WoWInterface SVN SimplyNotes

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 10 to Rev 9
    Reverse comparison

Rev 10 → Rev 9

1718,9 → 1718,8
Notes.Notes.Scroll:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", Notes.Drag, "BOTTOMLEFT", 6, -8 )
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Notes.Notes.Box:SetWidth( Notes.Notes.Scroll:GetWidth() )
Notes.Notes.Box:SetHeight( 85 )
2508,7 → 2507,7
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DEBUG("UPDATING Font, USING "..NOTES_FONT_PATH..fonts[ fontchoice ]..", "..fontsize)
chat( "Setting font to "..fonts[ fontchoice ].." ("..fontchoice..")" )
fonts = nil
5,7 → 5,7
## SavedVariables: NotesData, NotesPref
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: NotesPrefCS
## Version: 1.3.8
## Version: 1.3.7
## Author: aLeX^rS(Truii-Whisperwind)
## OptionalDeps: Ace3
## X-eMail: alexrs @ gmail DOT com
423,126 → 423,7
info.hasArrow = nil
info.text = "Equipped Gear"
info.hasArrow = nil
info.notCheckable = 1
info.func = function()
local slots = {
--"AmmoSlot" - Ranged ammunition slot
{"HeadSlot", "Helm"},
{"NeckSlot", "Necklace"},
{"ShoulderSlot", "Shoulders"},
{"BackSlot", "Cloak"},
{"ShirtSlot", "Shirt"},
{"TabardSlot", "Tabard"},
{"ChestSlot", "Chest"},
{"WristSlot", "Wrist"},
{"HandsSlot", "Gloves"},
{"WaistSlot", "Belt"},
{"LegsSlot", "Legs"},
{"FeetSlot", "Foots"},
{"Finger0Slot", "Ring1"},
{"Finger1Slot", "Ring2"},
{"MainHandSlot", "Main Weapon"},
{"RangedSlot", "Ranged Weapon"},
{"SecondaryHandSlot", "Offhand"},
{"Trinket0Slot", "Trinket1"},
{"Trinket1Slot", "Trinket2"},
--[[Bag0Slot = "Backpack",
Bag1Slot = "Bag1",
Bag2Slot = "Bag2",
Bag3Slot = "Bag3",]]
Notes.NoteInsertText( GetCharName() .. "-" .. GetRealmName() .. ": Equipped Gear\n" );
local i,slottitle, slotname = nil;
for i, slottitle in pairs( slots ) do
slotname = slottitle[1];
local slotId, texture, checkRelic = GetInventorySlotInfo( slotname );
local itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink( "player", slotId );
if itemLink then
Notes.NoteInsertText( string.format( "%s: %s\n", slottitle[2], itemLink or "<nothing" ) );
info.tooltipText = nil
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
info.hasArrow = nil
info.text = "Gear Inventory"
info.hasArrow = nil
info.notCheckable = 1
info.func = function()
local slots = {
--"AmmoSlot" - Ranged ammunition slot
{"HeadSlot", "Helm"},
{"NeckSlot", "Necklace"},
{"ShoulderSlot", "Shoulders"},
{"BackSlot", "Cloak"},
{"ShirtSlot", "Shirt"},
{"TabardSlot", "Tabard"},
{"ChestSlot", "Chest"},
{"WristSlot", "Wrist"},
{"HandsSlot", "Gloves"},
{"WaistSlot", "Belt"},
{"LegsSlot", "Legs"},
{"FeetSlot", "Foots"},
{"Finger0Slot", "Ring1"},
{"Finger1Slot", "Ring2"},
{"MainHandSlot", "Main Weapon"},
{"RangedSlot", "Ranged Weapon"},
{"SecondaryHandSlot", "Offhand"},
{"Trinket0Slot", "Trinkets"},
--{"Trinket1Slot", "Trinket2"},
--[[Bag0Slot = "Backpack",
Bag1Slot = "Bag1",
Bag2Slot = "Bag2",
Bag3Slot = "Bag3",]]
Notes.NoteInsertText( GetCharName() .. "-" .. GetRealmName() .. ": Gear Inventory\n" );
Notes.NoteInsertText( "|cffffffccNote: To include items in your bank, your bank must be open|r\n" );
local i,slotname,slottitle = nil;
for i, slottitle in pairs( slots ) do
slotname = slottitle[1]
local slotId, texture, checkRelic = GetInventorySlotInfo( slotname );
local availableItems, sortedByName = {}, {};
GetInventoryItemsForSlot( slotId, availableItems );
local bitlocation, itemID, sz = nil;
for bitlocation, itemID in pairs( availableItems ) do
local player, bank, bags, slot, bag = EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation( bitlocation );
local name, link, _, iLevel, _, _, _, _, _, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo( itemID );
sortedByName[ string.format( " %s|cffffffcc(iLvl:%s%s%s%s)|r\n", link, iLevel, not bank and not bags and ", |cff99ffffEquipped|r" or "", not bank and bags and ", |cffccff99Bags|r" or "", bank and ", |cff99ffffBank|r" or "" ) ] = name .. (slot or "");
table.sort( sortedByName );
local szout = "";
for szout, _ in pairs( sortedByName ) do
sz = ( sz and sz or "" ) .. szout;
if sz then
Notes.NoteInsertText( string.format( " |cffffff00%s:|r\n%s", slottitle[2], sz ) );
info.tooltipText = nil
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
info.hasArrow = nil
info.text = "Character Gold(No icons)"
info.hasArrow = nil
info.notCheckable = 1