WoWInterface SVN PhanxConfigWidgets

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 23 to Rev 22
    Reverse comparison

Rev 23 → Rev 22

1,5 → 1,5
local major = "LibHealComm-4.0"
local minor = 64
local minor = 50
assert(LibStub, string.format("%s requires LibStub.", major))
local HealComm = LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
20,7 → 20,6
local COMM_PREFIX = "LHC40"
local playerGUID, playerName, playerLevel
local playerHealModifier = 1
local IS_BUILD30300 = tonumber((select(4, GetBuildInfo()))) >= 30300
HealComm.callbacks = HealComm.callbacks or LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0"):New(HealComm)
30,6 → 29,7
HealComm.itemSetsData = HealComm.itemSetsData or {}
HealComm.glyphCache = HealComm.glyphCache or {}
HealComm.equippedSetCache = HealComm.equippedSetCache or {}
HealComm.playerModifiers = HealComm.playerModifiers or {}
HealComm.guidToGroup = HealComm.guidToGroup or {}
HealComm.guidToUnit = HealComm.guidToUnit or {}
HealComm.pendingHeals = HealComm.pendingHeals or {}
52,9 → 52,9
local isHealerClass = playerClass == "DRUID" or playerClass == "PRIEST" or playerClass == "SHAMAN" or playerClass == "PALADIN"
-- Stolen from Threat-2.0, compresses GUIDs from 18 characters to around 8 - 9, 50%/55% savings
-- 44 = , / 58 = : / 255 = \255 / 0 = line break / 64 = @ / 254 = FE, used for escape code so has to be escaped
if( not HealComm.compressGUID or not HealComm.fixedCompress ) then
local map = {[58] = "\254\250", [64] = "\254\251", [44] = "\254\252", [255] = "\254\253", [0] = "\255", [254] = "\254\249"}
-- 44 = , / 58 = : / 255 = \255 / 0 = line break? / 64 = @
if( not HealComm.compressGUID ) then
local map = {[58] = "\254\250", [64] = "\254\251", [44] = "\254\252", [255] = "\254\253", [0] = "\255"}
local function guidCompressHelper(x)
local a = tonumber(x, 16)
return map[a] or string.char(a)
66,11 → 66,9
str = string.gsub(str, "\254\250", "\058")
str = string.gsub(str, "\254\251", "\064")
str = string.gsub(str, "\254\252", "\044")
str = string.gsub(str, "\254\253", "\255")
return string.gsub(str, "\254\249", "\254")
return string.gsub(str, "\254\253", "\255")
HealComm.fixedCompress = true
HealComm.compressGUID = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(tbl, guid)
local cguid = string.match(guid, "0x(.*)")
351,11 → 349,6
-- APIs
-- Returns the players current heaing modifier
function HealComm:GetPlayerHealingMod()
return playerHealModifier or 1
-- Returns the current healing modifier for the GUID
function HealComm:GetHealModifier(guid)
return HealComm.currentModifiers[guid] or 1
385,11 → 378,11
local currentTime = GetTime()
for casterGUID, spells in pairs(pendingHeals) do
if( not ignoreGUID or ignoreGUID ~= casterGUID ) then
for _, pending in pairs(spells) do
if( pending.bitType and, bitFlag) > 0 ) then
for i=1, #(pending), 5 do
local guid = pending[i]
for _, pending in pairs(spells) do
if( pending.bitType and, bitFlag) > 0 ) then
for i=1, #(pending), 5 do
local guid = pending[i]
if( not ignoreGUID or ignoreGUID ~= guid ) then
local amount = pending[i + 1]
local stack = pending[i + 2]
local endTime = pending[i + 3]
511,8 → 504,9
-- Healing class data
-- Thanks to Gagorian (DrDamage) for letting me steal his formulas and such
local playerCurrentRelic
local averageHeal, rankNumbers = HealComm.averageHeal, HealComm.rankNumbers
local playerHealModifier, playerCurrentRelic = 1
local playerModifiers, averageHeal, rankNumbers = HealComm.playerModifiers, HealComm.averageHeal, HealComm.rankNumbers
local guidToUnit, guidToGroup, glyphCache = HealComm.guidToUnit, HealComm.guidToGroup, HealComm.glyphCache
-- UnitBuff priortizes our buffs over everyone elses when there is a name conflict, so yay for that
534,9 → 528,6
-- Apply further downranking penalities
spellPower = spellPower * (penalty * math.min(1, math.max(0, 1 - (playerLevel - level - 11) * 0.05)))
-- Apply zone modifier
healModifier = healModifier * HealComm.zoneHealModifier
-- Do the general factoring
return healModifier * (amount + (spellPower * spModifier))
661,10 → 652,8
--itemSetsData["T8 Resto"] = {46183, 46184, 46185, 46186, 46187, 45345, 45346, 45347, 45348, 45349}
--itemSetsData["T9 Resto"] = {48102, 48129, 48130, 48131, 48132, 48153, 48154, 48155, 48156, 48157, 48133, 48134, 48135, 48136, 48137, 48142, 48141, 48140, 48139, 48138, 48152, 48151, 48150, 48149, 48148, 48143, 48144, 48145, 48146, 48147}
-- 2 piece, 30% less healing lost on WG
itemSetsData["T10 Resto"] = {50106, 50107, 50108, 50109, 50113, 51139, 51138, 51137, 51136, 51135, 51300, 51301, 51302, 51303, 51304}
itemSetsData["T10 Resto"] = {50106, 50107, 50108, 50109, 50113, 51139, 51138, 51137, 51136, 51135}
local bloomBombIdols = {[28355] = 87, [33076] = 105, [33841] = 116, [35021] = 131, [42576] = 188, [42577] = 217, [42578] = 246, [42579] = 294, [42580] = 376, [51423] = 448}
local hotTotals, hasRegrowth = {}, {}
AuraHandler = function(unit, guid)
hotTotals[guid] = 0
686,7 → 675,7
local playerGroup = guidToGroup[playerGUID]
for groupGUID, id in pairs(guidToGroup) do
if( id == playerGroup and playerGUID ~= groupGUID and not UnitHasVehicleUI(guidToUnit[groupID]) and IsSpellInRange(Innervate, guidToUnit[groupGUID]) == 1 ) then
if( id == playerGroup and playerGUID ~= groupGUID and IsSpellInRange(Innervate, guidToUnit[groupGUID]) == 1 ) then
targets = targets .. "," .. compressGUID[groupGUID]
708,6 → 697,7
local spellPower = GetSpellBonusHealing()
local healModifier, spModifier = playerHealModifier, 1
local bombAmount, totalTicks
healModifier = healModifier + talentData[GiftofNature].current
healModifier = healModifier + talentData[Genesis].current
771,20 → 761,13
-- Lifebloom
elseif( spellName == Lifebloom ) then
-- Figure out the bomb heal, apparently Gift of Nature double dips and will heal 10% for the HOT + 10% again for the direct heal
local bombSpellPower = spellPower
if( playerCurrentRelic and bloomBombIdols[playerCurrentRelic] ) then
bombSpellPower = bombSpellPower + bloomBombIdols[playerCurrentRelic]
local bombSpell = bombSpellPower * (hotData[spellName].dhCoeff * 1.88)
local bombSpell = spellPower * (hotData[spellName].dhCoeff * 1.88)
bombAmount = math.ceil(calculateGeneralAmount(hotData[spellName].levels[rank], hotData[spellName].bomb[rank], bombSpell, spModifier, healModifier + talentData[GiftofNature].current))
-- Figure out the hot tick healing
spellPower = spellPower * (hotData[spellName].coeff * (1 + talentData[EmpoweredRejuv].current))
spellPower = spellPower / hotData[spellName].ticks
healAmount = healAmount / hotData[spellName].ticks
-- Figure out total ticks
totalTicks = 7
-- Idol of Lush Moss, +125 SP per tick
if( playerCurrentRelic == 40711 ) then
793,26 → 776,30
elseif( playerCurrentRelic == 27886 ) then
spellPower = spellPower + 47
-- Figure out total ticks
totalTicks = 7
-- Glyph of Lifebloom, +1 second
if( glyphCache[54826] ) then totalTicks = totalTicks + 1 end
-- Nature's Splendor, +2 seconds
if( talentData[NaturesSplendor].mod >= 1 ) then totalTicks = totalTicks + 1 end
-- Wild Growth
elseif( spellName == WildGrowth ) then
spellPower = spellPower * (hotData[spellName].coeff * (1 + talentData[EmpoweredRejuv].current))
spellPower = spellPower / hotData[spellName].ticks
spellPower = calculateSpellPower(hotData[spellName].levels[rank], spellPower)
healAmount = healAmount / hotData[spellName].ticks
healModifier = healModifier * HealComm.zoneHealModifier
--if( equippedSetCache["T10 Resto"] >= 2 ) then
local tickModifier = equippedSetCache["T10 Resto"] >= 2 and 0.70 or 1
local tickAmount = healAmount / hotData[spellName].ticks
local tickModifier = healAmount / hotData[spellName].ticks
for i=1, hotData[spellName].ticks do
table.insert(wgTicks, math.ceil(healModifier * ((healAmount + tickAmount * (3 - (i - 1) * tickModifier)) + (spellPower * spModifier))))
table.insert(wgTicks, math.ceil(healModifier * ((healAmount + tickModifier * (4 - i)) + (spellPower * spModifier))))
return HOT_HEALS, wgTicks, hotData[spellName].ticks, hotData[spellName].interval, nil, true
909,7 → 896,7
if( spellData[spellName].ticks ) then
return CHANNEL_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount), spellData[spellName].ticks, spellData[spellName].ticks
return CHANNEL_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount), spellData[spellName].ticks
return DIRECT_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount)
956,18 → 943,14
local DivineFavor = GetSpellInfo(20216)
-- Seal of Light + Glyph = 5% healing
local SealofLight = GetSpellInfo(20165)
-- Divine Illumination, used in T10 holy
local DivineIllumination = GetSpellInfo(31842)
local flashLibrams = {[42616] = 436, [42615] = 375, [42614] = 331, [42613] = 293, [42612] = 204, [28592] = 89, [25644] = 79, [23006] = 43, [23201] = 28}
local flashLibrams = {[42615] = 375, [42614] = 331, [42613] = 293, [42612] = 204, [28592] = 89, [25644] = 79, [23006] = 43, [23201] = 28}
local holyLibrams = {[45436] = 160, [40268] = 141, [28296] = 47}
local flashSPLibrams = {[51472] = 510}
-- Holy Shock crits put a hot that heals for 15% of the HS over 9s
--itemSetsData["T8 Holy"] = { 45370, 45371, 45372, 45373, 45374, 46178, 46179, 46180, 46181, 46182 }
-- +100% to the hot when using Flash of Light + Sacred Shield
--itemSetsData["T9 Holy"] = { 48595, 48596, 48597, 48598, 48599, 48564, 48566, 48568, 48572, 48574, 48593, 48591, 48592, 48590, 48594, 48588, 48586, 48587, 48585, 48589, 48576, 48578, 48577, 48579, 48575, 48583, 48581, 48582, 48580, 48584}
itemSetsData["T10 Holy"] = {50865, 50866, 50867, 50868, 50869, 51270, 51271, 51272, 51273, 51274, 51165, 51166, 51167, 51168, 51169}
-- Need the GUID of whoever has beacon on them so we can make sure they are visible to us and so we can check the mapping
local activeBeaconGUID, hasDivineFavor
1008,37 → 991,32
-- Glyph of Seal of Light, +5% healing if the player has Seal of Light up
if( glyphCache[54943] and unitHasAura("player", SealofLight) ) then
healModifier = healModifier + 0.05
healModifier = healModifier * 1.05
healModifier = healModifier + talentData[HealingLight].current
healModifier = healModifier * (1 + talentData[Divinity].current)
healModifier = healModifier * (1 + talentData[HealingLight].current)
-- Apply extra spell power based on libram
if( playerCurrentRelic ) then
if( spellName == HolyLight and holyLibrams[playerCurrentRelic] ) then
healAmount = healAmount + (holyLibrams[playerCurrentRelic] * 0.805)
spellPower = spellPower + holyLibrams[playerCurrentRelic]
elseif( spellName == FlashofLight and flashLibrams[playerCurrentRelic] ) then
healAmount = healAmount + (flashLibrams[playerCurrentRelic] * 0.805)
elseif( spellName == FlashofLight and flashSPLibrams[playerCurrentRelic] ) then
spellPower = spellPower + flashSPLibrams[playerCurrentRelic]
spellPower = spellPower + flashLibrams[playerCurrentRelic]
-- +35% healing while Divine Illumination is active
if( equippedSetCache["T10 Holy"] >= 2 and unitHasAura("player", DivineIllumination) ) then
healModifier = healModifier * 1.35
-- Normal calculations
spellPower = spellPower * (spellData[spellName].coeff * 1.88)
healAmount = calculateGeneralAmount(spellData[spellName].levels[rank], healAmount, spellPower, spModifier, healModifier)
-- Divine Favor, 100% chance to crit
-- ... or the player has over a 100% chance to crit with Holy spells
if( hasDivineFavor or GetSpellCritChance(2) >= 100 ) then
if( hasDivineFavor ) then
hasDivineFavor = nil
healAmount = healAmount * (1.50 * (1 + talentData[TouchedbytheLight].current))
healAmount = healAmount * (1.50 + talentData[TouchedbytheLight].current)
-- Or the player has over a 100% chance to crit with Holy spells
elseif( GetSpellCritChance(2) >= 100 ) then
healAmount = healAmount * (1.50 + talentData[TouchedbytheLight].current)
return DIRECT_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount)
1130,8 → 1108,7
local group = guidToGroup[guid]
for groupGUID, id in pairs(guidToGroup) do
local unit = guidToUnit[groupGUID]
if( id == group and guid ~= groupGUID and UnitIsVisible(unit) and not UnitHasVehicleUI(unit) ) then
if( id == group and guid ~= groupGUID and UnitIsVisible(guidToUnit[groupGUID]) ) then
targets = targets .. "," .. compressGUID[groupGUID]
1233,9 → 1210,10
healAmount = healAmount * 1.50
-- Penance ticks 3 times, the player will see all 3 ticks, everyone else should only see the last 2
-- Penance ticks 3 times, but the first one is instant and as it will land before the comm get there, pretend that
-- it only has two ticks.
if( spellName == Penance ) then
return CHANNEL_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount), 2, 3
return CHANNEL_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount), 2
return DIRECT_HEALS, math.ceil(healAmount)
1268,7 → 1246,7
-- Lesser Healing Wave
local LesserHealingWave = GetSpellInfo(8004)
spellData[LesserHealingWave] = {coeff = 1.5 / 3.5, levels = {20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60, 66, 72, 77}, increase = {102, 109, 110, 108, 100, 84, 58, 40, 18},
averages = {avg(162, 186), avg(247, 281), avg(337, 381), avg(458, 514), avg(631, 705), avg(832, 928), avg(1039, 1185), avg(1382, 1578), avg(1606, 1834)}}
averages = {avg(162, 186), avg(247, 281), avg(337, 381), avg(458, 514), avg(631, 05), avg(832, 928), avg(1039, 1185), avg(1382, 1578), avg(1606, 1834)}}
-- Talent data
local EarthShield = GetSpellInfo(49284)
1439,12 → 1417,6
-- Healing modifiers
if( not HealComm.aurasUpdated ) then
HealComm.aurasUpdated = true
HealComm.selfModifiers = nil
HealComm.healingModifiers = nil
HealComm.currentModifiers = HealComm.currentModifiers or {}
HealComm.selfModifiers = HealComm.selfModifiers or {
1456,27 → 1428,20
[72221] = 1.05, -- Luck of the Draw
[70873] = 1.10, -- Emerald Vigor (Valithria Dreamwalker)
[31884] = 1.20, -- Avenging Wrath
[72393] = 0.25, -- Hopelessness
[72397] = 0.40, -- Hopelessness
[72391] = 0.50, -- Hopelessness
[72396] = 0.60, -- Hopelessness
[72390] = 0.75, -- Hopelessness
[72395] = 0.80, -- Hopelessness
HealComm.selfModifiers[getName(72390)] = 0.75 -- Hopelessness
-- The only spell in the game with a name conflict is Ray of Pain from the Nagrand Void Walkers
HealComm.healingModifiers = HealComm.healingModifiers or {
[getName(30843)] = 0.00, -- Enfeeble
[getName(41292)] = 0.00, -- Aura of Suffering
[59513] = 0.00, -- Embrace of the Vampyr
[getName(59513)] = 0.00, -- Embrace of the Vampyr
[getName(55593)] = 0.00, -- Necrotic Aura
[28776] = 0.10, -- Necrotic Poison
[getName(34625)] = 0.25, -- Demolish
[getName(19716)] = 0.25, -- Gehennas' Curse
[getName(24674)] = 0.25, -- Veil of Shadow
[69633] = 0.25, -- Veil of Shadow, in German this is translated differently from the one above
[46296] = 0.25, -- Necrotic Poison
[54121] = 0.25, -- Necrotic Poison
[getName(69633)] = 0.25, -- Veil of Shadow, in German this is translated differently from the one above
-- Wound Poison still uses a unique spellID/spellName despite the fact that it's a static 50% reduction.
[getName(13218)] = 0.50, -- 1
[getName(13222)] = 0.50, -- 2
1500,7 → 1465,6
[getName(60084)] = 0.50, -- The Veil of Shadow
[getName(45885)] = 0.50, -- Shadow Spike
[getName(69674)] = 0.50, -- Mutated Infection (Rotface)
[36693] = 0.55, -- Necrotic Poison
[getName(63038)] = 0.75, -- Dark Volley
[getName(52771)] = 0.75, -- Wounding Strike
[getName(48291)] = 0.75, -- Fetid Healing
1518,23 → 1482,9
[getName(38387)] = 1.50, -- Bane of Infinity
[getName(31977)] = 1.50, -- Curse of Infinity
[getName(41350)] = 2.00, -- Aura of Desire
[73762] = 1.05, -- Strength of Wrynn (5%)
[73816] = 1.05, -- Hellscream's Warsong (5%)
[73824] = 1.10, -- Strength of Wrynn (10%)
[73818] = 1.10, -- Hellscream's Warsong (10%)
[73825] = 1.15, -- Strength of Wrynn (15%)
[73819] = 1.15, -- Hellscream's Warsong (15%)
[73826] = 1.20, -- Strength of Wrynn (20%)
[73820] = 1.20, -- Hellscream's Warsong (20%)
[73827] = 1.25, -- Strength of Wrynn (25%)
[73821] = 1.25, -- Hellscream's Warsong (25%)
[73828] = 1.30, -- Strength of Wrynn (30%)
[73822] = 1.30, -- Hellscream's Warsong (30%)
HealComm.healingStackMods = HealComm.healingStackMods or {
-- Enervating Band
[getName(74502)] = function(name, rank, icon, stacks) return 1 - stacks * 0.02 end,
-- Tenacity
[getName(58549)] = function(name, rank, icon, stacks) return icon == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Warrior_StrengthOfArms" and stacks ^ 1.18 or 1 end,
-- Focused Will
1557,7 → 1507,7
local distribution
local CTL = ChatThrottleLib
local function sendMessage(msg)
if( distribution and string.len(msg) <= 240 ) then
if( distribution ) then
CTL:SendAddonMessage("BULK", COMM_PREFIX, msg, distribution)
1599,57 → 1549,64
-- Figure out where we should be sending messages and wipe some caches
function HealComm:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA()
local pvpType = GetZonePVPInfo()
local type = select(2, IsInInstance())
HealComm.zoneHealModifier = 1
if( pvpType == "combat" or type == "arena" or type == "pvp" ) then
HealComm.zoneHealModifier = 0.90
if( type ~= instanceType ) then
instanceType = type
-- Changes the value of Necrotic Poison based on zone type, if there are more difficulty type MS's I'll support those too
-- Heroic = 90%, Non-Heroic = 75%
-- Not all versions of WoW are on 3.2, as such only check difficulty if they are, otherwise default to the heroic version
if( GetRaidDifficulty and ( GetRaidDifficulty() == 2 or GetRaidDifficulty() == 4 ) ) then
healingModifiers[GetSpellInfo(53121)] = 0.25
healingModifiers[GetSpellInfo(53121)] = 0.10
instanceType = type
-- Figure out the modifier for the players healing in general
-- Because Unrelenting Assault can be applied while casting, it should probably fire a heal changed if modifier changes
-- while a cast is going on
local function recalculatePlayerModifiers()
local increase, decrease = 1, 1
for _, modifier in pairs(playerModifiers) do
if( modifier >= 1 ) then
increase = increase * modifier
decrease = math.min(decrease, modifier)
playerHealModifier = increase * decrease
local alreadyAdded = {}
function HealComm:UNIT_AURA(unit)
local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
if( not guidToUnit[guid] ) then return end
local increase, decrease, playerIncrease, playerDecrease = 1, 1, 1, 1
local increase, decrease = 1, 1
-- Scan buffs
local id = 1
while( true ) do
local name, rank, icon, stack, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellID = UnitAura(unit, id, "HELPFUL")
local name, rank, icon, stack = UnitAura(unit, id, "HELPFUL")
if( not name ) then break end
-- Prevent buffs like Tree of Life that have the same name for the shapeshift/healing increase from being calculated twice
if( not alreadyAdded[name] ) then
alreadyAdded[name] = true
if( healingModifiers[spellID] ) then
increase = increase * healingModifiers[spellID]
elseif( healingModifiers[name] ) then
if( healingModifiers[name] ) then
increase = increase * healingModifiers[name]
elseif( healingStackMods[name] ) then
increase = increase * healingStackMods[name](name, rank, icon, stack)
if( unit == "player" and selfModifiers[spellID] ) then
playerIncrease = playerIncrease * selfModifiers[spellID]
id = id + 1
1658,20 → 1615,13
-- Scan debuffs
id = 1
while( true ) do
local name, rank, icon, stack, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellID = UnitAura(unit, id, "HARMFUL")
local name, rank, icon, stack = UnitAura(unit, id, "HARMFUL")
if( not name ) then break end
if( healingModifiers[spellID] ) then
decrease = math.min(decrease, healingModifiers[spellID])
elseif( healingModifiers[name] ) then
if( healingModifiers[name] ) then
decrease = math.min(decrease, healingModifiers[name])
elseif( healingStackMods[name] ) then
decrease = math.min(decrease, healingStackMods[name](name, rank, icon, stack))
if( unit == "player" and selfModifiers[spellID] ) then
playerDecrease = math.min(playerDecrease, selfModifiers[spellID])
id = id + 1
1689,10 → 1639,6
if( unit == "player" ) then
playerHealModifier = playerIncrease * playerDecrease
-- Class has a specific monitor it needs for auras
if( AuraHandler ) then
AuraHandler(unit, guid)
1850,9 → 1796,9
pending.spellID = spellID
pending.isMultiTarget = (select("#", ...) / inc) > 1
pending.bitType = CHANNEL_HEALS
loadHealList(pending, amount, 1, 0, math.ceil(pending.duration / pending.tickInterval), ...)
loadHealList(pending, amount, 1, 0, math.ceil(pending.duration / pending.tickInterval), ...)
HealComm.callbacks:Fire("HealComm_HealStarted", casterGUID, spellID, pending.bitType, pending.endTime, unpack(tempPlayerList))
2171,6 → 2117,11
-- New hot was applied
local spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType = ...
if( eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" and selfModifiers[spellID] ) then
playerModifiers[spellID] = selfModifiers[spellID]
if( hotData[spellName] ) then
-- Multi target heal so put it in the bucket
if( hotData[spellName].isMulti ) then
2245,6 → 2196,12
elseif( eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" ) then
local spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType = ...
-- It was applied to the player so it might be a modifierhopthal
playerModifiers[spellID] = nil
-- Hot faded that we cast
parseHealEnd(sourceGUID, nil, "id", spellID, false, compressGUID[destGUID])
2312,14 → 2269,14
castID = id
-- Figure out who we are healing and for how much
local type, amount, ticks, localTicks = CalculateHealing(castGUID, spellName, spellRank)
local type, amount, ticks = CalculateHealing(castGUID, spellName, spellRank)
local targets, amount = GetHealTargets(type, castGUID, math.max(amount, 0), spellName)
if( type == DIRECT_HEALS ) then
parseDirectHeal(playerGUID, self.spellToID[nameID], amount, string.split(",", targets))
sendMessage(string.format("D::%d:%d:%s", self.spellToID[nameID] or 0, amount or "", targets))
elseif( type == CHANNEL_HEALS ) then
parseChannelHeal(playerGUID, self.spellToID[nameID], amount, localTicks, string.split(",", targets))
parseChannelHeal(playerGUID, self.spellToID[nameID], amount, ticks, string.split(",", targets))
sendMessage(string.format("C::%d:%d:%s:%s", self.spellToID[nameID] or 0, amount, ticks, targets))
2557,22 → 2514,17
function HealComm:UNIT_PET(unit)
local pet = self.unitToPet[unit]
local guid = pet and UnitGUID(pet)
-- We have an active pet guid from this user and it's different, kill it
local activeGUID = activePets[unit]
if( activeGUID and activeGUID ~= guid ) then
guidToUnit[activeGUID] = nil
guidToGroup[activeGUID] = nil
activePets[unit] = nil
-- Add the new record
if( guid ) then
guidToUnit[guid] = pet
guidToGroup[guid] = guidToGroup[UnitGUID(unit)]
activePets[unit] = guid
-- This used to be an active pet, need to invalidate pending heals
elseif( activePets[unit] and guidToUnit[guid] ) then
guidToUnit[guid] = nil
guidToGroup[guid] = nil
activePets[unit] = nil
2762,7 → 2714,6