WoWInterface SVN EasyDND

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 67 to Rev 66
    Reverse comparison

Rev 67 → Rev 66

80,12 → 80,7
local function ToggleDewdrop(a)
DEW:Open(a, "children", function()
local a = _.DEW.options.args.messages.args
local b, save = _.DEW.options.args, nil
a.msgcbt.type, a.msgmail.type, a.msgbank.type, a.msgah.type, a.msginst.type, a.msgbg.type = "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text"
a.message_blockparty.type, a.message_blockduel.type, a.message_blocktrade.type = "text", "text", "text"
a.message_blockguildinvite.type, a.message_blockguildpetition.type = "text", "text"
b.aceConfig.order = 35 b.blizzConfig.order = 40 b.activated.order = 45
--fix the menu position to not obscurate bar icons
23,6 → 23,7
local defaults = {
profile = {
sig = "[EasyDND] ",
messagebg = L["Sorry I am currently busy in a battleground or arena. Please try again later."],
messageinst = L["Sorry I am currently busy in an instance. Please try again later."],
messageah = L["Sorry I am currently busy browsing the auction house. Please try again later."],
563,7 → 564,7
-- this function is used to clone the default table for Dewdrop-2.0 to apply changes on it without breaking the Ace3 table.
-- Changes to the table are committed in the ToggleDewdrop function
-- Changes to the table are committed in the ToggleAce3ToAce2Types() function
local function deepcopy(object)
local lookup_table = {}
local function _copy(object)
83,9 → 83,6
db.anti_counter = db.anti_counter + 1
local sig = "[EasyDND] " -- == Don't modify
local sig2 = "[AntiParasites] " -- == Don't modify
local function __hooked_PetitionFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
local _ = EasyDND
if event == "PETITION_SHOW" and _.db.profile.anti_blockguildpetition then
94,7 → 91,7
SetVar(L["Petition"], name)
if not _.db.profile.anti_hidenotification then _:Print(L["Has blocked a guild petition from"].." \"""\" "..L["for"].." <"..guild..">") end
SendChatMessage(sig2.._.db.profile.message_blockguildpetition, "WHISPER", nil, name)
SendChatMessage(_.db.profile.sig.._.db.profile.message_blockguildpetition, "WHISPER", nil, name)
_.__orig_PetitionFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
110,7 → 107,7
SetVar(L["Trade"], name)
if not _.db.profile.anti_hidenotification then _:Print(L["Has blocked a trade invitation from"].." \"""\"") end
SendChatMessage(sig2.._.db.profile.message_blocktrade, "WHISPER", nil, name)
SendChatMessage(_.db.profile.sig.._.db.profile.message_blocktrade, "WHISPER", nil, name)
else _.b = false _.__orig_TradeFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...) end
else _.b = false _.__orig_TradeFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...) end
181,7 → 178,7
SetVar(L["Party"], name)
if not _.db.profile.anti_hidenotification then _:Print(L["Has blocked a group invitation from"].." \"""\"") end
SendChatMessage(sig2.._.db.profile.message_blockparty, "WHISPER", nil, name)
SendChatMessage(_.db.profile.sig.._.db.profile.message_blockparty, "WHISPER", nil, name)
196,7 → 193,7
SetVar(L["Guild"], name)
if not _.db.profile.anti_hidenotification then _:Print(L["Has blocked a guild invitation from"].." \"""\" "..L["for"].." <"..guild..">") end
SendChatMessage(sig2.._.db.profile.message_blockguildinvite, "WHISPER", nil, name)
SendChatMessage(_.db.profile.sig.._.db.profile.message_blockguildinvite, "WHISPER", nil, name)
-- removes the workaround
210,7 → 207,7
SetVar(L["Duel"], name)
if not _.db.profile.anti_hidenotification then _:Print(L["Has blocked a duel invitation from"].." \"""\"") end
SendChatMessage(sig2.._.db.profile.message_blockduel, "WHISPER", nil, name)
SendChatMessage(_.db.profile.sig.._.db.profile.message_blockduel, "WHISPER", nil, name)
478,7 → 475,7
local function OnWhispAntiFilter(b)
local _ = EasyDND
if _.db.profile.anti_hidereply then
if string.find(b, "[AntiParasites] ", 1, true) then
if string.find(b, "[EasyDND] ", 1, true) then
return true
506,9 → 503,9
local db = _.db.profile
if msg then
if db.modednd or IsIn() == "BG" then
if not UnitIsDND("player") then send(sig..msg, "DND") end
if not UnitIsDND("player") then send(db.sig..msg, "DND") end
elseif IsIn() ~= "BG" then
if not UnitIsAFK("player") then send(sig..msg, "AFK") end
if not UnitIsAFK("player") then send(db.sig..msg, "AFK") end
elseif broker then
-- Here aswell this is very important to never use /AFK in BG/Arenas sorry for omitting this for a long time heh ;p
886,6 → 883,18
local function ToggleAce3ToAce2Types(type)
local _ = EasyDND
if type == "dew" then
local a = _.DEW.options.args.messages.args
local b, save = _.DEW.options.args, nil
a.msgcbt.type, a.msgmail.type, a.msgbank.type, a.msgah.type, a.msginst.type, a.msgbg.type = "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text"
a.message_blockparty.type, a.message_blockduel.type, a.message_blocktrade.type = "text", "text", "text"
a.message_blockguildinvite.type, a.message_blockguildpetition.type = "text", "text"
b.aceConfig.order = 35 b.blizzConfig.order = 40 b.activated.order = 45
local function ToggleConfig()
if not ACD.OpenFrames["EasyDND"] then
ACD:SetDefaultSize("EasyDND", 460, 500)
928,6 → 937,7
_.SetGuildPetitionHook = SetGuildPetitionHook
_.SetTradeFrameHook = SetTradeFrameHook
_.ToggleConfig = ToggleConfig
_.ToggleAce3ToAce2Types = ToggleAce3ToAce2Types
_.CheckMode = CheckMode
_.ToggleActive = ToggleActive
_.SetAutoToggleNames = SetAutoToggleNames
1,14 → 1,13
## Interface: 30000
## Title: EasyDND |cff7fff7f -Ace3-|r
## Version: 3.0.8.$Revision$
## X-Revision: $Revision$
## X-Date: $Date$
## Author: Merah
## Notes: Automatically deny guild, trade, duel, party invitations, guild petitions, remove sounds and forced AH, mail windows closure, automatically activate DND or AFK modes in various situations, etc..
## Notes-ruRU: Автоматически отменяет приглашения в гильдии, обмен, дуэли, приглашения в группы, петиции гильдии, уберает звуки и ускоряет АУК, упрощение окна почты, автоматически активирует режи Отсутствия или Занятности в различных ситуациях и т.д..
## Notes-koKR: 길드, 거래, 결투, 파티 초대, 길드 서명 요청을 자동으로 거부할 수 있으며, 우편함, 경매장, 은행등을 이용할 때, 자동으로 자리비움 혹은 다른 용무중으로 모드를 변경할 수 있습니다.
## X-EMail:
## X-Website:
## X-eMail:
## X-Website1:
## X-Website2:
## X-SVN: svn://
## X-AceForum: 12882
17,11 → 16,10
## X-RelSite-UI.WoW: 6355
## X-Category: Miscellaneous
## X-Localizations: enUS, frFR, deDE, ruRU, koKR
## X-CompatibleLocales: enUS, enGB, esES, esMX, deDE, frFR, ruRU, koKR, zhCN, zhTW, enCN, enTW
## X-Embeds: LibDataBroker-1.1, Dewdrop-2.0
## Dependencies: Ace3, LibDBIcon-1.0
## X-Embeds: Ace3, Dewdrop-2.0, LibDataBroker-1.1
## SavedVariables: EasyDNDDB
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: EasyDNDDBPC
## OptionalDeps: Broker2FuBar, FuBar, Titan
EasyDND/icons/dndoff.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = image/tga
EasyDND/icons/dndon.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = image/tga
EasyDND Property changes : Modified: svn:externals - libs/AceAddon-3.0 svn:// libs/AceGUI-3.0 svn:// libs/AceConfig-3.0 svn:// libs/AceConsole-3.0 svn:// libs/AceDB-3.0 svn:// libs/AceDBOptions-3.0 svn:// libs/AceEvent-3.0 svn:// libs/AceLocale-3.0 svn:// libs/CallbackHandler-1.0 svn:// libs/LibStub svn:// libs/LibDBIcon-1.0 svn:// + libs/AceAddon-3.0 svn:// libs/AceGUI-3.0 svn:// libs/AceConfig-3.0 svn:// libs/AceConsole-3.0 svn:// libs/AceDB-3.0 svn:// libs/AceDBOptions-3.0 svn:// libs/AceEvent-3.0 svn:// libs/AceLocale-3.0 svn:// libs/CallbackHandler-1.0 svn:// libs/LibStub svn:// libs/Dewdrop-2.0 svn:// libs/LibDBIcon-1.0 svn:// libs/Dewdrop-2.0/AceLibrary svn://