WoWInterface SVN DisplacedEnergyNazi

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 4 to Rev 5
    Reverse comparison

Rev 4 → Rev 5

72,6 → 72,17
set = function(i, v) DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.whisper = v end,
order = 99,
chatFrame =
type = 'select',
width = 'full',
name = L["Chat Frame"],
desc = L["Also send to the specified chat frame"],
disabled = function(i) return not DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.enable or DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.sink20OutputSink == "ChatFrame" end,
get = function(i) return DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.chatFrame end,
set = function(i, value) DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.chatFrame = value end,
values = { ["None"] = L["None"], ["ChatFrame1"] = L["ChatFrame1"], ["ChatFrame2"] = L["ChatFrame2"], ["ChatFrame3"] = L["ChatFrame3"], ["ChatFrame4"] = L["ChatFrame4"], ["ChatFrame5"] = L["ChatFrame5"], ["ChatFrame6"] = L["ChatFrame6"], ["ChatFrame7"] = L["ChatFrame7"], },
37,6 → 37,7
warnDispel = true,
whisper = false,
chatFrame = "None",
69,6 → 70,17
local UnitAfflictedList = { }
local UnitRemovedList = { }
local ChatFrames =
["ChatFrame1"] = ChatFrame1,
["ChatFrame2"] = ChatFrame2,
["ChatFrame3"] = ChatFrame3,
["ChatFrame4"] = ChatFrame4,
["ChatFrame5"] = ChatFrame5,
["ChatFrame6"] = ChatFrame6,
["ChatFrame7"] = ChatFrame7,
local PLAYER_GUID = nil
88,19 → 100,31
local MESSAGE_BOILER = "DislacedEnergyNazi: |cffff0000%s|r" -- warning message text color hardcoded to red, with default text color preamble
-- generate warning messages to the appropriate message sink(s)
local function BroadcastMessage(message)
if message then
self:Pour(message, 1, 0, 0) -- LibSink-2.0
DisplacedEnergyNazi:Pour(message, 1, 0, 0) -- LibSink-2.0
-- chat frame duplicate; only if LibSink-2.0 is not already sending to default chat frame
local profile = DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile
local chatEnabled = profile.sink20OutputSink ~= "ChatFrame" and profile.chatFrame ~= "None"
if chatEnabled then
local chatFrame = ChatFrames[DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.chatFrame]
if chatFrame then
chatFrame:AddMessage(message, 1, 0, 0)
-- whisper a message to an offending player
local function WhisperMessage(unitName, message)
if unitName and message then
SendChatMessage(message, "WHISPER", nil, unitName)
if DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.whisper then
if unitName and message then
-- SendChatMessage(message, "WHISPER", nil, unitName)
-- SendChatMessage(message, "WHISPER", nil, "Felhoof") -- diagnostic, whispers the tester
SendChatMessage(message, "WHISPER", nil, "Ransaa")
202,12 → 226,10
.. " dispelled " .. "/" .. tostring(targetName) .. "/" .. tostring(targetGUId) .. " @ " .. tostring((unitid and ((CheckInteractDistance(unitid, DAMAGE_RANGE) and "11.11") or "OOR")) or "nounit"))
if unitid and CheckInteractDistance(unitid, DAMAGE_RANGE) then
message = L["STOP IT"] .. ": " .. originName .. " " .. L["DISPELLED Displaced Energy TOO CLOSE TO OTHERS!!!"]
local message = L["STOP IT"] .. ": " .. originName .. " " .. L["DISPELLED Displaced Energy TOO CLOSE TO OTHERS!!!"]
mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_DISPEL(): " .. MESSAGE_BOILER:format(message))
mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_DISPEL(): " .. MESSAGE_BOILER:format(message))
if DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.whisper then
WhisperMessage(originName, message)
WhisperMessage(originName, message)
216,26 → 238,28
local function spell_periodic_damage(timestamp, subtype, originGUId, originName, originFlags, originFlags2, targetGUId, targetName, targetFlags, targetFlags2, spellId, spellName, spellSchool, spellDamage, spellOverkill, school, resisted, blocked, absorbed, critical, glancing, crushing)
local unitid = UnitGUIdRMap[unitGUId]
-- Malkorok has done damage to SOMEONE, spit out a diagnostic
if originName == L["Malkorok"] and spellId == SPELL_ID_DISPLACED_ENERGY then
local unitid = UnitGUIdRMap[unitGUId] -- get the afflicted unit's unitid
-- mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE(): " .. tostring(subtype) .. "/" .. tostring(spellId) .. "/" .. tostring(spellName) .. "/" .. tostring(spellSchool) .. " || " .. tostring(originGUId) .. "/" .. tostring(originName) .. " -> " .. tostring(targetGUId) .. "/" .. tostring(targetName))
mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE(): " .. tostring(originName) .. "/" .. tostring(originGUId)
.. " " .. tostring(spellName) .. "/" .. tostring(spellId) .. " damages " .. "/" .. tostring(targetName) .. "/" .. tostring(targetGUId) .. " @ " .. tostring(unitid and CheckInteractDistance(unitid, DAMAGE_RANGE)))
.. " " .. tostring(spellName) .. "/" .. tostring(spellId) .. " damages " .. "/" .. tostring(targetName) .. "/" .. tostring(targetGUId) .. " @ " .. tostring(unitid) .. "/" .. tostring(unitid and CheckInteractDistance(unitid, DAMAGE_RANGE)))
-- if "Displaced Energy" (by spellid) from "Malkorok" does damage to ME...
if originName == L["Malkorok"] and spellId == SPELL_ID_DISPLACED_ENERGY and targetGUId == PLAYER_GUID then
-- iterate all units currently afflicted, to see if any are close enough to me to cause this damage, and append them together
-- iterate all units currently afflicted, to see if any are close enough to ME to cause damage, and append those names together
local names = nil
for unitGUId in pairs(UnitAfflictedList) do
local unitid = UnitGUIdRMap[unitGUId] -- get the afflicted unit's unitid
if unitid and CheckInteractDistance(unitid, DAMAGE_RANGE) then
local n, r = UnitName(unitid)
local fn = n .. (r and ("-" .. r)) or ""
if DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.whisper then
WhisperMessage(fn, L["GET AWAY"] .. ": " .. fn .. " " .. L["Displaced Energy is DAMAGING OTHERS!!!"])
-- whisper to individual player
WhisperMessage(fn, L["GET AWAY"] .. ": " .. fn .. " " .. L["Displaced Energy is DAMAGING OTHERS!!!"])
-- accumulate all potential culprits, for global message
names = (names and (names .. ", " .. fn)) or fn
244,8 → 268,8
if names then
-- if an afflicted unit is close enough to me
local message = L["GET AWAY"] .. ": " .. names .. " " .. L["Displaced Energy is DAMAGING OTHERS!!!"]
mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_AURA_APPLIED(): " .. MESSAGE_BOILER:format(message))
mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_AURA_APPLIED(): " .. MESSAGE_BOILER:format(message))
268,9 → 292,7
local message = L["GET AWAY"] .. ": " .. targetName .. " " .. L["AFFLICTED with Displaced Energy!!!"]
mseq = mseq + 1; ChatFrame7:AddMessage(("%08d "):format(mseq) .. "DisplacedEnergyNazi:SPELL_AURA_APPLIED(): " .. MESSAGE_BOILER:format(message))
if DisplacedEnergyNazi.db.profile.whisper then
WhisperMessage(targetName, message)
WhisperMessage(targetName, message)
24,7 → 24,18
--[[ enUS ]] L["Whisper Offending Player"] = "Whisper Offending Player"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Whisper offending player, in addition to normal output"] = "Whisper offending player, in addition to normal output"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Chat Frame"] = "Chat Frame"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Also send to the specified chat frame"] = "Also send to the specified chat frame"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame1"] = "ChatFrame1"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame2"] = "ChatFrame2"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame3"] = "ChatFrame3"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame4"] = "ChatFrame4"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame5"] = "ChatFrame5"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame6"] = "ChatFrame6"
--[[ enUS ]] L["ChatFrame7"] = "ChatFrame7"
--[[ enUS ]] L["None"] = "None"
-- combat log name of the boss
--[[ enUS ]] L["Malkorok"] = "Malkorok"
3,7 → 3,7
local MAJOR_VERSION = "0.2.0"
local MAJOR_VERSION = "0.2.2"
local MINOR_VERSION = ("$Revision$"):match("%d+")
local locale = GetLocale()