WoWInterface SVN MetaMapv4.0

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 161 to Rev 160
    Reverse comparison

Rev 161 → Rev 160

186,8 → 186,8
hooksecurefunc("WorldMapFrame_ToggleWindowSize", MetaMap_FullScreenToggle);
-- hooksecurefunc is not working for functions called directly by XML code, thats use additional:
WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame.MaximizeMinimizeFrame.MinimizeButton:HookScript("OnClick", MetaMap_FullScreenToggle);
WorldMapFrame.BorderFrame.MaximizeMinimizeFrame.MaximizeButton:HookScript("OnClick", MetaMap_FullScreenToggle);
WorldMapFrameSizeDownButton:HookScript("OnClick", MetaMap_FullScreenToggle);
WorldMapFrameSizeUpButton:HookScript("OnClick", MetaMap_FullScreenToggle);
-- update the lines at change of the world map zoom
WorldMapScrollFrame:HookScript("OnMouseWheel", MetaMap_MainMapUpdate);
1348,8 → 1348,6
local px, py = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
if(px==nil) then px=0; end
if(py==nil) then py=0; end
if (px == 0 and py == 0) then
local _, _, zType = MetaMap_GetZoneTableEntry(MetaMap_GetRealZoneText());
local continent, zone = MetaMap_NameToZoneID(MetaMap_GetRealZoneText());
1,5 → 1,5
## Interface: 70300
## Version:
## Interface: 70100
## Version:
## Title: MetaMap
## Author: MetaHawk
## Author for Fan Update 3.0: Charroux