local MAJOR = "LibQTip-1.0" |
local MINOR = 36 -- Should be manually increased |
local MINOR = 38 -- Should be manually increased |
assert(LibStub, MAJOR.." requires LibStub") |
local lib, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR) |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-- Upvalued globals |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
local _G = getfenv(0) |
local type = type |
local select = select |
local error = error |
function labelPrototype:SetupCell(tooltip, value, justification, font, l_pad, r_pad, max_width, min_width, ...) |
local fs = self.fontString |
local line = tooltip.lines[self._line] |
-- detatch fs from cell for size calculations |
fs:ClearAllPoints() |
fs:SetFontObject(font or tooltip:GetFont()) |
fs:SetFontObject(font or (line.is_header and tooltip:GetHeaderFont() or tooltip:GetFont())) |
fs:SetJustifyH(justification) |
fs:SetText(tostring(value)) |
tooltip.releasing = nil |
tooltip.key = nil |
tooltip.step = nil |
ClearTooltipScripts(tooltip) |
cell:SetParent(nil) |
cell:SetBackdrop(nil) |
ClearFrameScripts(cell) |
cell._font, cell._justification, cell._colSpan, cell._line, cell._column = nil |
cell._font = nil |
cell._justification = nil |
cell._colSpan = nil |
cell._line = nil |
cell._column = nil |
cell._provider:ReleaseCell(cell) |
cell._provider = nil |
end |
local slider = self.slider |
local currentValue = slider:GetValue() |
local minValue, maxValue = slider:GetMinMaxValues() |
local stepValue = self.step or 10 |
if delta < 0 and currentValue < maxValue then |
slider:SetValue(min(maxValue, currentValue + 10)) |
slider:SetValue(min(maxValue, currentValue + stepValue)) |
elseif delta > 0 and currentValue > minValue then |
slider:SetValue(max(minValue, currentValue - 10)) |
slider:SetValue(max(minValue, currentValue - stepValue)) |
end |
end |
-- Set the step size for the scroll bar |
function tipPrototype:SetScrollStep(step) |
self.step = step |
end |
-- will resize the tooltip to fit the screen and show a scrollbar if needed |
function tipPrototype:UpdateScrolling(maxheight) |
self:SetClampedToScreen(false) |
local topside = self:GetTop() |
local bottomside = self:GetBottom() |
local screensize = UIParent:GetHeight() / scale |
local tipsize = (topside - bottomside) / scale |
local tipsize = (topside - bottomside) |
-- if the tooltip would be too high, limit its height and show the slider |
if bottomside < 0 or topside > screensize or (maxheight and tipsize > maxheight) then |
end |
ReleaseTable(line.cells) |
line.cells = nil |
line.is_header = nil |
ReleaseFrame(line) |
self.lines[i] = nil |
end |
self.cell_margin_v = size |
end |
local function checkFont(font, level, silent) |
if not font or type(font) ~= 'table' or type(font.IsObjectType) ~= 'function' or not font:IsObjectType("Font") then |
if silent then |
return false |
end |
error("font must be Font instance, not: "..tostring(font), level + 1) |
end |
return true |
end |
function tipPrototype:SetFont(font) |
checkFont(font, 2) |
self.regularFont = font |
end |
function tipPrototype:GetFont() return self.regularFont end |
function tipPrototype:SetHeaderFont(font) |
checkFont(font, 2) |
self.headerFont = font |
end |
function tipPrototype:GetHeaderFont() return self.headerFont end |
function SetTooltipSize(tooltip, width, height) |
tooltip:SetHeight(2 * TOOLTIP_PADDING + height) |
tooltip.scrollChild:SetHeight(height) |
end |
return lineNum, colNum |
end |
font = font or (line.is_header and tooltip.headerFont or tooltip.regularFont) |
-- Check previous cell |
local cell |
if prevCell then |
-- There is a cell here |
font = font or prevCell._font |
justification = justification or prevCell._justification |
colSpan = colSpan or prevCell._colSpan |
elseif prevCell == nil then |
-- Creating a new cell, using meaningful defaults. |
provider = provider or tooltip.labelProvider |
font = font or tooltip.regularFont |
justification = justification or tooltip.columns[colNum].justification or "LEFT" |
colSpan = colSpan or 1 |
else |
end |
end |
local function CreateLine(tooltip, font, ...) |
if #tooltip.columns == 0 then |
error("column layout should be defined before adding line", 3) |
end |
local lineNum = #tooltip.lines + 1 |
local line = tooltip.lines[lineNum] or AcquireFrame(tooltip.scrollChild) |
do |
local function CreateLine(tooltip, font, ...) |
if #tooltip.columns == 0 then |
error("column layout should be defined before adding line", 3) |
end |
local lineNum = #tooltip.lines + 1 |
local line = tooltip.lines[lineNum] or AcquireFrame(tooltip.scrollChild) |
line:SetFrameLevel(tooltip.scrollChild:GetFrameLevel() + 2) |
line:SetPoint('LEFT', tooltip.scrollChild) |
line:SetPoint('RIGHT', tooltip.scrollChild) |
line:SetFrameLevel(tooltip.scrollChild:GetFrameLevel() + 2) |
line:SetPoint('LEFT', tooltip.scrollChild) |
line:SetPoint('RIGHT', tooltip.scrollChild) |
if lineNum > 1 then |
local v_margin = tooltip.cell_margin_v or CELL_MARGIN_V |
if lineNum > 1 then |
local v_margin = tooltip.cell_margin_v or CELL_MARGIN_V |
line:SetPoint('TOP', tooltip.lines[lineNum-1], 'BOTTOM', 0, -v_margin) |
SetTooltipSize(tooltip, tooltip.width, tooltip.height + v_margin) |
else |
line:SetPoint('TOP', tooltip.scrollChild) |
end |
tooltip.lines[lineNum] = line |
line.cells = line.cells or AcquireTable() |
line.height = 0 |
line:SetHeight(1) |
line:Show() |
line:SetPoint('TOP', tooltip.lines[lineNum-1], 'BOTTOM', 0, -v_margin) |
SetTooltipSize(tooltip, tooltip.width, tooltip.height + v_margin) |
else |
line:SetPoint('TOP', tooltip.scrollChild) |
end |
tooltip.lines[lineNum] = line |
line.cells = line.cells or AcquireTable() |
line.height = 0 |
line:SetHeight(1) |
line:Show() |
local colNum = 1 |
local colNum = 1 |
for i = 1, #tooltip.columns do |
local value = select(i, ...) |
for i = 1, #tooltip.columns do |
local value = select(i, ...) |
if value ~= nil then |
lineNum, colNum = _SetCell(tooltip, lineNum, i, value, font, nil, 1, tooltip.labelProvider) |
if value ~= nil then |
lineNum, colNum = _SetCell(tooltip, lineNum, i, value, font, nil, 1, tooltip.labelProvider) |
end |
end |
return lineNum, colNum |
end |
return lineNum, colNum |
end |
function tipPrototype:AddLine(...) |
return CreateLine(self, self.regularFont, ...) |
end |
function tipPrototype:AddLine(...) |
return CreateLine(self, self.regularFont, ...) |
end |
function tipPrototype:AddHeader(...) |
return CreateLine(self, self.headerFont, ...) |
end |
function tipPrototype:AddHeader(...) |
local line, col = CreateLine(self, self.headerFont, ...) |
self.lines[line].is_header = true |
return line, col |
end |
end -- do-block |
local GenericBackdrop = { |
bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", |
} |
end |
end |
-- TODO: fixed argument positions / remove checks for performance? |
function tipPrototype:SetCell(lineNum, colNum, value, ...) |
-- Mandatory argument checking |
if type(lineNum) ~= "number" then |
error("line number must be a number, not: "..tostring(lineNum), 2) |
elseif lineNum < 1 or lineNum > #self.lines then |
error("line number out of range: "..tostring(lineNum), 2) |
elseif type(colNum) ~= "number" then |
error("column number must be a number, not: "..tostring(colNum), 2) |
elseif colNum < 1 or colNum > #self.columns then |
error("column number out of range: "..tostring(colNum), 2) |
end |
do |
local function checkFont(font, level, silent) |
local bad = false |
-- Variable argument checking |
local font, justification, colSpan, provider |
local i, arg = 1, ... |
if not font then |
bad = true |
elseif type(font) == "string" then |
local ref = _G[font] |
if arg == nil or checkFont(arg, 2, true) then |
i, font, arg = 2, ... |
if not ref or type(ref) ~= 'table' or type(ref.IsObjectType) ~= 'function' or not ref:IsObjectType("Font") then |
bad = true |
end |
elseif type(font) ~= 'table' or type(font.IsObjectType) ~= 'function' or not font:IsObjectType("Font") then |
bad = true |
end |
if bad then |
if silent then |
return false |
end |
error("font must be a Font instance or a string matching the name of a global Font instance, not: "..tostring(font), level + 1) |
end |
return true |
end |
if arg == nil or checkJustification(arg, 2, true) then |
i, justification, arg = i + 1, select(i, ...) |
function tipPrototype:SetFont(font) |
local is_string = type(font) == "string" |
checkFont(font, 2) |
self.regularFont = is_string and _G[font] or font |
end |
if arg == nil or type(arg) == 'number' then |
i, colSpan, arg = i + 1, select(i, ...) |
function tipPrototype:SetHeaderFont(font) |
local is_string = type(font) == "string" |
checkFont(font, 2) |
self.headerFont = is_string and _G[font] or font |
end |
if arg == nil or type(arg) == 'table' and type(arg.AcquireCell) == 'function' then |
i, provider = i + 1, arg |
-- TODO: fixed argument positions / remove checks for performance? |
function tipPrototype:SetCell(lineNum, colNum, value, ...) |
-- Mandatory argument checking |
if type(lineNum) ~= "number" then |
error("line number must be a number, not: "..tostring(lineNum), 2) |
elseif lineNum < 1 or lineNum > #self.lines then |
error("line number out of range: "..tostring(lineNum), 2) |
elseif type(colNum) ~= "number" then |
error("column number must be a number, not: "..tostring(colNum), 2) |
elseif colNum < 1 or colNum > #self.columns then |
error("column number out of range: "..tostring(colNum), 2) |
end |
-- Variable argument checking |
local font, justification, colSpan, provider |
local i, arg = 1, ... |
if arg == nil or checkFont(arg, 2, true) then |
i, font, arg = 2, ... |
end |
if arg == nil or checkJustification(arg, 2, true) then |
i, justification, arg = i + 1, select(i, ...) |
end |
if arg == nil or type(arg) == 'number' then |
i, colSpan, arg = i + 1, select(i, ...) |
end |
if arg == nil or type(arg) == 'table' and type(arg.AcquireCell) == 'function' then |
i, provider = i + 1, arg |
end |
return _SetCell(self, lineNum, colNum, value, font, justification, colSpan, provider, select(i, ...)) |
end |
end -- do-block |
return _SetCell(self, lineNum, colNum, value, font, justification, colSpan, provider, select(i, ...)) |
function tipPrototype:GetFont() |
return self.regularFont |
end |
function tipPrototype:GetHeaderFont() |
return self.headerFont |
end |
function tipPrototype:GetLineCount() return #self.lines end |
function tipPrototype:GetColumnCount() return #self.columns end |
OnMouseUp = function(frame, ...) |
frame:_OnMouseUp_func(frame._OnMouseUp_arg, ...) |
end, |
OnReceiveDrag = function(frame, ...) |
frame:_OnReceiveDrag_func(frame._OnReceiveDrag_arg, ...) |
end, |
} |
function SetFrameScript(frame, script, func, arg) |
frame["_"..script.."_func"] = func |
frame["_"..script.."_arg"] = arg |
if script == "OnMouseDown" or script == "OnMouseUp" then |
if script == "OnMouseDown" or script == "OnMouseUp" or script == "OnReceiveDrag" then |
if func then |
frame:SetScript(script, scripts[script]) |
else |
end |
-- if at least one script is set, set the OnEnter/OnLeave scripts for the highlight |
if frame._OnEnter_func or frame._OnLeave_func or frame._OnMouseDown_func or frame._OnMouseUp_func then |
if frame._OnEnter_func or frame._OnLeave_func or frame._OnMouseDown_func or frame._OnMouseUp_func or frame._OnReceiveDrag_func then |
frame:EnableMouse(true) |
frame:SetScript("OnEnter", scripts.OnEnter) |
frame:SetScript("OnLeave", scripts.OnLeave) |
end |
function ClearFrameScripts(frame) |
if frame._OnEnter_func or frame._OnLeave_func or frame._OnMouseDown_func or frame._OnMouseUp_func then |
if frame._OnEnter_func or frame._OnLeave_func or frame._OnMouseDown_func or frame._OnMouseUp_func or frame._OnReceiveDrag_func then |
frame:EnableMouse(false) |
frame:SetScript("OnEnter", nil) |
frame._OnEnter_func = nil |
frame:SetScript("OnLeave", nil) |
frame._OnLeave_func = nil |
frame._OnLeave_arg = nil |
frame:SetScript("OnReceiveDrag", nil) |
frame._OnReceiveDrag_func = nil |
frame._OnReceiveDrag_arg = nil |
frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", nil) |
frame._OnMouseDown_func = nil |
frame._OnMouseDown_arg = nil |
## Interface: 30300 |
## Interface: 40000 |
## Title: Lib: QTip-1.0 |
## Notes: Library providing multi-column tooltips. |
## Author: Torhal, Adirelle, Elkano, Tristanian |
## Version: r139-release |
## Version: r150-release |
## LoadOnDemand: 1 |
## X-Date: 2010-08-03T20:56:32Z |
## X-Date: 2010-11-28T09:11:14Z |
## X-Credits: Kaelten (input on initial design) |
## X-Category: Library, Tooltip |
## X-License: Ace3 BSD-like license |
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: r139-release |
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: r150-release |
## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibQTip-1.0 |
## X-Curse-Project-ID: libqtip-1-0 |
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libqtip-1-0/mainline |