns.f:IsNameplate(frame)
if frame:GetName() and string.find(frame:GetName(), '^NamePlate%d') then
local overlayRegion = select(2, frame:GetRegions())
return (overlayRegion and overlayRegion:GetObjectType() == 'Texture')
--local healthbar = select(2, frame:GetChildren());
--local overlay = select(2, healthbar:GetRegions());
--return (overlayRegion and overlayRegion:GetObjectType() == 'Texture')
return true
function ns.f:InitFrame(frame)
frame.init = true
local healthBar, castBar = frame:GetChildren()
local overlayChild, nameTextChild = frame:GetChildren()
local healthBar, castBar = overlayChild:GetChildren()
local _, castbarOverlay, shieldedRegion, spellIconRegion
= castBar:GetRegions()
local nameTextRegion = nameTextChild:GetRegions()
glowRegion, overlayRegion, highlightRegion, nameTextRegion,
levelTextRegion, bossIconRegion, raidIconRegion, stateIconRegion
= frame:GetRegions()
glowRegion, overlayRegion, highlightRegion, levelTextRegion,
bossIconRegion, raidIconRegion, stateIconRegion
= overlayChild:GetRegions()
711,6 → 728,8
castbarOverlay.Show = function() return end
castBar:SetScript('OnShow', function() castBar:Hide() end)
frame.firstChild = overlayChild = overlayRegion
frame.glow = glowRegion
frame.boss = bossIconRegion