WoWInterface SVN EasyDND

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 64 to Rev 65
    Reverse comparison

Rev 64 → Rev 65

138,7 → 138,7
local function StopSound(event, rem)
-- we should delay some sounds for 50 ms because they are played before the event is executed
-- we should delay some sounds for 10 ms because they are played before the event is executed
-- so we need to check our flag first to ensure the sound source is not from a parasite ;)
local delay, _ = 0, EasyDND
local fake = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
649,6 → 649,7
if event ~= "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
fake:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
delay = delay + elapsed
if UnitIsDND("player") or UnitIsAFK("player") then flag = true else flag = false end
if delay > 0.000005 then -- Don't modify
if event == "MAIL_SHOW" or event == "MAIL_CLOSED" then __hooked_Mail(nil, flag)
elseif event == "BANKFRAME_OPENED" or event == "BANKFRAME_CLOSED" or event == "GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED" or event == "GUILDBANKFRAME_CLOSED" then __hooked_Bank(nil, flag)
676,8 → 677,9
if db.modebg or db.modeinst then Stub("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") end
-- Like PlaySound, we should check our trade flag prior allowing this function to Hide the current BankFrame to ensure
-- the trade isn't a blocked one and force the closure of our bank and/or guildbank.
-- Like PlaySound, we should check our trade flag prior allowing this function to Hide the current
-- BankFrame/GuildBankFrame to ensure the trade isn't a blocked one and will force the closure of our
-- bank and/or guildbank frames.
local function __hooked_Bank_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
local delay, _, args, frame = 0, EasyDND, ..., nil
if self then frame = self:GetName() or "none" end
946,6 → 948,7
_:RegisterChatCommand("easydnd", ToggleConfig)
_:RegisterChatCommand("ezdnd", ToggleConfig)
_.LDB.ICO:Register("EasyDND", _.LDB, _.db.profile)
955,7 → 958,6
local db = _.db.profile
if not db.activated then ToggleActive() else
975,6 → 977,8
if _.__orig_TradeFrame_OnEvent then TradeFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", _.__orig_TradeFrame_OnEvent) end
if _.__orig_InitiateTrade then InitiateTrade = _.__orig_InitiateTrade end
if _.__orig_PlaySound then PlaySound = _.__orig_PlaySound end
if _.__orig_BankFrame_OnEvent then BankFrame_OnEvent = _.__orig_BankFrame_OnEvent end
if _.__orig_HideUIPanel then HideUIPanel = _.__orig_HideUIPanel end
if _.m then del("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", OnSysFilter) end
if _.n then del("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", OnSysAntiFilter) end
if _.o then del("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", OnWhispAntiFilter) end