WoWInterface SVN CoolLine

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 32 to Rev 33
    Reverse comparison

Rev 32 → Rev 33

412,7 → 412,7
spellName = GetSpellBookItemName(i, btype)
if not spellName then break end
local slotType, spellId = GetSpellBookItemInfo(i, btype)
if slotType == "FLYOUT" then
if spellId and slotType == "FLYOUT" then
local _, _, numSlots, isKnown = GetFlyoutInfo(spellId)
for fi = 1, ((isKnown and numSlots) or 0), 1 do
local flySpellId, _, _, flySpellName, _ = GetFlyoutSlotInfo(spellId, fi)
424,7 → 424,7
elseif slotType ~= "FUTURESPELL" and spellId ~= last then
elseif spellId and slotType ~= "FUTURESPELL" and spellId ~= last then
last = spellId
local spellcd = GetSpellBaseCooldown(spellId)
if spellcd and spellcd > 2499 then