WoWInterface SVN Livestock

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 95 to Rev 96
    Reverse comparison

Rev 95 → Rev 96

1563,8 → 1563,7
AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(L.LIVESTOCK_SPELL_TRAVELFORM, "player") or
AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(L.LIVESTOCK_SPELL_TREEOFLIFE, "player") or
AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(L.LIVESTOCK_SPELL_TREANTFORM, "player") or
AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(L.LIVESTOCK_SPELL_STAGFORM, "player") or
AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(L.LIVESTOCK_SPELL_MOONKINFORM, "player") then
AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(L.LIVESTOCK_SPELL_STAGFORM, "player") then
self:SetAttribute("type", "macro")
self:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cancelform")
self:SetAttribute("mounttype", nil)
trunk/Livestock/Change Log.txt
1,3 → 1,7
Version 2.7.6
- Fixed Moonkin Form when mounting
Version 2.7.5
- Fixed Darkmoon Faire
2,7 → 2,7
## Title: Livestock
## Notes: Enables easy random summoning of vanity pets and mounts, including the option of "smart mounting"
## Author: Kharthus - Deathwing(US)
## Version: 2.7.5
## Version: 2.7.6
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: LivestockSettings