WoWInterface SVN oUF_Ruben

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 29 to Rev 30
    Reverse comparison

Rev 29 → Rev 30

19,6 → 19,15
local smooth = mediaPath .. 'oRA3'
local gradient = mediaPath .. 'Ish14'
In patch 3.3.3 Blizzard added a way to tile statusbar textures horizontally
and vertically. Turn this on if your statusbar texture is tiled and you do
not want it. If your texture has a gradient then just make the texture 128
pixels wide or longer.
local fixbartext = false
ns.fonts = {} = mediaPath.."slkscr.ttf"
ns.fonts.silkb = mediaPath.."slkscrb.ttf"
314,6 → 323,7
local function fixStatBar(bar)
if not fixbartex then return end