WoWInterface SVN Livestock

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 84 to Rev 85
    Reverse comparison

Rev 84 → Rev 85

1178,8 → 1178,8
if not CWF then -- no CWF means no flying
return "LAND"
local _, _, isActive = GetWorldPVPAreaInfo(1)
return ((zone == L.LIVESTOCK_ZONE_WINTERGRASP and isActive == true) and "LAND") or "FLYING" -- check to see if a battle is in progress and if so, we're on a land mount. If not, flying mount.
local _, _, isActive, _, startTime = GetWorldPVPAreaInfo(1)
return ((zone == L.LIVESTOCK_ZONE_WINTERGRASP and startTime == 0) and "LAND") or "FLYING" -- check to see if a battle is in progress and if so, we're on a land mount. If not, flying mount.
return "LAND"
trunk/Livestock/Change Log.txt
1,3 → 1,7
Version 2.6.6
- Fixed Wintergrasp detection for flying vs land mounts
Version 2.6.5
- Fixed flying from water's surface (requires jumping out of the water)
2,7 → 2,7
## Title: Livestock
## Notes: Enables easy random summoning of vanity pets and mounts, including the option of "smart mounting"
## Author: Kharthus - Deathwing(US)
## Version: 2.6.5
## Version: 2.6.6
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: LivestockSettings