WoWInterface SVN EnsidiaFails

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 3
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 3

1,4 → 1,102
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="zhTW", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
\ No newline at end of file +L["addon_desc"] = "用來回報某玩家在一場推王的戰鬥中,針對那些該閃未閃大招的犯錯記錄。" +L["admiral"] = "搞毛王是:" +L["after"] = "戰鬥結束" +L["Amount of entries to display"] = "顯示的項目總數" +L["announce"] = "廣播至" +-- L["announce_after_style"] = "Announce after style" +-- L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "How should the fail report look after combat" +L["announce_desc"] = "設定廣播頻道" +L["announce_style"] = "廣播模式" +L["announce_style_desc"] = "何時廣播搞毛" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "已停用通告! %s 是主要通告者。(他/她 和你有相同的版本(%s))" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "已停用通告! %s 是主要的通告者。(請考慮更新你的插件,他/她的版本是 %s)(你的:%s)" +L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "已啟用通告!你是EnsidiaFails的主要通告者,請檢查你的通告設置" +L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "當堆疊多少層時你需要停止攻擊" +L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "自動刪除新事例" +L["being at the wrong place"] = "在錯誤的位置" +L["captain"] = "被擊殺的王是:" +L["casting"] = "施放" +L["Channel"] = "頻道" +L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "確認刪除事例" +L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "當加入團隊時確認刪除" +L["Deep Breath"] = "深呼吸" +L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "只刪除新事例" +L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "當團隊建立時刪除" +L["didnt_fail"] = "沒有失誤的玩家:" +L["diff..."] = "差勁的玩家!顯示前十名...." +L["Disable announce override"] = "停用重複通告" +L["Disabled"] = "已禁用" +L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "拒絕接受其他使用者改變通告設定的命令" +L["dispelling"] = "驅散" +L["during"] = "戰鬥期間" +L["during_and_after"] = "戰鬥期間與結束" +L["failed"] = "失誤" +L["fails_at"] = "失誤於" +L["fails_on"] = "失誤於" +L["filter"] = "過濾" +L["filter_desc"] = "點選你想要追蹤的失誤! 沒被選取的失誤將不會被追蹤或通告!" +L["Frost Bomb"] = "冰霜炸彈" +L["general"] = "一般" +-- L["Group by fails"] = "Group by fails" +-- L["Group by player"] = "Group by player" +L["Guild"] = "公會" +L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "如何關閉戰鬥紀錄事件,在確定誰失誤" +L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "堆疊多少層以下不視為失誤" +L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "受到多少傷害以下不視為失誤" +L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "受到多少治療以下不視為失誤" +L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "多少時間內移動不視為失誤" +L["jumping"] = "跳躍" +L["left and right"] = "左和右" +L["LocalDefense"] = "本地防務" +L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "標記的不朽守護者" +L["moving"] = "移動" +L["No"] = "否" +L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - 無人失誤!" +L["noexceptions"] = "沒有例外" +L["noexceptions_desc"] = "沒有例外,所有失誤都是失誤!" +L["not_casting"] = "停止施法" +L["not_dispelling"] = "禁止驅散" +L["not moving"] = "沒跑開" +L["not spreading"] = "沒散開" +L["Officer"] = "幹部" +L["oreset"] = "重置全部" +L["oreset_desc"] = "重置全部失誤統計" +L["oreseted"] = "全部失誤統計已經重置。" +L["ostats"] = "全部統計" +L["ostats_desc"] = "通告全部統計" +L["Party"] = "隊伍" +L["Proximity Mine"] = "環罩地雷" +L["Raid"] = "團隊" +L["remove"] = "移除一個失誤" +L["removed"] = "移除一個失誤從" +L["remove_desc"] = "移除玩家的一個失誤" +L["reset"] = "重置" +L["Reset Data?"] = "重置資料?" +L["reset_desc"] = "重置失誤統計" +L["reseted"] = "失誤統計已經重置。" +L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "重置EnsidiaFails?" +L["reset on combat"] = "戰鬥時重置" +L["resume"] = "失誤統計恢復了。" +L["Say"] = "聊天" +L["Self"] = "自己" +L["sensitive"] = "敏銳度" +L["shaman_healing"] = "薩滿治療" +L["Show all"] = "顯示全部" +L["Snaplasher"] = "猛攫鞭笞者" +L["spreading"] = "散開" +L["stats"] = "統計數據" +L["stats_desc"] = "通告統計數據" +L["susped"] = "失誤通告暫停60秒。" +L["Talent based Exception"] = "基本天賦異常" +L["The Halls of Winter"] = "凜冬之廳" +L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格薩倫之獄" +L["Top X Stats"] = "最多10人的狀態" +L["Trade"] = "交易" +L["turning away"] = "轉向(背對)" +L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "使用天賦搜尋來確定坦克" +L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - 我們有" +L["Wrong name!"] = "錯誤的名稱" +L["Yes"] = "是"
1,4 → 1,104
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "ruRU")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="ruRU", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
L["addon_desc"] = [=[EnsidiaFails - аддон для отчёта о неудачах игроков при попытке избежания способностей боссов, требующих этого.
L["admiral"] = "Пассажир в последнем вагоне"
L["after"] = "После битвы"
L["Amount of entries to display"] = "Сколько записей показывать"
L["announce"] = "Объявлять в"
-- L["announce_after_style"] = "Announce after style"
-- L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "How should the fail report look after combat"
L["announce_desc"] = "Назначить канал для оповещений" -- Needs review
L["announce_style"] = "Способ оповещения"
L["announce_style_desc"] = "Когда выводить ошибки"
L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "Оповещение отключено! %s является основным оповестителем. (Он/она имеет ту же версию, что и у вас (%s))" -- Needs review
L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "Оповещение отключено! %s является основным оповестителем. (Пожалуйста обновите аддон до его/её версии %s)(ваша: %s)" -- Needs review
L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "Оповещение включено! ВЫ являетесь основным оповестителем EnsidiaFails, пожалуйста проверьте ваши настройки оповещения" -- Needs review
L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "На сколько стеках надо останавливать ДПС"
L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "Автоматически удалять новое подземелье" -- Needs review
L["being at the wrong place"] = "находился в неправильном месте"
L["captain"] = "Последний вагон"
L["casting"] = "кастует"
L["Channel"] = "Канал"
L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "Подтвердить удаление подземелия"
L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "Подтверждать удаление при входе в рейд" -- Needs review
L["Deep Breath"] = "Дыхание"
L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "Удалять только новые подземелия"
L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "Удалить вступая в рейд"
L["didnt_fail"] = "Игроки, не потерпевшие неудач: "
L["diff..."] = " различных игроков! Отображение десятки лидеров..."
-- L["Disable announce override"] = "Disable announce override"
L["Disabled"] = "Выключено"
L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "Запрещает входящие команды от других игроков, меняющие настройки оповещения"
L["dispelling"] = "развеяние магии (диспелл)"
L["during"] = "В процессе битвы"
L["during_and_after"] = "Во время и после боя"
L["failed"] = " потерпел неудачу "
L["fails_at"] = " потерпел неудачу - "
L["fails_on"] = " неудач на "
L["filter"] = "Фильтр"
L["filter_desc"] = "Отметьте неудачи, которые вы хотите отслеживать. Неотмеченные неудачи не будут отслеживаться или объявляться." -- Needs review
L["Frost Bomb"] = "Ледяная бомба"
L["general"] = "Общий"
L["Group by fails"] = "Группы по ошибкам"
L["Group by player"] = "Группы по игрокам"
L["Guild"] = "Гильдия"
L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "Насколько близко друг к другу должны быть события в логе боя при определении кто потерпел неудачу"
L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "Какое количество стаков не будет считаться неудачей" -- Needs review
L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "Сколько требуется получить урона для неудачи:"
L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "Какое количество полученного исцеления не будет считаться неудачей" -- Needs review
L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "Сколько времени у вас есть на отбегание прежде чем засчитается неудача"
L["jumping"] = "прыгает"
L["left and right"] = "влево и вправо"
L["LocalDefense"] = "Самооборона"
L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "Выбранный бессмертный страж"
L["moving"] = "двигается"
L["No"] = "Нет" -- Needs review
L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - Никто не ошибся!"
L["noexceptions"] = "Без исключений"
L["noexceptions_desc"] = "Без исключений, ошибка есть ошибка!"
L["not_casting"] = "попытке избежать прерывания заклинаний" -- Needs review
L["not_dispelling"] = "не рессиваемое"
L["not moving"] = "не двигался как нужно"
L["not spreading"] = "не соблюдал дистанцию"
L["Officer"] = "Офицеры"
L["oreset"] = "Сбросить все"
L["oreset_desc"] = "Сбросить весь счетчик ошибок"
L["oreseted"] = "Счетчик ошибок сброшен."
L["ostats"] = "Общая Статистика"
L["ostats_desc"] = "Показать общую информацию"
L["Party"] = "Группа"
L["Proximity Mine"] = "Мина ближнего действия"
L["Raid"] = "Рейд"
L["remove"] = "Удалить ошибку"
L["removed"] = "Удалена ошибка у"
L["remove_desc"] = "Удалить ошибку игрока"
L["reset"] = "Сбросить"
L["Reset Data?"] = "Сбросить данные?"
L["reset_desc"] = "Сбросить счетчик ошибок"
L["reseted"] = "Счетчик ошибок сброшен"
L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "Сбросить EnsidiaFails?"
L["reset on combat"] = "Сбросить при входе в бой"
L["resume"] = "Отчёт о неудачах возобновлён."
L["Say"] = "Сказать"
L["Self"] = "Себе"
L["sensitive"] = "чувствительность" -- Needs review
L["shaman_healing"] = "Исцеление шамана"
L["Show all"] = "Показать все"
L["Snaplasher"] = "Хватоплет"
L["spreading"] = "соблюдать дистанцию"
L["stats"] = "Статистика"
L["stats_desc"] = "Показать статистику"
L["susped"] = "Вывод ошибок приостановлен на 60 секунд."
-- L["Talent based Exception"] = "Talent based Exception"
L["The Halls of Winter"] = "Залы Зимы"
L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "Темница Йогг-Сарона"
L["Top X Stats"] = "Статистика по N первым"
L["Trade"] = "Торговля"
L["turning away"] = "разворачивается"
L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "Исп. сканирование талантов для определения танков"
L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - мы имеем: "
L["Wrong name!"] = "Неправильное имя!"
L["Yes"] = "Да" -- Needs review
1,4 → 1,102
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "esES")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="esES", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
\ No newline at end of file +L["addon_desc"] = "EnsidiaFails es un addon que reporta quien falla en encuentros contra jefes ante habilidades evitables." +L["admiral"] = "El campeón del \"cagadometro\" es:" +L["after"] = "Después del combate" +L["Amount of entries to display"] = "Cantidad de entradas a mostrar" +L["announce"] = "Anunciar a" +L["announce_after_style"] = "Estilo de anuncio posterior" +L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "Cómo debe aparecer el informe de fallos tras el combate" +L["announce_desc"] = "Elije donde emitir el aviso" +L["announce_style"] = "Estilo de Anuncio" +L["announce_style_desc"] = "Cuando emitir los avisos de fallo" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "Anunciador Desactivado! %s es el anunciador. (El/ella tienen la misma version que tu (%s))" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "Anunciador Desactivado! %s es ahora el anonciador. (Porfavor actualice su addon version era %s)(La tuya: %s)" +L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "Anuncios Activados! TU eres el principal responsable de anunciar los fallos de EnsidiaFails, por favor revisa la configuración de como lo vas a anunciar" +L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "A cuantos ticks se supone que hay que parar el DPS" +L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "Auto Borrar Nuevos Encuentros" +L["being at the wrong place"] = "estar en el lugar equivocado" +L["captain"] = "El capitán del \"cagadometro\" es:" +L["casting"] = "lanzando" +L["Channel"] = "Canal" +L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "Confirmar la eliminación del encuentro" +L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "Confirmar la eliminación de Raid al entrar" +L["Deep Breath"] = "Aliento profundo" +L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "Borrar solo a cada nuevo encuentro" +L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "Borrar al entrar en Raid" +L["didnt_fail"] = "Jugadores que NO han fallado:" +L["diff..."] = "Diferentes jugadores! Mostrando el TOP10..." +L["Disable announce override"] = "Anular Desactivar Anuncios" +L["Disabled"] = "Deshabilitado" +L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "Impide la aceptación de los comandos de otros usuarios que me cambie la configuración del anunciador" +L["dispelling"] = "dispelear" +L["during"] = "Durante el combate" +L["during_and_after"] = "Durante y después del combate" +L["failed"] = " fallado " +L["fails_at"] = " falló en " +L["fails_on"] = " falla en " +L["filter"] = "Filtro" +L["filter_desc"] = "Señala los fallos que quieras localizar! Si no aparece señalado junto a su nombre, el fallo no se analizará ni anunciará!" +L["Frost Bomb"] = "Bomba de Escarcha" +L["general"] = "General" +L["Group by fails"] = "Agrupar por fallos" +L["Group by player"] = "Agrupar por jugador" +L["Guild"] = "Hermandad" +L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "Como de cerca han de aparecer los eventos en el -combatlog-, para determinar quien falló" +L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "Cuantos stacks no se consideraran un fallo" +L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "Para ser un fallo, cuanto daño se ha de recibir de" +L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "Cuanta curación absorbida aun no es un fallo" +L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "Cuanto tiempo te has estado moviendo antes de añadir un fallo por" +L["jumping"] = "saltando" +L["left and right"] = "izquierda y derecha" +L["LocalDefense"] = "Defensa Local" +L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "Guardián inmortal marcado" +L["moving"] = "movimiento" +L["No"] = "No" +L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - ¡Nadie ha fallado!" +L["noexceptions"] = "Sin excepciones" +L["noexceptions_desc"] = "Sin excepciones, ¡cada fallo es un fallo!" +L["not_casting"] = "no casteando" +L["not_dispelling"] = "sin dispelear" +L["not moving"] = "no movido" +L["not spreading"] = "no propagado" +L["Officer"] = "Oficial" +L["oreset"] = "Reinicio General" +L["oreset_desc"] = "Limpiar el archivo de fallos general" +L["oreseted"] = "El archivo de fallos general ha sido limpiado" +L["ostats"] = "Estadísticas Generales" +L["ostats_desc"] = "Análisis de las Estadísticas Generales" +L["Party"] = "Grupo" +L["Proximity Mine"] = "Mina de Proximidad" +L["Raid"] = "Banda" +L["remove"] = "Eliminar un Fallo" +L["removed"] = "Eliminado un fallo de" +L["remove_desc"] = "Eliminar un fallo de un jugador" +L["reset"] = "Reiniciar" +L["Reset Data?"] = "¿Resetear Datos?" +L["reset_desc"] = "Reiniciar contador de fallos" +L["reseted"] = "Contador de fallos reiniciado." +L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "¿Resetear EnsidiFails?" +L["reset on combat"] = "Reiniciar en combate" +L["resume"] = "Continuando la emisión de avisos de fallo" +L["Say"] = "Decir" +L["Self"] = "uno mismo" +L["sensitive"] = "sensible" +L["shaman_healing"] = "Curación de Chamán" +L["Show all"] = "Mostrar todo" +L["Snaplasher"] = "Quiebrazotador" +L["spreading"] = "propagado" +L["stats"] = "Estadísticas" +L["stats_desc"] = "Reportar Estadísticas" +L["susped"] = "Emisión de avisos de fallo suspendida por 60 segundos" +L["Talent based Exception"] = "Excepción basada en talentos" +L["The Halls of Winter"] = "Los salones del invierno" +L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "La Prisión de Yogg-Saron" +L["Top X Stats"] = "Top X Estadísticas" +L["Trade"] = "Comercio" +L["turning away"] = "alejando" +L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "Usar escaneo de talentos para determinar los tanques" +L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - Tenemos" +L["Wrong name!"] = "Nombre incorrecto!" +L["Yes"] = "Si"
1,4 → 1,102
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "frFR")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="frFR", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
\ No newline at end of file +L["addon_desc"] = "EnsidiaFails est un addon qui indique si un joueur n'a pas réussi à éviter une technique pendant une rencontre contre un boss qui aurait pu l'être." +L["admiral"] = "L'amiral de la flotte de l'échec est : " +L["after"] = "Après le combat" +L["Amount of entries to display"] = "La quantité d'entrées à afficher." +L["announce"] = "Annoncer sur" +-- L["announce_after_style"] = "Announce after style" +-- L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "How should the fail report look after combat" +L["announce_desc"] = "Définit la sortie des annonces." +L["announce_style"] = "Style des annonces" +L["announce_style_desc"] = "Détermine quand annoncer les échecs." +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "Les annonces sont désactivées ! %s est l'annonceur principal (il/elle possède la même version que vous (%s))." +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "Les annonces sont désactivées ! %s est l'annonceur principal (pensez à mettre à jour votre addon ; la version de son addon est %s) (la vôtre : %s)" +L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "Les annonces sont activées ! VOUS êtes l'annonceur principal pour EnsidiaFails, veuillez vérifier vos réglages d'annonces s'il vous plait." +L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "À combien de cumuls vous êtes supposer arrêter de DPS." +L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "Suppression automatique de la nouvelle instance" +L["being at the wrong place"] = "était au mauvais endroit" +L["captain"] = "Le capitaine du navire de l'échec est :" +L["casting"] = "incanter" +L["Channel"] = "Canal" +L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "Confirmez la suppression" +L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "Confirmer la suppression de l'inscription au raid" +L["Deep Breath"] = "Souffle profond" +L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "Effacer la nouvelle instance seulement" +L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "Effacer si nouveau raid" +L["didnt_fail"] = "Joueurs qui n'ont pas échoués : " +L["diff..."] = " joueurs différents ! Affichage du TOP 10..." +L["Disable announce override"] = "Désactiver l'écrasement des annonces" +L["Disabled"] = "Désactivé" +L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "N'autorise pas à accepter les commandes à d'autres utilisateurs de modifier les paramètres de l'annonce" +L["dispelling"] = "dissiper" +L["during"] = "Pendant le combat" +L["during_and_after"] = "Pendant et après le combat" +L["failed"] = " a échoué " +L["fails_at"] = " n'a pas réussi à " +L["fails_on"] = " ÉCHECS répartis sur " +L["filter"] = "Filtres" +L["filter_desc"] = "Cochez les échecs que vous voulez suivre ! Si un échec n'a pas la case à côté de son nom de coché, cet échec ne sera ni suivi ni annoncé !" +L["Frost Bomb"] = "Bombe de givre" +L["general"] = "Général" +L["Group by fails"] = "Grouper par erreurs" +L["Group by player"] = "Grouper par joueur" +L["Guild"] = "Guilde" +L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "À quel point les événements du journal de combat doivent être proches lors de la détermination des échecs." +L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "Le nombre de cumul à partir duquel ceci est considéré comme un échec." +L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "La quantité de dégâts reçus nécessaire pour ajouter un échec pour" +L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "La quantité de soins reçus à partir de laquelle ceci est considéré comme un échec." +L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "Le temps accordé pour se déplacer avant d'ajouter un échec pour" +L["jumping"] = "sauter" +L["left and right"] = "faire gauche-droite" +L["LocalDefense"] = "DéfenseLocale" +L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "Gardien immortel marqué" +L["moving"] = "bouger" +L["No"] = "Non" +L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - tout le monde a réussi !" +L["noexceptions"] = "Pas d'exception" +L["noexceptions_desc"] = "Pas d'exception, tout échec est un échec !" +L["not_casting"] = "ne pas incanter" +L["not_dispelling"] = "ne pas dissiper" +L["not moving"] = "ne pas bouger" +L["not spreading"] = "pas d'écartement" +L["Officer"] = "Officier" +L["oreset"] = "Tout réinitialiser" +L["oreset_desc"] = "Réinitialise le compteur global d'échecs." +L["oreseted"] = "Compteur global d'échecs réinitialisé." +L["ostats"] = "Statistiques globales" +L["ostats_desc"] = "Rapport des statistiques globales" +L["Party"] = "Groupe" +L["Proximity Mine"] = "Mine de proximité" +L["Raid"] = "Raid" +L["remove"] = "Enlever un échec" +L["removed"] = "Un échec a été enlevé à " +L["remove_desc"] = "Enlève un échec au joueur indiqué." +L["reset"] = "Réinitialisation" +L["Reset Data?"] = "Réinitialiser les données ?" +L["reset_desc"] = "Réinitialise le compteur d'échecs." +L["reseted"] = "Compteur d'échecs réinitialisé." +L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "Réinitialiser EnsidiaFails ?" +L["reset on combat"] = "Réinit. au pull" +L["resume"] = "Reprise du signalement des échecs." +L["Say"] = "Dire" +L["Self"] = "Soi-même" +L["sensitive"] = "sensible" +L["shaman_healing"] = "Soins Chaman" +L["Show all"] = "Tout afficher" +L["Snaplasher"] = "Flagellant mordant" +L["spreading"] = "écartement" +L["stats"] = "Stats" +L["stats_desc"] = "Rapport des statistiques" +L["susped"] = "Suspension du signalement des échecs pendant 60 secondes." +L["Talent based Exception"] = "Exception basée sur les talents" +L["The Halls of Winter"] = "Les salles de l'Hiver" +L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "La prison de Yogg-Saron" +L["Top X Stats"] = "Stats du top X" +L["Trade"] = "Commerce" +L["turning away"] = "se retourner" +L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "Utilise l'analyse des talents pour déterminer les tanks." +L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - Nous avons " +L["Wrong name!"] = "Nom invalide !" +L["Yes"] = "Oui"
1,4 → 1,103
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "deDE")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="deDE", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
\ No newline at end of file +L["addon_desc"] = [=[EnsidiaFails ist ein AddOn, das Fehler von Spielern anzeigt, die während eines Boss-Encounters hätten vermieden werden können. +]=] +L["admiral"] = "Admiral der FAILFLOTTE ist: " +L["after"] = "Nach dem Kampf" +L["Amount of entries to display"] = "Menge der angezeigten Einträge" +L["announce"] = "Bekanntgeben an" +L["announce_after_style"] = "Aussehen der Ankündigung" -- Needs review +L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "Wie sollte der Versagen-Bericht nach dem Kampf aussehen?" +L["announce_desc"] = "Setzt Ansagenausgabe" +L["announce_style"] = "Ansagestil" +L["announce_style_desc"] = "Wann Fehler angesagt werden sollen" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "Ankündigung deaktiviert! %s ist der Hauptankündiger. (Er/Sie hat die gleiche Version wie du (%s))" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "Ankündigung deaktiviert! %s ist der Hauptankündiger. (Bitte aktualisier dein Addon. Seine/Ihre Version war %s) (Deine: %s) " +L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "Ankündigungen eingeschaltet! DU bist der Hauptankündiger für EnsidiaFails. Bitte überprüfe deine Ankündigungseinstellungen." +L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "Bei wie vielen Stapeln du die dps stoppen solltest" +L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "Auto-Löschen neuer Instanzen" +L["being at the wrong place"] = "am falschem Ort sein" +L["captain"] = "Kapitän des FAILBOOTS ist: " +L["casting"] = "casten" +L["Channel"] = "Channel" +L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "Bestätige Instanzlöschung" +L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "Löschen beim Schlatzug betreten bestätigen" +L["Deep Breath"] = "Tiefer Atem" +L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "Nur neue Instanzen löschen" +L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "Löschen bei Raidbeitritt" +L["didnt_fail"] = "Spieler ohne Fehler: " +L["diff..."] = " verschiedenen Spielern! Zeige die TOP10..." +L["Disable announce override"] = "Disable announce override" -- Needs review +L["Disabled"] = "Deaktiviert" +L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "Verhindert die Annahme von Befehlen von anderen Nutzern, dass die Ankündigungs Optionen geändern wurden." +L["dispelling"] = "entzaubern" +L["during"] = "Während des Kampfes" +L["during_and_after"] = "Während und nach dem Kampf" +L["failed"] = " versagte " +L["fails_at"] = " versagte bei" +L["fails_on"] = " VERSAGT bei " +L["filter"] = "Filter" +L["filter_desc"] = "Kreuze die Fehler an, die du beobachten möchtest! Falls ein Fehler nicht angekreuzt ist, wird der Fehler nicht beobachtet oder verkündet!" +L["Frost Bomb"] = "Frostbombe" +L["general"] = "Allgemeines" +L["Group by fails"] = "Gruppierung nach Fehler" +L["Group by player"] = "Gruppierung nach Spieler" +L["Guild"] = "Gilde" +L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "Wie genau Kampflog Ereignisse sein müssen, um zu versagen" +L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "Wie viele Stapel noch kein Fehler ist" +L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "Wie viel bekommener Schaden benötigt wird für ein Fehler von " +L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "Wie viel Heilung noch kein Fehler ist" +L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "Wie viel Zeit du hast, dich zu bewegen, bevor ein Fehler hinzugefügt wird für " +L["jumping"] = "Springen" +L["left and right"] = "links und rechts" +L["LocalDefense"] = "Lokale Verteidigung" +L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "Markierte unvergängliche Wache" +L["moving"] = "Bewegen" +L["No"] = "Nein" +L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - Niemand versagte!" +L["noexceptions"] = "Keine Ausnahmen" +L["noexceptions_desc"] = "Keine Ausnahmen, jeder Fehler ist ein Fehler!" +L["not_casting"] = "Nicht zaubern" +L["not_dispelling"] = "Nicht entzaubern" +L["not moving"] = "nicht bewegen" +L["not spreading"] = "Nicht verbreiten" +L["Officer"] = "Offizier" +L["oreset"] = "Alles zurücksetzen" +L["oreset_desc"] = "Die Fehlersumme zurücksetzen" +L["oreseted"] = "Fehlersumme zurückgesetzt." +L["ostats"] = "Gesamtstatistiken" +L["ostats_desc"] = "Berichte Gesamtstatistiken" +L["Party"] = "Gruppe" +L["Proximity Mine"] = "Annäherungsmine" +L["Raid"] = "Schlachtzug" +L["remove"] = "Einen Fehler entfernen" +L["removed"] = "Einen Fehler entfernt von " +L["remove_desc"] = "Einen Fehler eines Spielers entfernen" +L["reset"] = "Zurücksetzen" +L["Reset Data?"] = "Daten zurücksetzen?" +L["reset_desc"] = "Den Fehlerzähler zurücksetzen" +L["reseted"] = "Fehlerzähler zurückgesetzt." +L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "EnsidiaFails zurücksetzen?" +L["reset on combat"] = "Bei Kampfbeginn zurücksetzen" +L["resume"] = "Fehleransage fortgesetzt." +L["Say"] = "Sagen" +L["Self"] = "Selbst" +L["sensitive"] = "sensibel" +L["shaman_healing"] = "Schamanenheilung" +L["Show all"] = "Zeige alle" +L["Snaplasher"] = "Knallpeitscher" +L["spreading"] = "verbreiten" +L["stats"] = "Statistiken" +L["stats_desc"] = "Berichte Statistiken" +L["susped"] = "Fehleransage für 60 Sekunden eingestellt." +L["Talent based Exception"] = "Talentbasierte Ausnahme" +L["The Halls of Winter"] = "Die Hallen des Winters" +L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "Das Gefängnis von Yogg-Saron" +L["Top X Stats"] = "Top X Statistiken" +L["Trade"] = "Handel" +L["turning away"] = "Wegdrehen" +L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "Erkenne Tanks anhand ihrer Talente" +L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - Wir haben " +L["Wrong name!"] = "Falscher Name!" +L["Yes"] = "Ja"
1,4 → 1,103
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "zhCN")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="zhCN", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
\ No newline at end of file +L["addon_desc"] = [=[EnsidiaFails 是一个统计玩家在首领战中犯错的计数器. +]=] +L["admiral"] = "犯错玩家舰队的海军上将是:" +L["after"] = "结束战斗后" +L["Amount of entries to display"] = "显示的项目总数" +L["announce"] = "通报到" +-- L["announce_after_style"] = "Announce after style" +-- L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "How should the fail report look after combat" +L["announce_desc"] = "设置通报频道" +L["announce_style"] = "通报时间" +L["announce_style_desc"] = "何时通报" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "已停用通告! %s 是主要通告者。(他/她 和你有相同的版本(%s))" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "广播禁用! %s现在是主持(请升级您的插件到%s版本)(您现在使用的版本是: %s)" +L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "广播开启!现在你是EnsidiaFails的主持,请检查并确认你的广播设置" +L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "在多少层时你应该停止DPS" +L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "自动删除事例" +L["being at the wrong place"] = "在错误的位置" +L["captain"] = "犯错战舰上的船长是: " +L["casting"] = "施放" +L["Channel"] = "频道" +L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "事例删除确认" +L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "当加入团队时确认删除" +L["Deep Breath"] = "深呼吸" +L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "只删除新副本事例" +L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "加入RAID时删除" +L["didnt_fail"] = "没有犯错的玩家为: " +L["diff..."] = " 名玩家犯下! 下面是排名前十的玩家..." +L["Disable announce override"] = "停用重复通告" +L["Disabled"] = "禁用自动通报" +L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "拒绝接受其它使用者改变通告设定的命令" +L["dispelling"] = "驱散" +L["during"] = "战斗中" +L["during_and_after"] = "战斗中和技术战斗后" +L["failed"] = " " +L["fails_at"] = " " +L["fails_on"] = " 次错误由 " +L["filter"] = "过滤器" +L["filter_desc"] = "点选你想要追踪的失误! 没被选取的失误将不会被追踪或通告!" +L["Frost Bomb"] = "Frost Bomb" +L["general"] = "一般" +-- L["Group by fails"] = "Group by fails" +-- L["Group by player"] = "Group by player" +L["Guild"] = "工会" +L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "如何关闭战斗纪录事件,在确定谁失误" +L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "多少层不算失误" +L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "受到多少伤害则被算作失误" +L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "在获得多少治疗的情况下依然不被算作失误。" +L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "多少秒移动反应时间不被算作失误" +L["jumping"] = "跳" +L["left and right"] = "移动" +L["LocalDefense"] = "本地防御" +L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "标记的不朽守护者" -- Needs review +L["moving"] = "躲避 " +L["No"] = "否" +L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - 没有人犯错!" +L["noexceptions"] = "没有例外" +L["noexceptions_desc"] = "没有例外, 出错就是出错!" +L["not_casting"] = "打断" +L["not_dispelling"] = "没有解debuff" +L["not moving"] = "没跑开" +L["not spreading"] = "没散开" -- Needs review +L["Officer"] = "官员" +L["oreset"] = "重置全局计数器" +L["oreset_desc"] = "重置全局错误统计" +L["oreseted"] = "全局计时器已经重置." +L["ostats"] = "通报全局" +L["ostats_desc"] = "通报所有" +L["Party"] = "小队" +L["Proximity Mine"] = "Proximity Mine" +L["Raid"] = "团队" +L["remove"] = "移除错误" +L["removed"] = "移除以下玩家一次错误 " +L["remove_desc"] = "移除一个错误" +L["reset"] = "重置计数器" +L["Reset Data?"] = "重置数据?" +L["reset_desc"] = "重置计数器" +L["reseted"] = "计数器已经重置." +L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "重置EnsidiaFails?" +L["reset on combat"] = "战斗前重置" +L["resume"] = "犯错报告恢复." +L["Say"] = "说" +L["Self"] = "玩家聊天框" +L["sensitive"] = "敏锐度" +L["shaman_healing"] = "萨满治疗" +L["Show all"] = "显示全部" +L["Snaplasher"] = "猛攫鞭笞者" -- Needs review +L["spreading"] = "散开" +L["stats"] = "通报" +L["stats_desc"] = "通报" +L["susped"] = "犯错报告挂起60秒." +L["Talent based Exception"] = "天赋过滤" +L["The Halls of Winter"] = "The Halls of Winter" +L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "尤格萨伦之狱" -- Needs review +L["Top X Stats"] = "最多10人的状态" +L["Trade"] = "交易" +L["turning away"] = "转身" +L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "扫描天赋以确定TANK" +L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - 共有 " +L["Wrong name!"] = "错误的名称!" +L["Yes"] = "是"
26,7 → 26,8
"The Obsidian Sanctum",
"Eye of Eternity",
"Vault of Archavon"
"Vault of Archavon",
"The Ruby Sanctum",
local optionsmenu_zone_list = {
37,7 → 38,8
local announce_to = {
1020,6 → 1022,20
RubySanctum = {
order = 10,
type = "group",
name = BZ["The Ruby Sanctum"],
args = {
Halion = {
order = 1,
type = "group",
name = BB["Halion"],
args = {
1531,6 → 1547,13
LastEvent = {}
-- Last whatever
for i=1, #fail_events do
LastEvent[fail_events[i]] = {}
function addon:CombatLog(event,...)
local timestamp, type, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags = ...
1541,6 → 1564,8
-------------------- DEBUG EVENTS ----------------------------------------
if debug then
if timestamp then
local temp_stamp = tostring(timestamp)
1555,10 → 1580,32
if (type=="SPELL_AURA_APPLIED") then
local spellId = select(9,...)
if ((spellId==19879) or (spellId==19880)) then
if ((spellId==1987911111) or (spellId==198801111)) then
elseif spellId==696 or spellId==28189 then
elseif (spellId == 19879 or spellId == 19880) then
print("event recognized "..destName)
if LastEvent.Fail_Koralon_FlameCinder[destName] ~= nil then
deltaT = (timestamp - LastEvent.Fail_Koralon_FlameCinder[destName])
print("not the very first time deltaT: "..deltaT)
if (((deltaT) > 3) and ((deltaT) < 6)) then--If >3 times threshold reset timestamp since it's probably from earlier fight and not genuine fail.
addon:AddFail(destName, "wrongplace", spellId)
print("parameteren kivuli ertek")
LastEvent.Fail_Koralon_FlameCinder[destName] = timestamp
LastEvent.Fail_Koralon_FlameCinder[destName] = timestamp
harr = timestamp
elseif spellId==696 or spellId==28189 then
2084,7 → 2131,7
addon:SendChatMessage(p,s.." ("..(GetSpellInfo(spellId))..")")
elseif s == "dispelling" then s = L["dispelling"]
addon:SendChatMessage(p,s.." ("..(GetSpellInfo(spellId))..")")
elseif s == "notdispelling" then s = L["not dispelling"]
elseif s == "notdispelling" then s = L["not_dispelling"]
addon:SendChatMessage(p,s.." ("..(GetSpellInfo(spellId))..")")
elseif s == "wrongplace" then s = L["being at the wrong place"]
addon:SendChatMessage(p,s.." ("..(GetSpellInfo(spellId))..")")
1,4 → 1,103
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EnsidiaFails", "koKR")
if not L then return end
--@localization(locale="koKR", format="lua_additive_table", handle-unlocalized="comment")@
\ No newline at end of file +L["addon_desc"] = [=[EnsidiaFails|1은;는; 공격대의 플레이어가 우두머리와의 전투 동안 피할 수 있었던 마법과 능력을 피하지 못했을 때 보고하는 애드온입니다. +]=] +L["admiral"] = "실패함대 원수는: " +L["after"] = "전투 후" +L["Amount of entries to display"] = "표시할 목록의 양" +L["announce"] = "알림" +L["announce_after_style"] = "후 알림 형식" +L["announce_after_style_desc"] = "전투 후에 실패 보고를 보는 방법" +L["announce_desc"] = "알림 출력 설정" +L["announce_style"] = "알림 형식" +L["announce_style_desc"] = "실패를 보고할 때" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (He/She has the same version as you (%s))"] = "알림 비활성화! %s|1이;가; 주된 알리는 사람입니다. (그/그녀는 당신과 같은 버전입니다 (%s))" +L["Announcing Disabled! %s is the main announcer. (Please consider updating your addon his/her version was %s)(yours: %s)"] = "알림 비활성화! %s|1이;가; 주된 알리는 사람입니다. (그/그녀의 버전은 %s인 당신의 애드온을 갱신할 것을 생각하십시오)(당신의 버전: %s)" +L["Announcing Enabled! YOU are the main announcer for EnsidiaFails, please check your announcing settings"] = "알림 활성화! 당신이 EnsidiaFails의 주된 알리는 사람입니다. 당신의 알림 설정을 확인하십시오." +L["At how many stacks are you supposed to stop dps"] = "몇 중첩에서 공격을 멈추겠습니까?" +L["Auto Delete New Instance"] = "새로운 인스턴스 자동 지우기" +L["being at the wrong place"] = "잘못된 자리에 있음" +L["captain"] = "실패함 함장은: " +L["casting"] = "시전" +L["Channel"] = "채널" +L["Confirm Delete Instance"] = "인스턴스 지우기 확인" +L["Confirm Delete on Raid Join"] = "공격대 합류 때 지우기 확인" +L["Deep Breath"] = "깊은 숨결" +L["Delete New Instance Only"] = "새로운 인스턴스만 지우기" +L["Delete on Raid Join"] = "공격대 합류 때 지우기" +L["didnt_fail"] = "실패하지 않은 플레이어들: " +L["diff..."] = " 명의 플레이어가 있습니다! 상위 10을 보면..." +L["Disable announce override"] = "알림 비활성화 무시" +L["Disabled"] = "끄기" +L["Disallows accepting commands from other users that'd change the announcing settings"] = "알림 설정을 바꾸려 하는 다른 사용자들의 명령을 받아들이는 것을 불허" +L["dispelling"] = "해제" +L["during"] = "전투 중" +L["during_and_after"] = "전투 중과 후" +L["failed"] = " 실패 " +L["fails_at"] = " 실패, " +L["fails_on"] = " 번의 실패를 한" +L["filter"] = "거르기" +L["filter_desc"] = "당신이 쫓고자 하는 실패들에 √|1을;를; 찍으십시오! 이름 옆에 √|1이;가; 있지 않으면 그 실패를 쫓거나 알리지 않을 것입니다!" +L["Frost Bomb"] = "서리 폭탄" +L["general"] = "일반" +L["Group by fails"] = "실패로 분류" +L["Group by player"] = "플레이어로 분류" +L["Guild"] = "길드" +L["How close combatlog events have to be, when determining who failed"] = "누가 실패했는지 잴 때 전투 기록이 얼마나 정밀해야 합니까?" +L["How many stack is still not a fail"] = "몇 중첩까지 아직 실패가 아닙니까?" +L["How much damage taken needed for a fail from "] = "실패가 되는 데 얼마의 피해량까지 필요합니까? " +L["How much healing taken is still not a fail"] = "얼마의 치유량까지 아직 실패가 아닙니까?" +L["How much time do you have for moving before adding a fail for "] = "실패에 더해지기 전까지 몇 번 움직여도 됩니까? " +L["jumping"] = "뛰기" +L["left and right"] = "왼쪽과 오른쪽" +L["LocalDefense"] = "수비" +L["Marked Immortal Guardian"] = "징표가 찍힌 불멸의 수호자" +L["moving"] = "이동" +L["No"] = "아니오" +L["nobody_failed"] = "EnsidiaFails - 아무도 실패하지 않음!" +L["noexceptions"] = "예외 없음" +L["noexceptions_desc"] = "예외 없음, 모두 실패하는 것도 실패입니다!" +L["not_casting"] = "시전하지 않음" +L["not_dispelling"] = "해제하지 않음" +L["not moving"] = "이동하지 않음" +L["not spreading"] = "퍼지지 않음" +L["Officer"] = "길드 관리자" +L["oreset"] = "전체 초기화" +L["oreset_desc"] = "전체 실패 횟수 초기화" +L["oreseted"] = "전체 실패 횟수 초기화." +L["ostats"] = "전체 통계" +L["ostats_desc"] = "전체 통계 보고" +L["Party"] = "파티" +L["Proximity Mine"] = "근접 폭발 지뢰" +L["Raid"] = "공격대" +L["remove"] = "실패 지우기" +L["removed"] = "실패 지움 " +L["remove_desc"] = "플레이어의 실패 지우기" +L["reset"] = "초기화" +L["Reset Data?"] = "데이터를 초기화하겠습니까?" +L["reset_desc"] = "실패 횟수 초기화" +L["reseted"] = "실패 횟수 초기화" +L["Reset EnsidiaFails?"] = "EnsidiaFails|1을;를; 초기화하겠습니까?" +L["reset on combat"] = "전투 초기화" +L["resume"] = "실패 기록 다시 시작합니다." +L["Say"] = "대화" +L["Self"] = "자신" +L["sensitive"] = "민감" +L["shaman_healing"] = "주술사 치유" +L["Show all"] = "모두 보이기" +L["Snaplasher"] = "악어덩굴손" +L["spreading"] = "퍼지기" +L["stats"] = "통계" +L["stats_desc"] = "통계 보고" +L["susped"] = "실패 기록 60초 동안 정지됩니다." +L["Talent based Exception"] = "특성을 통한 예외" +L["The Halls of Winter"] = "겨울의 전당" +L["The Prison of Yogg-Saron"] = "요그사론의 얼음감옥" +L["Top X Stats"] = "상위 X 통계" +L["Trade"] = "거래" +L["turning away"] = "시선을 돌림" +L["Use talent scanning for determining tanks"] = "탱커를 찾기 위한 특성 훑기" +L["we_have"] = "EnsidiaFails - 우리는 총 " +L["Wrong name!"] = "틀린 이름!" +L["Yes"] = "네"
11,7 → 11,7
## SavedVariables: EnsidiaFailsDB, EnsidiaFails_FailCount, EnsidiaFails_OFailCount
## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibSimpleTimer-1.0, LibBabble-Boss-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0, LibGroupTalents-1.0, LibTalentQuery-1.0, LibFail-1.0
## LoadManagers: AddonLoader
## X-LoadOn-Zone: Ulduar, Naxxramas, The Obsidian Sanctum, Vault of Archavon, Trial of the Crusader, Onyxia's Lair, The Eye of Eternity, Icecrown Citadel
## X-LoadOn-Zone: Ulduar, Naxxramas, The Obsidian Sanctum, The Ruby Sanctum, Vault of Archavon, Trial of the Crusader, Onyxia's Lair, The Eye of Eternity, Icecrown Citadel
## X-LoadOn-Slash: /EnsidiaFails