WoWInterface SVN RecipeRadar

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 6 to Rev 5
    Reverse comparison

Rev 6 → Rev 5

trunk/RecipeRadar/MinimapButton.xml New file
0,0 → 1,82
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<UI xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<Script file="MinimapButton.lua"/>
<Frame name="RecipeRadarMinimapButtonFrame" parent="Minimap" enableMouse="true" hidden="false" frameStrata="LOW">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Minimap" relativePoint="RIGHT">
<AbsDimension x="2" y="0"/>
<Frame name="RecipeRadarMinimapButtonHighlightFrame" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<Layer level="OVERLAY">
<Texture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomButton-Highlight"/>
<Button name="RecipeRadarMinimapButton">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
<NormalTexture file="Interface\AddOns\RecipeRadar\Images\Misc\MinimapButtonUp"/>
<PushedTexture file="Interface\AddOns\RecipeRadar\Images\Misc\MinimapButtonDown"/>
<HighlightTexture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomButton-Highlight"/>
<OnLoad> = 0
self.cntr = 0
self.sign = 1
RecipeRadar_MinimapButton_OnClick(self, button)
RecipeRadar_MinimapButton_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, UIParent)
GameTooltip:SetText(RRS("Recipe Radar"))
trunk/RecipeRadar/OptionsFrame.lua New file
0,0 → 1,207
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_OnLoad(self)
UIPanelWindows["RecipeRadarOptionsFrame"] = { area = "center" }
RecipeRadarOptionsFrameHeaderText:SetText(RRS("Recipe Radar"))
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_Toggle()
if (RecipeRadarOptionsFrame:IsVisible()) then
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_Init()
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_OnShow()
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_AutoSelectRegion_OnClick(self)
if (RecipeRadarAutoSelectRegionButton:GetChecked()) then
RecipeRadar_Options.AutoSelectRegion = true
-- auto-select the current region
RecipeRadar_Options.AutoSelectRegion = false
-- Continent/region drop down code
function RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown_OnLoad(self)
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(self, 140)
function RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown_Init()
for index, name in pairs(RecipeRadar_Continents) do
local item = { }
if ((not RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown.selectedValue and
index == RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentContinent) or
index == RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown.selectedValue) then
item.checked = 1
item.text = name
item.value = index
item.func = RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown_OnClick
if (not RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown.selectedValue) then
function RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown_OnClick(self)
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown, self.value)
function RecipeRadar_GetContinentIndex(continent)
for index, name in pairs(RecipeRadar_Continents) do
if (name == continent) then
return index
return nil
function RecipeRadar_RegionDropDown_OnLoad(self)
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(self, 140)
function RecipeRadar_RegionDropDown_Init()
local cont = UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown)
local regions = { }
if (cont == 0) then
-- create sorted list of relevant instances
for k, v in pairs(RecipeRadar_RegionData) do
if (v.Continent == 0) then
table.insert(regions, k)
-- otherwise just populate with all the continent's regions
regions = { GetMapZones(cont) }
for id, region in pairs(regions) do
local item = { }
item.text = region
item.value = id
item.func = RecipeRadar_RegionDropDown_OnClick
if (cont == RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentContinent) then
function RecipeRadar_RegionDropDown_OnClick(self)
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(RecipeRadar_RegionDropDown, self:GetID())
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_DisableDropDown(dropdown)
function RecipeRadar_OptionsFrame_EnableDropDown(dropdown)
1,7 → 1,6
-- RadarTab.lua: handles clicking and drawing for the Radar tab
-- $Id: RadarTab.lua 1049 2008-10-29 14:57:03Z jnmiller $
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("RecipeRadar")
function RecipeRadar_RadarTab_Init()
18,7 → 17,7
function RecipeRadar_RadarTab_OnClick(self)
if (RecipeRadar.db.profile.ActiveTab == 1) then
if (RecipeRadar_Options.ActiveTab == 1) then
29,7 → 28,7
function RecipeRadar_RadarTab_ExpandAll(expand)
local region = RecipeRadar_RegionData[RecipeRadar.db.profile.CurrentRegion]
local region = RecipeRadar_RegionData[RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentRegion]
if (not region) then return end
for _, vendor in pairs(region.Vendors) do
43,13 → 42,13
function RecipeRadar_RadarTab_Update()
if (RecipeRadar.db.profile.ActiveTab ~= 1) then
if (RecipeRadar_Options.ActiveTab ~= 1) then
local title = L["Recipe Radar"]
if (RecipeRadar.db.profile.CurrentRegion) then
title = title .. " - " .. RecipeRadar.db.profile.CurrentRegion
local title = RRS("Recipe Radar")
if (RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentRegion) then
title = title .. " - " .. RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentRegion
local parens = string.find(title, " %(")
if (parens) then -- remove parenthesized zone title
title = string.sub(title, 1, parens - 1)
65,7 → 64,7
local region = RecipeRadar_RegionData[RecipeRadar.db.profile.CurrentRegion]
local region = RecipeRadar_RegionData[RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentRegion]
-- only populate the scroll frame if we have valid region data
if (region) then
282,7 → 281,7
-- be set to -1 to select the first visible recipe.
function RecipeRadar_RadarTab_ServiceClickIndex(self, index, button)
local region = RecipeRadar_RegionData[RecipeRadar.db.profile.CurrentRegion]
local region = RecipeRadar_RegionData[RecipeRadar_Options.CurrentRegion]
if (not region) then return end
if (not button) then button = "LeftButton" end
312,7 → 311,7
-- otherwise, we collapse or expand the vendor button
360,7 → 359,7
441,10 → 440,10
item = { }
if (RecipeRadar_ContextMenuGlobal.Vendor.IsMapped) then
item.text = L["Unmap Vendor"]
item.text = RRS("Unmap Vendor")
item.value = "unmap"
item.text = L["Map Vendor"]
item.text = RRS("Map Vendor")
item.value = "map"
item.notCheckable = 1
452,7 → 451,7
item = { }
item.text = L["Expand All"]
item.text = RRS("Expand All")
item.value = "expandall"
item.notCheckable = 1
item.func = RecipeRadar_RadarTab_ContextMenuOnClick
462,7 → 461,7
item = { }
item.text = L["Collapse All"]
item.text = RRS("Collapse All")
item.value = "collapseall"
item.notCheckable = 1
item.func = RecipeRadar_RadarTab_ContextMenuOnClick
488,7 → 487,7
elseif (self.value == "map") then
elseif (self.value == "expandall") then
trunk/RecipeRadar/OptionsFrame.xml New file
0,0 → 1,253
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<UI xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<Script file="OptionsFrame.lua"/>
<Frame name="RecipeRadarOptionsFrame" toplevel="true" frameStrata="DIALOG" movable="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true" parent="UIParent" enableKeyboard="true">
<AbsDimension x="300" y="360"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
<AbsInset left="11" right="12" top="12" bottom="11"/>
<AbsValue val="32"/>
<AbsValue val="32"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="RecipeRadarOptionsFrameHeader" file="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Header">
<AbsDimension x="256" y="64"/>
<Anchor point="TOP">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="12"/>
<FontString name="RecipeRadarOptionsFrameHeaderText" inherits="GameFontNormal">
<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="RecipeRadarOptionsFrameHeader">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-14"/>
<!-- Check availability for alts checkbox -->
<CheckButton name="RecipeRadarRealmAvailability" inherits="OptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="40" y="-40"/>
_G[self:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(RRS("Check Availability for Alts"))
if (self:GetChecked()) then
<!-- Show minimap button checkbox -->
<CheckButton name="RecipeRadarShowMinimapButton" inherits="OptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="40" y="-80"/>
_G[self:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(RRS("Show Minimap Button"))
if (self:GetChecked()) then
<!-- Minimap button position slider -->
<Slider name="RecipeRadarMinimapButtonPositionSlider" inherits="OptionsSliderTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="220" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="TOP">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-130"/>
_G[self:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(RRS("Minimap Button Position"))
_G[self:GetName() .. "High"]:SetText()
_G[self:GetName() .. "Low"]:SetText()
RecipeRadarMinimapButtonPositionSlider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 360)
RecipeRadar_Options.MinimapButtonPosition = self:GetValue()
<!-- Auto-select region checkbox -->
<CheckButton name="RecipeRadarAutoSelectRegionButton" inherits="OptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="40" y="-160"/>
_G[self:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(RRS("Auto-select Current Region"))
<!-- Region selection dropdowns -->
<Frame name="RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="50" y="-197"/>
<Frame name="RecipeRadar_RegionDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="RecipeRadar_ContinentDropDown" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
<!-- Auto-select region checkbox -->
<CheckButton name="RecipeRadarAutoMapVendorsButton" inherits="OptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="40" y="-270"/>
_G[self:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(RRS("Auto-map Contributive Vendors"))
if (self:GetChecked()) then
RecipeRadar_Options.AutoMapVendors = true
RecipeRadar_Options.AutoMapVendors = false
<!-- Okay/done button -->
<Button inherits="OptionsButtonTemplate" text="OKAY">
<Anchor point="BOTTOM">
<AbsDimension x="0" y="20"/>
if (button == "ESCAPE") then
if (button == "LeftButton") then self:StartMoving() end
1,14016 → 1,10696
-- RecipeData.lua: (RE) all recipes organized by profession
-- Auto generated on 05.07.2011 16:16:12
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("RecipeRadar")
local BZ = LibStub("LibBabble-Zone-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
local BFAC = LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
RecipeRadar_RecipeData = {
[L["Alchemy"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 22910,
Spell = 28558,
Item = 22835,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Lower City"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nakodu"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22915,
Spell = 28566,
Item = 21884,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22916,
Spell = 28567,
Item = 21885,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 25,
Faction = BFAC["Sporeggar"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 24245",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Mycah"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22917,
Spell = 28568,
Item = 22452,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22918,
Spell = 28569,
Item = 22451,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23574,
Spell = 29688,
Item = 23571,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Altaa"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Melaris"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Skreah"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30443,
Spell = 28568,
Item = 22452,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 33209,
Spell = 42736,
Item = 33208,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Deadwind Pass"], Vendor = L["Apprentice Darius"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22908,
Spell = 28556,
Item = 22833,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22906,
Spell = 28554,
Item = 22871,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 30,
Faction = BFAC["Sporeggar"],
Level = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 24245",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Mycah"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31354,
Spell = 17635,
Item = 13510,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31355,
Spell = 17637,
Item = 13512,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Keepers of Time"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alurmi"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31356,
Spell = 17636,
Item = 13511,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31357,
Spell = 17638,
Item = 13513,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Lower City"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nakodu"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13501,
Spell = 17580,
Item = 13444,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 295,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Magnus Frostwake"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13482,
Spell = 17559,
Item = 7078,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13483,
Spell = 17560,
Item = 7076,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Plugger Spazzring"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13484,
Spell = 17561,
Item = 7080,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13485,
Spell = 17562,
Item = 7082,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Magnus Frostwake"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9301,
Spell = 11476,
Item = 9264,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Algernon"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Maria Lumere"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 14634,
Spell = 3454,
Item = 3829,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Bro'kin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 65498,
Spell = 92688,
Item = 65460,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1500000,
Faction = BFAC["Guild"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Goram"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Kim Horn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Mirla Silverblaze"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Riha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Shay Pressler"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 65435,
Spell = 92643,
Item = 62288,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1500000,
Faction = BFAC["Guild"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Goram"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Kim Horn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Mirla Silverblaze"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Randah Songhorn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Riha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Shay Pressler"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Steeg Haskell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Velia Moonbow"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22922,
Spell = 28573,
Item = 22844,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13517,
Spell = 17632,
Item = 13503,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22911,
Spell = 28562,
Item = 22836,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Daga Ramba"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Leeli Longhaggle"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25869,
Spell = 32765,
Item = 25867,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25870,
Spell = 32766,
Item = 25868,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 29232,
Spell = 32766,
Item = 25868,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 35752,
Spell = 47046,
Item = 35748,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35753,
Spell = 47048,
Item = 35749,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35754,
Spell = 47049,
Item = 35750,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35755,
Spell = 47050,
Item = 35751,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22909,
Spell = 28557,
Item = 22834,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Daga Ramba"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Haalrun"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22907,
Spell = 28555,
Item = 22832,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Daga Ramba"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Haalrun"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22905,
Spell = 28553,
Item = 22831,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 330,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 24001,
Spell = 28553,
Item = 22831,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 330,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 32071,
Spell = 39639,
Item = 32068,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 330,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 26044",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22902,
Spell = 28549,
Item = 22827,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 320,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Haalrun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Seer Janidi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 32070,
Spell = 39637,
Item = 32063,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 320,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22901,
Spell = 28546,
Item = 22826,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 315,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Leeli Longhaggle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Seer Janidi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22900,
Spell = 28543,
Item = 22823,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 305,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Gribble"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Altaa"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Apothecary Antonivich"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Melaris"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 20761,
Spell = 25146,
Item = 7068,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Thorium Brotherhood"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20014,
Spell = 24368,
Item = 20004,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20013,
Spell = 24367,
Item = 20008,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 285,
Cost = 47000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Evie Whirlbrew"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12958,
Spell = 17187,
Item = 12360,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20011,
Spell = 24365,
Item = 20007,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20012,
Spell = 24366,
Item = 20002,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13478,
Spell = 17554,
Item = 13445,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 265,
Cost = 13000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kor'geld"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Soolie Berryfizz"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 9300,
Spell = 11477,
Item = 9224,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blasted Lands"], Vendor = L["Nina Lightbrew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"], Vendor = L["Rartar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 9302,
Spell = 11473,
Item = 9210,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 245,
Cost = 9000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Bronk"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Logannas"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 9303,
Spell = 11459,
Item = 9149,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9304,
Spell = 11479,
Item = 3577,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9305,
Spell = 11480,
Item = 6037,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6056,
Spell = 7258,
Item = 6050,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Drovnar Strongbrew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Glyx Brewright"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6057,
Spell = 7259,
Item = 6052,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Pestlezugg"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Bronk"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Glyx Brewright"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Logannas"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5643,
Spell = 6618,
Item = 5633,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Hagrus"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Ulthir"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6055,
Spell = 7257,
Item = 6049,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 165,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stonetalon Mountains"], Vendor = L["Jeeda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5642,
Spell = 6624,
Item = 5634,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kor'geld"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Soolie Berryfizz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Ulthir"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6054,
Spell = 7256,
Item = 6048,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 135,
Cost = 900,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Christoph Jeffcoat"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6053,
Spell = 7255,
Item = 6051,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Hula'mahi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Duskwood"], Vendor = L["Kzixx"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Xandar Goodbeard"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5640,
Spell = 6617,
Item = 5631,
Type = L["Alchemy"],
Skill = 60,
Cost = 100,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Defias Profiteer"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Hagrus"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Ranik"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Xandar Goodbeard"], Team = "Alliance" },
[L["Blacksmithing"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 49969,
Spell = 70562,
Item = 49902,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49970,
Spell = 70563,
Item = 49905,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49971,
Spell = 70565,
Item = 49903,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49972,
Spell = 70566,
Item = 49906,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49973,
Spell = 70567,
Item = 49904,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49974,
Spell = 70568,
Item = 49907,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31390,
Spell = 38473,
Item = 31364,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31391,
Spell = 38475,
Item = 31367,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31392,
Spell = 38476,
Item = 31368,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31393,
Spell = 38477,
Item = 31369,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Karazhan"], Vendor = L["Koren"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31394,
Spell = 38478,
Item = 31370,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Karazhan"], Vendor = L["Koren"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31395,
Spell = 38479,
Item = 31371,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Karazhan"], Vendor = L["Koren"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70166,
Spell = 99652,
Item = 70155,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70167,
Spell = 99653,
Item = 70156,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70168,
Spell = 99654,
Item = 70157,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70169,
Spell = 99655,
Item = 70158,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70170,
Spell = 99656,
Item = 70162,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70171,
Spell = 99657,
Item = 70163,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70172,
Spell = 99658,
Item = 70164,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70173,
Spell = 99660,
Item = 70165,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44937,
Spell = 62202,
Item = 44936,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = BFAC["Alliance Vanguard"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Howling Fjord"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Brighton"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Silverstone"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 44938,
Spell = 62202,
Item = 44936,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = BFAC["Horde Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Gara Skullcrush"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Howling Fjord"], Vendor = L["Sebastian Crane"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 17059,
Spell = 20890,
Item = 17015,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 220000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17060,
Spell = 20897,
Item = 17016,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 220000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17053,
Spell = 20873,
Item = 16988,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 200000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17052,
Spell = 20876,
Item = 17013,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 180000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12703,
Spell = 16661,
Item = 12632,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 295,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Magnus Frostwake"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17049,
Spell = 20872,
Item = 16989,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 295,
Cost = 90000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17051,
Spell = 20874,
Item = 17014,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 295,
Cost = 70000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12819,
Spell = 16969,
Item = 12773,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Magnus Frostwake"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 66100,
Spell = 76439,
Item = 55054,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66101,
Spell = 76440,
Item = 55056,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66122,
Spell = 76462,
Item = 70008,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66123,
Spell = 76463,
Item = 70007,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66124,
Spell = 76464,
Item = 70004,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66130,
Spell = 76470,
Item = 70016,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66131,
Spell = 76471,
Item = 70015,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66132,
Spell = 76472,
Item = 70012,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66110,
Spell = 76449,
Item = 55064,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66112,
Spell = 76451,
Item = 55066,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66114,
Spell = 76453,
Item = 55068,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66115,
Spell = 76454,
Item = 55069,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66116,
Spell = 76455,
Item = 55070,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66121,
Spell = 76461,
Item = 70009,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66129,
Spell = 76469,
Item = 70017,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67606,
Spell = 94732,
Item = 67605,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 51950",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66104,
Spell = 76443,
Item = 55058,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66106,
Spell = 76445,
Item = 55060,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66108,
Spell = 76447,
Item = 55062,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66111,
Spell = 76450,
Item = 55065,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66113,
Spell = 76452,
Item = 55067,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66120,
Spell = 76459,
Item = 70005,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66128,
Spell = 76468,
Item = 70013,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67603,
Spell = 94718,
Item = 67602,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 53039",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66105,
Spell = 76444,
Item = 55059,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66107,
Spell = 76446,
Item = 55061,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66109,
Spell = 76448,
Item = 55063,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66119,
Spell = 76458,
Item = 70010,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66127,
Spell = 76467,
Item = 70018,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66103,
Spell = 76442,
Item = 55057,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66117,
Spell = 76456,
Item = 70011,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66118,
Spell = 76457,
Item = 70006,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 505,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66125,
Spell = 76465,
Item = 70019,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 66126,
Spell = 76466,
Item = 70014,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 505,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52186",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Brundall Chiselgut"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Kuldar Steeltooth"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Samuel Van Brunt"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Taur Stonehoof"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Thurgrum Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25847,
Spell = 32657,
Item = 25845,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Mari Stonehand"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Rohok"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23600,
Spell = 29613,
Item = 23512,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23604,
Spell = 29617,
Item = 23513,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22221,
Spell = 27590,
Item = 22191,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"], Vendor = L["Lieutenant General Andorov"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23599,
Spell = 29610,
Item = 23509,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23603,
Spell = 29616,
Item = 23514,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23619,
Spell = 29657,
Item = 23530,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 24002,
Spell = 29657,
Item = 23530,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23597,
Spell = 29608,
Item = 23510,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23598,
Spell = 29611,
Item = 23511,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23602,
Spell = 29615,
Item = 23516,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19207,
Spell = 23637,
Item = 19164,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19210,
Spell = 23650,
Item = 19170,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19211,
Spell = 23652,
Item = 19168,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19212,
Spell = 23653,
Item = 19169,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20040,
Spell = 24399,
Item = 20039,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22219,
Spell = 27586,
Item = 22198,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"], Vendor = L["Lieutenant General Andorov"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22766,
Spell = 28461,
Item = 22762,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Vargus"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22767,
Spell = 28462,
Item = 22763,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Vargus"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22768,
Spell = 28463,
Item = 22764,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Vargus"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23601,
Spell = 29614,
Item = 23515,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23618,
Spell = 29656,
Item = 23529,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25526,
Spell = 32285,
Item = 25521,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25846,
Spell = 32656,
Item = 25844,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Aaron Hollman"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 28632,
Spell = 34608,
Item = 28421,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22209,
Spell = 27585,
Item = 22197,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Vargus"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22214,
Spell = 27588,
Item = 22195,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Vargus"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23596,
Spell = 29606,
Item = 23507,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Krek Cragcrush"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Loolruna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23638,
Spell = 29728,
Item = 23575,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Mari Stonehand"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Rohok"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23593,
Spell = 29571,
Item = 23505,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Aaron Hollman"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23594,
Spell = 29603,
Item = 23506,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Krek Cragcrush"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Loolruna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23595,
Spell = 29605,
Item = 23508,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Krek Cragcrush"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Loolruna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 19206,
Spell = 23636,
Item = 19148,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19208,
Spell = 23638,
Item = 19166,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 70000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19209,
Spell = 23639,
Item = 19167,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 70000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23591,
Spell = 29568,
Item = 23503,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 330,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Aaron Hollman"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23592,
Spell = 29569,
Item = 23504,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 330,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Aaron Hollman"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 19776,
Spell = 24136,
Item = 19690,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19777,
Spell = 24137,
Item = 19691,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19778,
Spell = 24138,
Item = 19692,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19779,
Spell = 24139,
Item = 19693,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19780,
Spell = 24140,
Item = 19694,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19781,
Spell = 24141,
Item = 19695,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23590,
Spell = 29566,
Item = 23502,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Aaron Hollman"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arras"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Kelp'thar Forest"], Vendor = L["Captain Samir"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Eriden"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jungle Serpent"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 19204,
Spell = 23629,
Item = 19048,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19205,
Spell = 23633,
Item = 19057,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19202,
Spell = 23628,
Item = 19043,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19203,
Spell = 23632,
Item = 19051,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12823,
Spell = 16971,
Item = 12775,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 280,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Magnus Frostwake"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 8030,
Spell = 10013,
Item = 7947,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 255,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Magnus Frostwake"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7995,
Spell = 9937,
Item = 7924,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 215,
Cost = 6000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"], Vendor = L["Gharash"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Hinterlands"], Vendor = L["Harggan"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6047,
Spell = 3503,
Item = 3837,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 190,
Cost = 4400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Krinkle Goodsteel"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12164,
Spell = 3498,
Item = 3855,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 185,
Cost = 4400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jaquilina Dramet"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Vharr"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 12163,
Spell = 3496,
Item = 3853,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 180,
Cost = 4400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Zarena Cromwind"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12162,
Spell = 3492,
Item = 3849,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 160,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Jutak"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kaita Deepforge"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Layna Karner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Punra"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sumi"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Zido Helmbreaker"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10858,
Spell = 3494,
Item = 3851,
Type = L["Blacksmithing"],
Skill = 155,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dun Morogh"], Vendor = L["High Admiral \"Shelly\" Jorrik"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Jannos Ironwill"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["Jazzrik"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Muuran"], Team = "Horde" },
[L["Enchanting"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 44944,
Spell = 62256,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 34057",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 45059,
Spell = 62948,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 52733,
Spell = 74242,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52722",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52735,
Spell = 74244,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52722",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52736,
Spell = 74246,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52722",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 37344,
Spell = 44524,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37339,
Spell = 44621,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44483,
Spell = 60691,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44486,
Spell = 60707,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 435,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44487,
Spell = 60714,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 435,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44492,
Spell = 59621,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44494,
Spell = 44576,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44495,
Spell = 59625,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44496,
Spell = 59619,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 67308,
Spell = 93841,
Item = 67274,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52555",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67312,
Spell = 93843,
Item = 67275,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 20,
Notes = "CostItem: 52555",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 33148,
Spell = 25086,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Lower City"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nakodu"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33149,
Spell = 25083,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33150,
Spell = 25084,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 33151,
Spell = 25084,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 33152,
Spell = 25080,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Keepers of Time"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alurmi"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33153,
Spell = 25072,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44473,
Spell = 44595,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37347,
Spell = 44591,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 435,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37349,
Spell = 44631,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44485,
Spell = 44625,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 435,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44488,
Spell = 47899,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44489,
Spell = 60692,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44490,
Spell = 60763,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44491,
Spell = 47901,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44498,
Spell = 60767,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 52737,
Spell = 74247,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52738,
Spell = 74248,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52739,
Spell = 74250,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52740,
Spell = 74251,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 64411,
Spell = 74252,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 64412,
Spell = 74253,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 64413,
Spell = 74256,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 64414,
Spell = 74255,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 64415,
Spell = 74254,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 37340,
Spell = 44588,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 410,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44484,
Spell = 44575,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28271,
Spell = 33994,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28272,
Spell = 33997,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["Keepers of Time"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alurmi"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28273,
Spell = 33999,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28281,
Spell = 34010,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44471,
Spell = 47672,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44472,
Spell = 47898,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostItem: 34052",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Vanessa Sellers"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28274,
Spell = 34003,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 11223,
Spell = 13931,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 235,
Cost = 5800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"], Vendor = L["Banalash"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Mythrin'dir"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 11163,
Spell = 13646,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 170,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Keena"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 11101,
Spell = 13536,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 140,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ashenvale"], Vendor = L["Dalria"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stonetalon Mountains"], Vendor = L["Kulwia"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6377,
Spell = 7867,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Zixil"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 11039,
Spell = 13419,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 110,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ashenvale"], Vendor = L["Dalria"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stonetalon Mountains"], Vendor = L["Kulwia"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6346,
Spell = 7776,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 80,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Lilly"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65359,
Spell = 92370,
Item = 52723,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 52721",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Agatian Fallanos"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Senthii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22538,
Spell = 27927,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 200000,
Faction = BFAC["Lower City"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nakodu"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25849,
Spell = 32667,
Item = 22463,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22537,
Spell = 27926,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 370,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22535,
Spell = 27920,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Karazhan"], Vendor = L["Ythyar"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22536,
Spell = 27924,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Keepers of Time"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alurmi"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34872,
Spell = 45765,
Item = 22449,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19449,
Spell = 23804,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20732,
Spell = 25081,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20733,
Spell = 25082,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25848,
Spell = 32665,
Item = 22462,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 100000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Rungor"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Vodesiin"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 33165,
Spell = 42620,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Deadwind Pass"], Vendor = L["Apprentice Darius"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35500,
Spell = 46594,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22547,
Spell = 27960,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 24003,
Spell = 27960,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22552,
Spell = 27967,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22563,
Spell = 28019,
Item = 22522,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 70000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22565,
Spell = 28022,
Item = 22449,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19448,
Spell = 23803,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22531,
Spell = 27911,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 24000,
Spell = 27911,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 28282,
Spell = 34009,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19447,
Spell = 23802,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22562,
Spell = 28016,
Item = 22521,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 310,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20756,
Spell = 25129,
Item = 20749,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20757,
Spell = 25130,
Item = 20748,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16243,
Spell = 20051,
Item = 16207,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Lorelae Wintersong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19444,
Spell = 23799,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19445,
Spell = 23800,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19446,
Spell = 23801,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22392,
Spell = 27837,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 25000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16224,
Spell = 20015,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 285,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Lorelae Wintersong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16221,
Spell = 20026,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Qia"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20755,
Spell = 25128,
Item = 20750,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16217,
Spell = 20017,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 265,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Daniel Bartlett"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Mythrin'dir"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 20754,
Spell = 25127,
Item = 20747,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20753,
Spell = 25126,
Item = 20746,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Alys Vol'tyr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Apprentice of Estulan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Asarnan"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Bradley Towns"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Dealer Malij"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Draelan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Enchantress Andiala"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eversong Woods"], Vendor = L["Erilia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Felannia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ildine Sorrowspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Johan Barnes"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Leo Sarn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Librarian Erickson"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Lilly"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Modoru"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Blasted Lands"], Vendor = L["Sarah Lightbrew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Yurial Soulwater"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azshara"], Vendor = L["Zoey Wizzlespark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Zurii"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20752,
Spell = 25125,
Item = 20745,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 150,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Alys Vol'tyr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Apprentice of Estulan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Asarnan"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Bradley Towns"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Dealer Malij"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Draelan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Enchantress Andiala"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eversong Woods"], Vendor = L["Erilia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Felannia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ildine Sorrowspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Johan Barnes"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Leo Sarn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Librarian Erickson"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Lilly"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Modoru"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Blasted Lands"], Vendor = L["Sarah Lightbrew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Yurial Soulwater"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azshara"], Vendor = L["Zoey Wizzlespark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Zurii"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6349,
Spell = 7793,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Leo Sarn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 20758,
Spell = 25124,
Item = 20744,
Type = L["Enchanting"],
Skill = 45,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Alys Vol'tyr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Apprentice of Estulan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Asarnan"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Bradley Towns"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Dealer Malij"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Draelan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Enchantress Andiala"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eversong Woods"], Vendor = L["Erilia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Felannia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ildine Sorrowspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Johan Barnes"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Leo Sarn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Librarian Erickson"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Lilly"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Modoru"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Blasted Lands"], Vendor = L["Sarah Lightbrew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Yurial Soulwater"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azshara"], Vendor = L["Zoey Wizzlespark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Zurii"], Team = "Neutral" },
[L["Engineering"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 44502,
Spell = 60866,
Item = 41508,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4000000,
Faction = BFAC["Horde Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Gara Skullcrush"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Howling Fjord"], Vendor = L["Sebastian Crane"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 44503,
Spell = 60867,
Item = 44413,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4000000,
Faction = BFAC["Alliance Vanguard"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Howling Fjord"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Brighton"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Silverstone"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 70177,
Spell = 100587,
Item = 70139,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 71078,
Spell = 100687,
Item = 71077,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Damek Bloombeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16054,
Spell = 19830,
Item = 16022,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 24000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Kaye Toogie"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44918,
Spell = 26443,
Item = 21570,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 21100",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Fariel Starsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44919,
Spell = 26442,
Item = 21569,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 21100",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Fariel Starsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23817,
Spell = 30349,
Item = 23775,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 405,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Bryan Landers"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Fizzix Blastbolt"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23799,
Spell = 30313,
Item = 23746,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Feera"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Viggz Shinesparked"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Yatheon"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23805,
Spell = 30318,
Item = 23762,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Captured Gnome"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Lebowski"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23874,
Spell = 30547,
Item = 23819,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23803,
Spell = 30316,
Item = 23758,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Lebowski"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Mixie Farshot"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23807,
Spell = 30329,
Item = 23764,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Daggle Ironshaper"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Mixie Farshot"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23811,
Spell = 30341,
Item = 23768,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Captured Gnome"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Feera"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Wind Trader Lathrai"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Yatheon"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23814,
Spell = 30344,
Item = 23771,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20000,
Spell = 24356,
Item = 19999,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20001,
Spell = 24357,
Item = 19998,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23816,
Spell = 30348,
Item = 23774,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Feera"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Wind Trader Lathrai"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Yatheon"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16050,
Spell = 19815,
Item = 16006,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 285,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16046,
Spell = 19814,
Item = 16023,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18656,
Spell = 23080,
Item = 18594,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22729,
Spell = 28327,
Item = 22728,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Palehoof's Big Bag of Parts"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sovik"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Vizna Bangwrench"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 32381,
Spell = 39895,
Item = 7191,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Viggz Shinesparked"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18652,
Spell = 23077,
Item = 18634,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Xizzer Fizzbolt"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10609,
Spell = 12624,
Item = 10576,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Kaye Toogie"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Hinterlands"], Vendor = L["Ruppo Zipcoil"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19027,
Spell = 23507,
Item = 19026,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Zorbin Fandazzle"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10602,
Spell = 12597,
Item = 10546,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 210,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Knaz Blunderflame"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Yuka Screwspigot"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7742,
Spell = 3971,
Item = 4397,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 2400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Zan Shivsproket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13311,
Spell = 3969,
Item = 4396,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Gnaz Blunderflame"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Kaye Toogie"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18650,
Spell = 23069,
Item = 18588,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Blizrik Buckshot"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["Buckslappy"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13310,
Spell = 3979,
Item = 4407,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 180,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Mazk Snipeshot"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7561,
Spell = 9273,
Item = 7148,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 165,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Duskwood"], Vendor = L["Kzixx"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Zixil"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18647,
Spell = 23066,
Item = 9318,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["Buckslappy"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Palehoof's Big Bag of Parts"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Sovik"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Vizna Bangwrench"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 18648,
Spell = 23068,
Item = 9313,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["Buckslappy"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Crazk Sparks"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Gagsprocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18649,
Spell = 23067,
Item = 9312,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["Buckslappy"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Darian Singh"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 14639,
Spell = 3952,
Item = 4381,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 140,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Gagsprocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7560,
Spell = 9269,
Item = 7506,
Type = L["Engineering"],
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Gearcutter Cogspinner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thousand Needles"], Vendor = L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"], Team = "Neutral" },
[L["Leatherworking"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 49957,
Spell = 70554,
Item = 49898,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49958,
Spell = 70555,
Item = 49894,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49959,
Spell = 70556,
Item = 49899,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49961,
Spell = 70557,
Item = 49895,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49962,
Spell = 70558,
Item = 49900,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49963,
Spell = 70559,
Item = 49896,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49965,
Spell = 70560,
Item = 49901,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49966,
Spell = 70561,
Item = 49897,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44546,
Spell = 60754,
Item = 43458,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44547,
Spell = 60755,
Item = 43459,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44548,
Spell = 60756,
Item = 43461,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44549,
Spell = 60757,
Item = 43469,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44550,
Spell = 60758,
Item = 43481,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44551,
Spell = 60759,
Item = 43484,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44552,
Spell = 60760,
Item = 43495,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44553,
Spell = 60761,
Item = 43502,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44584,
Spell = 60996,
Item = 43590,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44585,
Spell = 60997,
Item = 43591,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44586,
Spell = 60998,
Item = 43592,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44587,
Spell = 60999,
Item = 43593,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44588,
Spell = 61000,
Item = 43594,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44589,
Spell = 61002,
Item = 43595,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44932,
Spell = 62176,
Item = 44930,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44933,
Spell = 62177,
Item = 44931,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostItem: 44128",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33205,
Spell = 42731,
Item = 33204,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Deadwind Pass"], Vendor = L["Apprentice Darius"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 70174,
Spell = 100583,
Item = 70136,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Ayla Shadowstorm"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 70175,
Spell = 100586,
Item = 70137,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Ayla Shadowstorm"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 44513,
Spell = 60697,
Item = 43260,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44514,
Spell = 60702,
Item = 43433,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44515,
Spell = 60703,
Item = 43434,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44516,
Spell = 60704,
Item = 43435,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44517,
Spell = 60705,
Item = 43436,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44518,
Spell = 60706,
Item = 43437,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44519,
Spell = 60711,
Item = 43438,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44520,
Spell = 60712,
Item = 43439,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44521,
Spell = 60715,
Item = 43261,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44522,
Spell = 60716,
Item = 43262,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44523,
Spell = 60718,
Item = 43263,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44524,
Spell = 60720,
Item = 43264,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44525,
Spell = 60721,
Item = 43265,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44526,
Spell = 60723,
Item = 43266,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44527,
Spell = 60725,
Item = 43271,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44528,
Spell = 60727,
Item = 43273,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44530,
Spell = 60728,
Item = 43447,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44531,
Spell = 60729,
Item = 43449,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44532,
Spell = 60730,
Item = 43445,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44533,
Spell = 60731,
Item = 43444,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44534,
Spell = 60732,
Item = 43446,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44535,
Spell = 60734,
Item = 43442,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44536,
Spell = 60735,
Item = 43448,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44537,
Spell = 60737,
Item = 43443,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44538,
Spell = 60743,
Item = 43455,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44539,
Spell = 60746,
Item = 43457,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44540,
Spell = 60747,
Item = 43453,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44541,
Spell = 60748,
Item = 43452,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44542,
Spell = 60749,
Item = 43454,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44543,
Spell = 60750,
Item = 43450,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44544,
Spell = 60751,
Item = 43456,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44545,
Spell = 60752,
Item = 43451,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostItem: 38425",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Braeg Stoutbeard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44509,
Spell = 50970,
Item = 38399,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 415,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Kalu'ak"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Sairuk"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Howling Fjord"], Vendor = L["Tanaika"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44510,
Spell = 50971,
Item = 38347,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 415,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sons of Hodir"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Storm Peaks"], Vendor = L["Lillehoff"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25735,
Spell = 32495,
Item = 25689,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25739,
Spell = 32499,
Item = 25697,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25740,
Spell = 32500,
Item = 25696,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29214,
Spell = 32499,
Item = 25697,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 29215,
Spell = 32500,
Item = 25696,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25736,
Spell = 32496,
Item = 25690,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25737,
Spell = 32497,
Item = 25691,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25733,
Spell = 32493,
Item = 25686,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25734,
Spell = 32494,
Item = 25687,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25738,
Spell = 32498,
Item = 25695,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25743,
Spell = 32503,
Item = 25693,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29213,
Spell = 32498,
Item = 25695,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 29218,
Spell = 32503,
Item = 25693,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 33124,
Spell = 42546,
Item = 33122,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Deadwind Pass"], Vendor = L["Apprentice Darius"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25732,
Spell = 32490,
Item = 25685,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25741,
Spell = 32501,
Item = 25694,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25742,
Spell = 32502,
Item = 25692,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29217,
Spell = 32501,
Item = 25694,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 29219,
Spell = 32502,
Item = 25692,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 34262,
Spell = 44953,
Item = 34086,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 285,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Penney Copperpinch"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 8409,
Spell = 10516,
Item = 8192,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 210,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Jangdor Swiftstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Hinterlands"], Vendor = L["Nioma"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5789,
Spell = 6705,
Item = 5783,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Blixrez Goodstitch"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Helenia Olden"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 7451,
Spell = 9202,
Item = 7386,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Jangdor Swiftstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Pratt McGrubben"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5788,
Spell = 6704,
Item = 5782,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 170,
Cost = 650,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Blixrez Goodstitch"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Christoph Jeffcoat"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13287,
Spell = 4096,
Item = 4455,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 165,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Tunkk"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13288,
Spell = 4097,
Item = 4456,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 165,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Androd Fadran"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7361,
Spell = 9146,
Item = 7349,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 135,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ashenvale"], Vendor = L["Harlown Darkweave"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 67042,
Spell = 78444,
Item = 70030,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67044,
Spell = 78445,
Item = 70028,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67046,
Spell = 78446,
Item = 70022,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67048,
Spell = 78447,
Item = 70024,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67049,
Spell = 78448,
Item = 70046,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67053,
Spell = 78449,
Item = 70048,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67054,
Spell = 78450,
Item = 70038,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67055,
Spell = 78451,
Item = 70043,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 510,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67056,
Spell = 78452,
Item = 70032,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67058,
Spell = 78453,
Item = 70029,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67060,
Spell = 78454,
Item = 70021,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67062,
Spell = 78455,
Item = 70027,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67063,
Spell = 78456,
Item = 70045,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67064,
Spell = 78457,
Item = 70044,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67065,
Spell = 78458,
Item = 70037,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67066,
Spell = 78459,
Item = 70040,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67068,
Spell = 78460,
Item = 56536,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67070,
Spell = 78461,
Item = 56537,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67072,
Spell = 78462,
Item = 56538,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67073,
Spell = 78463,
Item = 56539,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67074,
Spell = 78464,
Item = 70035,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67075,
Spell = 78467,
Item = 70031,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67076,
Spell = 78468,
Item = 70020,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67077,
Spell = 78469,
Item = 70025,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67078,
Spell = 78470,
Item = 70051,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67079,
Spell = 78471,
Item = 70050,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67080,
Spell = 78473,
Item = 70036,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67081,
Spell = 78474,
Item = 70041,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 520,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67082,
Spell = 78475,
Item = 56548,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67083,
Spell = 78476,
Item = 56549,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67084,
Spell = 78478,
Item = 56551,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67085,
Spell = 78479,
Item = 70034,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67086,
Spell = 78480,
Item = 70033,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67087,
Spell = 78481,
Item = 70023,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67089,
Spell = 78482,
Item = 70026,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67090,
Spell = 78483,
Item = 70047,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67091,
Spell = 78484,
Item = 70049,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67092,
Spell = 78485,
Item = 70042,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67093,
Spell = 78486,
Item = 70039,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67094,
Spell = 78487,
Item = 56561,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67095,
Spell = 78488,
Item = 56562,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67096,
Spell = 78489,
Item = 56563,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 67100,
Spell = 78490,
Item = 56564,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 68193,
Spell = 78477,
Item = 56550,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Bombus Finespindle"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Joseph Moore"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mak"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Saenorion"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29713,
Spell = 35538,
Item = 29532,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Keepers of Time"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Alurmi"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29717,
Spell = 35543,
Item = 29529,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sha'tar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Almaador"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29721,
Spell = 35557,
Item = 29536,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29722,
Spell = 35554,
Item = 29535,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 31362,
Spell = 35554,
Item = 29535,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 19331,
Spell = 23708,
Item = 19157,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19332,
Spell = 23709,
Item = 19162,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19333,
Spell = 23710,
Item = 19163,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22769,
Spell = 28474,
Item = 22761,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22770,
Spell = 28473,
Item = 22760,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22771,
Spell = 28472,
Item = 22759,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29677,
Spell = 35525,
Item = 29489,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29682,
Spell = 35526,
Item = 29490,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29684,
Spell = 35527,
Item = 29491,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29689,
Spell = 35529,
Item = 29492,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29691,
Spell = 35528,
Item = 29493,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29693,
Spell = 35531,
Item = 29494,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29698,
Spell = 35532,
Item = 29495,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29700,
Spell = 35533,
Item = 29496,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29701,
Spell = 35534,
Item = 29497,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29702,
Spell = 35535,
Item = 29498,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29703,
Spell = 35536,
Item = 29499,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29704,
Spell = 35537,
Item = 29500,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34174,
Spell = 35539,
Item = 29531,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 34175,
Spell = 35539,
Item = 29531,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 34172,
Spell = 35544,
Item = 29530,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 34173,
Spell = 35544,
Item = 29530,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 20382,
Spell = 24703,
Item = 20380,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29719,
Spell = 35549,
Item = 29533,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Honor Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Logistics Officer Ulrike"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 29720,
Spell = 35555,
Item = 29534,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31361,
Spell = 35549,
Item = 29533,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Thrallmar"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Urgronn"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 19330,
Spell = 23707,
Item = 19149,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19769,
Spell = 24121,
Item = 19685,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19770,
Spell = 24122,
Item = 19686,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19771,
Spell = 24123,
Item = 19687,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19772,
Spell = 24124,
Item = 19688,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19773,
Spell = 24125,
Item = 19689,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25721,
Spell = 32457,
Item = 25651,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25722,
Spell = 32458,
Item = 25652,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29664,
Spell = 35530,
Item = 29540,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Mag'har"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Nasela"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 30444,
Spell = 35530,
Item = 29540,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Kurenai"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Trader Narasu"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 19327,
Spell = 23704,
Item = 19049,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19329,
Spell = 23706,
Item = 19058,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20506,
Spell = 24846,
Item = 20481,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20507,
Spell = 24847,
Item = 20480,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20508,
Spell = 24848,
Item = 20479,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20509,
Spell = 24849,
Item = 20476,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20510,
Spell = 24850,
Item = 20477,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20511,
Spell = 24851,
Item = 20478,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Aendel Windspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17023,
Spell = 20854,
Item = 16983,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 160000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17025,
Spell = 20855,
Item = 16984,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 160000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25726,
Spell = 32482,
Item = 25679,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Haferet"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Zaralda"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 15762,
Spell = 19088,
Item = 15080,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 295,
Cost = 25000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Zannok Hidepiercer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17022,
Spell = 20853,
Item = 16982,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 295,
Cost = 150000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15758,
Spell = 19084,
Item = 15063,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Un'Goro Crater"], Vendor = L["Nergal"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15759,
Spell = 19085,
Item = 15050,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Plugger Spazzring"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19326,
Spell = 23703,
Item = 19044,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19328,
Spell = 23705,
Item = 19052,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 71721,
Spell = 101599,
Item = 71720,
Type = L["Leatherworking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 10,
Notes = "CostItem: 56516",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jillian Tanner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Misty Merriweather"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Tamar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Threm Blackscalp"], Team = "Horde" },
[L["Tailoring"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 49953,
Spell = 70550,
Item = 49891,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49954,
Spell = 70551,
Item = 49890,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49955,
Spell = 70552,
Item = 49892,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49956,
Spell = 70553,
Item = 49893,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 1,
Faction = BFAC["The Ashen Verdict"],
Level = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 49908",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown Citadel"], Vendor = L["Alchemist Finklestein"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 68199,
Spell = 75288,
Item = 54441,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 70176,
Spell = 100585,
Item = 70138,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 515,
Cost = 3000000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Molten Front"], Vendor = L["Ayla Shadowstorm"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 54593,
Spell = 75306,
Item = 70067,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54594,
Spell = 75307,
Item = 70066,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54595,
Spell = 75305,
Item = 70060,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54596,
Spell = 75304,
Item = 70055,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54597,
Spell = 75302,
Item = 70057,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54598,
Spell = 75303,
Item = 70058,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54599,
Spell = 75309,
Item = 54448,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54600,
Spell = 75310,
Item = 54450,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 8,
Notes = "CostItem: 53643",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54601,
Spell = 75298,
Item = 54504,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 54440",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54602,
Spell = 75299,
Item = 54503,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 54440",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54603,
Spell = 75300,
Item = 54505,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 54440",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54604,
Spell = 75301,
Item = 54506,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 54440",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 54605,
Spell = 75308,
Item = 54444,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 54440",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Aristaleon Sunweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Poranna Snowbraid"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Sal Ferraga"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21911,
Spell = 26755,
Item = 21858,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Gidge Spellweaver"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Lalla Brightweave"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21915,
Spell = 26759,
Item = 21872,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Andrion Darkspinner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Linna Bruder"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21919,
Spell = 26763,
Item = 21876,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ainderu Summerleaf"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nasmara Moonsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 54798,
Spell = 75597,
Item = 54797,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostItem: 43102",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Frozo the Renowned"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34261,
Spell = 44950,
Item = 34087,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Penney Copperpinch"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34319,
Spell = 44958,
Item = 34085,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44916,
Spell = 26403,
Item = 21154,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 21100",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Fariel Starsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44917,
Spell = 26407,
Item = 21542,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostItem: 21100",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Fariel Starsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42183,
Spell = 56004,
Item = 41597,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 435,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Knights of the Ebon Blade"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Duchess Mynx"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42184,
Spell = 56005,
Item = 41600,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 445,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sons of Hodir"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Storm Peaks"], Vendor = L["Lillehoff"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42185,
Spell = 56006,
Item = 41598,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Wyrmrest Accord"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Cielstrasza"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42187,
Spell = 56009,
Item = 41602,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Crusade"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42188,
Spell = 56011,
Item = 41604,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Kirin Tor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Archmage Alvareaux"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 45774,
Spell = 63924,
Item = 45773,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 435,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["The Kalu'ak"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Sairuk"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Howling Fjord"], Vendor = L["Tanaika"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21910,
Spell = 26754,
Item = 21848,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Gidge Spellweaver"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Lalla Brightweave"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21913,
Spell = 26758,
Item = 21871,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Andrion Darkspinner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Linna Bruder"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21917,
Spell = 26762,
Item = 21875,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ainderu Summerleaf"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nasmara Moonsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24294,
Spell = 31432,
Item = 24274,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 360000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24295,
Spell = 31433,
Item = 24276,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 360000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 38229,
Spell = 50194,
Item = 38225,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 25,
Faction = BFAC["Sporeggar"],
Level = 7,
Notes = "CostItem: 24245",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Mycah"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21909,
Spell = 26753,
Item = 21847,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Gidge Spellweaver"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Lalla Brightweave"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21914,
Spell = 26757,
Item = 21870,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Andrion Darkspinner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Linna Bruder"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21918,
Spell = 26761,
Item = 21874,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 365,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ainderu Summerleaf"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nasmara Moonsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21900,
Spell = 26777,
Item = 21861,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Arrond"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21901,
Spell = 26778,
Item = 21862,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shadowmoon Valley"], Vendor = L["Arrond"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21902,
Spell = 26779,
Item = 21863,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Borto"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Mathar G'ochar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21908,
Spell = 26752,
Item = 21846,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Gidge Spellweaver"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Lalla Brightweave"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21912,
Spell = 26756,
Item = 21869,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Andrion Darkspinner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Linna Bruder"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21916,
Spell = 26760,
Item = 21873,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ainderu Summerleaf"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nasmara Moonsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19220,
Spell = 23667,
Item = 19165,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21895,
Spell = 26751,
Item = 21845,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ainderu Summerleaf"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nasmara Moonsong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21899,
Spell = 26776,
Item = 21860,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Muheru the Weaver"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Zurai"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22683,
Spell = 28210,
Item = 22660,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Mishta"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22772,
Spell = 28482,
Item = 22758,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Mishta"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22773,
Spell = 28481,
Item = 22757,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Mishta"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22774,
Spell = 28480,
Item = 22756,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Mishta"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24316,
Spell = 31373,
Item = 24271,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Gidge Spellweaver"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Lalla Brightweave"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30483,
Spell = 36686,
Item = 24272,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Andrion Darkspinner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Linna Bruder"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30833,
Spell = 37873,
Item = 30831,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["Lower City"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nakodu"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30842,
Spell = 37882,
Item = 30837,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30843,
Spell = 37883,
Item = 30838,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 360,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30844,
Spell = 37884,
Item = 30839,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 370,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21894,
Spell = 26750,
Item = 21844,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Borto"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Mathar G'ochar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21897,
Spell = 26774,
Item = 21855,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 345,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Eiin"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21893,
Spell = 26749,
Item = 21843,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Eiin"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Mathar G'ochar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21896,
Spell = 26773,
Item = 21854,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Eiin"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21898,
Spell = 26775,
Item = 21859,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Muheru the Weaver"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Zurai"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 24314,
Spell = 31459,
Item = 24270,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 340,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Consortium"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Karaaz"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Paulsta'ats"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24292,
Spell = 31430,
Item = 24273,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Scryers"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Enuril"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24293,
Spell = 31431,
Item = 24275,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = BFAC["The Aldor"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Endarin"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19219,
Spell = 23666,
Item = 19156,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19764,
Spell = 24091,
Item = 19682,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19765,
Spell = 24092,
Item = 19683,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19766,
Spell = 24093,
Item = 19684,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Zandalar Tribe"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stranglethorn Vale"], Vendor = L["Rin'wosho the Trader"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21892,
Spell = 26747,
Item = 21842,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Deynna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Eiin"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Neii"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22312,
Spell = 27725,
Item = 22252,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Mishta"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19217,
Spell = 23665,
Item = 19059,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19218,
Spell = 23663,
Item = 19050,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17018,
Spell = 20849,
Item = 16979,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17017,
Spell = 20848,
Item = 16980,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 180000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blackrock Depths"], Vendor = L["Lokhtos Darkbargainer"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18487,
Spell = 22902,
Item = 18486,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dire Maul"], Vendor = L["Shen'dralar Provisioner"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19215,
Spell = 23662,
Item = 19047,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = BFAC["Timbermaw Hold"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Meilosh"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19216,
Spell = 23664,
Item = 19056,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14483,
Spell = 18419,
Item = 14107,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Lorelae Wintersong"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14526,
Spell = 18560,
Item = 14342,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Qia"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22308,
Spell = 27659,
Item = 22248,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22310,
Spell = 27724,
Item = 22251,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Circle"],
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Mishta"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14472,
Spell = 18409,
Item = 13860,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 265,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Darnall"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14468,
Spell = 18405,
Item = 14046,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Qia"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14469,
Spell = 18406,
Item = 13858,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Moonglade"], Vendor = L["Darnall"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21358,
Spell = 26085,
Item = 21340,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Vizzklick"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10325,
Spell = 12091,
Item = 10040,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10326,
Spell = 12093,
Item = 10036,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Outfitter Eric"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 37915,
Spell = 49677,
Item = 6836,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Haughty Modiste"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 38327,
Spell = 50644,
Item = 38277,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Haughty Modiste"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10323,
Spell = 12089,
Item = 10035,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 245,
Cost = 4500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Outfitter Eric"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 38328,
Spell = 50647,
Item = 38278,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 245,
Cost = 4500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Haughty Modiste"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10318,
Spell = 12081,
Item = 10030,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 240,
Cost = 7000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Cowardly Crosby"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10321,
Spell = 12085,
Item = 10034,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 240,
Cost = 4500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Outfitter Eric"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 10317,
Spell = 12080,
Item = 10055,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 235,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Outfitter Eric"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 10314,
Spell = 12075,
Item = 10054,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 230,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Outfitter Eric"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22307,
Spell = 27658,
Item = 22246,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 6000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Alys Vol'tyr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Apprentice of Estulan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Asarnan"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Bradley Towns"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Netherstorm"], Vendor = L["Dealer Malij"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Draelan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Egomis"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Enchantress Andiala"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eversong Woods"], Vendor = L["Erilia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Felannia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Ildine Sorrowspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Jessara Cordell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Johan Barnes"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silithus"], Vendor = L["Kania"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Kithas"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Leo Sarn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Borean Tundra"], Vendor = L["Librarian Erickson"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Lilly"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Lyna"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Madame Ruby"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Modoru"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Nata Dawnstrider"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Blasted Lands"], Vendor = L["Sarah Lightbrew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Thaddeus Webb"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tilli Thistlefuzz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Vaean"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Yurial Soulwater"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azshara"], Vendor = L["Zoey Wizzlespark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Zurii"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10311,
Spell = 12064,
Item = 10052,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 220,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 7088,
Spell = 8802,
Item = 7063,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 205,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Vizzklick"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 4355,
Spell = 3862,
Item = 4327,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Ghok'kah"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10728,
Spell = 3873,
Item = 4336,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Narkk"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7087,
Spell = 8789,
Item = 7056,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 180,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Xizk Goodstitch"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7089,
Spell = 8786,
Item = 7053,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Jun'ha"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 14630,
Spell = 3857,
Item = 4322,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 165,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Xizk Goodstitch"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6401,
Spell = 3870,
Item = 4333,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 155,
Cost = 1100,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Mallen Swain"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Duskwood"], Vendor = L["Sheri Zipstitch"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 7114,
Spell = 3854,
Item = 4319,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 145,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Kireena"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Wetlands"], Vendor = L["Wenna Silkbeard"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 14627,
Spell = 3869,
Item = 4332,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 135,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Duskwood"], Vendor = L["Danielle Zipstitch"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5772,
Spell = 6688,
Item = 5763,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 115,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Redridge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Amy Davenport"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Wetlands"], Vendor = L["Jennabink Powerseam"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Rann Flamespinner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Wrahk"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Zixil"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6275,
Spell = 7643,
Item = 6264,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 115,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wetlands"], Vendor = L["Jennabink Powerseam"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Millie Gregorian"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Ranik"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Rann Flamespinner"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Duskwood"], Vendor = L["Sheri Zipstitch"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6274,
Spell = 7639,
Item = 6263,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Alexandra Bolero"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Gina MacGregor"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Mallen Swain"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5771,
Spell = 6686,
Item = 5762,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 70,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Andrew Hilbert"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Gina MacGregor"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Mahu"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ghostlands"], Vendor = L["Rathis Tomber"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6272,
Spell = 7633,
Item = 6242,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 70,
Cost = 300,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Andrew Hilbert"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Drake Lindgren"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Elynna"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Ranik"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Wrahk"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6270,
Spell = 7630,
Item = 6240,
Type = L["Tailoring"],
Skill = 55,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Borya"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Constance Brisboise"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Lizna Goldweaver"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Tharynn Bouden"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Wrahk"], Team = "Horde" },
[L["Cooking"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 62799,
Spell = 88011,
Item = 62289,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 1500000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Goram"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Kim Horn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Larissia"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Mirla Silverblaze"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Nuri"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Randah Songhorn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Riha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Shay Pressler"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Steeg Haskell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Velia Moonbow"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 62800,
Spell = 88036,
Item = 62290,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 1500000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Goram"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Kim Horn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Mirla Silverblaze"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Randah Songhorn"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Riha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Shay Pressler"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Steeg Haskell"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 65432,
Spell = 88019,
Item = 62649,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65433,
Spell = 88044,
Item = 62672,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65431,
Spell = 88013,
Item = 62680,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 505,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65420,
Spell = 88031,
Item = 62667,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65421,
Spell = 88039,
Item = 62671,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65422,
Spell = 88016,
Item = 62666,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65423,
Spell = 88018,
Item = 62677,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 475,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65424,
Spell = 88034,
Item = 62668,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65425,
Spell = 88042,
Item = 62669,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65426,
Spell = 88003,
Item = 62661,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65427,
Spell = 88004,
Item = 62665,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65428,
Spell = 88020,
Item = 62662,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65429,
Spell = 88005,
Item = 62670,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65430,
Spell = 88014,
Item = 62664,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 68688,
Spell = 96133,
Item = 68687,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65417,
Spell = 88033,
Item = 62660,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 475,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65418,
Spell = 88021,
Item = 62659,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 475,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65419,
Spell = 88046,
Item = 62658,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 475,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65406,
Spell = 88047,
Item = 62656,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65407,
Spell = 88024,
Item = 62654,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65408,
Spell = 88017,
Item = 62673,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65409,
Spell = 88025,
Item = 62663,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65410,
Spell = 88035,
Item = 62653,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65411,
Spell = 88012,
Item = 62655,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65412,
Spell = 88028,
Item = 62651,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65413,
Spell = 88037,
Item = 62652,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65414,
Spell = 88045,
Item = 62675,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65415,
Spell = 88022,
Item = 62674,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 65416,
Spell = 88030,
Item = 62657,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 402",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Bario Matalli"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shazdar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43017,
Spell = 57423,
Item = 43015,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43018,
Spell = 45555,
Item = 34754,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43019,
Spell = 45556,
Item = 34755,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43020,
Spell = 45557,
Item = 34756,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43021,
Spell = 45558,
Item = 34757,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43022,
Spell = 45559,
Item = 34758,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43023,
Spell = 45567,
Item = 34766,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43024,
Spell = 45568,
Item = 34767,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43025,
Spell = 45571,
Item = 34768,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43026,
Spell = 45570,
Item = 34769,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43027,
Spell = 57433,
Item = 42993,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43028,
Spell = 57434,
Item = 42994,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43029,
Spell = 57435,
Item = 43004,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43030,
Spell = 57436,
Item = 42995,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43031,
Spell = 57437,
Item = 42996,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43032,
Spell = 57438,
Item = 42997,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43033,
Spell = 57439,
Item = 42998,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43034,
Spell = 57440,
Item = 43005,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43035,
Spell = 57441,
Item = 42999,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43036,
Spell = 57442,
Item = 43000,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43037,
Spell = 57443,
Item = 43001,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43505,
Spell = 58527,
Item = 43478,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43506,
Spell = 58528,
Item = 43480,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 44954,
Spell = 62350,
Item = 44953,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 81",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Derek Odds"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Mera Mistrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Misensi"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 18160,
Spell = 9513,
Item = 7676,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 60,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Smudge Thunderwood"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46809,
Spell = 0,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 100,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Bountiful Barrel"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dun Morogh"], Vendor = L["Elizabeth Barker Winslow"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Ikaneba Summerset"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Ranisa Whitebough"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Wilmina Holbeck"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 46810,
Spell = 0,
Item = 0,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 100,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Bountiful Barrel"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Durotar"], Vendor = L["Dalni Tallgrass"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Eversong Woods"], Vendor = L["John Rigsdale"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Laha Farplain"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Rose Standish"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 31674,
Spell = 38868,
Item = 31673,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Sassa Weldwell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Xerintha Ravenoak"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31675,
Spell = 38867,
Item = 31672,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 335,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Sassa Weldwell"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Blade's Edge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Xerintha Ravenoak"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27691,
Spell = 33287,
Item = 27658,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Nula the Butcher"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Uriku"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27692,
Spell = 33288,
Item = 27659,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Innkeeper Grilka"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Supply Officer Mills"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27693,
Spell = 33289,
Item = 27660,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Nula the Butcher"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Uriku"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27699,
Spell = 33295,
Item = 27666,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Innkeeper Biribi"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Rungor"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27700,
Spell = 33296,
Item = 27667,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 350,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Innkeeper Biribi"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Rungor"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27697,
Spell = 33293,
Item = 27664,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 320,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Nula the Butcher"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Uriku"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27698,
Spell = 33294,
Item = 27665,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 320,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Nula the Butcher"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Nagrand"], Vendor = L["Uriku"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27690,
Spell = 33286,
Item = 27657,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 315,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Innkeeper Grilka"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Terokkar Forest"], Vendor = L["Supply Officer Mills"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27696,
Spell = 33292,
Item = 27663,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 310,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Juno Dufrain"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27688,
Spell = 33284,
Item = 27655,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Cookie One-Eye"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Sid Limbardi"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27694,
Spell = 33290,
Item = 27661,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Doba"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Gambarinka"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27695,
Spell = 33291,
Item = 27662,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Doba"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Zurai"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 30156,
Spell = 36210,
Item = 30155,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 1,
Notes = "CostItem: 24245",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Mycah"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13947,
Spell = 18245,
Item = 13933,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Sheendra Tallgrass"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Vivianna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 13948,
Spell = 18246,
Item = 13934,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Sheendra Tallgrass"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Vivianna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 13949,
Spell = 18247,
Item = 13935,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Sheendra Tallgrass"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Vivianna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 13945,
Spell = 18243,
Item = 13931,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Gikkix"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13946,
Spell = 18244,
Item = 13932,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Gikkix"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35564,
Spell = 46684,
Item = 35563,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 18000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Bale"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Malygen"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 35566,
Spell = 46688,
Item = 35565,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 18000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Bale"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Malygen"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 13942,
Spell = 18240,
Item = 13928,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 240,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Gikkix"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13943,
Spell = 18242,
Item = 13929,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 240,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13939,
Spell = 18238,
Item = 6887,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Gikkix"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13940,
Spell = 18239,
Item = 13927,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13941,
Spell = 18241,
Item = 13930,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16110,
Spell = 15933,
Item = 12218,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Bale"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Winterspring"], Vendor = L["Himmik"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Malygen"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 16111,
Spell = 15915,
Item = 12216,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"], Vendor = L["Banalash"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Kriggon Talsone"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Uthok"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16767,
Spell = 20626,
Item = 16766,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Jabbey"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18046,
Spell = 22480,
Item = 18045,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 225,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Dirge Quikcleave"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Tanaris"], Vendor = L["Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["The Hinterlands"], Vendor = L["Truk Wildbeard"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 12239,
Spell = 15906,
Item = 12217,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 7000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Helenia Olden"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Ogg'marr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Super-Seller 680"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12240,
Spell = 15910,
Item = 12215,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 200,
Cost = 7000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Janet Hommers"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Kireena"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Vendor-Tron 1000"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 4609,
Spell = 4094,
Item = 4457,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Narj Deepslice"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Super-Seller 680"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6039,
Spell = 7213,
Item = 6038,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12228,
Spell = 15855,
Item = 12210,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Corporal Bluth"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Hammon Karwn"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Helenia Olden"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Keena"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Nerrist"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Ogg'marr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Vendor-Tron 1000"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12229,
Spell = 15856,
Item = 13851,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Sheendra Tallgrass"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Super-Seller 680"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Vivianna"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 12231,
Spell = 15861,
Item = 12212,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Corporal Bluth"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Nerrist"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Vendor-Tron 1000"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12232,
Spell = 15863,
Item = 12213,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Swamp of Sorrows"], Vendor = L["Banalash"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Kireena"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Ogg'marr"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Vendor-Tron 1000"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12233,
Spell = 15865,
Item = 12214,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Helenia Olden"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Janet Hommers"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Super-Seller 680"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21219,
Spell = 25954,
Item = 21217,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["\"Chef\" Overheat"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azuremyst Isle"], Vendor = L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Derak Nightfall"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Desaan"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Erika Tate"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Redridge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Gloria Femmel"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Jim Saltit"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Karizi Porkpatty"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azshara"], Vendor = L["KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ghostlands"], Vendor = L["Master Chef Mouldier"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Moro Sungrain"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Nyoma"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Hinterlands"], Vendor = L["Otho Moji'ko"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Phea"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Grizzly Hills"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Lorkran"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Quelis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Suja"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Tarban Hearthgrain"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Wulan"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Xen'to"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 34413,
Spell = 45022,
Item = 34411,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 325,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Penney Copperpinch"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6369,
Spell = 7828,
Item = 4594,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 2200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Darkshore"], Vendor = L["Heldan Galesong"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Lizbeth Cromwell"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shankys"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Wetlands"], Vendor = L["Stuart Fleming"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tansy Puddlefizz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ashenvale"], Vendor = L["Wik'Tar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Wulan"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 17062,
Spell = 20916,
Item = 8364,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 175,
Cost = 2200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Darkshore"], Vendor = L["Heldan Galesong"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Lizbeth Cromwell"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shankys"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Wetlands"], Vendor = L["Stuart Fleming"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tansy Puddlefizz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ashenvale"], Vendor = L["Wik'Tar"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Wulan"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 20075,
Spell = 24418,
Item = 20074,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 150,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dustwallow Marsh"], Vendor = L["Ogg'marr"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 2701,
Spell = 2549,
Item = 1017,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3680,
Spell = 3372,
Item = 3663,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 90,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3681,
Spell = 3373,
Item = 3664,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 120,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3682,
Spell = 3376,
Item = 3665,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 130,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Arathi Highlands"], Vendor = L["Keena"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Nerrist"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 3683,
Spell = 3377,
Item = 3666,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3734,
Spell = 3397,
Item = 3726,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Super-Seller 680"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 3735,
Spell = 3398,
Item = 3727,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Vendor-Tron 1000"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Zargh"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5489,
Spell = 6419,
Item = 5480,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Vendor-Tron 1000"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6330,
Spell = 7755,
Item = 4593,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Catherine Leland"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Derak Nightfall"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Kilxx"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Sewa Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 12227,
Spell = 15853,
Item = 12209,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Super-Seller 680"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 2699,
Spell = 2547,
Item = 1082,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 2700,
Spell = 2548,
Item = 2685,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 110,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5488,
Spell = 6418,
Item = 5479,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 100,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Tari'qa"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5528,
Spell = 6501,
Item = 5526,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 90,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Darkshore"], Vendor = L["Heldan Galesong"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Kriggon Talsone"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 44977,
Spell = 6417,
Item = 5478,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 90,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Grub"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 728,
Spell = 2543,
Item = 733,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 2697,
Spell = 2542,
Item = 724,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 2698,
Spell = 2545,
Item = 2682,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 85,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3678,
Spell = 3370,
Item = 3662,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 80,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3679,
Spell = 3371,
Item = 3220,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 60,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5485,
Spell = 6415,
Item = 5476,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Darkshore"], Vendor = L["Laird"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5486,
Spell = 6416,
Item = 5477,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 440,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Tari'qa"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6328,
Spell = 7753,
Item = 4592,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Mulgore"], Vendor = L["Harn Longcast"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Khara Deepwater"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Killian Sanatha"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Lizbeth Cromwell"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Nyoma"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tansy Puddlefizz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Tharynn Bouden"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6329,
Spell = 7754,
Item = 6316,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Khara Deepwater"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6368,
Spell = 7827,
Item = 5095,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Catherine Leland"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darkshore"], Vendor = L["Heldan Galesong"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Killian Sanatha"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Kilxx"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Kriggon Talsone"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Nessa Shadowsong"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Shankys"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Wetlands"], Vendor = L["Stuart Fleming"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Durotar"], Vendor = L["Zansoa"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21099,
Spell = 25704,
Item = 21072,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 80,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Badlands"], Vendor = L["\"Chef\" Overheat"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azuremyst Isle"], Vendor = L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hillsbrad Foothills"], Vendor = L["Derak Nightfall"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Felwood"], Vendor = L["Desaan"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Emrul Riknussun"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Erika Tate"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Fyldan"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Redridge Mountains"], Vendor = L["Gloria Femmel"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Jim Saltit"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Karizi Porkpatty"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"], Vendor = L["Kelsey Yance"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Azshara"], Vendor = L["KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Ghostlands"], Vendor = L["Master Chef Mouldier"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Feralas"], Vendor = L["Moro Sungrain"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Naal Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Nyoma"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["The Hinterlands"], Vendor = L["Otho Moji'ko"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Phea"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Grizzly Hills"], Vendor = L["Provisioner Lorkran"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Quelis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Ronald Burch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Suja"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Northern Barrens"], Vendor = L["Tarban Hearthgrain"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Desolace"], Vendor = L["Wulan"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Xen'to"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22647,
Spell = 28267,
Item = 22645,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 60,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Bloodmyst Isle"], Vendor = L["Fazu"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ghostlands"], Vendor = L["Master Chef Mouldier"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27687,
Spell = 33278,
Item = 27636,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Ghostlands"], Vendor = L["Master Chef Mouldier"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6892,
Spell = 8607,
Item = 6890,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 40,
Cost = 250,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Silverpine Forest"], Vendor = L["Andrew Hilbert"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Drac Roughcut"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5484,
Spell = 6414,
Item = 5474,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 35,
Cost = 240,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Mulgore"], Vendor = L["Wunna Darkmane"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 17201,
Spell = 21144,
Item = 17198,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 35,
Cost = 240,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Eebee Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Khole Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Penney Copperpinch"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Seersa Copperpinch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Wolgren Jinglepocket"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 2889,
Spell = 2795,
Item = 2888,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 10,
Cost = 240,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Kendor Kabonka"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 5483,
Spell = 6413,
Item = 5473,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 20,
Cost = 140,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Durotar"], Vendor = L["Grimtak"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6325,
Spell = 7751,
Item = 6290,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 40,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Catherine Leland"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Dun Morogh"], Vendor = L["Gretta Ganter"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Mulgore"], Vendor = L["Harn Longcast"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Loch Modan"], Vendor = L["Khara Deepwater"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Lizbeth Cromwell"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Martine Tramblay"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Nyoma"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Sewa Mistrunner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Elwynn Forest"], Vendor = L["Tharynn Bouden"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6326,
Spell = 7752,
Item = 787,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 40,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Westfall"], Vendor = L["Kriggon Talsone"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Martine Tramblay"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Teldrassil"], Vendor = L["Nessa Shadowsong"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Tansy Puddlefizz"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Durotar"], Vendor = L["Zansoa"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 12226,
Spell = 15935,
Item = 12224,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 25,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Abigail Shiel"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 17200,
Spell = 21143,
Item = 17197,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 25,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Eebee Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Khole Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Penney Copperpinch"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Seersa Copperpinch"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Wolgren Jinglepocket"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Wulmort Jinglepocket"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27685,
Spell = 33276,
Item = 27635,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 40,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Eversong Woods"], Vendor = L["Landraelanis"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 46710,
Spell = 65454,
Item = 46691,
Type = L["Cooking"],
Skill = 1,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Chapman"], Team = "Neutral" },
[L["Fishing"]] = {
Recipes = {
[L["First Aid"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 19442,
Spell = 23787,
Item = 19440,
Type = L["First Aid"],
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Dawn"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Tirisfal Glades"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Hasana"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Western Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Eastern Plaguelands"], Vendor = L["Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"], Team = "Neutral" },
[L["Jewelcrafting"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 52381,
Spell = 73396,
Item = 52255,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52447,
Spell = 73397,
Item = 52258,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52448,
Spell = 73398,
Item = 52259,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52449,
Spell = 73399,
Item = 52257,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52450,
Spell = 73400,
Item = 52260,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52451,
Spell = 73401,
Item = 52261,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52452,
Spell = 73402,
Item = 52262,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52453,
Spell = 73403,
Item = 52263,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52454,
Spell = 73404,
Item = 52264,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52455,
Spell = 73405,
Item = 52265,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52456,
Spell = 73406,
Item = 52266,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52457,
Spell = 73407,
Item = 52267,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52458,
Spell = 73408,
Item = 52268,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52459,
Spell = 73409,
Item = 52269,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 500,
Cost = 2,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52460,
Spell = 73520,
Item = 52348,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52461,
Spell = 73498,
Item = 52318,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52462,
Spell = 73502,
Item = 52319,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52463,
Spell = 73503,
Item = 52320,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52464,
Spell = 73521,
Item = 52350,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52465,
Spell = 73504,
Item = 52321,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52466,
Spell = 73505,
Item = 52322,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52467,
Spell = 73506,
Item = 52323,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 69853,
Spell = 98921,
Item = 69852,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 525,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 42648,
Spell = 56496,
Item = 42642,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42649,
Spell = 56497,
Item = 42643,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42650,
Spell = 56498,
Item = 42644,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 430,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42651,
Spell = 56499,
Item = 42645,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42652,
Spell = 56500,
Item = 42646,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42653,
Spell = 56501,
Item = 42647,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 440,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43597,
Spell = 58954,
Item = 43582,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 6,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31401,
Spell = 38503,
Item = 31398,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["The Violet Eye"],
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Deadwind Pass"], Vendor = L["Apprentice Darius"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31402,
Spell = 38504,
Item = 31399,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = BFAC["Cenarion Expedition"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Zangarmarsh"], Vendor = L["Fedryen Swiftspear"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35766,
Spell = 47054,
Item = 35758,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Ontuvo"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Shaani"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35767,
Spell = 47055,
Item = 35760,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Ontuvo"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Shaani"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35768,
Spell = 47056,
Item = 35761,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Ontuvo"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Shaani"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35769,
Spell = 47053,
Item = 35759,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = BFAC["Shattered Sun Offensive"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Eldara Dawnrunner"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Ontuvo"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Isle of Quel'Danas"], Vendor = L["Shaani"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 52362,
Spell = 73335,
Item = 52206,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52380,
Spell = 73336,
Item = 52212,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52384,
Spell = 73337,
Item = 52216,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52387,
Spell = 73338,
Item = 52207,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52389,
Spell = 73339,
Item = 52230,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52390,
Spell = 73340,
Item = 52242,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52391,
Spell = 73341,
Item = 52244,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52392,
Spell = 73343,
Item = 52246,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52393,
Spell = 73344,
Item = 52235,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52394,
Spell = 73345,
Item = 52247,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52395,
Spell = 73346,
Item = 52241,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52396,
Spell = 73347,
Item = 52226,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52397,
Spell = 73348,
Item = 52232,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52398,
Spell = 73349,
Item = 52219,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52399,
Spell = 73350,
Item = 52243,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52400,
Spell = 73351,
Item = 52238,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52401,
Spell = 73352,
Item = 52210,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52402,
Spell = 73353,
Item = 52248,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52403,
Spell = 73354,
Item = 52221,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52404,
Spell = 73355,
Item = 52236,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52405,
Spell = 73356,
Item = 52213,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52406,
Spell = 73357,
Item = 52220,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52407,
Spell = 73358,
Item = 52234,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52408,
Spell = 73359,
Item = 52217,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52409,
Spell = 73360,
Item = 52203,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52410,
Spell = 73361,
Item = 52229,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52411,
Spell = 73362,
Item = 52249,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52412,
Spell = 73364,
Item = 52222,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52413,
Spell = 73365,
Item = 52209,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52414,
Spell = 73366,
Item = 52239,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52415,
Spell = 73367,
Item = 52214,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52416,
Spell = 73368,
Item = 52211,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52417,
Spell = 73369,
Item = 52208,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52418,
Spell = 73370,
Item = 52240,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52419,
Spell = 73371,
Item = 52204,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52420,
Spell = 73372,
Item = 52215,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52421,
Spell = 73373,
Item = 52205,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52422,
Spell = 73374,
Item = 52224,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52423,
Spell = 73375,
Item = 52233,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52424,
Spell = 73376,
Item = 52227,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52425,
Spell = 73377,
Item = 52223,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52426,
Spell = 73378,
Item = 52228,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52427,
Spell = 73379,
Item = 52245,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52428,
Spell = 73380,
Item = 52218,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52429,
Spell = 73381,
Item = 52225,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52430,
Spell = 73382,
Item = 52231,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52431,
Spell = 73383,
Item = 52250,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52432,
Spell = 73384,
Item = 52237,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52433,
Spell = 73464,
Item = 52289,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52434,
Spell = 73465,
Item = 52291,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52435,
Spell = 73466,
Item = 52292,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52436,
Spell = 73467,
Item = 52293,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52437,
Spell = 73468,
Item = 52294,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52438,
Spell = 73469,
Item = 52295,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52439,
Spell = 73470,
Item = 52296,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52440,
Spell = 73471,
Item = 52297,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52441,
Spell = 73472,
Item = 52298,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52442,
Spell = 73473,
Item = 52299,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52443,
Spell = 73474,
Item = 52300,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52444,
Spell = 73475,
Item = 52301,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 52445,
Spell = 73476,
Item = 52302,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 490,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 68359,
Spell = 95754,
Item = 68356,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 68360,
Spell = 95755,
Item = 68357,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 68361,
Spell = 95756,
Item = 68358,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 68742,
Spell = 96226,
Item = 68741,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 361",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Exodar"], Vendor = L["Arred"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Silvermoon City"], Vendor = L["Gelanthis"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Isabel Jones"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Ironforge"], Vendor = L["Laida Gembold"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Orgrimmar"], Vendor = L["Marith Lazuria"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Thunder Bluff"], Vendor = L["Paku Cloudchaser"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Undercity"], Vendor = L["Sara Lanner"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Darnassus"], Vendor = L["Tarien Silverdew"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Stormwind City"], Vendor = L["Terrance Denman"], Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 41576,
Spell = 53830,
Item = 39996,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41577,
Spell = 53945,
Item = 39997,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41578,
Spell = 53949,
Item = 40001,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41579,
Spell = 53961,
Item = 40017,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41580,
Spell = 53958,
Item = 40014,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41581,
Spell = 53954,
Item = 40010,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41582,
Spell = 53980,
Item = 40044,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41686,
Spell = 53984,
Item = 40048,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41687,
Spell = 53991,
Item = 40055,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41688,
Spell = 53985,
Item = 40049,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41690,
Spell = 53987,
Item = 40051,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41692,
Spell = 54011,
Item = 40105,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41693,
Spell = 54001,
Item = 40091,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41696,
Spell = 54009,
Item = 40100,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41697,
Spell = 53998,
Item = 40089,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41698,
Spell = 53997,
Item = 40088,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41702,
Spell = 53996,
Item = 40086,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41704,
Spell = 55389,
Item = 41285,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41705,
Spell = 55384,
Item = 41377,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41706,
Spell = 55392,
Item = 41333,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41707,
Spell = 55407,
Item = 41376,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41708,
Spell = 55396,
Item = 41401,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41709,
Spell = 55404,
Item = 41385,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41710,
Spell = 55400,
Item = 41398,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41711,
Spell = 55403,
Item = 41382,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41718,
Spell = 53946,
Item = 39998,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Kirin Tor"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Archmage Alvareaux"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41719,
Spell = 53948,
Item = 40000,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41720,
Spell = 53957,
Item = 40013,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Sons of Hodir"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["The Storm Peaks"], Vendor = L["Lillehoff"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41721,
Spell = 53988,
Item = 40052,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Knights of the Ebon Blade"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Duchess Mynx"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41722,
Spell = 53993,
Item = 40057,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Wyrmrest Accord"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dragonblight"], Vendor = L["Cielstrasza"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41723,
Spell = 53996,
Item = 40086,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Frenzyheart Tribe"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Sholazar Basin"], Vendor = L["Tanak"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41724,
Spell = 54003,
Item = 40095,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["The Oracles"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Sholazar Basin"], Vendor = L["Geen"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41725,
Spell = 53965,
Item = 40025,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Knights of the Ebon Blade"],
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Duchess Mynx"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41726,
Spell = 53974,
Item = 40034,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = BFAC["Argent Crusade"],
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41727,
Spell = 53960,
Item = 40016,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41728,
Spell = 53955,
Item = 40011,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41730,
Spell = 53986,
Item = 40050,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41733,
Spell = 53981,
Item = 40045,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41734,
Spell = 53978,
Item = 40040,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41735,
Spell = 54014,
Item = 40106,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41737,
Spell = 54005,
Item = 40102,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41738,
Spell = 54000,
Item = 40090,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41740,
Spell = 53968,
Item = 40028,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 19,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41742,
Spell = 55393,
Item = 41335,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 38,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41743,
Spell = 55387,
Item = 41378,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 38,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41744,
Spell = 55388,
Item = 41379,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 38,
Notes = "CostCurr: 392",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Knight Dameron"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Morgan Day"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Wintergrasp"], Vendor = L["Stone Guard Mukar"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41747,
Spell = 53963,
Item = 40023,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42138,
Spell = 53952,
Item = 40008,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43317,
Spell = 58147,
Item = 43250,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43318,
Spell = 58148,
Item = 43251,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43319,
Spell = 58149,
Item = 43252,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43320,
Spell = 58150,
Item = 43253,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43485,
Spell = 58492,
Item = 43482,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43497,
Spell = 58507,
Item = 43498,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Icecrown"], Vendor = L["Anuur"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Tiffany Cartier"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46897,
Spell = 66338,
Item = 40167,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46898,
Spell = 66428,
Item = 40168,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46899,
Spell = 66429,
Item = 40166,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46901,
Spell = 66431,
Item = 40165,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46902,
Spell = 66432,
Item = 40164,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46904,
Spell = 66434,
Item = 40169,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46905,
Spell = 66435,
Item = 40171,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46909,
Spell = 66439,
Item = 40177,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46911,
Spell = 66441,
Item = 40180,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46912,
Spell = 66442,
Item = 40179,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46913,
Spell = 66443,
Item = 40182,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46915,
Spell = 66445,
Item = 40173,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46916,
Spell = 66446,
Item = 40113,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46917,
Spell = 66447,
Item = 40111,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46918,
Spell = 66448,
Item = 40112,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46920,
Spell = 66450,
Item = 40118,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46922,
Spell = 66452,
Item = 40115,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46923,
Spell = 66453,
Item = 40116,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46924,
Spell = 66497,
Item = 40119,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46925,
Spell = 66498,
Item = 40120,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46926,
Spell = 66499,
Item = 40122,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46928,
Spell = 66501,
Item = 40125,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46929,
Spell = 66502,
Item = 40124,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46932,
Spell = 66505,
Item = 40127,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46933,
Spell = 66506,
Item = 40128,
Type = L["Jewelcrafting"],
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = "CostCurr: 61",
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Inessera"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Kirembri Silvermane"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Shattrath City"], Vendor = L["Nemiha"], Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Timothy Jones"], Team = "Neutral" },
[L["Inscription"]] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 68810,
Spell = 89815,
Item = 63481,
Type = L["Inscription"],
Skill = 465,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Casandra Downs"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Twilight Highlands"], Vendor = L["Una Kobuna"], Team = "Horde" },
ID = 50168,
Spell = 71102,
Item = 50077,
Type = L["Inscription"],
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Larana Drome"], Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 50166,
Spell = 71101,
Item = 50045,
Type = L["Inscription"],
Skill = 250,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Jezebel Bican"], Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = BZ["Hellfire Peninsula"], Vendor = L["Kul Inkspiller"], Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = BZ["Dalaran"], Vendor = L["Larana Drome"], Team = "Neutral" },
-- RecipeData.lua: all recipes organized by profession
-- Auto generated on 8/11/2009 8:00:22 PM
RecipeRadar_RecipeData = {
[RRS("Alchemy")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 13478,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 265,
Cost = 13000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Soolie Berryfizz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kor'geld"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5640,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 60,
Cost = 100,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Defias Profiteer"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Xandar Goodbeard"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Hagrus"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Ranik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 5642,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Soolie Berryfizz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Ulthir"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kor'geld"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5643,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Ulthir"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Hagrus"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6053,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Xandar Goodbeard"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Hula'mahi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Duskwood"), Vendor = RRS("Kzixx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6055,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 165,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Nandar Branson"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stonetalon Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Jeeda"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6056,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Drovnar Strongbrew"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Glyx Brewright"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6057,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Logannas"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Bronk"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Glyx Brewright"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alchemist Pestlezugg"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9300,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blasted Lands"), Vendor = RRS("Nina Lightbrew"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Rartar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 9301,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Maria Lumere"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Algernon"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 9302,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 245,
Cost = 9000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Logannas"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Bronk"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6068,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 165,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Thousand Needles"), Vendor = RRS("Montarr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Duskwood"), Vendor = RRS("Bliztik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6054,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 135,
Cost = 900,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Harklan Moongrove"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Christoph Jeffcoat"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 14634,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Alterac Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Bro'kin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9303,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alchemist Pestlezugg"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12958,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alchemist Pestlezugg"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9304,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alchemist Pestlezugg"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 9305,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alchemist Pestlezugg"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13501,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 295,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Magnus Frostwake"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13483,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Plugger Spazzring"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13482,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13484,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13485,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 15000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Magnus Frostwake"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20013,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20011,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20014,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20012,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20761,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22902,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 320,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Haalrun"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Seer Janidi"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22909,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Daga Ramba"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Haalrun"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22907,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Daga Ramba"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Haalrun"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22908,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22910,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31357,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31356,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31355,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31354,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22906,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 30,
Faction = RRS("Sporeggar"),
Level = 8,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 24245"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Mycah"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22915,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22916,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 25,
Faction = RRS("Sporeggar"),
Level = 7,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 24245"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Mycah"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30443,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23574,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Altaa"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Melaris"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Skreah"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22918,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13517,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22900,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Alchemist Gribble"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Altaa"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Apothecary Antonivich"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Melaris"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22905,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 330,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 24001,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 330,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22922,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22901,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leeli Longhaggle"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Seer Janidi"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25869,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29232,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25870,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22917,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22911,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Daga Ramba"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leeli Longhaggle"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 32070,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 320,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32071,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 330,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 26044"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 33209,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Deadwind Pass"), Vendor = RRS("Apprentice Darius"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35755,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35752,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35754,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35753,
Type = RRS("Alchemy"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("Blacksmithing")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 12162,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 160,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kaita Deepforge"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Sumi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Jutak"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12164,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 185,
Cost = 4400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Vharr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Jaquilina Dramet"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7995,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 215,
Cost = 6000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Harggan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Gharash"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10858,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 155,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Jannos Ironwill"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Muuran"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Badlands"), Vendor = RRS("Jazzrik"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dun Morogh"), Vendor = RRS("High Admiral \"Shelly\" Jorrik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6047,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 190,
Cost = 4400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Krinkle Goodsteel"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12163,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 180,
Cost = 4400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Zarena Cromwind"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 8030,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 255,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Magnus Frostwake"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12823,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 280,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Magnus Frostwake"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12819,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Magnus Frostwake"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12703,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 295,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Magnus Frostwake"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19208,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 70000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19209,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 70000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19211,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19210,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19212,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17051,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 295,
Cost = 70000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17060,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 220000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19207,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19206,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17052,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 180000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17059,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 220000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20040,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17049,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 295,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17053,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 200000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19202,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19204,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19203,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19205,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19781,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19780,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19779,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19778,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19777,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19776,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22209,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Vargus"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22214,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Vargus"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22766,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Vargus"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22767,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Vargus"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22768,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Vargus"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22219,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"), Vendor = RRS("Lieutenant General Andorov"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22221,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"), Vendor = RRS("Lieutenant General Andorov"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31393,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Karazhan"), Vendor = RRS("Koren"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31395,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Karazhan"), Vendor = RRS("Koren"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31394,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Karazhan"), Vendor = RRS("Koren"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31390,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31392,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31391,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23596,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Krek Cragcrush"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Loolruna"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23591,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 330,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Aaron Hollman"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arras"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Eriden"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23592,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 330,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Aaron Hollman"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arras"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Eriden"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23590,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Aaron Hollman"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arras"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Eriden"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23594,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Krek Cragcrush"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Loolruna"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23595,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Krek Cragcrush"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Loolruna"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23593,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Aaron Hollman"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arras"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Eriden"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25846,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Aaron Hollman"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23618,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28632,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23597,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23598,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23599,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23600,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25847,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Mari Stonehand"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Rohok"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 24002,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23619,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23601,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23604,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23603,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23602,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25526,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23638,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Mari Stonehand"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Rohok"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 32442,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32444,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32443,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32441,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44937,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Alliance Vanguard"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Brighton"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Silverstone"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 44938,
Type = RRS("Blacksmithing"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Horde Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Gara Skullcrush"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Sebastian Crane"), Team = "Horde" },
[RRS("Enchanting")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 6349,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tilli Thistlefuzz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kithas"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leo Sarn"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Nata Dawnstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 11223,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 235,
Cost = 5800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Mythrin'dir"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Banalash"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 11163,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 170,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Keena"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 11101,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 140,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Dalria"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stonetalon Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Kulwia"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 11039,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 110,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Dalria"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stonetalon Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Kulwia"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16217,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 265,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Mythrin'dir"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Daniel Bartlett"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6377,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Nata Dawnstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Zixil"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6346,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 80,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kithas"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Lilly"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16221,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Qia"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16224,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Lorelae Wintersong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16243,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Lorelae Wintersong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20758,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 45,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Vaean"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Jessara Cordell"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leo Sarn"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Nata Dawnstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Thaddeus Webb"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kithas"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tilli Thistlefuzz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Lilly"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Dealer Malij"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Eversong Woods"), Vendor = RRS("Erilia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Felannia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Johan Barnes"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Yurial Soulwater"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Asarnan"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Alys Vol'tyr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Bradley Towns"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ildine Sorrowspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Librarian Erickson"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Modoru"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Enchantress Andiala"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Zurii"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20752,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Vaean"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Jessara Cordell"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leo Sarn"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Nata Dawnstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Thaddeus Webb"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tilli Thistlefuzz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kithas"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Lilly"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Dealer Malij"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Eversong Woods"), Vendor = RRS("Erilia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Felannia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Johan Barnes"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Yurial Soulwater"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Asarnan"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Alys Vol'tyr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Bradley Towns"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ildine Sorrowspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Librarian Erickson"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Modoru"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Enchantress Andiala"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Zurii"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20753,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Nata Dawnstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Lilly"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tilli Thistlefuzz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kithas"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Thaddeus Webb"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Vaean"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Jessara Cordell"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leo Sarn"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Dealer Malij"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Eversong Woods"), Vendor = RRS("Erilia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Felannia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Johan Barnes"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Yurial Soulwater"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Asarnan"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Alys Vol'tyr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Bradley Towns"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ildine Sorrowspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Librarian Erickson"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Modoru"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Enchantress Andiala"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Zurii"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20754,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20755,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19449,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19448,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19444,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19445,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19446,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20756,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20732,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20733,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20757,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22392,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 25000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25848,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 100000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Vodesiin"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Rungor"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 28274,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28273,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28272,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28271,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28281,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24000,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22531,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 24003,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 22547,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 22537,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22536,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22539,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Old Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Aged Dalaran Wizard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28282,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22565,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25849,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22562,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 310,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22563,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 70000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22535,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Karazhan"), Vendor = RRS("Ythyar"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22552,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33148,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33149,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33150,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 33151,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 33152,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33153,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22538,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 200000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33165,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 30000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Deadwind Pass"), Vendor = RRS("Apprentice Darius"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34872,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35500,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44483,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44496,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44492,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44495,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37339,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37344,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44494,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44487,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 435,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44473,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44486,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 435,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44490,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44491,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44498,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44484,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44489,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44472,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44471,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37349,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37347,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 435,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44488,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44485,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 435,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44944,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34057"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37340,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 410,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19447,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 45059,
Type = RRS("Enchanting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 10,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 34052"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Vanessa Sellers"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("Engineering")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 18649,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Darian Singh"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Gearcutter Cogspinner"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 10607,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 230,
Cost = 3600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Azshara"), Vendor = RRS("Jubie Gadgetspring"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7560,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Gearcutter Cogspinner"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Thousand Needles"), Vendor = RRS("Jinky Twizzlefixxit"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13309,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 120,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Fradd Swiftgear"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Thousand Needles"), Vendor = RRS("Jinky Twizzlefixxit"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14639,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 140,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Fradd Swiftgear"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Gagsprocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10609,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Ruppo Zipcoil"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18647,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Sovik"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13310,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 180,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Mazk Snipeshot"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10602,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 210,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Knaz Blunderflame"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Burning Steppes"), Vendor = RRS("Yuka Screwspigot"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16050,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Xizzer Fizzbolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7742,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 2400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Alterac Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Zan Shivsproket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7561,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 165,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Duskwood"), Vendor = RRS("Kzixx"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Stonetalon Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Veenix"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Zixil"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18648,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Crazk Sparks"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Gagsprocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18652,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Xizzer Fizzbolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13308,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 155,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Alterac Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Rizz Loosebolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16046,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Xizzer Fizzbolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13311,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Gnaz Blunderflame"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18656,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Xizzer Fizzbolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20001,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20000,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19027,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Zorbin Fandazzle"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18650,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Blizrik Buckshot"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23799,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Feera"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Viggz Shinesparked"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Yatheon"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23807,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Daggle Ironshaper"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Mixie Farshot"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23803,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Lebowski"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Mixie Farshot"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23816,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Feera"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Wind Trader Lathrai"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Yatheon"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23814,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23805,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Captured Gnome"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Lebowski"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23811,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Captured Gnome"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Feera"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Wind Trader Lathrai"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Yatheon"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23874,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32381,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Viggz Shinesparked"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Xizzer Fizzbolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22729,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 8000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Gearcutter Cogspinner"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Sovik"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 44502,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4000000,
Faction = RRS("Horde Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Gara Skullcrush"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Sebastian Crane"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 44503,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4000000,
Faction = RRS("Alliance Vanguard"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Brighton"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Silverstone"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 44918,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 21100"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Fariel Starsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44919,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 21100"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Fariel Starsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23815,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Feera"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Wind Trader Lathrai"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Yatheon"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23817,
Type = RRS("Engineering"),
Skill = 405,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Bryan Landers"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Fizzix Blastbolt"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("Leatherworking")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 18949,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 155,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Saenorion"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Joseph Moore"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5973,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 170,
Cost = 650,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Hammon Karwn"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Lardan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Thousand Needles"), Vendor = RRS("Jandia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Keena"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 7289,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 650,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Redridge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Clyde Ranthal"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 20576,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 1400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Redridge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Amy Davenport"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 15751,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Azshara"), Vendor = RRS("Blimo Gadgetspring"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15729,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 265,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Azshara"), Vendor = RRS("Blimo Gadgetspring"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7613,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 155,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Wenna Silkbeard"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("George Candarte"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 7451,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Pratt McGrubben"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Saenorion"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Jangdor Swiftstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Joseph Moore"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 18731,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Bombus Finespindle"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Tamar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 7361,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 135,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Harlown Darkweave"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 15735,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 270,
Cost = 14000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Gigget Zipcoil"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15734,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 270,
Cost = 14000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Pratt McGrubben"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Jangdor Swiftstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5786,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 90,
Cost = 550,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Gina MacGregor"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Mavralyn"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Andrew Hilbert"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5787,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 95,
Cost = 600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Gina MacGregor"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Mavralyn"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Andrew Hilbert"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5789,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 190,
Cost = 2800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Helenia Olden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Blixrez Goodstitch"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 8409,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 210,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Nioma"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Jangdor Swiftstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13288,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 165,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Androd Fadran"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 7290,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 120,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Wenna Silkbeard"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 15741,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Leonard Porter"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Werg Thickblade"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5788,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 170,
Cost = 650,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Christoph Jeffcoat"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Blixrez Goodstitch"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 8385,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 205,
Cost = 3500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Pratt McGrubben"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Jangdor Swiftstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 15725,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Leonard Porter"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Werg Thickblade"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13287,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 165,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Tunkk"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6474,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 90,
Cost = 550,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wailing Caverns"), Vendor = RRS("Kalldan Felmoon"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6475,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 105,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wailing Caverns"), Vendor = RRS("Kalldan Felmoon"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15758,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Un'Goro Crater"), Vendor = RRS("Nergal"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7362,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 135,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Zixil"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15740,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Qia"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14635,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 185,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rikqiz"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15726,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Masat T'andr"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15724,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 255,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Zannok Hidepiercer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15762,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 295,
Cost = 25000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Zannok Hidepiercer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18239,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 3500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rikqiz"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 15759,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Plugger Spazzring"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17025,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19331,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19332,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17022,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 295,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19330,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19333,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17023,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20253,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20254,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19327,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19326,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19328,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19329,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19771,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19773,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19770,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19772,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19769,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20382,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20506,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20507,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20508,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20509,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20510,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20511,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22769,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22770,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22771,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Aendel Windspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29717,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29713,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25733,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25732,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25734,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25738,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29213,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25739,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29214,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25740,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29215,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25737,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25736,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 140000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25735,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25741,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29217,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25743,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29218,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25742,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29219,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 29704,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29703,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29702,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29720,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29719,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 31361,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25726,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Haferet"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Zaralda"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29701,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29700,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29698,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29684,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29682,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29677,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29693,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29691,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29689,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25720,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Cro Threadstrong"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Haferet"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Zaralda"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 25722,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29721,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 29722,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 31362,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 29664,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 30444,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25725,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Old Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Thomas Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25721,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32429,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32430,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32431,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32436,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32435,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32433,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32434,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32432,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33205,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 240000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Deadwind Pass"), Vendor = RRS("Apprentice Darius"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33124,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Deadwind Pass"), Vendor = RRS("Apprentice Darius"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34174,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 34175,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 34172,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("The Mag'har"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Nasela"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 34173,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Kurenai"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Trader Narasu"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 34201,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 34218,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 34200,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 160000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34262,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Penney Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Wulmort Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44553,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44552,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44547,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44546,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44588,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44589,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44587,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44586,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44585,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44584,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44548,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44549,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44551,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44550,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44516,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44515,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44513,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44517,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44519,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44514,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44520,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44518,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44526,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44528,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44524,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44523,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44525,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44521,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44527,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44522,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44543,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44538,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44542,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44540,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44544,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44539,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44545,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44541,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44535,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44537,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44533,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44534,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44532,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44530,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44536,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44531,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 38425"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44932,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44933,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 44128"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Braeg Stoutbeard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44511,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 415,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Kalu'ak"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Sairuk"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Tanaika"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44510,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 415,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Sons of Hodir"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Storm Peaks"), Vendor = RRS("Lillehoff"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44512,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 415,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Knights of the Ebon Blade"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Duchess Mynx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44509,
Type = RRS("Leatherworking"),
Skill = 415,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Kalu'ak"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Sairuk"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Tanaika"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("Tailoring")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 7089,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Brienna Starglow"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Jun'ha"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 7114,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 145,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Wenna Silkbeard"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Kireena"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6272,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 70,
Cost = 300,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Elwynn Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Drake Lindgren"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Elynna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Andrew Hilbert"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Wrahk"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Ranik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6270,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 55,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Elwynn Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Tharynn Bouden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Valdaron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Borya"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Constance Brisboise"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Wrahk"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6274,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Gina MacGregor"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Alexandra Bolero"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Borya"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Mallen Swain"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Yonada"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 14627,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 135,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Duskwood"), Vendor = RRS("Danielle Zipstitch"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6401,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 155,
Cost = 1100,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Duskwood"), Vendor = RRS("Sheri Zipstitch"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Mallen Swain"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6275,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 115,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Elynna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Jennabink Powerseam"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Rann Flamespinner"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Duskwood"), Vendor = RRS("Sheri Zipstitch"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Millie Gregorian"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Ranik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 4355,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Ghok'kah"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10314,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 230,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Outfitter Eric"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Borya"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10311,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 220,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Elynna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Mahu"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10317,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 235,
Cost = 4000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Outfitter Eric"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Borya"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5771,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 70,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Gina MacGregor"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Valdaron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Andrew Hilbert"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Mahu"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ghostlands"), Vendor = RRS("Rathis Tomber"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5772,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 115,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Redridge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Amy Davenport"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Jennabink Powerseam"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Rann Flamespinner"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Borya"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Mahu"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Millie Gregorian"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Wrahk"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Yonada"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Kiknikle"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Zixil"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Valdaron"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 10326,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Outfitter Eric"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Millie Gregorian"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10323,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 245,
Cost = 4500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Outfitter Eric"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Millie Gregorian"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10321,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 240,
Cost = 4500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Outfitter Eric"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Millie Gregorian"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10325,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Alexandra Bolero"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Mahu"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 10318,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 240,
Cost = 7000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Cowardly Crosby"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 10728,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Narkk"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7087,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 180,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Xizk Goodstitch"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 7088,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 205,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Vizzklick"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14630,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 165,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Xizk Goodstitch"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14483,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Lorelae Wintersong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14526,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Qia"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14468,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Qia"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14488,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 280,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Darnall"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14472,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 265,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Darnall"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 14469,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Darnall"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 18487,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dire Maul"), Vendor = RRS("Shen'dralar Provisioner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17018,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19220,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17017,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 180000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19219,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thorium Brotherhood"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blackrock Depths"), Vendor = RRS("Lokhtos Darkbargainer"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19215,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19218,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Timbermaw Hold"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Meilosh"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19216,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 290,
Cost = 22000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19217,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19766,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19765,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 19764,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Zandalar Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Rin'wosho the Trader"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21358,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 260,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Vizzklick"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22307,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 6000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Vaean"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Jessara Cordell"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Leo Sarn"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Nata Dawnstrider"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Thaddeus Webb"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Kithas"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tilli Thistlefuzz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Lilly"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Dealer Malij"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Egomis"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Eversong Woods"), Vendor = RRS("Erilia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Felannia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Johan Barnes"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Lyna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Madame Ruby"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Yurial Soulwater"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Asarnan"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Alys Vol'tyr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Bradley Towns"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ildine Sorrowspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Librarian Erickson"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Modoru"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Enchantress Andiala"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Zurii"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22308,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Kania"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22312,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22310,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22683,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 90000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22772,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22773,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22774,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Circle"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21892,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Deynna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Eiin"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Neii"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21894,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Deynna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Neii"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Borto"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Mathar G'ochar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21896,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Deynna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Eiin"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Neii"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21897,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 345,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Deynna"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Eiin"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Neii"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21893,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Eiin"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Mathar G'ochar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21915,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Andrion Darkspinner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Linna Bruder"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21900,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Arrond"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21901,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shadowmoon Valley"), Vendor = RRS("Arrond"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21919,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nasmara Moonsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ainderu Summerleaf"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21911,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Gidge Spellweaver"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Lalla Brightweave"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24314,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30833,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30842,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30843,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30844,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21914,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Shadoweave Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Andrion Darkspinner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Linna Bruder"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21912,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Shadoweave Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Andrion Darkspinner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Linna Bruder"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21913,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Shadoweave Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Andrion Darkspinner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Linna Bruder"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24295,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 360000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21899,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Muheru the Weaver"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Zurai"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21898,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 340,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Muheru the Weaver"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Zurai"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 24292,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21895,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nasmara Moonsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ainderu Summerleaf"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21916,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Mooncloth Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nasmara Moonsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ainderu Summerleaf"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21917,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Mooncloth Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nasmara Moonsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ainderu Summerleaf"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21918,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Mooncloth Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nasmara Moonsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Ainderu Summerleaf"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24294,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 360000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30483,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Andrion Darkspinner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Linna Bruder"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24293,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21902,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 80000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Borto"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Mathar G'ochar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 24316,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Gidge Spellweaver"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Lalla Brightweave"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21908,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 355,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Spellfire Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Gidge Spellweaver"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Lalla Brightweave"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21909,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Spellfire Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Gidge Spellweaver"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Lalla Brightweave"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21910,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Specialty = RRS("Spellfire Tailoring"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Gidge Spellweaver"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Lalla Brightweave"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32447,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32438,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32440,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32439,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32437,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 80000,
Faction = RRS("Ashtongue Deathsworn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Black Temple"), Vendor = RRS("Okuno"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34261,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Penney Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34319,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Wulmort Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37915,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Haughty Modiste"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 38327,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Haughty Modiste"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 38328,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 245,
Cost = 4500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Haughty Modiste"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 38229,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 25,
Faction = RRS("Sporeggar"),
Level = 7,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 24245"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Mycah"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44916,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 21100"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Fariel Starsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44917,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 21100"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Moonglade"), Vendor = RRS("Fariel Starsong"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42183,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 435,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Knights of the Ebon Blade"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Duchess Mynx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42187,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Crusade"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42184,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 445,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Sons of Hodir"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Storm Peaks"), Vendor = RRS("Lillehoff"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42185,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Wyrmrest Accord"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Cielstrasza"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42188,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("Kirin Tor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Archmage Alvareaux"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 45774,
Type = RRS("Tailoring"),
Skill = 435,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Kalu'ak"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Sairuk"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Tanaika"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("Cooking")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 16072,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Shandrina"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Wulan"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13949,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Vivianna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Sheendra Tallgrass"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 4609,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 1000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Narj Deepslice"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Super-Seller 680"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 2889,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 10,
Cost = 240,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3734,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Ulthaan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Super-Seller 680"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 3679,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 60,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6325,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 1,
Cost = 40,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Catherine Leland"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dun Morogh"), Vendor = RRS("Gretta Ganter"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Khara Deepwater"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Teldrassil"), Vendor = RRS("Nyoma"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Elwynn Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Tharynn Bouden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Mulgore"), Vendor = RRS("Harn Longcast"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Martine Tramblay"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Sewa Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Lizbeth Cromwell"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6330,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Catherine Leland"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Lindea Rabonne"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Derak Nightfall"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Naal Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Sewa Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Ronald Burch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Kilxx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 5528,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 90,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Heldan Galesong"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Kriggon Talsone"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 2698,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 85,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3681,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 120,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3678,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 80,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3682,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 130,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Keena"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Nerrist"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 12239,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 7000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Helenia Olden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Ogg'marr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Super-Seller 680"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 5485,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Laird"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 3683,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 2697,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 12240,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 200,
Cost = 7000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Janet Hommers"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Kireena"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Vendor-Tron 1000"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20075,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Ogg'marr"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 3735,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Zargh"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Vendor-Tron 1000"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12229,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Vivianna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Sheendra Tallgrass"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Super-Seller 680"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12231,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Corporal Bluth"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Nerrist"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Vendor-Tron 1000"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 5489,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Ulthaan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Vendor-Tron 1000"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13947,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Vivianna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Sheendra Tallgrass"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6329,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Khara Deepwater"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6328,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Khara Deepwater"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Teldrassil"), Vendor = RRS("Nyoma"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tansy Puddlefizz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Elwynn Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Tharynn Bouden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Mulgore"), Vendor = RRS("Harn Longcast"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Killian Sanatha"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Naal Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Lizbeth Cromwell"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 13948,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Vivianna"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Feralas"), Vendor = RRS("Sheendra Tallgrass"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 17062,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 2200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Heldan Galesong"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Lindea Rabonne"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Stuart Fleming"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tansy Puddlefizz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Shankys"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Wik'Tar"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Wulan"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Lizbeth Cromwell"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 3680,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 90,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 12233,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Helenia Olden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Janet Hommers"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Super-Seller 680"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6368,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Catherine Leland"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Heldan Galesong"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Kriggon Talsone"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Teldrassil"), Vendor = RRS("Nessa Shadowsong"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Stuart Fleming"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Killian Sanatha"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Shankys"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Durotar"), Vendor = RRS("Zansoa"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Ronald Burch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Kilxx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 2699,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 12228,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Corporal Bluth"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Hammon Karwn"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Helenia Olden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Keena"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Nerrist"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Ogg'marr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Vendor-Tron 1000"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6369,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 2200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darkshore"), Vendor = RRS("Heldan Galesong"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Lindea Rabonne"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Stuart Fleming"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tansy Puddlefizz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Shankys"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Wik'Tar"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Wulan"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Lizbeth Cromwell"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 2701,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 6326,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 1,
Cost = 40,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Kriggon Talsone"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Teldrassil"), Vendor = RRS("Nessa Shadowsong"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Tansy Puddlefizz"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Martine Tramblay"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Durotar"), Vendor = RRS("Zansoa"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 6892,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 40,
Cost = 250,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Loch Modan"), Vendor = RRS("Drac Roughcut"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silverpine Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Andrew Hilbert"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16111,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Westfall"), Vendor = RRS("Kriggon Talsone"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Banalash"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Uthok"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 2700,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 110,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 18046,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Truk Wildbeard"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Dirge Quikcleave"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Innkeeper Fizzgrimble"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 728,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 75,
Cost = 200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Kendor Kabonka"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 12226,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 1,
Cost = 25,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Abigail Shiel"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5488,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 100,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Tari'qa"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5484,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 35,
Cost = 240,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Mulgore"), Vendor = RRS("Wunna Darkmane"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5483,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 20,
Cost = 140,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Durotar"), Vendor = RRS("Grimtak"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 5486,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 440,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Tari'qa"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 12232,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Banalash"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Kireena"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Ogg'marr"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Vendor-Tron 1000"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13940,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13941,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 6039,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13942,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 240,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Gikkix"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13943,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 240,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 12227,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1600,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Super-Seller 680"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16110,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 12000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Malygen"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Bale"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Himmik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13945,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Gikkix"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13946,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Gikkix"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 13939,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 16000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Gikkix"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 16767,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 3000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Jabbey"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17201,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 35,
Cost = 240,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Khole Jinglepocket"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Penney Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Eebee Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Seersa Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Hotoppik Copperpinch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Nardstrum Copperpinch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Wolgren Jinglepocket"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Wulmort Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 17200,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 1,
Cost = 25,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Khole Jinglepocket"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Penney Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Eebee Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Seersa Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Hotoppik Copperpinch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Nardstrum Copperpinch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Wolgren Jinglepocket"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Wulmort Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21099,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 80,
Cost = 500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Fyldan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Wulan"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Derak Nightfall"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Emrul Riknussun"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Xen'to"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Redridge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Gloria Femmel"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Erika Tate"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Teldrassil"), Vendor = RRS("Nyoma"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Tarban Hearthgrain"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Otho Moji'ko"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Naal Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Ronald Burch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Azuremyst Isle"), Vendor = RRS("\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Jim Saltit"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Ghostlands"), Vendor = RRS("Master Chef Mouldier"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Phea"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Quelis"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Grizzly Hills"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Lorkran"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21219,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 175,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Fyldan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Wulan"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Derak Nightfall"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Emrul Riknussun"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Xen'to"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Redridge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Gloria Femmel"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Erika Tate"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Kelsey Yance"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Teldrassil"), Vendor = RRS("Nyoma"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Tarban Hearthgrain"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Hinterlands"), Vendor = RRS("Otho Moji'ko"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Naal Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Ronald Burch"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Azuremyst Isle"), Vendor = RRS("\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Jim Saltit"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Ghostlands"), Vendor = RRS("Master Chef Mouldier"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Phea"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Quelis"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Grizzly Hills"), Vendor = RRS("Provisioner Lorkran"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 18160,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 60,
Cost = 200,
Notes = RRS("Class: Rogue"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Alterac Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Smudge Thunderwood"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27736,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Baxter"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Gaston"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Naka"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27685,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 1,
Cost = 40,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Eversong Woods"), Vendor = RRS("Landraelanis"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27687,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 50,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ghostlands"), Vendor = RRS("Master Chef Mouldier"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27690,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Innkeeper Grilka"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Supply Officer Mills"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27694,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Doba"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Gambarinka"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 30156,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 1,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 24245"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Mycah"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22647,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 60,
Cost = 400,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Bloodmyst Isle"), Vendor = RRS("Fazu"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Ghostlands"), Vendor = RRS("Master Chef Mouldier"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27695,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Doba"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Zurai"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27699,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Innkeeper Biribi"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Rungor"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27697,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 320,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Nula the Butcher"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Uriku"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27698,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 320,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Nula the Butcher"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Uriku"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27688,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Cookie One-Eye"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Sid Limbardi"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27691,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Nula the Butcher"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Uriku"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27700,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Innkeeper Biribi"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Rungor"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 27689,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 310,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 24245"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Mycah"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27692,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Innkeeper Grilka"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Terokkar Forest"), Vendor = RRS("Supply Officer Mills"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 27696,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 310,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Juno Dufrain"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27693,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Nula the Butcher"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Uriku"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 31674,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Sassa Weldwell"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Xerintha Ravenoak"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31675,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 335,
Cost = 30000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Sassa Weldwell"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Blade's Edge Mountains"), Vendor = RRS("Xerintha Ravenoak"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 34413,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Penney Copperpinch"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Wulmort Jinglepocket"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35564,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 18000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Bale"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Malygen"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 35566,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 18000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Bale"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Felwood"), Vendor = RRS("Malygen"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 43035,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43032,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43029,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43033,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43036,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43024,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43030,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43026,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43018,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43022,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43023,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43028,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43031,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43034,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43020,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43025,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43027,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43019,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43037,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43021,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43505,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43506,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 425,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43017,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44954,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 400,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43016"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Derek Odds"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Misensi"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Mera Mistrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 44977,
Type = RRS("Cooking"),
Skill = 90,
Cost = 800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Grub"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Prospector Khazgorm"), Team = "Alliance" },
[RRS("Fishing")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 16083,
Type = RRS("Fishing"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Old Man Heming"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 27532,
Type = RRS("Fishing"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Juno Dufrain"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("First Aid")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 16084,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Deneb Walker"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Balai Lok'Wein"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16112,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 180,
Cost = 2200,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Deneb Walker"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Balai Lok'Wein"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 16113,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 210,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Deneb Walker"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Balai Lok'Wein"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 19442,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 100000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Dawn"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tirisfal Glades"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Hasana"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Western Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Argent Quartermaster Lightspark"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 22012,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Burko"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Aresella"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Vix Chromeblaster"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21993,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Aresella"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Burko"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Vix Chromeblaster"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21992,
Type = RRS("First Aid"),
Skill = 330,
Cost = 20000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Aresella"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Burko"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Borean Tundra"), Vendor = RRS("Vix Chromeblaster"), Team = "Horde" },
[RRS("Jewelcrafting")] = {
Recipes = {
ID = 20854,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 110,
Cost = 1800,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Darnassus"), Vendor = RRS("Mythrin'dir"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Daniel Bartlett"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arred"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Gelanthis"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 20970,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 120,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Thousand Needles"), Vendor = RRS("Jandia"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Wetlands"), Vendor = RRS("Neal Allen"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 20855,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ashenvale"), Vendor = RRS("Dalria"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Barrens"), Vendor = RRS("Ranik"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 20971,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 125,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Christoph Jeffcoat"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 20856,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 1500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Felika"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Edna Mullby"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arred"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Gelanthis"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 20973,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 150,
Cost = 2000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hillsbrad Foothills"), Vendor = RRS("Micha Yance"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Desolace"), Vendor = RRS("Kireena"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 20975,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 170,
Cost = 2500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Burbik Gearspanner"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Undercity"), Vendor = RRS("Felicia Doan"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arred"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Gelanthis"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21942,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 6000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Hammon Karwn"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Arathi Highlands"), Vendor = RRS("Keena"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21948,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 250,
Cost = 7500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Ironforge"), Vendor = RRS("Burbik Gearspanner"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Thunder Bluff"), Vendor = RRS("Shadi Mistrunner"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("The Exodar"), Vendor = RRS("Arred"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Silvermoon City"), Vendor = RRS("Gelanthis"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21952,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 275,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Silithus"), Vendor = RRS("Mishta"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21957,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 13500,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Winterspring"), Vendor = RRS("Qia"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 21943,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 225,
Cost = 6000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stranglethorn Vale"), Vendor = RRS("Nerrist"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Helenia Olden"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 21941,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 215,
Cost = 5000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dustwallow Marsh"), Vendor = RRS("Helenia Olden"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Swamp of Sorrows"), Vendor = RRS("Banalash"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 21954,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 285,
Cost = 10000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Eastern Plaguelands"), Vendor = RRS("Jase Farlane"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31401,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Violet Eye"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Deadwind Pass"), Vendor = RRS("Apprentice Darius"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 31402,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24180,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 31358,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 24179,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24181,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24183,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Cenarion Expedition"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Zangarmarsh"), Vendor = RRS("Fedryen Swiftspear"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24174,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24177,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24175,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24178,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24176,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 30826,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24182,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23143,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23134,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23142,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Honor Hold"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Logistics Officer Ulrike"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 31359,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Thrallmar"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Urgronn"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 23149,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23136,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23155,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23138,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23151,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23145,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Faction = RRS("The Aldor"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Endarin"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23133,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scryers"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Enuril"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23146,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 28291,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23147,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 325,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23153,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23150,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23131,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 28596,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23148,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25910,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23137,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 315,
Cost = 60000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23144,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23135,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25904,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23141,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 305,
Cost = 50000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23140,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 23152,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25908,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 23130,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 300,
Cost = 40000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Kalaen"), Team = "Horde" },
{ Region = RRS("Hellfire Peninsula"), Vendor = RRS("Tatiana"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 25903,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Karazhan"), Vendor = RRS("Ythyar"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 25902,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Karazhan"), Vendor = RRS("Ythyar"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32412,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 0,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32299,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32274,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32283,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32290,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32311,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32277,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32309,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32293,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32306,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32301,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32300,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32312,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32305,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32288,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32304,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32310,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32302,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32282,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32291,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32286,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32287,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32284,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32281,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32294,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 32308,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 24208,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Aldraan"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Coreiel"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 32292,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33622,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 365,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33783,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 26044"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Davian Vaclav"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 33159,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33156,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33305,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Consortium"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Netherstorm"), Vendor = RRS("Karaaz"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Nagrand"), Vendor = RRS("Paulsta'ats"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33160,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33157,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Lower City"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Nakodu"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33155,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("The Sha'tar"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Almaador"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 33158,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 360,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Keepers of Time"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Tanaris"), Vendor = RRS("Alurmi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35505,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35502,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 150000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35697,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35699,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35695,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35696,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35698,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 250000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35708,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35769,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35766,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35767,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35768,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Eldara Dawnrunner"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35264,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35244,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35261,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35250,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35263,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35249,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35260,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35248,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35262,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35256,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35245,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35255,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35246,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35269,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35254,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35253,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35268,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35239,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35266,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35240,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35238,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35251,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35252,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35259,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35241,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35271,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35267,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35270,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35258,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35242,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35247,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35265,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35257,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35243,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35765,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35763,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35762,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35764,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 60000,
Faction = RRS("The Scale of the Sands"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Hyjal Summit"), Vendor = RRS("Indormi"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42652,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42649,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42648,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42651,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42653,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 440,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42650,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 430,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42298,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41576,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42299,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42300,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41704,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42301,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41577,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41705,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41706,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41697,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41692,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42302,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41578,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41693,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35325,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42303,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41582,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41708,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41694,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41709,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41696,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41689,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42304,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41581,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42305,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41686,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42306,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41702,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41579,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35322,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42307,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41690,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 35323,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 120000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41703,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41710,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41707,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41580,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42308,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41701,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42309,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41699,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42310,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42311,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42138,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42312,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41687,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42313,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42314,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 42315,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 370,
Cost = 2,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41711,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 5,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41688,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41698,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 37504,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 375,
Cost = 500000,
Faction = RRS("Shattered Sun Offensive"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Ontuvo"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Isle of Quel'Danas"), Vendor = RRS("Shaani"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43597,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 6,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41730,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41732,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41742,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 24,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41743,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 24,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41744,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 24,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41733,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41740,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41727,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41739,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41734,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43317,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43320,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43318,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43497,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 43485,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41735,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41738,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41728,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41736,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41737,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 12,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 43228"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Knight Dameron"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Morgan Day"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Wintergrasp"), Vendor = RRS("Stone Guard Mukar"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 43319,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 420,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41563,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41564,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41565,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41575,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41559,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41573,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41566,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41569,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41572,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41560,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41570,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41571,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 0,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Stormwind City"), Vendor = RRS("Captain O'Neal"), Team = "Alliance" },
{ Region = RRS("Orgrimmar"), Vendor = RRS("Lady Palanseer"), Team = "Horde" },
ID = 41722,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Wyrmrest Accord"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Cielstrasza"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41725,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Knights of the Ebon Blade"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Duchess Mynx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41726,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Argent Crusade"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41723,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Frenzyheart Tribe"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Sholazar Basin"), Vendor = RRS("Tanak"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41718,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Kirin Tor"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Archmage Alvareaux"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41720,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Sons of Hodir"),
Level = 8,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("The Storm Peaks"), Vendor = RRS("Lillehoff"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41724,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("The Oracles"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Sholazar Basin"), Vendor = RRS("Geen"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 41721,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 40000,
Faction = RRS("Knights of the Ebon Blade"),
Level = 7,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Duchess Mynx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41562,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("Knights of the Ebon Blade"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Duchess Mynx"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41574,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("The Kalu'ak"),
Level = 6,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Sairuk"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Tanaika"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41561,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("Frenzyheart Tribe"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Sholazar Basin"), Vendor = RRS("Tanak"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41568,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("The Kalu'ak"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dragonblight"), Vendor = RRS("Sairuk"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Howling Fjord"), Vendor = RRS("Tanaika"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41567,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 350,
Cost = 20000,
Faction = RRS("The Oracles"),
Level = 5,
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Sholazar Basin"), Vendor = RRS("Geen"), Team = "Alliance" },
ID = 41747,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 41719,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 390,
Cost = 3,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Icecrown"), Vendor = RRS("Anuur"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Tiffany Cartier"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47010,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46934,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46917,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46919,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46930,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47015,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46900,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46949,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46941,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47020,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46918,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46952,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47016,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46897,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46912,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46953,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47019,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46923,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46904,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46921,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47012,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47008,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46936,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46942,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46945,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Inessera"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46948,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46910,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46901,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46909,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47021,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Inessera"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46947,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46927,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46905,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46943,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46932,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 49112,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46914,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Inessera"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46950,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46920,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46956,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46944,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46937,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46933,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46911,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47007,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46940,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47022,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47018,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46928,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46939,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46916,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46903,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46913,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46938,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46907,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46929,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46924,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46935,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46925,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47017,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47023,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
{ Region = RRS("Shattrath City"), Vendor = RRS("Inessera"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46898,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46926,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46922,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46906,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46908,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46946,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46931,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46902,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46915,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46951,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 46899,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
ID = 47011,
Type = RRS("Jewelcrafting"),
Skill = 450,
Cost = 4,
Notes = RRS("CostItem: 41596"),
Locations = {
{ Region = RRS("Dalaran"), Vendor = RRS("Timothy Jones"), Team = "Neutral" },
[RRS("Inscription")] = {
Recipes = {
trunk/RecipeRadar/NameMap.lua New file
0,0 → 1,490

-- NameMap.lua: recipes named differently after learning
-- Auto generated on 8/9/2009 10:36:58 PM
RecipeRadar_NameMap = {
["enUS"] = {
-- Alchemy
["Transmute: Arcanite"] = "Transmute Arcanite",
["Transmute: Iron to Gold"] = "Transmute Iron to Gold",
["Transmute: Mithril to Truesilver"] = "Transmute Mithril to Truesilver",
["Transmute: Fire to Earth"] = "Transmute Fire to Earth",
["Transmute: Air to Fire"] = "Transmute Air to Fire",
["Transmute: Earth to Water"] = "Transmute Earth to Water",
["Transmute: Water to Air"] = "Transmute Water to Air",
["Mighty Troll\'s Blood Elixir"] = "Major Troll\'s Blood Elixir",
["Transmute: Elemental Fire"] = "Transmute Elemental Fire",
["Transmute: Primal Air to Fire"] = "Transmute Primal Air to Fire",
["Transmute: Primal Earth to Water"] = "Transmute Primal Earth to Water",
["Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth"] = "Transmute Primal Fire to Earth",
["Transmute: Primal Might"] = "Transmute Primal Might",
["Transmute: Primal Water to Air"] = "Transmute Primal Water to Air",
["Transmute: Earthstorm Diamond"] = "Transmute Earthstorm Diamond",
["Transmute: Skyfire Diamond"] = "Transmute Skyfire Diamond",
["Transmute: Skyfire Diamond"] = "Transmute Skyfire Diamond",
["Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth"] = "Transmute Primal Fire to Earth",
-- Enchanting
["Enchant 2H Weapon - Scourgebane"] = "Enchant Weapon - Scourgebane",
["Enchant Bracers - Superior Spellpower"] = "Enchant Bracer - Superior Spellpower",
["Enchant Bracers - Major Stamina"] = "Enchant Bracer - Major Stamina",
-- Engineering
["Firework Cluster Launcher"] = "Cluster Launcher",
-- Leatherworking
["Felstalker Bracer"] = "Felstalker Bracers",
["Felstalker Bracer"] = "Felstalker Bracers",
-- Tailoring
["Festive Red Pant Suit"] = "Festival Suit",
-- Jewelcrafting
["Figurine - Truesilver Crab"] = "Truesilver Crab",
["Figurine - Black Pearl Panther"] = "Black Pearl Panther",
["Figurine - Dawnstone Crab"] = "Dawnstone Crab",
["Figurine - Dawnstone Crab"] = "Dawnstone Crab",
["Figurine - Felsteel Boar"] = "Felsteel Boar",
["Figurine - Living Ruby Serpent"] = "Living Ruby Serpent",
["Figurine - Nightseye Panther"] = "Nightseye Panther",
["Figurine - Talasite Owl"] = "Talasite Owl",
["enGB"] = {
-- Alchemy
["Transmute: Arcanite"] = "Transmute Arcanite",
["Transmute: Iron to Gold"] = "Transmute Iron to Gold",
["Transmute: Mithril to Truesilver"] = "Transmute Mithril to Truesilver",
["Transmute: Fire to Earth"] = "Transmute Fire to Earth",
["Transmute: Air to Fire"] = "Transmute Air to Fire",
["Transmute: Earth to Water"] = "Transmute Earth to Water",
["Transmute: Water to Air"] = "Transmute Water to Air",
["Mighty Troll\'s Blood Elixir"] = "Major Troll\'s Blood Elixir",
["Transmute: Elemental Fire"] = "Transmute Elemental Fire",
["Transmute: Primal Air to Fire"] = "Transmute Primal Air to Fire",
["Transmute: Primal Earth to Water"] = "Transmute Primal Earth to Water",
["Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth"] = "Transmute Primal Fire to Earth",
["Transmute: Primal Might"] = "Transmute Primal Might",
["Transmute: Primal Water to Air"] = "Transmute Primal Water to Air",
["Transmute: Earthstorm Diamond"] = "Transmute Earthstorm Diamond",
["Transmute: Skyfire Diamond"] = "Transmute Skyfire Diamond",
["Transmute: Skyfire Diamond"] = "Transmute Skyfire Diamond",
["Transmute: Primal Fire to Earth"] = "Transmute Primal Fire to Earth",
-- Enchanting
["Enchant 2H Weapon - Scourgebane"] = "Enchant Weapon - Scourgebane",
["Enchant Bracers - Superior Spellpower"] = "Enchant Bracer - Superior Spellpower",
["Enchant Bracers - Major Stamina"] = "Enchant Bracer - Major Stamina",
-- Engineering
["Firework Cluster Launcher"] = "Cluster Launcher",
-- Leatherworking
["Felstalker Bracer"] = "Felstalker Bracers",
["Felstalker Bracer"] = "Felstalker Bracers",
-- Tailoring
["Festive Red Pant Suit"] = "Festival Suit",
-- Jewelcrafting
["Figurine - Truesilver Crab"] = "Truesilver Crab",
["Figurine - Black Pearl Panther"] = "Black Pearl Panther",
["Figurine - Dawnstone Crab"] = "Dawnstone Crab",
["Figurine - Dawnstone Crab"] = "Dawnstone Crab",
["Figurine - Felsteel Boar"] = "Felsteel Boar",
["Figurine - Living Ruby Serpent"] = "Living Ruby Serpent",
["Figurine - Nightseye Panther"] = "Nightseye Panther",
["Figurine - Talasite Owl"] = "Talasite Owl",
["deDE"] = {
-- Alchemy
["Transmutieren: Arkanit"] = "Arkanit transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Eisen in Gold"] = "Eisen in Gold transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Mithril in Echtsilber"] = "Mithril in Echtsilber transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Feuer zu Erde"] = "Feuer zu Erde transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Luft zu Feuer"] = "Luft zu Feuer transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Erde zu Wasser"] = "Erde zu Wasser transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Wasser zu Luft"] = "Wasser zu Luft transmutieren",
["Mächtiges Trollblutelixier"] = "Erhebliches Trollblutelixier",
["Transmutieren: Urluft zu Urfeuer"] = "Urluft zu Urfeuer transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Urerde zu Urwasser"] = "Urerde zu Urwasser transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Urfeuer zu Urerde"] = "Urfeuer zu Urerde transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Urmacht"] = "Urmacht transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Urwasser zu Urluft"] = "Urwasser zu Urluft transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Erdsturmdiamant"] = "Erdsturmdiamanten transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Himmelsfeuerdiamant"] = "Himmelsfeuerdiamanten transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Himmelsfeuerdiamant"] = "Himmelsfeuerdiamanten transmutieren",
["Transmutieren: Urfeuer zu Urerde"] = "Urfeuer zu Urerde transmutieren",
-- Enchanting
["Handschuhe - Präzise Schläge"] = "Handschuhe - Präzise Stöße",
["Waffe - Lebensschutz"] = "Waffe - Lebenswächter",
["Zweihandwaffe - Geißelbann"] = "Waffe - Geißelbann",
["Armschiene - Höchste Ausdauer"] = "Armschiene - Erhebliche Ausdauer",
-- Leatherworking
["Verzauberte Grollhufstiefel"] = "Verzauberte Grollschuppenstiefel",
["Handgelenksschützer der erlösten Seele"] = "Handgelenksschutz der erlösten Seele",
-- Tailoring
["Festlicher roter Hosenanzug"] = "Festtagsanzug",
-- Jewelcrafting
["Figur - Echtsilberkrebs"] = "Echtsilberkrebs",
["Figur - Schwarzer Perlenpanther"] = "Schwarzer Perlenpanther",
["Figur - Dämmersteinkrebs"] = "Dämmersteinkrebs",
["Figur - Dämmersteinkrebs"] = "Dämmersteinkrebs",
["Figur - Teufelsstahleber"] = "Teufelsstahleber",
["Figur - Lebendige Rubinschlange"] = "Lebendige Rubinschlange",
["Figur - Nachtaugenpanther"] = "Nachtaugenpanther",
["Figur - Talasiteule"] = "Talasiteule",
["Glänzender Golddraenit"] = "Brillantierter Golddraenit",
["Ring der scharlachroten Schatten"] = "Ring des scharlachroten Schattens",
["frFR"] = {
-- Alchemy
["Transmutation : Fer en Or"] = "Transmutation du fer en or",
["Transmutation : Mithril en Vrai-argent"] = "Transmutation du mithril en vrai-argent",
["Transmutation : Feu en Terre"] = "Transmutation du Feu en Terre",
["Transmutation : Air en Feu"] = "Transmutation de l\'Air en Feu",
["Transmutation : Terre en Eau"] = "Transmutation de la Terre en Eau",
["Transmutation : Eau en Air"] = "Transmutation de l\'Eau en Air",
["Elixir de sang de troll puissant"] = "Elixir de sang de troll majeur",
["Transmutation : Feu élémentaire"] = "Transmutation du feu élémentaire",
["Transmutation primordiale : Air en Feu"] = "Transmutation primordiale (Air en Feu)",
["Transmutation primordiale : Terre en Eau"] = "Transmutation primordiale (Terre en Eau)",
["Transmutation primordiale : Feu en Terre"] = "Transmutation primordiale (Feu en Terre)",
["Transmutation primordiale : Pouvoir"] = "Transmutation primordiale (Pouvoir)",
["Transmutation primordiale : Eau en Air"] = "Transmutation primordiale (Eau en Air)",
["Transmutation : Diamant tonneterre"] = "Transmutation de diamant tonneterre",
["Transmutation : Diamant brûleciel"] = "Transmutation de diamant brûleciel",
["Transmutation : Diamant brûleciel"] = "Transmutation de diamant brûleciel",
["Transmutation primordiale : Feu en Terre"] = "Transmutation primordiale (Feu en Terre)",
-- Enchanting
["Ench. d\'arme 2M (Intelligence inférieure)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme 2M (Intelligence inférieure)",
["Ench. de brassards (Déviation)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Déviation)",
["Ench. de brassards (Déviation inférieure)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Déviation inférieure)",
["Ench. de brassards (Force inférieure)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Force inférieure)",
["Ench. de cape (Agilité mineure)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Agilité mineure)",
["Ench. de bouclier (Endurance supérieure)"] = "Enchantement de bouclier (Endurance supérieure)",
["Ench. de bottes (Agilité mineure)"] = "Enchantement de bottes (Agilité mineure)",
["Ench. de plastron (Mana inférieur)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Mana inférieur)",
["Ench. de plastron (Santé majeure)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Santé majeure)",
["Ench. de cape (Défense excellente)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Défense excellent)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Intelligence renforcée)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Intelligence renforcée)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Esprit renforcé)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Esprit renforcé)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Force)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Force)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Agilité)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Agilité)",
["Ench. de brassards (Régénération de mana)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Régénération de mana)",
["Ench. de cape (Résistance au Feu supérieure)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Résistance au Feu supérieure)",
["Ench. de cape (Résistance à la Nature supérieure)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Résistance à la Nature supérieure)",
["Ench. d\'arme 2M (Agilité)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme 2M (Agilité)",
["Ench. de cape (Pénétration des sorts)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Pénétration des sorts)",
["Ench. de gants (Soins majeurs)"] = "Enchantement de gants (Soins majeurs)",
["Ench. de gants (Puissance des sorts majeure)"] = "Enchantement de gants (Puissance des sorts majeure)",
["Ench. de gants (Frappes précises)"] = "Enchantement de gants (Frappes précises)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Soins majeurs)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Soins majeurs)",
["Ench. de brassards (Soins excellents)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Soins excellents)",
["Ench. de brassards (Soins excellents)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Soins excellents)",
["Ench. de plastron (Carac. exceptionnelles)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Caractéristiques exceptionelles)",
["Ench. de plastron (Carac. exceptionnelles)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Caractéristiques exceptionelles)",
["Ench. d\'anneau (Pouvoir de guérison)"] = "Enchantement d\'anneau (Pouvoir de guérison)",
["Ench. d\'anneau (Puissance des sorts)"] = "Enchantement d\'anneau (Puissance des sorts)",
["Ench. de bouclier (Intelligence)"] = "Enchantement de bouclier (Intelligence)",
["Ench. de bouclier (Endurance majeure)"] = "Enchantement de bouclier (Endurance majeure)",
["Ench. d\'anneau (Frappe)"] = "Enchantement d\'anneau (Frappe)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Frappe majeure)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Frappe majeure)",
["Ench. de cape (Esquive)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Esquive)",
["Ench. de cape (Camouflage)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Camouflage)",
["Ench. de cape (Discrétion)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Discrétion)",
["Ench. de cape (Discrétion)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Discrétion)",
["Ench. de gants (Agilité excellente)"] = "Enchantement de gants (Agilité excellente)",
["Ench. de gants (Menace)"] = "Enchantement de gants (Menace)",
["Ench. d\'anneau (Caractéristiques)"] = "Enchantement d\'anneau (Caractéristiques)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Agilité supérieure)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Agilité supérieure)",
["Ench. de plastron (Défense)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Défense)",
["Ench. d\'arme 2M (Massacre)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme 2M (Massacre)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Précision)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Précision)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Berserker)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Berserker)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Magie noire)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Magie noire)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Tueur de géant)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Tueur de géant)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Brise-glace)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Brise-glace)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Gardevie)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Gardevie)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Puissance des sorts renforcée)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Puissance des sorts renforcée)",
["Ench. d\'arme 2M (Plaie-du-Fléau)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Plaie du Fléau)",
["Ench. d\'arme (Toute-puissance excellente)"] = "Enchantement d\'arme (Toute-puissance excellente)",
["Ench. de bottes (Assaut supérieur)"] = "Enchantement de bottes (Assaut supérieur)",
["Ench. de bottes (Vitalité rohart)"] = "Enchantement de bottes (Vitalité des roharts)",
["Ench. de brassards (Puissance des sorts excellente)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Puissance des sorts excellente)",
["Ench. de brassards (Assaut supérieur)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Assaut supérieur)",
["Ench. de plastron (Caract. puissantes)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Caractéristiques puissantes)",
["Ench. de cape (Vitesse supérieure)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Vitesse supérieure)",
["Ench. de cape (Armure puissante)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Armure puissante)",
["Ench. de cape (Armure de l\'ombre)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Armure de l\'ombre)",
["Ench. de cape (Tisse-titan)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Tisse-titan)",
["Ench. de cape (Sagesse)"] = "Enchantement de cape (Sagesse)",
["Ench. de gants (Homme d\'armes)"] = "Enchantement de gants (Homme d\'armes)",
["Ench. de brassards (Endurance majeure)"] = "Enchantements de brassards (Endurance majeure)",
["Ench. de plastron (Résilience exceptionnelle)"] = "Enchantement de plastron (Résilience exceptionnelle)",
["Ench. de brassards (Pouvoir de guérison)"] = "Enchantement de brassards (Pouvoir de guérison)",
["Ench. de bâton (Puissance des sorts supérieure)"] = "Enchantement de bâton (Puissance des sorts supérieure)",
-- Engineering
["Lanceur de chapelets de feu d\'artifice"] = "Lanceur de chapelets",
-- Leatherworking
["Armure de jambe de cobra du Néant"] = "Armure de jambe en cobra du Néant",
["Armure de jambe de cobra du Néant"] = "Armure de jambe en cobra du Néant",
-- Tailoring
["Habit de fête rouge"] = "Habit de fête",
-- Jewelcrafting
["Figurine de crabe en vrai-argent"] = "Crabe en vrai-argent",
["Figurine de panthère de perle noire"] = "Panthère de perle noire",
["Figurine de crabe de pierre d\'aube"] = "Crabe de pierre d\'aube",
["Figurine de crabe de pierre d\'aube"] = "Crabe de pierre d\'aube",
["Figurine de sanglier en gangracier"] = "Sanglier en gangracier",
["Figurine de serpent de rubis vivant"] = "Serpent de rubis vivant",
["Figurine de panthère d\'oeil de nuit"] = "Panthère d\'oeil de nuit",
["Figurine de chouette de talasite"] = "Chouette de talasite",
["Diamant brûleciel énigmatique"] = "Diamant brûleciel de mystère",
["Coeur de don Julio"] = "Cœur de don Julio",
["Oeil de nuit régalien"] = "Œil de nuit régalien",
["Oeil de lion mystique"] = "Œil de lion mystique",
["Topaze monarchique durable"] = "Topaze monarchique solide",
["Diamant flambeciel énigmatique"] = "flambeciel énigmatique",
["Enorme citrine durable"] = "Enorme citrine solide",
["Cristal ombreux mystérieux"] = "ombreux mystérieux",
["Opale du crépuscule luminescente"] = "Opale du crépuscule luminescente.",
["Cristal ombreux du défenseur"] = "Cristal ombreux de défenseur",
["esES"] = {
-- Alchemy
["Transmutar: arcanita"] = "transmutar arcanita",
["Transmutar: hierro a oro"] = "transmutar hierro a oro",
["Transmutar: mitril a veraplata"] = "transmutar mitril a veraplata",
["Transmutar: fuego a tierra"] = "transmutar fuego a tierra",
["Transmutar: aire en fuego"] = "transmutar aire en fuego",
["Transmutar: tierra a agua"] = "transmutar tierra a agua",
["Transmutar: agua a aire"] = "transmutar agua a aire",
["Elixir de sangre de trol poderoso"] = "elixir de sangre de trol sublime",
["Transmutar: fuego elemental"] = "transmutar fuego elemental",
["Transmutar: aire primigenio a fuego primigenio"] = "transmutar aire primigenio en fuego",
["Transmutar: tierra primigenia a agua primigenia"] = "transmutar tierra primigenia a agua",
["Transmutar: fuego primigenio a tierra primigenia"] = "transmutar fuego primigenio a tierra",
["Transmutar: poderío primigenio"] = "transmutar poderío primigenio",
["Transmutar: agua primigenia a aire primigenio"] = "transmutar agua primigenia a aire",
["Transmutar: diamante de tormenta de tierra"] = "transmutar diamante de tormenta de tierra",
["Transmutar: diamante de fuego celeste"] = "transmutar diamante de fuego celeste",
["Transmutar: diamante de fuego celeste"] = "transmutar diamante de fuego celeste",
["Transmutar: fuego primigenio a tierra primigenia"] = "transmutar fuego primigenio a tierra",
-- Blacksmithing
["Guanteletes de alma de sangre"] = "guanteletes Alma de sangre",
["Sobrehombros de alma de sangre"] = "sobrehombros Alma de sangre",
["Coraza de alma de sangre"] = "coraza alma de sangre",
["Coraza Parraférrea"] = "coraza parraférrea",
["Guantes Parraférrea"] = "guantes parraférrea",
["Cinturón Parraférrea"] = "cinturón parraférrea",
["Cinturón de adamantita encantada"] = "cinturón de adamantita encantado",
["Leotardos de adamantita encantada"] = "Leotardos de adamantita encantados",
-- Enchanting
["Encantar arma 2M: intelecto inferior"] = "encantar arma de 2M: intelecto inferior",
["Encantar capa: resistencia al Fuego superior"] = "encantar capa: Resistencia al Fuego superior",
["Encantar arma 2M: agilidad"] = "encantar arma de 2M: agilidad",
["Encantar guantes: golpes precisos"] = "encantar guantes: Golpes precisos",
["Encantar arma 2M: masacre"] = "encantar arma de 2M: masacre",
["Encantar arma: precisión"] = "encantar arma: Precisión",
["Encantar arma 2M: finiquiplaga"] = "encantar arma: Finiquiplaga",
-- Engineering
["Lanzatracas de fuegos de artificio"] = "lanzatracas",
-- Leatherworking
["Brazales de escórpido pesados"] = "brazales de escórpido gruesos",
["Yelmo de escórpido pesado"] = "yelmo de escórpido grueso",
["Coraza Escupefuego"] = "coraza escupefuego",
["Brazales acecharenas"] = "brazales Acecharenas",
["Guanteletes acecharenas"] = "guanteletes Acecharenas",
["Coraza acecharenas"] = "coraza Acecharenas",
["Brazal de acechador vil"] = "brazales de acechador vil",
["Brazal de acechador vil"] = "brazales de acechador vil",
["Botas de uñagrieta pesadas"] = "botas uñagrieta pesadas",
["Leotardos de uñagrieta pesados"] = "leotardos uñagrieta pesados",
["Jubón de uñagrieta pesado"] = "jubón de uñagrieta grueso",
["Botas de uñagrieta encantadas"] = "botas uñagrieta encantadas",
["Guantes de uñagrieta encantados"] = "guantes uñagrieta encantados",
-- Tailoring
["Bolsa de las Sombras de ébano"] = "bolsa de Sombra de ébano",
["Hilo de hechizo de oro"] = "hilo de hechizo dorado",
["Fin de la Noche"] = "Fin de la noche",
["Pantalones rojos de traje festivos"] = "traje de fiesta",
-- Cooking
["Delicia de furia del Loch Modan"] = "delicia de furia de Loch Modan",
["Aperitivo para alimañas"] = "aperitivos para alimañas",
["Festín gigante"] = "festín gigantesco",
-- Jewelcrafting
["Figurilla: cangrejo de veraplata"] = "cangrejo de veraplata",
["Figurilla: pantera de perla negra"] = "pantera de perla negra",
["Figurilla: cangrejo de piedra del alba"] = "cangrejo de piedra del alba",
["Figurilla: cangrejo de piedra del alba"] = "cangrejo de piedra del alba",
["Figurilla: jabalí de acero vil"] = "jabalí de acero vil",
["Figurilla: serpiente de rubí vivo"] = "serpiente de rubí vivo",
["Figurilla: pantera de ojo de noche"] = "pantera de ojo de noche",
["Figurilla: búho de talasita"] = "búho de talasita",
["Ojo de noche regio"] = "Ojo de noche majestuoso",
["Gran ojo de león"] = "gran Ojo de león",
["Ópalo crepuscular regio"] = "ópalo crepuscular majestuoso",
["ruRU"] = {
-- Alchemy
["Трансмутация: арканит"] = "трансмутация арканита",
["Трансмутация: огонь в землю"] = "трансмутация огня в землю",
["Трансмутация: воздух в огонь"] = "трансмутация воздуха в огонь",
["Трансмутация: земля в воду"] = "трансмутация земли в воду",
["Трансмутация: вода в воздух"] = "трансмутация воды в воздух",
["Мощный эликсир тролльей крови"] = "большое зелье тролльей крови",
["Трансмутация: первородный огонь"] = "трансмутация первородного огня",
["Трансмутация: первичный воздух в огонь"] = "трансмутация изначального воздуха в огонь",
["Трансмутация: первичная земля в воду"] = "трансмутация изначальной земли в воду",
["Трансмутация: изначальный огонь в землю"] = "трансмутация изначального огня в землю",
["Трансмутация: изначальная мощь"] = "трансмутация изначальной мощи",
["Трансмутация: первичная вода в воздух"] = "трансмутация изначальной воды в воздух",
["Трансмутация: алмаз земной бури"] = "трансмутация алмаза земной бури",
["Трансмутация: алмаз небесного огня"] = "трансмутация алмаза небесного огня",
["Трансмутация: алмаз небесного огня"] = "трансмутация алмаза небесного огня",
["Трансмутация: изначальный огонь в землю"] = "трансмутация изначального огня в землю",
-- Blacksmithing
["Изысканный ториевый одноручный топор"] = "изысканный одноручный топор секач",
-- Enchanting
["Чары для двуручного оружия - интеллект I"] = "чар для двуручного оружия - интеллект I",
["Чары для наручей - отражение III"] = "чар для наручей - отражение III",
["Чары для наручей - отражение II"] = "чар для наручей - отражение II",
["Чары для наручей - сила II"] = "чар для наручей - сила II",
["Чары для плаща - ловкость I"] = "чар для плаща - ловкость I",
["Чары для щита - выносливость IV"] = "чар для щита - выносливость IV",
["Чары для обуви - ловкость I"] = "чар для обуви - ловкость I",
["Чары для нагрудника - мана II"] = "чар для нагрудника - мана II",
["Чары для нагрудника - здоровье VI"] = "чар для нагрудника - здоровье VI",
["Чары для плаща - защита III"] = "чар для плаща - защита III",
["Чары для оружия - могучий интеллект"] = "чар для оружия - могучий интеллект",
["Чары для оружия - могучий дух"] = "чар для оружия - могучий дух",
["Чары для оружия - сила"] = "чар для оружия - сила",
["Чары для оружия - ловкость I"] = "чар для оружия - ловкость I",
["Чары для наручей - восполнение маны"] = "чар для наручей - восполнение маны",
["Чары для плаща - сопротивление огню III"] = "чар для плаща - сопротивление огню III",
["Чары для плаща - сопротивление силам природы I"] = "чар для плаща - сопротивление силам природы I",
["Чары для двуручного оружия - ловкость I"] = "чар для двуручного оружия - ловкость I",
["Чары для плаща - проникающая способность заклинаний"] = "чар для плаща - проникающая способность заклинаний",
["Чары для перчаток - лечение I"] = "чар для перчаток - лечение I",
["Чары для перчаток - сила заклинаний I"] = "чар для перчаток - сила заклинаний I",
["Чары для перчаток - точные удары"] = "чар для перчаток - точные удары",
["Чары для оружия - лечение I"] = "чар для оружия - лечение I",
["Чары для наручей - лечение II"] = "чар для наручей - лечение II",
["Чары для наручей - лечение II"] = "чар для наручей - лечение II",
["Чары для нагрудника - все характеристики V"] = "чар для нагрудника - все характеристики V",
["Чары для нагрудника - все характеристики V"] = "чар для нагрудника - все характеристики V",
["Чары для кольца - целительная сила"] = "чар для кольца - целительная сила",
["Чары для кольца - сила заклинаний I"] = "чар для кольца - сила заклинаний I",
["Чары для щита - интеллект I"] = "чар для щита - интеллект I",
["Чары для щита - выносливость V"] = "чар для щита - выносливость V",
["Чары для кольца - удар"] = "чар для кольца - удар",
["Чары для оружия - удар VI"] = "чар для оружия - удар VI",
["Чары для плаща - уклонение"] = "чар для плаща - уклонение",
["Чары для плаща - незаметность"] = "чар для плаща - незаметность",
["Чары для плаща - скрытность"] = "чар для плаща - скрытность",
["Чары для плаща - скрытность"] = "чар для плаща - скрытность",
["Чары для перчаток - ловкость III"] = "чар для перчаток - ловкость III",
["Чары для перчаток - угроза"] = "чар для перчаток - угроза",
["Чары для кольца - все характеристики"] = "чар для кольца - все характеристики",
["Чары для оружия - ловкость II"] = "чар для оружия - ловкость II",
["Чары для нагрудника - защита I"] = "чар для нагрудника - защита I",
["Чары для двуручного оружия - резня"] = "чар для двуручного оружия - резня",
["Чары для оружия - меткость"] = "чар для оружия - точность",
["Чары для оружия - берсерк"] = "чар для оружия - берсерк",
["Чары для оружия - черная магия"] = "чар для оружия - черная магия",
["Чары для оружия - истребитель гигантов"] = "чар для оружия - истребитель гигантов",
["Чары для оружия - ледорез"] = "чар для оружия - ледорез",
["Чары для оружия - оберег"] = "чар для оружия - оберег",
["Чары для оружия - сила заклинаний III"] = "чар для оружия - сила заклинаний III",
["Чары для двуручного оружия - проклятие Плети"] = "чар для оружия - проклятие Плети",
["Чары для оружия - могущество III"] = "чар для оружия - могущество III",
["Чары для обуви - штурм II"] = "чар для обуви - штурм II",
["Чары для обуви - живучесть клыкарра"] = "чар для обуви - живучесть клыкарра",
["Чары для наручей - сила заклинаний III"] = "чар для наручей - сила заклинаний III",
["Чары для наручей - штурм II"] = "чар для наручей - штурм II",
["Чары для нагрудника - все характеристики VII"] = "чар для нагрудника - все характеристики VII",
["Чары для плаща - скорость II"] = "чар для плаща - скорость II",
["Чары для плаща - могучая броня"] = "чар для плаща - могучая броня",
["Чары для плаща - теневая броня"] = "чар для плаща - теневая броня",
["Чары для плаща - ткань титанов"] = "чар для плаща - ткань титанов",
["Чары для плаща - мудрость"] = "чар для плаща - мудрость",
["Чары для перчаток - оружейник"] = "чар для перчаток - оружейник",
["Чары для наручей - выносливость VI"] = "чар для наручей - выносливость V",
["Чары для нагрудника - устойчивость II"] = "чар для нагрудника - устойчивость II",
["Чары для наручей - целительная сила"] = "чар для наручей - целительная сила",
["Чары для посоха - сила заклинаний II"] = "чар для посоха - сила заклинаний II",
-- Leatherworking
["Рукавицы дьявозавра"] = "рукавицы девизавра",
["Пояс гончей Недр"] = "пояс пса недр",
["Сапоги гончей Недр"] = "сапоги пса недр",
-- Tailoring
["Праздничный красный костюм"] = "праздничный костюм",
["Сумка Бездны"] = "сумка бездны",
-- Jewelcrafting
["Статуэтка краба из истинного серебра"] = "краб из истинного серебра",
["Статуэтка пантеры из черного жемчуга"] = "пантера из черного жемчуга",
["Статуэтка краба из зоревика"] = "краб из зоревика",
["Статуэтка краба из зоревика"] = "краб из зоревика",
["Статуэтка вепря из оскверненной стали"] = "Вепрь из оскверненной стали",
["Статуэтка змеи из животворного рубина"] = "змея из животворного рубина",
["Статуэтка пантеры из ока ночи"] = "пантера из ока ночи",
["Статуэтка таласситовой совы"] = "таласситовая сова",
["Прочный золотой дренит"] = "твердый золотой дренит",
["Королевский сумрачный дренит"] = "королевский сумеречный дренит",
["Изменчивый сумрачный дренит"] = "изменчивый сумеречный дренит",
["Царственный сумрачный дренит"] = "царственный сумеречный дренит",
["Светящийся сумрачный дренит"] = "светящийся сумеречный дренит",
["Цельный лазурный лунный камень"] = "твердый лазурный лунный камень",
["Рельефная пунцовая шпинель"] = "рельефная алая шпинель",
["Яркая пунцовая шпинель"] = "яркая алая шпинель",
["Изысканная пунцовая шпинель"] = "изысканная алая шпинель",
["Руническая пунцовая шпинель"] = "руническая алая шпинель",
["Цельный неземной сапфир"] = "твердый неземной сапфир",
["Изящная пунцовая шпинель"] = "изящная алая шпинель",
["Каплевидная пунцовая шпинель"] = "каплевидная алая шпинель",
["Прочный львиный глаз"] = "твердый львиный глаз",
["Пунцовое солнце"] = "багровое солнце",
["Мощный морской изумруд"] = "могущественный морской изумруд",
["Мягкий львиный глаз"] = "горящий львиный глаз",
["Рельефная пунцовая шпинель"] = "рельефная алая шпинель",
["Каплевидная пунцовая шпинель"] = "каплевидная алая шпинель",
["Цельный неземной сапфир"] = "твердый неземной сапфир",
["Изящная пунцовая шпинель"] = "изящная алая шпинель",
["Руническая пунцовая шпинель"] = "руническая алая шпинель",
["Яркая пунцовая шпинель"] = "яркая алая шпинель",
["Изысканная пунцовая шпинель"] = "изысканная алая шпинель",
["Прочный львиный глаз"] = "твердый львиный глаз",
["Блистательная пунцовая шпинель"] = "блистательная алая шпинель",
["Великий львиный глаз"] = "большой львиный глаз",
["Мощный морской изумруд"] = "могущественный морской изумруд",
["Мягкий львиный глаз"] = "горящий львиный глаз",
["Угасающий алмаз небесного сияния"] = "тлеющий алмаз небесного сияния",
["Усиленный лесной изумруд"] = "заряженный лесной изумруд",
["Мощный талассит"] = "могущественный талассит",
["Блистающий императорский топаз"] = "блистающий королевский топаз",
["Светоносный императорский топаз"] = "светоносный королевский топаз",
["Могущественный императорский топаз"] = "могущественный королевский топаз",
["Мягкое сияние осени"] = "мимолетное сияние осени",
["Мягкий зоревик"] = "горящий зоревик",
["Мягкое Око дракона"] = "быстрое око дракона",
["Тревожный императорский топаз"] = "тревожный королевский топаз",
["Прочное сияние осени"] = "яркое сияние осени",
["Прочное око дракона"] = "твердое око дракона",
["Цельное око дракона"] = "твердое око дракона",
["Цельный небесный сапфир"] = "твердый небесный сапфир",
["Застывший императорский топаз"] = "застывший королевский топаз",
["Сокрытый императорский топаз"] = "сокрытый королевский топаз",
["Надежный императорский топаз"] = "надежный королевский топаз",
["Наделенный силой императорский топаз"] = "наделенный силой королевский топаз",
["Жалкий алмаз небесного сияния"] = "мизерный алмаз небесного сияния",
["Прозрачный императорский топаз"] = "прозрачный королевский топаз",
["Мистическое сияние осени"] = "таинственное сияние осени",
["Глянцевый императорский топаз"] = "глянцевый королевский топаз",
["Таинственный сумрачный кристалл"] = "таинственный теневой кристалл",
["Мерцающий императорский топаз"] = "мерцающий королевский топаз",
["Гладкое сияние осени"] = "мягкое сияние осени",
["Гибельный императорский топаз"] = "гибельный королевский топаз",
["Сумрачный кристалл защитника"] = "теневой кристалл защитника",
["zhTW"] = {