WoWInterface SVN Critline

[/] [trunk/] [locales/] [zhTW.lua] - Rev 13

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("Critline", "zhTW")
if not L then return end

-- Traditional Chinese localisation by wowuicn
L["Add by name"] = "按名字"
-- L["Add by spell ID"] = ""
L["Add target"] = "新增目標"
L["Advanced options"] = "一般設定"
L["Alphabetically"] = "按字母"
L["Amount color"] = "數額顏色"
-- L["Aura filter"] = ""
L["Basic options"] = "基礎選項"
L["By crit record"] = "按暴擊記錄"
L["By normal record"] = "按普通記錄"
L["Cannot add players to mob filter."] = "不能添加玩家到怪物過濾器"
L["Chat output"] = "聊天框輸出"
L["Check to enable damage events to be recorded."] = "選中來開啟要記錄的傷害事件."
L["Check to enable healing events to be recorded."] = "選中來開啟要記錄的治療事件."
L["Check to enable pet damage events to be recorded."] = "選中來開啟要記錄的寵物傷害事件."
L["Crit"] = "暴擊"
L["Critical!"] = "暴擊!"
L["Critline splash frame unlocked"] = "Critline 噴濺效果框體已解鎖"
-- L["Delete aura"] = ""
L["Delete mob"] = "刪除怪物"
L["Detailed summary"] = "詳細的訊息"
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is an NPC."] = "禁用來忽略目標是一個NPC的記錄."
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is a player."] = "禁用來忽略目標是一個玩家的記錄."
L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "在\"新的記錄\"訊息一起顯示前一條記錄."
L["Don't filter magic"] = "不過濾魔法"
-- L["Duration"] = ""
L["Drag to move"] = "拖曳來移動"
L["Edit tooltip format"] = "編輯提示訊息格式"
-- L["Enable to ignore additional/loss of damage or healing due to vulnerability, resistance, absorption or blocking."] = ""
L["Enable to ignore integrated aura filter."] = "開啟來忽略完整的光環過濾器."
L["Enable to ignore integrated mob filter."] = "開啟來忽略完整的怪物過濾器"
L["Enable to include rather than exclude selected spells in the spell filter."] = "開啟來包括而不是排除在法術過濾器中的已選中法術."
L["Enable to let magical damage ignore the level adjustment."] = "開啟來讓魔法傷害忽略等級調整."
L["Enable to use scrolling combat text for \"New record\" messages instead of the default splash frame."] = "開啟來為\"新的記錄\"使用滾動戰斗文字訊息來代替預設的噴濺框體."
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
L["Enter mob name:"] = "輸入怪物名字"
-- L["Enter spell ID:"] = ""
L["If level difference between you and the target is greater than this setting, records will not be registered."] = "如果你和目標的等級差大于這個設定, 記錄將不會被注冊."
L["Ignore aura filter"] = "忽略光環過濾器"
L["Ignore mob filter"] = "忽略怪物過濾器"
-- L["Ignore modifiers"] = "
-- L["Invalid channel. Please enter a valid channel name or ID."] = "
-- L["Invalid input. Please enter a spell ID."] = "
L["Invalid mob name."] = "無效的怪物名字."
L["Invalid player name."] = "無效的玩家名字."
-- L["Invalid spell ID. No such spell exists."] = ""
L["Invert spell filter"] = "反轉法術過濾器"
L["Left-click to toggle summary frame"] = "左鍵點擊 開啟/關閉概要框體"
-- L["Level filter"] = ""
-- L["Lock minimap button."] = ""
-- L["Lock summary frame."] = ""
-- L["Locked"] = ""
-- L["Minimap button"] = "小地圖按鈕"
L["Mob filter"] = "怪物過濾器"
L["Move splash screen"] = "移動噴濺效果"
L["New %s record!"] = "新的 %s 記錄!"
L["No records"] = "沒有記錄"
L["Normal"] = "普通"
L["No target selected."] = "沒有選擇目標."
L["Plays a sound on a new record."] = "當有一個新的記錄時播放音效."
L["Play sound"] = "播放音效"
L["Prints new record notifications to the chat frame."] = "打印新的記錄提醒到聊天框."
L["Record damage"] = "記錄傷害"
L["Record healing"] = "記錄治療"
L["Record pet damage"] = "記錄寵物傷害"
L["Record PvE"] = "記錄 PvE"
L["Record PvP"] = "記錄 PvP"
L["Reset all records for this tree"] = "重置所有記錄"
L["Right-click to lock"] = "右鍵點擊 鎖定"
L["Right-click to open options"] = "右鍵點擊 打開選項"
-- L["%s added to aura filter."] = ""
L["%s added to mob filter."] = "%s 已添加到怪物過濾器."
L["Saves a screenshot on a new record."] = "當有一個新的記錄時保存截屏."
L["Saves your high normal and critical damage records and flashes a message if you break the record."] = "保存你的普通或暴擊傷害的最高記錄并當你打破這個記錄時閃動訊息."
-- L["Scale"] = ""
L["Screenshot"] = "截屏"
L["Sets the number of seconds you wish to display the splash frame."] = "設定你想要在噴濺框體中顯示的記錄數量."
L["Sets the scale of the splash frame."] = "設定噴濺框體的縮放值."
L["Sets the scale of the summary frame."] = "設定概要框體的縮放值."
L["Set the color for the amount text in the splash frame."] = "設定在噴濺框體中數字文字的顏色."
L["Set the color for the spell text in the splash frame."] = "設定在噴濺框體中法術文字的顏色."
-- L["Show"] = ""
L["Show minimap button."] = "在小地圖上顯示按鈕."
L["Show damage"] = "顯示傷害"
L["Show damage in summary frame."] = "在概要框體中顯示傷害"
L["Show healing"] = "顯示治療"
L["Show healing in summary frame."] = "在概要框體中顯示治療"
L["Show old record"] = "顯示舊的記錄"
L["Show pet damage"] = "顯示寵物傷害"
L["Show pet damage in summary frame."] = "在概要框體中顯示寵物傷害"
-- L["Show summary frame."] = ""
L["Shows the new record on the middle of the screen."] = "在屏幕中間顯示新的記錄."
-- L["%s is already in aura filter."] = ""
L["%s is already in mob filter."] = "%s 已在怪物過濾器."
L["Sort summary spells:"] = "分類概要法術:"
L["Spell color"] = "法術顏色"
L["Spell filter"] = "法術過濾器"
L["Splash frame"] = "噴濺框體"
-- L["%s removed from aura filter."] = ""
L["%s removed from mob filter."] = "%s 已從怪物過濾器中移除."
L["Summary frame scale"] = "概要框體縮放"
L["Suppress all records while mind controlled."] = "當被精神控制時取締所有記錄."
L["Suppress mind control"] = "取締精神控制"
L["Use combat text splash"] = "使用戰斗文字噴濺"
L["Use detailed format in the Critline summary tooltip."] = "在 Critline 概要提示訊息中使用詳細格式."

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