WoWInterface SVN Ara_Broker_Guild_Friends

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 16 to Rev 17
    Reverse comparison

Rev 16 → Rev 17

1,3 → 1,5
-- TODO:
-- scroll large guild members
15, 13, 10, 5
7,6 → 9,7
local dontShow, block, horde, config, isGuild = true
local defaultConfig = { showGuildNotes = true, showGuildName = true, sortType = "class", sortDESC = false, fontSize=12 }
local guildEntries, friendEntries = {}, {}
local scrollIndex
local format, strfind, strupper, GetGuildRosterInfo, GetFriendInfo, RAID_CLASS_COLORS, CLASS_BUTTONS =
format, strfind, strupper, GetGuildRosterInfo, GetFriendInfo, RAID_CLASS_COLORS, CLASS_BUTTONS
42,8 → 45,8
local total, online = GetNumFriends(), 0
for i = 1, total do
local name, level, class, zone, connected, status, note = GetFriendInfo(i)
if( connected )then
if( online == 0 )then
if connected then
if online == 0 then
friendEntries[1] = new( nil, "Name", "", "Lv", "Zone", "Notes" )
online = online + 1
51,24 → 54,24
f.FriendsBlock.text = format(" %d/%d", online, total)
if( not isGuild and block )then f:FriendsOnEnter(block) end
if not isGuild and block then f:FriendsOnEnter(block) end
dontShow = not( isGuild and block )
f.GuildOnEnter( block )
dontShow = not(isGuild and block)
function f:PLAYER_GUILD_UPDATE(event, unit)
if( unit and unit ~= "player" )then return end
if unit and unit ~= "player" then return end
return IsInGuild() and GuildRoster()
local hordeZones = "Orgrimmar,Undercity,Thunder Bluff,Silvermoon City,Durotar,Tirisfal Glades,The Barrens,Silverpine Forest,Mulgore,The Sepulcher,Eversong Woods,Ghostlands,"
local allianceZones = "Ironforge,Stormwind City,Darnassus,Azuremyst Isle,Bloodmyst Isle,Darkshore,Dun Morogh,Loch Modan,Wetlands,Elwynn Forest,Redridge Mountains,Westfall,Teldrassil,Duskwood,Darshire,Thelsamar,Deeprun Tram,The Exodar,Auberdine,Menethil Harbor,Theramore Isle"
local function GetZoneColor(zone)
if( strfind( hordeZones , zone.."," ) )then if( horde )then return 0,1,0 else return 1,0,0 end end
if( strfind( allianceZones, zone.."," ) )then if( horde )then return 1,0,0 else return 0,1,0 end end
if strfind( hordeZones , zone.."," ) then if horde then return 0,1,0 else return 1,0,0 end end
if strfind( allianceZones, zone.."," ) then if horde then return 1,0,0 else return 0,1,0 end end
return 1,1,0
78,23 → 81,23
local function Menu_OnEnter(b)
if( b.index )then
if b.index then
if( b.index > 1)then highlight:SetAlpha(1) end
if b.index > 1 then highlight:SetAlpha(1) end
local function Menu_OnLeave(b)
if( b.index and b.index > 1 )then highlight:SetAlpha(0) end
if( not MouseIsOver(f) )then block = nil f:Hide() end
if b.index and b.index > 1 then highlight:SetAlpha(0) end
if not MouseIsOver(f) then block = nil f:Hide() end
local function CreateFS( index, parent, justify, anchor )
local fs = parent:CreateFontString( nil, "OVERLAY", "SystemFont_Shadow_Med1" )
fs:SetJustifyH( justify )
fs:SetTextColor( 1, index == 1 and .8 or 1, 0 )
if( anchor )then fs:SetPoint( "LEFT", anchor, "RIGHT", GAP, 0 ) end
if anchor then fs:SetPoint( "LEFT", anchor, "RIGHT", GAP, 0 ) end
return fs
108,7 → 111,7
button:SetScript( "OnEnter", Menu_OnEnter )
button:SetScript( "OnLeave", Menu_OnLeave )
button.fontName = CreateFS( key, button, "LEFT" )
if( key == 0 )then
if key == 0 then
button.icon = button:CreateTexture()
128,13 → 131,13
local button = buttons[index]
button.fontName:SetText( name or "" )
if( class )then
if( index > 1 )then
if class then
if index > 1 then
class = isGuild and class or L[class]
local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]
if( color )then
if color then
button.fontName:SetTextColor( color.r, color.g, color.b )
if( inGroup )then
if inGroup then
button.icon:SetTexture(isGrouped and "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check" or "")
169,30 → 172,30
local cols, colspace = { "class", "name", "level", "zone", "note", "rank" }, { ICON_SIZE }
local function OnGuildmateClick( self, button )
if( not( self and self.unit ) )then return end
if( isGuild and button ~= "LeftButton" and not IsModifierKeyDown() )then -- sort columns
if not( self and self.unit ) then return end
if isGuild and button ~= "LeftButton" and not IsModifierKeyDown() then -- sort columns
local prevDist = GetCursorPosition() / self:GetEffectiveScale() - self:GetLeft()
local colpos, dist = colspace[1] - prevDist
for i=2, #colspace do
colpos = colpos + colspace[i] + (i==2 and TEXT_OFFSET or GAP)
dist = abs( colpos - colspace[i]*.5 )
if( dist > prevDist )then dist, prevDist = i-1, -1 break else prevDist = dist end
if dist > prevDist then dist, prevDist = i-1, -1 break else prevDist = dist end
colpos = prevDist < 0 and dist or #colspace
colpos = not config.showGuildNotes and colpos == 5 and "rank" or cols[colpos]
if( config.sortType == colpos )then
if config.sortType == colpos then
config.sortDESC = not config.sortDESC
config.sortType, config.sortDESC = colpos, false
SortGuildRoster( colpos )
elseif( IsAltKeyDown() )then
elseif IsAltKeyDown() then
InviteUnit( self.unit )
elseif( IsControlKeyDown() )then
if( not isGuild )then
elseif IsControlKeyDown() then
if not isGuild then
FriendsFrame.NotesID = self.index - 1
StaticPopup_Show( "SET_FRIENDNOTE", self.unit )
elseif( button == "LeftButton" and CanEditPublicNote() or button ~= "LeftButton" and CanEditOfficerNote() )then
elseif button == "LeftButton" and CanEditPublicNote() or button ~= "LeftButton" and CanEditOfficerNote() then
SetGuildRosterSelection( guildEntries[self.index][8] )
StaticPopup_Show( button == "LeftButton" and "SET_GUILDPLAYERNOTE" or "SET_GUILDOFFICERNOTE" )
206,7 → 209,7
isGuild = _isGuild
block = block or self
local hasEntries = #entries > 0
if( not hasEntries )then
if not hasEntries then
entries[1] = new( nil, isGuild and ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_IN_GUILD or "No friends online.", "" )
216,9 → 219,9
local hideNotes = isGuild and not config.showGuildNotes
local extraHeight, motd = 0
if( isGuild and hasEntries )then
if isGuild and hasEntries then
motd, extraHeight = SetButtonData( 0, "|cffffffffMOTD:|r "..GetGuildRosterMOTD() )
if( CanEditMOTD() )then motd:SetScript( "OnClick", EditMOTD ) end
if CanEditMOTD() then motd:SetScript( "OnClick", EditMOTD ) end
227,36 → 230,36
button, nameW, levelW, zoneW, notesW, rankW = SetButtonData( i, entry[2], entry[3], entry[4], entry[5], entry[6], entry[7], isGrouped, isGrouped and entry[1] and isGrouped(entry[1]), isGrouped ) --MOD
button.unit = entry[1]
button:SetScript( "OnClick", OnGuildmateClick )
if( nameW > nameC )then nameC = nameW end
if( levelW and levelW>0 )then
if( levelW > levelC )then levelC = levelW end
if( zoneW > zoneC )then zoneC = zoneW end
if( notesW > notesC )then notesC = notesW end
if( rankW > rankC )then rankC = rankW end
if( hideNotes )then button.fontNotes:Hide() else button.fontNotes:Show() end
if nameW > nameC then nameC = nameW end
if levelW and levelW>0 then
if levelW > levelC then levelC = levelW end
if zoneW > zoneC then zoneC = zoneW end
if notesW > notesC then notesC = notesW end
if rankW > rankC then rankC = rankW end
if hideNotes then button.fontNotes:Hide() else button.fontNotes:Show() end
button.fontRank:SetPoint( "LEFT", hideNotes and button.fontZone or button.fontNotes, "RIGHT", GAP, 0 )
if( hideNotes )then notesC = -GAP end
if hideNotes then notesC = -GAP end
local maxWidth = ICON_SIZE + TEXT_OFFSET + nameC + levelC + zoneC + notesC + rankC + GAP * (isGuild and 4 or 3)
extraHeight = ceil( extraHeight / maxWidth )
if( isGuild and hasEntries )then
if isGuild and hasEntries then
motd = buttons[0]
motd:SetWidth( maxWidth )
motd:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", GAP, -GAP )
motd:SetHeight( (extraHeight+1) * BUTTON_HEIGHT )
buttons[1]:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", motd, "BOTTOMLEFT" )
elseif( rawget( buttons, 0 ) )then
elseif rawget( buttons, 0 ) then
for i=1, #entries do
button = buttons[i]
button:SetWidth( maxWidth )
if( not isGuild or i>1 or not hasEntries )then button:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", GAP, (1-i-extraHeight-offsetEntries) * BUTTON_HEIGHT - GAP ) end
if not isGuild or i>1 or not hasEntries then button:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", GAP, (1-i-extraHeight-offsetEntries) * BUTTON_HEIGHT - GAP ) end
277,17 → 280,17
function f:FriendsOnEnter()
if( InCombatLockdown() )then f:Show() return Menu_OnEnter(f) end
if InCombatLockdown() then f:Show() return Menu_OnEnter(f) end
return ShowTablet( self, false, friendEntries )
function f:GuildOnEnter()
if( not dontShow and InCombatLockdown() )then f:Show() return Menu_OnEnter(f) end
if not dontShow and InCombatLockdown() then f:Show() return Menu_OnEnter(f) end
for k, v in next, guildEntries do del(v) guildEntries[k]=nil end
for i=1, GetNumGuildMembers(true) do
local name, rank, _, level, _, zone, note, offnote, connected, status, class = GetGuildRosterInfo(i)
if( connected )then
if( #guildEntries == 0 )then
if connected then
if #guildEntries == 0 then
guildEntries[1] = new( nil, "Name", "", "Lv", "Zone", "Notes", "Rank" )
local notes = note ~= "" and (offnote ~= "" and
302,12 → 305,12
local function OnBlockClick(self, button)
if( button == "LeftButton" )then
if( IsShiftKeyDown() and IsInGuild() )then
if button == "LeftButton" then
if IsShiftKeyDown() and IsInGuild() then
config.showGuildName = not config.showGuildName
f.GuildBlock.text = format( " %s%d/%d", config.showGuildName and GetGuildInfo"player"..": " or "", #guildEntries-1, GetNumGuildMembers(true) )
else ToggleFriendsFrame(3) end
elseif( not InCombatLockdown() )then
elseif not InCombatLockdown() then
config.showGuildNotes = not config.showGuildNotes
ShowTablet( block, true, guildEntries )
339,22 → 342,30
return orgGuildRoster(...)
local orgShowFriends = ShowFriends
ShowFriends = function(...)
t.friendTimer = 0
return orgShowFriends(...)
local function OnUpdate( self, elapsed )
t.guildTimer = t.guildTimer + elapsed
if( t.guildTimer > 15 )then
if t.guildTimer > 15 then
if IsInGuild() then GuildRoster() else t.guildTimer = 0 end
t.friendTimer = t.friendTimer + elapsed
if t.friendTimer > 15 then ShowFriends() end
function f:ADDON_LOADED( event, addon )
if( addon ~= "Ara_Broker_Guild_Friends" )then return else self:UnregisterEvent(event) end
if addon ~= "Ara_Broker_Guild_Friends" then return else self:UnregisterEvent(event) end
AraBrokerGuildFriendsDB = AraBrokerGuildFriendsDB or defaultConfig
config = AraBrokerGuildFriendsDB
for k, v in next, defaultConfig do if config[k]==nil then config[k]=v end end
if( config.reloading )then config.reloading = nil else SortGuildRoster(config.sortType) if( config.sortDESC )then SortGuildRoster(config.sortType) end end
if config.reloading then config.reloading = nil else SortGuildRoster(config.sortType) if config.sortDESC then SortGuildRoster(config.sortType) end end
horde = UnitFactionGroup"player" == "Horde"
if( _G.Skinner )then
if _G.Skinner then
f:SetBackdrop( { bgFile="Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8", edgeFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",
375,8 → 386,8
if( IsInGuild() )then GuildRoster() else t.guildTimer = 0 end
ShowFriends() t.friendTimer = 0
if IsInGuild() then GuildRoster() else t.guildTimer = 0 end
1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 30000
## Title: |cFFFFB366Ara|r - Broker - Guild & Friends
## Version: r14
## Version: r15
## Author: Ara
## Notes: A Data Broker plugin that provides guildmates & friends informations and interactions.
## SavedVariables: AraBrokerGuildFriendsDB