WoWInterface SVN Broker_ClassHall

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 3 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 3 → Rev 4

83,7 → 83,8
local researching = false
local talentIDS = C_Garrison.GetTalentTreeIDsByClassID(garType, classID)
for i,v in ipairs(talentIDS) do
local _,_,tree = C_Garrison.GetTalentTreeInfoForID(garType, v)
--local _,_,tree = C_Garrison.GetTalentTreeInfoForID(garType, v)
local _,_,tree = C_Garrison.GetTalentTreeInfoForID(v)
for j, talent in ipairs(tree) do
if talent.isBeingResearched then
tt:AddDoubleLine(, SecondsToTime(talent.researchTimeRemaining), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
1,7 → 1,7
## Interface: 70200
## Interface: 70300
## Title: Broker_ClassHall
## Author: Seerah
## Version: 1.0.1
## Version: 1.0.2
## Notes: Hides the class hall command bar and moves its data to a LibDataBroker plugin.
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