WoWInterface SVN sStats_Clock

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 3
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 3

8,6 → 8,7
-- First, create your module. Pass in a key identifier for your module (ex. "clock").
-- Your key identifier should be UNIQUE to your module, and not the same as another module's.
-- This function will return references to your module's frame and fontstring.
-- USAGE: sStats:CreateModule(key)
-- key = a unique identifier/name of your module - a "string"
15,8 → 16,11
-- Next, register for a callback to know when your module is ready to be used.
-- When this event fires, the module's fontstring is ready for text, the variables are
-- loaded and can be read, and the options tables are created and you can add to them.
-- When this event fires, the module's fontstring is ready for text, the variables are loaded
-- and can be read, and the options tables are created and you can add to them.
-- Note: Saved variables for your module are located at sStatsDB[yourmodule] and sStatsPCDB[yourmodule]
-- Note: sStats uses the AceConfig-3.0 library for options tables -
-- USAGE: sStats.RegisterCallback(module, event, method)
-- module = the module registering for the callback
-- event = the event fired by sStats - it is called "sStats_Modules_Ready"
34,6 → 38,11
-- To set the text of your module, this optional function exists to ensure that
-- modules use the same format and colors set in the options.
-- If desired, you may just use module:SetText() instead, on your own.
--USAGE: sStats:SetModuleText(fontstring, prefix, suffix)
-- fontstring = the module's fontstring
-- prefix = the value/data to display in the module
-- suffix = any descriptor text after the data (ex. "MB")
sStats:SetModuleText(sStats_clockText, time, " "..suffix)