WoWInterface SVN Plink

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 6
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 6

1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 30000
## Interface: 30100
## Title: Plink!
## Version: 1.1
## Version: 1.1.1
## Author: Seerah
## Notes: Plays a sound when your Spell Reflect buff gets used
## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibSharedMedia-3.0, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets
1,4 → 1,7
--[[ $Id: AceEvent-3.0.lua 494 2008-02-03 13:03:56Z nevcairiel $ ]]
--- AceEvent-3.0 provides event registration and secure dispatching.
-- @class file
-- @name AceEvent-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceEvent-3.0.lua 710 2008-12-19 10:14:39Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceEvent-3.0", 3
local AceEvent = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
1,4 → 1,7
--[[ $Id: AceConsole-3.0.lua 629 2008-04-22 08:26:12Z ammo $ ]]
--- AceConsole-3.0 provides registration facilities for slash commands.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConsole-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConsole-3.0.lua 710 2008-12-19 10:14:39Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceConsole-3.0", 6
local AceConsole, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
55,8 → 58,8
local name = "ACECONSOLE_"..command:upper()
if type( func ) == "string" then
SlashCmdList[name] = function(input)
self[func](self, input)
SlashCmdList[name] = function(input, editBox)
self[func](self, input, editBox)
SlashCmdList[name] = func
30,7 → 30,7
local Type = "TabGroup"
local Version = 15
local Version = 17
local PaneBackdrop = {
bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
94,6 → 94,10
self:Fire("OnTabLeave", self.tabs[].value, this)
local function Tab_OnShow(this)
_G[this:GetName().."HighlightTexture"]:SetWidth(this:GetTextWidth() + 30)
local function CreateTab(self, id)
local tabname = "AceGUITabGroup"..self.num.."Tab"
local tab = CreateFrame("Button",tabname,self.border,"OptionsFrameTabButtonTemplate")
103,6 → 107,7
tab:SetScript("OnShow", Tab_OnShow)
tab._SetText = tab.SetText
tab.SetText = Tab_SetText
186,7 → 191,7
tab.value = v.value
widths[i] = tab:GetWidth() - 10 --tabs are anchored 10 pixels from the right side of the previous one to reduce spacing
widths[i] = tab:GetWidth() - 6 --tabs are anchored 10 pixels from the right side of the previous one to reduce spacing, but add a fixed 4px padding for the text
--First pass, find the minimum number of rows needed to hold all tabs and the initial tab layout
200,7 → 205,7
rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px
rowends[numrows] = i - 1
numrows = numrows + 1
usedwidth = 0
usedwidth = 0
usedwidth = usedwidth + widths[i]
229,16 → 234,22
local tab = tabs[tabno]
if first then
tab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self.frame,"TOPLEFT",0,-7-(row-1)*20 )
tab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -7-(row-1)*20 )
first = false
tab:SetPoint("LEFT", tabs[tabno-1], "RIGHT", -10, 0)
--equal padding for each tab to fill the available width
local padding = (width - rowwidths[row]) / (endtab - starttab+1)
-- equal padding for each tab to fill the available width,
-- if the used space is above 75% already
local padding = 0
if not (numrows == 1 and rowwidths[1] < width*0.75) then
padding = (width - rowwidths[row]) / (endtab - starttab+1)
for i = starttab, endtab do
PanelTemplates_TabResize(tabs[i], padding)
PanelTemplates_TabResize(tabs[i], padding + 4)
starttab = endtab + 1
11,7 → 11,7
local Type = "EditBox"
local Version = 8
local Version = 9
local function OnAcquire(self)
124,11 → 124,13
self.alignoffset = 30
self.alignoffset = 12
27,7 → 27,7
local Type = "TreeGroup"
local Version = 16
local Version = 17
286,7 → 286,8
local function SetTree(self, tree)
local function SetTree(self, tree, filter)
self.filter = filter
if tree then
assert(type(tree) == "table")
294,33 → 295,52
local function ShouldDisplayLevel(tree)
local result = false
for k, v in ipairs(tree) do
if v.children == nil and v.visible ~= false then
result = true
elseif v.children then
result = result or ShouldDisplayLevel(v.children)
if result then return result end
return false
local function addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
local line = new()
line.value = v.value
line.text = v.text
line.disabled = v.disabled
line.tree = tree
line.level = level
line.parent = parent
line.visible = v.visible
line.uniquevalue = GetButtonUniqueValue(line)
if v.children then
line.hasChildren = true
line.hasChildren = nil
self.lines[#self.lines+1] = line
return line
local function BuildLevel(self, tree, level, parent)
local lines = self.lines
local status = (self.status or self.localstatus)
local groups = status.groups
local groups = (self.status or self.localstatus).groups
local hasChildren = self.hasChildren
for i, v in ipairs(tree) do
local line = new()
lines[#lines+1] = line
line.value = v.value
line.text = v.text
line.disabled = v.disabled
line.tree = tree
line.level = level
line.parent = parent
line.uniquevalue = GetButtonUniqueValue(line)
if v.children then
line.hasChildren = true
line.hasChildren = nil
if v.children then
if groups[line.uniquevalue] then
self:BuildLevel(v.children, level+1, line)
if not self.filter or ShouldDisplayLevel(v.children) then
local line = addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
if groups[line.uniquevalue] then
self:BuildLevel(v.children, level+1, line)
elseif v.visible ~= false or not self.filter then
addLine(self, v, tree, level, parent)
337,7 → 357,7
local function RefreshTree(self)
local buttons = self.buttons
local buttons = self.buttons
local lines = self.lines
for i, v in ipairs(buttons) do
436,6 → 456,7
local function Select(self, uniquevalue, ...)
self.filter = false
local status = self.status or self.localstatus
local groups = status.groups
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
577,6 → 598,7
self.hasChildren = {}
self.localstatus = {}
self.localstatus.groups = {}
self.filter = false
local treeframe = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame)
treeframe.obj = self
626,6 → 648,7
self.OnWidthSet = OnWidthSet
self.OnHeightSet = OnHeightSet
self.EnableButtonTooltips = EnableButtonTooltips
self.Filter = Filter
self.frame = frame
frame.obj = self
1,5 → 1,8
--[[ $Id: AceGUI-3.0.lua 681 2008-09-06 13:01:59Z nargiddley $ ]]
--- AceGUI-3.0 provides access to numerous widgets which can be used to create GUIs.
-- @class file
-- @name AceGUI-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceGUI-3.0.lua 740 2009-02-15 13:56:40Z nevcairiel $
local AceGUI, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEGUI_MAJOR, ACEGUI_MINOR)
if not AceGUI then return end -- No upgrade needed
378,8 → 381,19
-- end
WidgetContainerBase.AddChild = function(self, child)
WidgetContainerBase.AddChild = function(self, child, beforeWidget)
if beforeWidget then
local siblingIndex = 1
for _, widget in pairs(self.children) do
if widget == beforeWidget then
siblingIndex = siblingIndex + 1
tinsert(self.children, siblingIndex, child)
tinsert(self.children, child)
1,4 → 1,12
--[[ $Id: AceAddon-3.0.lua 654 2008-05-21 13:43:29Z ammo $ ]]
--- '''AceAddon-3.0''' provides a template for creating addon objects.
-- It'll provide you with a set of callback functions that allow you to simplify the loading
-- process of your addon. Callbacks provided are:<br>
-- - '''OnInitialize''', which is called directly after the addon is fully loaded.<br>
-- - '''OnEnable''' which gets called during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, when most of the data provided by the game is already present.<br>
-- - '''OnDisable''', which is only called when your addon is manually being disabled.<br>
-- @class file
-- @name AceAddon-3.0.lua
-- @release $Id: AceAddon-3.0.lua 732 2009-02-03 15:07:43Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceAddon-3.0", 5
local AceAddon, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
70,12 → 78,19
-- used in the addon metatable
local function addontostring( self ) return end
-- AceAddon:NewAddon( [object, ]name, [lib, lib, lib, ...] )
-- [object] (table) - table to use as the base for the addon
-- name (string) - unique addon object name
-- [lib] (string) - optional libs to embed in the addon object
--- Create a new AceAddon-3.0 addon.
-- @paramsig [object ,]name[, lib, ...]
-- @param object Table to use as a base for the addon (optional)
-- @param name Name of the addon object to create
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create a simple addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
-- returns the addon object when succesful
-- -- Create a Addon object based on the table of a frame
-- local MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-- local MyBetterAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(MyFrame, "MyBetterAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
-- @return The newly created addon object
function AceAddon:NewAddon(objectorname, ...)
local object,name
local i=1
116,12 → 131,14
-- AceAddon:GetAddon( name, [silent])
-- name (string) - unique addon object name
-- silent (boolean) - if true, addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- throws an error if the addon object can not be found (except silent is set)
-- returns the addon object if found
--- Get the addon object by its name from the internal AceAddon registry.
-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set).
-- @param name unique name of the addon object
-- @param silent if true, the addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- @usage
-- -- Get the Addon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- @return The addon object, if found
function AceAddon:GetAddon(name, silent)
if not silent and not self.addons[name] then
error(("Usage: GetAddon(name): 'name' - Cannot find an AceAddon '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
129,9 → 146,11
return self.addons[name]
-- AceAddon:EmbedLibraries( addon, [lib, lib, lib, ...] )
-- addon (object) - addon to embed the libs in
-- [lib] (string) - optional libs to embed
--- Embed a list of libraries into the specified addon.
-- Note: This function is for internal use by :NewAddon/:NewModule
-- @paramsig addon, [lib, ...]
-- @param addon addon object to embed the libs in
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
function AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(addon, ...)
for i=1,select("#", ... ) do
local libname = select(i, ...)
139,11 → 158,13
-- AceAddon:EmbedLibrary( addon, libname, silent, offset )
-- addon (object) - addon to embed the libs in
-- libname (string) - lib to embed
-- [silent] (boolean) - optional, marks an embed to fail silently if the library doesn't exist.
-- [offset] (number) - will push the error messages back to said offset defaults to 2
--- Embed a library into the addon object.
-- Note: This function is for internal use by :EmbedLibraries
-- @paramsig addon, libname[, silent[, offset]]
-- @param addon addon object to embed the library in
-- @param libname name of the library to embed
-- @param silent marks an embed to fail silently if the library doesn't exist (optional)
-- @param offset will push the error messages back to said offset, defaults to 2 (optional)
function AceAddon:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset)
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(libname, true)
if not lib and not silent then
157,12 → 178,17
-- addon:GetModule( name, [silent])
-- name (string) - unique module object name
-- silent (boolean) - if true, module is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- throws an error if the addon object can not be found (except silent is set)
-- returns the module object if found
--- Return the specified module from an addon object.
-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set)
-- @paramsig name[, silent]
-- @param name unique name of the module
-- @param silent if true, the module is optional, silently return nil if its not found (optional)
-- @usage
-- -- Get the Addon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Get the Module
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- @return the module object, if found
function GetModule(self, name, silent)
if not self.modules[name] and not silent then
error(("Usage: GetModule(name, silent): 'name' - Cannot find module '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
172,12 → 198,22
local function IsModuleTrue(self) return true end
-- addon:NewModule( name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...] )
-- name (string) - unique module object name for this addon
-- prototype (object) - object to derive this module from, methods and values from this table will be mixed into the module, if a string is passed a lib is assumed
-- [lib] (string) - optional libs to embed in the addon object
-- returns the addon object when succesful
--- Create a new module for the addon.
-- The new module can have its own embeded libraries and/or use a module prototype to be mixed into the module.<br>
-- A module has the same functionality as a real addon, it can have modules of its own, and has the same API as
-- an addon object.
-- @paramsig name[, prototype|lib[, lib, ...]]
-- @param name unique name of the module
-- @param prototype object to derive this module from, methods and values from this table will be mixed into the module (optional)
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create a module with some embeded libraries
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
-- -- Create a module with a prototype
-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", prototype, "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
-- @return the module object, if successfull
function NewModule(self, name, prototype, ...)
if type(name) ~= "string" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2) end
if type(prototype) ~= "string" and type(prototype) ~= "table" and type(prototype) ~= "nil" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'prototype' - table (prototype), string (lib) or nil expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2) end
215,46 → 251,96
return module
-- Returns the real name of the addon or module, without any prefix
--- Returns the real name of the addon or module, without any prefix.
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- print(MyAddon:GetName())
-- -- prints "MyAddon"
-- @return The name of the addon or module
function GetName(self)
return self.moduleName or
-- Enables the Addon if possible, return true or false depending on success
--- Enables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- This internally calls AceAddon:EnableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnEnable callback
-- and enabling all modules of the addon (unless explicitly disabled).<br>
-- :Enable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to true
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Enable MyModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- @return true if the addon was enabled successfully
function Enable(self)
return AceAddon:EnableAddon(self)
-- Disables the Addon if possible, return true or false depending on success
--- Disables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- This internally calls AceAddon:DisableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnDisable callback
-- and disabling all modules of the addon.<br>
-- :Disable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to false
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Disable MyAddon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:Disable()
-- @return true if the addon was disabled successfully
function Disable(self)
return AceAddon:DisableAddon(self)
-- addon:EnableModule( name )
-- name (string) - unique module object name
--- Enables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Enable` on the module object.
-- @paramsig name
-- @usage
-- -- Enable MyModule using :GetModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- Enables the Module if possible, return true or false depending on success
-- -- Enable MyModule using the short-hand
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:EnableModule("MyModule")
-- @return true if the module was enabled successfully
-- @see Enable
function EnableModule(self, name)
local module = self:GetModule( name )
return module:Enable()
-- addon:DisableModule( name )
-- name (string) - unique module object name
--- Disables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Disable` on the module object.
-- @paramsig name
-- @usage
-- -- Disable MyModule using :GetModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Disable()
-- Disables the Module if possible, return true or false depending on success
-- -- Disable MyModule using the short-hand
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:DisableModule("MyModule")
-- @return true if the module was disabled successfully
-- @see Disable
function DisableModule(self, name)
local module = self:GetModule( name )
return module:Disable()
-- addon:SetDefaultModuleLibraries( [lib, lib, lib, ...] )
-- [lib] (string) - libs to embed in every module
--- Set the default libraries to be mixed into all modules created by this object.
-- Note that you can only change the default module libraries before any module is created.
-- @paramsig lib[, lib, ...]
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create the addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Configure default libraries for modules (all modules need AceEvent-3.0)
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleLibraries("AceEvent-3.0")
-- -- Create a module
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
function SetDefaultModuleLibraries(self, ...)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleLibraries(...): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
262,8 → 348,18
self.defaultModuleLibraries = {...}
-- addon:SetDefaultModuleState( state )
-- state (boolean) - default state for new modules (enabled=true, disabled=false)
--- Set the default state in which new modules are being created.
-- Note that you can only change the default state before any module is created.
-- @paramsig state
-- @param state Default state for new modules, true for enabled, false for disabled
-- @usage
-- -- Create the addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Set the default state to "disabled"
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleState(false)
-- -- Create a module and explicilty enable it
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
function SetDefaultModuleState(self, state)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleState(state): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
271,8 → 367,20
self.defaultModuleState = state
-- addon:SetDefaultModulePrototype( prototype )
-- prototype (string or table) - the default prototype to use if none is specified on module creation
--- Set the default prototype to use for new modules on creation.
-- Note that you can only change the default prototype before any module is created.
-- @paramsig prototype
-- @param prototype Default prototype for the new modules (table)
-- @usage
-- -- Define a prototype
-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
-- -- Set the default prototype
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype)
-- -- Create a module and explicitly Enable it
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- -- should print "OnEnable called!" now
-- @see NewModule
function SetDefaultModulePrototype(self, prototype)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
283,17 → 391,37
self.defaultModulePrototype = prototype
-- addon:SetEnabledState ( state )
-- state ( boolean ) - set the state of an addon or module (enabled=true, disabled=false)
-- should only be called before any Enabling actually happend, aka in OnInitialize
--- Set the state of an addon or module
-- This should only be caleld before any enabling actually happend, aka in/before OnInitialize.
-- @paramsig state
-- @param state the state of an addon or module (enabled=true, disabled=false)
function SetEnabledState(self, state)
self.enabledState = state
--- Return an iterator of all modules associated to the addon.
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Enable all modules
-- for name, module in MyAddon:IterateModules() do
-- module:Enable()
-- end
-- @return Iterator of all modules
local function IterateModules(self) return pairs(self.modules) end
-- Returns an iterator of all embeds in the addon
-- @paramsig
-- @return Iterator of all embeded libraries
local function IterateEmbeds(self) return pairs(AceAddon.embeds[self]) end
--- Query the enabledState of an addon.
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- if MyAddon:IsEnabled() then
-- MyAddon:Disable()
-- end
-- @return true if the addon/module is enabled, false otherwise
local function IsEnabled(self) return self.enabledState end
local mixins = {
NewModule = NewModule,
331,11 → 459,12
-- AceAddon:IntializeAddon( addon )
-- addon (object) - addon to intialize
-- calls OnInitialize on the addon object if available
-- calls OnEmbedInitialize on embedded libs in the addon object if available
--- Initialize the addon after creation.
-- Note: This function is only used internally during the ADDON_LOADED event
-- It will call the '''OnInitialize''' function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the '''OnEmbedInitialize''' function on all embeded libraries. <br>
-- Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- @param addon addon object to intialize
function AceAddon:InitializeAddon(addon)
safecall(addon.OnInitialize, addon)
349,11 → 478,14
-- from the event handler and only done _once_
-- AceAddon:EnableAddon( addon )
-- addon (object) - addon to enable
-- calls OnEnable on the addon object if available
-- calls OnEmbedEnable on embedded libs in the addon object if available
--- Enable the addon after creation.
-- Note: This function is only used internally during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, or during ADDON_LOADED,
-- if IsLoggedIn() already returns true at that point, e.g. for LoD Addons.
-- It will call the '''OnEnable''' function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the '''OnEmbedEnable''' function on all embeded libraries.<br>
-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is disabled.<br>
-- Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- @param addon addon object to enable
function AceAddon:EnableAddon(addon)
if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
if self.statuses[] or not addon.enabledState then return false end
361,7 → 493,6
-- set the statuses first, before calling the OnEnable. this allows for Disabling of the addon in OnEnable.
self.statuses[] = true
-- TODO: handle 'first'? Or let addons do it on their own?
safecall(addon.OnEnable, addon)
-- make sure we're still enabled before continueing
380,11 → 511,13
return self.statuses[] -- return true if we're disabled
-- AceAddon:DisableAddon( addon )
-- addon (object|string) - addon to disable
-- calls OnDisable on the addon object if available
-- calls OnEmbedDisable on embedded libs in the addon object if available
--- Disable the addon
-- Note: This function is only used internally.
-- It will call the '''OnDisable''' function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the '''OnEmbedDisable''' function on all embeded libraries.<br>
-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is still enabled.<br>
-- Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- @param addon addon object to enable
function AceAddon:DisableAddon(addon)
if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
if not self.statuses[] then return false end
412,9 → 545,30
--The next few funcs are just because no one should be reaching into the internal registries
--- Get an iterator over all registered addons.
-- @usage
-- -- Print a list of all installed AceAddon's
-- for name, addon in AceAddon:IterateAddons() do
-- print("Addon: " .. name)
-- end
-- @return Iterator over all addons (pairs)
function AceAddon:IterateAddons() return pairs(self.addons) end
--- Get an iterator over the internal status registry.
-- @usage
-- -- Print a list of all enabled addons
-- for name, status in AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() do
-- if status then
-- print("EnabledAddon: " .. name)
-- end
-- end
-- @return Iterator over the status registry
function AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() return pairs(self.statuses) end
-- Following Iterators are deprecated, and their addon specific versions should be used
-- e.g. addon:IterateEmbeds() instead of :IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon)
function AceAddon:IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon) return pairs(self.embeds[addon]) end
function AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() return pairs(self.statuses) end
function AceAddon:IterateModulesOfAddon(addon) return pairs(addon.modules) end
-- Event Handling
1,4 → 1,10
--[[ $Id: AceConfig-3.0.lua 494 2008-02-03 13:03:56Z nevcairiel $ ]]
--- AceConfig-3.0 wrapper library.
-- Provides an API to register an options table with the config registry,
-- as well as associate it with a slash command.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfig-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfig-3.0.lua 710 2008-12-19 10:14:39Z nevcairiel $
1,9 → 1,10
--- AceConfigDialog-3.0 generates AceGUI-3.0 based windows based on option tables.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigDialog-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua 736 2009-02-14 11:13:43Z nevcairiel $
local LibStub = LibStub
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigDialog-3.0", 25
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigDialog-3.0", 26
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
581,6 → 582,7
if dialog and oldstrata then
lib:Open(appName, rootframe, basepath and unpack(basepath))
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
1,3 → 1,7
--- AceConfigCmd-3.0 handles access to optionstable through the "command line" interface via the ChatFrames.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigCmd-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigCmd-3.0.lua 733 2009-02-03 22:24:44Z nevcairiel $
13,7 → 17,7
-- TODO: plugin args
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigCmd-3.0", 6
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigCmd-3.0", 7
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
218,7 → 222,7
if v.type == "group" and pickfirstset(v.cmdInline, v.inline, false) then
print(" "..(desc or name)..":")
showhelp(info, inputpos, v, true)
elseif v.type ~= "description" and v.type ~= "header" then
print(" |cffffff78"..k.."|r - "..(desc or name or ""))
1,16 → 1,12
Handle central registration of options tables in use by addons and modules. Do nothing else.
Options tables can be registered as raw tables, or as function refs that return a table.
These functions receive two arguments: "uiType" and "uiName".
- Valid "uiTypes": "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog". This is verified by the library at call time.
- The "uiName" field is expected to contain the full name of the calling addon, including version, e.g. "FooBar-1.0". This is verified by the library at call time.
:IterateOptionsTables() and :GetOptionsTable() always return a function reference that the requesting config handling addon must call with the above arguments.
--- AceConfigRegistry-3.0 handles central registration of options tables in use by addons and modules.
-- Options tables can be registered as raw tables, or as function refs that return a table.<br>
-- These functions receive two arguments: "uiType" and "uiName". <br>
-- Valid "uiTypes": "cmd", "dropdown", "dialog". This is verified by the library at call time. <br>
-- The "uiName" field is expected to contain the full name of the calling addon, including version, e.g. "FooBar-1.0". This is verified by the library at call time.<br>
-- :IterateOptionsTables() and :GetOptionsTable() always return a function reference that the requesting config handling addon must call with the above arguments.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigRegistry-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua 710 2008-12-19 10:14:39Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0", 6
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
1,5 → 1,8
--[[ $Id: AceDB-3.0.lua 667 2008-06-11 14:34:58Z nevcairiel $ ]]
local ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR = "AceDB-3.0", 8
--- AceDB-3.0 allows you to create profiles and smart default values for the SavedVariables of your addon.
-- @class file
-- @name AceDB-3.0.lua
-- @release $Id: AceDB-3.0.lua 735 2009-02-14 11:10:48Z nevcairiel $
local ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR = "AceDB-3.0", 10
local AceDB, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR)
if not AceDB then return end -- No upgrade needed
98,7 → 101,7
if defaults[key] == nil and (not blocker or blocker[key] == nil) then
removeDefaults(value, v)
-- if the table is empty afterwards, remove it
if not next(value) then
if next(value) == nil then
db[key] = nil
-- if it was specified, only strip ** content, but block values which were set in the key table
118,7 → 121,7
elseif type(v) == "table" and type(db[k]) == "table" then
-- if a blocker was set, dive into it, to allow multi-level defaults
removeDefaults(db[k], v, blocker and blocker[k])
if not next(db[k]) then
if next(db[k]) == nil then
db[k] = nil
305,11 → 308,9
AceDB Object Method Definitions
-- DBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults)
-- defaults (table) - A table of defaults for this database
-- Sets the defaults table for the given database object by clearing any
--- Sets the defaults table for the given database object by clearing any
-- that are currently set, and then setting the new defaults.
-- @param defaults A table of defaults for this database
function DBObjectLib:RegisterDefaults(defaults)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
339,11 → 340,9
-- DBObject:SetProfile(name)
-- name (string) - The name of the profile to set as the current profile
-- Changes the profile of the database and all of it's namespaces to the
--- Changes the profile of the database and all of it's namespaces to the
-- supplied named profile
-- @param name The name of the profile to set as the current profile
function DBObjectLib:SetProfile(name)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:SetProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
355,6 → 354,9
local oldProfile = self.profile
local defaults = self.defaults and self.defaults.profile
-- Callback: OnProfileShutdown, database
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileShutdown", self)
if oldProfile and defaults then
-- Remove the defaults from the old profile
removeDefaults(oldProfile, defaults)
375,11 → 377,9
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileChanged", self, name)
-- DBObject:GetProfiles(tbl)
-- tbl (table) - A table to store the profile names in (optional)
-- Returns a table with the names of the existing profiles in the database.
--- Returns a table with the names of the existing profiles in the database.
-- You can optionally supply a table to re-use for this purpose.
-- @param tbl A table to store the profile names in (optional)
function DBObjectLib:GetProfiles(tbl)
if tbl and type(tbl) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetProfiles(tbl): 'tbl' - table or nil expected.", 2)
410,17 → 410,14
return tbl, i
-- DBObject:GetCurrentProfile()
-- Returns the current profile name used by the database
--- Returns the current profile name used by the database
function DBObjectLib:GetCurrentProfile()
return self.keys.profile
-- DBObject:DeleteProfile(name)
-- name (string) - The name of the profile to be deleted
-- Deletes a named profile. This profile must not be the active profile.
--- Deletes a named profile. This profile must not be the active profile.
-- @param name The name of the profile to be deleted
-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
function DBObjectLib:DeleteProfile(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:DeleteProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
447,11 → 444,10
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileDeleted", self, name)
-- DBObject:CopyProfile(name)
-- name (string) - The name of the profile to be copied into the current profile
-- Copies a named profile into the current profile, overwriting any conflicting
--- Copies a named profile into the current profile, overwriting any conflicting
-- settings.
-- @param name The name of the profile to be copied into the current profile
-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
function DBObjectLib:CopyProfile(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:CopyProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
484,10 → 480,8
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileCopied", self, name)
-- DBObject:ResetProfile()
-- noChildren (boolean) - if set to true, the reset will not be populated to the child namespaces of this DB object
-- Resets the current profile
--- Resets the current profile to the default values (if specified).
-- @param noChildren if set to true, the reset will not be populated to the child namespaces of this DB object
function DBObjectLib:ResetProfile(noChildren)
local profile = self.profile
511,11 → 505,9
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileReset", self)
-- DBObject:ResetDB(defaultProfile)
-- defaultProfile (string) - The profile name to use as the default
-- Resets the entire database, using the string defaultProfile as the default
--- Resets the entire database, using the string defaultProfile as the new default
-- profile.
-- @param defaultProfile The profile name to use as the default
function DBObjectLib:ResetDB(defaultProfile)
if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:ResetDB(defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or nil expected.", 2)
547,13 → 539,11
return self
-- DBObject:RegisterNamespace(name [, defaults])
-- name (string) - The name of the new namespace
-- defaults (table) - A table of values to use as defaults
-- Creates a new database namespace, directly tied to the database. This
--- Creates a new database namespace, directly tied to the database. This
-- is a full scale database in it's own rights other than the fact that
-- it cannot control its profile individually
-- @param name The name of the new namespace
-- @param defaults A table of values to use as defaults
function DBObjectLib:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
582,13 → 572,11
AceDB Exposed Methods
-- AceDB:New(name, defaults, defaultProfile)
-- name (table or string) - The name of variable, or table to use for the database
-- defaults (table) - A table of database defaults
-- defaultProfile (string) - The name of the default profile
-- Creates a new database object that can be used to handle database settings
--- Creates a new database object that can be used to handle database settings
-- and profiles.
-- @param name The name of variable, or table to use for the database
-- @param defaults A table of database defaults
-- @param defaultProfile The name of the default profile
function AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile)
if type(tbl) == "string" then
local name = tbl