WoWInterface SVN ArchWizard

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 37 to Rev 38
    Reverse comparison

Rev 37 → Rev 38

5,44 → 5,73
local options = {}
local db
local raceCurrencies = {}
local mappings = {
{ -- Kalimdor
['mapID'] = 12
{ -- Eastern Kingdoms
['mapID'] = 13
{ -- Outland
['mapID'] = 101
{ -- Northrend
['mapID'] = 113
{ -- Maelstrom
['mapID'] = 948
{ -- Pandaria
['mapID'] = 424
{ -- WoD
['mapID'] = 572
{ -- Legion
['mapID'] = 619
{ -- Argus
['mapID'] = 905
local findings = {
{ -- Kalimdor
[12] = { -- Kalimdor mapID 12
[0] = true,
[52843] = true, -- dwarf
[63127] = true, -- nelf
[63128] = true, -- troll
[64397] = true, -- tol'vir
{ -- eastern kingdom
[13] = { -- eastern kingdom mapID 13
[0] = true,
[64396] = true, -- nerubian
[52843] = true, -- dwarf
[63127] = true, -- nelf
[63128] = true, -- troll
{ -- outland
[101] = { -- outland
[64392] = true, -- orc
[64394] = true, -- draenei
{ -- northrend
[113] = { -- northrend
[64396] = true, -- nerubian
[63127] = true, -- nelf
[63128] = true, -- troll
[64395] = true, -- vrykul
{ -- maelstrom
[948] = { -- maelstrom --948
{ -- pandaria
[424] = { -- pandaria
[79868] = true, -- panda
[79869] = true, -- mogu
[95508] = true, -- mantis
{ -- wod
[572] = { -- wod
[109585] = true, -- arakkoa
[109584] = true, -- oger
[108439] = true, -- clans
{ -- legion
[619] = { -- legion
[130903] = true, -- Highborne
[130904] = true, -- Highmountain Tauren
[130905] = true, -- Demonic
51,12 → 80,24
local function fragmentUpdate()
if(not WorldMapFrame:IsShown()) then
-- SetMapToCurrentZone()
if(not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_ArchaeologyUI")) then
local continent = GetCurrentMapContinent()
local continent
local mapID = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player")
if(mapID) then
local info = C_Map.GetMapInfo(mapID)
if(info) then
if(info['mapType'] > 2) then
while(info['mapType'] > 2) do
info = C_Map.GetMapInfo(info['parentMapID'])
continent = info['mapID']
for i=1,GetNumArchaeologyRaces() do
local raceName, raceTexture, raceItemID, raceCurrency, numFragmentsRequired = GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(i)
if(raceName) then