WoWInterface SVN AlphaMapFansUpdate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 4

888,13 → 888,28
<Frame name="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop" hidden="true" enableMouse="true">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="24"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="AMMFTopH" file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<!-- if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.lock ) or ( AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) ) then
end -->
<!-- AMMFTopH:Hide();
AMMFBottomH:Hide(); -->
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
915,19 → 930,36
<Frame name="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom" hidden="true" enableMouse="true">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="24"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="AMMFBottomH" file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<!-- if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.lock ) or ( AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) ) then
end -->
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
<!-- AMMFBottomH:Hide();
AMMFTopH:Hide(); -->
this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
<!-- if( not AlphaMapConfig.lock or AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) then -->
this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
<!-- end -->
6588,39 → 6620,5
<Frame name="AM_topOverlay" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" enableMouse="false">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<Frame name="AM_botOverlay" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" enableMouse="false">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
1309,9 → 1309,8
note:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, mouseButton)
if ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) then
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(self.toMap);
if ( map ) then
if ( self.toMap ) then
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(self.toMap);
AlphaMapFrame_Update( map );
elseif ( self.toWorldMap ) then
2020,7 → 2019,7
local i = #(AML.CustomPOIControls) + 1;
local controlButton = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POIC"..i, UIParent, "AM_GenPOIControl_Template");
local controlButton = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POIC"..i, AlphaMapDetailFrame, "AM_GenPOIControl_Template"); = i;
local controlButtonT = getglobal("AM_POIC"..i.."Texture");
6348,14 → 6347,15
local keyID = parent:GetID();
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
local bttnName = parent:GetName();
local iMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( iMap ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( iMap );
if ( parent.toMap ) then
local bttnName = parent:GetName(); -- ??? Should this be before the ...Frame_Update(...
getglobal(bttnName.."Highlight"):Hide(); -- ???
bttnName = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( bttnName ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( bttnName );
elseif ( parent.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(parent.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
6515,17 → 6515,13
local parent = note:GetParent();
local keyID = parent.control:GetID();
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
local iMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( iMap ) then
if ( parent.toMap ) then
for n=1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
AlphaMapFrame_Update( iMap );
AlphaMapFrame_Update( AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap) );
elseif ( parent.toWorldMap ) then
for n=1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(parent.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
7783,8 → 7779,6
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( not AM_Minimap_Data[amAlphaMapMap.filename] ) and ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame) ) ) then
local iMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(amAlphaMapMap.toMap);
if ( ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
x = x / AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
7800,9 → 7794,10
elseif ( ( mouseButton == "RightButton" ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
elseif ( iMap ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( iMap );
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap.toMap ) then
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(amAlphaMapMap.toMap);
AlphaMapFrame_Update( map );
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(amAlphaMapMap.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
8054,46 → 8049,25
if ( ( IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( IsAltKeyDown() ) and ( not AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
AML.tmpAlpha = AlphaMapFrame:GetAlpha();
if ( AML.tmpAlpha > 0.5 ) then
elseif ( ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) or ( not IsAltKeyDown() ) ) and ( AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( AML.tmpAlpha > 0.5 ) then
if ( ( IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( IsAltKeyDown() ) and ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() )
and ( not AML.controlsVisible ) ) then
local b, controls = 1, #(AML.CustomPOIControls);
local xO = ( controls - 1 ) * 22;
local control, prevC = AML.CustomPOIControls[b];
local amUnitScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale(0.9, 1.1);
if ( control ) then
control:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "CENTER", -xO, 0);
control:SetScale( amUnitScale );
control:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "CENTER", -xO/amUnitScale, 0);
prevC = control;
b = b + 1;
control = AML.CustomPOIControls[b];
while ( control ) do
control:SetPoint("LEFT", prevC:GetName(), "RIGHT", 1, 0);
control:SetScale( amUnitScale );
control:SetPoint("LEFT", prevC:GetName(), "RIGHT", 1/amUnitScale, 0);
prevC = control;
b = b + 1;
8103,13 → 8077,20
AML.controlsVisible = true;
elseif ( ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) or ( not IsAltKeyDown() ) or ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) )
and ( AML.controlsVisible ) ) then
and ( AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
for _, control in ipairs(AML.CustomPOIControls) do
AML.controlsVisible = false;
if ( ( IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( IsAltKeyDown() ) and ( not AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
elseif ( ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) or ( not IsAltKeyDown() ) ) and ( AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
453,6 → 453,7
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
45,7 → 45,6
displayname = "Hache-Tripes",
displayshort = "DM",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "",
56,7 → 55,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eldereth Row", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broken Commons", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
81,7 → 80,6
{ name = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "",
91,7 → 89,7
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "Extérieur", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Ascenseur", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Transpolyporter", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
113,7 → 111,6
displayname = "Maraudon",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "Désolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
124,7 → 121,7
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrée", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Premier Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Deuxième Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
145,7 → 142,6
{ name = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Uldaman",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "Terres ingrates (44, 12)",
levels = "",
156,7 → 152,7
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quests", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Uldaman", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
167,7 → 163,6
{ name = "Cavernes des Lamentations"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Cavernes des Lamentations",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "Les Tarides (46, 36)",
levels = "",
178,7 → 173,7
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wailing Caverns", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "Click to Open Wailing Caverns Instance Map", toMap = "Wailing Caverns", leaveGap = 1 }
187,7 → 182,6
{ name = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
displayname = "Mont Rochenoire",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "Steppes Ardentes/Gorge des Vents Brûlants",
levels = "",
196,10 → 190,10
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Gorge des Vents Br\195\187lant", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SearingGorge", },
dtl2 = { text = "Steppes ardentes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl1 = { text = "Steppes ardentes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Gorge des Vents Br\195\187lant", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Ouvrefaille", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
215,7 → 209,6
displayname = "Grottes du Temps",
displayshort = "GT",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoTExt",
location = "Tanaris",
levels = "",
226,7 → 219,7
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Les Contreforts d'Hautebrande d'antan", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les Contreforts d'Hautebrande d'antan" },
dtl3 = { text = "Le Noir Marécage", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
272,7 → 265,6
displayname = "Réservoir de Glissecroc",
displayshort = "CR",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "Marécage de Zangar",
levels = "",
283,7 → 275,7
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(Sous-marine)", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "(Sous-marine)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Les enclos aux esclaves", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les enclos aux esclaves" },
dtl3 = { text = "Le Caveau de la vapeur", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
303,7 → 295,6
displayname = "Auchindoun",
displayshort = "Auch",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "Forêt de Terokkar",
levels = "",
314,7 → 305,7
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Cryptes Auchenaï", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Cryptes Auchenaï" },
dtl3 = { text = "Tombes-mana", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
362,7 → 353,6
displayname = "Monastère écarlate",
displayshort = "SM",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "Clairières de Tirisfal",
levels = "",
372,7 → 362,7
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Cimetière", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monastère écarlate" },
dtl3 = { text = "Cathédrale", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
389,7 → 379,6
displayname = "Temple englouti",
displayshort = "ST",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "Marais des Chagrins",
levels = "",
399,7 → 388,7
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", special = "(Jade - Rare)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Jade - Rare)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kazkaz l'Impie", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(En haut)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zekkis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
416,7 → 405,6
displayname = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
displayshort = "BFD",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "Orneval",
levels = "",
426,7 → 414,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
437,7 → 425,6
displayname = "Les Mortemines",
displayshort = "MM",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "Marche de l'Ouest",
levels = "",
447,7 → 434,7
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Marisa du'Paige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "Noble manipulé", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
464,7 → 451,6
displayname = "Karazhan",
displayshort = "Kara",
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "Défilé de Deuillevent",
levels = "",
494,8 → 480,6
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Fragment d'os carbonisé", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
22,7 → 22,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - D\195\188sterbruch",
displayshort = "DB",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "",
33,7 → 32,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Elderethgasse", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Die gebrochenen Gemeinlande", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
57,7 → 56,6
{ name = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Gnomeregan",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "",
67,7 → 65,7
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "Drau\195\159en", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Aufzug", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Transpolyporter", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
87,7 → 85,6
{ name = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Uldaman",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "Das \195\150dland (44, 12)",
levels = "",
98,7 → 95,7
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quests", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Uldaman", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
108,7 → 105,6
{ name = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "Brachland (46, 36)",
levels = "",
119,7 → 115,7
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens", leaveGap = 1 }
127,7 → 123,6
{ name = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Schwarzfels",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "",
136,10 → 131,10
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Sengende Schlucht", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SearingGorge", },
dtl2 = { text = "Brennende Steppe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl1 = { text = "Brennende Steppe", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Sengende Schlucht", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Felsspalter", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
154,7 → 149,6
displayname = "Drau\195\159en - Maraudon",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
165,7 → 159,7
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zuerst Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zweitens Khan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
186,7 → 180,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Höhlen der Zeit",
displayshort = "HdZ",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoTExt",
location = "Tanaris",
levels = "",
197,7 → 190,7
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands" },
dtl3 = { text = "Der schwarze Morast", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
242,7 → 235,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Echsenkessel",
displayshort = "EK",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "",
253,7 → 245,7
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(Unterwasser)", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "(Unterwasser)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Die Sklavenunterkünfte", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die Sklavenunterkünfte" },
dtl3 = { text = "Die Dampfkammer", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
272,7 → 264,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Auchindoun",
displayshort = "Auch",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "",
283,7 → 274,7
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Auchenaikrypta", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchenaikrypta" },
dtl3 = { text = "Managruft", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
330,7 → 321,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Das scharlachrote Kloster",
displayshort = "SK",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "Tirisfal",
levels = "",
340,7 → 330,7
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Friedhof", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster" },
dtl3 = { text = "Kathedrale", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
356,7 → 346,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "Sümpfe des Elends",
levels = "",
366,7 → 355,7
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", special = "Jade "..AM_RARE, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Jade "..AM_RARE, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kazkaz der Unheilige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Ober)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zekkis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
382,7 → 371,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Tiefschwarze Grotte",
displayshort = "BFD",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "Eschental",
levels = "",
392,7 → 380,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Tiefschwarze Grotte", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Tiefschwarze Grotte", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
402,7 → 390,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Die Todesminen",
displayshort = "BFD",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "Westfall",
levels = "",
412,7 → 399,7
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Marisa du'Paige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "Manipulierter Adliger", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
428,7 → 415,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - Karazhan",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "Gebirgspass der Totenwinde",
levels = "",
458,8 → 444,6
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Verkohltes Knochenfragment", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
23,7 → 23,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 厄運之槌",
displayshort = "DM",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "",
34,7 → 33,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eldereth Row", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broken Commons", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
58,7 → 57,6
{ name = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 諾姆瑞根",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "丹莫洛 (25, 41)",
levels = "",
68,7 → 66,7
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "外部", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "升降梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "傳送器", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
89,7 → 87,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 瑪拉頓",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "淒涼之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
100,7 → 97,7
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "第一可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "S第二可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
120,7 → 117,6
{ name = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奧達曼",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "荒蕪之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "",
131,7 → 127,7
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Quests", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "奧達曼", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
141,7 → 137,6
{ name = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 哀嚎洞穴",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "貧瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "",
152,7 → 147,7
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "哀嚎洞穴", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴", leaveGap = 1 }
160,7 → 155,6
{ name = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑石山",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "",
169,10 → 163,10
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "灼熱峽谷", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SearingGorge", },
dtl2 = { text = "燃燒平原", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl1 = { text = "Burning Steppes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Searing Gorge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Riftwalker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
187,7 → 181,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 時光之穴",
displayshort = "CoT",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoTExt",
location = "塔納利斯",
levels = "",
198,15 → 191,15
wmData = { minX = 0.5521, maxX = 0.68239, minY = 0.47247, maxY = 0.63367 },
amData = { minX = 0.09, maxX = 0.99, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.86 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑色沼澤", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑色沼澤" },
dtl4 = { text = "海加爾山", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "海加爾山", },
dtl5 = { text = "斯坦索姆的抉擇", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.11, 84.12} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "斯坦索姆的抉擇", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "CoT: Old Stratholme", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.11, 84.12} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Oldstratholme", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "時間服務員", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "艾力克斯頓·科洛米", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
243,7 → 236,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 盤牙洞穴",
displayshort = "CR",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "贊格沼澤",
levels = "",
254,7 → 246,7
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(水下)", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "(水下)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奴隸監獄", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奴隸監獄" },
dtl3 = { text = "蒸汽洞窟", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
273,7 → 265,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奧齊頓",
displayshort = "Auch",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "白骨荒野, 泰洛卡森林",
levels = "",
284,7 → 275,7
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奧奇奈地穴", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧奇奈地穴" },
dtl3 = { text = "法力墓地", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
331,7 → 322,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "提瑞斯法林地",
levels = "",
341,7 → 331,7
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "墓地区", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl3 = { text = "大教堂", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
350,13 → 340,13
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl5 = { text = "图书馆", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {87, 55} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
-- toMap = "Scarlet Monastery", "Das scharlachrote Kloster", "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"
{ name = "阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Sunken Temple
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 阿塔哈卡神庙",
displayshort = "ST",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "悲伤沼泽",
levels = "",
366,7 → 356,7
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", special = "(玉龙 - 稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(玉龙 - 稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "邪恶的卡萨卡兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl3 = { text = "泽基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
375,13 → 365,13
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(?) (稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "阿塔哈卡神庙", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {57, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "阿塔哈卡神庙", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", "Der versunkene Tempel", "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"
{ name = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackfathom Deeps
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑暗深渊",
displayshort = "BFD",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "灰谷",
levels = "",
391,16 → 381,16
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗深渊", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
{ name = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- The Deadmines
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 死亡矿井",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "西部荒野",
levels = "",
410,7 → 400,7
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛里莎·杜派格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "被洗脑的贵族", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
419,13 → 409,13
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "死亡矿井", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {15, 48} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡矿井", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
{ name = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Karazhan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 卡拉赞",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "逆风小径",
levels = "",
455,8 → 445,7
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "焦骨碎块", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
19,7 → 19,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 厄运之槌",
displayshort = "DM",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "\\Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\DireMaulExt",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "",
30,7 → 29,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4268, maxX = 0.441, minY = 0.6648, maxY = 0.696 },
amData = { minX = 0.29, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.025, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32, 97} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "艾德雷斯区", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {57, 73} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "被毁坏的庭院", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {62, 50} }, symbol = { "2" },
54,7 → 53,6
{ name = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Gnomeregan
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 诺莫瑞根",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\GnomereganExt",
location = "丹莫罗 (25, 41)",
levels = "",
64,7 → 62,7
wmData = { minX = 0.423202, maxX = 0.430997, minY = 0.590355, maxY = 0.602768 },
amData = { minX = 0.198, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.21, maxY = 0.926 },
dtl1 = { text = "外部", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.0, 92.5} }, symbol = { "O" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "升降机", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.59, 87.65} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "传送器", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.95, 72.95} }, symbol = { "P" },
85,7 → 83,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 玛拉顿",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\MaraudonExt",
location = "凄凉之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
96,7 → 93,7
wmData = { minX = 0.3807325, maxX = 0.393785, minY = 0.5679875, maxY = 0.58772 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.92, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.98 },
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23, 59} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "第一可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31, 45} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "第二可汗", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
116,7 → 113,6
{ name = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Uldaman Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奥达曼",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\UldamanExt",
location = "荒芜之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "",
127,7 → 123,7
wmData = { minX = 0.536226, maxX = 0.544795, minY = 0.57594, maxY = 0.586616 },
amData = { minX = 0.075, maxX = 0.95, minY = 0.20, maxY = 0.935 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {95, 33} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23, 64}, {33, 88} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "与任务有关系", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "奥达曼", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.5, 23} }, symbol = { "U" },
137,7 → 133,6
{ name = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Wailing Caverns Exterior
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 哀嚎洞穴",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\WailingCavernsExt",
location = "贫瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "",
148,7 → 143,7
wmData = { minX = 0.5178145, maxX = 0.529001, minY = 0.543372, maxY = 0.555871 },
amData = { minX = 0.05, maxX = 0.97, minY = 0.15, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {14.2, 81.5} }, symbol = { "X" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "哀嚎洞穴", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {55.1, 62.2} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开哀嚎洞穴副本地图", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴", leaveGap = 1 }
156,7 → 151,6
{ name = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, -- Blackrock Mountain
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑石山",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BRMExt",
location = "",
levels = "",
165,10 → 159,10
general = "",
wmData = { minX = 0.46707, maxX = 0.47864, minY = 0.67602, maxY = 0.69818 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.85, minY = 0.09, maxY = 0.985 },
dtl1 = { text = "Searing Gorge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SearingGorge", },
dtl2 = { text = "Burning Steppes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl1 = { text = "Burning Steppes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50.0, 38.0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Searing Gorge", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53.2, 98.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "LBRS/UBRS/BWL", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Lothos Riftwalker", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {40, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
183,7 → 177,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 时光之穴",
displayshort = "CoT",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoTExt",
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "",
196,13 → 189,13
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "旧希尔斯布莱德", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {1.5, 41.2} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴 - 旧希尔斯布莱德" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "旧希尔斯布莱德" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑色沼泽", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {18.00, 86.22} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴 - 黑色沼泽" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑色沼泽" },
dtl4 = { text = "海加尔峰", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {22, 23} }, symbol = { "C" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴 - 海加尔峰", },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "海加尔峰", },
dtl5 = { text = "净化斯坦索姆", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.11, 84.12} }, symbol = { "D" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴 - 净化斯坦索姆", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "净化斯坦索姆", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl6 = { text = "时间管理者", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {81.6, 26.2} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl7 = { text = "阿历克斯顿·克罗姆", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {92, 25} }, symbol = { "1" },
239,7 → 232,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 盘牙水库",
displayshort = "CR",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\CoilfangExt",
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "",
250,7 → 242,7
wmData = { minX = 0.48742, maxX = 0.54289, minY = 0.33097, maxY = 0.38282 },
amData = { minX = 0.14, maxX = 0.73, minY = 0.43, maxY = 0.80 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.24, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "(水下)", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "(水下)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奴隶围栏", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {16.41, 62.89} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奴隶围栏" },
dtl3 = { text = "蒸汽地窖", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {31.05, 45.70} }, symbol = { "B" },
269,7 → 261,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奥金顿",
displayshort = "Auch",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\AuchindounExt",
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "",
280,7 → 271,7
wmData = { minX = 0.34323, maxX = 0.44944, minY = 0.57638, maxY = 0.73592 },
amData = { minX = 0.11, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.10, maxY = 0.88 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 20}, {81, 20}, {21, 78}, {81, 78} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奥金尼地穴", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {8, 49.5} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金尼地穴" },
dtl3 = { text = "法力陵墓", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {50, 7} }, symbol = { "B" },
327,7 → 318,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SMExt",
location = "提瑞斯法林地",
levels = "",
337,7 → 327,7
wmData = { minX = 0.462834, maxX = 0.466359, minY = 0.30418, maxY = 0.30718 },
amData = { minX = 0.02, maxX = 0.91, minY = 0.26, maxY = 0.695 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {5, 59}, {9, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "墓地区", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {76, 23} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院" },
dtl3 = { text = "大教堂", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {89, 29} }, symbol = { "2" },
353,7 → 343,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 阿塔哈卡神庙",
displayshort = "ST",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\SunkenTempleExt",
location = "悲伤沼泽",
levels = "",
363,7 → 352,7
wmData = { minX = 0.53955, maxX = 0.54659, minY = 0.78631, maxY = 0.79619 },
amData = { minX = 0.08, maxX = 0.815, minY = 0.23, maxY = 0.91 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {12, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", special = "(玉龙 - 稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(玉龙 - 稀有)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "邪恶的卡萨卡兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(上层)" },
dtl3 = { text = "泽基斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 38} }, symbol = { "2" },
379,7 → 368,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑暗深渊",
displayshort = "BFD",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeepsExt",
location = "灰谷",
levels = "",
389,7 → 377,7
wmData = { minX = 0.4366733, maxX = 0.44610637, minY = 0.34415522, maxY = 0.35412708 },
amData = { minX = 0.045, maxX = 0.975, minY = 0.14, maxY = 0.81 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {35, 80} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗深渊", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {70, 43.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
-- toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps", "Blackfathom-Tiefenl", "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"
399,7 → 387,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 死亡矿井",
displayshort = "BFD",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\TheDeadminesExt",
location = "西部荒野",
levels = "",
409,7 → 396,7
wmData = { minX = 0.404836, maxX = 0.410194, minY = 0.819415, maxY = 0.82981 },
amData = { minX = 0.15, maxX = 0.89, minY = 0.01, maxY = 0.965 },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {68, 1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛里莎·杜派格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 63}, {86, 39} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_VARIES },
dtl3 = { text = "被洗脑的贵族", colour = AM_RED, coords = { { 70, 71 } }, symbol = { "2" },
425,7 → 412,6
displayname = AM_EXTERIOR.." - 卡拉赞",
displayshort = "",
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Exteriors\\Maps\\KarazhanExt",
location = "逆风小径",
levels = "",
455,8 → 441,6
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "焦骨碎块", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31, 76} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl11 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", },
-- toMap = "The Deadmines", "Die Todesminen", "Les Mortemines"
20,8 → 20,6
displayname = "黑暗深渊",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
toMap = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "灰谷 (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
29,7 → 27,7
prereq = "",
general = "有一些水下部分",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", toMap = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "加摩拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
65,8 → 63,6
displayname = "黑石深渊",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "52-60",
74,7 → 70,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "洛考尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 精英元素生物", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "审讯官格斯塔恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
140,8 → 136,6
displayname = "黑石塔 (下层)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
149,7 → 143,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (上层)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上层)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
211,8 → 205,6
displayname = "黑石塔 (上层)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
220,7 → 212,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (下层)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
262,8 → 254,6
displayname = "黑翼之巢",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石塔 (上层)",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "60+",
271,7 → 261,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石塔 (上层)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上层)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
303,7 → 293,6
displayname = "厄运之槌 - 概貌",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
326,8 → 315,6
displayname = "厄运之槌 (东)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
335,9 → 322,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 : 被毁坏的庭院", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 : 艾德雷斯区", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 : 拉瑞斯小亭", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
375,8 → 362,6
displayname = "厄运之槌 (北)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
384,7 → 369,7
prereq = "需要从厄运之槌东追捕追捕普希林任务的月牙钥匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄运之槌(西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄运之槌 (西)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
416,8 → 401,6
displayname = "厄运之槌 (西)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
425,7 → 408,7
prereq = "需要从厄运之槌东追捕追捕普希林任务的月牙钥匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄运之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄运之槌 (北)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "楼梯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
460,8 → 443,6
displayname = "诺莫瑞根",
continent = 2,
toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "丹莫罗 (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
469,7 → 450,7
prereq = "",
general = "部落经由藏宝海湾传送器进入.\n从奥格瑞玛工程师处获得起始任务.",
dtl1 = { text = "正门入口 (发条小径)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "后门入口 (车间)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "需要车间钥匙", toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
504,8 → 485,6
displayname = "玛拉顿",
continent = 1,
toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "凄凉之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
513,7 → 492,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 (橙色)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 (紫色)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 (传送)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
551,8 → 530,6
displayname = "熔火之心",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石深渊",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "黑石深渊",
levels = "60+",
560,7 → 537,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石深渊", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "鲁西弗隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 人形生物", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "玛格曼达", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
591,7 → 568,6
displayname = "纳克萨玛斯",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "斯坦索姆",
levels = "60+",
647,9 → 623,7
dtl24 = { text = "克尔苏加德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜飞龙巢穴", lootid = "Naxx80KelThuzad", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl26 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴", -- Onyxia's Lair
660,11 → 634,10
location = "尘泥沼泽 (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
toWorldMap = "Dustwallow",
prereq = "需要龙火护符\n(完成在黑石塔上层杀死达基萨斯将军的任务)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dustwallow", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "奥妮克希亚守卫", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 精英龙类" },
dtl3 = { text = "雏龙蛋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
678,14 → 651,13
displayname = "怒焰裂谷",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "奥格瑞玛",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛尔·恐怖图腾", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "背包任务" },
dtl3 = { text = "饥饿者塔拉加曼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
702,7 → 674,6
displayname = "剃刀高地",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "南贫瘠之地 (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
710,7 → 681,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "图特卡什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
736,7 → 707,6
displayname = "剃刀沼泽",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "南贫瘠之地 (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
744,7 → 714,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "鲁古格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 精英人形生物" },
dtl3 = { text = "阿格姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
774,7 → 744,6
displayname = "安其拉废墟",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "希利苏斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
782,7 → 751,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "库林纳克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首领 & 精英", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="安多洛夫中将,\n&卡多雷四精英", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
826,8 → 795,6
displayname = "血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "提瑞斯法林地 (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
835,7 → 802,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "墓地入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "铁脊死灵", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 精英亡灵\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "永醒的艾希尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
873,7 → 840,6
displayname = "安其拉神殿",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "希利苏斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
881,7 → 847,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "亚雷戈斯\n& 凯雷斯特拉兹\n& 梦境之龙麦琳瑟拉", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "安多葛斯\n& 温瑟拉\n& 坎多斯特拉兹", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
922,8 → 888,6
displayname = "死亡矿井",
continent = 2,
toMap = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "西部荒野 (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
931,7 → 895,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", toMap = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
962,7 → 926,6
displayname = "监狱",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stormwind",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "暴风城",
levels = "24-32",
970,7 → 933,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stormwind", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "可怕的塔格尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
992,8 → 955,6
displayname = "阿塔哈卡神庙",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
toMap = "T阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "悲伤沼泽 (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
1001,7 → 962,7
prereq = "",
general = "也称为沉没的神庙",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", toMap = "T阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "T阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口通往下层楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "入口通往中层楼梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
1042,8 → 1003,6
displayname = "奥达曼",
continent = 2,
toMap = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "荒芜之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
1051,7 → 1010,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "前门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开奥达曼外部地图", toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "点击打开奥达曼外部地图", toMap = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "旁门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "巴尔洛戈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
1087,8 → 1046,6
displayname = "哀嚎洞穴",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "贫瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
1096,7 → 1053,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "纳拉雷克斯的信徒", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
1130,7 → 1087,6
displayname = "祖尔法拉克",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "塔纳利斯 (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
1138,7 → 1094,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "泽雷利斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 精英人形生物", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "杉达尔·沙掠者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
1176,7 → 1132,6
displayname = "祖而格拉布",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "荆棘谷 (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
1184,7 → 1139,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "混浊的水", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "高阶祭司耶克里克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
1229,7 → 1184,6
displayname = "通灵学院",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "西瘟疫之地 (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
1237,7 → 1191,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
1294,7 → 1248,6
displayname = "斯坦索姆",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "东瘟疫之地 (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
1302,7 → 1255,7
prereq = "",
general = "旁门入口在 EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "正门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "旁门入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "弗拉斯·希亚比的邮箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
1364,7 → 1317,6
displayname = "影牙城堡",
displayshort = "SFK",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "银松森林 (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
1372,7 → 1324,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silverpine", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "碉堡", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
1414,7 → 1366,6
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 地狱火城墙",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HellfireRampart
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "60-62",
1422,7 → 1373,7
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "巡视者加戈玛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "无疤者奥摩尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
1440,7 → 1391,6
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "61-63",
1448,7 → 1398,7
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "制造者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "布洛戈克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1462,7 → 1412,6
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "70-72",
1470,7 → 1419,7
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "兰迪·维兹普罗克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(联盟, 英雄模式)" },
dtl3 = { text = "德雷希拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
1506,7 → 1455,6
displayname = "地狱火堡垒 - 玛瑟里顿的巢穴",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "地狱火半岛",
levels = "70",
1514,7 → 1462,7
prereq = "钥匙:焰铸钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:萨尔玛 (部落)\n阵营:荣耀堡 (联盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "玛瑟里顿", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
1524,8 → 1472,6
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 奴隶围栏",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "62-64",
1533,7 → 1479,7
prereq = "钥匙:水库钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "背叛者门努", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "除草者格林萨姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
1554,8 → 1500,6
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 幽暗沼泽",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "63-65",
1563,7 → 1507,7
prereq = "钥匙:水库钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "霍加尔芬", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "幽暗孢子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
1585,8 → 1529,6
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 蒸汽地窟",
displayshort = "SV",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "70-72",
1594,7 → 1536,7
prereq = "钥匙:水库钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "水术师瑟丝比娅", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "主厅控制面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
1619,8 → 1561,6
displayname = "盘牙水库 - 毒蛇神殿",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "赞加沼泽",
levels = "70",
1628,7 → 1568,7
prereq = "",
general = "阵营:塞纳里奥远征队",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "不稳定的海度斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "鱼斯拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1652,8 → 1592,6
displayname = "奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "64-66",
1661,7 → 1599,7
prereq = "钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:贫民窟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "死亡观察者希尔拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "大主教玛拉达尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
1679,8 → 1617,6
displayname = "奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "65-67",
1688,7 → 1624,7
prereq = "钥匙:暗影迷宫钥匙\n钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:贫民窟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "间谍托古恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "赫尔默大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
1712,8 → 1648,6
displayname = "奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "67-69",
1721,7 → 1655,7
prereq = "钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)\n钥匙:灌注精华的月亮石 (安苏)",
general = "阵营:贫民窟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗编织者塞斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "拉卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
1741,8 → 1675,6
displayname = "奥金顿 - 法力陵墓",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "白骨荒野,泰罗卡森林",
levels = "70-72",
1750,7 → 1682,7
prereq = "钥匙:奥金尼钥匙 (英雄模式)\n钥匙:哈拉迈德之眼 (崇拜, 尤尔)",
general = "阵营:星界财团",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "潘德莫努斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "暗影领主希拉卡希斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
1776,7 → 1708,6
displayname = "格鲁尔的巢穴",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "刀锋山",
levels = "70",
1784,7 → 1715,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "莫加尔大王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "疯狂的基戈尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
1804,7 → 1735,7
displayname = "黑暗神殿",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley",
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "影月谷",
levels = "70",
1812,7 → 1743,7
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:卡拉波勋章",
general = "阵营:灰舌死誓者",
dtl1 = { text = "黑暗神殿 (入门)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗神殿 (顶层)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑暗神殿 (底层)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
1878,7 → 1809,6
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 能源舰",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "69-72",
1886,7 → 1816,7
prereq = "钥匙:星船钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "看守者盖罗基尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "看守者埃隆汉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
1910,7 → 1840,6
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 生态船",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "70-72",
1918,7 → 1847,7
prereq = "钥匙:星船钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "指挥官萨拉妮丝", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "高级植物学家弗雷温", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
1938,7 → 1867,6
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "虚空风暴",
levels = "70-72",
1946,7 → 1874,7
prereq = "钥匙:禁魔监狱钥匙\n钥匙:星船钥匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "自由的瑟雷凯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "自由的瑟雷凯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
1975,8 → 1903,6
displayname = "时光之穴 - 旧希尔希布莱德",
displayshort = "CoT1",
continent = 1,
toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHillsbrad", -- OldHillsbrad
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "",
1984,7 → 1910,7
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:时光之匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件:逃离敦霍尔德堡\n阵营:时光守护者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "伊洛希恩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "布拉森", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
2021,8 → 1947,6
displayname = "时光之穴 - 黑色沼泽",
displayshort = "CoT2",
continent = 1,
toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "",
2030,7 → 1954,7
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:时光之匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件:开启黑暗之门\n阵营:时光守护者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "萨艾特", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "萨艾特", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "刷新点", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "波:时空领主德亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
2048,8 → 1972,6
displayname = "时光之穴 - 海加尔峰",
displayshort = "CoT3",
continent = 1,
toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "塔纳利斯",
levels = "70",
2057,7 → 1979,7
prereq = "需要完成入口任务",
general = "事件:海加尔之战\n阵营:流沙之鳞",
dtl1 = { text = "联盟基地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(吉安娜·普罗德摩尔)" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(吉安娜·普罗德摩尔)" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落基地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(萨尔)" },
dtl3 = { text = "暗夜精灵基地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
2071,11 → 1993,11
dtl7 = { text = "阿兹加洛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿克蒙德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "因多米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "泰多姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = ""},
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "因多米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl10 = { text = "泰多姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = ""},
{ name = "卡拉赞", -- Karazahn
2083,8 → 2005,6
displayname = "卡拉赞",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "逆风小径",
levels = "70",
2092,7 → 2012,7
prereq = "需要完成入口任务\n钥匙:麦迪文的钥匙\n钥匙:黑色骨灰 (夜之魇)",
general = "阵营:紫罗兰之眼",
dtl1 = { text = "前门入口 1", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "前门入口 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "哈斯汀斯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
2198,7 → 2118,6
displayname = "祖阿曼",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Ghostlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "幽魂之地",
levels = "70",
2206,7 → 2125,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ghostlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "纳洛拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(野熊)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "埃基尔松", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
2226,7 → 2145,6
displayname = "风暴要塞 - 风暴之眼",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "风暴要塞",
levels = "69-72",
2234,7 → 2152,7
prereq = "钥匙:风暴钥匙",
general = "阵营:沙塔尔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "奥", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "空灵机甲", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
2262,7 → 2180,6
displayname = "魔导师平台",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "奎尔丹纳斯岛",
levels = "69-72",
2270,9 → 2187,10
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "塞林·火心", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "邪能水晶", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "塔雷斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
2294,7 → 2212,6
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "奎尔丹纳斯岛",
levels = "69-72",
2302,7 → 2219,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "卡雷苟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "腐蚀者萨索瓦尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
2337,7 → 2254,6
displayname = "岩石大厅",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\StoneHalls",
location = "风暴峭壁",
levels = "80",
2345,7 → 2261,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.5625, 41.0156} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "悲伤圣女", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.85, 81.7} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HallsofStone", },
dtl3 = { text = "克莱斯塔卢斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.1094, 58.3984} }, symbol = { "2" },
2361,7 → 2277,6
displayname = "乌特加德之巅",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardePinnacle",
location = "嚎风峡湾",
levels = "80",
2369,7 → 2284,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36.91, 7.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Brigg Smallshanks", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {36.91, 13.33} }, symbol = { "Q" },
tooltiptxt = "Quests : \n Junk in My Trunk\n Vengeance Be Mine!", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "席瓦拉·索格蕾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.94, 78.515} }, symbol = { "1" },
2389,7 → 2304,6
displayname = "魔枢",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Nexus",
location = "北风苔原",
levels = "71-73",
2397,7 → 2311,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.63, 86.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "塑树者奥莫洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.47, 71.85} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl3 = { text = "大魔导师泰蕾丝塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.55, 41.74} }, symbol = { "2" },
2406,8 → 2320,6
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl5 = { text = "克莉斯塔萨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.91, 67.02} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusKeristraszaHEROIC", },
dtl6 = { text = "Commander Stoutbeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35.7, 43.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusHEROIC", leaveGap = 1, },
{ name = "安卡雷:古代王国", -- Ahn'Kahet
2415,7 → 2327,6
displayname = "安卡雷:古代王国",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AhnkahetTOK",
location = "龙骨荒野",
levels = "73-75",
2423,7 → 2334,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87.304, 71.875} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "纳多克斯长老", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 40.43} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl3 = { text = "Ancient Nerubian Device", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56.836, 35.9375} }, symbol = { "{}" },
2436,8 → 2347,6
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl7 = { text = "传令官沃拉兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.273, 54.883} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl8 = { text = "埃曼尼塔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.7, 66.8} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄模式)", lootid = "AhnkahetHEROIC", },
{ name = "黑曜石圣殿", -- The Obsidian Sanctum
2445,7 → 2354,6
displayname = "黑曜石圣殿",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\CoAB",
location = "Wyrmrest Temple, 龙骨荒野",
levels = "Raid",
2453,7 → 2361,7
prereq = "",
general = "Leave Minibosses alive for a tougher Sartharion fight\n and better loot",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.65, 49.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "维斯匹隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.96, 55.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "塔尼布隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.67, 46.30} }, symbol = { "1" },
2469,15 → 2377,14
displayname = "达克萨隆要塞 Lower",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonLower",
location = "灰熊丘陵",
location = "嚎风峡湾",
levels = "74-76",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10.26, 84.65} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "托尔戈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.13, 25.11} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "召唤者诺沃斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.46, 54.22} }, symbol = { "2" },
2485,26 → 2392,24
dtl4 = { text = "暴龙之王爵德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.4, 79.42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl5 = { text = "达克萨隆要塞 Upper", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.93, 68.95} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "达克萨隆要塞 2", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "达克萨隆要塞 Upper", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl6 = { text = "Splash down from Upper", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "达克萨隆要塞 2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "达克萨隆要塞 Upper" },
{ name = "达克萨隆要塞 2", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
{ name = "达克萨隆要塞 Upper", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
displayname = "达克萨隆要塞 2",
displayname = "达克萨隆要塞 Upper",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "达克萨隆要塞",
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonUpper",
location = "灰熊丘陵",
location = "嚎风峡湾",
levels = "74-76",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "达克萨隆要塞 Lower", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.93, 68.95} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills", toMap = "达克萨隆要塞", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "达克萨隆要塞", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "暴龙之王爵德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.4, 79.42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "先知萨隆亚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.6, 19.87} }, symbol = { "4" },
2518,7 → 2423,6
displayname = "古达克",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "ZulDrak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GunDrak",
location = "祖达克",
levels = "74-77",
2526,7 → 2430,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31.055, 36.328}, {70.3125, 36.328} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ZulDrak", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "斯拉德兰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62.695, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Gundrak", },
dtl3 = { text = "莫拉比", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.672, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
2542,7 → 2446,6
displayname = "魔环",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oculus",
location = "北风苔原",
levels = "80",
2550,7 → 2453,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.64, 52.67} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43.43, 52.36}, {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "审讯者达库斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "1" },
2574,7 → 2477,6
displayname = "闪电大厅",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HoL",
location = "风暴峭壁",
levels = "77-79",
2582,7 → 2484,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.4, 38.086} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "比亚格里将军", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.1, 46.29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HoLGjarngrin", },
dtl3 = { text = "沃尔坎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.797, 37.89} }, symbol = { "2" },
2598,7 → 2500,6
displayname = "Vault of Archavon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Archavon",
location = "冬拥湖",
levels = "77-79",
2606,7 → 2507,7
prereq = "Faction must claim victory in Lake 冬拥湖",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {39.6, 97.656} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Archavon the Stone Watcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.6, 10.9375} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
2616,7 → 2517,6
displayname = "乌特加德城堡",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep",
location = "嚎风峡湾",
levels = "70-72",
2624,7 → 2524,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.16, 69.14} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "凯雷塞斯王子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.578, 61.914} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "乌特加德城堡 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
2636,8 → 2536,6
displayname = "乌特加德城堡 2",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "乌特加德城堡",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep1",
location = "嚎风峡湾",
levels = "70-72",
2645,7 → 2543,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "乌特加德城堡", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "乌特加德城堡", },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "乌特加德城堡", },
dtl2 = { text = "建筑师斯卡瓦尔德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.133, 76.76} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "Dalronn the Controller", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.133, 76.76} }, symbol = { " " },
2659,7 → 2557,6
displayname = "尼鲁布",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerub",
location = "龙骨荒野",
levels = "72-74",
2667,7 → 2564,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.75, 63.28} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "看门者克里克希尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.53, 42.773} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
dtl3 = { text = "哈多诺克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.234, 42.773} }, symbol = { "2" },
2681,8 → 2578,6
displayname = "尼鲁布 Lower",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "尼鲁布",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerubLower",
location = "龙骨荒野",
levels = "72-74",
2690,7 → 2585,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "尼鲁布", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {25.39, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", toMap = "尼鲁布", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "尼鲁布", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "阿努巴拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 48.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
2700,31 → 2595,30
displayname = "紫罗兰监狱",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dalaran",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "达拉然",
levels = "77-79",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 93.9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toWorldMap = "Dalaran", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 74.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "艾库隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.1, 24.3} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl4 = { text = "谢沃兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Lower", },
dtl5 = { text = "湮灭者祖拉玛特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Upper", },
dtl6 = { text = "摩拉格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.6, 44.9} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl7 = { text = "埃雷克姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.6, 54} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl8 = { text = "拉文索尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "塞安妮苟萨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "第18波", },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "_" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "塞安妮苟萨", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl4 = { text = "谢沃兹", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl5 = { text = "摩拉格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl6 = { text = "埃雷克姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl7 = { text = "湮灭者祖拉玛特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl8 = { text = "拉文索尔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl9 = { text = "艾库隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "永恒之眼", -- The Eye of Eternity -- probably not worth including
2732,7 → 2626,6
displayname = "永恒之眼",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "北风苔原",
levels = "80",
2740,7 → 2633,7
prereq = "Key drops from Saphiron (Naxxramus)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "玛里苟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.406, 27.93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Malygos", },
2760,13 → 2653,11
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "时光之穴 - 净化斯坦索姆", -- Oldstratholme
{ name = "净化斯坦索姆", -- Oldstratholme
displayname = "时光之穴 - 净化斯坦索姆",
displayname = "净化斯坦索姆",
displayshort = "CoT4",
continent = 1,
toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oldstrat", -- Oldstratholme
location = "时光之穴",
levels = "",
2774,7 → 2665,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.85, 97.81} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Chromie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98.95, 94.12} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver:\n Dispelling Illusions", },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.01, 77.53}, {51.06, 98.55} }, symbol = { "P", },
1,4 → 1,4
-- localization.lua
15,15 → 15,15
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "Ashenvale (14, 14)",
levels = "20-35",
players = "5",
players = "5/10",
prereq = "",
general = "Some underwater sections",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ghamoo-ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
60,7 → 60,7
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "Blackrock Mountain",
levels = "48-60",
68,7 → 68,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lord Roccor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Elemental", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Interrogator Gerstahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
135,7 → 135,7
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "Blackrock Mountain",
levels = "52-61",
143,7 → 143,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Blacrock Spire (Upper)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
214,7 → 214,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Blackrock Spire (Lower)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
265,7 → 265,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Spire (Upper)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
321,7 → 321,7
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "54-61",
329,9 → 329,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance : Broken Commons", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entrance : Eldereth Row", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entrance : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
378,7 → 378,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Dire Maul(West)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul West" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
419,7 → 419,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Dire Maul (North)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Dire Maul North", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Stairs", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
455,7 → 455,7
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
463,9 → 463,9
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance (Clockwerk Run)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Rear Entrance (Workshop)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Viscous Fallout", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
499,7 → 499,7
displayname = "Maraudon",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-58",
507,9 → 507,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entrance (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entrance (Purple)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entrance (Portal)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
545,8 → 545,8
displayname = "Molten Core",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Blackrock Depths",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
toMap = "Blackrock Depths",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "Blackrock Depths",
levels = "60+",
554,7 → 554,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Blackrock Depths", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackrock Depths", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lucifron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humanoid", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "Magmadar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
585,7 → 585,7
displayname = "Naxxramas",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "80",
650,7 → 650,7
displayname = "Onyxia's Lair",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Dustwallow",
toWorldMap = "Dustwallow",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "Dustwallow Marsh (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
672,7 → 672,7
displayname = "Ragefire Chasm",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar",
toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "Orgrimmar",
levels = "13-22",
695,7 → 695,7
displayname = "Razorfen Downs",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "Southern Barrens (48, 88)",
levels = "33-47",
729,7 → 729,7
displayname = "Razorfen Kraul",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "Southern Barrens (42, 86)",
levels = "24-40",
767,7 → 767,7
displayname = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
818,7 → 818,7
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "Tirisfal Glades (83.6, 34)",
levels = "29-45",
826,7 → 826,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Graveyard Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Ironspine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "Azshir the Sleepless", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
864,7 → 864,7
displayname = "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
912,7 → 912,7
displayname = "The Deadmines",
continent = 2,
toMap = "The Deadmines"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "Westfall (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
920,9 → 920,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", toMap = "The Deadmines"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Deadmines"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", toWorldMap = "Westfall", },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Rhahk'Zor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 58} }, symbol = { "1" },
951,7 → 951,7
displayname = "The Stockade",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stormwind",
toWorldMap = "Stormwind",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "Stormwind City",
levels = "22-30",
982,7 → 982,7
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "Swamp of Sorrows (70, 53)",
levels = "44-60",
990,7 → 990,7
prereq = "",
general = "Also called Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Stairs at Entrance to Lower", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Stairs at Entrance to Mid", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
1032,7 → 1032,7
displayname = "Uldaman",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "The Badlands (44, 12)",
levels = "35-52",
1040,9 → 1040,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "Click to open Uldaman Exterior Map", toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "Click to open Uldaman Exterior Map", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Rear Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Baelog", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite" },
dtl4 = { text = "Remains of a Paladin", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
1077,7 → 1077,7
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "The Barrens (46, 36)",
levels = "15-28",
1085,7 → 1085,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Disciple of Naralex", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
1119,7 → 1119,7
displayname = "Zul'Farrak",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "Tanaris (37, 15)",
levels = "43-54",
1165,7 → 1165,7
displayname = "Zul'Gurub",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",
toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "Stranglethorn Vale (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
1216,7 → 1216,7
displayname = "Scholomance",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands",
toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "Western Plaguelands (69, 73)",
levels = "56-61",
1281,7 → 1281,7
displayname = "Stratholme",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands",
toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "Eastern Plaguelands (30, 12)",
levels = "56-61",
1351,7 → 1351,7
displayname = "Shadowfang Keep",
displayshort = "SFK",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "Silverpine Forest (45, 67)",
levels = "18-32",
1401,7 → 1401,7
displayname = "HC: Ramparts",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HellfireRampart
location = "Hellfire Peninsula",
levels = "60-62",
1513,7 → 1513,7
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "Zangarmarsh",
levels = "62-64",
1521,7 → 1521,7
prereq = "Key: Reservoir Key (Heroic)",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu the Betrayer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "Weeder Greenthumb", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
1550,7 → 1550,7
prereq = "Key: Reservoir Key (Heroic)",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "The Underspore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
1581,7 → 1581,7
prereq = "Key: Reservoir Key (Heroic)",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydromancer Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Main Chamber Access Panel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
1614,7 → 1614,7
prereq = "",
general = "Coilfang Reservoir\nRequires Attunement\nRep: Cenarion Expedition",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydross the Unstable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "The Lurker Below", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1639,7 → 1639,7
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "Terokkar Forest",
levels = "64-66",
1647,7 → 1647,7
prereq = "Key: The Eye of Haramad (Exalted, Yor)\nKey: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: The Consortium",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Pandemonius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "Shadow Lord Xiraxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
1682,7 → 1682,7
prereq = "Key: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: Lower City",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Shirrak the Dead Watcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "Exarch Maladaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
1709,7 → 1709,7
prereq = "Key: Essence-Infused Moonstone (Anzu)\nKey: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: Lower City",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Darkweaver Syth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "Lakka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
1738,7 → 1738,7
prereq = "Key: Shadow Labyrinth Key\nKey: Auchenai Key (Heroic)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRep: Lower City",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spy To'gun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Ambassador Hellmaw", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
1762,7 → 1762,7
displayname = "Gruul's Lair",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains",
toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "Blade's Edge Mountain",
levels = "70+",
1790,7 → 1790,7
displayname = "Black Temple",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley",
toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "Shadowmoon Valley",
levels = "70",
1864,7 → 1864,7
displayname = "TK: The Mechanar",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "Netherstorm",
levels = "69-72",
1997,7 → 1997,7
displayshort = "CoT1",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "66-68",
2005,7 → 2005,7
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: Key of Time (Heroic)",
general = "Tanaris\nEvent: Escape from Durnholde Keep\nRep: Keepers of Time",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Erozion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Brazen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
2050,7 → 2050,7
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: Key of Time (Heroic)",
general = "Tanaris\nEvent: Opening of the Dark Portal\nRep: Keepers of Time",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Sa'at", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Sa'at", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spawn Points", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Chrono Lord Deja", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
2069,7 → 2069,7
displayshort = "CoT3",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "70+",
2077,7 → 2077,7
prereq = "Attunement Required\n",
general = "Tanaris\nEvent: The Battle for Mount Hyjal\nRep: The Scale of the Sands",
dtl1 = { text = "Alliance Base", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(Lady Jaina Proudmoore)" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(Lady Jaina Proudmoore)" },
dtl2 = { text = "Horde Base", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Thrall)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Night Elf Base", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
2091,11 → 2091,11
dtl7 = { text = "Azgalor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = ""},
dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = ""},
-- dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Karazhan", -- Karazhan
2112,9 → 2112,9
prereq = "Attunement Required\nKey: The Master's Key\nKey: Blackened Urn (Nightbane)",
general = "Rep: The Violet Eye",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Back Entrance", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hastings", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "The Caretaker" },
dtl4 = { text = "Berthold", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
2220,7 → 2220,7
displayname = "Zul'Aman",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Ghostlands",
toWorldMap = "Ghostlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "Ghostlands",
levels = "70",
2248,7 → 2248,7
displayname = "Magister's Terrace",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "Isle of Quel'Danas",
levels = "70",
2326,7 → 2326,7
displayname = "Halls of Stone",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\StoneHalls",
location = "Storm Peaks",
levels = "80",
2352,7 → 2352,7
displayname = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardePinnacle",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "80",
2380,7 → 2380,7
displayname = "The Nexus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Nexus",
location = "Borean Tundra",
levels = "71-73",
2406,7 → 2406,7
displayname = "Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AhnkahetTOK",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "73-75",
2436,7 → 2436,7
displayname = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\CoAB",
location = "Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight",
levels = "Raid",
2460,7 → 2460,7
displayname = "Drak'Tharon Keep Lower",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonLower",
location = "Grizzly Hills",
levels = "74-76",
2509,7 → 2509,7
displayname = "Gun'Drak",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "ZulDrak",
toWorldMap = "ZulDrak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GunDrak",
location = "Zul'Drak",
levels = "74-77",
2533,7 → 2533,7
displayname = "The Oculus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oculus",
location = "Borean Tundra",
levels = "80",
2565,7 → 2565,7
displayname = "Halls of Lightning",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HoL",
location = "Storm Peaks",
levels = "77-79",
2589,7 → 2589,7
displayname = "Vault of Archavon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp",
toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Archavon",
location = "Wintergrasp",
levels = "77-79",
2607,7 → 2607,7
displayname = "Utgarde Keep",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "70-72",
2650,7 → 2650,7
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerub",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "72-74",
2691,7 → 2691,7
displayname = "Violet Hold",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dalaran",
toWorldMap = "Dalaran",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\VH",
location = "Dalaran",
levels = "77-79",
2714,7 → 2714,7
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl8 = { text = "Lavanthor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "18" },
dtl9 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 46.8} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "18th Wave", },
2723,7 → 2723,7
displayname = "The Eye of Eternity",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Borean Tundra",
levels = "80",
2741,7 → 2741,7
displayname = "Ulduar",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Storm Peaks",
levels = "77-79",
2757,8 → 2757,8
displayname = "CoT: The Culling of Stratholme",
displayshort = "CoT4",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oldstrat", -- Oldstratholme
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "80",
2766,7 → 2766,7
prereq = "",
general = "The Culling of Stratholme",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.85, 97.81} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Chromie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98.95, 94.12} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver:\n Dispelling Illusions", },
dtl3 = { text = "Leads to...", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.01, 77.53}, {51.06, 98.55} }, symbol = { "P", },
50,16 → 50,14
displayname = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "Orneval (14, 14)",
levels = "20-35",
levels = "20-28",
players = "5",
prereq = "",
general = "Some underwater sections",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ghamoo-ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
96,7 → 94,6
displayname = "Hache-Tripes - Enti\195\168re",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
119,8 → 116,6
displayname = "Hache-Tripes (Est)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
128,9 → 123,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
169,8 → 164,6
displayname = "Hache-Tripes (Nord)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
178,7 → 171,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Hache-Tripes(Ouest)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Ouest" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
211,8 → 204,6
displayname = "Hache-Tripes (Ouest)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
220,7 → 211,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Hache-Tripes (Nord)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Hache-Tripes Nord", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Escaliers", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
256,7 → 247,6
displayname = "Maraudon",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
264,9 → 254,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Entr\195\169e (Pourpre)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Entr\195\169e (Portail)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
302,7 → 292,6
displayname = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Dustwallow",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "Mar\195\169cage d\'Aprefange (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
310,7 → 299,7
prereq = "Requires Drakefire Amulet\n(Complete quest in UBRS to kill General Drakkisath)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dustwallow", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Gardiens Onyxian", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Draconien" },
dtl3 = { text = "Oeufs", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
325,14 → 314,13
displayname = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Orgrimmar",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm",
location = "Orgrimmar",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Orgrimmar", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Maur Grimtotem", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Satchel Quest" },
dtl3 = { text = "Taragaman l'Affam\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
349,7 → 337,6
displayname = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "Les Tarides (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
357,7 → 344,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Tuten'kash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
384,7 → 371,6
displayname = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "Les Tarides (42, 86)",
levels = "23-31",
392,7 → 378,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Roogug", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Humano\195\175de" },
dtl3 = { text = "Aggem Thorncurse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
423,7 → 409,6
displayname = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
431,7 → 416,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kurinnaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss & Elites", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="G\195\169n\195\169ral de division Andorov,\n&Quatre \195\169lites kaldorei", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
476,7 → 461,6
displayname = "Le temple d'Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
484,7 → 468,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Arygos\n& Caelestrasz\n& Merithra of the Dream", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Andorgos\n& Vethsera\n& Kandrostrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
527,8 → 511,6
displayname = "Cavernes des lamentations",
displayshort = "Lams",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "Les Tarides (46, 36)",
levels = "16-24",
536,7 → 518,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Disciple of Naralex", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
571,7 → 553,6
displayname = "Zul'Farrak",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "Tanaris (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
579,7 → 560,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zerillis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Humano\195\175de", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sandarr Dunereaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
618,8 → 599,6
displayname = "GdT: Contreforts de Hautebrande d'antan",
displayshort = "GdT1",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "Les Grottes du Temps",
levels = "",
627,7 → 606,7
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nObjet : Grottes du Temps (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Tanaris\nEv\195\168nement : L'\195\169vasion du Fort-de-Durn\nR\195\169put : Gardiens du Temps",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Erozion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Airain", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
664,8 → 643,6
displayname = "GT: Noir Marécage",
displayshort = "GT2",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "Les Grottes du Temps",
levels = "",
673,7 → 650,7
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nClé du Temps (Héroïque)",
general = "Tanaris\nEv\195\168nement : Ouverture de la Porte des T\195\169n\195\168bresz\nR\195\169put : Gardiens du Temps",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "Sa'at", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "Sa'at", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Points d'apparition", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Chronoseigneur D\195\169j\195\160", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
692,8 → 669,6
displayname = "GT: La Bataille du mont Hyjal",
displayshort = "GT3",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "Les Grottes du Temps",
levels = "70",
714,12 → 689,12
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalKazrogal" },
dtl7 = { text = "Azgalor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
--dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
--tooltiptxt = "" },
--dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
--tooltiptxt = "" },
732,8 → 707,6
displayname = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "Mont Rochenoire",
levels = "52-60",
741,7 → 714,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Seigneur Roccor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite `", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "Grand Interrogateur Gerstahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
808,8 → 781,6
displayname = "Pic de Rochenoire (Inf\195\169rieur)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "Mont Rochenoire",
levels = "53-60",
817,7 → 788,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
878,8 → 849,6
displayname = "Pic Rochenoire (Supérieur)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS",
location = "Mont Rochenoire",
levels = "53-60",
887,7 → 856,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Pic Rochenoire (Inf\195\169rieur)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
930,8 → 899,6
displayname = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "Pic Rochenoire",
levels = "60+",
939,7 → 906,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Pic Rochenoire (Sup\195\169rieur)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
971,8 → 938,6
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "24-40",
980,9 → 945,9
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
dtl1 = { text = "Front Entrance (Clockwerk Run)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Rear Entrance (Workshop)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Retomb\195\169es Visqueuses", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
1017,8 → 982,6
displayname = "C\197\147ur du Magma",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore", -- Molten Core
location = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
levels = "60+",
1026,7 → 989,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lucifron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Humano\195\175de", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "Magmadar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
1058,7 → 1021,6
displayname = "Naxxramas",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Stratholme",
levels = "60+",
1114,9 → 1076,7
dtl24 = { text = "Kel'Thuzard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Repaire De Frostwyrm", lootid = "Naxx80KelThuzad", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl25 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl26 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 }
-- Scarlet Monastery
1125,8 → 1085,6
displayname = "Monastère Écarlate",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "Clairi\195\168re de Tirisfal (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
1134,7 → 1092,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Cimeti\195\168re - Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Monast\195\168re \195\169carlate"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Ironspine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Mort-vivant\nCimeti\195\168re", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "Azshir le Sans-sommeil", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
1172,8 → 1130,6
displayname = "Les Mortemines",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Les Mortemines"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "Marche de l'Ouest (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
1181,7 → 1137,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", toMap = "Les Mortemines"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Les Mortemines"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
1213,7 → 1169,6
displayname = "La Prison",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stormwind",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "Hurlevent",
levels = "24-32",
1221,7 → 1176,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stormwind", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Targorr le Terrifiant", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
1244,8 → 1199,6
displayname = "Le Temple Englouti",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Le Temple Englouti"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "Marais des Chagrins (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
1253,7 → 1206,7
prereq = "",
general = "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Le Temple Englouti"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Le Temple Englouti"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Escaliers \195\160 Niveau Plus bas", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Escaliers", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
1295,8 → 1248,6
displayname = "Uldaman",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "Terres ingrates (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
1304,7 → 1255,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Avant-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Arri\195\168re-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Baelog", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
1341,7 → 1292,6
displayname = "Zul'Gurub",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "Vall\195\169e de Strangleronce (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
1349,7 → 1299,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Eaux troubles et agit\195\169es", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Grande Pr\195\170tresse Jeklik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
1395,7 → 1345,6
displayname = "Scholomance",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "Maleterres de l'Ouest (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
1403,7 → 1352,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
1461,7 → 1410,6
displayname = "Stratholme",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "Maleterres de l'Est (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
1469,9 → 1417,9
prereq = "",
general = "C\195\180t\195\169-Entr\195\169e \195\160 EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "Avant-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "C\195\180t\195\169-Entr\195\169e", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de Fras Siabi", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Boite aux lettres de la Place du Roi", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
1532,7 → 1480,6
displayname = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
displayshort = "",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "For\195\170t des Pins Argent\195\169s (45, 67)",
levels = "17-25",
1540,7 → 1487,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silverpine", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Remparts", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
1583,8 → 1530,6
displayname = "Karazahn",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "Deadwind Pass",
levels = "70",
1592,9 → 1537,9
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nObjet : La cl\195\169 du maître\nObjet : Urne noircie (Plaie-de-nuit)",
general = "R\195\169put : L'Œil pourpre",
dtl1 = { text = "Entr\195\169e principale", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Entr\195\169e de derri\195\168re", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hastings", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Le gardien" },
dtl4 = { text = "Berthold", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
1699,7 → 1644,6
displayname = "Zul'Aman",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Ghostlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "Terres Fant\195\180mes",
levels = "70",
1707,7 → 1651,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ghostlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Nalorakk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Ours)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Akil'zon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
1728,7 → 1672,6
displayname = "Terrasse des Magist\195\168res",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "Île de Quel’Danas",
levels = "69-72",
1736,7 → 1679,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Selin Coeur-de-feu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
--dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
1764,7 → 1707,6
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "Île de Quel’Danas",
levels = "69-72",
1772,7 → 1714,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kalecgos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sathrovarr le Corrupteur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
1812,7 → 1754,6
displayname = "Remparts des Flammes infernales",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HCRampart
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "60-62",
1820,7 → 1761,7
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Gardien des guetteurs Gargolmar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "Omor l'Intouch\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
1839,7 → 1780,6
displayname = "La Fournaise du sang",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "61-63",
1847,7 → 1787,7
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Le Faiseur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broggok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1862,7 → 1802,6
displayname = "Les Salles bris\195\169es",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "70-72",
1870,7 → 1809,7
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Randy Vizirouage", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Alliance, H\195\169roïque)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Drisella", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
1907,7 → 1846,6
displayname = "Le repaire de Magtheridon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
levels = "70",
1915,7 → 1853,7
prereq = "Cl\195\169 : Cl\195\169 en flammes forg\195\169es (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169put : Thrallmar (Horde)\nR\195\169put : Bastion de l'honneur (Alliance)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Magtheridon", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
1926,8 → 1864,6
displayname = "Les enclos aux esclaves",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "62-64",
1935,7 → 1871,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu le Traître", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "Weeder la Main-verte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
1957,8 → 1893,6
displayname = "La Basse-tourbi\195\168re",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "63-65",
1966,7 → 1900,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "Palme de sporielle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
1989,8 → 1923,6
displayname = "Le Caveau de la vapeur",
displayshort = "CV",
continent = 3,
toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "70-72",
1998,7 → 1930,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydromancienne Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Panneau d'acc\195\168s de la salle principale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
2023,8 → 1955,6
displayname = "Sanctuaire du Serpent",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
levels = "70",
2032,7 → 1962,7
prereq = "",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydross l'Instable", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "Le R\195\180deur d'En-bas", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
2057,8 → 1987,6
displayname = "Cryptes d'Auchena\195\175",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "64-66",
2066,7 → 1994,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 Auchena\195\175 (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Ville basse",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Shirrak le Veillemort", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "Exarque Maladaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
2085,8 → 2013,6
displayname = "Labyrinthe des Ombres",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "65-67",
2094,7 → 2020,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du labyrinthe des ombres\nObjet : Cl\195\169 Auchena\195\175 (H\195\169ro\195\175que)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Ville basse",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Espion To'gun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Ambassadeur Gueule-d'enfer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
2119,8 → 2045,6
displayname = "Les salles de Sethekk",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "67-69",
2128,7 → 2052,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 Auchenaï (H\195\169roïque)\nObjet : Pierre de lune impr\195\169gn\195\169e d'essence (Anzu)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Ville basse",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Tisseur d'ombre Syth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "Lakka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
2149,8 → 2073,6
displayname = "Tombes-mana",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
levels = "70-72",
2158,7 → 2080,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 Auchena\195\175 (H\195\169roïque)\nObjet : L'Oeil d'Haramad (Exalt\195\169, Yor)",
general = "Auchindoun\nR\195\169put : Le Consortium",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Pandemonius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "Seigneur des t\195\169n\195\168bres Xiraxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
2185,7 → 2107,6
displayname = "Le repaire de Gruul",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "Les Tranchantes",
levels = "65-68",
2193,7 → 2114,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "High King Maulgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Kiggler le Cingl\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
2214,7 → 2135,6
displayname = "Temple noir",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "Vall\195\169e d'Ombrelune",
levels = "67-70",
2222,29 → 2142,29
prereq = "Harmonisation requise\nObjet : M\195\169daillon de Karabor",
general = "R\195\169put : Ligemort Cendrelangue",
dtl1 = { text = "Temple Noir (D\195\169but)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Temple Noir (Haut)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Temple Noir (Sous-sol)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {7.62, 77.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Esprit d'Olum", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Grand seigneur de guerre Naj'entus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Supremus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ombre d'Akama", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "Esprit d'Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Aluyen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Composants)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Okuno", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Intendant des ligemorts cendrelangue" },
dtl12 = { text = "Voyant Kanai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl5 = { text = "Esprit d'Olum", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {7.23, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl6 = { text = "Grand seigneur de guerre Naj'entus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24.8, 56.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTNajentus" },
dtl7 = { text = "Supremus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21.29, 45.12} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTSupremus" },
dtl8 = { text = "Ombre d'Akama", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33.59, 63.09} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTAkama" },
dtl9 = { text = "Esprit d'Udalo", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Aluyen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Composants)" },
dtl11 = { text = "Okuno", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Intendant des ligemorts cendrelangue" },
dtl12 = { text = "Voyant Kanai", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46.88, 44.53} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl13 = { text = "Vers Teron Fielsang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 51.76}, {79.1, 78.32} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl14 = { text = "Vers Reliquaire des âmes", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {48.83, 37.5}, {84.18, 67.38} }, symbol = { "P" },
2275,12 → 2195,12
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Mage)" },
dtl27 = { text = "Veras Ombrenoir", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {79.1, 25.59} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Voleur)" },
dtl28 = { text = "Illidan Hurlorage", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" },
dtl28 = { text = "Illidan Hurlorage", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.18, 36.13} }, symbol = { "11" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTIllidanStormrage", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl29 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTPatterns" },
dtl30 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "BTTrash" }
-- The Mechanar
2289,7 → 2209,6
displayname = "Le M\195\169chanar",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "69-72",
2297,7 → 2216,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 dimensionnelle (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te\nR\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Gardien de porte Gyro-Meurtre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gardien de porte Main-en-fer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
2322,7 → 2241,6
displayname = "La Botanica",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "70-72",
2330,7 → 2248,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 dimensionnelle (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te\nR\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Commander Sarannis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Botanist Freywinn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
2351,7 → 2269,6
displayname = "L'Arcatraz",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "70-72",
2359,7 → 2276,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 de l'Arcatraz\nObjet : Cl\195\169 dimensionnelle (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te\nR\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zereketh le D\195\169li\195\169", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gardien du troisi\195\168me fragment", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
2388,7 → 2305,6
displayname = "DT : L\39\197\146il",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
levels = "69-72",
2396,7 → 2312,7
prereq = "Objet : La cl\195\169 de la Tempête",
general = "R\195\169put : Les Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Al'ar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Saccageur du Vide", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
2425,7 → 2341,6
displayname = "Les salles de Pierre",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\StoneHalls",
location = "Les pics foudroyés",
levels = "80",
2433,7 → 2348,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.5625, 41.0156} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Damoiselle de peine", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.85, 81.7} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HallsofStone", },
dtl3 = { text = "Krystallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.1094, 58.3984} }, symbol = { "2" },
2449,7 → 2364,6
displayname = "Cime d'Utgarde",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardePinnacle",
location = "Fjord hurlant",
levels = "80",
2457,7 → 2371,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36.91, 7.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Brigg Smallshanks", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {36.91, 13.33} }, symbol = { "Q" },
tooltiptxt = "Quests : \n Junk in My Trunk\n Vengeance Be Mine!", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "Svala Tristetombe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.94, 78.515} }, symbol = { "1" },
2477,7 → 2391,6
displayname = "Le Nexus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Nexus",
location = "Toundra boréenne",
levels = "71-73",
2485,7 → 2398,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.63, 86.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Ormorok le Sculpte-arbre", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.47, 71.85} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl3 = { text = "Grand Magus Telestra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.55, 41.74} }, symbol = { "2" },
2494,8 → 2407,6
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl5 = { text = "Keristrasza", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.91, 67.02} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusKeristraszaHEROIC", },
dtl6 = { text = "Commander Stoutbeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35.7, 43.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusHEROIC", leaveGap = 1, },
{ name = "Ahn'Kahet", -- Ahn'Kahet
2503,7 → 2414,6
displayname = "Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AhnkahetTOK",
location = "La désolation des dragons",
levels = "73-75",
2511,7 → 2421,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87.304, 71.875} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Ancien Nadox", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 40.43} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl3 = { text = "Ancient Nerubian Device", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56.836, 35.9375} }, symbol = { "{}" },
2524,8 → 2434,6
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl7 = { text = "Héraut Volazj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.273, 54.883} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl8 = { text = "Amanitar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.7, 66.8} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroic)", lootid = "AhnkahetHEROIC", },
{ name = "Chambres des Aspects", -- The Obsidian Sanctum
2533,7 → 2441,6
displayname = "Chambres des Aspects",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\CoAB",
location = "Wyrmrest Temple, La désolation des dragons",
levels = "Raid",
2541,7 → 2448,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.65, 49.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Vesperon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.96, 55.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Tenebron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.67, 46.30} }, symbol = { "1" },
2557,7 → 2464,6
displayname = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon Inf\195\169rieur",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonLower",
location = "Fjord hurlant",
levels = "74-76",
2565,7 → 2471,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10.26, 84.65} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Trollétripe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.13, 25.11} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "Novos l'Invocateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.46, 54.22} }, symbol = { "2" },
2583,7 → 2489,6
displayname = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon Sup\195\169rieur",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonUpper",
location = "Fjord hurlant",
levels = "74-76",
2605,7 → 2510,6
displayname = "Gun'Drak",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "ZulDrak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GunDrak",
location = "Zul'Drak",
levels = "74-77",
2613,7 → 2517,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31.055, 36.328}, {70.3125, 36.328} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ZulDrak", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Slad'ran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62.695, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Gundrak", },
dtl3 = { text = "Moorabi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.672, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
2629,7 → 2533,6
displayname = "L'Oculus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oculus",
location = "Toundra boréenne",
levels = "80",
2637,7 → 2540,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.64, 52.67} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43.43, 52.36}, {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "Drakos l'Interrogateur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "1" },
2661,7 → 2564,6
displayname = "Les salles de Foudre",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HoL",
location = "Les pics foudroyés",
levels = "77-79",
2669,7 → 2571,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.4, 38.086} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Général Bjarngrim", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.1, 46.29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HoLGjarngrin", },
dtl3 = { text = "Volkhan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.797, 37.89} }, symbol = { "2" },
2685,7 → 2587,6
displayname = "Vault d'Archavon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Archavon",
location = "Joug-d'hiver",
levels = "77-79",
2693,7 → 2594,7
prereq = "Faction must claim victory in Lake Wintergrasp",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {39.6, 97.656} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Archavon the Stone Watcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.6, 10.9375} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
2703,7 → 2604,6
displayname = "Donjon d'Utgarde",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep",
location = "Fjord hurlant",
levels = "70-72",
2711,7 → 2611,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.16, 69.14} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Prince Keleseth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.578, 61.914} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "Donjon d'Utgarde 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
2723,7 → 2623,6
displayname = "Donjon d'Utgarde 2",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Donjon d'Utgarde",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep1",
location = "Fjord hurlant",
levels = "70-72",
2745,7 → 2644,6
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerub",
location = "La désolation des dragons",
levels = "72-74",
2753,7 → 2651,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.75, 63.28} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Krik'thir le Gardien de porte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.53, 42.773} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
dtl3 = { text = "Hadronox", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.234, 42.773} }, symbol = { "2" },
2767,8 → 2665,6
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub Inf\195\169rieur",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Azjol-Nerub",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerubLower",
location = "La désolation des dragons",
levels = "72-74",
2776,7 → 2672,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Azjol-Nerub", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {25.39, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", toMap = "Azjol-Nerub", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Azjol-Nerub", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Anub'arak", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 48.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
2786,31 → 2682,28
displayname = "Le Fort pourpre",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dalaran",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Dalaran",
levels = "77-79",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 93.9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dalaran", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 74.9} }, symbol = { "W" },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Ichoron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.1, 24.3} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl4 = { text = "Xevozz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Lower", },
dtl5 = { text = "Zuramat the Obliterator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Upper", },
dtl6 = { text = "Moragg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.6, 44.9} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl7 = { text = "Erekem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.6, 54} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl8 = { text = "Lavanthor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "18th Wave", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl4 = { text = "Xevozz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl5 = { text = "Moragg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl6 = { text = "Erekem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl7 = { text = "Zuramot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl8 = { text = "Lavanthor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "L'Œil de l'éternité", -- The Eye of Eternity -- probably not worth including
2818,7 → 2711,6
displayname = "L'Œil de l'éternité",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Toundra boréenne",
levels = "80",
2826,7 → 2718,7
prereq = "Key drops from Saphiron (Naxxramus)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Malygos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.406, 27.93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Malygos", },
2836,7 → 2728,6
displayname = "Ulduar",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Les pics foudroyés",
levels = "77-79",
2844,7 → 2735,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "Oldstratholme", -- Oldstratholme
2852,16 → 2743,14
displayname = "CoT: Old Stratholme",
displayshort = "CoT4",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oldstrat", -- Oldstratholme
location = "Caverns of Time",
levels = "80",
players = "25",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "The Culling of Stratholme",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.85, 97.81} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Chromie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98.95, 94.12} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver:\n Dispelling Illusions", },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.01, 77.53}, {51.06, 98.55} }, symbol = { "P", },
23,8 → 23,6
displayname = "Blackfathom-Tiefen",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Blackfathom-Tiefen"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "Ashenvale (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
32,7 → 30,7
prereq = "",
general = "Some underwater sections",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", toMap = "Blackfathom-Tiefen"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Blackfathom-Tiefen"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Ghamoo-ra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
68,8 → 66,6
displayname = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
displayshort = "BRT",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "52-60",
77,7 → 73,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Lord Roccor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 Elite Elementar", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "Verh\195\182rmeisterin Gerstahn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
143,8 → 139,6
displayname = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Unten)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "53-60",
152,9 → 146,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "Br\195\188cke zum Hochlord Omokk", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 32.1}, {15, 32.1} }, symbol = { "B" },
214,8 → 208,6
displayname = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "Schwarzfels",
levels = "53-60",
223,7 → 215,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Schwarzfels "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Unten)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
265,8 → 257,6
displayname = "Pechschwingenhort",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "Schwarzfelsspitze",
levels = "60+",
274,7 → 264,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze (Oben)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
306,8 → 296,6
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch - Overview",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
330,8 → 318,6
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (Ost)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
339,9 → 325,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang : Die gebrochenen Gemeinlande", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang : Elderethgasse", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Eingang : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
379,8 → 365,6
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (Nord)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
388,7 → 372,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch (West)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch West" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
420,8 → 404,6
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (West)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
429,7 → 411,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch (Nord)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
464,8 → 446,6
displayname = "Gnomeregan",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "Dun Morogh (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
473,9 → 453,9
prereq = "",
general = "Horde access via Teleporter in Booty Bay.\nInitial Quest from Orgrimmar Engineer.",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "Workshop Key Required", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "Z\195\164hfl\195\188ssiger Niederschlag", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.5, 33.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
508,8 → 488,6
displayname = "Maraudon",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "Desolace (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
517,9 → 495,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Orange)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Lila)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Eingang (Portal)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {64, 44}, {39, 31} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
555,8 → 533,6
displayname = "Geschmolzener Kern",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
levels = "60+",
595,7 → 571,6
displayname = "Naxxramas",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Stratholme/\195\150stliche Pestl\195\164nder",
levels = "60+",
651,16 → 626,13
dtl24 = { text = "Kel'Thuzard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Frostwyrm Lair", lootid = "Naxx80KelThuzad", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl25 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl26 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Onyxias Hort", -- Onyxias Hort
displayname = "Onyxias Hort",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Dustwallow",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "Marschen von Dustwallow (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
668,7 → 640,7
prereq = "Requires Drakefire Amulet\n(Complete quest in UBRS to kill General Drakkisath)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dustwallow", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Onyxias Wachen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Dragonkin" },
dtl3 = { text = "Welpeneier", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
682,14 → 654,13
displayname = "Der Flammenschlund",
displayshort = "RF",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "Orgrimmar",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Maur Grimtotem", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Satchel Quest" },
dtl3 = { text = "Taragaman der Hungerleider", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
706,7 → 677,6
displayname = "Die H\195\188gel von Razorfen",
displayshort = "HvR",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "Brachland (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
714,7 → 684,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Tuten'kash", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
740,7 → 710,6
displayname = "Der Kral von Razorfen",
displayshort = "KvR",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "Brachland (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
748,7 → 717,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Roogug", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 Elite Mensch" },
dtl3 = { text = "Aggem Thorncurse", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
778,7 → 747,6
displayname = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
786,10 → 754,10
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kurinnaxx", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss & Elites", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="Generallieutenant Andorov,\n&Fier Kaldorei Elites", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
dtl3 = { text ="Generallieutenant Andorov,\n&Four Kaldorei Elites", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AQ20Andorov" },
dtl4 = { text = "Captain Qeez", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.1, 46.9} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl63 Elite", lootid = "AQ20CAPTIAN" },
830,8 → 798,6
displayname = "Das scharlachrote Kloster",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "Tirisfal (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
839,7 → 805,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang Friedhof", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eisenstachel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 Elite Undead\nGraveyard", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "Azshir der Schlaflose", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
877,7 → 843,6
displayname = "Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "Silithus (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
885,7 → 850,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Arygos\n& Caelestrasz\n& Merithra des Traums", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Andorgos\n& Vethsera\n& Kandrostrasz", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
927,8 → 892,6
displayname = "Die Todesminen",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Die Todesminen"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "Westfall (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
936,7 → 899,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", toMap = "Die Todesminen"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die Todesminen"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
967,7 → 930,6
displayname = "Das Verlies",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stormwind",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "Stormwind",
levels = "24-32",
975,7 → 937,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stormwind", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Targorr der Schreckliche", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
997,8 → 959,6
displayname = "Der versunkene Tempel",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Der versunkene Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "S\195\188mpfe des Elends (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
1006,7 → 966,7
prereq = "",
general = "Tempel Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der versunkene Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der versunkene Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Treppen zum Unten", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Treppen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
1047,8 → 1007,6
displayname = "Uldaman",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "Das \195\150dland (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
1056,9 → 1014,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Baelog", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl41 Elite" },
dtl4 = { text = "\195\156berreste eines Paladins", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {62.8, 63.2} }, symbol = { "2" },
1092,8 → 1050,6
displayname = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "Brachland (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
1101,7 → 1057,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", toMap = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "J\195\188nger von Naralex", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
1135,7 → 1091,6
displayname = "Zul'Farrak",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "Tanaris (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
1143,7 → 1098,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toWorldMap = "Tanaris", },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zerillis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sandarr Dunereaver", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
1181,7 → 1136,6
displayname = "Zul'Gurub",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "Schlingendorntal (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
1189,9 → 1143,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Schlammiges aufgew\195\188hltes Gew\195\164sser", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hohepriesterin Jeklik", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss Mensch", special = "(Bat)", lootid = "ZGJeklik" },
dtl4 = { text = "Hohepriester Venoxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56, 57} }, symbol = { "2" },
1234,7 → 1188,6
displayname = "Scholomance",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "Die westlichen Pestl\195\164nder (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
1242,7 → 1195,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
1299,7 → 1252,6
displayname = "Stratholme",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "Die \195\182stlichen Pestl\195\164nder (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
1307,7 → 1259,7
prereq = "",
general = "Side entrance at EP (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "Haupteingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Seiteneingang", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Fras Siabis Briefkasten", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
1369,7 → 1321,6
displayname = "SBurg Shadowfang",
displayshort = "BSF",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "Silberwald (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
1377,7 → 1328,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silverpine", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zinnen", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
1419,7 → 1370,6
displayname = "HZ: H\195\182llenfeuerbollwerk",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HCRampart
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "60-62",
1427,7 → 1377,7
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wachhabender Gargolmar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "Omor der Narbenlose", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
1445,7 → 1395,6
displayname = "HZ: Der Blutkessel",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "61-63",
1453,7 → 1402,7
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Der Sch\195\182pfer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "Broggok", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1467,7 → 1416,6
displayname = "HZ: Die zerschmetterten Hallen",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "70-72",
1475,7 → 1423,7
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Randy Sauseritzel", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Allianz, Heroisch)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Drisella", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
1511,7 → 1459,6
displayname = "HZ: Magtheridons Kammer",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
levels = "70",
1519,7 → 1466,7
prereq = "Key: Flammengeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "H\195\182llenfeuerzitadelle\nRuf: Thrallmar (Horde)\nRuf: Ehrenfeste (Allianz)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Magtheridon", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
1529,8 → 1476,6
displayname = "EK: Die Sklavenunterk\195\188nfte",
displayshort = "SU",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "62-64",
1538,7 → 1483,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Kessels (Heroisch)",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu der Verr\195\164ter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "J\195\164ter Gr\195\188ndaum", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
1558,8 → 1503,6
displayname = "EK: Der Tiefensumpf",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "63-65",
1567,7 → 1510,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Kessels (Heroisch)",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfenn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "Die Tiefenspore", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
1589,8 → 1532,6
displayname = "EK: Die Dampfkammer",
displayshort = "DK",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "70-72",
1598,7 → 1539,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Kessels (Heroisch)",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Wasserbeschw\195\182rerin Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Hautpkammer Zugangskonsole", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
1622,8 → 1563,6
displayname = "EK: H\195\182hle des Schlangenschreins",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "Zangarmarschen",
levels = "70",
1631,7 → 1570,7
prereq = "",
general = "Der Echsenkessel\nRuf: Expedition des Cenarius",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydross der Unstete", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "Das Grauen aus der Tiefe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1655,8 → 1594,6
displayname = "Auch: Auchenaikrypta",
displayshort = "Krypta",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "64-66",
1664,7 → 1601,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Unteres Viertel",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Shirrak der Totenw\195\164chter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "Exarch Maladaar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
1682,8 → 1619,6
displayname = "Auch: Schattenlabyrinth",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "65-67",
1691,7 → 1626,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel des Schattenlabyrinths\nKey: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Unteres Viertel",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spion To'gun", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Botschafter H\195\182llenschlund", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
1715,8 → 1650,6
displayname = "Auch: Sethekkhallen",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "67-69",
1724,7 → 1657,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)\nKey: Mit Essenz erf\195\188llter Mondstein (Anzu)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Unteres Viertel",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Dunkelwirker Syth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "Lakka", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
1744,8 → 1677,6
displayname = "Auch: Managruft",
displayshort = "Gruft",
continent = 3,
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "W\195\164lder von Terokkar",
levels = "70-72",
1753,7 → 1684,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der Auchenai (Heroisch)\nKey: Das Auge des Haramad (Ehrf\195\188rchtig, Yor)",
general = "Auchindoun\nRuf: Das Konsortium",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Pandemonius", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "Schattenlord Xiraxis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
1779,7 → 1710,6
displayname = "Gruuls Unterschlupf",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "Schergrat",
levels = "65-68",
1787,7 → 1717,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "High King Maulgar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Gicherer der Wahnsinnige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
1807,7 → 1737,7
displayname = "Der Schwarze Tempel",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley",
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "Schattenmondtal",
levels = "67-70",
1815,7 → 1745,7
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Medaillon von Karabor",
general = "Ruf: Todesh\195\182rige der Aschenzungen",
dtl1 = { text = "Der Schwarze Tempel (Anfang)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "Der Schwarze Tempel (Spitze)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Der Schwarze Tempel (Keller)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
1881,7 → 1811,6
displayname = "FdS: Mechanar",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "69-72",
1889,7 → 1818,7
prereq = "Key: Warpgeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "Festung der St\195\188rme\nRuf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Torw\195\164chter Gyrotod", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "Torw\195\164chter Eisenhand", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
1913,7 → 1842,6
displayname = "FdS: Botanica",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "70-72",
1921,7 → 1849,7
prereq = "Key: Warpgeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "Festung der St\195\188rme\nRuf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Commander Sarannis", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "High Botanist Freywinn", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
1941,7 → 1869,6
displayname = "FdS: Arcatraz",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "70-72",
1949,7 → 1876,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel zu Arkatraz\nKey: Warpgeschmiedeter Schl\195\188ssel (Heroisch)",
general = "Festung der St\195\188rme\nRuf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Zereketh der Unabh\195\164ngige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "Zereketh der Unabh\195\164ngige", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
1977,8 → 1904,6
displayname = "HdZ: Vorgebirge des Alten H\195\188gellands",
displayshort = "HdZ1",
continent = 1,
toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "",
1986,7 → 1911,7
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Schl\195\188ssel der Zeit (Heroisch)",
general = "Tanaris\nEreignis: Flucht aus Burg Durnholde\nRuf: H\195\188ter der Zeit",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Erozion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Brazen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
2022,8 → 1947,6
displayname = "HdZ: Schwarzen Morast",
displayshort = "HdZ2",
continent = 1,
toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "",
2031,7 → 1954,7
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Schl\195\188ssel der Zeit (Heroisch)",
general = "Tanaris\nEreignis: \195\182ffnung des Dunklen Portals\nRuf: H\195\188ter der Zeit",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "Sa'at", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "Sa'at", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Spawnpunkte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Chronolord Deja", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
2049,8 → 1972,6
displayname = "HdZ: Die Schlacht am Berg Hyjal",
displayshort = "HdZ3",
continent = 1,
toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "70",
2058,7 → 1979,7
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich",
general = "Tanaris\nEreignis: Schlacht um Berg Hyjal\nRuf: Die W\195\164chter der Sande",
dtl1 = { text = "Basis der Allianz", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "Tanaris", special = "(Lady Jaina Prachtmeer)" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(Lady Jaina Prachtmeer)" },
dtl2 = { text = "Basis der Horde", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Thrall)" },
dtl3 = { text = "Basis der Nachtelfen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
2072,11 → 1993,11
dtl7 = { text = "Azgalor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "Archimonde", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "Indormi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
-- dtl10 = { text = "Tydormu", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "" },
{ name = "Karazahn", -- Karazahn
2084,8 → 2005,6
displayname = "Karazahn",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "Deadwind Pass",
levels = "70",
2093,9 → 2012,9
prereq = "Zugangsquest erforderlich\nKey: Der Schl\195\188ssel des Meisters\nKey: Geschw\195\164rzte Urne (Schrecken der Nacht)",
general = "Ruf: Das Violette Auge",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang (Vorne)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang (Hinten)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "Hastings", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Der Hauswart" },
dtl4 = { text = "Berthold", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {23.05, 25.98} }, symbol = { "b" },
2199,7 → 2118,6
displayname = "Zul'Aman",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Ghostlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "Geisterlande",
levels = "70",
2207,7 → 2125,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ghostlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Nalorakk", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(B\195\164r)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "Akil'zon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
2227,7 → 2145,6
displayname = "FdS: Festung der St\195\188rme",
displayshort = "FdS",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "Nethersturm",
levels = "70",
2235,7 → 2152,7
prereq = "Key: Schl\195\188ssel der St\195\188rme",
general = "Ruf: Die Sha'tar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Al'ar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "Leerh\195\164scher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
2263,7 → 2180,6
displayname = "Terrasse der Magister",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "Insel von Quel'Danas",
levels = "69-72",
2271,7 → 2187,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Selin Feuerherz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
2298,7 → 2214,6
displayname = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "Insel von Quel'Danas",
levels = "69-72",
2306,7 → 2221,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Kalecgos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "Sathrovarr der Verderber", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
2341,7 → 2256,6
displayname = "Hallen des Steins",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\StoneHalls",
location = "Sturmgipfel",
levels = "80",
2349,7 → 2263,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.5625, 41.0156} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Maid des Leids", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.85, 81.7} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HallsofStone", },
dtl3 = { text = "Krystallus", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.1094, 58.3984} }, symbol = { "2" },
2365,7 → 2279,6
displayname = "Turm Utgarde",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardePinnacle",
location = "Heulender Fjord",
levels = "80",
2373,7 → 2286,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36.91, 7.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Brigg Smallshanks", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {36.91, 13.33} }, symbol = { "Q" },
tooltiptxt = "Quests : \n Junk in My Trunk\n Vengeance Be Mine!", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "Svala Kummergrab", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.94, 78.515} }, symbol = { "1" },
2393,7 → 2306,6
displayname = "Der Nexus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Nexus",
location = "Boreanische Tundra",
levels = "71-73",
2401,7 → 2313,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.63, 86.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Ormorok der Baumformer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.47, 71.85} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl3 = { text = "Großmagierin Telestra", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.55, 41.74} }, symbol = { "2" },
2410,8 → 2322,6
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl5 = { text = "Keristrasza", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.91, 67.02} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusKeristraszaHEROIC", },
dtl6 = { text = "Commander Stoutbeard", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35.7, 43.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusHEROIC", leaveGap = 1, },
{ name = "Ahn'Kahet", -- Ahn'Kahet
2419,7 → 2329,6
displayname = "Ahn'Kahet",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AhnkahetTOK",
location = "Drachenöde",
levels = "73-75",
2427,7 → 2336,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87.304, 71.875} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Ältestester Nadox", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 40.43} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl3 = { text = "Ancient Nerubian Device", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56.836, 35.9375} }, symbol = { "{}" },
2440,8 → 2349,6
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl7 = { text = "Verkünder Volazj", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.273, 54.883} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl8 = { text = "Amanitar", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.7, 66.8} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Heroic)", lootid = "AhnkahetHEROIC", },
{ name = "Kammer der Aspekte", -- The Obsidian Sanctum
2449,7 → 2356,6
displayname = "Kammer der Aspekte",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\CoAB",
location = "Wyrmrest Temple, Drachenöde",
levels = "Raid",
2457,7 → 2363,7
prereq = "",
general = "Chamber of Aspects\nLeave Minibosses alive for a tougher Sartharion fight\n and better loot",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74.65, 49.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Vesperon", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {59.96, 55.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Tenebron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.67, 46.30} }, symbol = { "1" },
2473,15 → 2379,14
displayname = "Feste Drak'Tharon Unten",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonLower",
location = "Grizzlyhügel",
location = "Heulender Fjord",
levels = "74-76",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10.26, 84.65} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Trollrippe", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.13, 25.11} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "Novos der Beschwörer", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.46, 54.22} }, symbol = { "2" },
2499,10 → 2404,8
displayname = "Feste Drak'Tharon Oben",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
toMap = "Feste Drak'Tharon",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonUpper",
location = "Grizzlyhügel",
location = "Heulender Fjord",
levels = "74-76",
players = "",
prereq = "",
2522,7 → 2425,6
displayname = "Gun'Drak",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "ZulDrak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GunDrak",
location = "Zul'Drak",
levels = "74-77",
2530,7 → 2432,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31.055, 36.328}, {70.3125, 36.328} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ZulDrak", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Slad'ran", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62.695, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Gundrak", },
dtl3 = { text = "Moorabi", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.672, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
2546,7 → 2448,6
displayname = "Das Oculus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oculus",
location = "Boreanische Tundra",
levels = "80",
2554,7 → 2455,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.64, 52.67} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43.43, 52.36}, {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "Drakos der Fragensteller", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "1" },
2578,7 → 2479,6
displayname = "Hallen der Blitze",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HoL",
location = "Sturmgipfel",
levels = "77-79",
2586,7 → 2486,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.4, 38.086} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "General Bjarngrin", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.1, 46.29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HoLGjarngrin", },
dtl3 = { text = "Volkhan", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.797, 37.89} }, symbol = { "2" },
2602,7 → 2502,6
displayname = "Vault of Archavon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Archavon",
location = "Tausendwinter",
levels = "77-79",
2610,7 → 2509,7
prereq = "Faction must claim victory in Tausendwinter",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {39.6, 97.656} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Archavon the Stone Watcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.6, 10.9375} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
2620,7 → 2519,6
displayname = "Burg Utgarde",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep",
location = "Heulender Fjord",
levels = "70-72",
2628,7 → 2526,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.16, 69.14} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Prinz Keleseth", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.578, 61.914} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "Burg Utgarde 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
2640,8 → 2538,6
displayname = "Burg Utgarde 2",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
toMap = "Burg Utgarde",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep1",
location = "Heulender Fjord",
levels = "70-72",
2649,7 → 2545,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Burg Utgarde", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", toMap = "Burg Utgarde", },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "Burg Utgarde", },
dtl2 = { text = "Skarvald der Konstrukteur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.133, 76.76} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "Dalronn der Kontrolleur", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.133, 76.76} }, symbol = { " " },
2663,7 → 2559,6
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerub",
location = "Drachenöde",
levels = "72-74",
2671,7 → 2566,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.75, 63.28} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Krik'thir der Torwächter", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.53, 42.773} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
dtl3 = { text = "Hadronox", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.234, 42.773} }, symbol = { "2" },
2685,7 → 2580,6
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub Unten",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Azjol-Nerub",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerubLower",
location = "Drachenöde",
levels = "72-74",
2703,31 → 2597,28
displayname = "Die Violette Festung",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dalaran",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Dalaran",
levels = "77-79",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 93.9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dalaran", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 74.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Ichoron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.1, 24.3} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl4 = { text = "Xevozz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Lower", },
dtl5 = { text = "Zuramat the Obliterator", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Upper", },
dtl6 = { text = "Moragg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.6, 44.9} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl7 = { text = "Erekem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.6, 54} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl8 = { text = "Lavanthor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "18th Wave", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl4 = { text = "Xevozz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl5 = { text = "Moragg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl6 = { text = "Erekem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl7 = { text = "Zuramot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl8 = { text = "Lavanthor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "Das Auge der Ewigkeit", -- The Eye of Eternity -- probably not worth including
2735,7 → 2626,6
displayname = "Das Auge der Ewigkeit",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Boreanische Tundra",
levels = "80",
2743,7 → 2633,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Malygos", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.406, 27.93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Malygos", },
2768,8 → 2658,6
displayname = "CoT: Old Stratholme",
displayshort = "CoT4",
continent = 1,
toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oldstrat", -- Oldstratholme
location = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
levels = "",
2777,7 → 2665,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.85, 97.81} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "H\195\182hlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Chromie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98.95, 94.12} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.01, 77.53}, {51.06, 98.55} }, symbol = { "P", },
24,8 → 24,6
displayname = "黑暗深淵",
displayshort = "BFD",
continent = 1,
toMap = "黑暗深淵"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackfathomDeeps",
location = "梣谷 (14, 14)",
levels = "24-32",
33,7 → 31,7
prereq = "",
general = "一些水下的區域",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {33, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ashenvale", toMap = "黑暗深淵"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑暗深淵"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {50, 68} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "加摩拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.5, 42} }, symbol = { "1" },
69,8 → 67,6
displayname = "黑石深淵",
displayshort = "BRD",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackrockDepths",
location = "黑石山",
levels = "52-60",
78,7 → 74,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 83} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "洛考爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {33, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl51 菁英元素怪", lootid = "BRDLordRoccor" },
dtl3 = { text = "審訊官格斯塔恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38, 95} }, symbol = { "2" },
144,8 → 140,6
displayname = "黑石塔 (下層)",
displayshort = "LBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\LBRS", -- LBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
153,7 → 147,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 10} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (上層)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {22, 4} }, symbol = { "U" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上層)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.2, 29}, {73, 46} }, symbol = { "x1" },
215,8 → 209,6
displayname = "黑石塔 (上層)",
displayshort = "UBRS",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UBRS", -- UBRS
location = "黑石山",
levels = "53-60",
224,7 → 216,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 80.7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "黑石塔 (下層)", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {18.2, 86.6} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {11.9, 58.4}, {8.65, 25} }, symbol = { "x1" },
266,8 → 258,6
displayname = "黑翼之巢",
displayshort = "BWL",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石塔 (上層)",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackwingLair",
location = "黑石塔",
levels = "60+",
275,7 → 265,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {65, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石塔 (上層)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石塔 (上層)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {32.8, 78}, {61, 48} }, symbol = { "x1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {40, 96}, {68, 65} }, symbol = { "x2" },
307,8 → 297,6
displayname = "厄運之槌 - 概觀",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
316,11 → 304,11
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "厄運之槌 (東)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {53, 81}, {57, 96}, {100, 80} }, symbol = { "E" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (東)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (東)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (東)" },
dtl2 = { text = "厄運之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67.5, 38} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (北)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (北)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)" },
dtl3 = { text = "厄運之槌 (西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {47, 88} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (西)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "按下以打開 '厄運之槌 (西)' 的地圖", toMap = "厄運之槌 (西)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "圖書館", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {24, 58}, {41, 41} }, symbol = { "L" },
tooltiptxt = "從北厄/西厄可以抵達", leaveGap = 1 }
331,12 → 319,6
displayname = "厄運之槌 (東)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
344,9 → 326,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 : Broken Commons", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 : Eldereth Row", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
384,8 → 366,6
displayname = "厄運之槌 (北)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
393,7 → 373,7
prereq = "需要從東厄普希林拿到的月牙鑰匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄運之槌 (西)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌 (西)" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
425,8 → 405,6
displayname = "厄運之槌 (西)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "菲拉斯 (59, 44)",
levels = "56-60",
434,9 → 412,9
prereq = "需要從東厄普希林拿到的月牙鑰匙",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "厄運之槌 (北)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "階梯", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl4 = { text = "水晶塔", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 80}, {64, 61}, {64, 87}, {27, 62}, {27, 37} }, symbol = { "P" },
469,8 → 447,6
displayname = "諾姆瑞根",
continent = 2,
toMap = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Gnomeregan",
location = "丹莫洛 (25, 41)",
levels = "26-33",
478,7 → 454,7
prereq = "",
general = "部落可由藏寶海灣傳送過來.\n起始任務來自奧格瑪工程師.",
dtl1 = { text = "正門入口 (Clockwerk Run)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {70.5, 16} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DunMorogh", toMap = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "後門入口 (車庫)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87, 59} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "需要車間鑰匙", toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {75, 38}, {79, 56} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
513,8 → 489,6
displayname = "瑪拉頓",
continent = 1,
toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Maraudon",
location = "淒涼之地 (29, 62)",
levels = "40-49",
522,7 → 496,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 (橙區)", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {71, 12} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Desolace", toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 (紫區)", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {85, 31} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 (傳送)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36, 55} }, symbol = { "P" },
560,8 → 534,6
displayname = "熔火之心",
displayshort = "MC",
continent = 2,
toMap = "黑石深淵",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MoltenCore",
location = "黑石深淵",
levels = "60+",
569,7 → 541,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {3, 20} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes", toMap = "黑石深淵", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "黑石深淵", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "魯西弗隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 人形", lootid = "MCLucifron" },
dtl3 = { text = "瑪格曼達", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70, 16} }, symbol = { "2" },
600,7 → 572,6
displayname = "納克薩瑪斯",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "斯坦索姆",
levels = "60+",
656,16 → 627,13
dtl24 = { text = "科爾蘇加德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {75, 79} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "冰霜巨龍的巢穴", lootid = "Naxx80KelThuzad", leaveGap = 2 },
dtl26 = { text = AM_MOB_LOOT, colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl27 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {1, 1} }, symbol = { "<-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Naxx80Trash", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴", -- Onyxia's Lair
displayname = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Dustwallow",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OnyxiasLair",
location = "塵泥沼澤 (52, 76)",
levels = "60+",
673,7 → 641,7
prereq = "需要龍火護符\n(完整的任務是在黑石塔上層殺死達基薩斯將軍)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 12} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dustwallow", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "奧妮克希亞守衛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {26, 41}, {29, 56}, {39, 68}, {50, 80} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 菁英龍族" },
dtl3 = { text = "雛龍蛋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 40}, {51, 54}, {84, 41}, {79, 54} }, symbol = { "2" },
687,14 → 655,13
displayname = "怒焰裂谷",
displayshort = "RFC",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RagefireChasm", -- RagefireChasm
location = "奧格瑪",
levels = "13-18",
players = "10",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {72, 4} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ogrimmar", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "瑪爾·恐怖圖騰", colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {71, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "'歸還背包'任務" },
dtl3 = { text = "饑餓者塔拉加曼", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
711,7 → 678,6
displayname = "剃刀高地",
displayshort = "RFD",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenDowns",
location = "南貧瘠之地 (48, 88)",
levels = "38-43",
719,7 → 685,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {4, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {77, 45} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "圖特卡什", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52, 36} }, symbol = { "1" },
745,7 → 711,6
displayname = "剃刀沼澤",
displayshort = "RFK",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RazorfenKraul",
location = "貧瘠之地 (42, 86)",
levels = "28-33",
753,7 → 718,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 71} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "魯古格", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl28 菁英人形怪" },
dtl3 = { text = "阿格姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 48} }, symbol = { "2" },
783,7 → 748,6
displayname = "安其拉廢墟",
displayshort = "AQ20",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\RuinsofAhnQiraj", -- RuinsofAhnQiraj
location = "希利蘇斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
791,7 → 755,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {64, 2} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "庫林納克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "首領 & 菁英", lootid = "AQ20Kurinnaxx" },
dtl3 = { text ="安多洛夫中將,\n四個卡多雷精英", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 29} }, symbol = { " " },
835,8 → 799,6
displayname = "血色修道院",
displayshort = "SM",
continent = 2,
toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ScarletMonastery",
location = "提里斯法林地 (83.6, 34)",
levels = "30-40",
844,7 → 806,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "墓地入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {61, 97} }, symbol = { "G" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tirisfal", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "鐵脊死靈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {21, 88} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl33 菁英不死族\n墓地", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SMIronspine" },
dtl3 = { text = "永醒的艾希爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {5, 88} }, symbol = { "2" },
882,7 → 844,6
displayname = "安其拉神廟",
displayshort = "AQ40",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Silithus",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TempleofAhnQiraj", -- TempleofAhnQiraj
location = "希利蘇斯 (29, 96)",
levels = "60+",
890,7 → 851,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {16, 37} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silithus", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "亞雷戈斯\n凱雷斯特拉茲\n夢境之龍麥琳瑟拉", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {21, 56} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "安多葛斯\n溫瑟拉\n坎多斯特拉茲", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27, 43} }, symbol = { "B" },
931,8 → 892,6
displayname = "死亡礦井",
continent = 2,
toMap = "死亡礦井"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheDeadmines",
location = "西部荒野 (42, 72)",
levels = "16-26",
940,7 → 899,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 23} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Westfall", toMap = "死亡礦井"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "死亡礦井"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {99, 42} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {80, 40} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
971,7 → 930,6
displayname = "監獄",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stormwind",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheStockade",
location = "暴風城",
levels = "24-32",
979,7 → 937,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stormwind", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {69, 60}, {75, 40}, {26, 57}, {31, 36}, {18, 29} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "可怕的塔高爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 63}, {41, 55}, {50, 37}, {27, 50} }, symbol = { "1" },
1001,8 → 959,6
displayname = "沈沒的神廟",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
toMap = "阿塔哈卡神廟"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "悲傷沼澤 (70, 53)",
levels = "45-60",
1010,7 → 966,7
prereq = "",
general = "也被稱呼為阿塔哈卡神廟",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows", toMap = "阿塔哈卡神廟"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "阿塔哈卡神廟"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口處通往高層的階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "入口處通往中層的階梯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
1051,8 → 1007,6
displayname = "奧達曼",
continent = 2,
toMap = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Uldaman",
location = "荒蕪之地 (44, 12)",
levels = "35-50",
1060,7 → 1014,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "正門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {89, 73.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Badlands", toMap = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "後門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {21, 71} }, symbol = { "XR" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "巴爾洛戈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {73, 93} }, symbol = { "1" },
1096,8 → 1050,6
displayname = "哀嚎洞穴",
displayshort = "WC",
continent = 1,
toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\WailingCaverns",
location = "貧瘠之地 (46, 36)",
levels = "16-25",
1105,7 → 1057,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {44, 58} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Barrens", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {62, 47}, {94, 49} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "納拉雷克斯的信徒", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {45, 53} }, symbol = { "1" },
1139,7 → 1091,6
displayname = "祖爾法拉克",
displayshort = "ZF",
continent = 1,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulFarrak",
location = "塔納利斯 (37, 15)",
levels = "43-47",
1147,7 → 1098,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 89} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "澤雷利斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {63, 47} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Lvl45 菁英人形怪", special = AM_RARE.." "..AM_WANDERS, lootid = "ZFZerillis" },
dtl3 = { text = "杉達爾‧沙掠者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 59} }, symbol = { "2" },
1185,7 → 1136,6
displayname = "祖爾格拉布",
displayshort = "ZG",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulGurub",
location = "荊棘谷 (54, 17)",
levels = "60+",
1193,7 → 1143,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Stranglethorn", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "混濁的水", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {33, 41}, {47, 48}, {57, 47}, {60, 32}, {47, 30} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "高階祭司 耶克里克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {34, 78} }, symbol = { "1" },
1238,7 → 1188,6
displayname = "通靈學院",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Scholomance", -- Scholomance*
location = "西瘟疫之地 (69, 73)",
levels = "56-60",
1246,7 → 1195,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "WesternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {28, 38} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6.5, 22}, {62, 22} }, symbol = { "S1" },
1303,7 → 1252,6
displayname = "斯坦索姆",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Stratholme",
location = "東瘟疫之地 (30, 12)",
levels = "55-60",
1311,9 → 1259,9
prereq = "",
general = "側門入口在 (47, 24)",
dtl1 = { text = "正門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "側門入口", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {83, 72} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "EasternPlaguelands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "弗拉斯‧希亞比的郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {37, 86} }, symbol = { "P1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "國王廣場郵箱", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {47, 74} }, symbol = { "P2" },
1373,7 → 1321,6
displayname = "影牙城堡",
displayshort = "SFK",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowfangKeep",
location = "銀松森林 (45, 67)",
levels = "20-30",
1381,7 → 1328,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75, 69} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Silverpine", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {57, 57}, {36, 55}, {29, 12} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "城垛", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {38, 71}, {54, 93} }, symbol = { "B1" },
1423,7 → 1370,6
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 地獄火壁壘",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCRampart", -- HellfireRampart
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "60-62",
1431,7 → 1377,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 63} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "看護者卡爾古瑪", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {80, 24} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HCRampWatchkeeper" },
dtl3 = { text = "無疤者歐瑪爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {22, 14} }, symbol = { "2" },
1449,7 → 1395,6
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 血熔爐",
displayshort = "BF",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCBloodFurnace", -- HCBloodFurnace
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "61-63",
1457,7 → 1402,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 91.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "創造者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {29.3, 35} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCFurnaceMaker" },
dtl3 = { text = "布洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41, 13.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1471,7 → 1416,6
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 破碎大廳",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HCShatteredHalls", -- HCShatteredHalls
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "70-72",
1479,7 → 1423,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {67, 97.66} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "藍迪·威索洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(聯盟, 英雄)" },
dtl3 = { text = "崔賽拉", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {23.63, 74.8} }, symbol = { " " },
1515,7 → 1459,6
displayname = "地獄火堡壘: 瑪瑟里頓的巢穴",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagtheridonsLair", -- MagtheridonsLair
location = "地獄火堡壘, 地獄火半島",
levels = "70",
1523,7 → 1466,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 火鑄之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 索爾瑪 (部落)\n聲望: 榮譽堡 (聯盟)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.44, 14.26} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Hellfire", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "瑪瑟里頓", colour = AM_PURPLE, coords = { {53.13, 72.07} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HCMagtheridon", leaveGap = 1 }
1533,8 → 1476,6
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 奴隸監獄",
displayshort = "SP",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSlavePens", -- TheSlavePens
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "62-64",
1542,7 → 1483,7
prereq = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
general = "鑰匙: 倉庫之鑰 (英雄模式)",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "背叛者曼紐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "威德·綠指", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
1563,8 → 1504,6
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 毒牙沼澤",
displayshort = "",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheUnderbog", -- TheUnderbog
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "63-65",
1572,7 → 1511,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 倉庫之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "飢餓之牙", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "地孢", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
1594,8 → 1533,6
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 蒸汽洞窟",
displayshort = "SV",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSteamvault", -- The Steamvault
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "70-72",
1603,7 → 1540,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 倉庫之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "海法師希斯比亞", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "主房間通道面板", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
1627,8 → 1564,6
displayname = "盤牙洞穴: 毒蛇神殿洞穴",
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "70",
1636,7 → 1571,7
prereq = "",
general = "聲望: 塞納里奧遠征隊",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 67.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "不穩定者海卓司", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.89, 75} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSerpentHydross" },
dtl3 = { text = "海底潛伏者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {40.82, 54.1} }, symbol = { "2" },
1660,8 → 1595,6
displayname = "奧齊頓: 奧奇奈地穴",
displayshort = "AC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AuchenaiCrypts", -- AuchenaiCrypts
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "64-66",
1669,7 → 1602,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 陰鬱城",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {22, 79.1} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "死亡看守者辛瑞克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44, 70} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchCryptsShirrak" },
dtl3 = { text = "主教瑪拉達爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {88, 49} }, symbol = { "2" },
1687,8 → 1620,6
displayname = "奧齊頓: 暗影迷宮",
displayshort = "SL",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ShadowLabyrinth", -- ShadowLabyrinth
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "65-67",
1696,7 → 1627,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 暗影迷宮鑰匙\n鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 陰鬱城",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 8.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "間諜·吐剛", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "海爾瑪大使", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 44} }, symbol = { "2" },
1720,8 → 1651,6
displayname = "奧齊頓: 塞司克大廳",
displayshort = "SH",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SethekkHalls", -- SethekkHalls
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "67-69",
1729,7 → 1658,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)\n鑰匙: 注滿精華的月亮石 (安祖)",
general = "聲望: 陰鬱城",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 46} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "暗法師希斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchSethekkDarkweaver" },
dtl3 = { text = "拉卡", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.3, 64} }, symbol = { " " },
1749,8 → 1678,6
displayname = "奧齊頓: 法力墓地",
displayshort = "MT",
continent = 3,
toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ManaTombs", -- ManaTombs
location = "奧齊頓, 白骨荒野",
levels = "70-72",
1758,7 → 1685,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 奧奇奈鑰匙 (英雄模式)\n鑰匙: 哈拉瑪德之眼 (崇拜, 約兒)",
general = "聲望: 聯合團",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 4.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "班提蒙尼厄斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AuchManaPandemonius" },
dtl3 = { text = "暗影之王希瑞西斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 30} }, symbol = { " " },
1784,7 → 1711,6
displayname = "戈魯爾之巢",
displayshort = "GL",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GruulsLair", -- GruulsLair
location = "劍刃山脈",
levels = "70",
1792,7 → 1718,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BladesEdgeMountains", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "大君王莫卡爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Boss", lootid = "GruulsLairHighKingMaulgar" },
dtl3 = { text = "瘋癲者奇克勒", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {55, 48} }, symbol = { " " },
1812,7 → 1738,7
displayname = "黑暗神廟",
displayshort = "BT",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley",
-- filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Placeholder",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackTemple", -- BlackTemple
location = "影月谷",
levels = "70",
1820,7 → 1746,7
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 卡拉伯爾獎章",
general = "聲望: 灰舌死亡誓言者",
dtl1 = { text = "黑暗神廟 - 開始", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {5.27, 32.03} }, symbol = { "-" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ShadowmoonValley", },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl2 = { text = "黑暗神廟 - 上層", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {49.61, 5.66} }, symbol = { "^" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "黑暗神廟 - 地下室", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {63.87, 60.74} }, symbol = { "v" },
1886,7 → 1812,6
displayname = "風暴要塞: 麥克那爾",
displayshort = "Mech",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Mechanar", -- TheMechanar
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "69-72",
1894,7 → 1819,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 扭曲鍛造鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {43, 92.5} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "看守者蓋洛奇歐", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {46, 56} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKMechGyro" },
dtl3 = { text = "看守者鐵手", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {64.5, 52} }, symbol = { "2" },
1918,7 → 1843,6
displayname = "風暴要塞: 波塔尼卡",
displayshort = "Bota",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Botanica", -- TheBotanica
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "70-72",
1926,7 → 1850,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 扭曲鍛造鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {96.2, 44.8} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "指揮官薩瑞尼斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45, 30} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotSarannis" },
dtl3 = { text = "大植物學家費瑞衛恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {24, 30} }, symbol = { "2" },
1946,7 → 1870,6
displayname = "風暴要塞: 亞克崔茲",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Arcatraz", -- TheArcatraz
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "70-72",
1954,7 → 1877,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 亞克崔茲鑰匙\n鑰匙: 扭曲鍛造鑰匙 (英雄模式)",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {38, 98} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "無約束的希瑞奇斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {45.5, 58.5} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKArcUnbound" },
dtl3 = { text = "第三部守衛者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {47.46, 37.3} }, symbol = { "2" },
1982,8 → 1905,6
displayname = "時光之穴: 希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址",
displayshort = "CoT1",
continent = 1,
toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\OldHilsbrad", -- OldHilsbrad
location = "時光之穴, 塔納利斯",
levels = "",
1991,7 → 1912,7
prereq = "需完成傳送門鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 時光之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件: 逃離敦霍爾德\n聲望: 時光守衛者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "伊洛森", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "布瑞茲恩", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13, 47} }, symbol = { " " },
2027,8 → 1948,6
displayname = "時光之穴: 黑色沼澤",
displayshort = "CoT2",
continent = 1,
toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\BlackMorass", -- The Black Morass
location = "時光之穴, 塔納利斯",
levels = "",
2036,7 → 1955,7
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 時光之鑰 (英雄模式)",
general = "事件: 開啟黑暗之門\n聲望: 時光守衛者",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 22} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "塞特", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "塞特", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "生成點", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58, 70}, {58.5, 61.5}, {41, 60.5}, {48, 52.5} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "克洛諾斯領主迪賈", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
2054,8 → 1973,6
displayname = "時光之穴: 海加爾山",
displayshort = "CoT3",
continent = 1,
toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MountHyjal", -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
location = "時光之穴, 塔納利斯",
levels = "70",
2063,7 → 1980,7
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務",
general = "事件: 海加爾山戰場\n聲望: 流沙之鱗",
dtl1 = { text = "聯盟營地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.36, 48.83} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(珍娜·普勞德摩爾女士)" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, special = "(珍娜·普勞德摩爾女士)" },
dtl2 = { text = "部落營地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {57.23, 35.74} }, symbol = { "B" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(索爾)" },
dtl3 = { text = "夜精靈營地", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {75.39, 44.34} }, symbol = { "C" },
2077,11 → 1994,11
dtl7 = { text = "埃加洛爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.98, 38.67} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalAzgalor" },
dtl8 = { text = "阿克蒙德", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {83.01, 31.25} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "隱多米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
dtl10 = { text = "提多姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl9 = { text = "隱多米", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
-- dtl10 = { text = "提多姆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { " " },
-- tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "MountHyjalArchimonde" },
{ name = "卡拉贊", -- Karazahn
2089,8 → 2006,6
displayname = "卡拉贊",
displayshort = "Kara",
continent = 2,
toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Karazahn", -- Karazahn
location = "逆風小徑",
levels = "70",
2098,7 → 2013,7
prereq = "需完成傳送門/鑰匙前置任務\n鑰匙: 主人鑰匙\n鑰匙: 燻黑的骨灰甕 (夜禍)",
general = "聲望: 紫羅蘭之眼",
dtl1 = { text = "前方入口 1", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {29.88, 31.45} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "DeadwindPass", toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "前方入口 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {28.13, 20.31} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = "哈斯丁", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {27.93, 25.39} }, symbol = { "a" },
2204,7 → 2119,6
displayname = "祖阿曼",
displayshort = "ZA",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Ghostlands",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\ZulAman", -- Zul'Aman
location = "鬼魂之地",
levels = "70",
2212,7 → 2126,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18, 53} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Ghostlands", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "納羅拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {36.3, 71.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(熊)", lootid = "ZANalorakk" },
dtl3 = { text = "阿奇爾森", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {31.25, 31.25} }, symbol = { "2" },
2232,7 → 2146,6
displayname = "風暴要塞: 風暴要塞",
displayshort = "Eye",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheEye", -- TheEye
location = "風暴要塞, 虛空風暴",
levels = "69-72",
2240,7 → 2153,7
prereq = "鑰匙: 風暴之鑰",
general = "聲望: 薩塔",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45, 93} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Netherstorm", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "歐爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {50, 57} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKEyeAlar" },
dtl3 = { text = "虛空劫掠者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {14, 47} }, symbol = { "2" },
2268,7 → 2181,6
displayname = "博學者殿堂",
displayshort = "MagT",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\MagistersTerrace", -- Magister's Terrace
location = "奎爾達納斯之島",
levels = "69-72",
2276,9 → 2188,10
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {42.19, 78.32} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "斯琳·炎心", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SMTFireheart" },
-- dtl3 = { text = "Fel Crystals", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {43.36, 37.5}, {43.36, 50.2}, {42.19, 29.88}, {50.39, 50.2}, {50.39, 37.5} }, symbol = { "C" },
dtl3 = { text = "惡魔水晶", colour = AM_ORANGE, coords = { {42.19, 26.17} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = "提里斯", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {59.96, 29.88} }, symbol = { "2" },
2295,12 → 2208,11
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
{ name = "太陽之井高地", -- Sunwell Plateau
{ name = "Plateau du Puits de soleil", -- Sunwell Plateau
displayname = "太陽之井高地",
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SunwellPlateau", -- Sunwell Plateau
location = "奎爾達納斯之島",
levels = "69-72",
2308,7 → 2220,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {31.45, 17.19} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Sunwell", leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "卡雷苟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "SPKalecgos" },
dtl3 = { text = "『墮落者』塞斯諾瓦", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.08, 32.03} }, symbol = { " " },
2338,20 → 2250,19
-- wotlk
{ name = "岩石大廳", -- Halls of Stone
{ name = "Halls of Stone", -- Halls of Stone
displayname = "岩石大廳",
displayname = "Halls of Stone",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\StoneHalls",
location = "風暴群山",
location = "Storm Peaks",
levels = "80",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {26.5625, 41.0156} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "悲痛侍女", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.85, 81.7} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "HallsofStone", },
dtl3 = { text = "克利斯托魯斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {37.1094, 58.3984} }, symbol = { "2" },
2362,12 → 2273,11
tooltiptxt = "", special = "Tribunal of Ages", lootid = "HallsofStone", },
{ name = "俄特加德之巔", -- Utgarde Pinnacle
{ name = "Utgarde Pinnacle", -- Utgarde Pinnacle
displayname = "俄特加德之巔",
displayname = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardePinnacle",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "80",
2375,7 → 2285,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {36.91, 7.03} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Brigg Smallshanks", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {36.91, 13.33} }, symbol = { "Q" },
tooltiptxt = "Quests : \n Junk in My Trunk\n Vengeance Be Mine!", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "司瓦拉禍害使者", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {43.94, 78.515} }, symbol = { "1" },
2390,12 → 2300,11
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UPYmiron", },
{ name = "奈薩斯", -- The Nexus
{ name = "The Nexus", -- The Nexus
displayname = "奈薩斯",
displayname = "The Nexus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Nexus",
location = "Borean Tundra",
levels = "71-73",
2403,7 → 2312,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {30.63, 86.34} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "『樹木造形者』歐爾莫洛克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {58.47, 71.85} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl3 = { text = "大魔導師特雷斯翠", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.55, 41.74} }, symbol = { "2" },
2412,16 → 2321,13
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexus", },
dtl5 = { text = "凱瑞史卓莎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.91, 67.02} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusKeristraszaHEROIC", },
dtl6 = { text = "指揮官厚鬚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {35.7, 43.2} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TheNexusHEROIC", leaveGap = 1, },
{ name = "安卡罕特: 古王國", -- Ahn'Kahet
{ name = "Ahn'Kahet", -- Ahn'Kahet
displayname = "安卡罕特: 古王國",
displayname = "Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AhnkahetTOK",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "73-75",
2429,7 → 2335,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {87.304, 71.875} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Elder Nadox", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {68.75, 40.43} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl3 = { text = "Ancient Nerubian Device", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {56.836, 35.9375} }, symbol = { "{}" },
2442,13 → 2348,11
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl7 = { text = "信使沃菈齊", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {30.273, 54.883} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Ahnkahet", },
dtl8 = { text = "毒蕈魔", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.7, 66.8} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(英雄)", lootid = "AhnkahetHEROIC", },
{ name = "黑曜聖所", -- The Obsidian Sanctum
{ name = "The Obsidian Sanctum", -- The Obsidian Sanctum
displayname = "黑曜聖所",
displayname = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\CoAB",
2469,12 → 2373,11
tooltiptxt = "<The Onyx Guardian>", lootid = "Sartharion", },
{ name = "德拉克薩隆要塞", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
{ name = "Drak'Tharon Keep", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
displayname = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2",
displayname = "Drak'Tharon Keep Lower",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonLower",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "74-76",
2482,48 → 2385,45
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {10.26, 84.65} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills", },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "血角食人妖", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {53.13, 25.11} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "『召喚者』諾沃司", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.46, 54.22} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl4 = { text = "崔德國王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.4, 79.42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl5 = { text = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.93, 68.95} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl5 = { text = "Drak'Tharon Keep Upper", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.93, 68.95} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep Upper", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl6 = { text = "Splash down from Upper", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep Upper" },
{ name = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
{ name = "Drak'Tharon Keep Upper", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
displayname = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2",
displayname = "Drak'Tharon Keep Upper",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep",
toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DrakTharonUpper",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "74-76",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "德拉克薩隆要塞 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.93, 68.95} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "GrizzlyHills", toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl1 = { text = "Drak'Tharon Keep Lower", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.93, 68.95} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "崔德國王", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.4, 79.42} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "預言者薩隆杰", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {56.6, 19.87} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "DrakTharonKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl4 = { text = "Splash Down to Lower", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43, 21} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep" },
{ name = "剛德拉克", -- Gundrak
{ name = "GunDrak", -- Gundrak
displayname = "剛德拉克",
displayname = "Gun'Drak",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "ZulDrak",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\GunDrak",
location = "Zul'Drak",
levels = "74-77",
2531,7 → 2431,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {31.055, 36.328}, {70.3125, 36.328} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "ZulDrak", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "史拉德銳", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {62.695, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Gundrak", },
dtl3 = { text = "慕拉比", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {38.672, 48.828} }, symbol = { "1" },
2542,12 → 2442,11
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Gundrak", },
{ name = "奧核之眼", -- The Oculus
{ name = "The Oculus", -- The Oculus
displayname = "奧核之眼",
displayname = "The Oculus",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oculus",
location = "Borean Tundra",
levels = "80",
2555,7 → 2454,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {60.64, 52.67} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {43.43, 52.36}, {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "『審問者』德拉高斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {52.65, 62.81} }, symbol = { "1" },
2574,20 → 2473,19
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "OcuEregos", },
{ name = "雷光大廳", -- Halls of Lightning
{ name = "Halls of Lightning", -- Halls of Lightning
displayname = "雷光大廳",
displayname = "Halls of Lightning",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\HoL",
location = "風暴群山",
location = "Storm Peaks",
levels = "77-79",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {13.4, 38.086} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "賈恩格林將軍", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.1, 46.29} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = AM_WANDERS, lootid = "HoLGjarngrin", },
dtl3 = { text = "渥克瀚", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {66.797, 37.89} }, symbol = { "2" },
2603,7 → 2501,6
displayname = "Vault of Archavon",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Archavon",
location = "Wintergrasp Keep",
levels = "77-79",
2611,17 → 2508,16
prereq = "Faction must claim victory in Lake Wintergrasp",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {39.6, 97.656} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "LakeWintergrasp", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Archavon the Stone Watcher", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {39.6, 10.9375} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "俄特加德要塞", -- Utgarde Keep
{ name = "Utgarde Keep", -- Utgarde Keep
displayname = "俄特加德要塞",
displayname = "Utgarde Keep",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "70-72",
2629,28 → 2525,26
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {68.16, 69.14} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "凱雷希斯王子", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {17.578, 61.914} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "俄特加德要塞 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "俄特加德要塞 2", },
dtl3 = { text = "Utgarde Keep 2", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "Utgarde Keep 2", },
{ name = "俄特加德要塞 2", -- Utgarde Keep
{ name = "Utgarde Keep 2", -- Utgarde Keep
displayname = "俄特加德要塞 2",
displayname = "Utgarde Keep 2",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Utgarde Keep",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\UtgardeKeep1",
location = "Howling Fjorde",
levels = "70-72",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "俄特加德要塞", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "俄特加德要塞", },
dtl1 = { text = "Utgarde Keep", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {34.18, 80.86} }, symbol = { "P" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toMap = "Utgarde Keep", },
dtl2 = { text = "『建造者』史卡沃", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.133, 76.76} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", },
dtl3 = { text = "『控制者』達隆恩", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {61.133, 76.76} }, symbol = { " " },
2659,12 → 2553,11
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "UtgardeKeep", },
{ name = "阿茲歐-奈幽", -- Azjol-Nerub
{ name = "Azjol-Nerub", -- Azjol-Nerub
displayname = "阿茲歐-奈幽",
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerub",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "72-74",
2672,64 → 2565,61
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {18.75, 63.28} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "『守門者』齊力克西爾", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {44.53, 42.773} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
dtl3 = { text = "哈卓諾克斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {65.234, 42.773} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl4 = { text = "阿茲歐-奈幽 2", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {59.96, 42.773} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "阿茲歐-奈幽 2", },
dtl4 = { text = "Azjol-Nerub Lower", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {59.96, 42.773} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Azjol-Nerub Lower", },
{ name = "阿茲歐-奈幽 2", -- Azjol-Nerub
{ name = "Azjol-Nerub Lower", -- Azjol-Nerub
displayname = "阿茲歐-奈幽 2",
displayname = "Azjol-Nerub Lower",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toMap = "Azjol-Nerub",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\AzjolNerubLower",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "72-74",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "阿茲歐-奈幽", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {25.39, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Dragonblight", toMap = "阿茲歐-奈幽", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl1 = { text = "Azjol-Nerub", colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {25.39, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Azjol-Nerub", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "阿努巴拉克", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {76.17, 48.2} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "AzjolNerub", },
{ name = "紫羅蘭堡", -- Violet Hold
{ name = "Violet Hold", -- Violet Hold
displayname = "紫羅蘭堡",
displayname = "Violet Hold",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dalaran",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Dalaran",
levels = "77-79",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 93.9} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, toWorldMap = "Dalaran", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {45.4, 74.9} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl3 = { text = "伊仇隆", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.1, 24.3} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl4 = { text = "基沃滋", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Lower", },
dtl5 = { text = "『消滅者』舒拉邁特", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {19.9, 26.5} }, symbol = { " " },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12, Upper", },
dtl6 = { text = "摩拉革", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {82.6, 44.9} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl7 = { text = "伊銳坎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {15.6, 54} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", },
dtl8 = { text = "拉方索", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "(Random) 6/12", leaveGap = 1, },
dtl9 = { text = "霞妮苟莎", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {70.1, 67.4} }, symbol = { "18" },
tooltiptxt = "", special = "第 18 波", },
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "Lieutenant Sinclari", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "_" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl3 = { text = "Cyanigosa", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl4 = { text = "Xevozz", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "2" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl5 = { text = "Moragg", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "3" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl6 = { text = "Erekem", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "4" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl7 = { text = "Zuramot", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "5" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl8 = { text = "Lavanthor", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "6" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl9 = { text = "Ichoron", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { "7" },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "The Eye of Eternity", -- The Eye of Eternity -- probably not worth including
2737,7 → 2627,6
displayname = "The Eye of Eternity",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "Borean Tundra",
levels = "80",
2745,42 → 2634,39
prereq = "Key drops from Saphiron (Naxxramus)",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {50, 50} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
dtl2 = { text = "瑪里苟斯", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {41.406, 27.93} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Malygos", },
{ name = "奧杜亞", -- Ulduar
{ name = "Ulduar", -- Ulduar
displayname = "奧杜亞",
displayname = "Ulduar",
displayshort = "",
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\",
location = "風暴群山",
location = "Storm Peaks",
levels = "77-79",
players = "Raid",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {0, 0} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks", },
tooltiptxt = "", },
{ name = "斯坦索姆的抉擇", -- Oldstratholme
{ name = "Oldstratholme", -- Oldstratholme
displayname = "斯坦索姆的抉擇",
displayname = "CoT: Old Stratholme",
displayshort = "CoT4",
continent = 1,
toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Oldstrat", -- Oldstratholme
location = "時光之穴",
levels = "",
players = "",
prereq = "",
general = "",
general = "The Culling of Stratholme",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {91.85, 97.81} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Tanaris", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1, },
dtl2 = { text = "Chromie", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98.95, 94.12} }, symbol = { "A" },
tooltiptxt = "Quest Giver:\n Dispelling Illusions", },
dtl3 = { text = AM_LEADSTO, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {78.01, 77.53}, {51.06, 98.55} }, symbol = { "P", },