WoWInterface SVN RecipeRadar

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 12 to Rev 13
    Reverse comparison

Rev 12 → Rev 13

1,8 → 1,8
## Interface: 40200
## Version: 1.402
## Title: Recipe Radar
## Author: Jay Miller
## X-Contributor: speedwaystar, SecureAgent, Kernighan, Yunohu
## Author: Kernighan
## X-Contributor: speedwaystar, SecureAgent, Kernighan, Yunohu, Jay Miller
## Notes: Locates vendors who sell recipes in the current region or by profession.
## Notes-deDE: Lokalisiert Händler, die Rezepte im Strombereich oder durch Beruf verkaufen.
## Notes-frFR: Localise les marchands qui vendent des recettes, par région ou par profession.