WoWInterface SVN MountRandomMount

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 25 to Rev 26
    Reverse comparison

Rev 25 → Rev 26

2,7 → 2,7
BlizOptionsGroup Container
Simple container widget for the integration of AceGUI into the Blizzard Interface Options
local Type, Version = "BlizOptionsGroup", 20
local Type, Version = "BlizOptionsGroup", 21
local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
36,10 → 36,14
local function defaults(frame)
local function default(frame)
local function refresh(frame)
101,7 → 105,8
-- support functions for the Blizzard Interface Options
frame.okay = okay
frame.cancel = cancel
frame.defaults = defaults
frame.default = default
frame.refresh = refresh
frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide)
frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShow)
2,7 → 2,7
InlineGroup Container
Simple container widget that creates a visible "box" with an optional title.
local Type, Version = "InlineGroup", 20
local Type, Version = "InlineGroup", 21
local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true)
if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end
19,6 → 19,7
["OnAcquire"] = function(self)
-- ["OnRelease"] = nil,
1,8 → 1,8
## Interface: 50100
## Interface: 50200
## Title: MountRandomMount
## Notes: Random mount addon.
## Author: Dardack, Tomate
## Version: 5.2b
## Version: 5.2c
## SavedVariables: MountRandomMount_MountDataList, MountRandomMount_MountDataListVersion
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: MountRandomMount_SavedTable
## X-Embeds: Ace3
1,10 → 1,11
function MountRandomMount:MountDataListFill()
if ((MountRandomMount_MountDataList == nil) or (MountRandomMount_MountDataListVersion ~= "5.0.5")) then
MountRandomMount_MountDataListVersion = "5.0.5";
if ((MountRandomMount_MountDataList == nil) or (MountRandomMount_MountDataListVersion ~= "5.2.0")) then
MountRandomMount_MountDataListVersion = "5.2.0";
MountRandomMount_MountDataList= {
["flying"] = {
["source-achv"] = {
60025, --Albino Drake
136400, --Armored Skyscreamer
72808, --Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
61996, --Blue Dragonhawk
97560, --Corrupted Fire Hawk
15,6 → 16,8
127161, --Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent
72807, --Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
63956, --Ironbound Proto-Drake
133023, --Jade Pandaren Kite
118737, --Pandaren Kite
130985, --Pandaren Kite
61997, --Red Dragonhawk
59961, --Red Proto-Drake
23,7 → 26,6
107844, --Twilight Harbinger
60024, --Violet Proto-Drake
88331, --Volcanic Stone Drake
118737, --Pandaren Kite
["source-tcg"] = {
96503, --Amani Dragonhawk
34,6 → 36,7
["source-vendor"] = {
63844, --Argent Hippogryph
61230, --Armored Blue Wind Rider
61229, --Armored Snowy Gryphon
132117, --Ashen Pandaren Phoenix
41514, --Azure Netherwing Drake
44,24 → 47,46
41516, --Purple Netherwing Drake
32242, --Swift Blue Gryphon
32290, --Swift Green Gryphon
32295, --Swift Green Wind Rider
32292, --Swift Purple Gryphon
32297, --Swift Purple Wind Rider
32289, --Swift Red Gryphon
32246, --Swift Red Wind Rider
32296, --Swift Yellow Wind Rider
41517, --Veridian Netherwing Drake
41518, --Violet Netherwing Drake
132119, --Violet Pandaren Phoenix
32244, --Blue Wind Rider
32239, --Ebon Gryphon
32235, --Golden Gryphon
32245, --Green Wind Rider
32240, --Snowy Gryphon
61230, --Armored Blue Wind Rider
32295, --Swift Green Wind Rider
32297, --Swift Purple Wind Rider
32246, --Swift Red Wind Rider
32296, --Swift Yellow Wind Rider
32243, --Tawny Wind Rider
54729, --Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade
32244, --Blue Wind Rider
32245, --Green Wind Rider
32243, --Tawny Wind Rider
["source-other"] = {
139595, --Armored Bloodwing
127170, --Astral Cloud Serpent
124550, --Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake
139448, --Clutch of Ji-Kun
102514, --Corrupted Hippogryph
113120, --Feldrake
136505, --Ghastly Charger
61294, --Green Proto-Drake
127169, --Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent
127164, --Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent
127165, --Heavenly Jade Cloud Serpent
127158, --Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
124659, --Imperial Quilen
139407, --Malevolent Gladiator's Cloud Serpent
101821, --Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake
107516, --Spectral Gryphon
107517, --Spectral Wind Rider
134573, --Swift Windsteed
139442, --Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent
107203, --Tyrael's Charger
75973, --X-53 Touring Rocket
["source-drop"] = {
40192, --Ashes of Al'ar
59567, --Azure Drake Mount
84,29 → 109,13
59571, --Twilight Drake
88746, --Vitreous Stone Drake
["source-other"] = {
127170, --Astral Cloud Serpent
124550, --Cataclysmic Gladiator's Twilight Drake
102514, --Corrupted Hippogryph
113120, --Feldrake
61294, --Green Proto-Drake
127169, --Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent
127164, --Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent
127165, --Heavenly Jade Cloud Serpent
127158, --Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
124659, --Imperial Quilen
101821, --Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake
107516, --Spectral Gryphon
107203, --Tyrael's Charger
75973, --X-53 Touring Rocket
107517, --Spectral Wind Rider
["source-faction"] = {
123992, --Azure Cloud Serpent
39803, --Blue Riding Nether Ray
43927, --Cenarion War Hippogryph
88741, --Drake of the West Wind
123993, --Golden Cloud Serpent
135416, --Grand Armored Gryphon
39798, --Green Riding Nether Ray
113199, --Jade Cloud Serpent
39801, --Purple Riding Nether Ray
114,9 → 123,10
39800, --Red Riding Nether Ray
66087, --Silver Covenant Hippogryph
39802, --Silver Riding Nether Ray
66088, --Sunreaver Dragonhawk
129918, --Thundering August Cloud Serpent
130092, --Red Flying Cloud
66088, --Sunreaver Dragonhawk
135418, --Grand Armored Wyvern
["source-event"] = {
71342, --Big Love Rocket
132,28 → 142,26
120043, --Jeweled Onyx Panther
61309, --Magnificent Flying Carpet
93326, --Sandstone Drake
134359, --Sky Claw
44151, --Turbo-Charged Flying Machine
121839, --Dawnstone Panther
126507, --Depleted-Kyparium Rocket
121837, --Emerald Panther
61451, --Flying Carpet
44153, --Flying Machine
126508, --Geosynchronous World Spinner
121837, --Jade Panther
121838, --Ruby Panther
121836, --Sapphire Panther
121839, --Sunstone Panther
["source-quest"] = {
136163, --Grand Gryphon
127154, --Onyx Cloud Serpent
136164, --Grand Wyvern
["source-promo"] = {
121820, --Obsidian Nightwing
["source-quest"] = {
127154, --Onyx Cloud Serpent
["source-none"] = {
134573, --Swift Windsteed
135416, --Grand Armored Gryphon
135418, --Grand Armored Wyvern
136163, --Grand Gryphon
136164, --Grand Wyvern
32345, --Peep the Phoenix Mount
37015, --Swift Nether Drake
44744, --Merciless Nether Drake
167,26 → 175,32
71810, --Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm
97501, --Green Fire Hawk
101282, --Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake
133023, --Jade Pandaren Kite
["ground"] = {
["source-other"] = {
127180, --Albino Riding Crane
138642, --Black Primal Raptor
127209, --Black Riding Yak
127213, --Brown Riding Yak
138423, --Cobalt Primordial Direhorn
102514, --Corrupted Hippogryph
123160, --Crimson Riding Crane
127271, --Crimson Water Strider
127278, --Golden Water Strider
138643, --Green Primal Raptor
124659, --Imperial Quilen
127274, --Jade Water Strider
127178, --Jungle Riding Crane
127272, --Orange Water Strider
138641, --Red Primal Raptor
130965, --Son of Galleon
136471, --Spawn of Horridon
68057, --Swift Alliance Steed
68056, --Swift Horde Wolf
24242, --Swift Razzashi Raptor
101573, --Swift Shorestrider
134573, --Swift Windsteed
107203, --Tyrael's Charger
54753, --White Polar Bear
102488, --White Riding Camel
205,21 → 219,24
["source-drop"] = {
98204, --Amani Battle Bear
138424, --Amber Primordial Direhorn
96491, --Armored Razzashi Raptor
36702, --Fiery Warhorse
101542, --Flametalon of Alysrazor
61467, --Grand Black War Mammoth
61465, --Grand Black War Mammoth
88750, --Grey Riding Camel
72286, --Invincible
138426, --Jade Primordial Direhorn
41252, --Raven Lord
17481, --Rivendare's Deathcharger
138425, --Slate Primordial Direhorn
46628, --Swift White Hawkstrider
96499, --Swift Zulian Panther
25953, --Blue Qiraji Battle Tank
26056, --Green Qiraji Battle Tank
26054, --Red Qiraji Battle Tank
26055, --Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank
61467, --Grand Black War Mammoth
["source-faction"] = {
123886, --Amber Scorpion
232,10 → 249,14
43927, --Cenarion War Hippogryph
39315, --Cobalt Riding Talbuk
34896, --Cobalt War Talbuk
140249, --Golden Primal Direhorn
127176, --Golden Riding Crane
135416, --Grand Armored Gryphon
61470, --Grand Ice Mammoth
61469, --Grand Ice Mammoth
65637, --Great Red Elekk
129932, --Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
59797, --Ice Mammoth
59799, --Ice Mammoth
66090, --Quel'dorei Steed
129935, --Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
244,6 → 265,8
39317, --Silver Riding Talbuk
34898, --Silver War Talbuk
92231, --Spectral Steed
92232, --Spectral Wolf
66091, --Sunreaver Hawkstrider
65640, --Swift Gray Steed
65638, --Swift Moonsaber
65643, --Swift Violet Ram
255,11 → 278,9
39319, --White Riding Talbuk
34897, --White War Talbuk
130092, --Red Flying Cloud
61469, --Grand Ice Mammoth
140250, --Crimson Primal Direhorn
135418, --Grand Armored Wyvern
65641, --Great Golden Kodo
59797, --Ice Mammoth
92232, --Spectral Wolf
66091, --Sunreaver Hawkstrider
65646, --Swift Burgundy Wolf
65644, --Swift Purple Raptor
65639, --Swift Red Hawkstrider
268,23 → 289,24
["source-vendor"] = {
63844, --Argent Hippogryph
67466, --Argent Warhorse
61230, --Armored Blue Wind Rider
60116, --Armored Brown Bear
60114, --Armored Brown Bear
61229, --Armored Snowy Gryphon
22719, --Black Battlestrider
127286, --Black Dragon Turtle
48027, --Black War Elekk
59788, --Black War Mammoth
59785, --Black War Mammoth
22720, --Black War Ram
22717, --Black War Steed
22723, --Black War Tiger
127220, --Blonde Riding Yak
127287, --Blue Dragon Turtle
127288, --Brown Dragon Turtle
39316, --Dark Riding Talbuk
34790, --Dark War Talbuk
103081, --Darkmoon Dancing Bear
63637, --Darnassian Nightsaber
63639, --Exodar Elekk
23509, --Frostwolf Howler
63638, --Gnomeregan Mechanostrider
122708, --Grand Expedition Yak
127295, --Great Black Dragon Turtle
296,11 → 318,8
127310, --Great Purple Dragon Turtle
35714, --Great Purple Elekk
120822, --Great Red Dragon Turtle
120395, --Green Dragon Turtle
127216, --Grey Riding Yak
63636, --Ironforge Ram
127289, --Purple Dragon Turtle
127290, --Red Dragon Turtle
23510, --Stormpike Battle Charger
63232, --Stormwind Steed
32242, --Swift Blue Gryphon
311,23 → 330,33
23239, --Swift Gray Ram
32290, --Swift Green Gryphon
23225, --Swift Green Mechanostrider
32295, --Swift Green Wind Rider
102350, --Swift Lovebird
23219, --Swift Mistsaber
103196, --Swift Mountain Horse
23227, --Swift Palomino
32292, --Swift Purple Gryphon
32297, --Swift Purple Wind Rider
32289, --Swift Red Gryphon
32246, --Swift Red Wind Rider
102349, --Swift Springstrider
23338, --Swift Stormsaber
23223, --Swift White Mechanostrider
23240, --Swift White Ram
23228, --Swift White Steed
23222, --Swift Yellow Mechanostrider
32296, --Swift Yellow Wind Rider
61425, --Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
61447, --Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
17229, --Winterspring Frostsaber
59791, --Wooly Mammoth
59793, --Wooly Mammoth
127286, --Black Dragon Turtle
470, --Black Stallion
127287, --Blue Dragon Turtle
10969, --Blue Mechanostrider
32244, --Blue Wind Rider
127288, --Brown Dragon Turtle
34406, --Brown Elekk
458, --Brown Horse
6899, --Brown Ram
337,27 → 366,28
35710, --Gray Elekk
18989, --Gray Kodo
6777, --Gray Ram
120395, --Green Dragon Turtle
17453, --Green Mechanostrider
32245, --Green Wind Rider
103195, --Mountain Horse
472, --Pinto
127289, --Purple Dragon Turtle
35711, --Purple Elekk
127290, --Red Dragon Turtle
10873, --Red Mechanostrider
32240, --Snowy Gryphon
10789, --Spotted Frostsaber
66847, --Striped Dawnsaber
8394, --Striped Frostsaber
10793, --Striped Nightsaber
32243, --Tawny Wind Rider
17454, --Unpainted Mechanostrider
6898, --White Ram
61230, --Armored Blue Wind Rider
60116, --Armored Brown Bear
22718, --Black War Kodo
59788, --Black War Mammoth
22721, --Black War Raptor
22724, --Black War Wolf
63635, --Darkspear Raptor
63643, --Forsaken Warhorse
23509, --Frostwolf Howler
87091, --Goblin Turbo-Trike
23249, --Great Brown Kodo
23248, --Great Gray Kodo
372,36 → 402,27
23250, --Swift Brown Wolf
23252, --Swift Gray Wolf
35025, --Swift Green Hawkstrider
32295, --Swift Green Wind Rider
23242, --Swift Olive Raptor
23243, --Swift Orange Raptor
33660, --Swift Pink Hawkstrider
35027, --Swift Purple Hawkstrider
32297, --Swift Purple Wind Rider
32246, --Swift Red Wind Rider
23251, --Swift Timber Wolf
35028, --Swift Warstrider
32296, --Swift Yellow Wind Rider
63641, --Thunder Bluff Kodo
61447, --Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
59793, --Wooly Mammoth
35022, --Black Hawkstrider
64977, --Black Skeletal Horse
64658, --Black Wolf
35020, --Blue Hawkstrider
17463, --Blue Skeletal Horse
32244, --Blue Wind Rider
18990, --Brown Kodo
17464, --Brown Skeletal Horse
6654, --Brown Wolf
6653, --Dire Wolf
8395, --Emerald Raptor
87090, --Goblin Trike
32245, --Green Wind Rider
35018, --Purple Hawkstrider
34795, --Red Hawkstrider
17462, --Red Skeletal Horse
32243, --Tawny Wind Rider
580, --Timber Wolf
10796, --Turquoise Raptor
10799, --Violet Raptor
425,37 → 446,40
["source-achv"] = {
60118, --Black War Bear
60119, --Black War Bear
97359, --Flameward Hippogryph
90621, --Golden King
93644, --Kor'kron Annihilator
100332, --Vicious War Steed
60119, --Black War Bear
93644, --Kor'kron Annihilator
100333, --Vicious War Wolf
["source-quest"] = {
138640, --Bone-White Primal Raptor
73313, --Crimson Deathcharger
136163, --Grand Gryphon
64659, --Venomhide Ravasaur
136164, --Grand Wyvern
["source-store"] = {
75614, --Celestial Steed
110051, --Heart of the Aspects
98727, --Winged Guardian
["source-quest"] = {
73313, --Crimson Deathcharger
64659, --Venomhide Ravasaur
["source-prof"] = {
84751, --Fossilized Raptor
75596, --Frosty Flying Carpet
120043, --Jeweled Onyx Panther
61309, --Magnificent Flying Carpet
55531, --Mechano-Hog
60424, --Mekgineer's Chopper
44151, --Turbo-Charged Flying Machine
92155, --Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank
121839, --Dawnstone Panther
121837, --Emerald Panther
61451, --Flying Carpet
44153, --Flying Machine
121837, --Jade Panther
121838, --Ruby Panther
121836, --Sapphire Panther
55531, --Mechano-Hog
121839, --Sunstone Panther
["source-promo"] = {
121820, --Obsidian Nightwing
486,7 → 510,6
64656, --Blue Skeletal Warhorse
66906, --Argent Charger
66907, --Argent Warhorse
68056, --Swift Horde Wolf
68187, --Crusader's White Warhorse
68188, --Crusader's Black Warhorse
89520, --Goblin Mini Hotrod