WoWInterface SVN _GautrReply

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 12

129,9 → 129,13
local check = Defaults.Debug and "ON" or "OFF"
print("|cffffd700" .. C.Addon.Title .. "|r: Type '/gr debug on' to turn on, off to turn off... Its currently " .. tostring(check))
elseif rest == "on" then
Defaults.Debug = true
Defaults.Debug = true
local check = Defaults.Debug and "ON" or "OFF"
print("|cffffd700" .. C.Addon.Title .. "|r: Debug is now " .. tostring(check))
elseif rest == "off" then
Defaults.Debug = false
Defaults.Debug = false
local check = Defaults.Debug and "ON" or "OFF"
print("|cffffd700" .. C.Addon.Title .. "|r: Debug is now " .. tostring(check))
print("|cffffd700" .. C.Addon.Title .. "|r: Type '/gr', '/gautr' or '/gautrreply' and either prefix or debug for info");