WoWInterface SVN AlphaMapFansUpdate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 10 to Rev 11
    Reverse comparison

Rev 10 → Rev 11

25,9 → 25,9
for _, poi in ipairs(AM_FLIGHTMASTER_LOCS[m]) do
if ( ( not poi.floor ) or ( poi.floor == lFloor ) ) then
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
note = getglobal("AM_POIF_Note_"..i);
if ( not note ) then
note = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POI_Note_"..i, frame, "AM_GenPOI_Template");
note = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POIF_Note_"..i, frame, "AM_GenPOI_Template");
note:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self)
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
52,13 → 52,13
note:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, mouseButton)
if ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) then
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(self.toMap);
local map = AMap.AlphaMap_GetMap(self.toMap);
if ( map ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( map );
elseif ( self.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(self.toWorldMap);
local cont, zone = AMap.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(self.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
72,7 → 72,7
noteT = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i.."Texture");
noteT = getglobal("AM_POIF_Note_"..i.."Texture");
noteT:SetTexture( poi.icon );
x = ( poi.x * width ) / amUnitScale;
92,11 → 92,11
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
note = getglobal("AM_POIF_Note_"..i);
while (note) do
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
note = getglobal("AM_POIF_Note_"..i);
128,11 → 128,11
-- Insert FlightMaster Display function code in to the main AlphaMap POI Plugin array
-- AlphaMap will loop through these functions to display the required POIs
table.insert(AML.CustomPOIs, DisplayFlightMasterLocs);
table.insert(AMap.CustomPOIs, DisplayFlightMasterLocs);
-- Set up the Control Check Button allowing people to toggle
-- display of FlightMaster Locations off and on from the AlphaMap
local i = #(AML.CustomPOIControls) + 1;
local i = #(AMap.CustomPOIControls) + 1;
local controlButton = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POIC"..i, UIParent, "AM_GenPOIControl_Template"); = i;
local controlButtonT = getglobal("AM_POIC"..i.."Texture");
173,7 → 173,7
-- Insert the Created control button in to the main AlphaMap array
-- for display when the Control & Alt keys are pressed together
table.insert(AML.CustomPOIControls, controlButton);
table.insert(AMap.CustomPOIControls, controlButton);