WoWInterface SVN ArchWizard

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 44 to Rev 45
    Reverse comparison

Rev 44 → Rev 45

5,35 → 5,6
local options = {}
local db
local raceCurrencies = {}
local mappings = {
{ -- Kalimdor
['mapID'] = 12
{ -- Eastern Kingdoms
['mapID'] = 13
{ -- Outland
['mapID'] = 101
{ -- Northrend
['mapID'] = 113
{ -- Maelstrom
['mapID'] = 948
{ -- Pandaria
['mapID'] = 424
{ -- WoD
['mapID'] = 572
{ -- Legion
['mapID'] = 619
{ -- Argus
['mapID'] = 905
local findings = {
[12] = { -- Kalimdor mapID 12
[0] = true,
101,7 → 72,7
if(not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_ArchaeologyUI")) then
local continent = C_Map and getContinent() or GetCurrentMapContinent()
local continent = getContinent()
if(continent) then
for i=1,GetNumArchaeologyRaces() do
local raceName, raceTexture, raceItemID, raceCurrency, numFragmentsRequired = GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(i)