WoWInterface SVN Broker_Equipment

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 21 to Rev 22
    Reverse comparison

Rev 21 → Rev 22

10,25 → 10,25
local L = {}
if(GetLocale() == 'deDE') then -- Katharsis
if(GetLocale() == 'deDE') then -- Katharsis / copystring
L.NOSET = 'Kein set'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Left-click to change your set' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Right-click to open GearManager' -- todo
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-click to update set|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl-click to delete set|r'} -- todo
elseif(GetLocale() == 'frFR') then -- Soeters
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Klicke links um dein set zu ändern'
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Klicke rechts um den GearManager zu öffnen'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-klicke um den set zu aktualisieren|r', '|cff00ff00Strg-klicke um den set zu löschen|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'frFR') then -- Soeters / Gnaf
L.NOSET = 'Pas de set'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Left-click to change your set' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Right-click to open GearManager' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Clic gauche pour changer d\'équipement'
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Clic droit pour ouvrir le gestionnaire d\'équipement'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Maj-clic pour mettre à jour le set|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl-clic pour supprimer le set|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'zhCN') then -- yleaf
L.NOSET = '无套装'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Left-click to change your set' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Right-click to open GearManager' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP1 = '左键点击切换套装'
L.TOOLTIP2 = '右键打开套装管理器'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift点击覆盖套装|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl点击删除套装|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'zhTW') then -- yleaf
L.NOSET = '無套裝'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Left-click to change your set' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Right-click to open GearManager' -- todo
L.TOOLTIP1 = '左鍵點擊切換套裝'
L.TOOLTIP2 = '右鍵點擊打開套裝管理器'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift點擊覆蓋套裝|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl點擊刪除套裝|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'koKR') then -- mrgyver
L.NOSET = '세트 없음'
45,6 → 45,7
local menu = {}
local pendingUpdate = true
local pendingName = nil
local addon = CreateFrame('Frame', 'Broker_EquipmentMenu', UIParent, 'UIDropDownMenuTemplate')
local broker = LibStub('LibDataBroker-1.1'):NewDataObject('Broker_Equipment', {
74,13 → 75,17
elseif(IsControlKeyDown()) then
local dialog = StaticPopup_Show('CONFIRM_DELETE_EQUIPMENT_SET', name) = name
elseif(not InCombatLockdown()) then
elseif(InCombatLockdown()) then
pendingName = name
local function updateInfo(name, icon)
broker.text = name
broker.text = InCombatLockdown() and '|cffff0000' or name
broker.icon = icon
Broker_EquipmentDB.text = name
97,6 → 102,7
for index = 1, GetNumEquipmentSets() do
local name, icon = GetEquipmentSetInfo(index)
local temp = {
notCheckable = true,
text = name,
icon = icon,
func = function() handleClick(name, icon) end
137,6 → 143,12
function addon:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED(event)
pendingName = nil
function addon:ADDON_LOADED(event, addon)
if(addon ~= 'Broker_Equipment') then return end