WoWInterface SVN UltimateWarcraftBattlecryGenerator

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 48 to Rev 49
    Reverse comparison

Rev 48 → Rev 49

1,6 → 1,5
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!--Autogenerated by wowuides, Version=1.0.300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null-->
<Script file="BattleCryGen.lua"/>
<Frame name="frmBCG" parent="UIParent" movable="true" enableMouse="true">
<!--<FrameSkin skinid="dcb143e1-a4ab-4e7c-b934-1efa40101d21" frameid="2d508883-59c2-4f83-ae10-27aaad48391b" />-->
64,7 → 63,7
<Button name="$parentButton1" text="O">
<Button name="btnGenOpt" text="O">
<!--<FrameSkin skinid="dcb143e1-a4ab-4e7c-b934-1efa40101d21" frameid="2d508884-59c2-4f83-ae10-27aaad48391b" />-->
<AbsDimension x="17" y="18" />
312,7 → 311,7
<FontString name="$parentLabel" font="Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" text="Ult. Warcraft Battlecry Generator v0.41" justifyH="LEFT">
<FontString name="$parentLabel" font="Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" text="Ult. Warcraft Battlecry Generator v0.50" justifyH="LEFT">
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" />
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
4,7 → 4,7
-- Author : Nuchaleft (NytewolfAU2k7 on Curse)
-- Email :
-- Create Date : 10/07/2008 01:11:43 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
-- Update : 29/09/2009 12:38:00 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
-- Update : 18/07/2010 03:42 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
-- ===========================================
-- Declare our Generator Variables
26,16 → 26,14
function GenerateFactionBattlecry(ransom_msg,channel)
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: I am Alliance.");
--DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: I am Alliance.");--Test message
if UnitName("target") == nil then --Do we have no target?
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the " .. ransom_msg .. " shall be punished!","I smite thee, In the name of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","DIE! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here!", "We Fight!", "DIE! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!","For Stormwind!","For Ironforge!","For Darnassus!","For Gnomeregan!"), channel);
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","I smite thee, %t, In the name of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!","For the Warchief!","For Stormwind!","For Ironforge!","For Darnassus!","For Gnomeregan!"), channel);
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: I am Horde.");
--DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: I am Horde.");--Test message
if UnitName("target") == nil then --Do we have no target?
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","Your blood shall be mine!","DIE! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here!", "DIE! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will bring me great honor!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For the Warchief!","For Ogrimmar!","For Undercity!","For Silvermoon City!","For Quel'Thalas!"), channel);
62,8 → 60,9
-- Alliance Suffixes are first, followed by Horde, then misc
-- suffixes.
-- Possible Suffixes (Alliance)
PossSuff1 = {
230,8 → 229,14
--Pre/Suffixes for evil people
"Fel Horde",
"Burning Legion",
"Twilight's Hammer",
386,7 → 391,7
function frmBCG_OnLoad()
Show_Msg("|cff999999 Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator is Loaded\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 Version 0.44 for WoW Patch 3.2\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 Version 0.50 for WoW Patch 3.3+\n");
Show_Msg("|cff6666ff Type /bcg for options\n");
SLASH_BCGEN1 = "/bcg";