WoWInterface SVN Ara_Broker_Guild_Friends

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 16 to Rev 15
    Reverse comparison

Rev 16 → Rev 15

1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 30000
## Title: |cFFFFB366Ara|r - Broker - Guild & Friends
## Version: r14
## Version: r13
## Author: Ara
## Notes: A Data Broker plugin that provides guildmates & friends informations and interactions.
## SavedVariables: AraBrokerGuildFriendsDB
23,5 → 23,5
elseif l == "esES" then
SetTranslations( "Brujo", "WARLOCK", "Guerrero", "WARRIOR", "Cazador", "HUNTER", "Mago", "MAGE", "Sacerdote", "PRIEST", "Druida", "DRUID", "Palad\195\173n", "PALADIN", "Cham\195\161n", "SHAMAN", "P\195\173caro", "ROGUE", "Bruja", "WARLOCK", "Guerrera", "WARRIOR", "Cazadora", "HUNTER", "Maga", "MAGE", "Sacerdotisa", "PRIEST", "Druida", "DRUID", "Palad\195\173n", "PALADIN", "Cham\195\161n", "SHAMAN", "P\195\173cara", "ROGUE" )
elseif l == "ruRU" then
SetTranslations( "Чернокнижник", "WARLOCK", "Воин", "WARRIOR", "Охотник", "HUNTER", "Маг", "MAGE", "Жрец", "PRIEST", "Друид", "DRUID", "Паладин", "PALADIN", "Шаман", "SHAMAN", "Разбойник", "ROGUE", "Рыцарь смерти", "DEATHKNIGHT", "Чернокнижница", "WARLOCK", "Охотница", "HUNTER", "Жрица", "PRIEST", "Шаманка", "SHAMAN", "Разбойница", "ROGUE" )
SetTranslations( "Чернокнижник", "WARLOCK", "Воин", "WARRIOR", "Охотник", "HUNTER", "Маг", "MAGE", "Жрец", "PRIEST", "Друид", "DRUID", "Паладин", "PALADIN", "Шаман", "SHAMAN", "Разбойник", "ROGUE", "Рыцарь Смерти", "DEATHKNIGHT", "Чернокнижница", "WARLOCK", "Охотница", "HUNTER", "Жрица", "PRIEST", "Шаманка", "SHAMAN", "Разбойница", "ROGUE", "Рыцарь Смерти", "DEATHKNIGHT" )
\ No newline at end of file
91,9 → 91,13
local function CreateFS( index, parent, justify, anchor )
local fs = parent:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY", "SystemFont_Shadow_Med1" )
local fs = parent:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY" )
local font, _, flags = GameFontNormal:GetFont()
fs:SetFont( font, 12, flags )
fs:SetJustifyH( justify )
fs:SetTextColor( 1, index == 1 and .8 or 1, 0 )
fs:SetShadowColor( 0, 0, 0 )
fs:SetShadowOffset( 1, -1 )
if( anchor )then fs:SetPoint( "LEFT", anchor, "RIGHT", GAP, 0 ) end
return fs
239,7 → 243,7
if( hideNotes )then notesC = -GAP end
local maxWidth = ICON_SIZE + TEXT_OFFSET + nameC + levelC + zoneC + notesC + rankC + GAP * (isGuild and 4 or 3)
local maxWidth = ICON_SIZE + TEXT_OFFSET + (isGrouped and ICON_SIZE+TEXT_OFFSET or 0) + nameC + levelC + zoneC + notesC + rankC + GAP * (isGuild and 4 or 3)
extraHeight = ceil( extraHeight / maxWidth )
if( isGuild and hasEntries )then