WoWInterface SVN MultiScreenSupport

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 19 to Rev 20
    Reverse comparison

Rev 19 → Rev 20

375,7 → 375,7
for _, child in ipairs(childs) do
if not child:IsForbidden() then
local childname = child:GetName()
if childname ~= 'MultiScreenSupportParent' and childname ~= nil and _G['MultiScreenSupportChildren'][childname] == nil then
if childname ~= 'MultiScreenSupportParent' and childname ~= nil and _G['MultiScreenSupportChildren'][childname] == nil and strsub(childname, -15) ~= "PlaterUnitFrame" then
local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = child:GetPoint()
if relativeTo == nil or relativeTo:GetName() == UIParent:GetName() then
setting[childname] = {
1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 90001
## Interface: 90005
## Author: Tomate
## Version: 5.0
## Version: 5.1
## Title: MultiScreenSupport
## Notes: Eyefinity and Surround gaming assist to anchor default UI panels to the center monitor.
## X-Embeds: Ace3