WoWInterface SVN Broker_Equipment

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 22 to Rev 23
    Reverse comparison

Rev 22 → Rev 23

1,45 → 1,39
Copyright (c) 2009, Adrian L Lange
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2009 Adrian L Lange <>
All rights reserved.
You're allowed to use this addon, free of monetary charge,
but you are not allowed to modify, alter, or redistribute
this addon without express, written permission of the author.
You're allowed to use this addon, free of monetary charge,
but you are not allowed to modify, alter, or redistribute
this addon without express, written permission of the author.
local L = {}
if(GetLocale() == 'deDE') then -- Katharsis / copystring
L.NOSET = 'Kein set'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Klicke links um dein set zu ändern'
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Klicke rechts um den GearManager zu öffnen'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-klicke um den set zu aktualisieren|r', '|cff00ff00Strg-klicke um den set zu löschen|r'}
L.TOOLTIP = 'Klicke links um dein set zu ändern\nKlicke rechts um den GearManager zu öffnen'
L.HINTS = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-klicke um den set zu aktualisieren\nStrg-klicke um den set zu löschen|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'frFR') then -- Soeters / Gnaf
L.NOSET = 'Pas de set'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Clic gauche pour changer d\'équipement'
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Clic droit pour ouvrir le gestionnaire d\'équipement'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Maj-clic pour mettre à jour le set|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl-clic pour supprimer le set|r'}
L.TOOLTIP = 'Clic gauche pour changer d\'équipement\nClic droit pour ouvrir le gestionnaire d\'équipement'
L.HINTS = {' ', '|cff00ff00Maj-clic pour mettre à jour le set\nCtrl-clic pour supprimer le set|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'zhCN') then -- yleaf
L.NOSET = '无套装'
L.TOOLTIP1 = '左键点击切换套装'
L.TOOLTIP2 = '右键打开套装管理器'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift点击覆盖套装|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl点击删除套装|r'}
L.TOOLTIP = '左键点击切换套装\n右键打开套装管理器'
L.HINTS = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift点击覆盖套装\nCtrl点击删除套装|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'zhTW') then -- yleaf
L.NOSET = '無套裝'
L.TOOLTIP1 = '左鍵點擊切換套裝'
L.TOOLTIP2 = '右鍵點擊打開套裝管理器'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift點擊覆蓋套裝|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl點擊刪除套裝|r'}
L.TOOLTIP = '左鍵點擊切換套裝\n右鍵點擊打開套裝管理器'
L.HINTS = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift點擊覆蓋套裝\nCtrl點擊刪除套裝|r'}
elseif(GetLocale() == 'koKR') then -- mrgyver
L.NOSET = '세트 없음'
L.TOOLTIP1 = '좌-클릭 세트 변경'
L.TOOLTIP2 = '우-클릭 장비 관리창 열기'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-클릭 하면 세트 업데이트|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl-클릭 하면 세트 삭제|r'}
L.TOOLTIP = '좌-클릭 세트 변경\n우-클릭 장비 관리창 열기'
L.HINTS = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-클릭 하면 세트 업데이트\nCtrl-클릭 하면 세트 삭제|r'}
L.NOSET = 'No set'
L.TOOLTIP1 = 'Left-click to change your set'
L.TOOLTIP2 = 'Right-click to open GearManager'
L.HINT = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-click to update set|r', '|cff00ff00Ctrl-click to delete set|r'}
L.TOOLTIP = 'Left-click to change your set\nRight-click to open GearManager'
L.HINTS = {' ', '|cff00ff00Shift-click to update set\nCtrl-click to delete set|r'}
96,7 → 90,7
pendingUpdate = nil
menu = wipe(menu)
local title = {text = 'Broker Equipment\n ', isTitle = true}
local title = {text = '|cff0090ffBroker Equipment|r\n', isTitle = true}
table.insert(menu, title)
for index = 1, GetNumEquipmentSets() do
110,8 → 104,12
table.insert(menu, temp)
for index = 1, 3 do
local temp = {text = L.HINT[index], disabled = true}
for k, v in next, L.HINTS do
local temp = {
text = v,
notCheckable = true,
disabled = true
table.insert(menu, temp)
139,8 → 137,7
function broker:OnTooltipShow()
self:AddLine('|cff0090ffBroker Equipment|r')
function addon:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED(event)
170,7 → 167,7
-- This is just a temporary system to get the icon, I will try to avoid table indexing as much as possible in the future
hooksecurefunc('EquipmentManager_EquipSet', function(funcName)
for index = 1, GetNumEquipmentSets() do
local name, icon = GetEquipmentSetInfo(index)