WoWInterface SVN PhanxFont

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 7 to Rev 8
    Reverse comparison

Rev 7 → Rev 8

LICENSE.txt File deleted
1,5 → 1,19
local ADDON, Addon = ...
Simple font replacement.
Based on tekticles by Tekkub, which is based on ClearFont2 by Kirkburn.
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Phanx <>. All rights reserved.
Please DO NOT upload this addon to other websites, or post modified
versions of it. However, you are welcome to use any/all of its code
in your own addon, as long as you do not use my name or the name of
this addon ANYWHERE in your addon, including in its name, outside of
an optional attribution. You are also welcome to include this addon
WITHOUT CHANGES in compilations posted on Curse and/or WoWInterface.
local ADDON, Addon = ...
PhanxFontDB = {
normal = "Asap",
bold = "Asap Bold",
179,7 → 193,7
10,8 → 10,8
## Author: Phanx
## X-Email:
## X-Credits: Based on tekticles by Tekkub, which is based on ClearFont2 by Kirkburn.
## X-Copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Phanx. All rights reserved.
## X-License: See the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
## X-Copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Phanx.
## X-License: All rights reserved.
## X-CompatibleLocales: enUS, deDE, esES, esMX, frFR, itIT, koKR, ptBR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW
## OptionalDeps: LibSharedMedia-3.0, PhanxConfigWidgets
1,5 → 1,19
local ADDON, Addon = ...
Simple font replacement.
Based on tekticles by Tekkub, which is based on ClearFont2 by Kirkburn.
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Phanx <>. All rights reserved.
Please DO NOT upload this addon to other websites, or post modified
versions of it. However, you are welcome to use any/all of its code
in your own addon, as long as you do not use my name or the name of
this addon ANYWHERE in your addon, including in its name, outside of
an optional attribution. You are also welcome to include this addon
WITHOUT CHANGES in compilations posted on Curse and/or WoWInterface.
local ADDON, Addon = ...
local L = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(t, k)
local v = tostring(k)