WoWInterface SVN PlayerXPBar

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 20 to Rev 21
    Reverse comparison

Rev 20 → Rev 21

139,8 → 139,8
local currXP = UnitXP("player");
local needXP = UnitXPMax("player");
local restXP = GetXPExhaustion();
local str = format(TEXT(" %.1f %% "), ((currXP / needXP) * 100));
local str_remain = format(TEXT(" %.1f %% "), (100 - ((currXP / needXP) * 100)));
local str = format(" %.1f %% ", ((currXP / needXP) * 100));
local str_remain = format(" %.1f %% ", (100 - ((currXP / needXP) * 100)));
local text_xp = "XP:";
if (PlayerXPBar_Player ~= nil) and (PlayerXPBar_Player["TEXTXP"] == 1) then
226,9 → 226,9
if (IsShiftKeyDown() and ChatFrame1EditBox:IsVisible()) then
if (button == "LeftButton") then
ChatFrame1EditBox:Insert(PXPBAR_CURRXP .. currXP .. "/" .. needXP .. format(TEXT(" (%.1f%% through level "..currlevel..") "), ((currXP / needXP) * 100)));
ChatFrame1EditBox:Insert(PXPBAR_CURRXP .. currXP .. "/" .. needXP .. format(" (%.1f%% through level "..currlevel..") ", ((currXP / needXP) * 100)));
ChatFrame1EditBox:Insert(PXPBAR_NEEDXP .. (needXP - currXP) .. format(TEXT(" (%.1f%% until level "..nextlevel..") "), (100 - ((currXP / needXP) * 100))));
ChatFrame1EditBox:Insert(PXPBAR_NEEDXP .. (needXP - currXP) .. format(" (%.1f%% until level "..nextlevel..") ", (100 - ((currXP / needXP) * 100))));
258,8 → 258,8
GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetText("Player XP Bar",0.25,0.25,1);
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(PXPBAR_CURRXP, TOOLTIP_COLOR .. currXP .. "/" .. needXP .. TOOLTIP_COLOR1 .. format(TEXT(" (%.1f%%)"), ((currXP / needXP) * 100)), "", 1, 1, 1);
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(PXPBAR_NEEDXP, TOOLTIP_COLOR .. (needXP - currXP) .. TOOLTIP_COLOR1 .. format(TEXT(" (%.1f%%)"), (100 - ((currXP / needXP) * 100))), "", 1, 1, 1);
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(PXPBAR_CURRXP, TOOLTIP_COLOR .. currXP .. "/" .. needXP .. TOOLTIP_COLOR1 .. format(" (%.1f%%)", ((currXP / needXP) * 100)), "", 1, 1, 1);
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(PXPBAR_NEEDXP, TOOLTIP_COLOR .. (needXP - currXP) .. TOOLTIP_COLOR1 .. format(" (%.1f%%)", (100 - ((currXP / needXP) * 100))), "", 1, 1, 1);
if(restXP ~= nil) then
1,8 → 1,8
## Interface: 70300
## Interface: 80000
## Title: Player XP Bar
## Notes: Display a little XP Bar in your Player Frame
## Notes-frFR: Affiche une petite barre d'XP en dessous de votre portrait
## Version: 2.5.8
## Version: 2.6.0
## Author: Kharthus
## OptionalDeps: myAddOns
## SavedVariables: PlayerXPBar_Config