WoWInterface SVN Atlas

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 51 to Rev 52
    Reverse comparison

Rev 51 → Rev 52

Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-esES.lua New file
0,0 → 1,177
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atlas; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- Datos de Atlas (Español)
-- Traducido por --> maqjav|Marosth de Tyrande<--
-- Última Actualización (last update): 04/02/2010
if ( GetLocale() == "esES" ) then
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "Campos de Batalla";
["Blue"] = "Azul";
["Dungeon Locations"] = "Lugares de Mazmorras";
["Instances"] = "Mazmorras";
["White"] = "Blanco";
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "Ahn'kahet: El Antiguo Reino";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "Montañas de Alterac";
["Alterac Valley"] = "Valle de Alterac";
["Arathi Basin"] = "Cuenca de Arathi";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Tierras Altas de Arathi";
["Ashenvale"] = "Vallefresno";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Criptas Auchenai";
["Auchindoun"] = "Auchindoun";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "Azjol-Nerub";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "Azjol-Nerub";
["Badlands"] = "Tierras del Interior";
["Black Temple"] = "Templo Oscuro";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Caverna Brazanegra";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "Profundidades de Roca Negra";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Montaña de Roca Negra";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "Cumbre de Roca Negra";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "Guarida Alanegra";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Montañas Filoespada";
["Caverns of Time"] = "Cavernas del Tiempo";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Reserva Colmillo Torcido";
["Coldarra"] = "Coldarra"; --Check
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "Coliseo de los Cruzados";
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Paso de la Muerte";
["Desolace"] = "Desolace";
["Dire Maul"] = "La Masacre";
["Dragonblight"] = "Cementerio de Dragones";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "Fortaleza de Drak'Tharon";
["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Marjal Revolcafango";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Reinos del Este";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Tierras de la Peste del Este";
["Feralas"] = "Feralas";
["Ghostlands"] = "Tierras Fantasma";
["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Colinas Pardas";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "Guarida de Gruul";
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "Cámaras de Relámpagos";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "Cámaras de Reflexión";
["Halls of Stone"] = "Cámara de Piedra";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Ciudadela de Fuego Infernal";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Península del Fuego Infernal";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Murallas del Fuego Infernal";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Laderas de Trabalomas";
["Howling Fjord"] = "Fiordo Alquilonal";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "La Cima Hyjal";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "Ciudadela Corona de hielo"; --Check
["Icecrown"] = "Corona de Hielo";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Isla de Quel'Danas";
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor";
["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "Bancal del Magister";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "La Guarida de Magtheridon";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "Tumbas de Maná";
["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon";
["Molten Core"] = "Núcleo Fundido";
["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas";
["Netherstorm"] = "Tormenta Abisal";
["Northrend"] = "Rasganorte";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Antiguas Laderas de Trabalomas";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Guarida de Onyxia";
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar";
["Outland"] = "Terrallende";
["Pit of Saron"] = "Foso de Saron";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Sima Ígnea";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "Horado Rajacieno";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Zahúrda Rojocieno";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Las Ruinas de Ahn'Qiraj";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Monasterio Escarlata";
["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Caverna del Santuario de la Serpiente";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "Salas Sethekk";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Laberinto de las Sombras";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Castillo de Colmillo Oscuro";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Valle Sombraluna";
["Silithus"] = "Silithus";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Bosque de Argenteos";
["Stormwind City"] = "Ciudad de Ventormenta";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Vega de Tuercespina";
["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme";
["Stratholme Past"] = "Stratholme en el pasado";
["Sunken Temple"] = "El Templo de Atal'Hakkar";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "Meseta del pozo del Sol";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Pantano de las Penas";
["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris";
["Tempest Keep"] = "El Castillo de la Tempestad";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "El Templo de Ahn'Qiraj";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Bosque de Terrokkar";
["The Arcatraz"] = "El Arcatraz";
["The Barrens"] = "Los Baldíos";
["The Black Morass"] = "La Ciénaga Negra";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "El Horno de la Sangre";
["The Botanica"] = "El Invernáculo";
["The Deadmines"] = "Las Minas de la Muerte";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "El Ojo de la Eternidad";
["The Eye"] = "El Ojo";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "La Forja de Almas";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "Las Cámaras Heladas";
["The Mechanar"] = "El Mechanar";
["The Nexus"] = "El Nexo";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "El Sagrario Obsidiana";
["The Oculus"] = "El Oculus";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "El Sagrario Rubí";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "Las Salas Arrasadas";
["The Slave Pens"] = "El Campo de Esclavos";
["The Steamvault"] = "La cámara de Vapor";
["The Stockade"] = "Mazmorras de Ventormenta";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "Cumbres Tormentosas";
["The Underbog"] = "La Sotiénaga";
["The Violet Hold"] = "El Bastión Violeta";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Claros de Trisfal";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "Prueba del Campeón";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "Prueba del Cruzado";
["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman";
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "Fortaleza de Utgarde";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Pináculo de Utgarde";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "La Cámara de Archavon";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Cuevas de los Lamentos";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Garganta Grito de Guerra";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Tierras de la Peste del Oeste";
["Westfall"] = "Páramos de Poniente";
["Wintergrasp"] = "Conquista del Invierno";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Marisma de Zangar";
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman";
["Zul'Drak"] = "Zul'Drak";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub";
Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-frFR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,168
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atlas; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "Champs de bataille";
["Blue"] = "Bleu "; -- Espace pour le blanc avant une double ponctuation française
["Dungeon Locations"] = "Emplacements des instances";
["Instances"] = "Instances";
["White"] = "Blanc "; -- Espace pour le blanc avant une double ponctuation française
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "Ahn'kahet : l'Ancien royaume";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "Montagnes d'Alterac";
["Alterac Valley"] = "Vallée d'Alterac";
["Arathi Basin"] = "Bassin d'Arathi";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Hautes-Terres d'Arathi";
["Ashenvale"] = "Orneval";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Cryptes Auchenaï";
["Auchindoun"] = "Auchindoun";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "Azjol-Nérub";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "Azjol-Nérub";
["Badlands"] = "Terres ingrates";
["Black Temple"] = "Temple Noir";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Mont Rochenoire";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "Pic Rochenoire";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "Repaire de l'Aile Noire";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Les Tranchantes";
["Caverns of Time"] = "Grottes du Temps";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Réservoir de Glissecroc";
["Coldarra"] = "Frimarra";
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "Crusaders' Coliseum"; -- à traduire
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Défilé de Deuillevent";
["Desolace"] = "Désolace";
["Dire Maul"] = "Hache-tripes";
["Dragonblight"] = "Désolation des dragons";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon";
["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Marécage d'Âprefange";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Royaumes de l'Est";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Maleterres de l'est";
["Feralas"] = "Féralas";
["Ghostlands"] = "Terres Fantômes";
["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Les Grisonnes";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "Repaire de Gruul";
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "Les salles de Foudre";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "Salles des Reflets";
["Halls of Stone"] = "Les salles de Pierre";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Citadelle des Flammes infernales";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Péninsule des Flammes infernales";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Remparts des Flammes infernales";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Contreforts de Hautebrande";
["Howling Fjord"] = "Fjord Hurlant";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "Sommet d'Hyjal";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "Citadelle de la Couronne de glace";
["Icecrown"] = "La Couronne de glace";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Île de Quel’Danas";
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor";
["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "Terrasse des Magistères";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Le repaire de Magtheridon";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "Tombes-mana";
["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon";
["Molten Core"] = "Cœur du Magma";
["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas";
["Netherstorm"] = "Raz-de-Néant";
["Northrend"] = "Norfendre";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Contreforts de Hautebrande d'antan";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Repaire d'Onyxia";
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar";
["Outland"] = "Outreterre";
["Pit of Saron"] = "Fosse de Saron";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Gouffre de Ragefeu";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "Souilles de Tranchebauge";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Kraal de Tranchebauge";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Monastère écarlate";
["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Caverne du sanctuaire du Serpent";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "Les salles des Sethekk";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Labyrinthe des ombres";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Vallée d'Ombrelune";
["Silithus"] = "Silithus";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Forêt des Pins Argentés";
["Stormwind City"] = "Hurlevent";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Vallée de Strangleronce";
["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme";
["Stratholme Past"] = "L'Épuration de Stratholme";
["Sunken Temple"] = "Temple englouti";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "Plateau du Puits de soleil";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Marais des Chagrins";
["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris";
["Tempest Keep"] = "Donjon de la Tempête";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ahn'Qiraj";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Forêt de Terokkar";
["The Arcatraz"] = "L'Arcatraz";
["The Barrens"] = "Les Tarides";
["The Black Morass"] = "Le Noir Marécage";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "La Fournaise du sang";
["The Botanica"] = "La Botanica";
["The Chamber of Aspects"] = "La Chambre des Aspects";
["The Deadmines"] = "Les Mortemines";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "L'Œil de l'éternité";
["The Eye"] = "L'Œil";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "La Forge des âmes";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "Les salles Gelées";
["The Mechanar"] = "Le Méchanar";
["The Nexus"] = "Le Nexus";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "Le sanctum Obsidien";
["The Oculus"] = "L'Oculus";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "Le sanctum Rubis";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "Les Salles brisées";
["The Slave Pens"] = "Les enclos aux esclaves";
["The Steamvault"] = "Le Caveau de la vapeur";
["The Stockade"] = "La Prison";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "Les pics Foudroyés";
["The Underbog"] = "La Basse-tourbière";
["The Violet Hold"] = "Le fort Pourpre";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Clairières de Tirisfal";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "L'épreuve du champion";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "L'épreuve du croisé";
["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman";
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "Donjon d'Utgarde";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Cime d'Utgarde";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "Caveau d'Archavon";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Cavernes des lamentations";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Goulet des Chanteguerres";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Maleterres de l'ouest";
["Westfall"] = "Marche de l'Ouest";
["Wintergrasp"] = "Joug-d'hiver";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Marécage de Zangar";
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman";
["Zul'Drak"] = "Zul'Drak";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub";
\ No newline at end of file
Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-deDE.lua New file
0,0 → 1,169
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atlas; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "Schlachtfelder";
["Blue"] = "Blau";
["Dungeon Locations"] = "Instanz-Standorte";
["Instances"] = "Instanzen";
["White"] = "Weiß";
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "Ahn'kahet: Das Alte Königreich";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "Alteracgebirge";
["Alterac Valley"] = "Alteractal";
["Arathi Basin"] = "Arathibecken";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Arathihochland";
["Ashenvale"] = "Eschental";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Auchenaikrypta";
["Auchindoun"] = "Auchindoun";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "Azjol-Nerub";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "Azjol-Nerub: Das obere Königreich";
["Badlands"] = "Ödland";
["Black Temple"] = "Der Schwarze Tempel";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Tiefschwarze Grotte";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "Schwarzfelstiefen";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Der Schwarzfels";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "Schwarzfelsspitze";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "Pechschwingenhort";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Schergrat";
["Caverns of Time"] = "Höhlen der Zeit";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Der Echsenkessel";
["Coldarra"] = "Kaltarra";
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "Kolloseum der Kreuzfahrer";
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Gebirgspass der Totenwinde";
["Desolace"] = "Desolace";
["Dire Maul"] = "Düsterbruch";
["Dragonblight"] = "Drachenöde";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "Feste Drak'Tharon";
["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Düstermarschen";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Östliche Königreiche";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Östliche Pestländer";
["Feralas"] = "Feralas";
["Ghostlands"] = "Geisterlande";
["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Grizzlyhügel";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "Gruuls Unterschlupf";
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "Die Hallen der Blitze";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "Die Hallen der Reflexion";
["Halls of Stone"] = "Die Hallen des Steins";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Höllenfeuerzitadelle";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Höllenfeuerhalbinsel";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Höllenfeuerbollwerk";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Vorgebirge des Hügellands";
["Howling Fjord"] = "Der heulende Fjord";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "Hyjalgipfel";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "Eiskronenzitadelle";
["Icecrown"] = "Eiskrone";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Insel von Quel'Danas";
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor";
["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "Terrasse der Magister";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Magtheridons Kammer";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "Managruft";
["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon";
["Molten Core"] = "Geschmolzener Kern";
["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas";
["Netherstorm"] = "Nethersturm";
["Northrend"] = "Nordend";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxias Hort";
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar";
["Outland"] = "Scherbenwelt";
["Pit of Saron"] = "Die Grube von Saron";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Der Flammenschlund";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "Hügel der Klingenhauer";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Kral der Klingenhauer";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Das scharlachrote Kloster";
["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Höhle des Schlangenschreins";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "Sethekkhallen";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Schattenlabyrinth";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Burg Schattenfang";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Schattenmondtal";
["Silithus"] = "Silithus";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Silberwald";
["Stormwind City"] = "Sturmwind";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Schlingendorntal";
["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme";
["Stratholme Past"] = "Das Ausmerzen von Stratholme";
["Sunken Temple"] = "Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Sümpfe des Elends";
["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris";
["Tempest Keep"] = "Festung der Stürme";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Wälder von Terrokar";
["The Arcatraz"] = "Die Arkatraz";
["The Barrens"] = "Brachland";
["The Black Morass"] = "Der schwarze Morast";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "Der Blutkessel";
["The Botanica"] = "Die Botanika";
["The Chamber of Aspects"] = "Die Kammer der Aspekte";
["The Deadmines"] = "Die Todesminen";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "Das Auge der Ewigkeit";
["The Eye"] = "Festung der Stürme";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "Die Seelenschmiede";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "Die gefrorenen Hallen";
["The Mechanar"] = "Die Mechanar";
["The Nexus"] = "Der Nexus";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "Das Obsidiansanktum";
["The Oculus"] = "Das Oculus";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "Das Rubinsanktum";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "Die zerschmetterten Hallen";
["The Slave Pens"] = "Die Sklavenunterkünfte";
["The Steamvault"] = "Die Dampfkammer";
["The Stockade"] = "Das Verlies";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "Die Sturmgipfel";
["The Underbog"] = "Der Tiefensumpf";
["The Violet Hold"] = "Die Violette Festung";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Tirisfal";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "Prüfung des Champions";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "Prüfung des Kreuzfahrers";
["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman";
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "Burg Utgarde";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Turm Utgarde";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "Archavons Kammer";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Die Höhlen des Wehklagens";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Kriegshymnenschlucht";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Westliche Pestländer";
["Westfall"] = "Westfall";
["Wintergrasp"] = "Tausendwinter";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Zangarmarschen";
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman";
["Zul'Drak"] = "Zul'Drak";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub";
\ No newline at end of file
Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-zhCN.lua New file
0,0 → 1,174
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atlas; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- Atlas Localization Data (Chinese)
-- Initial translation by DiabloHu
-- Version : Chinese (by DiabloHu)
-- $Date: 2010-01-23 14:25:04 +1030 (Sat, 23 Jan 2010) $
-- $Revision: 796 $
if ( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "战场";
["Blue"] = "蓝色";
["Dungeon Locations"] = "副本分布";
["Instances"] = "副本地下城";
["White"] = "白色";
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "安卡赫特:古代王国";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "奥特兰克山脉";
["Alterac Valley"] = "奥特兰克山谷";
["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "阿拉希高地";
["Ashenvale"] = "灰谷";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "奥金尼地穴";
["Auchindoun"] = "奥金顿";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "艾卓-尼鲁布";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "艾卓-尼鲁布:上层王国";
["Badlands"] = "荒芜之地";
["Black Temple"] = "黑暗神殿";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "黑暗深渊";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "黑石深渊";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "黑石山";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "刀锋山";
["Caverns of Time"] = "时光之穴";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "盘牙水库";
["Coldarra"] = "考达拉";
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "银白大竞技场";
["Dalaran"] = "达拉然";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "逆风小径";
["Desolace"] = "凄凉之地";
["Dire Maul"] = "厄运之槌";
["Dragonblight"] = "龙骨荒野";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "达克萨隆要塞";
["Dun Morogh"] = "丹莫罗";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "尘泥沼泽";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "东部王国";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "东瘟疫之地";
["Feralas"] = "菲拉斯";
["Ghostlands"] = "幽魂之地";
["Gnomeregan"] = "诺莫瑞根";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "灰熊丘陵";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "格鲁尔的巢穴";
["Gundrak"] = "古达克";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "闪电大厅";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "倒影大厅";
["Halls of Stone"] = "岩石大厅";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "地狱火堡垒";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地狱火半岛";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "地狱火城墙";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希尔斯布莱德丘陵";
["Howling Fjord"] = "嚎风海湾";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "海加尔峰";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "冰冠堡垒";
["Icecrown"] = "冰冠冰川";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "奎尔丹纳斯岛";
["Kalimdor"] = "卡利姆多";
["Karazhan"] = "卡拉赞";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "魔导师平台";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "玛瑟里顿的巢穴";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "法力陵墓";
["Maraudon"] = "玛拉顿";
["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心";
["Naxxramas"] = "纳克萨玛斯";
["Netherstorm"] = "虚空风暴";
["Northrend"] = "诺森德";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "旧希尔斯布莱德丘陵";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴";
["Orgrimmar"] = "奥格瑞玛";
["Outland"] = "外域";
["Pit of Saron"] = "萨伦之渊";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "怒焰裂谷";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "剃刀高地";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "剃刀沼泽";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉废墟";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "血色修道院";
["Scholomance"] = "通灵学院";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "毒蛇神殿";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "塞泰克大厅";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "暗影迷宫";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "影牙城堡";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "影月谷";
["Silithus"] = "希利苏斯";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "银松森林";
["Stormwind City"] = "暴风城";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荆棘谷";
["Stratholme"] = "斯坦所姆";
["Stratholme Past"] = "旧斯坦索姆";
["Sunken Temple"] = "沉没的神庙";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "太阳之井高地";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲伤沼泽";
["Tanaris"] = "塔纳利斯";
["Tempest Keep"] = "风暴要塞";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉神殿";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "泰罗卡森林";
["The Arcatraz"] = "禁魔监狱";
["The Barrens"] = "贫瘠之地";
["The Black Morass"] = "黑色沼泽";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "鲜血熔炉";
["The Botanica"] = "生态船";
["The Deadmines"] = "死亡矿井";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "永恒之眼";
["The Eye"] = "风暴之眼";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "众魂熔炉";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "冰封大厅";
["The Mechanar"] = "能源舰";
["The Nexus"] = "魔枢";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "黑曜石圣殿";
["The Oculus"] = "魔环";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "红宝石寺";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "碎裂大厅";
["The Slave Pens"] = "奴隶围栏";
["The Steamvault"] = "蒸汽地窖";
["The Stockade"] = "监狱";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "风暴峭壁";
["The Underbog"] = "幽暗沼泽";
["The Violet Hold"] = "紫罗兰监狱";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "提瑞斯法林地";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "勇士试炼";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "十字軍试炼";
["Uldaman"] = "奥达曼";
["Ulduar"] = "奥杜尔";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "乌特加德城堡";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "乌特加的之巅";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "阿尔卡冯的宝库";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "战歌峡谷";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "西瘟疫之地";
["Westfall"] = "西部荒野";
["Wintergrasp"] = "冬拥湖";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "赞加沼泽";
["Zul'Aman"] = "祖阿曼";
["Zul'Drak"] = "祖达克";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖尔法拉克";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖尔格拉布";
Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-enUS.lua New file
0,0 → 1,165
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atlas; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "Battlegrounds";
["Blue"] = "Blue";
["Dungeon Locations"] = "Dungeon Locations";
["Instances"] = "Instances";
["White"] = "White";
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "Alterac Mountains";
["Alterac Valley"] = "Alterac Valley";
["Arathi Basin"] = "Arathi Basin";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Arathi Highlands";
["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Auchenai Crypts";
["Auchindoun"] = "Auchindoun";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "Azjol-Nerub";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom";
["Badlands"] = "Badlands";
["Black Temple"] = "Black Temple";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Blackfathom Deeps";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "Blackrock Depths";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Blackrock Mountain";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "Blackrock Spire";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "Blackwing Lair";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Blade's Edge Mountains";
["Caverns of Time"] = "Caverns of Time";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Coilfang Reservoir";
["Coldarra"] = "Coldarra";
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "Crusaders' Coliseum";
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Deadwind Pass";
["Desolace"] = "Desolace";
["Dire Maul"] = "Dire Maul";
["Dragonblight"] = "Dragonblight";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "Drak'Tharon Keep";
["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Dustwallow Marsh";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Eastern Kingdoms";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Eastern Plaguelands";
["Feralas"] = "Feralas";
["Ghostlands"] = "Ghostlands";
["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Grizzly Hills";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "Gruul's Lair";
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "Halls of Lightning";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "Halls of Reflection";
["Halls of Stone"] = "Halls of Stone";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Hellfire Citadel";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Hellfire Peninsula";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Hellfire Ramparts";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Hillsbrad Foothills";
["Howling Fjord"] = "Howling Fjord";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "Hyjal Summit";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "Icecrown Citadel";
["Icecrown"] = "Icecrown";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Isle of Quel'Danas";
["Kalimdor"] = "Kalimdor";
["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "Magisters' Terrace";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Magtheridon's Lair";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "Mana-Tombs";
["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon";
["Molten Core"] = "Molten Core";
["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas";
["Netherstorm"] = "Netherstorm";
["Northrend"] = "Northrend";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxia's Lair";
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar";
["Outland"] = "Outland";
["Pit of Saron"] = "Pit of Saron";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Ragefire Chasm";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "Razorfen Downs";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Razorfen Kraul";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Scarlet Monastery";
["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Serpentshrine Cavern";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "Sethekk Halls";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Shadow Labyrinth";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Shadowfang Keep";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Shadowmoon Valley";
["Silithus"] = "Silithus";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Silverpine Forest";
["Stormwind City"] = "Stormwind City";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Stranglethorn Vale";
["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme";
["Stratholme Past"] = "Stratholme Past";
["Sunken Temple"] = "Sunken Temple";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "Sunwell Plateau";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Swamp of Sorrows";
["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris";
["Tempest Keep"] = "Tempest Keep";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Temple of Ahn'Qiraj";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Terokkar Forest";
["The Arcatraz"] = "The Arcatraz";
["The Barrens"] = "The Barrens";
["The Black Morass"] = "The Black Morass";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "The Blood Furnace";
["The Botanica"] = "The Botanica";
["The Chamber of Aspects"] = "The Chamber of Aspects";
["The Deadmines"] = "The Deadmines";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "The Eye of Eternity";
["The Eye"] = "The Eye";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "The Forge of Souls";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "The Frozen Halls";
["The Mechanar"] = "The Mechanar";
["The Nexus"] = "The Nexus";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "The Obsidian Sanctum";
["The Oculus"] = "The Oculus";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "The Ruby Sanctum";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "The Shattered Halls";
["The Slave Pens"] = "The Slave Pens";
["The Steamvault"] = "The Steamvault";
["The Stockade"] = "The Stockade";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "The Storm Peaks";
["The Underbog"] = "The Underbog";
["The Violet Hold"] = "The Violet Hold";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Tirisfal Glades";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "Trial of the Champion";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "Trial of the Crusader";
["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman";
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "Utgarde Keep";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Utgarde Pinnacle";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "Vault of Archavon";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Wailing Caverns";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Warsong Gulch";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Western Plaguelands";
["Westfall"] = "Westfall";
["Wintergrasp"] = "Wintergrasp";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Zangarmarsh";
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman";
["Zul'Drak"] = "Zul'Drak";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub";
\ No newline at end of file
Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-zhTW.lua New file
0,0 → 1,165
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Atlas; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- $Id: Atlas_DungeonLocs-zhTW.lua 794 2010-01-23 03:32:19Z arithmandar $
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "戰場";
["Blue"] = "藍";
["Dungeon Locations"] = "地下城位置";
["Instances"] = "副本";
["White"] = "白";
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "安卡罕特:古王國";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "奧特蘭克山山脈";
["Alterac Valley"] = "奧特蘭克山谷";
["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "阿拉希高地";
["Ashenvale"] = "梣谷";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "奧奇奈地穴";
["Auchindoun"] = "奧齊頓";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "阿茲歐-奈幽";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "阿茲歐-奈幽: 王國上層";
["Badlands"] = "荒蕪之地";
["Black Temple"] = "黑暗神廟";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "黑暗深淵";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "黑石深淵";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "黑石山";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "劍刃山脈";
["Caverns of Time"] = "時光之穴";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "盤牙蓄湖";
["Coldarra"] = "凜懼島";
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "銀白大競技場";
["Dalaran"] = "達拉然";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "逆風小徑";
["Desolace"] = "淒涼之地";
["Dire Maul"] = "厄運之槌";
["Dragonblight"] = "龍骨荒野";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "德拉克薩隆要塞";
["Dun Morogh"] = "丹莫洛";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "塵泥沼澤";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "東部王國";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "東瘟疫之地";
["Feralas"] = "菲拉斯";
["Ghostlands"] = "鬼魂之地";
["Gnomeregan"] = "諾姆瑞根";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "灰白之丘";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "戈魯爾之巢";
["Gundrak"] = "剛德拉克";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "雷光大廳";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "倒影大廳";
["Halls of Stone"] = "石之大廳";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "地獄火堡壘";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地獄火半島";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "地獄火壁壘";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵";
["Howling Fjord"] = "凜風峽灣";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "海加爾山";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "冰冠城塞";
["Icecrown"] = "寒冰皇冠";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "奎爾達納斯之島";
["Kalimdor"] = "卡林多";
["Karazhan"] = "卡拉贊";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "博學者殿堂";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "瑪瑟里頓的巢穴";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "法力墓地";
["Maraudon"] = "瑪拉頓";
["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心";
["Naxxramas"] = "納克薩瑪斯";
["Netherstorm"] = "虛空風暴";
["Northrend"] = "北裂境";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴";
["Orgrimmar"] = "奧格瑪";
["Outland"] = "外域";
["Pit of Saron"] = "薩倫之淵";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "怒焰裂谷";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "剃刀高地";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "剃刀沼澤";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉廢墟";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "血色修道院";
["Scholomance"] = "通靈學院";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "毒蛇神殿洞穴";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "塞司克大廳";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "暗影迷宮";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "影牙城堡";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "影月谷";
["Silithus"] = "希利蘇斯";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "銀松森林";
["Stormwind City"] = "暴風城";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荊棘谷";
["Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆";
["Stratholme Past"] = "斯坦索姆廢墟";
["Sunken Temple"] = "沈沒的神廟";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "太陽之井高地";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲傷沼澤";
["Tanaris"] = "塔納利斯";
["Tempest Keep"] = "風暴要塞";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉神廟";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "泰洛卡森林";
["The Arcatraz"] = "亞克崔茲";
["The Barrens"] = "貧瘠之地";
["The Black Morass"] = "黑色沼澤";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "血熔爐";
["The Botanica"] = "波塔尼卡";
["The Deadmines"] = "死亡礦坑";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "永恆之眼";
["The Eye"] = "風暴要塞";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "眾魂熔爐";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "冰封大廳";
["The Mechanar"] = "麥克那爾";
["The Nexus"] = "奧核之心";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "黑曜聖所";
["The Oculus"] = "奧核之眼";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "紅寶石寺";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "破碎大廳";
["The Slave Pens"] = "奴隸監獄";
["The Steamvault"] = "蒸汽洞窟";
["The Stockade"] = "監獄";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "風暴群山";
["The Underbog"] = "深幽泥沼";
["The Violet Hold"] = "紫羅蘭堡";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "提里斯法林地";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "勇士試煉";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "十字軍試煉";
["Uldaman"] = "奧達曼";
["Ulduar"] = "奧杜亞";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "俄特加德要塞";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "俄特加德之巔";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "亞夏梵穹殿";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "戰歌峽谷";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "西瘟疫之地";
["Westfall"] = "西部荒野";
["Wintergrasp"] = "冬握湖";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "贊格沼澤";
["Zul'Aman"] = "祖阿曼";
["Zul'Drak"] = "祖爾德拉克";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖爾法拉克";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖爾格拉布";
Atlas_DungeonLocs/Locale/Atlas_DungeonLocs-ruRU.lua New file
0,0 → 1,176
Atlas, a World of Warcraft instance map browser
Copyright 2005-2010 Dan Gilbert <>
This file is part of Atlas.
Atlas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Atlas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
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-- Atlas Data (Russian)
-- Compiled by StingerSoft
-- Last Update: 27.09.2008
if ( GetLocale() == "ruRU" ) then
AtlasDLLocale = {
["Battlegrounds"] = "Поля сражений";
["Blue"] = "Синий";
["Dungeon Locations"] = "Расположение подземелий";
["Instances"] = "Инстансы";
["White"] = "Белый";
["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "Ан'кахет: Старое Королевство";
["Alterac Mountains"] = "Альтеракские горы";
["Alterac Valley"] = "Альтеракская долина";
["Arathi Basin"] = "Низина Арати";
["Arathi Highlands"] = "Нагорье Арати";
["Ashenvale"] = "Ясеневый лес";
["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Аукенайские гробницы";
["Auchindoun"] = "Аукиндон";
["Azjol-Nerub"] = "Азжол-Неруб";
["Azjol-Nerub: The Upper Kingdom"] = "Азжол-Неруб: Верхнее Королевство";
["Badlands"] = "Бесплодные земли";
["Black Temple"] = "Черный храм";
["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Непроглядная Пучина";
["Blackrock Depths"] = "Глубины Черной горы";
["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Черная гора";
["Blackrock Spire"] = "Вершина Черной горы";
["Blackwing Lair"] = "Логово Крыла Тьмы";
["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Острогорье";
["Caverns of Time"] = "Пещеры Времени";
["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Резервуар Кривого Клыка";
["Coldarra"] = "Хладарра";
["Crusaders' Coliseum"] = "Колизей Авангарда";
["Dalaran"] = "Даларан";
["Deadwind Pass"] = "Перевал Мертвого Ветра";
["Desolace"] = "Пустоши";
["Dire Maul"] = "Забытый Город";
["Dragonblight"] = "Драконий Погост";
["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "Крепость Драк'Тарон";
["Dun Morogh"] = "Дун Морог";
["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Пылевые топи";
["Eastern Kingdoms"] = "Восточные королевства";
["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Восточное Лихоземье";
["Feralas"] = "Фералас";
["Ghostlands"] = "Призрачные земли";
["Gnomeregan"] = "Гномреган";
["Grizzly Hills"] = "Седые холмы";
["Gruul's Lair"] = "Логово Груула";
["Gundrak"] = "Гундрак";
["Halls of Lightning"] = "Чертоги Молний";
["Halls of Reflection"] = "Залы Отражений";
["Halls of Stone"] = "Чертоги Камня";
["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Цитадель Адского Пламени";
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Полуостров Адского Пламени";
["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Бастионы Адского Пламени";
["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Предгорья Хилсбрада";
["Howling Fjord"] = "Ревущий фьорд";
["Hyjal Summit"] = "Вершина Хиджала";
["Icecrown Citadel"] = "Цитадель Ледяной Короны";
["Icecrown"] = "Ледяная корона";
["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "Остров Кель'Данас";
["Kalimdor"] = "Калимдор";
["Karazhan"] = "Каражан";
["Magisters' Terrace"] = "Терраса Магистров";
["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Логово Магтеридона";
["Mana-Tombs"] = "Гробницы Маны";
["Maraudon"] = "Мародон";
["Molten Core"] = "Огненные Недра";
["Naxxramas"] = "Наксрамас";
["Netherstorm"] = "Пустоверть";
["Northrend"] = "Нордскол";
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Старые предгорья Хилсбрада";
["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Логово Ониксии";
["Orgrimmar"] = "Оргриммар";
["Outland"] = "Запределье";
["Pit of Saron"] = "Яма Сарона";
["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Огненная пропасть";
["Razorfen Downs"] = "Курганы Иглошкурых";
["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Лабиринты Иглошкурых";
["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Руины Ан'Киража";
["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Монастырь Алого ордена";
["Scholomance"] = "Некроситет";
["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Змеиное святилище";
["Sethekk Halls"] = "Сетеккские залы";
["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Темный Лабиринт";
["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Крепость Темного Клыка";
["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Долина Призрачной Луны";
["Silithus"] = "Силитус";
["Silverpine Forest"] = "Серебряный бор";
["Stormwind City"] = "Штормград";
["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Тернистая долина";
["Stratholme"] = "Стратхольм";
["Stratholme Past"] = "Прошлое Стратхольма";
["Sunken Temple"] = "Затонувший храм";
["Sunwell Plateau"] = "Плато Солнечного Колодца";
["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Болото Печали";
["Tanaris"] = "Танарис";
["Tempest Keep"] = "Крепость Бурь";
["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Храм Ан'Киража";
["Terokkar Forest"] = "Лес Тероккар";
["The Arcatraz"] = "Аркатрац";
["The Barrens"] = "Степи";
["The Black Morass"] = "Черные топи";
["The Blood Furnace"] = "Кузня Крови";
["The Botanica"] = "Ботаника";
["The Deadmines"] = "Мертвые копи";
["The Eye of Eternity"] = "Глаз Вечности";
["The Eye"] = "Око";
["The Forge of Souls"] = "Кузня Душ";
["The Frozen Halls"] = "Ледяные залы";
["The Mechanar"] = "Механар";
["The Nexus"] = "Нексус";
["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "Обсидиановое убежищ";
["The Oculus"] = "Окулус";
["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "Рубиновое святилище";
["The Shattered Halls"] = "Разрушенные залы";
["The Slave Pens"] = "Узилище";
["The Steamvault"] = "Паровое Подземелье";
["The Stockade"] = "Тюрьма";
["The Storm Peaks"] = "Грозовая Гряда";
["The Underbog"] = "Нижетопь";
["The Violet Hold"] = "Аметистовая крепость";
["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Тирисфальские леса";
["Trial of the Champion"] = "Испытание чемпиона";
["Trial of the Crusader"] = "Испытание крестоносца";
["Uldaman"] = "Ульдаман";
["Ulduar"] = "Ульдуар";
["Utgarde Keep"] = "Крепость Утгард";
["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "Вершина Утгард";
["Vault of Archavon"] = "Склеп Аркавона";
["Wailing Caverns"] = "Пещеры Стенаний";
["Warsong Gulch"] = "Ущелье Песни Войны";
["Western Plaguelands"] = "Западное Лихоземье";
["Westfall"] = "Западный Край";
["Wintergrasp"] = "Озеро Ледяных Оков";
["Zangarmarsh"] = "Зангартопь";
["Zul'Aman"] = "Зул'Аман";
["Zul'Drak"] = "Зул'Драк";
["Zul'Farrak"] = "Зул'Фаррак";
["Zul'Gurub"] = "Зул'Гуруб";