WoWInterface SVN oUF_Sliker

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 153 to Rev 149
    Reverse comparison

Rev 153 → Rev 149

lib/Kui/media/t/SimpleSquareNormal.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/shadowBorder.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/bar.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/solidRoundedBorder.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/simpleSquare.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/solid.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/barSmall.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/innerShadowBorder.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/innerShade.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/t/Readme.txt New file
0,0 → 1,21
The following files are custom made for Kui
by Kesava at, or on Auchindoun-EU.
I don't mind if you re-use them, but I'd appreciate it if you could
give credit to me.
I don't mind if you don't credit me for the following files:
- This is a modified version of cyCircled_SimpleSquare by ScythXIII. It
is darker, and now usable as an edgeFile in SetBackdrop.
\ No newline at end of file
lib/Kui/media/f/yanone.ttf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
lib/Kui/media/f/Readme.txt New file
0,0 → 1,12
The following files are released under licenses which allow
redistribution for at least non-commercial purposes.
yanone.ttf, or Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold
By Yanone, downloaded from
accid.ttf, or Accidental Presidency
By Tepid Monkey, downloaded from
These are the only font files included in the download for Kui.
\ No newline at end of file
lib/Kui/media/f/accid.ttf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
1,4 → 1,4
local MAJOR, MINOR = 'Kui-1.0', 3
local MAJOR, MINOR = 'Kui-1.0', 2
local kui = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not kui then
11,6 → 11,7
kui.m = {
t = {
-- borders
square = media .. 't\\simpleSquare',
shadow = media .. 't\\shadowBorder',
rounded = media .. 't\\solidRoundedBorder',
1,4 → 1,4
local MAJOR, MINOR = 'KuiSpellList-1.0', 2
local MAJOR, MINOR = 'KuiSpellList-1.0', 1
local KuiSpellList = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not KuiSpellList then
8,117 → 8,23
local whitelist = {
--[[ Important spells ----------------------------------------------------------
Target buffs or debuffs which the player needs to keep track of.
Target buffs or debuffs which the player needs to keep track of ]]
DRUID = { -- 4.2
[6795] = true, -- growl
HUNTER = { -- 4.0.3
-- TODO? remove spells which have a clear visual effect (inc. movement speed
decreases / effects which are passive or obvious) and which the player does
not actively need to track.
[770] = true, -- faerie fire
[1079] = true, -- rip
[1822] = true, -- rake
[8921] = true, -- moonfire
[9007] = true, -- pounce bleed
[93402] = true, -- sunfire
[33745] = true, -- lacerate
[102546] = true, -- pounce
[106830] = true, -- thrash
[339] = true, -- entangling roots
[2637] = true, -- hibernate
[6795] = true, -- growl
[19975] = true, -- nature's grasp roots
[22570] = true, -- maim
[33786] = true, -- cyclone
[58180] = true, -- infected wounds
[102795] = true, -- bear hug
[1126] = true, -- mark of the wild
[29166] = true, -- innervate
[110309] = true, -- symbiosis
[774] = true, -- rejuvenation
[8936] = true, -- regrowth
[33763] = true, -- lifebloom
[48438] = true, -- wild growth
[48504] = true, -- living seed
[102342] = true, -- ironbark
-- talents
[16979] = true, -- wild charge: bear
[49376] = true, -- wild charge: cat
[102351] = true, -- cenarion ward
[102355] = true, -- faerie swarm
[102359] = true, -- mass entanglement
[61391] = true, -- typhoon daze
[99] = true, -- disorienting roar
[5211] = true, -- mighty bash
[1130] = true, -- hunter's mark
[3674] = true, -- black arrow
[53301] = true, -- explosive shot
[63468] = true, -- piercing shots
[118253] = true, -- serpent sting
MAGE = {
[5116] = true, -- concussive shot
[19503] = true, -- scatter shot
[24394] = true, -- intimidation
[35101] = true, -- concussive barrage
[64803] = true, -- entrapment
[82654] = true, -- widow venom
[3355] = true, -- freezing trap
[13812] = true, -- explosive trap
[34477] = true, -- misdirection
-- talents
[136634] = true, -- narrow escape
[34490] = true, -- silencing shot
[19386] = true, -- wyvern sting
[117405] = true, -- binding shot
[117526] = true, -- binding shot stun
[120761] = true, -- glaive toss slow
[121414] = true, -- glaive toss slow 2
MAGE = { -- 5.2 COMPLETE
[116] = true, -- frostbolt debuff
[11366] = true, -- pyroblast
[12654] = true, -- ignite
[31589] = true, -- slow
[83853] = true, -- combustion
[132210] = true, -- pyromaniac
[118] = true, -- polymorph
[28271] = true, -- polymorph: turtle
[28272] = true, -- polymorph: pig
[61305] = true, -- polymorph: cat
[61721] = true, -- polymorph: rabbit
[61780] = true, -- polymorph: turkey
[1459] = true, -- arcane brilliance
-- talents
[111264] = true, -- ice ward
[114923] = true, -- nether tempest
[44457] = true, -- living bomb
[112948] = true, -- frost bomb
[55095] = true, -- frost fever
[55078] = true, -- blood plague
[114866] = true, -- soul reaper
[45524] = true, -- chains of ice
[49560] = true, -- death grip taunt
[56222] = true, -- dark command
[3714] = true, -- path of frost
[57330] = true, -- horn of winter
[56222] = true, -- dark command
WARRIOR = { -- 5.0.4
[86346] = true, -- colossus smash
[113746] = true, -- weakened armour
130,9 → 36,7
[18498] = true, -- gag order
[64382] = true, -- shattering throw
[469] = true, -- commanding shout
[3411] = true, -- intervene
[6673] = true, -- battle shout
-- talents
[12323] = true, -- piercing howl
142,14 → 46,16
[114030] = true, -- vigilance
[113344] = true, -- bloodbath debuff
[132169] = true, -- storm bolt debuff
-- TODO weakened blows, pretty much all tanks
PALADIN = { -- 5.0.4 HOLY
[114163] = true, -- eternal flame
[53563] = { colour = {1,.5,0} }, -- beacon of light
[20925] = { colour = {1,1,.3} }, -- sacred shield
[53563] = { colour = {1,.5,0} }, -- beacon of light
[20925] = { colour = {1,1,.3} }, -- sacred shield
[19740] = { colour = {.2,.2,1} }, -- blessing of might
[20217] = { colour = {1,.3,.3} }, -- blessing of kings
[19740] = { colour = {.2,.2,1} }, -- blessing of might
[20217] = { colour = {1,.3,.3} }, -- blessing of kings
[114165] = true, -- holy prism
[114916] = true, -- execution sentence dot
162,14 → 68,13
[1038] = true, -- salvation
[1022] = true, -- protection
[853] = true, -- fist of justice
[2812] = true, -- denounce
[10326] = true, -- turn evil
[20066] = true, -- repentance
[62124] = true, -- reckoning
[105593] = true, -- fist of justice
WARLOCK = { -- 5.0.4
[5697] = true, -- unending breath
[20707] = true, -- soulstone
[109773] = true, -- dark intent
190,6 → 95,7
[710] = true, -- banish
[1098] = true, -- enslave demon
[5782] = true, -- fear
[17962] = true, -- conflagrate slow
-- metamorphosis:
[603] = true, -- doom
199,24 → 105,30
-- talents:
[5484] = true, -- howl of terror
[30283] = true, -- shadowfury
[111397] = true, -- blood fear
[108505] = true, -- archimonde's vengeance
[8042] = true, -- earth shock
[8050] = true, -- flame shock
[8056] = true, -- frost shock
[17364] = true, -- stormstrike
[51490] = true, -- thunderstorm
[61882] = true, -- earthquake
[546] = true, -- water walking
[974] = true, -- earth shield
[61295] = true, -- riptide
[51514] = true, -- hex
[76780] = true, -- bind elemental
[63685] = true, -- frozen power freeze
PRIEST = { -- 5.0.4
[139] = true, -- renew
[6346] = true, -- fear ward
[33206] = true, -- pain suppression
[33206] = true, -- pain suppression
[41635] = true, -- prayer of mending buff
[47788] = true, -- guardian spirit
[114908] = true, -- spirit shell shield
227,6 → 139,7
[2096] = true, -- mind vision
[8122] = true, -- psychic scream
[9484] = true, -- shackle undead
[15487] = true, -- silence
[64044] = true, -- psychic horror
[111759] = true, -- levitate
236,42 → 149,13
[34914] = true, -- vampiric touch
-- talents:
[108920] = true, -- void tendrils
[605] = true, -- dominate mind
[703] = true, -- garrote
[1943] = true, -- rupture
[79140] = true, -- vendetta
[84617] = true, -- revealing strike
[89775] = true, -- hemorrhage
[113746] = true, -- weakened armour
[122233] = true, -- crimson tempest
ROGUE = { -- 4.0.6
[2818] = true, -- deadly poison
[3409] = true, -- crippling poison
[115196] = true, -- debilitating poison
[5760] = true, -- mind numbing poison
[115194] = true, -- mind paralysis
[8680] = true, -- wound poison
[408] = true, -- kidney shot
[1776] = true, -- gouge
[1833] = true, -- cheap shot
[2094] = true, -- blind
[6770] = true, -- sap
[26679] = true, -- deadly throw
[51722] = true, -- dismantle
[57934] = true, -- tricks of the trade
-- talents:
[112961] = true, -- leeching poison
[113952] = true, -- paralytic poison
[113953] = true, -- paralysis
[115197] = true, -- partial paralysis
[137619] = true, -- marked for death
MONK = { -- 5.2 COMPLETE
MONK = {
[116189] = true, -- provoke taunt
[116330] = true, -- dizzying haze debuff
[123727] = true, -- keg smash - dizzying haze debuff
281,8 → 165,7
[130320] = true, -- rising sun kick debuff
[116781] = true, -- legacy of the white tiger
[117666] = true, -- legacy of the emperor group
[117667] = true, -- legacy of the emperor target (um.)
[117666] = true, -- legacy of the emperor buff
[116849] = true, -- life cocoon
[132120] = true, -- enveloping mist