WoWInterface SVN Blessed

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 16 to Rev 17
    Reverse comparison

Rev 16 → Rev 17

60,7 → 60,12
for k,v in pairs(db.spells) do
local n = GetSpellInfo(k)
local spell = Checkers(k, n, n, "Current duration is |cff00ff00" .. v.duration .. "|r seconds.")
spell:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", reset, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -20 * (#items+1))
if (#items < 10) then
spell:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", reset, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -20 * (#items+1))
spell:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", reset, "BOTTOMLEFT", 225, -20 * (#items-9))
spell:SetScript("OnClick", function()
db.spells[k].enabled = not db.spells[k].enabled
79,6 → 79,26
enabled = false,
duration = 15,
[85696] = { -- Zealotry
enabled = false,
duration = 20,
[31884] = { -- Avenging Wrath
enabled = false,
duration = 20,
[86698] = { -- Guardian of Ancient Kings (Retribution)
enabled = false,
duration = 30,
[86659] = { -- Guardian of Ancient Kings (Protection)
enabled = false,
duration = 30,
[86669] = { -- Guardian of Ancient Kings (Holy)
enabled = false,
duration = 30,
local db