WoWInterface SVN LibResInfo

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 86 to Rev 87
    Reverse comparison

Rev 86 → Rev 87

16,6 → 16,15
* [How to embed LibResInfo in your addon](
## Embedding
If you are the CurseForge/WowAce packager, you should use the following URL in your .pkgmeta file:
If you use a Git URL instead, you will get a number of irrelevant documentation and metadata files, and an extra layer of folders, since Git does not support checking out only part of the repository, and the Curse packager does not support checking out from GitHub over SVN. You're welcome to add `libresinfo` to the `tools-used` section of your .pkgmeta file so I get Curse points for the library usage, but it's not required.
## Additional Notes
Support for Reincarnation is under consideration, but would require some guesswork, since until you actually see a shaman resurrect themselves, there's no way to tell if the ability is on cooldown or not.