WoWInterface SVN OhSnap

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 102 to Rev 103
    Reverse comparison

Rev 102 → Rev 103

50,12 → 50,12
[6789] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Mortal Coil
[115268] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Mesmerize
[118] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph
[28271] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Turtle
[28272] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Pig
[61305] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Black Cat
[61025] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Serpent
[61721] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Rabbit
[61780] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Turkey
--[28271] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Turtle
--[28272] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Pig
--[61305] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Black Cat
--[61025] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Serpent
--[61721] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Rabbit
--[61780] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Polymorph: Turkey
[2637] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Hibernate
[339] = {msg = L["CC, Do not damage!"]}, -- Entangling Roots
[33786] = {msg = L["Cycloned, Immune"]}, -- Cyclone
3,7 → 3,7
## Notes: Monitor for PvP skills and spells that you should be aware of
## Notes-koKR: 반드시 알아야만 할 PvP 기술과 주문을 모니터링해줍니다.
## Author: Cladhaire, Mikma
## Version: 1.3
## Version: 1.4
## SavedVariables: OhSnapDB
## X-Category: Misc